HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-29, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1953 Some men expect never to find tile perfect woman, but have a lot of fun looking! Huron County Health Unit Immunization Clinic The first in a series of preschool immunization clinics for Exeter and district will be held in the basement of the South Huron Hospital—en­ trance off Anne Street —on Thurs­day, November 5, 1953, from 3:00- 4:00 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or re­inforcing inoculations for Diphttferia, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Small­ pox. Bowling —Continued from Page 9 Jacks and Neil Stanlake 606 (272) for the Mates. Maroons 7, Grease Monkeys O The Maroons were rough with the Grease Monkeys last Friday, skunking the mechanics 7-0—1,- 051-952. 991-862 and 1,094-898. The GMs were short-handed. T-A Apologizes Unfortunately due to lack of space, the correspondence from Kirkton, Whalen, Biddulph, Sun­ shine and Saintsbury has had to be omitted. The editor apologizes. OYSTER SUPPER WOODHAM ORANGE HALL Thursday, Nov. 5 Supper Served, from 5:30 P.M., Followed by a Play Entitled “STANGER IN THE NIGHT” Presented by A.Y.PA. of St. Paul’s Church, Kirkton ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN (under 12) .75 Auspices L.O.L. 492 Eldon Robinson, W.M. Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. GERALD ROWLAND (nee Ulene Ducharme) Saturday, Oct. 31 Zurich Community Centre, HARBURN ORCHESTRA 9:30 to 12:00 Everybody Welcome BAZAAR Sponsored by Main Street Woman’s Association Sat., Nov. 7 3:00 p.m. Exeter Public Library Baking, Aprons, Fancy Work White Elephant Booth TEA DR. EVAN V. SHUTE M.B., F.R.C.S. (C) will address a gathering of ladies in the Town Hall, Exeter Thursday, Oct. 29 8:00 p.m. SECOND LECTURE Sponsored by the Elimville and Hurondale Institutes Admission 350 ill HiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiim.iif hi H.iiiitiiiiiiiiiifmiititHif mi Official Opening | Clinton Gun Club's New Trap I AT THE FISH AND GAME CLUB HOUSE E I Wednesday, Nov. 11 At 1.00 p.m. | Trophies and Prizes Galore f All Clubs Are Cordially Invited g Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association SENIOR “B” OHA HOCKEY EXETER ARENA Friday, October 30 f at 9:00 p.m. J Elmira Polar Kings | versus I London Briggs i I ADMISSION 500 — STUDENTS 250 f Pre-Sale of Tickets at Arena Fri., Oct. 30, 1-4:30 P.M. I We will remember the terrific game Elmira played I here last year—and in Briggs we have found the ideal | match to give fans the game of the year. .. ..........................................H...................................... iiiiim...... ................... . ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..........tmtiinnimiiiiiiitiiiii............................ imiuinmmiiiii.........uiiiniiiitiiimimiiiiii, I Attention 5 I South Huron Readers | South Huron District High School g | Magazine Drive I starts Monday, October 26 | S.H.D.ET.S. Students Will Canvass the Area I .Between October 26 and November 6 I Help S.H.D.H.S. Finance School Activities! Woodham —Continued from Page 7 orous reading. Mrs. T. G. Wan- less played an instrumental and William and Ray Mills sang a duet. Dedicated To Pat Walkei* Last week the Woodham horseshoe courtWas a very exciting evening of sport When the Exeter boys came over with glee To try to score ringers at Woodham, you see.As the game went on in a friendly style, Coach Pat Walker lost his smile— His team was losing, the score did show, And this to Pat was a terrible blow. "The game must stop!*’ cried Pat with rigour, But the Woodham boys kept going with vigour; At the end of the playing, my sakes alive,Woodham led by one game and points eighty-five. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR The Story In Shipka By MRS. HARRY SHRPPHARD COMING EVENTS IT’S COMING! — Big Harvest Frolic on Nov. 17 with Lionel Thornton and his orchestra. ____________________15:22:29c BAKE SALE — Sponsored by the Women’s Institute of Elimville, on Saturday, November 14, at Lindenfield’s Hardware at 3 p.m. 29:5* REBEKAHS wanting tickets for “Purple Patches”, November 23, are asked to get them at Novem­ ber 4 meeting of the lodge. Price ?1.25._____________________29c USBORNE TOWNSHIP Federa­ tion of Agriculture will hold its annual meeting and banquet at Elimville United Church Novem- bei’ 20. 29c EXETER DISTRICT Co-operative will hold its annual meeting at the Legion Hall, Exeter, on Nov­ ember 27. 29c BAZAAR — The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church are holding a bazaar on Saturday, November 14. 29c Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. GLENN STEWART Friday, Oct. 30 Farquhar Hall Everybody Welcome Arena Weekly Schedule SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Children’s Skating - 2-4 Hallowe’en Party - 7-9 Public Skating - 9-11 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Season Tickets on Sale at Public School — Price $2.00 Public Skating - 9-11* « ♦ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Open for Practices - 6-11 ♦ * * WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Public Skating - 8:30-10:30 Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Miss Esther Hocking, Seaforth, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hocking. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamil­ ton, Galt, called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Sr. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKel- lar visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McKellar, Staf- fa. Mrs'. W. N. Binning and Rich­ ard and Mrs. R. Homouth, Mit­ chell, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mrs. M. Houghton, Miss Olive Speare, Mrs. James Howe and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar visited I Miss Mary Ann Hoggarth at the home of her niece, Mrs. Ingram, at Hensail on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rose, Valeria, Ralph and Joan Rose and Audrey Kemp were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. Jim Ramsay, Georgetown, spent the weekend with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadiclc and Sharon Grace and Mrs. Grace Scott, Loudon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus­ sell. Messrs. Tom and John Hay moved to their new home in Mit­ chell on Friday. The Marian Ritchie thankoffer­ ing meeting was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance of mem­ bers and visitors. Mrs. Calder McKaig presided and Mrs. Sam McCurdy led in devotions. A thanksgiving story was given by Mrs. Eldon Allen. The guest speaker, Mrs. George Lamont, of Mitchell, gave a splendid address on “Thanksgiving”. Miss Mar­ garet Walker sang a solo and the meeting closed with prayer. The annual meeting of the Y.P.S. was held on Tuesday eve­ ning when new officers were ap­ pointed and necessary business transacted. The meetings will be resumed for the winter months. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the repairing of Cromarty Pres- The WA will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner on November 4. Mr. and Mrs. M- 0. Sweitzer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milt Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. James Prance, of Grand Bend, visited Sunday byterian Church, at which time the basement was added, was held on Sunday morning with Rev. John Elder, a former min­ ister, and now a missionary in British. Guiana in charge of the service. Special music was pro­ vided by the choir and the male quartette. Many former members and friends of Mr. Elder were present and enjoyed an inspiring address on Evangelistic work among the natives of British Guiana. He also showed interest­ ing pictures to the children of the Sunday School. Among those who attended the anniversary service and visited with friends were; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Grahm, Avonton, and Mrs. Horton Mc­ Dougall, Lumley, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Miller with Mr. and Mrs. George Wal­ lace. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDougall and Mrs. Violet Quance, Harring­ ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch with Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mc­ Kaig. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Keith and Kenneth, Carlingford, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and Richard, Mitchell, and Miss Marie Binning, Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Currie, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Rev. Mr. Elder was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Duncanson at the manse and with Mr. Oswald Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal­ ker and family while in the vil­ lage. <S’i' it ii 1111111 ii it 11 < 111i111111111 ii 11111 ii 1111,11 it 111,11111 n 11111111111111 it 111111111111111 i 11 it 11 < 1111i11111111 ■ 11 ■ ■ ii 1111 ii n 111111 ii mi DASHWOOD Baseball Banquet Thursday, November 12 7:00 p.m. e V. L. BECKER’S SHOWROOM j To Honor Ontario Intermediate “D” Champions, | Ontario Pee Wee “D” Champions and the = Dashwood Tigerettes | GUEST SPEAKER I Frank Coleman, Toronto Maple Leafs | Tickets on Sale Saturday at V. L. Becker’s, Hayter’s | Garage, Restemayer & Miller Store, Wolfe’s Barber | Shop, Dashwood Planing Mill | FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 30 and 31 Wac From Walla Walla ■fc Judy Canova ★ Stephen Dunne Slapstick cohiedy, good laughs. Entertainment for the whole family. MONDAY & TUESDAY November 2 and 3 Confidentially Connie ★ Janet Leigh ★ Van Johnson A highly amusing, domestic comedy, crammed with many co­ mical situations, making it real good entertainment. ENROLL NOW for the SOUTH HURON NIGHT SCHOOL at the HIGH SCHOOL IN EXETER Every Thursday Night From 8 to 10 p.m. The South Huron High School Board will offer Night School Classes if there is enough interest to make it worthwhile. 1. AGRICULTURE — 1. Soils, 2. Crops, 3. Livestock (state preference—only ONE will be offered). 2. WELDING — Electric. 3. WOODWORKING — Farm shop practices, use and main­ tenance of hand and powered equipment—projects. | 4. TYPING — A beginners’ course. | 5. BOOK-KEEPING — Keeping records, simplified form of | bookkeeping, income tax forms, etc. | 6. LEATHER CRAFT — Tooling, embossing, carving, wal- | lets, .gloves, bookmarks, etc. | 7. OIL- PAINTING — Fundamentals, composition, brushwork. = 8. SEWING — Selection of material, pattern alteration,| short-cuts, making simple clothing. | 1. Elementary, 2. Advanced (please specify preference).„ = 9. COOKING — Advanced course, emphasis on ideas for = entertaining. , | 10. ANY OTHER COURSE OF YOUR CHOICE. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 4 and 5 It Happens Every Thursday ★ Loretta Young ★ John Forsythe A pleasing and amusing co- mey drama revolving around the New York couple who purchased a run-down, small weekly news- J paper. Please indicate below your choice of course if you would like to have a Night School organized. I am interested in registering in night classes with: ...................................................................... as first choice. ......................... as second choice. NAMES ..................................................................................... ADDRfiSS ......................................... .................................... Return to; MISS N. WILSON, BOX 313, EXETER, ONT. Application# Must Be Received by November 2 I with Mrs. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Sweitzer I and family spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Comfort of Fen­ wick and spent spine time at Buffalo, N.Y. Miss Barbara Sweitzer spent a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, of Woodham, recently. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars and June, Grand Bend. Mr. Jack Shank, of Parkhill, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering and Stanley. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lamport of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Lamport, Mrs. Art Finkbeiner is spend­ ing a few days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Sanders and Janet, of Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown, of Bothwell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgarten. Mr. Cecil Wilson, of Exeter, spoke on Missions at the morn­ ing church service, Sunday. The WA held a very success­ ful bazaar last week. Mrs. Leah Keyes, of Exeter, spent the weekend with Mrs. Margaret Finkbeiner and Miss Nellie Hotson, of London. ^iliiiiiiiiiuiiiyiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiHiiiliililiiMH'n'llliUlMH*1***1^!*!*1*1*11!**^ Baseball Banquet Wednesday, November 11 | EXETER LEGION HALL | To Honor: | EXETER LEGION MOHAWKS | Intermediate “C” Huron-Perth Champions | — $1.50 Per Plate ?— | A limited supply of tickets is available at Chambers & | Darling, McKniglit & Walper, and The Times-Advocate. ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituiUii'HinnHiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiii^ 4111 iiiiiiniiiti i iiiii iiiiii i mini uni iiiiimiiitiiim mm miiimmmmn miimiimimm iiimiii iiii ii BIG OLD TIME and MODERN Como Out to the Junior Farmers' MEETING Wed., Nov. 4 at 8:30 p.m. SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Girls’ Topic: “Girls Are Needed on the Farm” — Elaine Hern Recipes for Xmas Cake and Puddings Boys: Interesting Speaker - Girls Please Bring Lunch - All New Members Welcomed Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. HARRY HERN (nee Clarice Lynn) Exeter Legion Hall Friday, Nov. 6 GOOD ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 30 and 31 “SO THIS IS LOVE” (Technicolor) ★ Kathryn Grayson ★ Merv Griffin ★ Joan Weldon I-Iere’s the rag-time to riches story of Grace Moore. CARTOON Shows at 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 3 and 4 •Ar Jennifer Jones as “RUBY GENTRY” ★ Charlton Heston ★ Karl Malden Meet Ruby Gentry ... a tor­ rid, tempestuous girl of the swamps. NEWSREEL AND SELECTED SHORTS Dancing - TWO DON ROBERTSON and the Ranch Boys with The Paul Trio Dancing 9:30 to 12:30 Jamboree BANDS - BLUEWATER BOYS Featuring TWO Old Time t Fiddling Champions: Mel Lavigne - ’51, ’52 Ward Allen - ’53 Regular Admission 750 Friday, October 30 LONDON ARENA DANCING \ Every Saturday Night TO . j Clarence Petrie And His Nighthawks Admission 750 9 to 12 P.M. | Exeter Legion Memorial Hall ^iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiimiH^ ^.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii^ Strathroy Lions Club Strathroy Public School Friday, November 6 More Than More Than CASH PRIZES $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 JACKPOT GAME Games Start Sharp at 9:00 P.M. Entire Net Proceeds To West Middlesex Memorial Centre Building Fund Admission $1.00 Includes 12 Regular Games ’'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....... Hallowe'en Party FREE FOR ALL COMMUNITY CHILDREN EXETER ARENA - 7 P.M. SHARP Saturday, October 31 Treats And Cash Prizes For I GYMNASIUM SPONSORED AND SUPERVISED BY EXETER LIONS CLUB Ghosts Pirates Indians Cowboys Witches National Black Faces Comic Couples Special Animals Clowns Fancy ' Hoboes i Devils SKATING AFTER 9:00 P.M. ONLY Free To All In Costume JUDGING ON THE ICE TREATS AND ENTERTAINMENT IN THE One Show Only at 8:00 P.M.