HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 10Page 10 No Fooling! Replacement Costs ARE UP! In the past six years, building costs have increased 36%, Have You Increased Your Insurance Accordingly? Phone: Office 24 Res. 16 2-J W. Herman Hodgson “The Insurance Man” I B313X3 ’do4<I ‘®W(I P94J 003 '131 so] eg 404077 1040x3 •dO4j ‘sqqoa pajj Second Line In THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 By MBS. H. ELSON Parade Now On Display! Grand Bend ... Tradesmen .... Applejacks .... Butchers ...... Strikes .......... Short Circuits . Mess Mates ... Whizz Bangs .. Huskers ....... Long Shots .... Grease Monkeys Maroons ............ * * FRIDAY NIGHT 12-TEAM DIVISION s ’Tsoo aiO[ ju uoiTuqjodsuvj| pjor -mouooo aoj *H3VO3 39000 ££< ‘H3VO3 39000 ZK •S43AOO dj[S ‘NVO3S A3H3 9K •pauopipuoo Xprpiduioo fsj9AoD dqs ‘MVO3S 39000 8K ’Suipaoujupun forpu.T fSuiuopipuooaiv fsp[uu 000^5 ‘NVO3S 39000 0S< ’SupTJOOJUpun cS.l9A00 dip •Suiuonjpuoojii? fs9(iui 000f8I ‘H3VO3 HldOIAIAld 3S< :sa[dureg moj v sojeg 404077 4040x3 MONDAY NIGHT 10-TEAM DIVISION and Mrs. Dean Gibson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D- McGillivray, of Paisley. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek were Mr, and Mrs. John Gregus, London. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elstpn enter­ tained friends on Wednesday at their home including Mrs. M. Col­ bert and Louise, Mrs. Ivan Need­ ham and Marilyn, ^Mrs. Melvin Gardner and Marilyn, of Thames Road; Mrs. C. Fletcher, of Wood­ ham; Mrs, Dorothy • Cank and Mrs. Frank Smyth, Centralia, and Mrs. Eva Atkinson. Mr, Frank Rolco, of Toronto, spent a few days wits his parents, . Mr, and Mrs. Charles Atkin­ son and family were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eagleson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanlake and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp­ son, Miss Dorothy Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and family, of London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer. Mrs. Eva Atkinson is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkinson, Wilton Grove. ■Mr. Minarik, of London, Misses Marion and Frances zospal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston were Mrs. James Elliot, Mrs. Thompson El­ liot and Mr. Alex Elliot, all of Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Bruce, Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glaves, Innerkip. For Men And Boys Pinpoppers , Spare Parts Big Six ........ Keglers ........ Spares ........ Ringers .... Rural Rollers Blowers .... Windmills ... Hay Seeds , * Keglers 7, Blowers O The Keglers received a when only four Blowers made an appearance Monday night. They did not require the generosity for they racked up stupendous scores to take the series 7-0—1,123-1,- 041, 1,138-961 and 1,309-965. C. Gray was hottest with 708 (301) and Bernie McLean had 692 (245). Pinpoppers 7, Big Six O The Pinpoppers gave their arch-rivals, the Big Six, a 7-0 whammy — 1,149-1,037, 1,180-1,- 078 and 1,220-1,026. Hank Ford was his old self for the winners with 682’ (273) and Stan Frayne led the losers with 668 (283). Windmills 5, Rural Rollers 2 Gordie Plyley’s 835 (314) was a big factor in the Windmills’ 5- 2 victory over the Rural Rollers —1,283 - 1,071, 1,111 - 1,075 and 1,084-1,202. Claude Farrow and Harold Penhale rolled 639 (312) and 638 (236) for the RRs, Ringers 5, Hay Seeds 2 The Ringers had little trouble trimniing the Hay Seeds 5-2—1,- 002-1,033, 1,176-,1045 and 1,115- 1,0.63. Jack Fullei’ scored 630 (244) for the winners. Long Shots 4, Short Circuits The Long Shots took advantage of the Short Circuits’ being short- staffed to edge the hydro boys 4-3—989-985, 1107-1020 and 986- 1116. Whizz Bangs 7, Maroons 0 The Whizz Bangs really rolled this week, trouncing the Maroons 7-0 — 1183-1943, 1137-962 and 13-40-lli0'9. Bud Preszcator clean­ ed up 701 (359), backed by Jermyn’s 661 (235) and Essery’s 660 (228). Tradesmen 7, Applejacks 0 The Tradesmen handed Applejacks their first series a 7-0 drubbing—1106-1061, 1194- 1024 and 1219-1214. George Glendenning led the winners with 687 (262) and Eugene Beaver made a bid .for the losers with 631 (23 6). The loss dropped the ’Jacks from first to third place. Butchers 5, Grand Bend 2 The Butchers clipped the wings of the high-flying Grand Bend crew with a 5-2 victory—1053- 1071, 1279-1230 and 1167-1028. Har. Wolf topped the winners with 701 (287) and Wes Ryck- man was right behind with 690 (26*2). For the losers (their first series debeat), Everet Desjardine trundled 689 (-305) and Leo Des­ jardine 683 (269). Mess Mates 4, Grease Monkeys 3 Ross Coates with 620 (239) helped the Mess Mates edge the short-handed Grease Monkeys 4- 3—-118'5-1149, 1134-969 and 1,- 063-1207. Ralph Honsberger had 62-6 (256) for the Monkeys. Strikes 5, Huskers 2 The Strikes'* trimmed the Husk­ ers 5-2 in some close games— 1084-1160, 113-6-1043 and 10'97- 1047. Doug Hughson continued his steady bowling for the win­ ners with 667 (237). Dick Bill the loss, and Sto- McKnight & Walper’s is jam-packed with the most complete selection of men’s and boys' apparel any store ever had the pleasure of showing! Choose from our beautiful array of . . . sport shirts , . . slacks . . . sport coats . . . jackets . . . suits . . . ties . . . hosiery . . . dress shirts . . . sweat- . . hats . . . belts . . . pyjamas . . . robes, and many others. Sur- him Christmas morning with a fine gift from McKnight & Walper. thank you every time he wears it! ers . prise He’ll Use Our Lay-Away Plan A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Gift Until Christmas FREE GIFT-WRAPPING SERVICESpare Parts 7, Spares 0 Despite a . valiant effort by Rend Francois, the short-handed Spares bowed 7-0 to the second- ruhg Spare Parts — 1,120-1,096, 1,247-1,190 and 1,212-1,192. Lee Learn again bowled well this week with 653 (266). As for Rend Francois, his 903 (349) sets» a new record for men’s league triples. McKnight & Walper PHONE 81 PV S!H1 P°3U °1 peoj_| Jno^ uq puejg oI eAeiJ Aeyy noi sxvi assn Picture News from C-I-L COMMENTS said about the has a bowler will receive a “DAVE’S” SIDELINE 9t/l u/ midA Qlji 99$ Oi 01 ©Aen 4 UOQ nox ing Pick any one of these . it s- -z beauties ■ SI THIS YOUNG HOMEMAKER doesn’t need a sales clerk to help her make her selection. Thanks to “Cellophane” she can choose what she wants in the self-service store at her leisure and New Feature A new feature is likely to com­ mence next week. Rene Francois informed us that a case of Coca- Cola will be given to the league bowler with the best 300-game during the week. If there is more than one game of 350 or over in a week, each earns a free case. In addition, each member of each team which with a 300-game free Coke. Old Feature Much could be 7-0 drubbing the Big Six received from the Pinpoppers' on Monday night. We prefer to sum it up with a Card of Thanks: “The Pinpoppers wish to thank the Big Six for kindness received during their stay in Exeter Bowl­ ing Lanes last Monday night, with special thanks to Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home.” Bud’s Big Bid Bud Preszcator had a terrific game last Friday night and, with a bit of luck, it could have been even better. This is how he made his 359: Three strikes, spare, three strikes, spare, two strikes plus 28. left a corner two-pin. Rene Rips Record Ren6 Francois’ 903 pie ripped all past that department. As vWMW-WXv.'.V, ...for the newest in colourful styling... and luxurious driving ease add Hy-Drive He THE WINNER! Attractive “Flite-69” was the only winner in the luggage division of this year’s Design Award, of Merk, sponsored by the National Industrial Design Committee. It is covered with “Fabrilite”, the vinyl plastic supplied by C-I-L to manufacturers of furniture and luggage. This chemical material is easy to clean, waterproof and scuff-resistant. Did you know? A coat of fWo of enamel, instead of paper, to line bureau drawers will nof only im­ prove their appearance but will make them easier to clean. Enamel will also cover up dny roughness in the wood that causes snags in lingerie, hosiery and silk scarves. SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED ‘ MONTREAL tri­ in ............________ _ we know it is the only 900-triple ever bowled in the local lanes in league competition. He was red-hot Saturday after­ noon in London, *too, where he toppled 178, 352 and 306 for a triple of 83 6. And to think the Spares were skunked 7-0 .. . Laurels Department Team of the Week: The Keg­ lers with 3,419 (1,266) without handicap. .Bowler " " ■ - ■ — ■ Francois (349). f Best Averages: Gordie Plyley (Keglers), 243 (12); Rend Fran­ cois (Spares), 242 (21); Bernie McLean (Keglers), 239 (15). Capsule Comment Don Case has been bowlihg aS Smooth as clockwork this Season; he even has a pendulum windup. This week, however, from aw average of a quarter after two, he dropped to 55 minutes after I one! (349) records far as of the Weak: Ren£ (Spares) With 903 •• With Dodge Hy-Drive you just shift into high — and go! You can drive all day without shifting . , . manoeuver through traffic .. . stop for red lights . . . glide off again with a smooth, silent surge of power. You soon forget about gearshift and clutch. There's nothing new to learn — if you wish to back up, or need extra power when driving through snow or mud — just shift in the familiar way. add Full-Power Steering For the ipost effortless parking and steering you will find in any car —try Dodge Full Power Steering. From the moment you start your engine/ hydraulic power* takes over 4/5thS of the steering effort. You can't imagine how easy it is to park — to drive through traffic — to turn corners to control your car on bumpy, rutted roads. You can turn the wheel with one finger — even when your Dodge is standing still. No matter which 1954 Dodge you select, you'll be thrilled and surprised at how much more your dollars have bought. In the Crusader series you'll enjoy the longer, more beautiful styling which distinguishes all 1954 Dodge cars, with smart new interiors and seating comfort, safety and fine vision you expect of a Dodge—all at a price that will please you; The beautiful Regent series brings you styling, fine appointments and comfort .hitherto only available in more costly cars—with, of course, all the many Dodge engineering features which mean so much in driving ease and performance. In the brilliant new Mayfair series you’ll see such style, and experience such luxury, you’ll wonder how any car in the lower-priced field could offer so much. Their interior two-tone beauty of rich, woven fabrics and soft, ivory, leather-grained vinyl, with every appointment designed for your comfort and driving ease, are seldom surpassed by any car at any price. t There’s performance to match this new Dodge style and beauty, no matter which series you Select. There's a more powerful engine . . . the famous Dodge "fhree-wdy- . smoother" ride . . . your choice of Hy-Drive, the simplest form of no-shift driving ;; : and Dodge Full-Power Steering for the ultimate in luxurious driving ease. When one of these beauties is your Dodge you'll drive it with pride. See and drive one to-day at your Dodge-DeSoto dealer's. I tW <L &VLU/tke, DODGE Main Street EXETER, ONT.PHONE 200 EXETER MOTOR SALES