HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-05, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1953 Remembrance Day Service JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, November 11 Service Starts at 10:50 A.M. Mr. Clifford White is confined to his home under the care. Mrs. F. G. Evans of and Mrs. C. R. Marchant ton visited with Rev. and Mrs. William Mair over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fuller of Arkona spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and Mabel. Mr. Clayton Prouty underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital on Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Collingwood is confined to her bed through ill­ ness. doctor's Toronto of Wes- Town Topics—- Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Tjmes-Advocatp is always pleased to publish these items, vVe and our readers ere interested in you and your friends. Tel. 770 The Public Is Invited COMING EVENTS LEGION AND AUXILIARY MEMBERS: Please assemble at the Hall at 10:45 a.m. Dress: Berets and Medals Service at Hurondale Sunday, November 8, at 2:30 p.m. Members assemble at Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. LADIES FREE at the Opening Dante SATURDAY, NOV. 7 Lucan Community Centre MUSIC BY MELODY MAKERS Formerly of Springbank Pavilion, London 9:00-12:00 Gents 750 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dr. Mary Wright Department of Physiology, University of Western Ontario will speak on “A NEW LOOK AT OUR CHILDREN” Home And School Association on Tuesday, November 10 8:15 p.m. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Association meetings are open to the general public —whether members or not. ^ittiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiitHiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniitiiiiiiiniiitiiiuiitiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiintttiiiiS* ynmiimiiiiimiiiiiimniiiimimiHniiinmiiliiiiiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHHimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiHiiiimtiiimmiiniiir/ DANCING «■ Every Saturday Night TO Clarence Petrie And His Nighthawks Admission 750 9 to 12 P.M. Exeter Legion Memorial Hall tin • in itiltittiii litiKf flit itiitiiilii ^mimiiiitiutiiHiiifi»iiifiiinhiHHiHfiimiiiimiiiiHiiiiiitimiitHiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiHnHiinhiiiimifiiiiiiiiiimitniiih s 3 DASHWOOD Baseball Banquet c Thursday, November 12 7:00 p.m. BE V. L. Becker's Showroom c To Honor Ontario Intermediate <4D” Ontario Pee Wee Champions Dashwood Tigerettes Champions, and the 3 3 GUEST SPEAKER Frank Coleman, Toronto Maple Leafs Tlckets Oil Sale Saturday at V. L. Becker’s, Hayter’s Garag’d, Restemayer & Miller Store, Wolfe’s Barber Shop, Dashwood Rlaniflg Mill, Merner’s Butcher Shop Closing Date of Ticket Sale Is Saturday, November 7 BAKE SALE — Sponsored by the Women’s Institute of Elimville, on Saturday, November 14; at Lindenfield’s Hardware at 3 p.m. 29:5* PLAY — “Stranger in the Night” presented by St. Paul’s Anglican Church A.Y.P.A., in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Friday, November 13. Admission 500 and 250. DANCE — New and old time, in Crediton Community Centre, on Fri., Nov. 6, Desjardine’s orches­ tra. Admission 500. Dancing 9-1. BAZAAR — The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church are holding a bazaar on Saturday, November 14. 5* BAZAAR & TEA — The W.A. of Crediton United Church are spon­ soring a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 14, com­ mencing at 2:30 o’clock. 5:12c MEETING — South Huron Hos­ pital Auxiliary, Tuesday, Novem­ ber 10, at 2:30 p.m. Arena Weekly Schedule FRIDAY NOV. 6—9 p.m. Seaforth BALDWINS vs. London LOU BALL JUNIORS (Exhibition Game) SATURDAY, NOV. 7— Minor Hockey 8-12 a.m.Wee Wee Hockey 1-2 p.m. Public Skating 2-4 p.m. Public Skating 8:30-10:30 p.m. MONDAY, NOV. 9— Public Skating TUESDAY, NOV. 10— Open for Bookings WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11 Exhibition Hockey THURSDAY, NOV. 12— Public Skating Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. HARRY HERN (nee Clarice Lynn) Exeter Legion Hall Friday, Nov. 6 Steve Dundas Orchestra Everyone Welcome OYSTER SUPPER WOODHAM ORANGE HALL Thursday, Nov. 5 Supper Served from 5:30 P.M., Followed by a Play Entitled “STANGER IN THE NIGHT” Presented by A.Y.PA. of St. Paul’s Churcli, Kirkton ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN (under 12) .75 Auspices L.O.L. 492 Eldon Robinson, W.M. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 6 and 7 "SIREN OF BAGDAD” (Color) ★ Paul Ilendr'eid • A Patricia Medina ADDED FEATURETTE Walt Disney’s "Alaskan Eskimo” (Color) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 10 and 11 "PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET” ★ Rfchard IVidmark ■k dean Peters Mr. and Mrs. Janies Squires attended Kirkton United Church anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Stone. Mr. and Mrs. James Squires attended Woodham anniversary recently and spent the day with, Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephan of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Helen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ottawa are visting mer’s mother, Mrs. Mr. Howey has been appointed an assistant manager of the main office of the Bank of Montreal in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry eleven of Winnipeg are visiting Mrs. Cle- Mac- Mr, and. Mrs. Howard Johns and family and Johns spent ilton, Mr. and and Barrie With Mr, and Mrs. William bus on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes the weekend in Ham- Mrs. Ernest Clarke of London visited Py- Westcott and W, Howey of with the for- L. F. Howey. ven’s sister, Mrs. C. S. Naughton and family. Cyclone League Sets Schedule November 17—Lucan at St. Marys Exeter at Forest Strathroy at Hensail Zurich at Byron 19— St. Marys at Ilderton Goderich at Strathroy 20— St. Marys at Lucan Ilderton at Goderich Byron at Exeter21— Forest at Strathroy 23— St. Marys at Goderich 24— Lucan at Ilderton Strathroy at Forest St. Marys at Hensali Exeter at Byron 25— Ilderton at Lucan 26— Ilderton at St. Marys 27— Goderich at Exeter28— St. Marys at Strathroy Ilderton at Forest 30—Lucan at Goderich December 1— Lucan at Forest Exeter at Hensali Ilderton at Byron2— Forest at St. Marys Zurich at Exeter 3— Ilderton at Strathroy Byron at Goderich 4— Strathroy at Lucan St. Marys at Exeter5— Hensali at Forest 7— Forest at 8— Strathroy Zurich at Lucan at St. Marys 11— StrathroyForest at H___ Ilderton at Exeter 12— Zurich at Strathroy 15— Forest at Ilderton ■Hensali at Zurich Strathroy at Goderich Lucan at Byron 16— St. Marys at Zurich 17— Goderich at Byron IS—Hensali at St. Marys Zurich at Lucan Strathroy at Exeter 19—Forest at Hensali 22— Exetei’ at St. Marys Zurich at Ilderton Goderich at Forest Strathroy at Byron23— Ilderton at Zurich Byron at Hensali Lucan at Exeter 26—Hensali at Strathroy29— Goderich at St. Marys Hensali at Ilderton Forest at Byron30— Byron at Lucan Forest Zurich January 2—Forest 5— Exeter _ ______ Byron at Forest Goderich at Hensali6— Zurich at St. Marys7— Exeter at Strathroy Byron at Zurich8— Hensali at Lucan 9— Strathroy at Zurich Hensali at Byron 11>—Hensali at Goderich 12—Goderich at Ilderton St. Marys at Forest Exeter at Zurich 14— Byron at St. Marys Lucan at Strathroy 15— Goderich at Zurich Hensali at Exeter 19— Byron at Ilderton20— Exeter at Goderich 21— Byron at Strathroy 22— Goderich at Lucan 23— Zurich at Hensali26— Ilderton at Hensali 27— Lucan at Zurich29—Exeter at Lucan Goderich at Ilderton Forest Hensali at Byron at St. Marys Lucan Council Meets —Continued from Page 1 Small * centres in the county, principally Hensali, need the housing and the assistance. The council agreed with the proposi­ tion. No applications were received for the part-time policeman which council advertised for last meeting. The extra considered necessary to vent rowdyism of nights. No further taken. Doesn’t Need Loan The Public sion informed not require a had requested year. The P.U.C. anticipated need of the loan to repay Jones, Mac- Naughton Seeds Ltd. for several ■years’ overcharge for hydro. The Commission was able to finance the rebate itself. A grant of $50, the amount of its taxes, was authorized for the Exeter Bowling Club. Council reasoned the greens are a pub­ lic asset because of their beauty and the benches provided. The grant has been given for a num­ ber of years. Watch Expense Councillor R'. D. Jermyn, re­ porting on the recent industrial promotion conference at Gode­ rich, said municipalities were cautioned about the expenses of providing services to new in­ dustries. Large plants required considerable expenditure by the municipality and a smaller town might find the expenses burden­ some. Deputy-Reeve William McKen­ zie reported one spillway gate had been installed at the dam by local workmen and that fences had been erected around River-- view Park to prevent cars from driving on the grass. Building permits were issued to A. O. Elliot, for a cement block boiler house behind his Main St. apartment house, and to Carl Stire, for shingling house. after its man was help pre­ youth at action was Utilities council loan of at the first of the Commis- it would $4,000 it Plan Relief Soon For Wind Victims Payinent of relief money to people who suffered damage in the disastrous tornadpes that hit tlip counties of Perth, Huron, Lambton, Middlesex and Oxford in May last is expected to be made early next month. This was announced by Perth County warden Frank Allan, fol­ lowing a meeting recently among himself, County Clerk A. W. Blowes; AV. A. Orr, Ontario De­ puty Minister of Municipal Af­ fairs; and A. T. Butler, a super­ visor iu the Department of Muni-, cipal Affairs. Mr. Orr told the county rep­ resentatives that the Ontario Government wants the relief money paid out as soon as pos­ sible. The Government had prom­ ised to add 500 to every dollar raised in local relief funds, and wishes to know the extent of its commitment before the middle of 'November. He added that the Government money would not be paid until after the local funds had been distributed. The representatives of the pro­ vincial government held a similar meeting with Huron County of­ ficials Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Amy of Burford returned to their home Sunday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tory and other rela­ tives. Albert Kernick, brother of Wil­ liam Kernick, of the Thames Road, was killed in a car acci­ dent near North Bay late Sunday afternoon. Harvest Frolic Sponsored by Exeter Legion Auxiliary Exeter Legion Hall Tuesday, Nov. 17 Lionel Thornton and his ORCHESTRA Baseball Banquet Wednesday, November 11 EXETER LEGION HALL Tp Honor: EXETER LEGION MOHAWKS Intermediate "C” Huron-Perth Champions — $1.50 Per Plate —■ limited supply of tickets is available at Chambers & z A limited supply of tickets is available at Chambers & | Darling, McKnight & Walper, and The Times-Advocate. | Help A Needy Veteran Buy A Poppy This Saturday “LEST WE FORGET” Poppy Day Is Sponsored by Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion "THE GREAT LIGHT n Coming Sat., Nov. 7 - 8p.m. in the Clinton Collegiate Auditorium A dramatic and intriguing moving picture filmed in Nuremburg, Germany, amidst Bavarian mediaeval scen­ ery. A wonderful gospel presentation accompanied by London YFS talent. at at at at Exeter Goderich Zurich Ilderton Lions Treat Kids —Continued from Page 1 don Snell, Gail Shipman; comic, Doug. Jermyn, Shirley Genttner, Betty Dixon; negro, Gary Ford, Phyllis Merkley, Marion Belling. Treats were passed out in the gymnasium lowed. Lions in ments were Kelson, G. Hern, Jack Judging of costumes was done by Mrs. Charles Acheson, Mrs. Andrew Dixon, Mrs. Doug Hugh­ son, Mrs. E. Steiner, J. B. Creech, Ulric Snell, Ted Elliott and Ted Shaw. and free skating fol- charge of arrange- R. D. Jermyn, Harold Arthur, Wellington Smith. Fair Banquet —Continued from Page 1 Florida and the tornad’o damaged sections of Ontario. Ladies of the Legion Auxiliary served the turkey meal. Winners of draw prizes were Mrs. Edward Brady, Miss Joanne Shaw, Carfrey Cann, B. W. Tuc- key and Mrs. Herman Hodgson. Thames Road Mr. aiid Mi’s. William Cann Spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns Of -Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. .ttodgert and Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann and Ray 'were guests on Sunday of Mi’, and Mrs. Jim Love of Grand Bend. Mr. Norman Alexander, Of Londesboro, was guest speaker at the church service on Sunday. Farm Forum The South Thames Road Farm Forttrn was held Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgert. After the foruin discussion, euchre was jilayed. Prizes Went to the following: ladies’ high, Mrs, Wilfred Huh- kin; ladles’ low, Mrs Jack Stew­ art; men's ‘high,- Mr, William Ferguson; meh’s low, Mr. James Hodgert. BAZAAR Sponsored by Main Street Woman’s Association Sat., Nov. 7 3:00 p.m. Exeter Public Library Baking, Aprons, Fancy Work White Elephant Booth TEA Usborne Township Federation Of Agriculture Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH Friday, Nov. 20 Guest Speaker Variety Program DANCE Aberdeen Hall Kirkton Music by HARBURN’S ORCHESTRA Admission: 500 and 250 Admission: $1.00 Per Person Dancing 9:30-1:00 DRESS OPTIONAL CLINTON AREA YOUTH for CHRIST Strathroy Lions Club Lyric Monster Bingo Strathroy Public School Friday, November 6 I More Than $1,000.00 $500.00 JACKPOT GAME Admission $1.00 Includes 12 Regular Games - FRIDAY & SATURDAY November 6 and 7 Previews Its Coming Attractions Entire Net Proceeds To West Middlesex Memorial Centre Building Fund More Than CASH PRIZES $1,000.00 • * Games Start Sharp at 9:00 P.M. lllllllllll 1111111H111111HIIII1II1IIHIHIIIIIII11 llllllltlllll 1 I1I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI1I UtlMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Hilf lllf ^niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitfiiiifiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiinimiitiiifiiiiir^ T heat re Phone 421 Mississippi Gambler ★ Tyrone Power ★ Piper Lauric Technicolor, this adventureIn melodrama centres around a dash­ ing gambler adept at cards and with a sword, and a southern beauty who wins his heart. MONDAY & TUESDAY November 9 and 10 ★ Clifton Webb ★ Barbara Stanwyck This factual drama of the gic sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is gripping in its appeal. WEDNESDAY '& THURSDAY November 11 and 12 ’ FIGURE World In His Arms ★ Gregory Peck ■k Ann Blyth This sea story of the sealing ships of the north is in Techni­ color and the comedy and races between these ships make real entertainment. SKATING Begins Friday, November 13 First Show Every Saturday 6:00 P.M. Registration AND PAYMENT OF FEES ^iiiiiiriiiiiifiiiniHfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitniiiii!iiiiiniiiiiftiiiiiiiiiliiiiiHiiiHiiiniiiiiiitiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiir^ Official Opening Clinton Gun Club's New Trap AT THE FISH AND GAME CLUB HOUSE Wednesday, Nov.-Il At 1.00 p.m Trophies and Prizes Galore All Clubs Arc Cordially liivitied Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association Saturday, November-7 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. EXETER TOWN HALL PARENTS WELCOME Miss Mary Diane Trimble, London professional, will be the instructress, /kt least 20 lessons Will be given. FEES FOR SEASON: $10 PER PUPIL IN ADVANCE Special Family Rates! For Further Information, Phone Mrs. Chuck Snell, 97-j Eketer 3 3 3Sponsored by the Exeter Kiiielte Club | in cooperation with the Exetev Recreational Council |