The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-03, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1953 11 Master Cameron DUVls and Mr, Clayton Abbott vlgited this past week nt the home of Mr. end Mrs. D. Maguire of Scotland, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Maguire and family, and Mr. and Mrs. jack DickinB were Saturday eve­ ning''dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Mr. G. W'einestraum visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Fenn of Lucan. Mrs. W< J- Davis and Ivan had as their guests op Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. D. Abbott and girls, Mr. and Mrs. L. Maguire, Messrs. Clayton and Billy Abbott, Cam­ eron Davis and Sharon, and Mr. pnd Mrs. James Turner. The congregational supper and Christmas tree for the pupils of the Sunday School was held -in the Parish Hall on Friday eve­ ning, November 27, when 75 members of the congregation* Bat down to supper. The children provided a short program and Rev, Griffin spoke. The pleasures of ,tlie evening were short-lived, as Mr. Griffin, in his address, announced that the Bishop of Huron had asked him to take charge of one of the first Coronation churches in the city of Brantford, the change to take place early in January. Rev. and Mrs. Griffin have made many friends in this part of the country and will be great­ ly missed. After the program Santa ar­ rived amid much laughter and confusion on the part of the youngsters. After the gifts were distributed," he took his leave- to the strains of “He Is A Jolly Good Fellow". The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS ..IN FIVE YEARS FROM NO'J YOU’LL s-. GET YOUR WISH,‘J Holstein Banquet On Friday night, the Ladies' Arena Committee catered to 300 members and friends of the Mid­ dlesex County Holstein Friesian Breeders’ Association for their annual turkey banquet. Leo -A. Baker, president, was toast­ master. Ward the welcome, ladies by Ken was responded Riddell. N. R. the guest speaker, Rev.* H. Rpdney, B.A., B.D, Hodgins extended The toast to the Pyetty of London to by Mrs. W. K. Martin introduced “ S. ■____ ___ ■ , of St. Tho­ mas, who was thanked by Dun%an Fletcher. The presentation of the various awards followed, the entertainment was a Clifford Acheson and the orchestra. Among solo by Dundas Birr H. And S. . Miss L. Noseworthy, county school nurse, was _ speaker at the Birr H. and S. meeting. Misses Nona Mires and Jean Donaghey provided a violin and piano duet. Plans were made for a Christmas concert to be held in the school instead of the United Church, on Wednesday, December 16. r.n.; guest Lucan And District News Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON I the discussion Hillcrest Farm Forum The Hillcrest Farm Forum met on Monday evening, Novem­ ber 30 at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson with 17 present. Questions for were: (1) What steps .should Canada take to sliow Asiatic countries that our attitude .to them is friendly and non-aggres­ sive? '(2) What can we do to convince others that the demo­ cratic way of life is better than the Communist way? Some of the group’s answers were: Immediate needs of the people in Asia should be met first—such as food, clothing and medical care; to help Asian na­ tions to help themselves by send­ ing machinery and experts to help them produce food for them­ selves; educational assistance is more important to foreign de­ velopment than charity dona­ tions; by sending men, t,over to help that 'are conscientious enough not to profit by their leadership positions; Canada should play a bigger part and contribute more to the United Nations and Columbo plan and be more on the front line of these organizations. Mr, Earl Atkinson was appoint­ ed leader, Elect Officers Mrs. Aimer Hendrie entertain­ ed the ladies of St. James Church on Thursday. The Rector, the Rev. J. F. 'Wagland, presided for the election of officers of the W.A.: Honorary president, Mrs. Wag­ land; past president, Mrs. Ed. Flynn; president, Mrs. Ernie Lewis; first vice-president, Mrs. E. Tomes; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Karl O’Neil; Dorcas con­venors, Mrs. Hendrie, Mrs. Roy McRann and Mrs. Jack Harrison. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Andy Carter and Rev. Wagland led in the Litany. Others taking part in the devotions were Mrs. Ernie Lewis and Mrs. Ed. Flynn. The new officers for the Guild are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Wag­ land; president, Mrs. Ernie Lewis; first vice-president, Mrs; Jack Harrison; secretary-treasur­ er, Mrs, Art Cunningham; past president, Mrs. Jim Cunningham, Those assisting the hostess were Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Harrison ■ and Mrs. Roy McRann. Penny Sale Members of the Clandeboye Women’s Institute will bring candy, cookies or a Christmas dainty with recipe for same for the penny sale at the December meeting when Mrs. Rupert Wil­ liams will be hostess, Mrs. Etta McFarlane, of Lucan will be the guest speaker. Successful Supper On Monday evening a very successful supper was held in the L.O.L, Hall at Mooresville. Mr, Bowman, of Kitchener, served a variety of cold cuts of meat and the ladies served the rest of the supper, Mr. Bowman films. Personal Items Mr. and Mts. J. ed Friday with HUrvey Biehl, of Str Riehl has b6eii Confined to his bed for some time, Veneta ahd Bobby Riehl arb recovering from the mumps.Mts. Collins took a weak spell oh Monday evening ahd was removed to the home of Iter soil, Mdfray Collihs, in Ailsa Cfaig. Mfs. Eslie Hodgsbh spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Ida Porte, in Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, Ken McKernan and Bonnie, Of Detroit, spent the Weekend with Mt* and Mr& KOn Carter and family. Miss Elizabeth Gilmdui' has accepted a position with Mr. George Patti, grocer, of Lucan. Personal Items After a two-week visit with Mrs. Preece, Mrs. Braham has re­ turned home to London. Mr. Amsitt, of Maple Creek, Sask., and his father called on Mr, and Monday. Ward sons of Hodgins, list. Miss Gora Neil returned on Thursday from a three weeks' visit with Toronto relatives and friends. Mrs. Eslie Hodgson, before leaving for a Toronto visit, spent the weekend with Miss Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hodgins, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. family. Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins, of London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Young and Gordon were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunseith of St. Marys. Congratulations to Don Hod­ gins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins, who won the cup for typing. He is a student of Med­ way. Mrs. Florence Cunningham, of London, is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Will McFalls, and Mr. McFalls. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Ostricher and Miss Mary Young, of Wind­ sor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lankin. Mr. and Mrs. -Sheridan Reving­ ton and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rev­ ington attended athe turkey din­ ner at the Centralia United Church last Thursday, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Culbert and family were Mr. and Mrs. Lome Beattie of London. Mrs.Wes Revington on Wayne Hodgins, and Mrs. Murray and Mr. have been on the sick S. Stanley andt Arthur Abbott Henry Hodgins At the United Church Sunday, November 29, the minister, the Rev. E. M. Cook took the service with Mr. Suchard and Mr. Doug­ las as guests. They told of their work as Gideons, placing Bibles in hotels, motels, hospitals, pri­ sons and schools. Mrs. Kate Smith, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter. On Sunday she visited her brother, Mr. Mr. Frank Sceli, in Wingham, while Mr, and Mrs. Carter spent Sunday in Lucknow with Miss Jane Bowman and Mr, Adam Bowman. Mr. Bowman has been confined to weeks. Mr, and Visited with Paton on Sunday evening. his bed for several Mrs. Dean Gibson Mr. and Mrs. J. rf. showed two H. Mr Paton visit- and Mrs. ■atford. Mr, United Church W.M.S. The Lucan United Church W-M.S. held their November meeting Thursday afternoon in the United Church, parlors. Mrs. Warner McRoberts' group had charge of the program and re­ freshments. Mrs. E. M. Cook read the Scripture Lesspn, Mrs. Carling led ip prayer. Mrs. 3 Hodgins gave a reading, . T. D. Orme, accompanied by S. Chown^ sang a. solo and Murray Hodgins gave a Mrs. Mrs. paper on India. The Lucan United Church fa hojdipg a bazaar jn the church parlors Saturday, December 5. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Banting have returned ufter a threerweek visit in Toronto where they took in the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Joan McLean, who is at­ tending college at Kingston, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, and attended Medway Commencement Friday evening to receive her1 diploma. » i . H. J. CORNISH & CO S. H & S Group Plans Concert Owing to a hockey game at the arnea, the November meeting of the Lucan Home and School As­ sociation was held in the United Church basement with a splendid attendance of members and friends. The president, Mr. Stew­ art Park, being ill, Mrs. Clarence Hardy topk the chair. A report on the recent euchre and candy sale showed a good net balance. During the business session, it was decided to donate $5 to the War Memorial Children's Hos­ pital. Owing to classes being so separated, it was decided the H. and S. would take over the -pre­ sentation of a Christmas concert to relieve the teachers. Films will be one feature of the pro­ gram. Other than the concert, there will be no December meet­ ing. Mrs. Dave Park will have charge of the January meeting, at which the grade mother will be Mrs. Allan Ryan.'She will be assisted by Mrs. Young, Mrs. Mel Culbert and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson. The H. and S. is to be con­ gratulated on securing a .curtain to separate classes, the use of two dooi’ exits for senior grades and for the success of their ef­ forts to curtail speeding through the village. Helen Hardy and Beth Watson provided the musical part of the program with piano instrument­ als. Mrs. Murray Hodgins led in a sing song accompanied by. Mrs. E. M. Cook. Several new members joined the' Association, making a total of 57 paid-up members. Mrs. Ray Elson introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Earl Terry, director of music for the London Board of Education. Mr. Terry gave a most interesting talk on his recent trip to Europe, inter­ spersing it with many humorous stories. Mrs. George Paul moved a, vote of thanks to Mr. Terry and a social half hour closed an enjoyable evening. The attend­ ance cup went to Grade 2. ■ Nomination Meeting The following is the result the nomination meeting held the Stanley Opera House Friday evening: Reeve, M. T. Bradley, Cecil Lewis; council (four to. be elected), John McIntosh, Camp­ bell Magoffin, Roy H. Stanley, John Casimer, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, C. B. Culbert, Cecil Lewis, Rus­ sell Goddard; school board (three to be elected), R. T. Elson, T. S. Hill, Georige Paul (accl.);. Hydro Commission, Harry Lankin (accl.). Of in Medway Commencement At the Medway .Commencement on Friday, November 27, the fol­ lowing local students received diplomas or certificates: Second­ ary School Honor Graduation Dip- lofna: Joan McLean} Secondary School Graduation Diplomas (General): Patricia Carter, Jas. Young; Secondary School Gradua­ tion Diplomas (General Busi­ ness) : Joyce Morgenroth, Doug­ las Stone; .Intermediate cates (General): Fred James Thompson, Elva Jack Young. Certifi- Lewis, Young, Granton Fire The kitchen and back the house on the farm of ’Hilson Stanley, R.R. 2, Granton, was de­ stroyed Saturday by a fire of Un­ known origin. Neighbors and the Granton Fire Department under Chief William Munroe put out the fire. The house was rented to Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Wright, who are visiting in Saskatchewan. They had left a new Canadian in charge, Loss is covered by in­ surance. shed of 1^ " ----------- - ---------------------- -------- ' \1A DON'T PUT ALL THE BLAME ON ME T FOR POOR HATCHES, BOSS* YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYING E6GS FOR HATCHING NEED A SPECIAL FEED a Installs Officers During Service At the Sunday evening service at Holy Trinity Church November 29, Rev. J. F. Wagland installed the following A.Y.P.A. officers for the coming year: President, Marion Ashworth; vice-president, Marilyn Brownlee; secretary, John Murless; treas­ urer, Frank Hovey. Fi'hnk Hovey, the new treas­ urer, read the first lesson and the retiring president, Joan Hod­ gins, the second lesson. The Junior Choir had charge of the music. The guest soloist was Clifford Acheson of the United Church, who sang “In the Garden’’. Those hearing Clifford could readily understand why the adjudicator at the St. Thomas Rotary Festival "last week award­ ed him first place. Cal- Lucan Old Boy Sport Leader Mr. Wellington Hodgins, gary, sent his sister, Mrs. Jack Cosey, a most interesting Calgary clipping telling of the wonderful success of an old Lucan High School boy who Jim Whelihan of School. He was born at After one year at Lucan High School, College, Ontario, ed. He Basilian 1928 went to St. Mike’s and 1931 to St. Thomas College, Houston, Texas. After two years he re­ turned to Canada, joined the St. Mary’s Boy School staff and was appointed athletic instructor of ’Calgary separate school, tion he still holds. Father Whelihan has been interested in sports coached many teams to Hjs boys sell magazines during the summer to provide their smart equipment. He is a born leader and his players’ admira­ tion for him knows no bounds. Before each football encounter he kneels with his boys in midfield for a moment of silent prayer. As one official of a Calgary high school puts it, “Father Whelihan not only makes athletes, he makes gentlemen." His relatives and friends in and around Lucan are most hap­ py to hear such glowing accounts of a “Lucan Old Boy". Auxiliary Sends Bale To Korea The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held their Novem­ ber meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dave Park. Roll call was answered by a toy de­ motion for the Christmas bale for Halifax which also included a baby outfit. On account of proximity to Christmas, the cember meeting will be held week early—December 17. Mrs. Bert Thompson reported on the clothing sent to gave an „ experiences at Alma College and the lectures heard. " Young had charge of the wor­ ship period. The Scripture was read by Mrs. McPherson. Mrs. Bert Thompson led in the medita­ tion and Mrs. Magoffin in the prayers. Mrs. D. Park, Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Mrs. Earl Young pre­ sented a skit based on the study book, “Where’er The Sun." Mrs. C. Sovereign offered her home for the December meeting. Group 3 had charge of the program refreshments. the De­ one splendid bale of used valued at $105 to be Korea. Mrs. J. McLean interesting talk of her Mrs. Eldon and is now Father St. Mary’s Boy Lucan in 1902. he went to Assumption "University of Western from which he graduat- was ordained into the Order in 1925 and in a posi- always and has victory. Burner Smokes What might*-have been a serious fire ended up in a badly smoked apartment, when the oil burner in the Len Gaudette apart­ ment above the Fred Revington Meat Market burst into flames Sunday morning. Fortunately the fire was co; and, other . damage. very •ning. J_____ , ... onfined to the stove than smoke, did no Holy Trinity Bazaar In spite of inclement weather, the Ladies’ Guild of Holy Trinity Church had a good turn-out to their annual bazaar held in the church basement on Saturday, November 28. Mrs. Roland Hod­ gins was convenor of the tea room while Mrs. K. Egan, Mrs. Field and Mrs. George Hodgins had charge of the kitchen; Mrs. W. Brownlee, Mrs. Harold Hod­ gins, Mrs. Charles Haggar and Mrs. Roy Hamilton were in the linen booth; Mrs. Wes Atkinson, ,-Mrs. Frank HoVey and Mrs. J. Smith, home-cooking; Mrs. Bond and Miss Lina Abbott, the coun­ try Store; Mrs. Freeman, the “Touch and Take’; and Misses Marion Ashworth, Alice Haggar and Loreen Hodgins in the candy booth. Neighbours Aid Wind Victims Last Tuesday, Donald McLel­ lan, Con. 15, London Township, was most happily surprised when a number of neighbors with trac­ tors moved in and completed his ploughing for him. Mr. McLellan was one of the unfortunate farm­ ers who lost not one, but two, barns in May and September storms, While the men plowed, members of the Institute helped with providing food. Arena Activities By LEN GAUDETTE = bit of advice! If you aren’tA nighthawk, don’t try to work in an arena. Just ask Wilfred and Leo Hodgins. The old alarm clock is nearly ringing before they even leave the rink! Our Irish Six take the journey up to Goderich Friday night and we hope to return with two val­ uable points to keep up with the leading Cyclone League clubs. Sportsman Of Tho^Week Lucan sportsmen can be thank­ ful that Mr. Harry Beaumont re­ sides here. Here’s a gentleman who has handled big “pro" play­ ers during the Second Great War when Mr. Beaumont was a Major in the army. He was a district sports supervisor, and now is em­ ployed at Centralia airport. He is the Irish club manager, and is working hard for oui- boys as well as arranging a new hoc­ key program to be published at our next home game. He is my sportsman of the week! Church League In our Wednesday Church League, the opening games saw Capt. Don Lankin’s Uniteds defeat Tom Tomes’ Clandeboye six 5-3, and Capt. Bill Elson’s Anglicans whallop Capt. Paul Toohey’s Ro­ man Catholics 8-2. Clandeboye Coach Ed Rowett says “We need a couple more boys, then we’ll be heard from!" Don't forget Wee-Wees prac­ tice Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. and Saturday mornings from 11 to 12 a.m. . See Carl Munger’s^orchestra is packing them in .Saturday nights at our Community Hall. a WHE-E-W ! AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU,DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELL THE BOSS ABOUT YOUR GOLOEN E668REEO£K'MA$H. WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, BILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER’S FAULT. A ^fertilized eggmust contain STORED UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROtEIN __a AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS! TO HATCH A BI6 HEALTHYx^ZT^ Kart CHICK AND KEEP X^JT6ftOWIN6< •It * bite Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Charlton of Ilderton spent Tuesday eve­ ning with the latter’s sister, Miss Hattie Hodgins, Messrs. Ray Elson and J. R. Boon have returned from a week's.hunting around Pt. Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett have returned home after spend­ ing a few days in Chatham, the guest of their daughter, ” Jack Graham and family. Mr. Wilbert Revington brated his eighty-second birth­ day last Wednesday with a fam­ ily gathering. Mr. Revington is slowly recovering from the .Bhock of his recent bus accident. Mr. R. R. Hamilton is visiting his son, Mr. Robert Hamilton, and family, in Guelph. Mr. Clarence Downing, Leth­ bridge, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Downing. Mrs. F. Coates and Mrs. W. W. Garrett were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman. Mrs. Harry Atkinson, London, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. A committee of men from Holy Trinity Church made an every- member canvass on Sunday after­ noon, collecting pledges for 195 3 donations to -the church and missionary work. Owing to hockey, the W.I. meeting will be held at 8 o’clock in the Parish Hall December 10. Roll call will be answered with a White Gift for an aged person. There will also be a display of home-made Christmas decorations with prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hill, of Toronto, and Mr. Frank Ford, of Central Butte, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden. Mr. Ivan Culbert had a three- day sale of groceries and on Saturday had a grand opening of his new footwear department. He is going out of the groceries but still has a few left after the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett and family have returned home after a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins, of Toronto. While there they attended the funeral of Mr. Haskett’s boss, Mr. J.- R. Jaager, of Oakville, who was killed in an auto accident in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Haskett, who spent several years in Winnipeg, -met a number of old friends, some of whom played in the big game last Saturday, However, they were most disappointed not to see the game as traffic condi­ tions prevented their picking up their tickets on time. Two representatives of the Gi­ deon Society assisted in the Sun­ day service in the United Church. A Mr. Workman led in the pray­ ers while Mr. Clarence Hill gave an interesting talk on the work accomplished by the society. Mrs. William Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Phin Dickins of London. Mr. Samson McFalls, of Ex­ eter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Will McFalls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Palmer, of Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cor­ bett. Mrs. Sid Mitchell (nee Isabel McTurk) and son, Denis, of Chapleau, called on Lucan friends on her way to Parkhill last Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Revington, Rose Marie and Anne, were din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaughton, of Denfield, on Sun­ day. Mrs. Leila Neil, of Ailsa Craig, is spending a week with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Millie Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gariephy, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cough­ lin, who have moved into their new home on Francis Street. While her husband was attend­ ing a teachers’ convention in Buffalo, Mrs. C. F. Langford, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey. Other week­ end guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter of Detroit. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 3 3 E H. J, Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT.f Mrs. cele- BEATTIE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WIRING REPAIRS To All Makes Of Electrical Appliances TV Aerials Installed and Serviced PHONE 204 LUCAN, ONT 3 Z 3 ............................................................................................................................. : 3 Knowing Where To Sell Saves You Money Sell Your Poultry With Confidence TOP PRICES PAID — WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE COLLECT 3 3' Hensail 680-r-27-1230 London ft,Coufid com oiqAtowaif, doctor When you need help in a hurry, you reach for your telephone . . . Think of the difference it makes — just knowing your telephone is there, ready to serve you in any emergency. No price can measure its usefulness. F- I~ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA By Roe Farms Service Dept V3B-8S LOOK AT THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT IS MADE UP OF THE SHELL”ALBUMEN AND yolk* science proves that the hen CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE EGG BEFORE SHE SEALS iTlNTHE SHELL. IN 21 DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST 6R0W A big Healthy chick and keep it going for NEARLY IO DAYS AFTER HATCHING. THAT'S A < BIG JOB AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH * -------------------------- yoLK—yyy. B*EEDE COME AND GET IT, 61RLS ! ROE GOLDEN EGG FOR GOLDEN E66S. J -----------Z—zc there's sure sense in what YOU SAY, doc. ROE GOLDEN E66 MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET-AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FORTHIS SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS' MAGbU-. . , . .... \V l-*/ FOR BI6GER HATCHES OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE — — ioolI a rXlXMJL-1 rl AVWOOd * • ONt 1 J1 H. Kellerman, Dashwood C, Tindall, Mooresville Lome Filer, Hensail