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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-29, Page 11
TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29, 1953 Page 11, Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATQN Brotherhood Sunday At St. James’ Church Brother hood Sunday was observed with special music by the choir. The rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, introduced, the guest speaker, Mr, Peter McIntyre, of Parkhill, who is vice-president of the Brother hood of Anglican Churchmen of the Deanery of Wesk Middlesex, who spoke of the aims and-duties of the members of the organization. The lessons were read by Mr. Maurice Simpson and Mr. Stanley Tomes. Medway Students Honored At the Hotel London on Mon day, a noon luncheon was held by the Rotary Club of London? Guests were the students of Med way High School who competed in the Middlesex Plowing com petition on October 15. Attending were Johnny McNaughton, Clare Paton, Verne Bilyea, Fred Lewis, Jack Bilyea, Don Leitch, Brian Donaghey and Mr. R. C. Skipper, agriculture teacher at Medway. In the class for high school students Johnny McNaughton and Clare Paton won the trophy for their school which was presented by the Rotary president at the luncheon. The two boys, each re ceived a desk pen, set in onyx, as a personal gift. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Paton visit ed Mr. Harvey Riehl on Tuesday at the -Stratford General Hospital. A family party in honor of Mr. Ernie Lewis' birthday was held at his home on Wednesday eve ning. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lewis and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis, Mr. and . Mrs. Horatio Simpson, Mrs. Jessie -Lewis, Bill and Jerry Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Mrs. Irene Lewis and Don Simpson. Miss Joan Murless spent the weekend with Miss Brenda Mason of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare were guests on Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hills, London, who entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorndale, it being their tenth wedding anniversary. The guests were entertained by contests, community singing and cards. Refreshments were served aftei- which the couple were pre sented with a coffee table. Guests were from London, Kirkton and Clandeboye. Mrs. Fred Simpson entertained on Saturday evening to a turkey supper. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Revington, Rose ’and Anne of Lucan, Mr. • and Mrs. Mac McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Like The Boy Scouts Be Prepared! Buy your WINTER FOOTWEAR now. We have in. stock lead ing manufacturers’ rubber and nylon footwear for the whole family. DOMINION RUBBER CO. MINER RUBBER CO. GOODRICH RUBBER CO. Ypu Can’t Go Wrong With The Best’. J. B. READY LUCAN PHONE 45 you save $20 to $30 $130 WEEKLY EVANS DELUXE MODEL 151 clean, comfortable heat without work Ju$l light this powerhouse ... set the dial . i > ond you get clean, ever) heat 24 bouts a day. It uses low cost fuel oil and is lower in operating cost than a'ny other type of oil-fired equipment. Easily Install ed in a few minutes. Heals 4 to 6 rooms. Heatwave Power Blower available at ■small extra cost. $3JA00 AUTOMATIC dC V — THERMOSTAT Absolutely i$e6 ACT NOW. This offer good FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY. Crocker Refrigeration Phone 59 Exeter Explorers The Lucan Explorers held their bi-weekly Expedition on Friday afternoon, October 23 in the United Church school room. Out-of-doors games were play ed, more waste paper baskets were started, this time for sale, and the second chapter of the Study Book was read. Explorers Beverley BuTTer and Kathleen Ryan conducted the worship service. Owing to the fact that Chief Explorer Barbara Coxe has moved to Barrie, Ex plorer Sheila Iredale was asked to remain as Chief Eplorer for a further term of three months. The Expedition closed with the Explorer Prayer and Taps. Barn Destroyed By Fire A bank barn on the farm of Ronald White, Concession 13, London Township, was destroyed by fire, October 28. Hundreds of volunteers hauled buckets of water from Medway Creek to prime Ilderton’s fire pump, while others rushed to rescue farm animals. One man was' almost overcome by smoke. Most of the stock was saved, but three calves were burned to death. Firemen fought for three hours to pre ven the fire spreading to other buildings. The loss is partly covered by insurance. Couple' Honored Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burgess (nee Winnifred Hardy) of Lon don were guests of honor Satur day evening when over 30 rela tives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M- H. Hodgins. Bridge and euchre were enjoyed by the guests and in a draw the prize went to Mr. Harold Cousens of • Warwick. Mr. Ward Hodgins, uncle of Mrs. Burgess, on behalf of the group, presented the bride and groom with an upholstered plat form rocker and a table lamp. Guests included Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cousens and Mari lyn, Warwick; Mr. Albert Tay lor, Mr. and Mrs. Bryden Taylor, Donna and Barbara, Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hodgins, London; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, Mac. and Daisy, of Den- field; Mr. Ward Hodgins, Mr. Victor Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and Laura, Mr. Murray Hodgson, of Clandeboye; Dr. and»Mrs. C. H. George, Mr. Jim McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Lucan. Personal Items Mrs." T. C. McFarlane accom panied Mr. and- Mrs. R. J. Har per home to Pt. Perry for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cliarsley of Sudbury have returned home after a four-day visit with the latter’s brother, Mr. M. 0. Smith and Mrs. Smith. Friends of Mrs. Bert Galpin (nee Ida Tennant) will be pleas ed to hear of her new grand daughter born in Victoria Hos pital October 1'8 to Mr. and'Mrs. Robert Galpin. Miss Marion Coursey and Mr. Douglas Stone of the Lucan Holy Trinity AYPA, attended the four- day conference at Belleville last weekend. Mrs. Mac. Lamond and Mrs. Nairn, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Theron Creery and son, Earl, of Woodham, attended the Claire Wallace lecture at the Commun ity Centre last Friday night. Master Ward Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, was the weekend guest of Suz anne Foster of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mrs. Garfield Needham were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ada Walker of London. Mrs. Albert Ogilvie of Toledo is visiting with her sister, Mrs. N. Wasnidge. Maurice Simpson, Mrs. E. Tomes, and Mir. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie. Mrs. Guy Harrison suffered a Stroke at the home of het daugh ter, Mrs. Lloyd Elgie, of London last weekr^ Marcia Elgie, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Elgie, of London, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. J* H. Paton aftd Clare were guests oh Sunday eve ning of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Paton of Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie entertained on Monday evening in honor of Mirs. Hendrife’s bro ther, Mr. Moore Cunningham’s birthday. Supper guests were Mr, and iMrs. Omar Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham and Mrs. Fred SiinpSon. Mirs. Mervin Carter attended the teachers’ convention at tile Beal Technical School On‘Friday. Mr. W. Ml Wilson is improving from an eye operation and ex pects to be home from st, Jo seph’s Hospital soon. Mrs. Elvti Dobbs, of Dlstey, SaSIt., a 'former resident of this community, visited Miss Evelyn HayUr, Mrs. W. M. Cornish and Mrs. Percy SimbSOh of Centralia. She left oh Tuesday by Way of United States, travelling by bus. Lucan And District News Institute Members Fill Hall To Hear Claire Wallace Talk The members of the Lucan WI were most happy to see the ca pacity crowd that filled the audi torium of the Community Centre Friday night to hear Claire Wal lace. Invitations had been sent to neighboring Women’s Institutes to take advantage of the oppor tunity to hear this noted broad caster. In opening her address, the speaker said the name Lu can was well known to her, as a daughter of Florence Hurst worked in her office and Dr. Ed na Guest is, and Jessie Read was, dear friends Of hers. She did not confine her talk to the Corona tion, but spoke more generally .of her work, She was introduced by Mrs. Jack Murdy and thanked by Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Little Barbara Park presented her with a corsage. The president, Mrs. Warner McRoberts presided. Other num bers on the program included dances by Marilyn Brownlee and a solo by Mrs. Jack Elson. The Lucan members had the oppor tunity to meet Claire Wallace at a lunch served after the meeting. All those in charge are to be congratulated. Suffers Injury Another casualty is added to Lucan’s growing list. Henry Mon- ton, R,R. 1, Lucan, suffered cuts to four fingers on one hand when it was caught in a corn picker. About an inch was severed from his thumb. He was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital for treat ment. Hallowe'en Frolic The Lucan Lions Club will sponsor a Hallowe’en Frolic at the Community Centre on Satur day night, October 31. All those in costume are asked to meet at the bank corner at seven o’clock and parade to the arena led by the Lucan fire engine. There judging will be done and prizes awarded. Before leaving, the children will receive treats. Teens Enjoy Hay Ride Lucan’s new arena manager, Mr. Len Gaudette, came up with the idea of a hayride for the Lucan and district teen-agers. It was arranged to meet .at 8:30 p.m. on. Friday, October 23, at the home of Miss Muriel Carling. From there two wagons were waiting. One was Clarence Hardy’s wagon and tractor-driven by Jim Avery. The other wagon and tractor was that of Eric Hod gins, driven by Eric himself. The drive proceeded out into the country and was much en joyed by all. On returning back to the arena, Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Howard Black had hot dogs and drinks ready for the hungry crew. The drinks were donated by the kit chen committee and were thoroughly enjoyed. Teen-Town is making arrange ments for a Hallowe'en masque rade party oil Friday, October 30. It is not necessary to come in costume, but every teen-ager is asked to be present and make this event a success. Official Installs IOOF Officers On Tuesday night, District De puty Grand Master Earle Kers- lake and his staff of'District 13, St. Marys, installed the follow ing officers of the Lucan I.O.O.F. 7<0'i Noble Grand, George Simp son; Vice Grand, William Mc- Falls; recording and financial sec retary, Jim Macintosh; Warden, Leslie Woodward; Conductor, Jack Macintosh; Chaplain, Cecil Lewis; R,S.S., Roy Stanley; L.S.S., John Simpson; R.S.N.G,, Charles Tindall; L.S.N.G., Ward Hodgins; R.S.V.G., Herb Stret ton; L.S.V.G., Jack Simpson; I.G., Lome Barker; O.G., Irving Gibson. W.M.S. Mrs. R. Pitt’s group of the United Church WMS sponsored the Thanksgiving meeting held in the church parlors last Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. T. S. Hill presided and Mrs. Pitt took the devotions. Mrs. Myron Culbert sang a solo. Miss Ger.trude White read a temperance paper. Mrs. C. Lewis-took the second chapter in the Study Book. The guest speaker was the district presi dent, Mrs. Erskine, of Parkhill, who spoke from the theme “Lord Teach us to Pray.” Ladies Guild Monday, October 26 was the date of the regular meeting of the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church. Instead of the regular meeting, all went to the base ment to crumble bread, cut onions, make dressing and stuff turkeys for the big turkey din ned ’ Wednesday night at the Community Centre. A number of men were also present, helping to clean the turkeys. Golden Wedding Celebration Lucanites turned out in large numbers last Wednesday night to extend their best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac on the occasion of their golden wedding celebration held in the Lucan Community Centre. To see the bride, and groom dancing in the first square dance, few would dream they had been married 50 years. In spite of the family din ner and strenuous day, at mid night they were still going strong. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Harold Whyte’s group sponsored the October meeting of the United Church Evening Auxiliary at the home of the president, Mrs. Alex Young. The second chapter of the Study Book, “Where’er the Sun” was taken. During the business ses sion it was decided tb pack the bale to Korea the end of this month. Any person with dona tion was aked to leave them at the home of Mrs, Hearn or Mrs. Bert Thompson. The _next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Dave Park when the roll call will be answered with a gift for the Christmas bale to Hali fax. Attend Convention Mrs. Harvey Langford and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, as delegates, attended the thirty-ninth London Area Convention of the Federat ed Women’s Institutes of On tario, held at the Hotel London, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oc tober 20 and 21. Of particular interest were the addresses by Mrs. R. G* Purcell, of Fort William, the president of the F.W.I.O. Miss Anna P. Lewis, Director, Women's .Insti tute Branch and Home*Economics Service, ahd Mrs. Mary Barber of the London Public Library staff. The reports given by the var ious convenors wei’fe most inter esting and contained many new ideas to pass on to the branches. The guest speaker at the evening session Was Padre W. A. Young of the O.A.C., Who took Us his subject the theme Of the conven-1 tioh, “The Great Use of Life is to Spend it for Something Which Lasts’’—Dr. McKinnon Phillips, Provincial Minister of Health. The Pefth County Junior Farmers Choir directed by F» P. Polley, Stratford, presented a delightful half hour musical pro gram. Lucan's correspondent and no doubt many more tufted in 9&0 CF.PL London On Monday at 2: SO p.m, to hear Clhire Wallace. Hearing and seeing her in per son Friday night, does make lifer broadcast much more interesting. C.G.I.T. The Lucan C.G.I.T. met in the United Church parlors Monday, October 17. The worship service was taken by Audrey Whitehead and Margaret Neil, the former telling a story oft “The Pursuit of Happiness,” and the latter reading the Scripture Lesson. Nineteen members answered the roll call after which an election of officers was held, resulting as follows: president, Margaret Neil; vice-president, Marlene Revington; secretary and press reporter, Laverne George, assist ant, Gladys Bond; treasurer, Sheila Ewen; games, Muriel Car ling; monitors, Anne Revington and MhrjOrie Sovereign. Attend Wedding Mr, and Mrs. Howard Black of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, Dave Shamblaw of Kerwood attended th© wedding of Mrs. Black’s and Mr. Shamblaw’s brother, Mr. W. Maxwell Shamblaw, in Chatham oil Saturday, Octobet 17. The bi’ide, Miss Hazel Newcomb, is the daughter of MY. and Mrs. Frank Newcomb, of Mull, and the groom, the son of Mrs. Alice Shamblaw and the late Mr. Wil liam Shamblaw of Kerwood. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents for the im- mediate families. After a honey moon in Muskoka, the couple will reside on the groom’s farm near Kerwood. Personal Items On October 20, Mrs, T. D. Kelly (nee Alma Read, formerly of Lucan) left by plane from New York via Miami, Guayaquul, Lima, Santia and Andes Moun tains for Buenos Aires, Argen tina, where Captain T. D. Kelly is stationed for the present. W. Goulding of London is Birr Public School’s new music teach er. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray and son Don spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCallem of Glencoe are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. Mrs. R. Pitt, who, some months ago, bought a ticket on a Dres den plate quilt from a member of the Guild of High Park Angli can Church, this week received a phone message saying she was the lucky winner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bawden of Los Angeles, Cal., visited with relatives and friends in the vil lage on Tuesday. Mr. Bawden is the son of the late George Baw den, Jr., and Mrs. Bawden .(nee Olive Hodgins), who were former residents of Lucan. The congregation of St. Luke’s Pro. Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie, are planning to rebuild their church after the disastrous fire of November 22, 1952. The Keates Organ Co., of Lucan will install a $15,000 organ, salvag ing parts of the old organ for what will in effect be a new one with a five-year guarantee. Mrs. Garfield Needham, Bally- mote, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert were Mrs. Charles Morgan, Windsor; Mrs. May Bonney, London; Mr. Glen McTavish, of Toronto, and his mother, Mrs. Jean McTavish, of Shakespeare, and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass, Granton. In a letter received from Miss Eva Carter of Toronto, she says her eyes now only permit her to .read the headlines of the paper, but her sister reads her the Ex- ter paper which is like a letter from home. They both enjoy the news of Lucan and Clandeboye old • friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laidley spent last weekend with the lat ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staney. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Murdock have returned from a Toronto visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Stew art. More than 4000 tons of sugar beets are piled in a man-made mountain at Granton’s railway siding. These will be shipped within a few weeks. Mrs. Lena Bawden is confined to her home with an infected foot. Six pure-bred Jerseys from the herd of Alfred Watt, near Birr, have been sold to an Alabama man. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tier and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams and family, of Motherwell. They also called on Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw. Miss Gertrude Morison, Tavis tock, spent Friday with Mrs. Roy Stanley and attended the WI meeting to hear Claire Wallace. Mrs. A. E. Reilly spent the weekend in Brantford, the guest of her brother, W. E. McConkey. Eighty per cent of the Canad ian National linstilute for the Blind’s Middlesex campaign has been raised. J. H. Cantelon, as Lucan’s chairman, handed in $52.50. Mrs. W. Lambert, as Granton’s chairman, handed in $71.55. Mrs. Lily O’Neil of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins and family last week and Mrs. Hodgins returned to Detroit With her sister on Sun day. Donnie Lankin attended the birthday party of, his cousin,, Jackie Park, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Jones and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lankin and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. James Reader visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Young on Sun day. A car driven by Jack Vizenga, R.R. 1, Lucan, hit and killed a yoithg steer owned by Alex Mc Comb, R.R. 2, Denfietd, on No. 4 highway, neaY Elginfield, at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Mc.Ro- berts spent Sunday at Woodham, guests of Mr. and MYS. Theron Creery. Mr. M. H. Hodgins is spending this week in Toronto on a busi ness trip. Mrs, W. bickins attended the birthday dinner of her grandson, Howard McDonald, son of Mr, and Mrs. Mfturicfe McDonald, On Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young Of Credlton and Mr, and Mrs, James Reader of London town ship AVere Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Hat'fy' Lankin. The Lu’can Cubs held a most successful Apple bay on Satur day» taking in over $100* Legion Ladies Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion held an enjoy able social evening at the Legion Hall on Thursday night when euchre and bingo were played. Mrs. Murray Herbert won two prizes, high score and lone hands. Mrs. D. A, Ball won the consola tion prize. In bingo, Mrs. J. Fin ley was the prize winner with the most games. Brotherhood Sunday Sunday, October 25 was Brotherhood Sunday in Anglican Churches in the Huron Diocese. In Holy Trinity the guest speaker was Mr. Peter MacIntyre, Park hill, who spoke on the five points of Brotherhood. Two mem bers of the Lucan Brotherhood, Mr. Frank Hovey and Mr. Charles Corbett, read the lessons. « Knowing Where To Sell Saves You Money Sell Your Poultry With Confidence TOP PRICES PAID — WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Riverside Poultry Co. Howard Ferguson, District Representative PHONE 7-1230 London COLLECT Hensel! 6S0-r-2 I i idill th ay cell your .Son "DOCTOR? Maybe your son doesn’t want to be a doctor. All sons can’t be doctors. If they were, there’d soon be too many doctors, and not enough patients. But that’s not the point. The point is that your children deserve the best possible start in life you can give them. That will cost money. The sure way is to start saving now. No business of the piggy bank or the sugar bowl either. It’s got to be a regular, systematic operation. By long odds the best way is the Canada Savings Bond way. They are safe, convenient securities. They can be turned into cash instantly without loss ot discount. They pay good interest, Now's the time to get going. You con arrange it today with your investment dealer/ Bank, or through your Company’s Fayroll Savings Plan. Canada Savings Bonds ALWAYS CASHABLE AT 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, HUS INTEREST, At ANY BANK. NOW ON SALE