HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-26, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1953 See The Times-Advocate Christmas Card Display! RCA VICTOR >O I " Grc You're right there.,, with the NEW '54 WITH JXClUltVt Screens out static, adjusts power — holds pictures at peak perfection — automatically! New "Long-Distance" , circuits to give you better pictures — wherever you live. New RCA Victor "Picture Lock" snaps pictures into place — keeps them in focus on the whole screen. Higher Voltage for brighter pictures. " Great Big II screen | at amazing low price Jjf $3995Dw w w Matching base is slightly extra. Easy U.H.F. adaptability. Here’s family-size television at its best... in a modestly priced 21" screen, ultra-smart table model. See the beauti­ ful, distinctive cabinet! Look! Listen! and you'll agree that this new, 1954 RCA Victor "Brandon” is just the set you’ve been waiting for. Come in today! SNELGROVE'S PHONE 18 EXETER L.S./M.F.T. Cars ☆ 1953 FORD SEDAN, a honey and only .......... 2,000. ☆ 1952 FORD SEDAN, choice of three dillies .. 1,750. ☆ 1952 CHEV COACH, clean ............................... 1,700. ☆ 1951 FORD COACH, really nice ...................... 1,395. ☆ 1950 FORD SEDAN, see this one .................... 1,150. ☆ 1950 STUDE SEDAN, oh! my! ........................ 1,050. ☆ 1949 MONARCH SEDAN .................................. ☆ 1949 METEOR CLUB COUPE Your choice at 995. ☆ 1949 PONTIAC COACH .................................... ☆ 1948 FORD COACH, motor overhauled .......... 750. ☆ 1947 CHEV SEDAN .............................. Choose ☆ 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN ........................ one at 700. "fa 1942 DODGE SEDAN, new motor .................... 550. ☆ 1940 CHEV COACH, clean as a whip ............• 495. ☆ 1941 BUICK SEDAN, see this one and only 395. ☆ 1939 FORD COACH, a buy ............................... 295. ☆ 1938 CHEV COACH, a honey of a motor ...... 195. 11140 CHEV COACH, motor slightly sour ..... 95. ☆ 1934 FORD SEDAN, I don’t want it .............. 45. ☆ -1930 FORD SEDAN, you can have it ............ 30. Trucks , ☆ 1949 DODGE 3-TON DUMP, a good one ..... 995. ☆ 1947 CHEV 3-TON GRAIN STAKE with hoist, only ........................................................................... 1,000. ☆ 1949 DODGE PICKUP, neat as a pin .......... 750. ☆ 1949 FORD PICKUP, where else for .............. 750. ☆ 1948 INTERNATIONAL 1-TON, a work horse 495. ☆ 1947 FORD 2-TON STAKE, above average .. 475. SPECIAL TRUCKS ☆ 1951 DODGE 1-TON EXPRESS, Thurs. price 650. ☆ 1947 DODGE 3-TON DUMP STAKE, Thur. The Above Special Trucks To Be Reduced $10 A Day Until Sold! Tractors * 1948 INTERNATIONAL M and LOADER — Why shovel manure this winter? ...................... 1,200. ix 1950 FORD, motor overhauled ......... 750. ☆ 1949 FORD, good .................. 650. Used Ferguson Plough ...... 75. ☆ Used Hay Loader, a good one. I want ............ 200. What will you offer? Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 EXETER “Your Ford - Monarch Dealer” This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, of Exeter; Mr. Lome Ridley and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Prospect, visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sinclair, of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson and Mr. Harvey Par­ kinson, Woodham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Parkinson. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas speent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mardlin, of Den- field. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pullen, of Woodstock, were recent visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pul­ len. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire and Sue Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire were Monday eve­ ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millson, London. Mr. Harold Bejl, London, and Russell and Glenn Parkinson were at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. Bell visited with Mrs. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Squire .were in London Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Fitzgerald. Donald Pullen won ninth place in the first prize group in the Aberdeen Angus section at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. He afterwards sold his calf for 32 cents a pound. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ander­ son, Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John­ son. Mr. and Mrs. 'O’Brien were guests on Saturday at the Shau- nessy - O’Brien wedding at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Peterborough, tht bride being a niece of Mr. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Neil, Den- field; Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Webb, Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Maidel, of Stratford, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley on the occasion of their nineteenth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Sr., are spending this week at Hazel Park,. Mich., with their son Howard and Mrs. Morley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Whelihan and Miss Josie Whelihan, Lucan, visited recently witl\ Mr. and Mrs. John Whelihan. Mr. and Mrs. James Darling and family, of Leamington, and Miss Dorothy Brown, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Par­ kinson were host and hostess for the euchre on Friday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. C. Pullman, William French, Alton Wallis and Graham Thompson. The "Busy Lizzie” club had a booth on Saturday at a shooting match at Mr. Ken Hodgson’s. Mr .and Mrs. Delbert Morley, of Granton, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currie and ■daughter Jill, of Winnipeg, visit­ ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Mr. and Mrs. John Hocking. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris -and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris spent a few days at the Royal Winter Fair and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Braite. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace' and Laverne and Mrs. Gra'ce Scott were dinner -guests with Mr .and Mrs. Frank Cadick, of London, Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Miller, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Will McLachlan, of Kippen, and Messrs. James and John Levy, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. George White, of Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ thur Kemp, of Staffa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chappel. % Mrs. M. Houghton’has return­ ed home after having undergone a major operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Miss Margaret Walker visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Fischer, of Carlingford. Attend Royal Winter Fair The pupils of Grade Seven of No. 6 School, accompanied by their teacher, Mr. Jim Chapman, attended the Royal Winter Fair and the Ice Follies in Toronto last week. The pupils were Alice Walker, Margaret Wallace, Mar­ garet Russell, Sandra Ramsey, Laurie McKellar, Hugh Scott and Lloyd Dow. Mission Band ’ The Mission Band Thankoffer­ ing meeting was held Wednesday evening with the mothers and ladies of the congregation as guests. Alice Sorsdahl presided and led in devotions. Mrs. Dun- canson gave a review of the Study book and several special (musical numbers were given by the members. A picture film, "Sunday Around The World,” was shown with Mr. Lloyd Sors­ dahl as narrator. Marian Ritchie Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Mariah Ritchie Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Russell with Mrs. Carter Kers- lake presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Caroline Walker and Miss Olive Speare read a chaper from the study book. The topic was given by Mrs. Gordon Scott. Ring Over 2,000 Door Bells For 40c FOR RENT FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOST AND FOUND 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, hot and cold running water. Close to Exeter. Phone 174-r-2 or apply Bill Tuckey. 26c TWO APARTMENTS in Exeter. Ap­ ply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100 or 197 Zurich. ll-12tfc FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaner^ — Beavers Hard­ware, Exeter. • tfc SMALL APARTMENT—Three rooms with bath, heavy wiring, modern, in­sulated, private. Apply Beaupre Store, North Exeter, phone 301. 19:26c FOUR LOWER rooms in farm house, for four months, close to Exeter. Ap- ply at 530 Andrew Street._____19;26* APARTMENT TO RENT—Four rooms and bath, private entrance, all furn­ished, ready for occupation. —Phone 219-M, Carling Street, Silas Stanlake.26c WANTED POTATOES, ONIONS and cabbages. Apply C. Stokkermans, Klondyke Rd., Grand Bend._______________12:19:26* HOG GROWER, $60 a ton; Dairy Ra­ tion $60 a ton. •—Centralia Farmers' Supply. 26c WOMAN WANTS any type of work —restaurant or daily housekeeping. Apply Times-Advocate. 26c HEIFER FOUND — Blue-roan heifer, a yearling with white face. Strayed unto Rot 15, Concession 5, .Stephen. Phone 26-r-22 Creditor,. 26c HELP WANTED STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-5tfc BARBER WANTED — For Officers and Flight Cadets. Appointment sys­tem used. Apply Officers’ Mess Man- ager, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. 26c GIRL WANTED—Apply Brady Clean­ ers. »______________26c STRAYED FROM Lot 8, Concession 9, Hay Township, black Holstein hei- ber, 1 year old. Apply Sol Gingerich, phone 81-1--3 Zurich. ____________26c STRAYED FROM north half of Lot 2, Concession 5, Usborne, one red yearling with, notch in right ear. — Wm. J. Thomson, Centralia, R.R. 1, phone Kirkton 48-r-4, 26c I AM IN THE MARKET for Ul) kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J, Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc WANTED TO PURCHASE—100-acre farm, good buildings, close to Exeter. Apply Box 251, Exeter._______19:26* 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer­ tilizer or road horses. Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. ll-19tfc GOOD HOME in the country for purebred Scotch collie dog. — Phone 270-J Exeter, 26c TOYS for two girls, age 11 and 5; for two boys, age 9 and 7, Apply Times-Advocate. 26* CREAM SEPARATOR, clean and in good condition. G. Poortlnga, High­ way 4, 3 miles north of Clandeboye, phone 720-r-l Exeter. 26* TURKEYS HENS and TOMS GEESE - DUCKS - CHICKENS Phone Exeter 640-W FOR SALE STANDING BEECH and maple trees for wood. Phone G. W. Gardiner, 21- r-10 Kirkton. 26c OIL BURNING kitchen range, with 100-gallon oil tank. Call at 220 Main Street, or phone 286-M Exeter. 26c PARKER BROS, double-barrelled hammerless shotgun, 12-gauge; and 12-gauge single shotgun. R. E. Balk­ will, phone 89-J Exeter. 26* SAVE UP TO $100 on refrigerators, freezers and ranges. All brand new 1953 models reduced 23% to clear! Service guaranteed. Crocker Refrig­ eration, phone 59 Exeter, for com­ plete information. ‘ 26* SCOTCH COLLIE dog, 1 year old, starting to work. Gordon Ratz, 161- r-3 Dashwood. 26* 1931 DESOTO, $50.00. Call 29 Exeter.26* HAND-KNITTED baby sets, socks, mitts, hand-trimmed luncheon sets, guest and tea towels, handkerchiefs, pillow cases, etc. Suitable for gifts. Some orders taken for later, Apply 122 Huron Street, phone 17 Exeter. 27:3:10c GIRL’S PARKA coat, cinnamon shade, .plaid trim on parka, size 12; boy’s warm topcoat and helmet, dark blue-grey chinchilla with red plaid lin­ ing, size 8 to 10; boy’s double-breast­ ed brown suit, long and short trou­ sers, size 10 to 12; boy’s white broad­cloth shirt, size 12; one paii’ black plush overshoes, fur trim, medium heel, size 6%. All are in good condi­tion. May be seen at Brady Clean­ ers. 26* 30 STARTED PIGS. —A. E. Oestrei- cher, phone 57-r-10 Dashwood. 26* BRICKS — All cleaned. Apply Ernie Perry or Mrs. Worrell, William St. 26* CHARCOAL GREY suit, size 40. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 26* ’31 DESOTO, $50; QUEBEC heater, $5; Servel frig, 7 years, 9 mos. guar­ antee on it; chrome table and chairs, grey and red: colony house, 10x14; large range shelter; garden tractor, Planet Jr., with attachments; bird cage, $1.50. Phone 404-J Exeter, eve­ nings 6 to 10 p.m. 26:3* GIRL'S WINTER coat, size 12, hea­ ther color, mohair and wool, quilted lining, like new. Man’s black winter overcoat, size 38, good condition, reasonable. Phone 206-M. 19:26c WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will help you to wel­ come relief. Ask your Druggist. EXTRA GOOD black Persian lamb coat, size 38-40. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. ll-19tfc BEAVERBROOK KITCHEN rang e, complete with oil burners, in real good condition. 239 Algonquin Drive, Centralia Airport. 26* 50 BAGS CANADIAN cement. Apply Gerald Prout, phone 172-r-4 Exeter. v 26c HOLSTEIN HEIFER, rising three years old. Calfhood vaccinated, bred insemination, due December 16. Ap­ ply Harry Carroll, phone Crediton 19-r-12. 26c XMAS PUPPIES—Give a child a gift that keeps on giving all year ’round. Give him a loyal, playful little Dach­shund—the only iove money can buy. Specially reduced prices on lovely black and tan litter. Drop in and re­ serve yours today. AUSABLE VAL­LEY DACHSHUND, REGISTERED. Phone 528-M. ll-12tfc CHRISTMAS TURKEYS —Same fine quality turkeys available for Christ­mas and New Year’s. Order yours now. R. E. Pooley, pbone 386-J Ex­ eter, 26C CHRISTMAS TREES—Available from December 1 on. Reserve your tree now, —William McKenzie, phone 253 Exeter. 26c Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reeder, of London, celebrated their forty­ ninth. wedding anniversary on November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Reed­ er Were former residents of Ex­ eter. Mr. Reeder at one time Worked for the late John Taylor in his garage. MISCELLANEOUS $1690 - $2240 ana $1380 - $1780 FOR GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS BABY CHICKS FOR SALE The hourly rate for construc­ tion workers in Canada stands at 142.4 cents an hour. Hariris-Fahner United In a quiet but pretty wedding at the Evangelical parsonage at Creditor oh Wednesday, Novem­ ber 25, Miss Clara Fnhner, of Crediton, was united In marriage to Mr. Fred Harris, of London, by the Rev. E. N, Mohr. Mr. and Mrs, Harris will make their home in London. BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­ grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. 26:3;10* FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days arid 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc AT CENTRALIA, ONT. Married -women may apply for temporary appointment. Details and application forms at Post Office, National Employment Office, or Civil Service Commission at Toronto or Ottawa, L. PAINTING AND PAPERING Estimates GivenE. Johnston — Phone 1S3 Exeter 19:26:3c BE SURE TO SPRAY your cattle for lice this fall at 15c per head each spray. The cattle should sprayed twice in an interval of weeks. This kills the living lice also the eggs if they hatch out you can expect to be free from ----all winter, L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. ll-5tfc be lice WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19.8-10tfc For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor's in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings._____30-30tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, imme­ diate service^ Give your local man a call. Phone 108-W Lucan. 12:19:26:3* NOTICES 26c VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Vil­ lage of Grand Bend will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, November 30, 1953, between the hours of 8o'clock and 9 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Councillors, members of School Board, members of the Public Utilities Commission; and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad­journed until Monday, December 7, 1953, when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock until 5 o’clock p.m. in the Town Hall and all electors are here­ by requested to govern themselves accordingly.H. WAINWRIGHT, Returning Officer EMERY DESJARDINE, Deputy Returning Officer MRS. JOHN MANORE, Polling Clerk TOWN OF EXETERNOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Town of Exeter will be held in the Town Hall on Monday, December 7, 1953, between 'the hours of 12:30 o'clock and 1:30 o’clock in the after­ noon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, six Councillors, three members of Public School Board one Public Utilities Commissioner. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad­ journed until Monday, December 14, 1953, when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the under­ mentioned officers in charge and fixed by town by-law viz: Polling Sub-Division No. 1-A •— at showrooms of Reg Armstrong Motors, Main Street; Earl Parsons, D.R.O.; Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 1-B — at showrooms of Reg Armstrong Motors, Main Street; Chas. Monteith, D.R.O.; Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 2-A — at Town Hall, Main Street; Eric Cars- cadden, D.R.O.; Louise Heywood, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 2-B — at Town Hall, Main Street; John Camp­ bell, D.R.O.; Margaret Ryckman, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3-A — at Glen McKnight’s Residence, Main Street; Sarah Laing, D.R.O.; Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk.Polling Sub-Division No. 3-B — at Glen McKnight’s Residence, Main Street; Arthur Amy, D.R.O.; Lois Learn, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby request­ed to govern themselves accordingly. CLARENCE V. PICKARD, Returning OfficerExeter, Ont., Nov. 23, 1953.______26c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON onMONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiv­ing nominations for Reeve, Deputy- ReeVe, Councilmen, and also for Trustees of the Township School Area comprising Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and Union 8, 12, 14 and 16, two to 1)0 oicctod* And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office, than required to bo elected, the proceedings will be ad­ journed untilMONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1953 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 6 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the under­mentioned officers i» charge as fixed by township by-law viz; Poll 1: Polling Booth in Library Rooms, Lot 205, Con, 1; D.R.O., Grir- don Wilson; Poll Clerk, Ralph Gates.Poll 2: Frank Triebner's Kitchen, Lot 21, ~ ‘ Frank TPon A di ton: Hill.Prill Alvin ........., ______ _________ Poll 5: O’Rourke’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 1.2; Gerald O’Rourke; Jrie Reglef, Poll 6: Club Rooms, Lot 24, Con, N.B.; Otto Willerf; Chester Gaiser,Poll .7: Sweltze-Fs Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 17; Elmer Pickering: Rosa Love, Poll 8r Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con, S.B.; Mansell Hodgins: Wm, Hicks.Poll 9; William Desjardino, Dot 4, Con. A,; Colin Love; Irvin Bestard.And all electors are hereby re­quested to govern themselves accord­ ingly,FREEMAN W. MORLOCK, Returning Officer 16:22c Gdr* ii; run viei'K, ruxipii utulcS. Frank Triebner's Kitchen, -j, Cori.2; Preston, Dearing; Triobner.3: Wenzel's Barber Shop, Cre- Wiiliam Oestreicher; Garnet 4: ToW.n Hall, Lot 10, Crin. 7; Baker; Russell Finkbeiner. 26c LADIES WANTED to have home demonstration of Comfortex. Free gifts. — Box ”F”, Times-Advocate. __________________________12:19:26c- ORGANIST—For Church of St.-Joli'n- By-The-Lake, Grand Bend. One serv­ ice per Sunday. Salary $10.00 per month. Apply to Rev. Houghton, the Rectory, Grand Bend._________19:26c LAKEVIEW HATCHERY—4-week-old Sussex Red, 47c; 4-week-old Sussex Hamp, 39c; delivery December 15. Six-week-old Sussex Red, 67c; 6- week-old Sussex Hamp, 59c- delivery December 29. — Lakeview Hatchery, phone 7 Exeter. 26:3c—----------------------. DON’T MISS these started chick bar­ gains: 2, 3, 4, and 5 week old. Stan­dard Quality Canadian Approved chicks New Hampshire, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Light Sussex, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, White Rock X Light Sussex and other popular heavy breeds. Two week old non-sexed $23.95, pullets $24.95; coc­ kerels $24.95 per hundred. Three week old add 5c; 4 week old add 10c; 5 week add 15c per chick. Money Maker Quality add lc; Extra Profit add 2c; Special Mating add 3c per chick. Assorted breeds deduct lc per chick. Also day old heavy breed pul­lets as low as $15.95; non-sexed $16.45 per hundred. Special two week old Rhode Island Red cockerels $11.95 per hundred. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 26:3c ASK FOR BRAY pricelist. We may still have some broiler cockerels for December delivery and some started chicks. You should be ordering pul­ lets soon to catch the good early summer egg markets. — Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. 26c REAL ESTATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS HOUSE FOR SALE—One of the bet­ ter homes centrally located in Ex­eter, Red brick, storey and a half, 3 bedrooms, complete bath, hardwood floors. Heated by oil-burning- furnace and al) newly decorated inside and out. Priced right. —Apply Box 251 Exeter. 26* EXETER,, HIGH SCHOOL district, beautiful ranch style brick house. Spacious living room and dining room with -wall-to-wall broadloom, modern, bright kitchen, beautifully furnished bathroom, two large bed­ rooms and third room for den or ad­ditional bedroom. Full basement with rumpus room, laundry tubs, air-con­ ditioned oil heating. This lovely home is less than one. year old and is less than one year old and is beau­ tifully finished throughout. Owner is moving from Exeter. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. ll-26tfc REDUCED PRICE — Co-Op building, Main St., Exeter. We are now offer­ ing this property at a reduced price. The building is well located on valu­able frontage and is suitable for use as retail store or other business. We will be glad to show you this pro­perty and receive any reasonable offer on it. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter,________ll-26tfc PROPERTY CONSISTING of 2 acres of land, 3-room furnished house, coal shed, partially finished garage, chic­ ken houses, and car in running order, and winter’s supply of coal. Excellent buy — terms cash. Apply Mr. Harry Fraser, R.R. No. 2, Penfield. 26:3* STOREY AND a half three-bedroom house. New bath. Lawrence Rumple, Hensall. ___ll-19tfc OWNER MOVED, new, ultra modern rug brick, one floor, 5-room house. Oil heated, air-conditioned. Apply 911 Andrew Street, phone 505 Exeter. ll-12tfc 100 ACRES STEPHEN pasture land, partly tillable, pond water supply. Bargain price. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman._____10-29tfc HIGHWAY 150 ACRES extra well situated. Small house, large barn, silo, driveshed, henhouse, electricity. Early possession. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-15tfc $5,000.00 WILL PURCHASE 2-apart- ment home. Well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Both apartments are rent­ ed, giving income of $75 per month. —C. V.. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter._____________________10-15tfc $4,000.00 FOR 3-BEDR00M HOME— Usual living rooms. Full basement with hot air furnace. Hydro rynd town water. This home is nicely painted and in good repair. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.___________10-15tfc 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med­ ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure with never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer’s convenience. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. ___________________________10-15tfc TN EXETER, 2-bedroom brick cot­ tage. Bright iving rooms. Hydro, 3- piece bath, full basement and garage. Price $4,500,00. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter._________ 10-ltfc ACREAGES—We have several small­ er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house arid other buildings, hydro and K good water supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. 9-24tfc EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brick house, hot air oil furnace, flush toi­let. Quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-17tfC HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loam, L-shape bank barn, stabling has- conveniences for horses, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. Concrete silo. Henhouse, driveshed. Good 2-storey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold water, attached garage. Possession fall or spring. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 9-17tfc FOR SALE ■— Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms, Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos­session. — C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-10tfc COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, largo garden, Dashwood. Early pos­session. W. C. Pearce, Beal tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-13tfc GOOD 2-STORFY brick house in Cromarty has an conveniences, a barn and small acreage. “ W. C. Pearce, Realtor, _ - 9-17tfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good Condition, conveniences, garage, ca­bins tvcil rented, W. C. Bearce, Real* tor,..Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-l.3tfo WE ALWAYS HAVE) for sale good farms of various size, brice and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. —W. c. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. 5-2Stfc In the Estate of Albert Hendrick deceased. persons having claims againstAll persons having claims against the estate of Albert Hendrick, late of the Town of Exeter, in the Coun­ty of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of November, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 5th day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executbrs, Exeter, Ontario. 19:26:3c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Livestock inHENSALL SALE BARNEVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. For Further Information, Phone: HARRY SMITH, 187 HENSALL, or ' VICTOR HARGREAVES, 635-r-21 CLINTON, or contact ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER, ZURICH. 11-26 12-3:10:17:24:l-7:14c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Feed and Household Effects . On the premises, - LOT WEST HALF OF 29, CON. NORTH BOUNDARY, HAY TWP. Half Mile East of DrysdaleThe undersigned auctioneer is in structed to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. CATTLE: Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks, with calf at foot; Durham cow, due in February; brindle cow, 4 years old, fresh two weeks, with calf at foot; .Hereford heifer, carrying second calf, due in February; - Dur­ ham cow, fresh 4 weeks with calf at foot; 5 Durham and Hereford year­lings. HOGS: Yorkshire sow, carrying sec­ond litter; 12. Yorkshire chunks, aver­aging 85 lbs. each. These are choice pigs. TRACTOR: Allis Chalmers ___dard Tractor in A-l condition; Inter­ national 2-furrow plow, nearly new. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris bin­der, 7-foot cut; 2-row International bean scuffler; Oliver bean puller; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; Inter­ national manure spreader, nearly now' 4-section diamond harrows; 3- section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; Internation­al 11-run fertlizer drill, nearly new; 3-horse disc; 3-horse cultivator; 7-ft. tractor cultivator; 10-ft. dump rake; walking plow; single scuffler; 32-ft. extension ladder, like new; 2-wheel trailer and rack; 1,200-lb. scales; 15 cords hardwood, beech and maple; fanning mill; hay fork rope; trip rope; set of siing ropes; cedar posts; roll of fencing wire; lS-ft. pipe with pump; galvanized water trough; cut­ ting box; fence stretcher; electric fencer; large iron gate; boy’s bicycle; logging chains; wheelbarrow; bag truck; quantity of good lumber; root pulper; jute bags; barrels, forks, shovels, scrap iron; and many arti­ cles too numerous to mention. FEED: 10 tons of choice mixed hay; 300 bushels of turnips. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: There is also a quantity of household effects. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, as the farm is sold. LEO CORRIVEAU, PROP. ALVIN RAU, CLERK ALVIN WALPER. AUCTIONEER extra Stan- antique style; chest Of drawers; 2 small tables; 2 leather rockers; lea­ther couch; buffet; small oak table; daybed; glass cupboard; various small tables; rug, 9x12; tapestry rug, 7x9; 2 steel beds, complete with springs and mattress; dressers; commodes; cook stove, like new; Quebec heater; electric range; 8-piece dinner set; quantity odd dishes; antique dishes; full line of kitchen utensils; electric iron; galvanized tub; copper boiler; quilts, pillows, comforters; carpets, mats; quantity of fruit and sealers; lawn mower; 8 bunches of shin^- gles; wheelbarrow; garden and car­ penter tools; and many articles too numerous to mention.Sale to be held in United Church shed. ,,, ,No reserve; everything will be sold, TERMS: CashMISS FLOSSIE DAVEY. LOUIS DAVEY, EXEUCTORS for the estate of the late SUSANNA DAVEY GARNET HICKS. CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19:26c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, 3 miles East of Alisa Craig and % mile North or 6 miles West of Elginfield on NO. 7 HIGHWAY INMcGillivray township The undersigned auctioneer is in­structed to sell by public auction onWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m. General Electric deluxe model 4- unit electric range, like new; studio couch, with 2 matching chairs; num­erous oak rockers; occasional chair; 2 complete bedroom suites with springs and mattress, dressers and com­ modes; kitchen chairs; glass cup­board; wash stands; various centre tables; writing desk; 96-piece dinner set, complete, beautiful design; large quantity of odd dishes; antique dishes; silverware glassware; kitchen utensils; electric toaster; picture and picture frames; curtains, drapes; large quantity of bedding, quilts,, comforters, mats; linens; 2 lawn mowers; extension ladder; carpenter tools; and many articles too numer­ ous to mention. No reserve; everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. EDGAR DARLING, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19;26c SALES AND SERVICE GENERAL WIRING i We Have a Wide Selection RADIO AND ELECTRIC X of Christmas Cards by Austin - Marshall Bcaucraft “Jingle Bells” SINGLE. CARDS 2 for 50 up RELATIVE CARDS 100 up BOXES ............. 50c and up Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA Opposite United Church The” undersigned auctioneer is In­structed to sell by public auction on * TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m, the following:Dining room table; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; 5 cane-bottom chairs, GOOD QUALITY Stationery Attractively Boxed Moderately Priced Hollow Tree Gift Shop ^I'lii'iiiiHOiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiliii'^ Hensail Store Hours FOR CHRISTMAS OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS During December OPEN EVENINGS Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24 until 11:00 P.M, Hensall Chamber of Commerce • it■ < ■ >!• < ■•■■• ■Ii<• ■ >i in■ 11■ tiin< i<ii maa>i< 11<■ ■<«11a lit iii1111 niiiiii, i i i11 <<>>>i■ ■ ii■ i!>■ 11 m■ llolli >< ii