HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-03, Page 10Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1953 Chiselhurst W.A. The Women's Association of Chiselhurst United Church ar­ ranged. a congregational pot luck supper held in the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday evening, November 25. Over $50 was rea­ lized and the affair largely at­ tended. For the program which follow­ ed Rev. W. J. Rogers was chair­ man and presented slides. Bill Brock gave highlights of his trip to the Coronation and a quar­ tette composed of the Misses June and Fay Ross, Mary McLellan and Marilyn Eyre, two numbers. Lou sang She: I hate you .... He: But darling . . . She: Don’t darling me . when the stork brought you, should have kept the stork thrown you away. * * * * Prof.: This composition—this adventure story—what is it about? Frosh.: About a General and his faithful horse galloping through the battlefield— Prof.: But all it says here is “Giddyyap” for ten pages. Frosh.: Can I help it if the horse won't move? they and NOW! NEW! Iron For Suckling Pigs THE EASY WAY! Nixon Laboratories have re­ cently developed ‘PELLAGREX PAINT', an adhesive prepara­ tion containing IRON, vitamins A, D, B compound, B12 (the growth factor) folic acid, and trace minerals, to prevent and help correct anemia and defi­ ciency diseases in suckling pigs. For healthy, fast growing pigs, try this simple, easy to use preparation on your next litter. A 4-oz. bottle ($1.25) is. suffi­ cient for the average litter dur­ ing the entire suckling stage. "We Guarantee All. Nixon Products" Middleton’s Drugs “The Rexall Store” Phone 20 Hensall RECRUITING ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE A limited number ’of re­ cruits will be engaged in this Force during the next three months. To be eligible for engage­ ment an applicant must meet the basic qualifications re­ quired, some of which are set out below: .... Must be single. , .Height—5 feet 8 inches. I ..Chest Measurement—a "mean" average of 35 inches. ..Age —18 to 30 years (preference is given to those between 19 and 25.) .. Education—at least com- plete Grade VIII but preferably Grade X. For further information enquire at the nearest R.C.M. Police office. Hensail And District News took Home Of Bride Scene Of Rites A lovely fall wedding place on Saturday, November 28 at the home of the bride's pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc­ Naughton, Cromai-ty, when their daughter, Willa Georgena, be­ came the bride of Ivan Lorraine Hall, son of Mrs. Harry Hall and the late Mr. Hall, Ottawa. Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hensall United Church performed the ceremony in a candle light service, with a back groud of yellow and mauve mums. Given in marriage by her ■father, the bride looked charm­ ing in a suit of gray wool flan­ nel with black and white acces­ sories and a corsage of red roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Ruth McNaughton, Toronto, who wore a suit of ■brown wool gabardine with acces­ sories in brown and white, and a corsage of yellow and bronze roses. Earl Monroe, of Sudbury, tended the groom. A reception was held at bride’s home. Her mother ceived in a tailored dress of navy wool, with which she wore a cor­ sage of pink and white baby mums. The groom’s mother as­ sisted wearing a dress of gray wool and a corsage of pink and white mums. The couple left for a wedding south and on their return, make their home in Sud- where the bride is on the of the telephone company. Auxiliary Bazaar Nets Over $100 The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church realized over ?100 at their bazaar in the Sunday school rooms Saturday afternoon. Offered for sale were aprons, knitted articles, fancy work, pro­ duce, home baking and candy. Afternoon tea was served. The following were conveners: Mrs. Keith Buchanan, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton, Mrs. Russell Brode­ rick, Mrs. Wes Richardson and Mrs. Byran Kyle. Conveners for the Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. D. Kelvie. Proceeds from the pond and candy sale will be nated to the Mission Band. tea were Mc- fish do- Three Forums Meet At Staffa Farm Forums from Cromarty, Staffa and Roy’s met in the Staf­ fa Hall Friday evening and were addressed by Dr. McGee, Guelph, who gave a very interesting and informative address on ''Astrono­ my". Rev. Daynard, off Staffa, fieldman for the Federation of Agriculture, and Mr. Murray Christie, also of Staffa, outlined the work of 'the Federation, tributing to the program Mrs. Calvin Christie and Elmer Dow with a piano and Miss Olive Speare who gave reading. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Nelson Howe and Angus McKaig. follow- 15, 21; 20, 23, at- the re- trip will bury staff Honored On Birthday A very pleasant event place on Saturday last at the home '' " " when the family paid him a sur­ prise visit giving him a chicken dinner, a birthday cake and numerous presents on the occa­ sion of his seventy-fifth birthday. All the family was present in­ cluding Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc­ Lean and Willie, of Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Norina, Hensall; Mr. Lloyd Passmore, Ann, Mary Francis, of Delhi; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, Kenneth and Bobbie, of Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs. Lome C. Elder and Ken­ neth, Jean and Cathy, of Hamil­ ton; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pass- more," Robbie and Ann Elizabeth, of Norwich, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Passmore, of Aylmer. took of Mr. John Passmore Message From \ Con- were Mrs. duett 18; 19, 16, 20, 18, 17, 15, 15, forth, 14, 13, Stratford, 14; sail, pen, Weekend Trap-Shoot At the weekend, trap-shoot at Kippen which was well attended in spite of the snow, the jng scores were made: H Mathers, Exeter, 19, John Anderson, Hensail, William Lumby, Goderich, Les Parker, Hensall, 17', IL Prouse, Goderich, 15, L. Dr. Jim Jarrott, London, Dr. G. Jarrott, Stratford, William Venner, Hensall, William Austin, Sea- 13; Frank Squire, Wes Venner, Hen- 19, 17; William Kyle, Kip- ycu, 24; Murray Venner, Hen­ sall, 15; Ron Passmore, Hensall, Ken Stewart, Clinton, 18; Johnson, Stratford, 15; Leo , 12; Roy ; William 23; 15; 19; 20; 16; 15; 15; Venner, Hensall, 22, Clinton, •H Hamilton; Ron and and Mrs. Judy and Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, Stratford, visited Monday with his mother, Mrs. Catharine Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke, Jr., have moved into their new home I which was purchased from Mr. Floyd Weeks. Mr. Robert Thomson visited .on Saturday with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, London. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClin- cliey, of Varna, and Mr. Leonard Wagner, of Zurich, visited with Mrs. McClymont recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren visited Sunday in London with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. Mr. Garth Mosher, Edmonton, visited a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod. Their daughter and grandson, Michael, i who had been visiting with them a few weeks, returned home with 1 him on Friday. I Personal Items Mrs, Clarence Reid was the winner of the lucky draw at a demonstration held at the home of Mrs. William ‘Smale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zuefle, of Windsor, were recent visitors with the former’s father, John Zuefle, and sister, Ellene Buchanan. Mrs. Orville Twitchell Mernie spent the weekend the former’s son - in - law daughter, Mr. Davidson, at Port Colborne. Miss Betty Moir, of London, spent t he weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Mrs. Milton Russell returned home after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rosser, at Blenheim. Mr, and Mrs. William Smale and family have moved into the dwelling with Mr. William Welsh on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. Nelson, God&ricli, spent a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. Ida Jackson. Miss Ann Hildebrandt, of Lon­ don, visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt. Mrs. dnez McEwen underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital last week. Mr. Charles Jinks is recover­ ing from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, who is serious­ ly ill. Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, of London, the weekend with Mrs. can’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton. Mrs. William Henry was by Bonthron ambulance Monday afternoon to Victoria Hospital, London, suffering a ' fractured hip caused, from a fall she suf­ fered in her home Sunday. X-rays were taken at Clinton Hospital Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, I Exeter, were in Galt on Sunday1 for the christening of baby Frances Ann Robertson. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Mickle. Mrs. Catherine Hedden return­ ed home Sunday from St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks. Mrs. L. Simpson left last Fri­ day for Phoenix, Arizona, to spend the winter months. 16; Bill Tanguay, Goderich, Campbell, Hensall, 16; Smith, Hensall, 16. Doubles, shot at 24: J. Ander­ son, 18; L. Parker, 11; R. Camp­ bell, 11; William Austin, 10; L. Venner, 9; H. Prouse, 9. Kippen East W.l. Entertains Families Kippen East Women’s Insti­ tute held Family Night in the Legion Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening, entertaining their hus­ bands and families to a turkey banquet. At the conclusion of supper a program was enjoyed consisting of a piano duett by Mrs. N. McLeod and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, piano solo, Marie Jarrott; vocal solo, Don Bell; solo, Joan Sinclair, accompanied by her sisters, Ann on the guitar, and Marie on the piano. Con­ veners for the program were Mrs. W. J. F, Bell, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. Arthur Finlayson. Winners of euchre were Miss Alice Howe, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Mrs. Harry Caldwell, Z__„ Whitehouse, Glenn Slavin, Eldon Jarrott and Bill Caldwell, all of Kippen. The children enjoyed bingo. ic< Z?, S’ Shop in Tudor’s for the things she will appreciate ... HOUSECOATS DRESSES . . , . . . , . . , . SKIRTS LINGERIE . . . . GIFT BOXED NY­ LONS . . . chen­ ille BEDSPREADS We Have Tickets on the FREE TV DRAW! Ernie <u TUDOR’S , Ladies’ Wear * Dry Goods PHONE 70 HENSALL *i.Vi.Vi.Vi.\ White Satin Or Broadcloth With Stitched Undercup SIZES 32 to 38 — $1.50 TUDOR'S LADIES WEAR — DRY GOODS Phone 70 Hensall Main Street Plus Many $5 Merchandise Certificates Jr ?. Jr ?. Vi. Vi. Vi.Vi.Vi.'i.vi.vi.\ WIN A c> John Duncan spent Dun- Lorne Do Your taken • Low Prices KIDS! Hensall Bob Cook MOTOR SALES GROCETERIA AND MEAT MARKET “Best In Meats” Phone 17 Hensall Goodwin's, STORE Dry Goods - Men’s Wear Shoes and Rubbers for All the Family Phone 1G Hensall Hensall Motors DODGE and DESOTO DODGE TRUCKS Phone 31 Hensall Lome S. Eiler Locker Service - Roe Feeds Blue Coal - White Rose Fuel Oils Phone 10 with and and Mrs. Allan Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, Munro, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing. Messrs. Arnold Storey and Gordon Laing visited on Sunday with friends at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton Mildmay, visited with his mother Mrs. M. Houghton, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and family visited with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Guest, at Kincar­ dine on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and family, of Carlingford; Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks and son George, of Munro; and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace., Mr. and Mrs. James Miller spent Sunday with his parents, M.r. and Mrs. Wilber Miller, of Staffa. „Mrs. Mervin Dow and infant son have returned home from Stratford General Hospital. Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. Houghton were Mr, and Mrs. J^a- verne Rose, Mitchell, Mrs. George Dalrymple and Mrs. Dunlop, of Hensall, and Mr. Gordon Hough­ ton and Miss Shirley Gale, Lon­ don. Mrs, W. N. Binning and Rich­ ard, of Mitchell, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. Malcolm Bridges, a lay­ man from St. Andrew’s Presby­ terian Church guest speaker at the Sunday morning service. A pot luck supper and bazaar will be held in the Sunday School of the church on Friday evening under the auspices of the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary and the Ladies Aid. V.P.$. The Y.P.S. met Sunday eve­ ning with Shirley Wallace pre­ siding. The Scripture Lesson was read by Alice Sorsdahl and Rev. R. DUftcansori led in prayer. Mar­ garet Walker read a story and Shirley Wallace read a. paper on the "Political Upheave! in British Guiana” written by liev. John Elder, Stratford, was CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT HENSALL! MOTOROLA FREE TV SET I You Receive Free Chances To Win With Every $1.00 Purchase Or Every $1.00 Paid On Account At These Hensall Stores! Hensall Offers Drysdale HARDWARE LTD, TOYS and GIFTS • Friendly Service • Easy Shopping • Good Value Meteor - Mercury - Lincoln Phone 178 Hensall A at wonderful prices* Phone 11 Hensall Jim's MACHINE SHOP Ductaloy Plow Points. To Fit All Makes Phone 9-W * Hensall Middleton's DRUGS Gifts for All From $1.00 to $27.00 Phone 20 Hensall -----1_____________________.________________________ Twitchell's GARAGE General Repairs Shell Products Phone 135 Hensall KIDS!KIDS! Don’t forget the Christmas Tree at Hensall Town Hall on Saturday, Decem­ ber' 12. Santa Claus will be there to give you free treats and you’ll see terrific moving pictures! You are all invited. Make sure Mom and Dad bring ....... >*“you out to this special event! Look For The Stores With The Big Yellow Sign W. Spencer AND SON Lumber and Planing Mill Phone 102-W Hensall Tudor's GIFTS FOR THE LADIES Phone 70 Hensall Rudy's PRODUCE Poultry, Eggs, Feed Phone 190 Hensall Larry's TEXACO STATION TAXI SERVICE Gas and Oil Phone 143 Hensall Cowan's BAKERY “The Home Of Good Things To Eat” Phone 35 Hensall Traquair's REPAIR SHOP Body and Fender Work General Repairs Phone 192 Hensall L. Oesch Custom-Built Cabinets Mill Work Phone 95 Hensall Richardson's GARAGE B-A Products General Repairs Phone 184 Hensall NEW COMMERCIAL Hotel Full Course Mtcals «• Rooms Phone 6 Hensall Bronthron's . FURNITURE Gifts For The Home Kroehler Furniture Phone 15 Hensall T. C. Joynt AND SON Men’s and Boys’ Christinas Gifts Phone G2 Hensall Cook Bros. MILLING CO. Grain and Beans Highest Prices Paid At All Times Phone 24 Hensall Geo. T. Mickle AND SON Beans - Grain - Feed Elevator at Hensall Phone 103 Hensall Lavender's GARAGE Repairs to All Trucks and Tractors Phone -23 Hensall Clark & Fuss ELECTRICAL SALES and SERVICE Phone 124 Jlcnsall