HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 13Supplement THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 meeting of the and W.A. was of Mrs. Everett afternoon. Comments About Centralia By MRS. F. BOWDEN Mrs. pro­ read Miss Eiimville Group Name New Slate The November Eiimville W.M.S. held at the home Skinner Monday P. Murch had charge of the gram. Miss Dora Delbrldge the Scripture lesson and Ruth Skinner read a chapter of the study book. Mrs. Howard Johns read a letter from their missionary in prayer, Miss Jessie Oliver, British Columbia, A special collection will be sent to her for Christmas gifts for the needy. The supply secretary reported a bale sent to Korea weighing 43 pounds. The treasurer’s re­ port was given. A card to a for­ mer member, Mrs. John Prance, was to be sent, congratulating them on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Plans for the banquet to be served Friday night to Farm Federation, were made. Rev. W. J, Moores conducted fhe-election of a slate of officers prepared by Winchelsea ladies. The W.M.S. officers are as fol­ lows: president, Mrs. William Johns; vice-president, Mrs. Del­ mar Skinner; recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Stephen, assistants, Mrs. C. Gilfillan and Mrs. Wil liam Walters; treasurer, Mrs. F. Skinner; literature secretary, Mrs. E. Lynn; . temperance, Mrs. W. Routly; corresponding secre­ tary, Mrs. Howard Johns; Christ­ ian Stewardship and Systematic Givings, Mrs. H. Ford; Mission­ ary Monthly secretary, Mrs. F. Horne; pianists, Mrs. F. Horne and Mrs. Phil Johns; press secre­ taries, Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. Charles Stephen; Mission Circle leaders, Mrs. W. Routly and Ruth Skinner; Community Friendship, Mrs. Gilfillan, Mrs. E. Skinner. Mrs. Phil Hern and Mrs. Lewis Johns; Mission Band leader, Mrs. Howard Johns, as­ sistants, Mrs. F. Horne, Mrs. Lome Elford, Mrs. Gilfillan and Mrs. Ivan Brock; Baby Band leader, Mrs. Lewis Johns; As­ sociate Member secretary, Mrs. John Coward; supply secretary, Verda Kellet; flower committee, Mrs. W. Routly and Mrs. John Ridley; church committee, Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mrs. Phil Johns, Mrs. Gilbert Johns; sympathy flowers, Mrs. Horace Delbridge; W.A. officers: president, Mrs. Ross Skinner; vice-president, Mrs. Gordon Prance; secretary, Mrs. Harold Bell; treasurer, Mrs, Gilbert Johns. Message From Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Mr. and Mrs. Orville Work­ man and daughter visited over the weekend in Oshawa with the former’s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Work­ man.’ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert ; and Merle visited with relatives Uu Melbourne on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, of Gode- Irlch, were Sunday visitors of Mr. ’and Mrs. Elston Dowson. J Mrs. William Winder returned .home from a vacation in the U.S. « Miss Isobel Caldwell spent the /^weekend with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. kJ Rev. G. G. Burton, of Centralia, /was in charge of the service on ■^Bunday in St. Andrew’s United ijphurch. Mr. Emmerson Kyle, Allan Tre- rtjheer, Campbell Eyre, Lloyd Mc- W.M.S. The regular meeting of the W-M.S. was held in the school­ room of the church Tuesday eve­ ning with Mrs. Foley as leader. The Scripture was read by Mrs. M. Sholdice. A pretty action song, ‘‘Rock Of Ages,” was sung by Catherine Hodgins. A skit, “Much Ado About Literacy,” was pre­ sented by Mrs. Foley, Mrs. Shol­ dice and Mrs. Skinner. Mrs. M- Elliott presided fpr the business. Excellent reports of the convention at Kippen were given by Mrs. W. Elliott and Mrs. Foley, The training school fund and aid to the Children’s Shelter were discussed. Mrs. Lome Hicks presided over the election of of­ ficers which resulted as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. J, Essery; president, Mrs. Murray Elliott; first vice-president, Mrs, G. Burton; second vice-president, Mrs. Kipp; recording secretary, Mrs. W. Skinner; treasurer, Mrs. G. Hicks, assistant, Miss Agnes Anderson; corresponding secre­ tary, Mrs. W. Elliott; Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs. G. Hepburn; supply secretaries, Mrs. Baynham, Mrs. Foley; friendship secretaries, Mrs. R. Gates, Mrs. A, Smith, Mrs. J. McAllister, Mrs. G. McFalls; press secretary, Mrs. W. Skinner; literature secretary, Mrs. L. Hodgson; temperance secretary, Mrs. E. Wilson; pian­ ist, Mrs. G. Hepburn; Baby Band superintendents, Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. G. Hicks; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. F. Bowden, Mrs. G. McFalls; Associate Helpers secre­ tary, Mrs. M. Sholdice; Mission­ ary Monthly secretary, Miss Ag­ nes Anderson. Following the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Mrs. K. Hodgins ford. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. and George, Mr. Hodgson and Kay were in To­ ronto over the weekend where they attended the Santa Claus parade and the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. William Haddock visited over the weekend with their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. G. Haddock, in Toronto. Mrs. E. Knight let Thursday of last week for Detroit where she will spend the winter with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Brokenshire. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Smale, of Windsor, visited over the week­ end with Mr and Mrs. L. B. Hodg­ son. Mrs. Harvey Godbolt, of Mit­ chell, was a weekend visitor with Mrs. George Godbolt. Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb and Wayne, accompanied by Master Wayne Harrison, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith in Mt. Albert. Mr, and Mrs. Lome Hicks spent the weekend in Toronto and at­ tended the Royal 'Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott were in Toronto over the weekend for the Royal Winter Fair. A, Smith, and Mrs. Lang- Gerald Godbolt and Mra. Reg. Lean, David Treibner, William Bell, .Russell Consitt, Elmer Stevenson, Herman Dayman are on a hunting trip to Manitoulin. Mr. Elzar Mousseau and a party from Zurich left Wednes­ day for Manitoulin Island for a hunting trio. Mrs. Garth Mosher and son Michael, of Edmonton, are visit­ ing her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Norman McLeod. 0 . • ' *■ ■ ' ■ ■ / J' »’ ix . . C?■ 4 *1;hiSB -T <I ®Aft STATION On TOP OF WORLD — Just 1,200 miles tile North Pole, in the vicinity of Barter Island, Alaska, *|W.S. is completing installation of the first experimental of a yadar station system known as the "distant early Arning lino”. Tests soon to be made will determine whether lie “radar fence” will be extended from Alaska to Green-* SncL At top, trnetor-drawn “Wanigans”carry construction iterials foi4 laying groundwork in the hew line. At bottom ttypical Arctic test site. The radar equipment is within Whig rubber dome, —Central Press Canadian R.C.M.P. PRESENT CORONATION RIDE IN NEW YORK — The coronation ride of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was a popular pageant at the evening of the sixty-fifth Na­ tional Horse Show’ in New York. This troup performed in London and Edinburgh this year as part of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation ceremonies. —Central Press Canadian News of Kirkton Ry MRS. FRED HAMILTON This Week In Whalen By MRS. F. SQUIRE Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes, Brantford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. and Mrs. James Kinkade and family of Stratford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil attend­ ed the Royal Winter Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klahre and Catherine visited in London with friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire and Sue Ann were Tuesday eve­ ning dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar, Mrs. Jackson McCutcheon and family, Mrs. Finkbeiner and Miss Winnie Finkbeiner, of Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson and Dorothy were at Parkhill on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McLeish. Mrs. O’Brien visited in London recently for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and Mr. Bob Devine, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Mrs. Hazelwood and Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and family, Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil. Mr. and Mrs. William Hodg­ son, London, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgson spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hodg­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Webb, of Granton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Laverene Morley, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. and Janice were Friday eve­ ning guests with Mr. and Mrs. Murch, Eiimville. Mr. Alton Wallis is in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. Donald Pullen, went on Tuesday with his Poll Angus calf. Mrs. Pullen, with other friends, will motox’ to the fair on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pym, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner, Centralia, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Mor­ ley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dann, Wesley and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sherwill Jr. and family, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. The Girls Club met at Mrs. Finkbeiner’s on Monday evening. During the meeting it was decid­ ed to name their club “Busy Lizzie”. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, Zion, Mr. Russell Parkin­ son, Stratfor^, and Mr. Wilfred Herbert spent; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning. Anniversary service on Sunday morning was well attended, Rev. McLeod of Kippen being the guest speaker. Messrs. Gordon Johnson and Bob Devine, London, favored with a vocal duet and Mrs. Ronald Squire sang a solo. Beautiful flowers adorned the pulpit; placed there by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hodgins and family, Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire and Sharon, Woodham, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Squire. W.A. And W.M.S. Thirteen were present at the November meeting held in the Sunday School rooms of the church on Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy Hodgson was the leader for the W.A. The theme was “Fellow­ ship”. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Ronald Squire. Lesson Thoughts were taken by Mrs. Hodgson. Mrs. Cecil Squire and Mrs. Gordon Johnson were appointed to draw up plans for next year’s meetings. Donations of money were received instead of having a bazaar. Miss Elva Morley gave a reading. Mrs, Klahre presided over the W.M.S. The theme was “The Church the Body of Christ”. Mrs. Thompson read the scripture les­ son. Donations of eggs or fruit for the “Protestant Orphans Home” are to be brought to the Decem­ ber meeting. Thank-offering en­ velopes ai‘e also to be handed in. Highlights of the convention at Kippen were given by Mrs. Wil­ liam Morley Sr. and Mrs. Laterne Morley. Mrs. Milne Pullen fav­ ored with a reading, “It is tlie duty of everyone th make at least one person- happy during the week,” skid the Sun­ day School teacher. “Have you done fid, Freddy?” “Yes,” said Freddy promptly. “I went to see my Aunt Mary and she was happy'when I went home,” MUSKRAT RANKS HIGH IN FUR TRADE — Though the most populous of Canada’s ten provinces, Ontario produces one-quarter of the $14,000,000 wild fur trade every year. Muskrat pelts, being graded by a Hudson Bay Company offi­ cial at Moose Factory, total among the highest in value in the season’s catch. —Central Press Canadian Youth Members From District Attend Kitchener Convention The ninth annual Youth Fel­ lowship convention of the Evan­ gelical United Brethren Church was held at Olivet E.U.B. Church in Kitchener with representatives from Ottawa Valley, Hanover, Hamilton, Stratford and Water­ loo district attending. Howard Zurbrigg was chair­ man of the opening session at which Rev. W. J, Hartman, of Dayton, Ohio, was the special speaker. At the Saturday morning ses­ sion, a representative of each church gave a report of their most memorable meeting or pro­ ject during the year. At the business meeting in charge of Bruce Seebach, Rev. Kaiser conducted the election of officers as follows: president, Della Marks, Listowel; vice-presi­ dent, John Oestricher, Clifford; secretary, Ruth Miller, Mildmay; treasurer, Don Pietsch, Clifford; Worship and Devotional Life chairman, Leonard Wightman, of Clifford; Evangelism and Stew­ ardship, Lois Heckendorn, El­ mira; Mission and Social Action, Katherine Hallman, Waterloo; Reaction and Leisure Time, Paul Liebou, Pelhem. Wilmar Wein, of Crediton, was chairman for the Sunday after­ noon session at which each dis­ trict presented a play and a musical number in the form of a television program, Rev. Hartman conducted the installation of officers and spoke on the theme, “It Costs to be a Disciple” at the closing session. The following members attend­ ed from this district: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmar Wein, Miss Doris Schwartz, Claire Swartz, Maida Richard, Donald, Jack and Betty Gaiser, Ann Taylor, Ronald Snell and Joyce England. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lindell, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johns. Mr. Harry Lovegrove, Thorn­ dale, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, of Eiimville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Sunday eve­ ning. Mr .and Mrs. Melville Hern are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson, of near St. Marys. The Sunshine Mission Band held a successful concert and bazaai' at the school house on Friday evening, November 13. Y. P. U. The Young People held their meeting Monday, November 16 at 8:30 p.m. with 13 members present, Roy Dykeman and Ed­ ward Hern had charge Of the program on “Missions and World Outreach”. Recreation followed the business meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNichol on the birth of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris of London. Miss Maxine Godbolt of Mit­ chell spent the weekend with Miss Mildred Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. William Fergu­ son are spending this week with Mrs. Ray Cottle. - -Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Woodham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flet­ cher of Winchelsea. Among those who attended James Street anniversary and spent the day with friends were: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Brian with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Gleml with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson. November Mission Band The Mission Band met Sunday morning dxiring the church hour with Carol Anne Hume in charge. Sharon Hume had charge of the program which consisted of a reading, “In Flanders Fields”, THE OLD HOME TOWN . U. I. By STANLEY The Story In Saintsbury * By MRS. H. DAVIS Mrs. Aaron Davis The sympathy of this com­ munity is extended to the sisters and brothers of the late Mrs. Aaron Davis, who passed away in St. Mary's Hospital, London, Monday, November 16. She was the former Mary Jane Dickins and lived in this com­ munity until she and her late husband retired to live in Lu­ can about 35 years ago. Mrs. Davis has been in failing health for the past two years. The fune­ ral service was held Wednesday afternoon at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, with interment in St. Japies Cemetery. Pallbearers were six nephews, Messrs. Frank and Albert Dic­ kins, Whitney Coates, Heber, Clarence and Gordon Davis. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. J. Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis were Wednesday eve­ ning dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kooy and Clayton, of McGillivray town­ ship, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. C. McFalls, of London, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. F. Davis were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis, of London, Mr. and Mrs. N. Squire and Miss May Skinner were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. Mr. and Mrs. L. Maguire, of Scotland, Ont., spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson call­ ed on Sunday to see Mrs. W. Brock, of Zion, who is suffei'ing with a broken arm. Mrs. F. Davis is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Colbert, of Ballymote. Mr. Ivan Davis spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott. The ladle's of the W.A. and Guild will meet in the parish The young people of St, Raul’s Anglican Church presented their play, “Stranger in the Night”, in Aberdeen Hall, Friday evening. There was a good attendance and everyone enjoyed this three-act comedy-mystery. Mrs. J. Roundel! entertained with a tap-dancing number while Pawn Blackler con­ tributed a solo during intermis­ sions. W.M.S. And W A. The November meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. G. H. Burgin Wed­ nesday afternoon, November 11, with over thirty members in at­ tendance, Mrs. Glenn Allan pre­ sided. A two-minute silence was observed in memory of the fal­ len during World War I and II. Mrs. Delmar Johnston very ab­ ly gave an inspiring account from the “Study Book”. Mrs. R. Hazel­ wood, Mrs. W. Urquhart and Miss Annie Urquhart enacted a mis­ sion skit. Mrs. Alvin Crago con­ ducted the business meeting for the W.A. Plans were made for the bazaar which is to be neld this month. Mr. and Mrs. William Roger of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger. The hunters from the village and district have returned from South River. Lips smack when we think of the venison those families will enjoy, Mrs. Ira Marshall has returned after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Cluff, in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. S, Cordell and son, Stephen Douglas, of Ft. Churchill, Man., visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. William Switzex* and daughter of Stratford spent the weekend with the former’s mother, Mrs. R. Switzer, return­ ing Monday evening. Mission Band The regular meeting of the Centralia WA Elect Officers Mrs, Amos Wright was i» charge of the program for the November meeting of Centralia W.A. Poems were read by Mrs. Arthur McFalls, Mrs. Ken Hog­ gins and Miss Flossie. Davey. Eleanor Mae Hodgins contributed a piano splo. The business meeting, in charge of Mrs. Ken Greb, opened with the new W.A. theme song. Mrs. Gerald Gpdbolt gave the highlights of the W.A. Presby- terial at Blyth. It was voted to secure the play put on by Kirkton talent for the latter part of November, if a date can be arranged. Mrs. C« McCurdy, bazaar con­ venor, expressed her thanks to all who contributed to its suc­ cess. In the absence of Rev, G. Bur­ ton, Miss F. Davy presided fox* he election of the following of­ ficers: co - presidents, Mrs. K, Greb, Mrs. G. Godbolt; vice- presidents, Mrs. William Essery, Mrs. Arthur McFalls; treasurer, Mrs. Reg. Hodgson, assistant, Mrs. Ken Hodgins; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, assistant, Mrs. jack Essery; recording sec­ retary, Mrs, C. McCurdy. Mrs. Reg. Hodgson, Mrs. Mur­ ray Elliott and Mrs. Earl Haist were hostesses for the social hour. Mission Band was held in the basement of the church 'witn 24 present, with the president, Rose­ mary Dobson in the chair. The scripture lesson was read by Kay Allen and Marlene Stone. Mrs, Anderson gave the Bible story, Iris Marshall took up the offer­ ing. At this time the members presented their gifts for a bale to Korea. Forty-five articles were handed in. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Burgin presented the new Study Books to the junior and senioi’ groups. Closing hymn and “Member’s Purpose” was repeat­ ed by all. Letter From Woodham By MISS BESSIE McOURDY Personal Items Mrs. May Murphy and Tommy, Miss Hessie Holingei* and Mrs. John Adams, Toronto, spent the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Wanless. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, of Winchelsea; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Har­ die, of Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Copeland of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Bayne, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Culver, Shirley and Kenneth, of Lobo, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rundle of Base Line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ran­ dall Marriott and Marjorie, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert and family of Flint, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas. Mrs. J. Butters visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Simp­ son, of Mount Pleasant. Mr. Pearce of Woodstock was guest speaker at the church ser­ vice on Sunday morning and also spoke briefly in the Sunday School service, ' Evening’ Auxiliary The November meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Betty Mills with 20 present. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Norris Webb, assisted by Mrs. G. Hooper and Mrs. J. Thomson. The study book was given by Mrs. L. Rodd, Mrs. 0. Britte, Mrs I. McCurdy, Mrs. F. Parkinson and Mrs. J. Miller. Mrs. G. Wanless played an in* strumeutal. The 1953 officers were re-elected for 1954. by Carol Anile I-IuxUe, Marilyn Gardiner sang “Jesus Loves Me” and Leonard Hume gave a poem, Mrs, Gardiner told two stories; “Every Day But Sunday” and “Jesus and the child”. The South Thames Road Earm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Led Webber on Monday evening, After Forum discussion euchre was played, Frizes were awarded to Mrs. Orville BeaVer, Mrs. Jack Stewart, Mf. Reg Hod- gert and Mr. Wilfred Hunkin. | Fourth Anniversary | Special! = 5 Thursday and Friday | November 26 and 27 | Deluxe I= 3 Turkey Dinner I $1.45 Per Plate | | Monetta Menard s | 1 PHONE 88 EXETER J 2 2 Not So 3 Dumb YOU’LL FIND THE BEST VALUES IN a2 □ 2 2I i II*'Bill PWS ■ - when it comes to knowing real bargains .... And even more important—I know where to look for them ... I read The Times - Advocate’s advertising columns!z2 The local ads are my guide to good bargains in everything from needs for my home and family— to work I want done* My hus­ band says I’m plenty smart! The Times-Advocate