HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-26, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1953 Grand Bend —Continued from Page 7 Her at the Chateau cafeteria on Thursday, November 26. The ladies are prepared for a large attendance. The U.C.W.A. bazaar Satur­ day afternoon was well attended by local people as well as resi­ dents of all surrounding church­ es from Thames Road to Thed­ ford. Fifteen tea tables were re­ filled many times. The tables of home-cooking, fancy and plain sewing, vegetables, fowl, cream and eggs and many other delic­ ious home products brought sat­ isfactory proceeds to the spon­ sors. The treasury of the W.A. and the Mission Band received around $225. Jim Dalton spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dalton, The Y.P.U. of the United Letter From Woodham By MISS BESSIE McCURDY News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON The Story In Shipka By MRS. HARRY SHEPPHARD News of Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Topics From Zion By MI$S JANE DYKEMAN COMING EVENTS THE GRAND BEND Institute are holding “Family Night” Tuesday, December 2, in the Town Hall at 8:00 p.m,________ _______26* TO MEMBERS of Hospital Auxi­ liary: Sewing and mending will be done at the Auxiliary room at hospital, Tuesday, Dec. 1, at 2:30 p.m. ____________ 26c HENS ALL BAZAAR — Saturday, Dec. 5, 3 p.m., in basement of Carmel Presbyterian Church, home-baking, fancy work, quilts, fish pond, afternoon tea. Spon­ sored by Ladies Aid. 26:3c Mr, and Mrs. Murray May, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope­ land. Mrs. T. G. Wanless, Elizabeth and Margaret spent the weekend with Mrs. John Adams, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope­ land and Mrs. G. Copeland visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Atwood, of Ingersoll. Linda and Karen Russell, of Russelldale, spent a few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, of Shipka. Shirley Skinner, Munro, spent a few days with her grand­ mother, Mrs. R. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mountain of St. Marys and Mrs. M. Cope­ land, Miss Jean Copeland and Mr. Glenu Copeland visited Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. George Stephenson, of Appin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles and family, of London, visited Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copeland. ' Mrs. Robert Hardie, Granton, visited Sunday with Mrs. R. Kirk. FOLLOW THE MOHAWKS Hensail FINKS vs. Exeter MOHAWKS Friday NIGHT November 27 8:30 p.m. Be A Booster! ■....... ■ PARKHILL LIONS CLUB BINGO $300.00 IN PRIZES Jack Pot ................. $100.00 Other Gaines ........ $200.00 • the date is Friday, Nov. 27 the place is Parkhill Community I Centre Plus Draw for 21" TELEVISION SET Admission 35< All prize money including jackpot to go that evening! W ' ............................ W Church under Mr. A. Birr were impressive and inspiring on Sun­ day evening. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Barr, Jud­ ith and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Oma Weatherly, of Sarnia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer over the weekend. Beautifying Canada BY Landscaping Your Home Shown through the Courtesy of H. C. Downham Nursery Co. Ltd. Under the Auspices of the North Groupa of Greenway Woman’s Assoc. Greenway United Church Friday, Dec.4 at 8:30 p.m. " This is a showing of colored slides accompanied by an informal and edu­ cational discussion on how to beautify your home and increase the value of your farm or property. Lunch will be served to all at the close of program in the church basement. Mrs. Walter Mus croft and daugters Darlene and Wendy are visiting at the home of Mrs. Att­ hill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Catherine Patricia and Douglas, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamilton. Mr. Ward Allen, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen. Mr. Tom Atthill, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his mo­ ther, Mrs. Atthill. Pte. N. A. Atthill returned home after 14 months of duty with the PPCLI in Korea. We welcome Norris back to our vil­ lage. Sympahy is extended to Mrs. Atthill and family in the loss of Her mother, the late Mrs. T. Nor­ ris. Annual Bazaar Last Friday evening the Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church held their annual bazaar in Aberdeen hall. The different booths were well stocked with tempting articles for sale. Rev. M. Griffin spoke words of wel­ come and aftei’ a short program declared the sale open. Buying was particularly brisk at the apron booth, home-baking table, mystery parcels, fish pond and country store. Those taking part in the pro­ gram were; Kenneth and Dawn Blackler, Mrs. D. Sliamblaw, Mrs. Garth Blackler, John Roundel! and Rosemary Dobson. Miss Ethel Copeland spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. Copeland. Mission Band « The Mission Band met in the basement of the church Saturday afernoon. Betty Fletcher opened the meeting. Marlene and Sharon Stone sang a duet and Robert Anderson read the Scripture. Mrs. Anderson gave the Scripture story. The next meeting will be on Sunday, December 13. The junior study book was given by Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Burgin read a chapter from the senior study book. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz. Mr .and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and Sandra spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Finkbeiner and fam­ ily. Mrs. Ida Lamport spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Baker, bale. » Mrs. Martha Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeffrey spent the weekend in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bawden and family.,Mr. ’ and Mrs. Harold Fink­ beiner and family spent Sunday with Mrs, Finkbeiner in London. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharp and family spent Sunday in Hamilton with Mrs. Sharp and Violet. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Guenther. Topics From Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL Tonight! at 8:30 p.m. Orangeville vs. Centralia FLYERS Come Out to Our Christmas Meeting of the Junior Farmers Wed., Dec. 2 at 8:30 p.m. AT S.H.D.H.S. Girls’ Topic: “ORIGIN OF XMAS WREATH” Recipes of Jello Molds and Salads; Xmas Cookies and Any Other Favorite Xmas Dish Bring A Gift — Value 50^ Bring Your Gift for Goderich Home Boys Please Bring Lunch Girls Please Bring Candy Saturday at 9:00 p.m. Milverton vs. Centralia FLYERS Exeter Arena | FIFTHANNUAL = | = Scotch Shorthorns Sale I 32 HEAD 7 BULLS 25 FEMALES I E = j Clinton Fair Grounds j Tuesday, December 1 At 1 p.m. B From the accredited herds of the following well-known Huron | = County breeders: Roy Pepper & Son, Seaforth; R. M. Peck & = S Sons, Seaforth; Clifford H. Keys & Sons, Varna; McKinley | | Farms, Zurich; John Ostrom, Varna. B | Auctioneer; Jim McKinlay, Morpeth, Ont. = | Ringmen: Lincoln White, Edward Elliott and Alvin Walpcr = H For Catalogues Write: = = McKinley Farms, Zurich, Ont., or John Ostrom, Varna, Ont. | ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 27 and 28 “THE CADDY” ★ Dean Martin -fr Jerry Lewis The two funniest men in the movies in a comedy riot! SPORT REEL & POPEYE CARTOON Miscellaneous Shower . Mrs. S. S, Wuerth and daugh­ ters, Mrs. R. Blackwell and Mrs. K. Baxter were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower, honoring Miss Pauline Faist, bride-elect of December, at Mrs. Wuerth’s home on Friday night. Taken by surprise, Pauline was greeted by 30 relatives and friends and ushered to a decorat­ ed chair under an arch and pre­ sented- with many useful and beautiful gifts for which she very graciously expressed ap­ preciation. A social time was enjoyed and; refreshments served. The hostess- ’ es were assisted by Mrs. G. Wein, Miss Maleeta Wein, Mrs. R. Goulding, Miss Marilyn Goulding, Mrs. E. Wein, Mrs. L. Gaiser and Miss Lillian Haist. Personal Items Mrs. Adelyn MacDonald, New Hamburg, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, who accompanied them to Detroit on Sunday and will remain for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist and sons, of St. Thomas, visited Sun­ day with the former’s mother, Mrs. M. Faist, who returned to St. Thomas, where she will spend several days. Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner has returned from Victoria Hospital, where she underwent an opera­ tion. Mrs. Eugene Finkbeiner, R.N., -who has been caring for her, has returned to her home in Barrie. Mr. H. K. Eilber and Miss M. Schenk spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blackwell and family, of Monkton, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Baxter and family, of Lefroy, visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wuerth. Miss Pauline Faist, of London, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Faist. Miss Norma Fahrner, Sarnia, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Fahrner.. Mrs. John Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Misses Brenda and Pauline Becker visit­ ed recently with Dr. and Mrs. Morlock in Ottawa. Miss Marie Johns spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Johns and attended the barn dance held at Ilderton on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rodd attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm are spending some time in .Florida. Mrs. Jane Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Runnalls, all of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gantenburg ■and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brock of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Milton Miller, of Londesboro, visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd were Saturday evening guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRo­ berts, of Lucan, visited Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. TheronzCreery. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns were: Mr. and Mrs. Stan Knowles, of Bally- mote; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns and children, -of Ilderton; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns and family, Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodge and Judy, of Ripley; Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Wil­ son, Mr. Jim Brooks, of Exeter, and Mr. Bill Quackenbush, of Ko- moka. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning of Toronto and attended the Royal Fair. ■ 1 .. ........................ Announcements Birth. Death, and Marriage Notices, are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memoriam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are ,75. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques visited in Stratford Sunday. Mr. Herman Racey, who had been spending the past three weeks with them, returned home. Weekend visitors with Mr. and "Mrs. Jud Dykemaii and family were Miss Margaret Dykeman, Peter Dykeman. and Martin Van Errdalb of Galt. Miss Marion Brock visited over the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock at­ tended the Royal Winter Fair last week. In the absence of Mrs. Charles Drew, who has pleurisy, Mrs. Donald Bray, of Thames Road, is relief teacher at Zion School. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Malcolme Spence and family. s a a FOWL BINGO Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Monday, November 30 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR CHICKEN 10 SPECIAL GAMES FOR TURKEYS DOOR PRIZE Admission 50^ Extra Cards 10^, 3 for 2^f! Doors Open 8:00 P.M. Games Start 9:00 P.M. Sharp TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY December 1 and 2 “MISSION OVER KOREA” ★ John Hodiak ★ Jolm Derek . They fly the unarmed eyes and ears of the artillery . . . NEWSREEL & .SELECTED SHORTS Exeter District Co-Op Turkey Banquet And Annual Meeting EXETER LEGION HALL Friday, Nov. 27 6:30 jS.wL ‘ • Guest Speaker: MR. DON SLINGER of United Co-Operatives Feed Department, Guelph $1.40 PER PLATE Progressive Euchre After Meeting Sideline Comments —Continued from Page 7 in view of the fact that the cap­ tain of the opposing team was an accessory to the confusion, the Whizz Bangs and the Strikes will be requested to re-bowl their match. Watch Changes Wrists The Jack Smith Certina Watch changed tentatively from Bud Preszcator’s wrist to the arm of Bob Sanders of the Tradesmen. Bob bowled 385 Friday night—a strike, spare, seven strikes, spare siiid strike The Windmills’ Mike McPhee made a good try Monday night with 368. Bud's 359 stood just one week. Laurels Department Team of the Week: The Wind­ mills with 3,490 (1,267) Without handicap. Bowler of the Week: GOrdie Ply ley (Windmills) with 791 (326). Best Averages to Date; Gordie Plyley (Windmills) has 247 for 15 games, Rend Francois (Spares) 239 (24), Bernie McLean (Keg- lers) 231 (18), and Ken Hockey (Big Six) 229 (24). Pop Copped The Windmills were the first team to cash in on the Coca-Cola Offer. The teain had two free rounds this week and Mike Mc­ Phee has a good Chance Of win­ ning a case with his 368. TO get the free rdund, howevCf, the single must foe 325 or over, not 300 like "we reported last week, Capsule Comment Merle Mode (sciatica and ally Came out of selMmposed fetlre- nieht this week to join the Big Six. Replacing Lloyd Cnshtnan, Merle had 524 for a start. As h I Rural, he usually rolls better » » . In Memoriam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are ,75. ■ ....... ' « BIRTHS FERGUSON—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer­guson, R.R. 3, Exeter, .announce the birth of their son, Dennis Wayne, at South Huron Hospital, November 21, 1953; a brother for Ronnie and Judy. GRENIER — -Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier, Dashwood, announce the birth of a daughter at South Hur­ on Hospital, November 24,, 1953; a ■sister for Laura Ann and Gerard. RUSSELL-rMr. and Mrs. O. C. Rus­ sell, R.R. 2, Dashwood, announce tile birth of their son, Bruce Wal­ ter, at South Huron Hospital, on November 22, 1953; a brother for Doug and Tom. STAPLES—WO2 and Mrs. C. Clifford Staples, Algonquin Drive, Centralia, announce the birth of their daugh­ter, Martha Catherine; a sister for Terry; at South Huron Hospital on November 24, 1953. STEFFINS—Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stef­ fens, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, announce the birth of their daugh­ter, Jacqueline Dolores; a sister for Georgina; at South Huron Hospital, November 17, 1953. STILES—To Cpl. and Mrs. Lester N. Stiles, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, a son, Paul Lester, at South Huron Hospital, November 21, 1953; weight 8 lb. 1% oz. TILLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley, Hensali, announce the birth of their daughter, Helen Louise, at South Huron Hospital, November 23, 1953. YAUSIE — Fred and Elfrleda Yausie (nee Becker) of London are happy to announce the birth of their son, Carman Frederick, at St, Joseph’s Hospital, November 16, 1953. DEATHS GRIEVE —In South Huron Hospital, on Monday, November 23, 1953, James H. Grieve, in his eighty­ ninth year. WITMER—At South Huron Hospital, on Monday, November 23, 1953, Isaiah Witmer, in his seventy-ninth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Crediton, wish to announce the en­gagement of their only daughter, Norma Magdalena, of Sarnia, Ont.* to PO. Robert William Palmer, Mac­Donald, Man,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Palmer, Calgary, Alta. The marriage will take place at the Crediton Evangelical United Brethren Church on Saturday, December 26, at 12 o’clock noon. 26* CARDS OF THANKS Larry Pfaff wishes to thank his many friends who remembered him with Cards and treats while a pa­tient in the hospital and since he returned home. 26% Mrs. Louis Farrell wishes to thank her many friends for the lovely cards, flowers and kindness during her stay in St. Joseph Hospital. 26* Mr. and Mrs. John Prance wish to express their sincere thanks and ap­preciation to all the relatives and friends who called to see them and for the beautiful gifts, flowers and cards they received on their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to the W.M.S. and W.A. of Main St. United Church, the W.M.S. and W.A. of Elimvllle United Church and Elim- Ville W.I. for their remembrances; also to all those who helped in any Way to make the day a happy one. Thank you. 26* IN, MEMORIAM DEVINE — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Devine, who passed away three years ago, November “8, 1950, Asleep in God’s beautiful garden. Free from all sorrow and pain;And When our life’s journey is ended, We know we shall meet him again. —Always remembered by wife and family. 26* KYDD — In loving memory of Mr. Jonathan Kydd, who passed away five years ago, November* 26, 1948. Deaf Father, you are hot forgotten Though on earth you are nd more, Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before, fast his suffering, past his pain; Cease to weep for tears are vain; Tie, Who suffered,, IS.at rest— Gone to heaven with the blest. —Ever remembered by his daughter, Mrs. S. Hedden, R. 9, London. 26* WILLERT — In loving memory of a deaf husband and father, Who passed away five years ago, Nov-' embef 26, 1948. .Our family circle has been broken— A link gone from ouf chain;But though we’ve parted for a while We know well meet again.—Dver remembered by his wife and family, 26* WELSH — Tn loving memory of our dear brother, Thomas Scott Welsh, Who. passed away one year ago, .November 30, 1952. ,There Is & link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. —Ever remembered by his sisters, Florence and Dorothy, 2Go Blanshard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie, Elizabeth, Linda, Cathe­ rine and Joy were Sunday eve­ ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins, of Granton. Mrs. Dr. Beattie, of London, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Grant and Sharon were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mossey. Master M u r ray and Barrie Thomson spent the weekend with their grandfather, Mr. John Rinn, of Baseline, , Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper spent the weekend in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Anne Thomson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Jones, of Glendale. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Dobson, of Weston, and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Reception And -Dance BAZAAR Ladies’ Aid of the Bethel Reformed Church Saturday, Nov. 28 3:00 p.m. Exeter Library KNITTED WEAR for Children APRONS CROCHETED ARTICLES BAKED GOODS, etc. A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All TEA WILL BE SERVED Christmas Bazaar Afternoon Tea and Home-Baking Sale HENSALL UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 ” 3:00 pan. Produce, Aprons, Knitted Articles, Fish Pond, Candy, and Other Articles Sponsored by Evening Auxiliary Caven Christmas W. G. Simmons Showroom Sat., Dec. 5 3:00 p.m. FOR MR. AND MRS. GERALD ROWLAND Parish Hall Mt. Carmel Friday, Nov. 27 Heaman Orchestra Ladies Bring Lunch Arena Weekly Schedule THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 — 8:30 p.m. ORANGEVILLE vs. CENTRALIA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 — Cyclone Hockey , MOHAWKS vs. HENSALL 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 — 2 p.m.—Public Skating 9 p.m. MILVERTON vs. CENTRALIA Monday, November 30 — 8:30 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 — Rec League Hockey WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 — Possible Zurich Game ^.ync T heat re Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 27 and 28 Seminole (Technicolor) ★ Rock Hudson ★ Barbara Hale The fighting story of the great chief Osceobla ... MONDAY & TUESDAY November 30 and December 1 Man On A Tight Rope ★ Terry Moore •fc Frederick March The headline hot drama of how a circus escaped the hand of terror . , . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY December 2 and 3 Remains To Be Seen ★ June Allyson '★ Van Johnson An entertaining murder mys­tery melodrama with the accent oh comedy and romance. .............------------------------------------- ...........................................................- Hear Dr. Bob Cook President of Youth for Christ International Recently returned from Ja­ pan where he headed the World Congress. He has travelled extensively and his story of the Far East will make a most extraordinary rally . . . Friday, Nov. 17 8:00 p.m. in the new LEGION HALL Clinton . BIG OLD TIME and MODERN Dancing Jamboree , - TWO DON ROBERTSON and the Ranch Boys with The Paul Trio Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 BANDS - EARL HEYWOOD and his Serenade Ranch Gang with Al Cherney Fiddling Champion of Aragon Records Regular Admission 750 Friday, November 27 LONDON ARENA EXETER ARENA Saturday, December 26 Buy Your Reserved Seats Now | Mr. & Mrs. Farmer | Come — Hear Mr. Frank King 1 Purina Sales Division Manager of Ontario | = = I SPEAK ON I | How To Raise Your Farm Income | s (Summer and Fall Eggs) I Hensali Town Hall | Wednesday, December 9 | 1 at 8:30 p.m. | j FILM^^ARMIN^^ | 2 * S | Sponsored by | | Geo. 7. Mickle & Sons Ltd. [ | Phone 103 Hensali | AiiiifiiniiWiWiWiuihWiWMlWHfiWitW