HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 OoD BITS — By B.A. — Same Santa Well, Santa’s doing a nightly broadcast now and he’s peeking, without really showing his face, from local store windows. The hints of his presence have begun a series of sighs throughout local households that will con­ tinue until the trees come down. It makes us wonder if the deal* old legend of St. Nicholas is lost to us these days. He just doesn’t seem to have quite mysterious benevolence Does - he still really young generation in pectancy? Is he just a their natural behaviour? Are we just getting older and more stale than we like to believe? There is no reason, with mo­ dern transporation as it is, why he shouldn’t have two million assistants. It is surprising though that he’d put up with television came­ ras all over his workshop when he has such a schedule to meet. —cumbersome things, they must get in the way terribly! Back Again Again this year, there’s an al­ bino squirrel around the corner. Come fall and colder weather, there has been a white squirrel in the vicinity of Andrew street, south, as long as residents can remember, * * To Invent “Anyone who baby is probably one else awake”, saying goes, and wants to* invent prodder for habitual snorers be doing the world a great vice. ♦ ♦ Page 9 Best Used Car Buys In Town Pin Chatter with the Drop in and have a look at our Used Car Specials for this week! I SPECIALS 1950 Ford Two-Door $1325 Custom, Low Mileage, Like New 1949 Dodge Sedan $1,295 Custom 1941 Plymouth Coach $450 Good Condition Compare These Values Before You Buy A Used Car!! Snell Bros. Ltd. PHONE 100 EXETER Ladies' League By KAY HAY On Thursday, Nov. 10, the Yarn Spinners won five points fro m the Crackerjacks. High scores for the Yarn Spinners were 522 (202) by Agnes Apple­ ton. Doris Taylor bowled 419 (158) for the Crackerjacks. The Happy Gals and Hi-Lights split their games 5-2. Irene Wade was high for the Happy Gals with 67 6 (281). Dot Pfaff’s 544 (245) * - - ■ • The points Brady Dogs, was 621 (241). On Wednesday evening, Wee Hopes beat the Pin pettes 7-0. Terry Heywood bowled 556 (230) for the Wee Hopes. Audrey Fairbairn led the Pin Poppettes with 429 (160). The Skunks skunked the Mer­ ry Maids. Kay Penhale trundled high score 565 (259) for the Skunks. Naida Francois topped ,-tlie Merry Maids with-619 (232). The Nit Wits and Dumb Bun­ nies split points 5-2. Shirley Dixon scored 563 (276) for the Nit Wits. High bowler for the B.u n n i e s was Lois Porterfield with 534. (238). On Thursday evening, the Jolly Jills won five points from the Jolly Six. -Gladys Bierling bowled 501 (187) for the Jills. Dean Frayne’s 422 (154)’ was high for the Jolly Six. The Busy Bees and Frisky Sis­ ters split their points 5-2. Mary Cutting had a high of 544 (232) for the Bees; 474 (19 3) was high for the Frisky bowled by Dot Kauk. STANDINGS Happy Gals ........ .......... Wee Hopes ................... Hot Dogs ....................... Alley Cats ..................... Hi Lights ....................... Yarn Spinners ............. Jolly Jills ....................... Busy Bees ..................... Skunks .............................. Merry Maids ................. Frisky Sisters ............... Pin Poppettes ............... Jolly Six ......................... Nit Wits ......................... Crackerjacks ................. Dumb Bunnies ............. was tops for the Lights. Hot “ from had High Dogs won all seven the Alley Cats. Dot the Cats 617 (246) for score for the Mixed with your own grain National Hog Concentrate makes a “fresh-mix” feed that will add pounds of good bacon pork to your hogs and mean extra profits for you. Why! National is packed with all the essential vita­ mins, minerals and proteins that make for rapid growth and health plus a saving in grain for you. i i Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign. Fia See your NATIONAL Dealer today CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR POUITRY. TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, Properly-Blended FERTILIZER Ailsa Craig Couple Exchange Vows Baskets of pink and white mums formed the setting in Brinsley United Church for the wedding of Eleanor Marion Pic­ kering and Edward Earl Dixon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. G. Turnbull, of Lon­ don. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pickering, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig, and the groqm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Roy Hamilton, of Lucan, aunt of the groom, played the wedding music and Robert Ham­ ilton was soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a floor-length gown of slipper satin and Chantilly lace designed with fitted bodice and lily point sleeves. A coronet headdress of lace held her fingertip veil and she carried a white Bible adorn­ ed with talisman roses and trail­ ing ivy. Miss Marilyn Thompson, Lon­ don, as maid of honor, and Miss Marjorie Lightfoot, Ailsa Craig, cousin of the bride, as brides­ maid, wore identically styled floor-length gowns in apricot and blue nylon net over taffeta re­ spectively, with which they wore matching Headdresses and mitts and carried nosegays of yellow and bronze mums. William Fentoil, AilSd Critig, was groomsman and Keith Con­ nolly, London, Jack Atkinson, of Clandeboye, and Carman Picker­ ing, brother of the bride, were ushers. For the reception at the bTide’s home, her mother received the guests wearing a navy crepe gown with red accessories and corsage of red roses, She was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a grey suit with black accessories and a corsage of pihk roses. For their w o d d i n g trip to Montreal and the U.S.A., bride donned a grey tailored with red accessories and a sage of Ted roses. Upon their return, Mr. Caven Thankofferlng Meeting Mrs. J. B. Fox, Ilensall, spoke to Caven Auxiliary of the W.M.S. on the theme, “Thankfulness.” “A thankoffering is an expres­ sion of our gratitude to God for His many blessings. It is good to give thanks so, the peace of God can rule in our hearts. Some­ times we forget to be thankful and often want more or do not appreciate what we have, es­ pecially the blessings for which we are indebted to our fore­ fathers,” Mrs. Fox emphasized. Mrs. William Sillery presided and Mrs. F. ’Whilsmith was in charge of the devotional period assisted by Mrs. A. Whilsmith, Mrs. H. Strang and Mrs. D. Sin­ clair. A quartette number, “Give As He Has Given” was sung by Mrs. H. Simpson, Mrs. W. Sillery, Mrs. N. Stanlake and Gwen Simpson accompanied by Mrs. Coch­ rane. Centralia Chape) Scene Of Nuptials In a ceremony performed by the Bev. Father Charboneau in the R.C. Chapel at Centralia, Elizabeth Jane Kerr and LAC Joseph Leon Lefebvre exchanged marriage vows — ------’— " ' The wedding by Mrs. Eunice was soloist. The bride is Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kerr, ’Exeter, formerly of Monteville, Northern Ontario, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lefebvre, Ottawa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of nylon net over satin fashioned with bouffant skirt, a bodice of lace over satin with rounded neckline and pearl-trim­ med nylon yoke. The long sleeves tapered to points over her wrists. A sweetheart halo of lace and rhinestones held her fingertip veil of ................ ‘ carried Beauty Miss maid of honor, chose a ballerina­ length gown of turquoise blue nylon net over taffeta and a matching feather hat. She car­ ried a bouquet of Talisman roses. LAC Ted Hurtibise, R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, attended the groom. A buffet luncheon at the home of the rents following the Mrs. Maude Hedden, aunt of the bride, from a table centred with the wedding cake, pink tapers and vases of roses. For their wedding trip to Montreal, the bride traveled in a plum shade crepe dress with lace inserts, matching velvet hat and accessories and fur coat with red rose corsage. Upon their the couple will reside in on November 14. music was played Doolier who also the daughter of 'Results' Adding Machine $39.50 AT THE TIMES-ADVOCATE THE DIRECTOR, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES. W.R I DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA (POSTAGE FREE) PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING HOW A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY CAN BRING ME RETIREMENT INCOME AT LOW COST. I I DATE OF BIRTH * a lady of the $200 more for a new car until a Discovery Drive showed me all thatSisters, the same any more, hold this awed ex­ threat to the Pop- was served bride’s pa- ceremony, of Hensail, poured tea return, Exeter. silk illusion net and she a bouquet of American roses. Katherine Dinney, Exeter, MY NAME IS. (Mr. /Mrs. /Miss) I LIVE AT___ Skinner gave a of the area con- in London, condones the War Memorial * * PLEASE PRINT sleeps like a keeping some- That’s how the anyone who an electronic will ser- * * * * Not Possible It just isn’t possible to chew gum gracefully—and enjoy it. * S’nuff There’s England, who quite use of snuff. In fact, she sniffs snuff herself and she just passed the 100-year mark. Huron Delegate Describes Trip Members of Elimville Institute answered their November roll call with “One step I can make toward world peace.” A donation of $£0 was voted to the Children’s Hospital. Miss Ruth splendid report vention held in London. The program, “Community Ac­ tivities and Public Relations,” was convened by Mrs. Elson Lynn and a reading on “Public Rela­ tions, was given by Mrs. H. Ford. Mrs. Warren Brock took the motto and Mrs. T. Creery gave a report of the district executive meeting at Hensall. * Miss Elaine Hern, the guest speaker, gave' a very interesting talk on her trip to Eastern Can­ ada as a representative of Huron County Girls’ Clubs. During the social hour, Mrs. James Earl and committee were hostesses. Sliipka W.A. Meets The regular meeting W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner. Mrs. Stuart and Milton Sweitzer were in charge of the program. Rev. Parrott was in charge of the pictures which were very much enjoyed. The Christmas meeting will be held at the home Of Mrs. Art Finkbeiner. You're "sitting pretty" behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model. Rich-looking up­ holstery and appointments—roomy, com­ fortable seats with foam rubber cushions. Just turn the ignition key to start the engine and you’re ready to go. You get more power on less gas Here?s all the power and performance you could ever ask for. In Powerglide* models, you get the most powerful engine in Chevrolet’s field — the new 115-h.p. “Blue-Flame.” Gearshift models offer you the new 108-h.p. “Thrift-King” engine. You can see all around You see all the road ahead and see it close in. For you look out and down through a wide, curved, one-piece windshield that sweeps back to narrow corner posts. The panoramic rear window and big windows provide a clear view in all directions. And it's the lowest-priced line Chevrolet offers you about everything you could want. So what’s the point in paying more? You can be ahead in every way With a new Chevrolet! ’Combination Of Powcrclide automatic transmission and 115-h.p. “Blue-Flame” engine optional on "Tsvo-Ten” and Bel Air models at extra cost. C-2553B AGE WHEN ANNUITY TO START. I understand that information given above will be held confidential. .TELEPHONE. the suit coi­ and Mrs. Dixon will live in McGilli­ vray township. I figured on paying about Chevrolet offers I was ahead in every way after this demonstration! A Smoother and a Safer Ride Chevrolet has ample weight to give a good, road-hugging ride. It’s weight that comes from Chevrolet’s extra strength, weight that means extra protection and safety because it’s been utilized in Strengthening body and frame. You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide* A lot finer performance on a lot less gas. Now you’re automatically in “low” range for standing starts and for quick passing in city traffic. Then, automatically again, you slip smoothly into “cruising” range as you pick up speed. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Even Power Steering, if you want if Just like the highest-priced cars, Chevrolet offers you the amazing convenience of Power Steering on all models. You ought to try Power Steering to see how easy driving can be. It’s optional, of course, at extra cost. Discover for yourself why more people buy Chevrolets than any other car 9 - Snell Bros. Limited , CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE — CHfcV TRUCKS | =.................. * I Phone 100 Exeter