HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 8Page 8 There are more than 14,000 eating places in Canada. Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G, Pfaff, Prop PHONE 71-W EXETER THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Wonien Readers of The Tjmes-AdvocRte ■ r Huth Anne McBride and Mari* Carol Fletcher, are the com mi t- lyn penhale, with the president, tee in charge of this project. «' i................................................................... / | Announcing The Opening Of The Smartest Thing You Wear Is Your Hair For Appointment Phone 146 Marjorie Dilkes “Your Hairdresser” 25 Huron St. W. - Ph. 146 FAST RELIEF FOR Missionary In Indies In a letter written upon safe arrival on the island of St. Lucia, B.W.I., Miss Audrey Fink­ beiner of London described her trip to the missionary post to which she was recently appoint­ ed. Leaving from London for Montreal, she boarded a plane there at 4:15 p.m. As the plane rose to a height of 15,000 feet above sea level, Miss Finkbeiner was thrilled with the beauty of the sunset and the appearance on the other side of a full moon. After a stopover in Bermuda, she flew to Barbados where she spent two days. Weather conditions delayed her departure for St, Lucia for seve­ ral hours and the trip was rough. Pouring rain greeted her on her arrival there where other mis­ sionaries and their families were on hand to greet her and pre­ sent her with a lovely bouquet of St. Lucian roses. Miss Finkbenner is helping at the school and has assisted in organizing a Sunday School and an evening gospel service. She asks for continued prayers for the needy island of St. Lucia and for her missionary work there. See Our Four Albums Give your cards that "personal touch” this year! With your name engraved or imprinted, each mes­ sage becomes dis­ tinctively your own . . . conveys your greetings with spe­ cial warmth and sin­ cerity. But . . . time is short! Choose and order your person­ alized cards NOW. The Future Generation LOOK! I’M CRAWLING! — Elva Leone Finkbeiner, eight- month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner, R.R. 2, Crediton, was born in South Huron Hospital March 13, 1953. She has a smile for everyone, especially her brothers, Ralph, Melvin and Jim. —Jack Doerr, Exeter Gram Says: Qh Those Cooking Sales! By MARJORIE STEINER One-Third World Christian, — Auxiliary dent, Mrs. H, J. Snell; recording secretary, Mrs. V. Armstrong; assistant secretary, Mrs. H. Shap- ton; treasurer, Mrs. J, D, Carr; assistant treasurer, Mrs. A. Hun­ kin; corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. Stone; Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs. S, McFalls; Tem­ perance secretary, Mrs. William Cook; Missionary Monthly secre­ tary, Mrs. E. Westcott; literature secretary, Mr. A. Ryckman; mite box secretary, Mrs. S. Jory; As­ sociate Helpers secretary, Mrs. C. Halloran; community friend­ ship secretary, Mrs. O. Cann; supply secretary, Mrs. Edgar Squire; press reporter, Nirs.. J. M. Southcott; assistant press report­ er, Mrs. H. Powe; pianist, Mrs. William Pybus; Baby Band lead­ ers,- Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Ten­ nant; group leaders, Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg, Miss p. Keyes and Mrs. F. King. James Street Mission Circle" Mrs. Bruce Shapton was ‘hos­ tess for the November meeting of James St. Mission Circle. Mrs. Gerald McFalls presided for the business meeting after which Mrs. Lome Ford and Mrs. Garnet Shipman took charge of the study book and program, as­ sisted by Mrs. Howard Holtzman, Mrs. Gerald Glenn and Miss Bessie Johns. Miss May Jones led the de-, votional period. Collect Magazines As a community service, which is part of their program, the girls of the C.G.I.T. of James St. Church are collecting used maga­ zines in good condition for the patients and for the waiting room of South Huron Hospital. Need Missions Miss Olive Shanks of Chatham was the guest speaker at the meeting on Thursday afternoon last of the Afternoon Auxiliary of James St. United Church. Miss Shanks took as hei’ theme a text from Revelations, “On the east, three gates; on the north, three gates, on the south, three gates, and on the west, three gates.” “The gates to the King­ dom of God are wide’ open at all times,” said Miss Shanks. “Only one-third of the population of the world today call t h e m s e 1 v e s Christians," she said. "The other two-thirds are our responsibil­ ity.” She pointed out that some­ times mission work is as essen­ tial in our immediate neighbor­ hood as in far-oof fields. Miss Shanks is the Christian Steward­ ship Secretary of the London Conference Branch and brought greetings from Kent Presbyterjal. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg convened the program assisted by Mrs, D. A. Anderson, who read the Scrip­ ture and by Mrs. Frank Creech, who contributed a pleasing solo. The president, Mrs. Lloyd Tay­ lor, conduced the business session ■and brought worthwhile excerpts from the South Huron sectional meeting held at Kippen recently and the Temperance Federation meeting held at Brucefield. The election of officers, as pre­ sented by the nominating com­ mittee, Mrs. V. Armstrong and Mrs. E. Stone, resulted as. fol­ lows: Honorary president, Mrs, C. W. Down; president, Mrs. Lloyd Tay­ lor; first vice-president, Mrs. H. Powe; second vice-president, Miss Helen Anthony; third vice-presi- Besides our regular boxed line we have four albums of beautiful cards on which can be printed your own verse (ideas included) and name. Sold only in multiples of 50. Order Soon! Exeter Times-Advocate Phone 770 Did you ever go to a cooking sale and see so much delicious food you could hardly make up your mind which kind to buy? The trouble is you can’t take too long to decide, because if you do, someone else will be walking off with the very thing you’ve been eyeing. The ladies f.of Main St. Church had a splendid bazaar last week. We usually are one of the first customers at the food table and we picked up some really good things to eat. Three of the Main St. ladies have given us the re­ cipe they used for their donations to the bazaar along with their permission to use them in column. Will start with a recipe for licious Holiday Delight •' (Mrs. Luella Howey) % cup butter % cup sugar 2 eggs, unbeaten <2 cups pastry flour 4 tsps, baking powder 1 cups raspberry jam % pt. cream Method: Cream butter and gar together. Add eggs, flour and baking powder. Form dough into balls and place in greased muf­ fin pans. Press out around edges of the pan and fill the centre with jam. Bake about 10 min­ utes. Cool and serve with whip­ ped cream. (They're good!) our de- su- t District Representatives Listed Belew Irene Hayter s Modern Beauty Salon Wednesday, November 18 At Grand Bend, Ontario One Block South of the Bridge SPECIALIZING IN HAIR CUTTING AND STYLING (Mrs. Hayter has hail years of experience in, the beauty business, and took courses in Detroit and Toronto) — Tea Mill Be Served Each Afternoon COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED GRAND bendPHONE 178 >'4iliilii*iiiii*miiliiiiiiimi,11111*11111* 11111*11111* ■■iiaitiillliiiiiui.iitiiin tt< tai<iiiiitiiiniiiiiiiii<i>i>>iiiii,iii,i>iiitiiiii>i( Cook & beat BOTTLED Call Us for Installation BETTER HEAT QUICK SERVICE SMALL COST Because it’s faster; cleaner! Fuel whenever you need it! Our gas means fuel savings, too GRAND BEND GRATTON & HOTSON PHONE 156 Mrs. A. E. Holley’s cake which follows, resembles orange cake. She told us it is better made a day or so before it, as it is more enjoyed it. Health (Mrs. A. E. Holley) cups yellow sugar eggs cup butter cups flour cup cup tsp. tsp. tsp. tsp. cup nuts cup chopped’ cup chopped you plan to use ■moist then. We Cake Buy Now For Christmas! "We can’t afford to take chances . that’s why we like Debentures” looked lor an safe, that paid 1? v Ask for 'Cj the folder ?p20 Questions' "When I retired, I investment that was good interest and that could be bought for a short term. I wanted to be sure of one hundred cents on the dollar at maturity. My Huron & Erie five year debentures do all this for me interest 6n my money.” . at Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION , "Older then the Dominion of Canada" : ■’’I Centralia .... Crediton ..... Exeter...... Exeter Hensall....... Zurich ......... Head Office .... Lloyd B. Hodgson ........ . H. K. Eilber ....... Bell & Laughton ............ B. M. Francis ......... F» G. Bortthrort .... X W. Haberer ....... London, Ontario •i. Centralia Bazaar Realizes $200 The WA of Centralia United Church realized over $200 on the very successful bazaar held in the church. As the many visitors entered the auditorium of the church, they were greeted by Mrs. Reg. Hodgson and 'Mrs. Roland Squire and presented with a flower. A splendid program with Mrs. G. G. Burton as chairman, pre­ ceded the bazaar. Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, who, with Mrs. Ken Greb, is co-president of the WA, made the welcoming address. The program was provided by members of organizations from' the district. Mrs. A. E. Holley, of Exeter, played a delightful piano solo as the opening number. Mrs. Jack Dickins, Saintsbury, sang "Smilin’ Thru”. A reading on "Women’s Part in the Work of the Church” was given by Mrs. Shefidan Revington, of Lucan, and Mrs. Ross Love, of Shipka, sang "Why Should He Love Me So?” Rev. W...L Moores, of Thames Road United Church, spoke on the importance Of the WA organ­ ization in their work of the up­ keep of parsonage and church. Thanks was extended to those taking part in the program by Mrs, Ken. Greg who then invited the guests to the bazaar in the church parlors where 'baking, farm produce, fancy work and white elephant booths were well* Patronized. During the afternoon, the fol­ lowing ladles poured tea at hi table attractively set with cut­ work cloth, double candelabra and a bouquet of mums in pastel colors.’ Mrs. Tom Willis, Mfs. Arthur McFalls, Mrs, T. Boyce, Mrs. Andrew Hicks, Baker, Mrs. William G. Burton and Mrs. wl;* Nelson Isaac, Mrs. G. Godbolt. 1% 2 % 2 1 1 1 1 1 % % % % 3 bran (natural) sour milk soda vanilla baking powder salt chopped pecans or wal- dates raisins tbsps. table molasses (if de­ sired) Method: Cream butter and su­ gar. Add well-beaten eggs. Sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with milk to first mixture. Add fruit, nuts and flavoring. Bake in layers at 350° for 25 to 3'0' minutes. Put to­ gether with date filling and frost with orange icing.* * * * Mrs.1 Quance took buns to the sale. They were such a tempting brown with a currant peeking through here and there, that we asked for her recipe and, like the othei* two we had contacted, she was most willing to give it. Buns (Mrs. E. M. Quance) ■Dissolve one teaspoon sugar in one cup lukejwarm water. Add one package yeast and let utes. Scald one cool to blood ___ . milk and yeast mixture. Add: 2 % 2 1 Fleischman’s dry stand for 10 min- cup milk heat then and let combine tbsps. white sugar tsp. salt tbsps. butter cup currants or raisins (less if desired) Add enough Robin Hood floui* to make a stiff dough (about 6 cups). Let rise one hour. Make into buns and place in pan to rise for one hour. Bake at 400° for 30 minutes or until they are well done. Brush tops with corn syrup when you remove them from oven.- How about those Christmas re­ cipes? Grand Bend Girl Weds In Toronto ■In a ceremony performed at Glebe Road United Church, To­ ronto, Miss Marguerite Amelia Cari'iere and Edward Clifford Bell were united in marriage by the Rev. R. Harold Parr. The bride wore a brown crepe suit topped with camels’ hair coat, brown feather hat and an orchid corsage. After a wedding trip to Tally Ho, Muskoka, the couple will make their home at 425 Deloi*- aine Ave., Toronto.The bride is the daughter of the late Rev. F, A. and Mrs, Carriere, former residents of Grand Bend during Rev, Car­ rier's pastorate at the Presbyter­ ian Church. A piece of chkreoal placed in the reffigertitav will absorb odors and keep it sin oiling sweet. Clearance Sale Refrigerators, Home Freezers And Ranges . s 23^0 Discount Save Up To $100! — Two Only — 7.1 CUBIC FOOT KELVINATOR Refrigerators Reg. $329.95 Now $256.00 9.6 CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator Reg. $369.95 Now $284.95 9.6 CUBIC FOOT DELUXE Refrigerator Reg. $429.95 Now $331.95 11 CUBIC FOOT Refrigerator Reg. $429.95 Now $331.95 j" 11 13 17 Home Freezers CU. FT. FREEZER Regular $499.95 NOW ONLY $389.95 CU. FT. FREEZER Regular $559.95 NOW ONLY $431.95 CU. FT. FREEZER Regular $669.95 NOW ONLY $525.95 Electric Ranges LARGE SIZE — NOW ONLY $254.95 Regular $320.50 4 ‘Burners or 3 Burners, Beep-Well Cooker APARTMENT SIZE, NOW ONliY $178.95 Regular $220.75 All New Appliances All Guaranteed CROCKER REFRIGERATION "Service Is Our Business^ri PHONE 59 315 Huron Street West EXETER