HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-15, Page 101 a\ Page 10 Hydro Interruption Weather permitting the power will be off from 6:00 TO 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, October 18, 1953 IN THE TOWN OF EXETER IN CREDITON AND CENTRALIA VILLAGES the power will be off from 1:30 TO 4:30 P.M. on Sunday, October 18, 1953 These hydro interruptions are required to do necessary work. The time has been arranged to cause the least inconvenience to all customers affected. Manager, EXETER Area, H.E.P.C. of Ontario. L.S.M.F.T. CARS THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, JEMTEB, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER IS, 1953 Message From Greenway By AIKS. GARMEN WOODBURN Thanksgiving visitors in this district were: Miss Deviua Mason of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence lock. Mr. and Mrs, Eldon young daughter of Lucan with Mrs. Arthur Brophey. Mr. and Mrs. Earl' and sons with Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown and Stephen of Toronto with Mrs, J. Brown and Miss Elda Brown. Mr. Fred Fallis, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Fowler of Ontario, Cal., Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey of Gravenhurst with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances. Miss Marion Hicks of London With Mr. and Mrs. William Hicks. Mr. ,and Mrs, Philip and daughter of Lucan and Mrs. Ken Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pol- Mr and and Gardner Gardner. McGuire with Mr. Beverley. Doan of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waren of Parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPher­ son of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. an-d Mrs. Fred Steeper of Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Steeper. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Porter of Parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner and Betty. Mr. Dawson Woodburn of To­ ronto 'at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter­ burn and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Zabot and son of London, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Paw- liwi and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bullock and family of Arkona with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Hamilton with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson and sons of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. David Cluness of Parkhill, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Windsor and daughter of Ailsa Craig with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagleson and Wayne of Detroit with Mrs. William Eagleson. Miss Lillian Ulens of with Mrs. W. T. Ulens, Miss Viola Curts of with Mrs. Charles Curts, Evelyn and Manuel. Mrs. R. Snowden of Parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc­ Pherson. Mrs. Hal Richards, Mrs. Mary McCoy and Miss Ruth McCoy of Aurora, Ill., are spending a few days with Mrs. J. Brown and Miss Elda Brown. Mr. and Windsor London News of Kirkton By AIRS. FRED HAMILTON Data OnDashwood By MRS. JB. H. RAPBR Mr. Watts is in Dashwood visit­ ing with friends. Thanksgiving visitors with Mr., and Airs. Wes Wolfe were their two sons and families, Mr. and Airs. Murray Wolfe, Barrie and Patsy and Air. and Mrs. George Wolfe, all of Toronto. Elsmer of Thedford With Elliott were Mr. and Letter From I I I | ☆ j j ☆ | ☆ I j ☆ 1 I ☆ I I ☆ 1952 1952 1952 1951 1950 1949 1947 1949 1935 1932 FORD SEDAN, a good .one ................... FORD COACH, clean as a whip ........ PONTIAC SEDAN, see this one ........ FORD COACH, best one in captivity METEOR SEDAN, overdrive ......... FORD SEDAN, o.k. at ........................ BUICK SEDAN, good motor and tire FORD COACH, new tires, clean ..... FORD COACH, only DODGE COACH ...... ANGLIA, economical FORD COACH, only CHEV COUPE .......... transportation & 1951 1952 1951 1947 racks Larry Snider Motors For Trucks FORD 3-TON, 158", low mileage ...... . FORD PICKUP .................................. ........ DODGE PICKUP, really nice .................. INTERNATIONAL PICKUP, with stock SPECIAL TRUCKS 1,950, 1,895. 1,750. 1,495. 1,275. 995. 750. 450. 295. 295. 275. 75. 50. 1,495. 1,195. 1,000. 675. Following Trucks Will Be Reduced $10 A Day Until Sold (Thursday’s Prices Are Given) ☆1952 ☆1052 ☆1951 ☆1951 ☆1951 ☆1950 ☆1047 ☆1048 ☆1047 STUDEY PICKUP, overdrive DODGE 1-TON EXPRESS ...................... 172" chassis, 8.25 tires nice ...»............................ EXPRESS ...................... DODGE 3-TON, FORD PICKUP, DODGE 1-TON FORD PICKUP ................................. DODGE 3-TON STAKE with hoist GMC %-TON EXPRESS ................ MERCURY 1-TON EXPRESS ....... "“Quality arid Service with Courtesy” 640. 590. Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 < EXETER “Your Ford * Monarch Dealer” Harvest Thanksgiving Sendee The annual Harvest Thanks­ giving service was held in St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday with a splendid congregation. The rector, Rev. Michael R. Griffin, delivered an inspiring address, at both services. The choir under the leadership of Airs. C. Paul rendered very fitting music. Miss Grace Collier was soloist at the morning service, the congregation ible for the lovely tions. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keffer of Ethel called on Mrs, Joan Mc­ Cormick on Sunday. Miss Cora Mansell of London spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. Mrs. Wilbur Cluff and son of Kitchener rents, Air. and while Fall Fair. Air. and Mrs. William Switzer and daughter of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Switzer. Miss Doris Foley of Guelph spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. T. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney White of Guelph called on the latter's fatehr, Mr. Harry Fletcher. Air. Jasper Pridham of Harris­ ton, visited with Air. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nairn of Mitchell Road were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fletcher this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts of Toronto were Thanksgiving guests with Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mrs. Tufts returned with them for a few days vacation, Church Groups Aleet The A.Y.P.A. .met in the base­ ment of the church Monday eve­ ning with 21 present. The topic was given by Mrs. Clayton Smith on “Citizenship.” Following the program games were played and a social time enjoyed. The Ladies Guild and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Cecil Dobson. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Reuben Swit­ zer. Plans were made for the bazaar to be held November 20. Anniversary 0'1 ebrad on Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Pridham and family were pleasantly sur­ prised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin Thanksgiving day in honor of their wedding anniversary. Those present were: Mrs. Ray Norris and Ethel Latraine of Humber Sum­ mit, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hen­ derson, of Appin, Mr. add Mrs. Fred Pridham, Judith and John and Air. Newton Pridham, of Russeldale, and Mt. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton of Kirkton. The honored couple were the rocibiontg of a purse of money. Following the supper a varied program was enjoyed, The ladies of were respons- harvest decora- visited with her pa- and Mrs. Ira Marshall here attended Kirkton Mr. and Mrs, and family weekend callers Airs. Wesley Wolfe. Air. William Stade is in London hospital. Air. and Mrs. Willis David and Daniel spent Thanks­ giving w.ith their grandmother, Airs. Lucinda Alclsaac. Fourteen ladies from Dash­ wood Institute attended a social evening in Seaforth Tuesday. A number of ladies from Zion Lutheran Church attended a mis­ sionary rally at Wartburg on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Airs. Yundt of Monkton addressed the ladies. Mrs. Ervin Rader attended a meeting of the Huron Waves housewife group at the home of Mrs. Earl Zimmer in Zurich last Thursday. Mr. and Airs. Walter Ness and son of Detroit spent the weekend with Walter's mother, Airs. N. Ness. Mrs. Ness returned to De­ troit with them where she plans to spend the winter, Rev. and Mrs, Louis Higenell spent Thanksgiving with their son and family, Air. and Airs. Gerald Higenell and Peter, at St. Catharines, They will be away until October 23. Mr. and Airs. Clarence Kimpel and daughter, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Mary Becker, and brother and family, Mr. and Airs. Emil Becker. Mr. and Airs. Gordon Weiburg of Waterloo spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiburg and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyler. Mr. and Airs. Ivan Taylor and Ray of Waterloo spent the week­ end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Rader. Air, and Mrs. Ralph Weber and Diane attended the Inter­ national Plowing bourg last-week on to visit the and family, Rev. Carr, in the Ottawa district. Airs. Thelma Garvie and Ron­ ald of Sarnia spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Mrs. L. Peifer is visiting with her sons and families, Messrs. Earl and Jack Peifer, in Chat­ ham. Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver is visit­ ing in Windsor. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Radei' were their two sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rad^f, and Air. and Mrs. Elmer Mr. family giving Koehler and family. Mr. and Mrs, Melton Walper and girls of* Ingersoll spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walper and and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walper and family of London spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walper and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Miss Carol Webb, of London, spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb. Miss Nancy Tieman of London spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Tie­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reste- mayer and family of London spent Thanksgiving with Donald’s father, Mr. Otto Restemayer. Mrs. Martha Baker, who spent the past months in Windsor and Detroit, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Baker, Mrs. Letta Taylor and Anne visited in Toronto and Clarkson over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Peillusch if Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and Dean spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolfe, at Clifford. Mr. and Airs. Clayton Pfile spent the weekend with friends in Detroit. a uatient Alclsaac, Match at Co- and then went former’s sister and Mrs. C. B. Rader. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and of London spent Thanks- with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest twentieth Mr. and daughter Mr. and Airs. A, V. Tieman and Air. and Mrs. Alilfred Merner and family spent the weekend in De­ troit, Air. Harold Musser, who spent 31 months ip Korea, has re­ turned home and is vacationing here. Woinen’s Institute The first meeting Of the W.L since holidays was held Tuesday, October 6, with the president. Airs, Ervin Rader ‘ ‘ for the opening exercises and business. Invitations from two in­ stitutes were read. On© to Sea­ forth was accepted. A nice sum of money was re­ ported from the sale of pie and ice cream and a bake sale dur­ ing the summer, It was decided to send a donation to the CNIB. Two new members were accept­ ed and pictures for the Tweeds- muir Book were given in answer to the roll call. Airs. Mervin Tie­ man and Airs. Arnold Kuntz were appointed delegates tp the convention in London. Airs. Gordon Bender, convener pf history, who was in charge of the program, gave a reading, Airs. Ervin Rader gave a short talk on the topic, “Current events Of today make history of to­ morrow”, Costumes from fifty years ago to the present time were modelled by Mrs. Stuart Wolfe, Mrs. • -Letta Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Bender and Airs. Ervin Rader. An amusing twenty min­ utes were spent trying to name baby pictures of the members. Airs. Harold Kellerman led the group in a geography contest. Huron Waves Meet Fourteen members of the Hur­ on Waves Housewife group met in Zurich Thursday, October 8 at the ‘ ‘ . mer. .Mrs, opened ing O Canada and repeating the Housewife Creed. It was decided to Woodeden. Mrs. Hamilton; dent, thanked the cooperation during her two-year term and for their gift of a vio­ let cream and sugar set. The new officers are as fol­ lows: President, Airs. Harold Thiel, Zurich; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Bryce Mack, Zurich; first vice-president, Mrs. E. Pym, Ex­ eter. After the installation, Mrs. Thiel spoke briefly. Mrs. Ervin Rader invited the ladies to hav.e the spring meeting at her home. Ladies were present from Zurich, Crediton, Thedford and Dashwood. Harpley By MRS. M. HODGINS .. - i = w ip the chnir home of Mrs. Earl Zim- John Hamilton, Thedford, the meeting with all sing- to donate $50 retiring presi- ladies for their Mr. v and Mrs. John McGinnes visited last Monday and Tuesday in Hamilton and Mr. McGinnis attended the races at Long Branch- Mr. and Airs. Jack Ridley and Jean and Mi\ and Mrs. Tom Des- jarijine spent the weekend with friends in Michigan. Miss Mau-de Hodgins and brother spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love at Shipka, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young and qpn John of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. ’ ’ McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love Sunday afternoon with Mr Mrs.* William Love at ’ Bend. Mrs. Clarence Hardy and fam­ ily of Lucan called at the home of her father, Air. Mansell Hod­ gins on Sunday evening. Announcing Lex McDonald Is Your New Superfest Farm Agent John spent r, and Grand ■C • FURNACE FUEL • STOVE OIL Prompet Delivery Service PHONE 684-R EXETER X By authority or our appointment by Bank of Canada as an official sales agent for the Eighth Series of Canada Savings Bonds. Midland Securities CORPN. L.IMITED Has Appointed BELL & LAUGHTON EXETER, ONT. as an official sub-agent , d for The New Improved CANADA SAVINGS BONDS What could you do with a thousand L T'vy < 1 News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Miss Florence Heywood of Stratford spent the weekend with her parentsj Mr. and 'Mrs. Hu­ bert Heywood. Miss Anita Carroll of Toronto visited over the holiday weekend with Dr. and Mrs. R. Reilly. Alts.' Thomas Bell of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stephen of London spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Stephen. Air. William Heywood of To­ ronto spent' the weekend with his parents. Air. and Mrs. William Smith and family of Centralia visited ! on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Harold Bell. Keith Heywood returnedMr. ____ ___ home for a few days leave from Calgary, Alta., before leaving for Germany with the Canadian Army. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Johns of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns of Hamilton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. Mr. spent rents, nor. Mr. ..... ___ ____ ____ spent the weekend in Detroit and attended the fuheral of the lat- tef’s aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and family visited over the week­ end with Mr, and Airs, Garnet Johns of Sarnia. Elgin Skinner of Toronto the weekend Mr. and Mrs. with his pa- Everett Skin- and Mrs.Allen Johns Yes, we mean a thousand, crisp Canadian bucks! Count ’em . . . ! Your heart would go pit-a-pat, and you couldn’t get home fast enough to Spill the good news.€■ At first thought, having a thousand may sound like a pipe dream. But is it? Bonds way because . . * you can get your bond, dollar by dollar, month by month, in amounts you’ll never feel. STH V SERIES f ??INTEREST | EACH YEAR J •er2YEARf W' Most everyone . » . if he puts his mind to it,;. can pile up a thousand dollars, or a sizable sum ... the Canada Savings If you had started tucking away 56£ a day with the first series Canada Savings Bonds—and had kept at it—you’d have your thousand dollars today and more. r Many, many Canadians have done just this, and will continue to do so. The ne w 8th Series of Canada Savings Bonds will help to put you on the thousand dollar road. You can get them for cash—or in instalments, to suit your convenience. Through your hank, investment dealer, or your own Company’s Payroll Savings Plan. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS always Cashable at loo ctNts on the dollar, plus interest, at Any bank, ON SALE STARTING MONDAY - OCTOBER 19th 1 CS-53-6W |