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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 6
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 Want-Ads Never Get LazyAnnouncements HELP WANTEDTENDERS WANTEDFOR SALEFOR SALE Evening Service GREY BABY carriage in good condition. Phone 4'84-R .Exeter. 19* Topics From Creditor! By MRS. J. WOODALL LADIES WANTED to have home demonstration of Comfortex. Free gifts, — Box “F", Times-Advocate.12:19:26c The Story In Shipka By MBS. HARRY SHEPPHARD Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon, and -during the evenings throughout the week: G. Arthur GARAGE Mrs. Martha Ratz spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col lette, of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Gaiser visit ed with friends in London over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, of Woodham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sweitzer visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe and family. Mrs. Edna Baker attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of her aunt*and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Mexnoriarri Notice .75 single verse, .25 extra each additional verse, Engagement Notices are .75, for for (( ‘■ijohn Prance, of Exeter. VJillie WATT 0 A-I " V1 p—’ | \o -1 It tl E"- iz xr-!r-..-.7r /Copt. I94« \ NtliOflwuJ* Fc<w<» SjndKlu eel Fletcher Cowlitz Now retired He worked forty odd years To get his house wired. 131 ■SALES AND SERVICE GENERAL WIRING Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgar ten visited at Bothwell on Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer and Sandra. Mr. Mansell Hodgins spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering and Stanley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elm<r Picker ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and Eunice, of Union, spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Swietzer and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank family, of Transvaal. (Intended for last Congratulations to Mrs. L. M. Angus on of a daughter at South Huron Hospital (Patricia Ann). Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratz and' Joan visited with relatives in London recently. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dietrich, of Windsor, visited over the weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Leah Keyes visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and family. Mrs. Lamport spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dun can and Peter, of Stratford. Mr. Albert Gaiser held a very successful sale on Wednesday. Little Miss Joan Ratz enter tained some of her friends at a birthday party on Friday. Levy and week) Mr. and ths birth «}'niiiiiitiiiiii!ni tiini ttHHtiniiiiiritiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiHiliiniiiiiliinfHnniiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiniiiiHHiiiiM ON THE AIR Avoid the rush by having your set INSTALLED NOW! Choose yours from our line of TOP QUALITY RECEIVERS . . . Dumont I General Electric Russell Electric ExeterPhone 109 ^iitii*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'iiiifiiiiiiiiiiitij>iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiHHni'HnHiiiHniiiiHiiiii*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiH^ i5> BIRTHS CLEMENT —Mr. and Mrs. William James Clement, Hepsall, announce the birth of their son, Gary Wil liam Gordon, at South Huron Hospital. November 15, 1953; a brother for Ron, ° FARRISH—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Far- rish, R.R. 1, Exeter, announce th.e birth, of their son, Brent Adams, at South Huron Hospital November 15, 1953.KOELE—Mr. and Mrs. William Koele, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, announce the birth of their daughter, Tine Marion, at South Huron Hos pital, November 16, 1953.MCBRIDE—Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc Bride, Toronto (Georgina ‘‘Joey” Cook), formerly of Hensail, an- . nounce the birth of their son at Wellesley Hospital. Toronto, Thurs day, November 12, 1953, OTIS —Cpl. and Mrs. Howard Otis, Kingston, are happy to announce the birth of another daughter at Kingston General — •• • ember 15, 1953; a Lynn and Terry PARKER—Mr. and ___ ___ ____..ker, R.R. 1, Hensall, announce the birth of their son, Richard William, at South Huron Hospital, November 13, 1953. PRICE—Mr. and Mrs. John Price, of Crediton, announce the birth of their son, Keith Laverne, at South Huron Hospital, November 16. 1953; a brother for Myles and Brian. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnston announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Irene, to LAC Alfred Victor Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Webb, Barrie, Ont, The marriage will take place early in December. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. G, Ezra Faist of Crediton wish to announce the en gagement of their youngest daughter, Pauline Joanne, to PO. Charles' Edward Ness, of MacDonald, Man., son of Mrs. Isabelle Ness and the late Jalmer Ness of Dawson Creek, B.C. The marriage will take place at the Crediton Evangelical United Brethren Church in December. 19* CARDS OF THANKS Freddie Simmons wishes to thank his many friends for their kind re membrances while a patient in the War Memorial Children's Hospital. London. 19* Clayton Prouty wishes to express his heart-felt thanks to all his • friends who so kindly remembered him while a patient in Victoria Hos pital. 19* The family .’of the late Mrs. William Mitchell wish to express their sin cere thanks to all those who sent cards and floral tributes, to Ruth Durand for the lovely solo, to Rev. Kendrick, Dr. Milner and the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home. 19* IN MEMORIAM EVELAND — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William John Eveland, who passed away four years ago, November 2Q, 1949. Asleep in God’s beautiful garden, Free from al! sorrow and pain; And when our life's journey is ended We know we shall meet him again. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 19c REID—In loving memory of a dear dad. Patrick Reid, who passed away one year ago, November 22, 1952.Past all pain and sorrow; Done with sickness now;Those dear eyes are closed forever, Peaceful is thy brow.A loving father, how we miss him None but aching hearts can tell; We have Jost him, heaven has Jesus —Sadly ence. REID—Tn loving memory of a ___ grandpa, Patrick Reid, who passed away one year ago on November 22, 1952. So many things have happened Since you were called away, Things you would have enjoyed Had you been left to stay. So many things to share with you In just the usual way, Things that could be so much nicer If you -were here today. —Lovingly remembered by Norman Peter and John Edward Prance. 19* REID—In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Patrick Reid, who passed away one year ago, November 22, 1952. Since you have gone first, and I remainTo walk the road alone, I live in memory's garden, dear, With happy days we have known. I hear your voice, I see your smile, Though blindly I may grope The memories of your helping hand Still buoys me on with hope. We’ve known so much happiness; We had our cups of joy; And memory is one gift of God That death cannot destroy.Since ----'“ ~ — . One Walk Hospital on Nov- sister for Laurie, Mrs. George Par- him— doeth all things well. missed by Elsie and 19* found Claris* dear W.A. And Elect- Officers Election of officers was con ducted on Thursday when W.M.S. and W.A. of the United Church held, their meeting. Following the worship perio-d led by Mrs. H. Lightfoot, Mrs. W. Mack con ducted a short W.M.S. meeting. Mrs. N, Lamport reviewed the study book and Mrs. G. Hill re ported on the convention. Mrs. E. Lamport presided for W.A. business. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting ral new projects were for the coming year, member was w^somed. were Mrs. J. Mawhii. Garnet Hill and Mrs. A. Pfaff. Rev. W- Parrott presided for the election, resulting as follows; For W.M.S.: president, Mrs. W. Mack; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. Hill, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. E. Lawson; treasurer; Mrs. A. Baker; recording secretary, Mrs. A. Kestle, assistant, Mrs. R. Reid, Reid. Secretaries: Christian Steward ship, Mrs. H. Lightfoot; commun ity friendship, Mrs. W. Parrott; supply and reserve fund, Mrs. E. Lamport; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Garfield Hill; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. E. Lamport; lite rature secretary, Mrs. S. King; press secretary, Mrs. J. Woodall; Baby Band superintendents, Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. R. Metz; pianists, Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. E. Lawson; auditors, Mrs. S. King, Mrs. R. Reid. Officers for W.A.: president, Mrs. N. Lamport; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. Zwicker, Mrs. R. Motz, Mrs. E. Neil; treasurer, Mrs. S. King; secretary, Mrs. J. Gallo way, assistant, Mrs. H. Lightfoot; press secretary, Mrs. J. Woodall; The bazaar and tea sponsored by the W.A. members of the United Church on Saturday was very successful. Guests were re ceived by the president, Mrs. E. Lamport. Pouring tea were Mrs. W. Parrott and Mrs. F. W. Clark. The several booths were well- patronized and receipts amounted to well over $20'0. Family Night was enjoyed by Women’s Institute members and their families Friday night in th© Community Centre. Follow ing a pot luck supper, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, of Exeter, entertained with an account of their trip to Europe. A very vivid and interesting talk by Mrs. Cochrane was thoroughly enjoy ed, as were the pictures and ex planations by Mr. Cochrane. Personal Items Mrs. Wellington Haist, Miss Bernice Haist, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. A. Passmore, Mrs. L. Lis- toen and Mrs. Frederick Haist attended a trousseau tea given by Mrs. B. Willert in London on Thursday in honor of her daugh ter, Shirley Willert, whose mar riage to Robert Sexby took place in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist attended the wedding. Mr. Arthur Amy, Mrs. E. M. Fahner, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz attended graduation exercises in Convoca tion Hall, . Toronto, on Friday evening. Mr. John McKay, son-in- law of Mr. Amy, graduated in pharmacy. Mr. Calvin Fa! several years has with Imperial Oil has resignfed his and is attending College. Mr. and Mrs. LARGE STORAGE cupboard, 10 feet long by 4 feet high by 16 inches wide- A fine cupboard if you have room for it. Phone 226, 19* CHILD'S WINTER edat, turquoise, size 10; also Black Watch plaid skirt, size 6x. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 19c Give A Mirror Christmas w- Present the family with a beautiful mirror for the home. Hopper-Hockey’s selection for Christmas has just ar rived! New beautiful shapes and patterns. Lay away one now! H opper-H ockey Furniture PHONE $9 EXETER you’ve gone first and I remain, thing I would have you do— slowly down that long, long path, I will follow you.For —Lovingly remembered by -wife and family. 19c WALPER—In loving memory of Car line Walper, who passed away six years ago, November 21, 19-17. A precious one from us has gone; A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. And when at last the death stroke came— So swift, so sure, so true— The hearts that held her here so fast Were almost broken too. —In loving remembrance of family, John, Linda, Theodore. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mrs. T. Waugh, Dr. and Mrs. Beattie and family, of London, and Linda and Catherine Thacker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Mrs. spent James Mrs. Jimmy James Mr. W. B. Young, St. Marys the. weekend with Mossey. Wes Mossey, Robert spent Sunday Mossey. and Mrs. Ed. Carlingford; Mr. and Mills, of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Mills. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins and Mrs. Gordon Jones spoilt the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Joe Lindsay, of Holly, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Veryl and Jeanette spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Facey, of Welburn. Mrs. Lawrence Copeland. Woodham, spent- the weekend with Mrs. and Mrs. Smith, of Mrs. Carl of and seve- suggested A new Hostesses aiyhinney, Mrs. irner, who for been employed Co., of Sarnia, position there, Toronto Bible ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR, $65, also 2-bumer stove, with oven, good as new, $15, Phone 245-J Exeter. ’ 19* ’51 DESOTO, $50; QUEBEC heater, $5; Servel frig, 7 years, 9 mos. guar antee on it; chrome table and chairs, grey and red; colony house, 10x14; large range shelter; garden tractor. Planet Jr., with attachments; bird cage, $1.50. Phone 404-J Exeter, eve nings 6 to 10 p.m. 19:26* LADY'S SUIT: coat, 2 dresses and 2 formals. Size 12 and 14. Phone 473-W Exeter. 19* 1 WHITE PORCELAIN top table, 27" x 48", in good condition. White low cupboard, t.7 ' Phone 169-J. two drawers and shelves.19c GIRL’S WINTER coat, size 12, heather color, mohair and wool, quilted lining, like new. Man’s black winter overcoat, size 38, good condition, reasonable. Phone 206-M. 19c Allen Lochart and son Roy, of Humber Summit, visited over the. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quehl, of Kitchener; Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. C. Schnei der and son, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young. Mr. and Sunday in Mr. and son John, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent of Detroit spent Sunday Mrs. Samuel Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. William richer are spending a few this week in London and Toron to. Miss Harriet Bowen, who has been ill at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Charles Green, was taken to South Huron Hospital on Monday for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maynard of Unionville visited recently with Mr. H. K. Eilber. Mr. George Colter of Barrie spent a few days here and accom panied by Mrs. Colter, visited with relatives in Sarnia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Colter and family spent Sunday in Gode rich. Correction in last week’s news The T-A reported Mr. Mrs. Daniel visited with Wein. "Mrs. have been "Mr Mrs. Lloyd Hey spent Zurich. Mrs. Austin Hey and of Detroit, visited on with Oest- days Robert Wein and Osterhout, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. Osterhout should K. Hooper. Hooper spent a few Royal Winter Fair SCOTCH COLLIE pups, sable and white or tri-colored. Ross Love, 165- r-12 Dashwood, 19c GOOD ’38 PLYMOUTH COACH—Sun visor, heater, good mechanically. Don Jory, 242 Exeter evenings. 19* WRECKING TWO CARS—’37 and ’38 Chevrolets. Everything must go. Ap< ply W. J. Dickey, second concession of Biddulph._____________________19* CANARIES FOR SALE — Beautiful singers. Make a nice present for Xmas. Come and see them. — Silas Stanlake. 19* USED WASHERS—From $25 to $65. Good buys. Ron Westman’s Sports & Auto Supply,____________________19c QUEBEC STOVE, large size, in good condition, Phone 25-r-12 Kirkton. 19* APPLIANCES—Electric refrigerators, stoves, freezers at 23% discount! — Crocker Refrigerator, see ad page ?. 19c WOMAN’S GREY suit, size 42, brand new; woman's winter coat, size 42, worn one winter, Apply to Times- Advocate, ___13c THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL have a special offer of 30 months for $7,00 or 20 months for $4.60'. Good until November 30. Renew now at The Times-Advocate.____29:5:12:19t-a HARDWOOD and SOFTWOOD. 3-ft., $12 per cord deliver in truck loads. Apply Scott's Elevator, Lucan.29:5:12:19c THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches terfield suite, $56; also tapestry chester-bed, $45. Phone 650-r-l Exeter;__________________________5jl2* FROM NOVEMBER 20—Hand knitted baby sets, socks, mitts, hand trimmed luncheon sets, guest and tea towels, handkerchiefs, pillow cases, etc., suitable for gifts. Some orders taken for later. —Apply 122 Huron Street.5:12:19c POTATOES, ONIONS And cabbages. Apply C. Stokkermans,. Klondyke Rd,, Grand Bend._______________12:19:26* XMAS PUPPIES—Give a child a gift that keeps on. giving all year ’round. Give him a loyal, playful little Dach shund—the”only love money can buy. Specially reduced prices on lovely black and tan litter. Drop in and re serve yours today. AUSABLE VALLEY DACHSHUND, REGISTERED. Phone 52S-M. ll-12tfc RECONDITIONED BICYCLES AND GOOD USED SKATES. Reasonable prices. —Ron Westman’s Sports and Auto Supply, phone 211 Exeter. 12:19c CAST-IRON FURNACE, "Happy Thought", in good condition, com plete. Apply Harold Butler Jr., tele- phone 108-W Lucan.__________12:19* 7 GOOD HEREFORD stockers weigh ing 900 lb. or over. Apply Earl Ratz, R.R. 2, Dashwood, Ont._______12:19c LAUNDRY STOVE, oil stove, 9-inch toilet set and six kitchen chairs. Ap- ply Archie Ryckman, Exeter. 12:19* 19 VACCINATED HEREFORD hei fers in calf; registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; 400-gallon steel tank on rubber, suitable for drawing water or gas; Fairbanks hammermill with 75- ft. of belt. Leonard Dietrich, phone 31-r-G Dashwood.____ _________12:19* A medicine chest in itself is NAME LESS Cold Remedy. A quick pleasant relief for Headaches, Sinus and Hay fever. Get a jar today at Brownings, Sanders, J. H. Jones and McFalls Grocery.______________________12:19c PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMACAPS. Recommended by thou sands of thankful users. Ask your Druggist. 9-24:10-22:ll-19:12-17:l-14c WEAKER PIGS; also purebred Eng lish York boars, serviceable age, Apply Allen Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. ’ __19* 1941 CHEVROLET in excellent condition. Motor, transmission overhauled. Any trial. Phone 228-M Exeter. 19c EXTRA GOOD black Persian lamb coat, size 38-40. May 'be seen at Brady Cleaners. ll-19tTc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE while they last 2, 3, and 4 week old Standard Quality Canadian Approved chicks all popular heavy breeds. 2 week old non-sexed $23.95, pullets '$24.95, cockerels $24.95. 3 week old add five cents per chick,4 week old add 10' cents, Money Mak er Quality add one cent, Extra Profit add 2 cents, Special Mating add 3 cents. Assorted breeds deduct one cent, per chick, Also day old heavy breed pullets as low as $15,95 her hundred; non-sexed $16.45. Rhode Island Red cockerels $8.95. — Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,* Fergus, Ontario. 12:19c with Mrs. M. Mr. M. E, days at the in Toronto. Mi’, and Mrs. Murray Thom son, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ffed Thom son. Social Evening The monthly social evening was held Monday night at Metro politan School with a good at tendance. The eveningjwas spent in progressive euchre, nlhg prizes were? Thomson, Mrs. Frank Cooke, Andrew ilea, hell and Jack 'McFhail. Mr. Harvey Parklnsen.is spending this week in London will his daughter, Mrs. Ken Hill. HAVE YOU THE Bray pricelist) Some broiler cockerels available for December delivery and started chicks. Ask about these. Get pullets now for good summer egg markets. Eric Cars- oadden, Exeter Phone 246-.T. 19c TURKEYS, hens and toms; GEESE, ducks and chickens, —-Phone Exeter 640-W. 19c EMPLOYMENT WANTED Thofce Wih- Mrs. Fred Hern, Miss Jack Duh- FARMERS! — Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam ilies. Write Henry Nyhuis, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-3l.« 19:26:3c. TEEN-AGE GIRL would like house work; very fond of children. Apply Box.."U", Times-Advocate. „ 19* MAN'S GABARDINE suit, size 37- 38; blue; lady’s blue topcoat, size 14, like new. Apply at Brady Cleaners. 19c WANTED 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT or house urgently required. Please ‘tvrite Box "R", Exeter Times-Advocate. 19* WANTED TO PURCHASE—100-acre farm, good buildings, close to Exeter. Apply Box 251, Exeter. 19:26* STOREY AND a half three-bedroom house. New bath. Lawrence Rumple, Hensall, ll-19tfc ABOUT 40 HEAD of cattle to feed, ensilage, hay and straw for the winter. W, Morley, Exeter, 19* WANTED AT ONCE—Applewood for fireplace, IS" to 20" long. Limbs ok. Phone 376 Exeter.' 19c 100 HORSES—Bush, fox, mink, fer tilizer or road horses, Frank Taylor, phone 138 Exeter. ll-19tfc CATTLE FOR FEEDING—Hay, ensilage, straw, turnips. Phone 21-r-5 Kirkton, A. J. Pearce. 19* CATTLE FOR WINTER feeding; also Farmall "A" tractor for sale. Apply Raymond Kading, phone 35-r-5 Grand Bend. 19’ FOR RENT MODERN 3-ROOM unfurnished lower apartment, well heated, utilities paid. Good home for widow or one or two business people. Apply 29 Huron St., phone 15 Exeter. 12c TWO APARTMENTS in Exeter. Ap ply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100 or 197 Zurich. ll-12tfc FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. —Beavers Hard ware, Exeter. tfc UNFURNISHED 3-BEDROOM house. Oil heated. Garage. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-22tfc SMALL APARTMENT—Three rooms with bath, heavy wiring, modern, in sulated, private. Apply Beaupre Store, North Exeter, phone 301, 19c FOUR LOWER rooms in farm house, fbr four months, close to Exeter. Ap ply at 536 Andrew Street. 19* SMALL FURNISHED cottage, ideal for young couple starting up. Running kot and cold water in laundry. Apply Mrs. Ken Hodgins, phone 880- j-3 Centralia. 19c APARTMENT TO RENT—Four rooms and bath, private entrance, all furnished. ready for occupation. —Phone 219-M, Carling Street, Silas Stanlake. 19* REAL ESTATE..... 4- APPROXIMATELY 40 ACRES of good clay loam on junction of Highways 83 and 21. Good business property. Apply Times-Advocate. 12:19c OWNER MOVED, new, ultra modern rug brick, one floor, 5-rd'om house. Oil heated, air-conditioned. Apply 911 Andrew Street, phone 505 Exeter.ll-12tfc 100 ACRES STEPHEN pasture land, partly tillable, pond water supply. Bargain price. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons. Salesman. 10-29tfc WE ARE OFFERING one of Exeter's finest residences. This modern three- bedroom home is particularly well ^finished inside and out. You will be pleased with every room. If you are considering buying or building, let us show you this fine property. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter.10-29tfc HIGHWAY 150 ACRES extra well situated. Small house, large barn, silo, driveshed, henhouse, electricity. Early possession, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman., 10-15tfc $5,000.00 WILL PURCHASE 2-apart- ment home. Well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Both apartments are rent ed, giving income of $75 per month. —C. V.. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 10-15tfc $4,000.00 FOR 3-BEDROOM HOME— Usual living rooms. Full basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and town water. This home is nicely painted and in good repair. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-15tfc 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure With never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer’s convenience. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.10-15tfc IN EXETER, 2-bedroom brick cot tage. Bright iving rooms. Hydro, 3- piece bath, full basement and garage. Price $4,500.00. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 10-ltfc ACREAGES—We have several small er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house and other buildings, hydro and good water supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.9-24tfc EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brick house, hot air oil furnace, flush tbi-. lot. Quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 9-17tfc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 6-JStfc HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loam, L-shape bank barn, stabling has conveniences for horses, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. Concrete silo. Henhouse, driveshed. Good 2-stOrey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold Water, attached garage. Possession fall or spring. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 9-17tfc FOR SALE — Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos session. *— C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-10t£c COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, large garden, Dashwood. Early pos- session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman......... 8-13tfc GOOD 2-STOREY brick house in Cromarty has ml conveniences, a barn and small acreage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, . 9-17tfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good conditicp, conveniences, garage, cabins well rented. W. C. Pearce, Real tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. S-I3tfo RE TOILET SYSTEM Tenders are called for by the Board of Trustees of the Hay Township School Area for the complete installation of a toilet system in b.S. No. 12 school, located on Concession 15, Lot 1-8, Hay Township: to include two porcelain flush toilets and stack, one porcelain wash 'basin with efficient drinking fawcett, two toilet paper hangers and all necessary plumbing to connect to pump. Septic tank will be installed separately by the Board, The job requires thorough installation to prevent any injury from frost, sufficient non-corode pipe and weep ing- tile to conform with Huron Coun ty Health Unit regulations-. All ma terial to be -standard and work to comply with Health Unit regulations. F. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary-Treasurer, Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ontario. RE PRESSURE SYSTEM Tenders are called for by the Board of Trustees of the Hay Township School Awja for the installation'of a deep well pressure system at S.S, No. 12 school, located on Concession 15, Lot 18, Hay Township. Type of pump to be for a large pipe within the casing or other jerk rods. Pres sure tank to be 60 gallons. Tenders submitted are to give full explana tion, price and soforth of pump to be installed. Last date for tenders, November 30, 1953. F. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary-Treasurer, Hay Township School Area. NOTICES 19c NOTICE —The syllabus for the 1954 South Huron Music Festival is now ready for distribution. Copies may be obtained at Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter, or Clayton Pfile Store, Dashwood, 19c NOTICE—A public meeting in the interests of the recently conducted soil survey will be held in the Township Hall in Zurich on Monday, November 23, at 8:30 p.m. The Agric. Rep. and a special speaker from the O.A.C. at Guelph will be in attendance. Please plan to attend this important meet ing;_______________________ 19c - VOTERS’ LTSTS 1953 - CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Vot ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Zurich, Ontario, on the 3rd day of November, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 24th day of Nov ember, 1953.Dated at Zurich, Ont., this 3rd day of November, 1953. « H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Township of Hay. 12:19c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of 1’ Township of Stephen will be held tiie TOWN HALL, CREDITON on •MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiv ing nominations for Reeve, Deputy- Reeve, Councilmen, and also for Trustees of the Township School Area comprising Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and Union 8, 12, 14 and 16,, two to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be ad journed until MONDAY, -DECEMBER 14, 1953 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 6 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz:Poll 1: Polling Booth in Library Rooms, Lot 205, Con. 1; D.R.O., Gor don Wilson; Poll Clerk, Ralph Gates. " " "■ Frank Triebner’s Kitchen, Con. 2; Preston Dearing; 3: Wenzel’s Barber Shop, Cre- William Oestreicher; Garnet 4:vTown Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; Balter; Russell Finkbeiner. the in Poll 2: Lot 21, ____ Frank Triebner. Poll ’ diton; Hill. Poll Alvin ____. ______ _________ Poll 5: O’Rourke’S Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 12; Gerald O'Rourke; Joe.Regier.Poll 6: Club Rooms, Lot 24, Con. N.B.; Otto Willert; Chester Gaiser. Poll 7: Sweitzer’s Kitchen, Lot 10, Con. 17; Elmer Pickering; Ross Love. Poll 8: Pollock’s Store, Lot 40. Con. S.B.; Mansell Hodgins: Wm. Hicks. Poll 9: William Desjai'dine, Lot 4, Con. A.; Colin Love; Irvin Bestarcl.And all electors arc hereby re quested to govern themselves accord- nSlyFREEMAN W. MORLOCK, ' Returning Officer 16:22c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of MRS. SUSANNA DAVEY, a Married Woman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Susanna Davey, late of the Village of Centralia, in the County of Huron, a Married 'Wo man, deceased, who died on or about the 26th of July, 1948, are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned Executors on or be fore the 28th of November, 1953, after which date the Executors of the estate will distribute the same having regard only for those claims of which notice has beep received. Dated this 9th day of November, 1953.MISS FLOSSIE DAVEY, Centralia, Ontario. LOUIS DAVEY, R.R. 1, Exeter, Ontario. (Executors) 12:19c In the Estate ofJOSIAH KESTLE, deceased. persons having claimsAll _____ ..... _____ the estate of Josiah Kestle, the Town of Exeter, in ihe v.L>uin,y of Huron, who died On or about the 1st of October, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Boil & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, On tario, by the 21st of November next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received.BELL'-& LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 5:12:19c in the against late of County MIDDLE AGED lady desires position as housekeeper, to take full charge of home for elderly couple; or one adult, or would act as nurse-companion to a convalescent or invalid. Write Box "K”, Times-Advocate, 19* WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year ’ homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, ___i Parsons, Salesmen, 5-28tfc round! I Tn the Estate of Albert Hendrick deceased.Ail persons having claims against the estate of Albert Hendrick, late of the Town of EXeter, in the Coun ty of -Huron, who tiled on or about the 3rd day Of November, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 5th day of December next, after which date the estate will be distributed having re gard only to those claims of which notice has *1100)1 received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, EXeter, Ontario, I9:26:3c ORGANIST—For Church of St.-John- By-The-Lake, Grand Bend. One serv ice Per Sunday. Salary $10.00 per month. Apply to Rev. Houghton, the Rectory, Grand Bend._________19:26c WOMAN TO HELP in laundry. Ap ply South Huron Hospital, phone 700. 19c STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ’STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-5tfc I AM TN THE MARKET for al) kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — l-rompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc MISCELLANEOUS BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto.______12:19* PAINTING AND PAPERING Estimates Given L, E. Johnston — Phone 183 Exeter 19:26:3c BE SURE TO SPRAY your cattle for lice this fall at 15c per head each spray. The cattle should ’ sprayed twice in an interval of weeks. This kills the living lice also the eggs if they hatch out you can expect to be free from __ all winter. L, V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter.______________________ll-5tfc WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19.8-10tfc be two> and and lice For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job- bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and have it cleaned the. Frtench Cleaners, way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings._____10-30tfc SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED, immediate service. Give your local man a call. Phone 108-W Lucan. 12:19:26:3* AUCTION SALES MERCHANDISE Auction sale Under instructions received by Louis Thiel, sale of merchandise to be held in the ZURICH TOWN HALL onSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp. Men's and boys' clothing including dress and work clothes, large selec tion of jackets, sweaters, men’s and boys’ underwear, pyjamas, shirts, smocks, overalls, boys' suits, boys' and men’s ties, socks, leather belts, children’s wear, snow suits, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash.LOUIS THIEL, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 12:19c Clearing REAL ESTATE AUCTION On the premises, PART OF LOT 21, STEPHEN TWP.* in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer is in structed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 at 2:30 p.m. sharp. DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE, con sists of Part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp., one acre of land on which is situated a well built, newly remodelled 2- storey insul-brick home with modern conveniences, full basement, never- failing well, best of garden land; property in very suitable location. Convince yourself by inspecting this property before day of sale. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. DENNIS CORRIVEAU, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 5:12:19c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF CENTRALIA Opposite United Church undersigned auctioneer is in-The ..... „___ _______________structed to sell by public auction onTUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m. the following: Dining room table; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; 5 cane-bottom chairs, antique style; chest of drawers; 2 small tables; 2 leather rockers; leather couch; buffet; small oak table; daybed; glass cupboard; various small tables; rug, 9x12; tapestry rug, 7x9; 2 steel beds, complete with springs and mattress; dressers; commodes, cook stove, like new; Quebec heater; electric range; S-piece dinner set: quantity odd dishes; antique dishes; full line of kitchen utensils; electric- iron; galvanized tub; copper boiler; quilts, pillows, comforters; carpets, mats; quantity of fruit and sealers; lawn mower; linens; 2 lawn mowers; extension ladder; carpenter tools; and' many articles too numerous to mention. No reserve; everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. EDGAR DARLTNG, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19:26c- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 of Clearing AUCTION SALE Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, miles East of Ailsa Craig and % mile North or miles West of Elginflold on NO. 7 HIGHWAY INMc.gtlltvray townshipUndersigned auctioneer is in- 3 6 The ___________________________ Structed to sell by public auction oil' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 commencing at 1:30 o'clock p.m, General Electric deluxe model 4- unit electric range, like new; studio couch, with 2 matching chairs; num erous oak rockers; occasional chair; 2 compete bedoom suite with springs- and mattress, dressers. and commodes; kitchen chairs; glass cup board; wash stands; various centre tables: writing desk; 96-piece dinner sei, complete, beautiful design; large- quantity of odd dishes; antique- dishes; silverware glassware; kitchen utensils; electric toaster; picture and picture frames; curtains, drapes; large quantity of bedding, quilts, comforters; mats; 8 bunches of shin gles; wheelbarrow; garden and car- . penter tools; and many articles too numerous to mention.Sale to he held in United Church shed. No reserve; everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash.MISS FLOSSIE DAVEY, LOUIS DAVEY, EXEUCTORS for the estate of the late SUSANNA DAVEY GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 19:26c-