HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-12-03, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 3, 1953 4L Page 8 Coutts Hallmark Christmas Cards AT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE • .J., ■ i, ..I II, (II. -I..,,... Uli., , ..i-VEnj.i.u j i (M.iTIIMIJb'-!I,i>f Hi-Quality Floors LINOLEUM PLASTIC RUBBER TILE OR YARDAGE ENTIRE BUILDINGS or SINGLE ROOMS FLOORING CO. Sales and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding uiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ We Suggest For Christmas.E • Coutts Hallmark Cards Beautiful Assortment • Personalized If You Wish • Magazine Gifts Treat your friends or family to a year’s subscription to their favourite magazines. Order now so your gift will arrive early! • Royal Portable Typewriter Give The World’s No. 1 Portable to your son or daughter in school. A practical, helpful present with years of service./ • The Times-Advocate A gift subscription to the home-town paper is always welcome. Inexpensive, yet gives a full year of enjoyment, entertainment value. Phone 770 The Times-Advocate ....................................................ilium ........... . Chrisfmasy Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Personal Items Miss Kathleen May, Mrs. Reg. Hodgert, Mr. Hodgert, Mr, q,nd Mrs, Mac Hod­ gert, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Cann were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle, of Exeter, last week. Misses Margaret Bray and Nona Pym, of London, spent the weekend at their homes here. Miss Jane Morgan, Learning­ ton, spent the weekend with her parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. Mr. Douglas Murray, of Nova Scotia, is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jef­ fery. 4 Turkey Supper A good crowd attended the turkey supper in Thames -Road Church Tuesday evening under the auspices of the W.A. Rev. W. J. Moores was chairman for the program which opened with a sing song with Miss Marilyn ■Moores at the piano. The Wood­ ham Male Quartet sang several numbers. Mr. Barry Jeffery play­ ed accordia.ii selections. Mr. Harry Hern, of Exeter, favoured with a solo, Mayor W. G. Coch­ rane, of Exeter, gave an interest­ ing talk and showed slides on his ,trip to the Coronation. Ross Down to Earth Rv D. I. HOOPER Stiff Lambs Letter From Harpley By MRS. M. HODGINS Report From Edgewood By MRS. ROY MOORE Mr. Don Middleton attended the Royal Winter Fair in Tor­ onto and this week is leader in a school at U.W.O. Misses Marie Taylor and Shir­ ley Winters were the Normal teachers at Revere School this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Kenney and boys, of Strathroy, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore. On Monday evening the Revere Forum entertained the Hillcrest, Transvall and Fish Creek For­ ums, with an attendance of 83. The 'broadcast was heard and eight groups were formed for discussion. , Cecil Bowman was chairman for the following program: men’s chorus with Mrs. Gowan at the piano; violin selections by Rilla Gowan; a reading by Mrs. Moses; a duet by Anna Westman and Rilla Gowan; and community singing led by Mrs. Holden; Miss Mary Carmichael showed colored slides on her trip to England Scotland, Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston boys, of Galt, visited with and Mrs. Haysel Perrins. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sceli family visited Sunday with and Mrs. Russell Evans and fam­ ily at Ridgetown. The Edgewood Junior Farmers held a “Hardtime Party” Friday evening in S.S. No. 26 school­ house. Games, dancing and re­ freshments were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Eedy visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. James Hil­ liard at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Garrett and Ruth visited in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Kiltie Garrett. Perhaps this will not be of great interest to the farmers of this area but to those readers who have sheep it' will be of great profit. It will be more so to those who have had the heart­ breaking experience of ”Pet Lambs”, which were fine in the morning, sick at night and dead the next day. The killer was nine times out of ten—Stiff Lamb or white muscle disease. Being rather interested in sheep we try to keep abreast with the latest. Michigan State College Researchers have checked the disease with sizable amounts of Vitamin E given orally as soon as the disease is noted. Treatment: 100 milligram dose or capsule daily of Vitamin E or alpha-toco­ pherol. Repeat daily until all symptoms disappear. The next step is to supplement the creep ration with % wheat or 1/10 wheat germ meal. This will give the lamb sufficient to see him through. Does this treatment work? Well we have lost several lambs at different times with Stiff Lamb, especially orphans. At the present time we are attempting to raise a set of orphan ‘twins, born November 19, 1953. One of them (both ewes) seemed to snap away, the other came with feet folded back and after some hectic midwifery we got jt away alive. But ever since it was born No. 2 (boys haven’t named it Topics From Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL and and Mr. and Mr. ring-“Your alarm clock was ing an hour ago.” “Well, why didn’t you tell me then?” “You were asleep.” Tit ;z, inspirations For Pop Sunbeam Shavemaster, Electric Drill Kit, Tools, Hobby Gifts and Sport­ ing Equipment For Brother Hockey and Sporting Equipment* Electric Trains, Games, Toys of All Kinds Choose Now! For Sister Famous Bauer Figure Skates, Sturdy Tobog­ gans, Ski Sets, Games, Dolls, Toys Sunbeam Mixmaster, Automatic Iron or Toast­ er, Hundreds of Kitchen Time-Savers and Utensils She’ll Appreciate For The Whole Lindenfield s Surprise Brides-Elect Miss Norma Fahrner and Miss Pauline Faist, brides - elect, of this month, were jointly honored at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner -on Friday evening when Mrs. Elaine Ayres, Mrs. Ruth Insley, Mrs. Elsie Tuckey, Mrs. Ruth Jeffery and Miss “ nice King entertained some guests at a crystal shower. Unique in its arrangement, event proved a surprise for two honored guests, each believ­ ing the evening’s entertainment was in honor of the other one. Each bride-elect was presented with a generous supply of her , favorite crystal. A social evening was enjoyed and refreshments served. Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley very pleasantly marked the twenty-sixth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday with all members of their family present. Xlso present were Mrs. Tilley’s three sisters, Mrs. E. Lamport, of Centralia; Mrs. Hunkin and H. Pfaff, of Exeter. Mr. and Tilley received beautiful quets of mums. Personal Items Mr .and Mrs. Fred Harris Clara Fahrner) have returned from a short honeymoon trip and are spending some time at Mrs. Harris’ home before taking up residence in London. The Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical Church are holding the the church Mr. and of Toronto, with Mrs. Rev. ajid Mrs. E. N. Mohr. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter, Mary Lou, and 'Mr. Charles Fritz, of Zurich, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. H. K. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennin- ger and daughter, Gayle, of Mt. Clemens, visited over the week­ end with Mrs. Samuel Lamport. Mrs. Annie Haist and Miss 'Bernice Haist visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haist in Oak Park, Mich. On Sunday, Mrs. Haist accompanied Lloyd to the home of her son, Leonard, and his wife, who were marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage in Fraser, Mich. Miss Bernice Haist spent Sunday in Dearborn, Mich. Mr. Fred Eilber, of Detroit, spent Sunday here. His mother, Mrs. A. King, who had spent some weeks in Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, r.eturnedl to her home here on Sunday. Mrs. A. Kestle and Donald spent Saturday in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, who had spent the previous week in De­ troit, returned with them Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parkinson and family moved on Wednesday of this wbek-to Mr. Parkinson’s new appointment in Lucan. Several from this icommnulty attended the funeral of the late Mr. W. Sholdice in Ailsa Craig, on Tuesday, Eu- 35 the the Christmas meeting in Thursday evening. Mrs. Earl Robinson, were weekend visitors Robinson’s parents, sec-yet) has been delicate, ond day showe’d signs atrophy of back legs. Good enough. Wheat here we come. Patient no signs of progress after 48 hours. In desperation we raided medicine chest and found Vita­ min E i capsule ber 23 and by Wednesday, No­ vember 25, No. 2 was well on the way to recovery. Atrophy of jaw completely gone, leg muscles much better though still a little stiff. Bowels are still draggy but improving steadily to heavy treatment of sugar Looks as if tide. Are the No. Retail hundred at we’ve invested only three sules or .21 cents—a small in­ vestment for an Easter lamb. Prevention of stiff lamb, of course is good rations of high quality hay to pregnant ewes. Pasture is thought to contain enough Vitamin E to ward off the disease. Pasture such as rye for late fall and early spring will do much to head it off. Our experience has been the other lambs running with their mothers on wheat and oat ture show no symptoms of disease whatsoever. DID YOU KNOW? Although you can’t buy mones to use on lambs—Stilbes­ trol or Progesterone implanted in the necks of spring lambs gave 10 pounds more gain in 89 days and ate less feed than those which did not receive treatment. —Michigan Agricultural Experi­ mental Station. THIS WEEK Bingo 4H Achievement Night ■Christmas shopping Order Christmas turkey Check the fuel tank Put light grade oil motors Choring away. The of some germ oil showing capsules. Treatment with started Monday, Novem- 25, No. 2 was well on the recovery. Atrophy of jaw capsules and water, turned the expensive? $7.00 per •capsules price is the drugstore. So far cap- pas- the hor- in all ft' LTD. ONTARIO . .......''...... ................................... Mrs. Charlotte Boe, of Park­ hill, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mohn McGinnes. Mr, and Mrs. Len Williams, of London, visited Bunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosser, Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. L. Gill and family and Mrs. Mary Gill, Grand^Bend, Mr. and Mrs, J. McCarter, of near Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love. Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Junior Love, of Thedford, called on Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Love on Sunday afternoon. News Budget From Brinsley By MRS. L. CRAVEN The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice and family and to Mr. Clarence Sholdice in their recent bereavement. Mrs. Alvin Faulder, who has been under the doctor’s care, is very much improved, Mr. Fletcher Gower, who has been confined to St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, owing to the car accident north of Brinsley a short while ago, is at present with his daughter, Mrs. Frank McLean, of Strathroy. A presentation was held re­ cently in West McGillivray hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dixon, who were recently mar­ ried. They were presented purse of money. Mrs. Arthur Lightfoot tained the Ladies Guild Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, on Wednesday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee have recently moved to their new home in JLucan, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rock and ' family of London spent Sunday with Mr. J. L. Amos. Miss Hewett spent the weekend with her parents in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Young and family of Parkhill spent day afternoon with Mr. and Flornte Bishop. Mr. Donald Scott .has his barn completed replacing which was destroyed by fire last August. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, Phyllis and Bobbie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbs of Lucan. with a enter- of St. Sun- Mrs. new the one T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home • FUNERAL DIRECTOR Member of Ontario Funeral Association • PRIVATE CAR AMBULANCE Holder of St. John’s Ambulance First Aid Certificate Portable Oxygen Equipment Hospital Beds to Rent Invalid Chair to Loan Flowers for All Occasions — We Wire Anywhere 24-Hour Service - DASHWOOD - Telephone 70-W m i i t i t t i t H t t i t n n t t i n i t i i H t i i n r t m t t t i t t n f i t t i i i t t t u i n i n i i t t n t i For Better Power Greater Capacity Available with Power Take-Off Drive if desired * AND SEE THIS NEW Belt Drive GEHL Hammer Mill SOLD AT Exeter District Phone 287 Collect Exeter, Ontario THE LARGEST SCREEN IN THE NEW 1954 (nee MODEL 782 Emerson Expert Service V Glare-Free 17-lnch Picture Screen V Illuminated Channel Selector for easy reading V New Emerson Side Controls give the largest picture in the most compact cabinet. V Removable Front Bezel for cleaning picture tube and glass. V Fringe Compensator adjusts for your reception conditions V Built-In Antenna V One-Knob Simplimatic Tuning V Ready for UHF S/DE CONTROL Emerson again makes TV history. Emerson . . . and only Emerson ... now brings you the most advanced styling in television history. New control panel located at the side of the cabinet, means a smaller, smarter looking cabinet. Easy, accessible dial tuning now tucked to one side ... you see nothing but a big, beautiful picture on the entire front area. **‘"w CA«wrr ■"’"“•'-'•I.irm.d Divbfcb Lawyer: Well, I can get you a divorce tor about a hundred dollars; everything done quietly and no publicity, Woman: And how much will the real publicity thing cost, with lots Of and everything? * >!■ * ♦ long have you been here?” “Wow working t____ “Ever’since the boss threaten­ ed to fire me.” EMERSON 17-INCH DE LUXE MODEL 502 Leads them all in value and performance- Matching base (as shown) available at low cost. Also an^or limed $299 WALNUT CABINET DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA * important consideration in your purchase of TV. We’ve kept pace ‘ith television for over four years and we’re fully trained and equipped o offer you (ops in service. We invite you to inspect our TV equipment* BY THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS MORSE COQ LIMITED