HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-11-05, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1953 I a Form Institute For Engineers A district branch of the stitute of Power Engineers formed in Clinton recently. Institute will promote education- all stationary engineers and allied trades in Goderich al benefits for prices reduced Ion all g»] U-BUY Every Car Guaranteed! EXTRA SPECIALS ’53 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE SEDAN Grey^ Hy-Drive, A Beauty! ’53 CHRYSLER SEDAN Outstanding Coronation Blue! ’53 FORD SEDAN Metallic Green, Only $1,995 Cars Trucks Tractors Come In Today Reg Armstrong Motors Phone 216 Day or Night Exeter In- was The Clinton, Exeter and areas. A. L. Lobb, of Clinton, heads the executive of the local branch. T. M. Dixon, Exeter, is vice- president, and A. R. Porter, of Clinton, Plans a series first of Monday, Clinton, will be held the second Wednes­ day of each month. is secretary. are being formulated for of educational meetings, which will be held on November 9, in Hotel The rest of the meetings News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ella Urquhart. Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Hooper attended the Urquhart-Thomson wedding on Saturday. Mrs. W. Humphry, Chatham, returned home Thursday after spending two weeks with her cousin, Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Mrs. Hiles, Mrs. Graham, Miss­ es Pearl and Alice Hiles, London, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang­ ford and family spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Stuart Miners of Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Waugh of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Ja,ck Thomson and family, Mr. William Thom­ son spent Sunday with friends at Londesboro. Miss Hickey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and fam­ ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lantgford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whalen and daughter of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey spent last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Somer­ ville and daughter of Lively were Tuesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, Glen­ dale and Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins, of Mitchell, spent Sun- | day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Little of Blyth. Just 7 Weeks To Go! <.. ONLY 42 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Yes, there seems to be lots of time left but IS THERE? Start Your Christmas Shopping now while my store has a fine selection of Christ­ mas gifts including everything in winter clothing. Suits Station Wagon Coats. The Biggest, Little Helpers In Town FOR SALE FOR SALE STOCK WANTED *BABY CHICKS FOR SALE SHORT OF ROOM, short of feed — will sell two young Holstein ’cows, registered, vaccinated and accredit­ed, bred to unit bulls, due to calve in June. $125 each. Apply Sandy El­ liot, phone 476 Exeter. 5c MAN'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, in good condition, Apply 209 Main Street, Ex­ eter. 5c By FIRTH BROS., Hamilton. They have this year for your choice 400 beautiful selections of suitings—Pic ’n Pics, Eng­ lish Worsteds, Wool Gabs, Melange Flannels, All-Wool Donegals, etc. Erices from $53.50 to $95.00 made-to-measure By TOWNE HALL. A wonderful selec­ tion right in my store. Come in to pick one out. You cannot go wrong with a Towne Hall suit. %-length, 1/2-length and bomber jackets. Fully winter lined. Blue, Grey, Brown. Water-Resistant, Moth-Proof, Wind-Re­ sistant. Have a for fall over. Casual Jackets wonderful line of casual jackets and winter. You must look them Shirts By VAN HEUSEN and TOOKE. I have a wonderful stock of white shirts includ­ ing the famous Van Huesen shirt with the collar that will never wrinkle. Sports Shirts cottons, plaid cottons and wool, checks, all-wool gabs and the new flan- nella. Winter Gifts Hell Love Ties, tie bars., cuff links, handkerchiefs, scarves, socks, bow ties, underwear, py­ jamas. Work Clothes My work clothes. department is now built up. Everything in overalls, pants jeans, shirts, rubber boots, work boots jackets, HATTER'S Phone 169-W Ladies For Christmas shopping, I have the LANGMUIR LUGGAGE ‘ “------ wonderful AIRWAY, tapered for easy carrying. Plastic covered, tan, blue, wine, nat- ural. Let your many friends know what you want for Christmas* Individual pieces or sets. This is your friendly store where TAILORING IS A SPECIALTY AND SERVICE A PLEASURE. Come in to sec Ernie Flatter about Your Shopping Problems For Christmas. FOR SALE — Zenith refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., $300; 53,000 B.T.U. oil heater; $75; electric stove, 4-plate high oven, 220 volts, $25; child's steel crib, 27 x 51, drop sides, water-proof spring- filled mattress, $12; tubular steel double bed, $5; 1,000-watt electric tank heater, $6; carpenter's bench axe, $2.50; shingler’s hatchet, $2.50; man’s topcoat, 36 chest, $10.00; man’s black shadow striped suit, $10; pair hockey tubes, size 6, $2.00; pair hoc­ key tubes, size 7, $2.00; pair hockey pants, 28” waist, '$2,50; pair hockey shin pads, $2.50; lady’s coat, size 12, $10; 3 lady’s evening gowns, size 12. $5 each; girl's 3-piepe green winter outfit, size 3, $3.00. —Phone 256-m-3 Exeter. 5* BOY’S HOCKEY outfit, . also b satin jacket. Phone 189-J Exeter. EIGHT PIGS, six weeks old.22-M after 6:00 p.m. 20 TONS SWEET turnips for feed, $5 a ton on field. Apply Segeren, R.R. 2, Grand Bend, 47-r-l, ONLY ONE OWNER since 1933! Ford Sedan in remarkable condition for its age. Excellent heater, defroster, etc. Everything works. $110. 228-M.5' TWO WELL BRED Lincolns and om Leicester ewe, 18 months old. Appl; Tindall Bros., phone 42-r-3 Rucan, 5' TWO YOUNG men's all-wool over, coats, brown and oxford grey, excel' lent condition, reasonable. Telephont 709-W Exeter. 5< THE LADIES' HOME JOURNA1 have a special offer of 30 month for $7.00 or 20 months for $4.60. Goo< until November’ 30, Renew now a The Times-Adyocate. 29:5:12:19t-i HARDWOOD and SOFTWOOD, 3-ft., $12 per cord deliver in truck loads. Apply Scott’s Elevator, Lucan. 29:5:12:19c CATTLE FOR SALE—7 good Here­ ford cows and heifers, some fresh, some springing; 10 good big vaccinat­ ed Holstein heifers, springing. Will sell or trade on butcher cattle, fat cows, canners, cutters or bulls. Ship.- ping to plant Tuesdays and Satur­days. — Doug Forbes, Beef Buyer, Coleman Packing Co., phone 2-75.46 London, or Ned Armstrong, 15 Ex­eter. 29:7* 1,200 PULLETS, ready for the laying pen. William Henderson, 683-J Sea­forth. 29:5* OVERCOAT—Boy’s brown, size 7 or S years. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners, Exeter.______________29:5c ALTO SAXOPHONE — Conn Eb alto (double octave key). Silver finish. Ideal beginner’s instrument. Cheap for cash. First offer of $20 takes it. Phone 770. . 15t-a POTATOES—No. 1 local grown table potatoes, $1.50 per bag. Exeter Dist- rict Co-op, phone 287.____15:22:29:5c THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches­ terfield suite, $50; also tapestry chester-bed, $45. Phone 650-r-l Ex­ eter. 5:12* SUFFERING FROM Backaches. Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist, PIANO TUNING — Have your piano turned and repaired by experts, 30 years experience, all work guaran­teed, Have been coming to Exeter longer than any other tuner. Leave or phone your order to The Times- Advocate, phone 770. Will be here on December 1, 1953,_____22:29:5:12* LARGE DUOTHERM oil space heat­ er with fan and 200-gallon tank. All in A-l condition. —Phone 173 Grand Bend. 29:5c 6 YOUNG PIGS, seven weeks old; also Holstein heifer, four months old. Apply G. Poortinga, three miles north of Clandeboye._________________29:5* SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN at The Times-Advocate for all Canadian and American magazines as well as Brit­ ish publications. Order now and be assured of Christmas delivery. t-a News of Kirkton By MRS. FRED HAMILTON Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe and Grace and Miss Amanda Shier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger. Mrs. Truman Tufts spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts in London, attending the baptism of her granddaughter. Mrs. Raymond Stewart and daughter, Nancy, of Sarnia, spent of her R. L. the weekend at the home parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Haze­ wood and Edison, of Detroit, at­ tended the anniversary services at Kirkton United Church Sunday and called on many old friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Alf May, Doris, Vera and Gerald, of London, were Sunday visitors with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer. Another visitors for the weekend was Clarence’s mother, Mrs. S. C. Switzer, of St. Marys. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routly were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago and son, Wil­ liam, Mrs. Routly and Miss Mary Robinson, of Anderson. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Hodge, Mrs. K. Harper and son, Allan, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mr. and Mi’s. George Batten, of Anderson, and Mr. William Hodge spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Batten. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and Betty, Mr. Harold Levy, Miss Bessie McCurdy, all of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Reg Mor­ rison, of St. Manys, Miss Dorothy Mathers, of Centralia, Mrs. Min- Orva Jolliffe and family of Mt. Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg ahd Mr, and Mrs. F, Pridham and son, Murray, of Rtisseldale. The librarian and book com­ mittee of Kirkton Library have ptiirchased over $200 worth of books and they will be on the shelves Shortly. The library board" Will purchase one more unit of more than 100 books which will now* make two units in circula­ tion from Huron County Book­ mobile for 1054, '41 CHEV COUPE, good all around car. Worth seeing, $350, Box “R”, ■ Times-Advocate. 5* FROM NOVEMBER 20—Hand knitted baby sets, socks, mitts, hand trimmed luncheon sets, guest and tea towels, handkerchiefs, p i 11 q w cases, etc., suitable for gifts. Some orders taken for later. —Apply 122 Huron Street. 5:12:19c BEAUTIFUL CANARY singers, roll­ers and choppers. Board of fancy hens. Apply Mrs. Silas Stanlake, 617 Carling Street, Exeter, 5* 10 MALE CANARIES, all singing. Reasonable. Apply Mrs. Wm. Frost, phone 4-W Lucan. 5c OIL-BURNING KITCHEN range with 100-gallon oil tank. Call at 226 Main Street or phone 286-M Exeter, 5c SMALL COLEMAN space heater. Appy 303 Anne Street or phone 399- J. 5* A FEW HEREFORD feeder steer calves and an electric feed cooker. Apply Warren Brock, Granton, R.R. 1. 5c USED WINGHAM Clipper cook stove — like new.. Also Moffatt electric stove. Phone 59-r-ll Crediton. 5* 24 ACRES DECOB Hybrid corn, Good stand. Apply Canadian Canners Farm, Exeter, phone 28. 5c 2 STORM WINDOWS, size 30%”x60”. Also 1 outside door. Apply at 538 Andrew St., Exeter, 5* EIGHT CORD 4-ft. wood. Apply Earl Parsons, Exeter, 615 Edward Street. 5c BABY’S CRIB, with springs and mattress, in good condition, $10.00, Apply Mrs. J. Morrison, Hunter- Duvar Motel. 5c ’36 CHEV COACH, good tires, bat­ tery, push-button starter. Will sell as a car or for usable parts. Phone 709-J Exeter or 84-r-7 Kirkton. 5* ’37 CHEV COACH, privately owned. Apply Ryder Sisters, R.R, 3, Lucan, Ontario. 5c EIGHT PIGS, seven weeks old. Ap­ply John Kellett, R.R. 3, Exeter. 5* 2 ABERDEEN ANGUS bulls, regis­ tered, and 3-year-old gelding. Apply Garfield Cornish, R.R. 1, Woodham. FAWCETT OIL BURNER, used one season, $65. Apply Graham Arthur, phone 210 Exeter. 2c PUREBRED YORKSHIRE sows, bred one month. Come and see them or phone G. W. Miners, Kirkton 32-r-9, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont. 5* 13 WEARNER PIGS. Apply WilliamFord, R.R. 1, Centralia. 5* STRAYED STRAYED from Lot 9, South Boun­ dary, Hay Township, 3 yearlings, tag in' left ear with Earl Dixon’s name. Anyone knowing- the whereabouts, phone Crediton 62-r-ll. 5:12* WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENT—Airman moving to Exeter November 15 re­ quires furnished apartment. One 5- months-old child. Please reply to 17192 Cpl. George White, 191 Armour Blvd., Toronto 12. 5c WANTED—Good home for 2-year-old boy for indefinite period. FOR SALE —Two Venetian blinds, 38x84 inches; radio and child’s rocking horse. — Phone 274 Exeter. 5c RIDERS TO LONDON. Leave Exeter 'at 6:00 a.m. and London at 5:00 p.m. Phone 672-R Exeter for further in­formation. 5* CATTLE TO FEED for the winter. Apply Bev Parsons, phone 172-1--21 Exeter. 5c FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT in Clartde- boye. Apply W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 5c FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard­ware, Exeter. ' tfc UNFURNISHED 3-BEDROOM house. Oil heated. Garage. —C. V. Pickard,- Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-22tfc A 3-ROOM FURNISHED doWnstairs apartment, bath, hot and cold water, available now. Apply 617 Carling St., Exeter. 5* BACK APARTMENT, 4 rooms and 3-piece bath, all on ground floor, with basement, on Albert Street. Ap­ py John Prout, 911 Main St. 5* SMALL UNFURNISHED apartment, heated, hot water. Phone 180'Exeter. FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter. Modern kitchen and 3-piece bath. Ap­ ply Lloyd Bell, corner of Mill and Mary Streets, Saturday. 5c SMALL SELF - CONTAINED furn­ ished steam heated apartment. Phone 476, Elliot Apartments. '5c MISCELLANEOUS BE SURE TO SPRAY' your cattle for lice this fall at 15c per head each spray. The cattle shouldn be sprayed twice in an interval of two weeks. This kills the living lice and also the eggs if they hatch out and you can expect to be free from Jice all winter. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. ll-5tfc BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, steno­grapher, or typist In your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, Write Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 BAY Street, Toronto. 29:5:12c WHITEWASHING & CLEANING — Arrangements can be made. — Bill Watson, Dashwood, phone 35-i’-19. 8-10tfc DO NOT NEGLECT your pullets this fall for worms. Be sure you Rota-Cap youf birds. Get them from your local Dr. Salsbury dealer, tel. 266, L. V. Hogarth. 9-17tfc For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to TudOP’s in Hensall and have it cleandd the French Cleaners way. Pickup and delivei’ on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-30tfc.............. ...................... ?....................... ■ ■ EMPLOYMENT WANTED STENOGRAPHER AVAILABLE eve- nings, Mondfty to Friday after 7 o’clock p.m. Bookkeeping knowledge, ' — Mrs. W. Latrellle, 153 Columbia Drive, RCAF Centralia. 29:5* 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL wants employ­ ment every morning as mother’s Imln. Rond Of children. Apply Box ”K"f Times-Advocate. x 5* experienced housekeeper : Would like ft position m home. Phone G81-r-22 Hensall. r>c f...... -.if-n 7 - ,.'1 -, if YOUNG MAN, experienced, would like general office. work and stock- keeping, —Phone 409-J Exeter. 5* DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.' 3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for al) kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc NOTICES TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION Court of Revision on the 1953 Vot­ ers' List will be held in Crediton" Community Centre on Monday, Nov. 16, at the hour of 11:00 in the fore­noon. 5:12cF, W. MORLOCK, CLERK TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the 1954 Assessment Roll will be held in the Council Chambers, Monday, Novem- ber 16, at 3 p.m._________ 5:12c RE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House. Goderich, commencing November 17, Tuesday, 1953, at 2:00 P.M. All accounts,- notices *of deputations and other business requiring the at­ tention of Council should be in the ' ' ’ " " " ■ — - not laterhands of the County Clerk than November 14, 1953. A. H. ERSKINE County Clerk, Goderich,Ont. 5:12c HELP WANTED YOUNG WOMAN for part-time house­ keeping. —Phone, 239 Exeter. 5c DRUG CLERK. Apply at Cole’s Drug Store. ll-5tfc HOUSEKEEPER — Woman desiring good country home, to look after in­ valid, light housekeeping. Two in family. Write Box "B”, The Times- Advocate. __ 5* EARN $50 WEEKLY Men-women. We have a sensational plan whereby you can make $50 weekly and more in spare time by selling our complete line of dry goods and yard goods. No experience need­ ed. Samples furnished; Free Particu­lars. REX TRADING CO. (Dept. 49) 5752 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. 5:12* REAL ESTATE TRUCKING BUSINESS in the village of Elimville, Class “F” License. House and lot (half-acre garden) ad­ ditional. Eight-room 5-bedroom house has hardwood floors, new kitchen cupboards, bath and air-conditioned furnace; also 4-car garage. Business and property sold separately jf de­sired. Apply Charles Stephen, phone 25-r-22 Kirkton. 5:12c 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE, corner ' lot. Apply 303 Anne Street or phone 399- J. 5* 100 ACRES STEPHEN pasture land, partly tillable, pond water supply. Bargain price. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-29tfc WE ARE OFFERING one of Exeter’s finest residences. This modern three- bedroom home is particularly well finished inside and out. You will be pleased with every room. If you are considering buying or building, let us show you this fine property. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-29tfc HIGHWAY 150 ACRES extra well situated. Small house, large barn, silo, driveshed, henhouse, electricity. Early possession. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-15tfc $5,000.00 WILL PURCHASE 2-apart- ment home. Well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Both apartments are rent­ ed, giving income of $75 per month. —C. V., Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. ’ 10-15tfc $4,000.00 FOR 3-BEDROOM HOME— Usual living rooms. Full basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and town water. This home is nicely painted and in good repair. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.___________10-15tfc 100 ACRES WITH comfortable med­ ium sized home. Large barn with good stabling. Silo. Hydro and water pressure with never-failing well. Soil is a very productive clay loam. Farm is near Exeter and possession will be given at buyer’s convenience. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 10-15tfc IN EXETER, 2-bedroom brick cot­ tage. Bright iving rqpms. Hydro, 3- piece bath, full basement and garage. Price $1,500.00. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 10-ltfc ACREAGES—We have several small­ er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house and other buildings, hydro and good water’ supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-24tfc EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brick house, hot air oil furnace, flush toi­ let. Possession Oct. 1. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.9-17(fc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R. E. Balk­will, Exeter,_________________6-18tfc HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loam, L-shape bank barn, stabling has conveniences for horses, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. Concrete silo. Henhouse, drfveshed. Good 2-storey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold water, attached garage. Possession fail or spring. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, sales­ man. 9-17tfc FOR SALE — Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace'. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500700. Quick pos­ session. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont,....... 9-10tfc iOMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, irge garden, Dashwood. Early pos- esslon. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl ‘arsons, Salesman.8-13tfC lOOD 2-STOREY brick house in Iromarty has all conveniences, a. »arn and small acreage. — W. C. ’earce, Realtor.______________9-17tfc INVESTMENT! Village house In good JOhditiCil, conveniences, garage, ca- jins well rented. W. C. Pearce, Rcal- br, Eatl Parsons, Salesman. 3-13tfc ALWAYS HAVE for sale good is of various size, price and ....Uy, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homos. <—W, c. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. 5-28tfc LOOK, POULTRYKEEPERS — let's have your order for Bray pullets, broiler cockerels, for November-Dec­ember delivery, Started chicks. Good markets ahead call for long range planning. Erie Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. 5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSIAH KESTLE, deceased. All persons having claims the estate of Josiah Kestle, the Town of Exeter, in the of Huron, ,wiiu died vu v. 1st of October, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, On­ tario. by the 21st of November next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 5:12:19c against late of .l-auici, in liic County .who died on or about the VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AUCTION On the premises,LOT 10. BOSANQUET TOWNSHIP Pinery Road. 2 miles south of Grand Bend The undersigned auctioneer has. been Instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 2:30 p.m. sharp, DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE con­ sists of Lot 10, Bosanquet Township on which is situated a newly built 4-room cottage with all modern con­veniences. Property in very suitable location for building lots. Also 8 acres of land, 2 acres of which is choice gra­ vel. Inspect, this property before sale date and convince yourself of the wonderful opportunity. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bld. THOMAS SEMPLE, PROPRIETOR ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER In the Estate of MARGARET HAMACHER, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Hamacher, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of September, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Soli­ citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14 th day of November next, after which date the tributed, having claims of which ceived. BELL & _____ Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 29:5:12c 1 the in- on _______ ____ after estate will be dis­ regard only to those notice has been re-notice has been LAUGHTON In the Estate of JOSEPH HICKEY, deceased. persons having claims against late of in the on or are All ........................„ .......... the estate of Joseph Hickey, the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, who died about the 30th of March, 1953, _ required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14tli day of November next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having re­gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario,' Solicitors for the Executors.29:5:12c In the Estate of CHARLES ALBERT BEAN, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Albert Bean, late of the Township of McGillivray, In the County of Middesex, Farmer, who died on or about the 21st day of .Tune 1953. are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Bell & Laugh­ ton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of November next, after which date the estate will be dis­tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- CAlVAfl BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter. Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator.29:5:12c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Livestock in HENSALL SALE BARN EVERY THURSDAY AT 2:00 P.M. For further particulars, telephone HARRY SMITH. 187 Hensall, or VICTOR HARGREAVES, phone 635- r-21 Clinton, dr contact ALVlN WALPER, auctioneer, Zurich. 5:12:19:26:3:10:17:24c 6 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at LUCAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1:30 p.m. MRS. J. B. ARMITAGEhalf block south of Anglican Church Frigidaire; Quebec coal and wood range, with pipes; piano; ice box; kitchen cabinet; .kitchen chairs; din­ ing extension table; 2 small tables; book shelves, open; 2 beds, 2 mat­ tresses, 2 springs; kitchen clock; var­ iety of dishes; kitchen utensils; pic­tures; sealers; garden and carpenter’s tools; 2 counter scales; linoleum, car­ pets; half ton coal; stove wood; 6 trestles (new); 4 panels plate glass; and numerous other articles. MRS.-J. B. ARMITAGE, PROP. W. S. O’NEIL, AUCTIONEER Clearing AUCTION SALE of Auto, Livestock, Farm Implements, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises,LOT 10, CON. 16. STEPHEN TWP. First Farm East of Shipka The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction . onWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp, the following: CATTLE: Holstein cow, due first part of December; red Durham cow with calf at foot; roan Durham cow, with calf at foot; 3 red Durham cows with calves at foot; blue roan heifer, with calf at foot; red Durham heifer rising 2 years old; S Durham and Hereford steers rising 2 year old; 7 Hereford and Durham heifers, rising 2 years old. This is an extra good herd of cat­ tle. AUTO: 1951 Pontiac Coach, in all around new condition, correct mile­ age 20,000. Convince yourself by see­ ing this car on day of sale, if not previously sold, FARM IMPLEMENTS & MISCEL­LANEOUS ITEMS: Massey Harris 10-ft. cultivator; M.H. grain grinder, 10”, like new; 2-drum steel roller; M.H. 4-wheel manure spreader on rubber; hay loader; International corn loader, like new: lime spreader; pick­up adjustable narrows for Fordsoh tractor, 14-ft. wide; M.H, bean scuf­ fler; Parker horse-drawn bean puller; dump rake; auto track, heavy rear end; ditching scraper; one-horse scuffler; oftt roller; milk eart; 2 In­ ternational cream separators; Inter­ national stainless milking machine, double unit, like new; quantity as­phalt shingles; buzz saw; steel tire wagon; quantity of lumber; cutter; 2 sets of bob sleighs; Fordge blower; colony house: chicken shelters; sap pails; sausage grinder and press; set of taps and dies, 1- to 2-inch. Many articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Sunshine electric range, like new; electric space heater; refrigerator, 9 cu. ft.,- like now; dining room suite, icnlud- ing table, 6 chairs and buffet; oak library table; Willis piano, in good condition; dresser; Findlay coal and wood range,- like new: Beach cook stove, equipped With oil-burner; Sin­ ger sewing machine; 2 beds, Springs and mattress; coal-oil heater; kitchen table with 4 matching chairs; step­ladder chair; child’s playpen, etc,, etc.,; axmfnstcr fug, OxlOl.6; some bedding; fruit jars. terms: Cash. No reserve—every­thing will be sold, ALBERT GAISER, PROPRIETOR „ 4 GLEN WEBB, CLERKALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 29:50 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises block north of main corner in VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer is structed to sell by public auction SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp.Dining-room suite; buffet; china cabinet; rust mohair chesterfield! suite; occasional chair; Philco radio' and table; Singer sewing machine: McClary stove; General Electric washing machine, like new; gas stove and oven; electric kitchen clock; oil heater; various end tables; Wilton, rug, 9x12; congoleum rug, 9x12; 2 complete bedroom suites with spring- filled mattresses; dressers and com­ modes; 2 wardrobes, one with full- length mirror; 2 large fish bowls; hall rack; rocking chairs; 5 dining room chairs; ironing board; various mirrors: long pantry table; 2 benches; cedar chest; cask-register; cash box; living room furniture; floor and ta­ ble lamps; picture and picture frames; sheets and pillow cases, quilts, comforters; flanellette and woollen blankets, chenille and satin bedspreads; linen table cloth; mats; bedding; candle sticks »and holders; towelling; silverware; glassware; an­ tique dishes; full line of kitchen utensils; coal scuttle; garden tools; sealers; crocks; many articles too numerous to mention. No reserve— everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash.MRS. ROSELLA KRUEGER. PROPRIETRESS IVAN YUNGBLUT, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 5:12c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Small 4-Room Cottage Home, Threshing Machine, Valuable Farm Implements, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the premises,19, CON. 9, BABYLON LINE, HAY TOWNSHIP 1% miles east of Zurich first farm south, undersigned auctioneer is in- LOT The -------- ----- ------------- ~ --structed to sell by public auction on. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp.REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 19, Con. 8, Hay Township, 75 acres of choice logm land with 25 acres in fall wheat, 43 acres of newly seeded', grass land and 7 acres of good maple, end elm bush. 'TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on. day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid.COTTAGE HOME: Newly built 4- room cottage with modern conven­ iences situated on the premises, Lot 19, Con. 8, built on skids, Insulated throughout. A fine dwelling to be re­ moved from premises with arrange­ments by the proprietor. -TRACTORS & THRESHING MA­ CHINE: Massey Harris ”44” tractor, used twd seasons, in guaranteed new condition. Allis Chalmers "B" trac­tor, used two seasons, in guaranteed new condition.Threshing Machine—Dion threshing- machine, 22x38, in all around new condition, with shredder, fully- equipped for grain, beans or clover, FARM IMPLEMENTS: McDeering3- furrow tractor plow, like new; Oliver 2-furrow tractor plow, like new; M.H. binder, 7-ft. cut; McDeer­ ing 13-run fertilizer drill, tractor hitch and markers; Allis Chalmers power mower, like new; New Idea 4- bar side delivery rake; 8%-ft. rub­ ber tire tractor cultivator; 6-ft. trac­ tor cultivator; 8-ft. Bissell double tractor disc,, like new; 6-ft. double disc; M.H. 2-drum steel roller; 2-row tractor scuffler.; new dump rake; Mc­ Deering hay loader, like new; 2 sets 3-section diamond liarrows; 16?ft. flat hay rack, brand new; 2 sliding racks; 2 rubber tire wagons with roller bearing like new; 2-wheel trail­er with stock rack; bean puller for Allis tractor; circular saw and stand; large emery; set of sleighs; M.H. cream separator: white-wash spray­er; Cockshut 10-inch grinder, like new; 120-ft. 6-inch drive belt; 50-ft. rubber belt; GOO jute bags; 3 sets of bean knives; colony house, 10x12; 32- inch buzz saw, complete; 75 new steel posts; 50 cedar posts; quantity of lumber and mixed wood; 300 onion crates, uniform size; onibn screens; 3 large self hog feeders; chop boxes; 3 complete sets of M.H. binder can­vas; 2 heavy steel logging chains; small chains; sling ropes; harness and collars; 4 chicken shelters; bag­ trucks; maple syrup outfit with pails and spiles; ’/i-h.p. electric motor; hay fork; large copper kettle; forks, shovels. Many articles too numerous to mention. LIVESTOCK: Two Holstein cows, milking; 10 yearling grass cattle; Durham and Hereford. HAY & GRAIN: 700 bales of choice timothy hay; 900 bales choice red clover hay; 600 bushels mixed grain; 400' bushels Cartier seed oats; 6 bus. timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Beach enamel cook stove; complete dining- i’oom suite; small tables; kitchen set; tapestry rug, 7%x9; day-bed; dress­ ers: commodes; iron kettle; Window sash; Quebec heater; 2 lawn mowers; fire extinguisher; copper boiler; sau­ sage grinder and press; wooden tub; all kinds of dishes; sealers; 2 com­plete toilet sets; apple pealer, etc., etc. Being this is an extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. No> reserve as the farm is sold.TERMS: Cash, HERB DES.TARDINE, PROP.GLEN WEBB, EARL WEIDO, CLERKSALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 5:12c Clearing REAL ESTATE AUCTION On the premises.BART OF LOT 21, STEPHEN TWP.. in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The Undersigned auctioneer is in­ structed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 at 2:30 p.m. sharp.DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE, con­ sists of Part of Lot 21, Stephen Twp., one acre of land on which is situat­ ed ft well built, newly remodelled 2- storey insul-brlck home With modern conveniences, full basement, never- falling well, best of garden land; property in very suitable location. Convince yourself by inspecting this property before day of sale.TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day Of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to ft reasonable reserved bld. DENNIS CORRIVEAU. PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 5:12:190 .