HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-19, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 Miss Bernice Jin&s, nurse-in­training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Manley Jinks. BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Bzckache is often caused by lazy kidney •ction. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. . Then backache, disturbed rest .oir that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That’s the time to take Dodd s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better-sleep better—work better. Get Dodd’s Kidney Pills now, 5 j Kippen Captures Team Shoot Cup More than 7 5 trap shooters from clubs at Kippen, Goderich, Woodstock St. Thomas and Lon­ don attended the formal opening of the new Clinton Gun Club shoot held, at the Huron Fish and Game clubhouse, Clinton. Winner of the team competi­ tion! for the large trophy supplied by the Fish and Game Club as an annual award was a Kippen team with a score a .possible 125. Wes Venner, of the Massey Harris ed by Roy McLeod, Clinton, for the individual high score with 24 points out of a possible 25. of 1’12 out of Hensall, won trophy donat- GOOD *50 DODGE SEDAN, black, new tires, better than new. ’49 MERC-URY SEDAN, new motor, black, excellent con­ dition. Pack $620 Bale A bale of new and used cloth­ ing valued at ?620 was packed on Monday afternoon in the United Church Sunday School rooms for overseas relief, by the Women’s Missionary Society. In charge of the packing were Mrs. Lorne Eiler, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs. W. R, Dougall, Mrs. Albert Alexander, Mrs. William, For­ rest, Mrs. E. Geiger. ’46 MERCURY SEDAN, black -better than average. AUSTIN SEDAN50 *41 CHEV COACH Several Cheaper Cars - SPECIAL ’51 ’53 %-Ton Mercury CHEV PICKUP, in lovely condition. *51 DODGE PICKUP, in good condition, new tires $795, Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary convened for their November Monday evening in the school­ room of the United a large attendance. Chapman presided and Mrs. Hugh McEwan conducted the devotional period. Mrs. Kenneth Elder dis­ cussed the study on “Mission Work’’. The group voted .?10 to the cost of shipping the bale of clothing being sent by the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society for European local Girl invitation a plastic home of Monday evening, November 16, wih proceeds to be donated to the Baby Band. meeting on Church with Mrs. Lorne Relief and $5 to the Guides Association. An was accepted to attend demonstration at the Mrs. Clarence Smillie South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Thirty members of the Evening Auxiliary and Women’s Mission­ ary Society of the United Church attended a plastic demonstration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie Monday evening. PROCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By- Law No. 12, passed October 5, 1953, under authority of Chap­ ter 260, Section 76, Of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH, ONTARIO on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1953 , The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive nominations for one Reeve, one Deputy- Reeve, and three Councillors for the year 1954; also for Hay Township School Area Trustees for the years 1954 and 1955. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evi­ dence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the electors will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, at 2 p.m. on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1953 to hear proposed candidates, and in case more than the re­ quired number of candidates to fill the office are nominated, and a vote demanded, a poll will be held on MONDAY, DECEAIBER 7, 1953 5 p.m. at the following placesfrom 9 a.m. until 6. 7. 8. House No. 14 Town Hall Town Hall House No. 12 Poll Polling Place 1. School House No. sr 2. School 3. Zurich 4. Zurich 5. School Earl Guenthei’ Block School House No. 3 Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont., November 9, 1953. D.R.O. Percy Campbell Hugh McEwen Leroy O’Brien Albert Hess Hilton Truemner Reinhold Miller Jas. McAllister Fred Ducharme H. W. Poll Cleric Lorne Chapman Ed McBride Gordon Surerus Lorne Klopp Ed J. Stire Sidney Baker Garnet Jacobe Ed Corriveau . BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer ■ mini ttiiiiu i ttiuiinuu in, mi ii*iii,iiH,ii,tn,itutii*iii,i*H,ti*iii*i*itiiitinntiti,i*uiu*i mi iiiuhimi****'*’ Hi-Quality Floors ENTIRE BUILDINGS or SINGLE ROOMS LINOLEUM PLASTIC RUBBER TILE OR YARDAGE A Hensall And District News Revere Fallen At Service Remembrance Day was observ­ ed in Hensall with a full holiday proclaimed. Members of the Legion, Ladies Auxiliary to the Legioix and Girl Guides marched to the cenotaplf headed by the Bannockburxx Pipe Band from Varna, where a short service was held with Rev. W. J. Rogers in charge. Wreaths were placed for the Province of Ontario by Mrs. R. Taylor, Si’-.; Village of Hensall, Reeve A. W. Kerslake; Township of Hay, Earl Campbell; Township of Tucker­ smith, Ivan Forsythe; Legion, Don Dayman; Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Ilene Rannie. A service followed in the town hall at 11 a.m. F/L Larry Mould, RCAF Centralia, delivered the address. The ladies choii’ under direction of J. L. Nicol, ACCO, sang a number. Last post and Reveille were sounded by Comrade Fred Beer, Ed. Little, W. O. Goodwin, A. E. Clark, Dr. D. McKelvie and Sam was Color Dave Kippen Gun Club At the weekend shoot at Kip- p’eix, Hedley Prouse, of was high with 47 out of was a small attendance many of the members north, Following are the scores: Sixteen yards, H. Prouse, of Goderich, 23-24; William Lum­ by, Goderich, 22-19; Norm. Har- burn, Staffa, 18-17; E. Kipfer, Exeter, 20-15; L. Venner, Hen­ sail, 21*^21; A. Gilbert, Goderich, 23-22; Dr. J. Jarrett, London, 1S-18; Mrs. sFrank Squires, of Stratford, 12-14; Frank Squires, Stratford, 16-15; A. Burt, Strat­ ford, 12; William Kyle, Kippen, 23. Doubles, shot at 24: William Lumby, 14; L. Venner, 15; A. Gilbert, 16; N* Harburn, 15; H. Prouse, 12. Next shoot, November 29. Goderich, 5>0. There owing to being up Mrs. John Anderson visited re­ cently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rumball, in Clinton. Women's Institute Entertains Men A delightful time was spent in the Legion rooms Wednesday night, November 11 when the monthly meeting of the Hensall Women’s Institute was held. Mrs. G. Al. Drysdale extended words of welcome to the guests of honor, the men, and All’s, G. Arm­ strong presided. Mrs. W, O. Goodwin, one of the delegates attending the Lon­ don Area Convention, gave an interesting account of the evening session at which Rev. W. A. Young, chaplain at the O.A-C., Guelph, was guest speaker. Mrs. R. H- Middleton presented an ex­ cellent article dealing with •“Armistice". Mrs, Drysdale and Airs. T. Sherritt as hostesses, were responsible for the attract­ ive decorations, entertainment and Help With Roof Constable ®. R. Davis, who is building a new home on Rich­ mond Street, Souths was worried about getting his new roof finish­ ed with winter coming on, but five residents rallied to his aid and surprised hini yesterday afternoon. They held a bee and finished the roof. The men were: Janies A. Paterson, clerk of the village, Harold Parker, Ed. Miinn* Dave Sangster and Lorne Luker. Miss Tena McDonald, Kippen, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Edwards and Mrs, Daniels. luncheon plans Euchre was play­ ed with prize winners as follows: Mrs. Cleland, Mrs. A. Foster (2); crokinole, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. J, C. Goddard and Mrs. C. Forrest rendered piano duets, Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. G, Hess are in charge of arrangements for the December meeting, Roll call will feature a cash donation to the London War Memorial Children’s Hospital. r Rannie. Parade Marshall Comrade Sydney McArthur, bearers were Comrades Sangster and Roy Smale. Neighbors Aid Farmer Air. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, who recently purchased the farm of Mr. Ed. Allen in Hibbert Township, near Cronxary, have reason to believe that the neigh­ bours in that locality are tops when it comes to co-operation. Mr. Carey, a member of the RCAF, who has been stationed at Vancouver Island and who has received his discharge, lacked implements to work the farm. Eleven men with 11 tractors held a ploughing bee at his farm re­ cently and ploughed 40 of his 130 acres. Mr. Allen, 77, who sold the land, called at the farm to watch the bee. Men in the bee were: Filmer Chappel, Caldei’ McKaig, Frank Bruce, Harvey Dow, Bill Harper, Keith McLaren, Alvin Crawford, Ross Riley, Arnold Westlake, Jim AIcDougall and Art Dick. Airs Carey, assisted by Mrs. Bert Riley, served supper to the men. Peter McNaugh- spent the week- visiting with the Miss Mae Me­ th e latter’s Miss Marilyn Erb spent the weekend with relatives in Toron­ to where she attended the Royal Winter Fair* Mr. W. 0. Soldan and Mis? Loeda Soldan, of Pigeon, MiClU, visited this week with Mrs, Ber­ tha Moir and Mrs. Elsies Case. Xmas Shopping Guide [ You will find a good selection of Christmas gifts at Tudoi's. Check this list, then hurry to Tudor’s! Snuggle<lown Pyjanms and Gowns, Flannelette Pyjamas. and Gowns, Housecoats (Nylon, Chenille, Wool)* Skirts and Blouses, Cardigans .and Pullovers, Wool Slacks, pure Wool BJankcts, Lunch Cloths, Fancy Pillow Cases, Sheet Sets, Towel Sets, Costume Jewellery, Slips and Panties, Holeproof Nylons, Ski Socks for All Ages, Gloves and Mitts, Towels, Kiddies’ Fancy Briefs, Vanity Sets, Baby Blankets, Baby Dresses. BE SURE TO ASK FOR FREE GIFT BOXES! We Have Tickets on the Big Television Draw TUDOR'S | HENSALL Ladies’ Wear ** Dry Goods 11*11************ *,iH******i*il*i ******* 11********************** *'IIII*M****** I*****"*11*" 111"11 a1'"1* PHONE 70 FREE TV SET Plus Many $5 Gift Certificates From Merchants Sponsoring This Monster Hensall Christmas Draw Free Ticket ON THIS DRAW With Every S1.00 Cash Purchase FROM STORES LISTED BELOW T /floor-sanding Specialists \ estimates\ FREE &T FLOORING Sales and Service Linoleum Site and’ Floor-Sanding ■a i Personal Items i Mr. and Mrs. : ton and Robert : end in Toronto, ; former’s sister, ; Naughton, and ; brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and i Mrs. Gordon Vickers, at New- i market. i Mr, and Mrs. Ellis, of Clinton, i were recent visitors with their i son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ; Mrs. Lorne Chapman. : Mr, W. C. Soldan and Miss ; Loeda Soldan, of Pigeon, Mich., i visited last week with Mr. and ! Mrs. W. C. Soldan, Mrs. Soldan, Sr., and Mr. Roy Soldan. Mrs. Tetreau spent the week­ end with relatives at Zurich. Messrs. Harold Parker, How­ ard Lemmon, Sidney MacArthur, William Parke and Thomas Dou­ gall motored to Manitoulin Island on Saturday where they are spending a week deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. John Sangster and babe, of Wingham, were re­ cent visitors with relatives and friends here. F Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould and daughter, of London, visited recently with their pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walk­ er. Mr. ■ Cecil Van Horne, local station agen, is enjojying a two- week vacation. Mrs. Edna Corbett, of Exeter, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Parker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and children, of Marlette, Mich., were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and daugh­ ter. Mrs. James McAllister is -a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mrs. Catherine Hedden was ad­ mitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday. Miss Marlene Hunter, Clinton, sister of Mrs. Howard Smale, was admitted to Clinton Hospital on Thursday night for an emergency appendicitis operation. Mr. Glen McNaughton, of To­ ronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne McNaughton, Cromarty. Mrs. Mc­ Naughton and twin daughters, seven weeks old, who spent the past week at the McNaughton residence, returned home with him to Toronto. Messrs. George Hess, T. J. Sherritt, Hensall; Herb Mous- seau, John Robertson, Leroy O’Brien, Mr. McKinley, Zurich; Di1. J. A. Addison, Clinton; Elzar Mousseau, Kippen, and Jack Wai- per, Woodstock, left last Wednes­ day for a 10-day deer hunting expedition at Manitoulin Island. Mi’s. William Henry was a lucky winner of an automatic Sunbeam Radiant Control Toast­ er in the Monarch Flour October contest. Misses Betty Mickle and Mar­ ion Ifwin, nurses-ih-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. Alf Moffatt, who is a pa­ tient at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, is improving, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bobby and Ahn, were in Toronto Saturday to see the Santa Claus Parade and visit with relatives.V Pay Up Your Old Accounts FREE TICKET ON DRAW FOR EVERY $1.00 PAID ON ACCOUNT ’ Clark & Fuss ELECTRICAL SALES and SERVICE HensallPhone 124 Lavender's GARAGE Repairs to All Trucks and Tractors Phone 23 Hensall Geo. T. Mickle AND SON Beaus - Grain - Feed Elevator at Hensall Phone 1.03 Hensall Cook Bros. MILLING CO. Grain .and Beans Highest Prices Paid At All Times Phone 24 * Hensall T. C. AND SON Men’s and Boys’ Christmas Gifts Phone 62 Hensall Starts Saturday November 21 You Do Not Have To Be Present To Win (Merchants Sponsoring Draw And Their Families Not Eligible For Prizes) Draw Will Be Made December 24 You Can Win This Beautiful 17" Set Shop In Hensall Richardson’s GARAGE B-A Products General Repairs Phone 184 Hensall 5? Friendly Service Shop Early! /•Wonderful Assortment Of Gifts Low Prices Buy At The Stores With Big Yellow Signs! t Children's Christmas Tree Free Treats!Free Movies! Saturday, December 12 Hensall Town Hall SPONSORED BY HENSALL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Twitchell's GARAGE General Repairs Shell Products Phone 135 Hensall v. Middleton's DRUGS Gifts for All From $1.00 to $27.00 Phone 20 Hensall Bronthron's FURNITURE Gifts For The Home Kroehlcr Furniture Phone 15 Hensall NEW COMMERCIAL Hotel Full Course Meals - Rooms Photic 6 Hensall Jim's MACHINE SHOP DuctalOy Plow Points To Fit All Makes Phone 9-W Hou sail L. Oesch Custom-Built Cabinets Mill Work Phono 95 Hensall Traquair's REPAIR SHOP Body and Fender Work General Repairs Rhone 1.915 Hensall Drysdale hardware ltd. TOYS and GIFTS PltOiits 1.1 Hensall Larry's TEXACO STATION TAXI SERVICE Gits and Dll Phone 143 Hensall Rudy's PRODUCE Poultry, Figgs, Feed Phone 190 Hensall imMatinnii Cowan's BAKERY “The Home Of Good Things To Eat” Phone 35 Hensall Tudor's GIFTS FOR THE LADIES Phone 70 Hensall W. Spencer AND SON Lumber and Planing Mill Phono 102-W Hensall Lorne S. Eiler Locker Service - Roe Feeds Blue Coal - White Rose Fuel Oils Phone 10 Hensall Hensall Motors DODGE and DESOTO DODGE TRUCKS Phone 31 Hensall Bob Cook MOTOR SALES Meteor *■ Mercury * Lincoln Phone 178 Hensall Goodwin’s STORE Dry Goods « Men’s Wehr Shoes and Rubbers for All the Family Phone id Hensall GROCETERIA AND MEAT. MARKET “Best in Mcftts” .Rhone 17 Hensnil ! A,