HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-05, Page 11Comments About THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1953 By MRS, C. J, PATON Page 11 Rev. Griffin Speaks Mrs. Ernie Lewis was hostess for the October meeting of St. James’ W.A. and Ladies’ Guild meeting on Thursday. In the ab­ sence of the president, Mrs. Lewis conducted the Guild meet­ ing. A bazaar will be held on November 14 at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan. Mrs. Ed Flynn presided for the W.A. meeting. Taking part in prayers were Mrs. K. O’Neil and Mrs. Paton. A donation of $36 was sent to the Coronation Church Fund. The .guest speaker, the Rev. Griffin, of Kirkton, spoke of the history of the church through the Tudor period. Rev. G. F. Wag­ land thanked the speaker. The November meeting will be ‘ ’ * ■' “ Offi- SKEETER, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE L EVER RECALL THAT YOU PRACTICED THE PIANO VOLU mTA RI r • H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST.LONDON, ONT. Skating Starts At Lucan THIS WEEK at the home of Mrs. Paton, cers will be elected. Ulandeboyo u Modern Misses The 12 junior and senior have elected Janet Scott, dent; Marlene Harrison, president; ~ ”..... retary; porter; and Janet Scott, pianist. The project, "What Shall I Wear?”, will be given by Mrs. Wilmer Scott, leader, and Miss Marion Morton, assistant. The meetings are held each week at the home of Mrs. Scott. Turkey Banquet The ladies of the United Church catered to a banquet on Friday evening in the basement 1 girls presi- , vice- . Sandra Williams, sec­ Joan Murless, press re­ Personal Items Mr. Charles Windsor motored to Sarnia on Sunday to meet Mrs. Windsor who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph Lovey, of Cass City, Mich., for the past week. After a three weeks’ visit at High Park, and Alice St., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family, of Woodstock, spent the weekend with Mrs, Sceli. Mrs. C. F. Langford, spent the weekend With Mrs, Jack Casey. Mrs. G. Patrick of Melrose, Strathroy London, Mrs. Preece, of William Toronto, Mr. and Lucan And District News Lucan Celebrates Halloween With Frolic, Masquerade Personal Items Mr. and with Mrs. Thorndale Mr. and Jackson-Elliott Wed In Leaside Begin the New Best Equipment Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex­ hausted solely because body lacks iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory or "pet- acquainted” size only 60L At all druggist*. London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert and family, Sympathy is extended to and Mrs. Henry Hodgins on death of their brother-in-law, George Godbolt, who passed away at his home in Saturday. Congratulations Acheson who was ner of the $179.95 complete set of cookware displayed at the G. Paul grocery store last weekend. Mrs. U. F. Stanley, Mrs. H. S. Stanley, Miss Mary Stanley and Miss Gertrude Kent spent Sunday in Toronto, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore. Mrs. Twyla Chisholm, of Port Colborne, spent the Mr. and Mrs. D. and family. Mr, J. R. Boon Mr. the Mr. Centralia last to Mrs. Lloyd the lucky win- weekend with A. Ashworth SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 13-21 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good Going —November 12 to November 15 inclusive. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 22nd. Fw// information from any agent. CANADIAN NA TZONAL left Monday for a week’s business trip at To­ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frost and Mr. Allen Westman attend­ ed Wesley Church anniversary service. M r s. Florence Cunningham, Mrs. Maitland Lightfoot and daughters, D onelda and Joan, also Mrs. Bert Hazelwood, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunleavy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown­ lee and family spent Sunday in Hamilton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.. P. J. Laverty and family. Mr. George called on- his Thomson, last son has been but was able Kirkton to see her brother, Mr. James Earl. Mrs. Sam McRann of Rochester is visiting with Mrs. W. T. Banting and family. Mr. George McRoberts of Dun­ gannon spent a few days last week with Mr., and Mrs. Allen Westman. Mr. Will Haveskost of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Will McFalls. Miss Lina Abbott still has de­ licious lettuce in her garden— not bad for November. Earl of Exeter sister, Mrs. John week. Mrs. Thom- on the sick list, to drive as far as Once again the Lucan Lions Club is to be congratulated on staging a most successful and enjoyable Hallowe’en frolic on Saturday night. Long before the appointed hour of 7 p.m., witches and ghosts, clowns and fairies, Indians and Chinamen, bears, monkeys, sheep and cows began congregating at the bank corner for the parade behind the fire engine to the Community Centre. There, Lucan’s new arena man­ ager, Mr. Len over. An innovation the showing of films by Mr. John Johnson, one of Lucan’s senior teachers. These the children seemed to enjoy and clamored for more. ■ Owing to the crowd of child­ ren and parents there was no grand march, but groups were sent to the platform where the following judges, Bill Smith, Harry Beaumont, Clarence Young, Ray Elson, Mrs. Joe Haskett and Miss Lina Abbott were at their wits’ end before picking the fol­ lowing winners: Fancy costumes, 6 and under, Nancy Watson, Nancy Hill, David Goddard; 6 to 12, Heather Ache­ son, Carol Young, Anne Marie Murdy; 12 and over, Mrs. H. B. Elliott, Helen Hardy, Harold Frost. domic costumes, 6 and under, Steve Davis, Barbara and Nancy Park, Ken Hardy; 6 to 12, John Sims, Patsy Sovereign, Terry Culbert; 12 and over, Peter Ship- ley, Linda Tatlow, Harold Frost. After the judging all lined downstairs at the snack bar treats The children are to congratulated for their good be­ havior throughout the evening. Gaudette, took this year was several movie up for be Teen Town Masquerade Members of Teen Town held a very successful masquerade Hal­ lowe’en party at the Community Centre Friday night, October 30. Activities began about 9 p.m. with a few games followed by a parade of those in costume. Rev. J. F. Benn ners line ton; dale, “Immediate service” IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services of the church when members of the Clandeboye and Lieury base­ ball* teams with umpires attend­ ed. Messrs. Maurice Simpson and Kenneth Carter donated a turkey for the Clandeboye team and Lieury donated one for their team. Mr. John Simpson, manag­ er of the Clandeboye team, and Mr. George Glendinning, manager of the Lieury team, thanked the ladies for the bountiful meal. 1*01’801131 Items / The November meeting of the Clandeboye Women’s Institute will meet on November 11 at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Mac McNaughton. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Harvey Wales, Ko- moka, president of the district of North Middlesex. Mr. Fred Simpson word that her brother, Mr. R<P bert Keown, suffered and is in the Bossivian Miss Joan Simpson, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp­ son. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins birth of a daughter at seph’s Hospital, London, 31.Mrs. Hiriam Thompson few days last week with ter, Mrs. Guy Harrison, don. received a stroke Hospital. and on the St. Jo- October spent a her sis­ in Lon- For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 or any office of ' GUARANTY TRUST OF CANADA The Hillcrest Farm Forum will meet on November 9 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn for the first meeting of the new sea­ son.Miss Marion Morton, teacher, and pupils of Clandeboye school had Hallowe’en party oh Friday afternoon. Costumes were judged and prizes and treats given. Mr. and Mrs: Russel Schroeder spent Sunday with Mr, B, Webb of Ilderton. Mr, and Mrs. George Delaware spent Sunday and Mrs. Roy McRann. and Mrs. Milton of London, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs, Noyes of with Mr, McCul- on Sat- Wilmer COMPANY * MONTREAL • WINDSOR TORONTO OTTAWA NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY sauLt ste. marie CALGARY » VANCOUVER Mr, lough, u rd ay Scott, Mr. school on Friday Messrs; Bice and week on Wiartoii.Mrs. Uafold Hodgins is im­ proving from being confined to hei’ home through illness, Congratulations to Mr. James McRann, who Will be 88 years young on November 19. Gilbert and pupils of Matrs had a party for Hallowe’en afternoon. Arnold Lewis, Harold Austin BIcO left a hunting trip last neat Laymen’s Service The annual Laymen’s service will be held in the United Church on Sunday, November 8. The service will be in charge of Mrs. Sheridan Revington, president of the WA, and Mr. Jack Murdy, president of the Men’s Club. A male choir composed members of the Men’s Club be in charge of the music. Wilbert J. Stanley will give address. of will Mr. the Fowl Dinner On Wednesday evening at Community Centre 700 or over attended the fowl dinner spon­ sored by the Ladies Guild of Holy fore p.m., As a were first sitting, filled with wait for the dinner meant a tremendous amount of work for those in charge, but all were pleased the splendid attendance. tlie Trinity Church. Long be- the opening hour of 5:30 people result, nearly began flocking in. by 5:30 the tables all filled for the Soon the stage was those who had to second sitting. The with Men’s Club Mr. Clarence Lewis’ group sponsored the opening meeting of the Lucan's Men’s Club which was held in the United Church parlors last Wednesday evening with a good attendance, president, Mr. Jack Murdy, sided. Mr. Percy Vahey favored a solo and Mr. Howard Kew an instrumental. The speaker was Mr. Bon Small of Iona Station who gave an inter­ esting address illustrated by 275 film strips which he had taken on a six-month tour of the Brit­ ish Isles, France and Switzer­ land. The pre- with gave guest Wagland and Miss Barbara ■acted as judges. The win- were: fancy costume, Mar- Revington, Gerald Hamil- comic costume, Shelia Ire- Keith Frost. Square dancing followed the judging with Miss Barbara Benn at the piano and Rev. J. F, Wag­ land and Mr. Joe Benn doing the calling. After the serving of cokes and do-nuts, round dancing was enjoyed' by all. Lucan Public School .children had Hallowe’en parties in their classrooms Friday afternoon. Birr WI Mrs. Sam Stevenson was hos­ tess for the October meeting of the Birr WI. meeting was Mrs. Clarence teresting talk in Ontario. beauty counsellor, gave hints on use of make-up, with Mrs. Emer­ son Stanley as her model. Mrs. A. Erickson conducted a contest, “Women of the Bible." Mrs. C. Lewis was the prize winner. The theme of the historical research. Lewis gave an in- on the early days Mrs. G. Carpenter, Holy Rev. two Children Baptized At the evening service in Trinity Church Sunday, the J. F. Wagland baptized children, Jacqueline Rudolfina Hodgins, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hodgins (the godparents were Mr. ■ and Mrs. Oscar Hodgins and Mrs. C. de Munik), and Sharon June Smith, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith (the godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Goddard). Conducts Confirmation Class Rev. J.. F. Wagland conducted his first adult confirmation and refresher class in the parish hall after the Sunday evening ser­ vice. His remarks were based on the Prayer Book and why the Anglican Church uses printed prayers. There was a good turn­ out for the first meeting. It is hoped many more will take vantage of this course. ad- Credit. Union The Lucan Credit Union __ holding an often meeting in Holy Trinity parish hall Monday eve­ ning, November 9, at 8 p.m. The members will be hosts to the Stratford and District Credit Union Chapter. Guest speaker Will be Mr, H< H. Walker of the Brantford and District Credit Union. Rev. J. F. Wagland will be the chairman. is Personal items Messrs. D. A. Ashworth, Alex Young and Mel Culbert attended a recent Lions Club regional meeting at the new Tweedsniuir Hall, Canadian National Institute fob the Blind at London. Mrs. G. Patrick of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert and family. Mr. Calvin Haskett, WhilO on a- business trip last week, called on his sister, Mrs. J. Graham and family, of Chatham. From the "Echoes Of Other Years” for October 30', 1928, In the London Free Press appears this item: "Spencer Blair, Lucan, “won oratorical honors for East Middlesex Public Schools.” Parents Hear Trip Talk Presenting an interesting re­ sume of amusing coincidences and ludriejrous mishaps on her trip to E ngland, Scotland and Ireland last spring, Miss Mabel Wright of the Income Tax De­ partment, London, was the guest speaker at the Home and School meeting in the Community Centre Tuesday evening. All present en­ joyed her experiences at the Coronation- and her keen sense of humour in the telling. The new president, Mr. Stew­ art Park, presided at the meet­ ing. In spite of inclement weather, there was an attendance of 46, 31 of whom were mem­ bers. The executive is much pleased with the number of new members (especially the men). Rev. J. F. Wagland reported on the committee meeting .held at the rectory Monday evening. An­ other very interesting feature on the program was a demonstration rpading lesson presented by Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, Lucan’s. Grade one teacher. The audience, as well as her class of little girls, was most interested in her origi­ nal and novel methods, of, secur­ ing word recognition. A committee composed of Mrs. Clarence Hardy (convenor), Mrs. J. B. Ready, Mrs. Allan Ryan, Mrs. Guy Ryan, Mrs. Calvin Has­ kett, Mrs. Harold Butler, Jr.» Mrs. A. C. Magoffin, was appoint­ ed to make the necessary ar­ rangements for the euchre, Fri­ day, Nov. 6 at the Community Centre. It was suggested each member be responsible for filling one table. Mrs. Harold Whyte and Mrs. Eatle Young were named to have charge of the candy booth. The Grade Mothers for the November meeting will be Mrs. Cliff Shipley, Mrs. Allan Ryan, Mrs. A. C. Magoffin and Mrs. H. J. Bond. The new attendance cup was presented to Grade one for hav­ ing the largest average attend­ ance present at the October meeting. The president announced the executive hoped to secure Karl Terry for the November meeting to give an address on his recent trip to Europe, The evening closed with re­ freshments and hour. a social half Mrs. Guy Ryan visited Isabel Underwood at last Sunday. Mrs. Richard Tate and son Jackie spent last weekend with Mr. ’ - -- - gins. Mr. and Stephen of day guests Thompson. Mr. and ___ ____ Goderich called on Lucan friends on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon spent the weekend in Woodstock, the guests of their son Bill family. Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy were Mansell I-Iodgins and his sister. Mrs. Isabel Underwood, Thorn­ dale, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey and attended the Anglican Turkey Dinner at the Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plank and Barbara of Guelph and Mrs. W. Deimage of London were Thurs­ day visitors with Mrs. Calvin Haskett. The J. B. Ready’s nicely de­ corated display windows make one realize Christmas is getting nearer. Mrs. C. Norton of London and her mother, Mrs. B. Stanley, called on Lucan friends prior to attending the Anglican turkey dinner. Mr. Billy Falls, spent his parents, ray Abbott. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. John S. Knight (nee Lillian Hardy), of Kintore, on the birth of a son, Donald Gordon, at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, Novem­ ber 1. Mrs. J. B. Armitage, who has been forced to vacate the house in which she has lived many years, is holding a sale of Alex Hodgins’ lawn, Friday, vember 6. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb, have been on the sick list, much improved. Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. H. B. Langford, Mrs. Wes. Rev­ ington, Mrs. Joe Murray and Mrs. I. Carling attended the bazaar at the Centralia United Church on Wednesday, October 28. Mrs. Revington assisted on the pro­ gram by reading a paper on "Woman’s Place in the World.” Mrs. Robert J. Ervin of Kin­ cardine visited with her niece, Mrs. Cecil Robb, of Elginfield, last week. Other callers at the Robb home included Major Ro-, bert Farrell, J. Ervin and Mrs.' J. Ervin, of Montreal; Miss Rose Mari© Robb and friends of Sar­ nia, who attended the Kitchener- Sarnia football .game at Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. Rodney Smith St. Catha­ rines, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith. Mrs. C. de Munnick of Holland is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Austin Hodgins. Mr. Douglas Stone attended an A.Y.P.A. youth rally in St. David’s Anglican Church, Palmerston on Sunday. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Lucan Canadian Legion held' a very successful bake sale at the Stanley drug store o.n Saturday, when they took in $43. and Mrs. Cecil Hod- Mrs. John Blaser and St. Thomas were Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrs. James Morkin of and Mr Abbott of Niagara last weekend Mr .and Mrs. Leaside United Church was the scene of the marriage of Joan Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Harper Elliott and Eslie Gerald Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wyatt Jackson (grandson of Mrs. Eslie Hodgson- Clandeboye). Rev. Charles C. Murray officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a gown of nylon net over satin fashioned with a hooped skirt and a fingertip veil, which was caught to a pearl em­ broidered Juliet cap. She carried a colonial bouquet of white stephanotis, coral roses and pale blue .gardenias. Her attendants, her sister, Mrs. Nelson Potter, and Miss Mary Lou Elliott, wore similar gowns of nylon net over taffeta in shades of forest green and coral. They carried nosegays of white baby mums, coral roses and Eng­ lish Laurel. Peter Hunter was groomsman and the ushers were Robert Cohn of Hamilton and Thomas thick of Dearborn, Mich. Following the reception United Empire Loyalist Prince Arthur Ave., the left on a motor trip to Georgian Bay and Quebec. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Eslie Hodgson, Clandeboye, Mrs. C. E. Sumner and Carol Ann of London, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. T r ev e t h i c k , Miss Mary Ann Trevethick and Master Barry Trevethick of Dearborn, Mich. Treve- at the House, couple with Mur- and Mr. no­ who are in Season with the Money Can Buy! ' COM SKATES from $8.95 COM STICKS from $1.75 A Beautiful Range of JACKETS, Ideal for the Rink Heavy Wool SOX for Skating, 8 9 <5 Get Your Supplies At | The J. B. Ready Stores I LUCAN PHONE 45 Picture News P •T’’Tfrom C-L-L Receives Silver Medal Mr. J. H. Cantelon reports his sister, Harriet, of the Toronto Public School staff, was one of the Toronto teachers to receive a silver medal from Queen Eliza­ beth for outstanding contribu­ tions in the field of education. Several of Miss Cantelon’s books are now being used not only in Canadian schools, but also in England and Australia. Miss Cantelon was a friend of Miss Lina Abbott during the years she was on the Toronto staff, so she would like to add her congratula­ tions on the honor bestowed on a fellow pedagogue.. Miss Cante­ lon received flowers and con­ gratulations from her school staff. Bus Accident Two Lucanites, Mr. Wilbert Revington and Mr. John Corsi­ can, R.R. 3, Lucan, were pas­ sengers on the Gray Coach bus which rolled down a 20-foot embankment on No. 7’ highway near Prospect Hill last Wednes­ day when the driver swerved to avoid hitting a tractor. Mr. Rev­ ington and one other of the 15 passengers were injured. X-rays the following day proved Mr. Revington suffered bones. Much praise goes driver, Knarl Garbe, who opened the emergency doors and instructed two’ other men passengers how to open windows and help people out. no to of broken the bus Guelph, Mr. Clayton Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, while cutting wood in the bush on Sat­ urday, picked a supply of ripe raspberries—nature’s Hallowe’en joke. They’ll have kitten-soft touch, will hold their shape better and launder so easily. "Orlon” will bring new, modern-living features, to other garments, too — warmth without weight in dresses, skirt pleats that stay in through many wearings, quick wrinkle-shedding in cosy winter suits. *Du Pant's trade-mark for its acrylic fibre. pageant RED, Castle Grey, Herald Yellow! These are just three of the nine fashionable rich shades now available in the Coronation Colors of C-I-L’s "Speed-Easy Satin”. This is the scrub­ bable latex wall paint that goes on in a jiffy with brush or roller, has no "painty” odor, and dries in just 30 minutes to a smooth, satiny surface. Did you know,,. A quick, easy way to remove dust from carpeted stairs is to brush them with a cellulose sponge mop. The sponge should be moistened, and then wrung well. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES "t. SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY LIMITED • MONTREAL As Canada’s trade has grown, the chartered banks have built up and contacts around the world. Today, quickly and directly, your local bank DOING BUSINESS arrange letters .of credit, transfer extended banking and commercial THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY manager can obtain market information,.ANYWHERE overcome obstacles of distance, custom. "X