HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-15, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, ^THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1953 Mrs. H. L. Tinney received 'word from England that her father, Mr. A. Reed, (passed away alter a short illness, Mr. and Mrs, Reed visited, here last sum­ mer. Hensail And District News “Your Weatherstrip Man" Chamberlain Metal Weatherstrips Mrs. Robert Cole Marks 91 Years Mrs. Robert Cole, of Hensali, on Thursday observed her ninety- first birthday quietly at the home of her son end daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, of Hensali, with whom she makes her home. Mrs. Cole was born in Hibbert on the Boundary and spent most of her married life in Exeter and Hibbert. She has resided in Hensali for the past five years. Mrs. Cole is very smart and active for her years, is able to look after herself, do a little work and walks uptown to shop. She has a keen memory and can recall many interesting in­ cidents connected with her school life at Cromarty School which she attended when a little girl. Her hobbies are crocheting and patching tops for quilts. She is a member of Hensali United Church. She has one son William, one grandson Alvin, and one great grandson, Donald. SAVE FpEL SOUTH ST. GODERICH Phone 938-r-14 Collect Save Cost of Storm Windows and Doors A number of ancient English churches are replacing their equally ancient roofs with alumi­ num. One of these is the Chapel of St. James in the village of Nether Warton, Oxfordshire. Its lead roof, originally laid in 1665, brought £478 as scrap — enough to pay the whole cost of installing the new roof. It is a neat example of how, while most metals have been get­ ting more expensive through the centuries, the cost of aluminum has been going down. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan) W.M.S. Meets The Women’s Missionary ciety of C h i s e 1 h u r s t United Church met Thursday with Mrs. Harold Parker presiding. Mrs. Bert Wren, Mrs, John Glenn, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs. R. Boyce assisted with the program. The sectional meeting being held at St. Andrew’s United Church, Kippen, October 20, was dis­ cussed. The Women's Associa­ tion held a brief meeting at the close and discussed .plans for a bake sale and tea in the base­ ment of the United Church on Saturday, October 24. Miss Fayme Logan has sold her lovely residence on Main street to Mrs. John Richardson of Kippen. Miss Logan, who has been a resident of this village for 15 years and an active work­ er in St. Paul's Anglican Church, expects to take up residence in London and will visit with sister in Nashville, Tenn., winter. So- her this con- the Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary vened Monday 'evening in school room of the United Church for their October meeting with Mrs. Lorne Chapman in the chair. Mrs, A. Shirray conducted the devotional o n “Thanksgiving.” Mrs. J. C. Goddard presented study. Mrs. G. Walker was pointed literary secretary to place Mrs. J. Blackwell who cently moved to London. Plans were bake sale, tea held the last vember. The send a “Care Far East for Christmas. Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. H. McEwan rendered a vocal duet. the ap- re- re- discussed for a and bazaar to be Saturday in No­ group decided to Package” to the ^1/ SA VC $20 to $30 F ONLY TERMS AS LOW AS $150 WEEKLY siaws DELUXE MODEL 151 dean, comfortable heat without work Just light this powerhouse * *. set the dial * * * and you get clean, even heat 24 hours a day. It uses low cost fuel oil and is lower in operating cost than any other type of oil-fired equipment. Easily install­ ed in o few minutes. Heats 4 to a rooms. Heatwave Power Blower available at small extra Cost. AUTOMATICJfa V— thermostat Absolutely Free 'act NOW* This Offer good FOR UMlfED TIME ONLY* Crocker Refrigeration Phone 59 Exeter* Thanksgiving Services Thanksgiving services were held in Hensali United Church last Sunday morning and eve­ ning. Solo .part of the anthem was taken by Mrs. Pearl Pass- more and Mrs. Hilda Haun sang “O Rest In The Lord.” Floral bouquets were .placed in loving memory of the late Mrs. Agnes Lammie, In the morning, Mrs. J. C. Goddard presided at the organ and at the evening service Miss Greta Lammie was at the con­ sole. Miss Jean Henderson sang “Lead On, 0 King Eternal.” Rev. W. J. Rogers preached inspiring messages. Next Sunday, October 18, Rev. A. Lane, of Brussels, will occupy the pulpit both morn­ ing and evening. Afternoon worship was held at three o’clock in the Chiselhurst Church. Rev. Rogers was in charge. Mrs. S. Roobol favored with a fitting solo. Next Sunday afternoon, October IS, Rev. Lane of Brussels will speak. Welcome New Members The regular meeting of Y.P.S. was held Tuesday evening in the Sunday School rooms, with Miss Edith Several new corned. Alex Faber were tives to Presbytery Council, and Shirley Bell was nominated to the post of Presbyterial Treasur­ er. Rev. J; B. Fox presented the study, lieves. the Love in the chair, members were wel- Hoggarth and Ross elected representa- ‘How a Christian Be- Mrs.Owen Price, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Horton. ■fc WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC- THEY'RE ALL TH IN- AND STARVED LOOKING. & 1 Lv Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, H. W*. Neeh of Tavistock were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr, and Mrs. William Brown. Miss Alma Bell and Mrs. Mary Howlett, of Toronto, silent the weekend with the former's pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mrs. Elsie Case spent weekend holiday with Mrs. Hennesey in Dr. A. R. Campbell of friends here Mr, and Mrs. A. Orr holiday wood. Miss training London, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Man- ley Jinks. Miss Jean Armstrong, London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong and Miss Betty Arm­ strong. Miss Betty Moir and friend of London were weekend visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster and daughter of London were re­ cent visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson were holiday visitors with friends at Grosse Point Farms, Mich. Mr. Georg© Otterbine of Galt spent the weekend holiday with his father, Mr. William Otter­ bine. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Rannie were weekend visitors with the for­ mer's sister, Mrs. Harris, in De­ troit. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mrs. William Cole enjoyed a pleasant motor trip around Lake Ontario, crossing the Thousand Islands Bridge and, visited with relatives at Brook­ ville. Mrs. Petty and friend of De­ troit were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Petty and Ruth and Miss Olive Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballan- tyne of Detroit visited with the former’s mother, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne. Miss Isobel Alexander of To­ ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling of London were holiday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander. -Garry Kyle, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kyle, is seriously ill in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, where he under­ went an appendix operation. Don Cowan of Hensali, son of Constable John Cowan and Mrs. Cowan, Exeter, has purchased Kennedy’s bake shop and taken immediate possession. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Doan, Wat­ ford, land Gail, cent George Hess. At the Thanksgiving shoot at Goderich on Monday the Kippen Gun Club captured the Carling Trophy for the third year in succession, and John Anderson won the John Labatt the 50 bird event for year in succession. Mrs. R. Dayman, Message From Kippen By MRS. A, GACKSTETTER the Mary London. Campbell and Mrs. Guelph visited with last week. spent the at Elm-with friends Bernice Jinks, at Victoria spent the weekend with nurse-in- Hospital has Dor- and and daughter, Mrs. Little, and Leonard of Biggar, Sask., were re­ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Trophy in the fourth who has spent a month with her daugh­ ters in London and Lambeth, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Barbour, Mimico, were Thanksgiving visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ken­ nedy and family. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving holiday at her home here. Mrs. Lorne Scott is a patient in Guelph General Hospital where she expects to undergo an opera­ tion. The auction sale of property and household effects of Mrs. Agnes Farquhar, held Thursday afternoon, and The Mr. Ed. was very successful good prices were realized, property was purchased by George Ingram for $4,80'0. Corbett was auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant and Kenneth were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashworth near Ilderton. Dr. James Jarrott of London and Dr. Gilbert Jarrott of Strat­ ford visited recently with their mother Mr. Visited Mrs. S. Mrs. to her Miss training spent ents, Bride. Mr. Mrs. mer Jones, Personal Items Mrs. J, Stokes and children of London spent Thanksgiving with the former’s mother, Mrs. Eva Carlile. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and family of Windsor were Thanks­ giving visitors with Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manus and Donald of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs, Manns. Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family of Toronto with Mr. Geiger. Mr. and spent Thanksgiving and Mrs. Edmund r. Mrs. Katherine Jarrott. and Mrs. Haist of Zurich recently with Mr. and . Cudmore. . Wilbur Dilling is confined bed through illness. > Donna McBride, nurse-in- ig in Stratford hospital, the weekend with her par- Mr and Mrs. Alvin Mc- and Alec Mrs. Eddie McBride, McMurtrie, Mrs. Wil- ___ _____, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson, called last week on Mrs. Simon Thompson, near Parkhill. Mrs. Thompson lost her husband, daughter and home in the June tornado, and Mrs. Thompson was released from the hospital in September, and expects, with other members of her family, to move into their rebuilt home in October. The Kippen ladies delivered a gift of bedding and other house­ hold articles, which were donated by St. Andrew’s United Church W.M.S. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. William McLean and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rock of Hamil­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLean, Teeple Terrace, London, Miss Dorothy McLean, R.N., and Mr. Walter Geddes, Owen Sound, Mr. Feme McLean, Toronto, Mrs. J. B. McLean and Marion, Ruth Beverley and Marlin, of Exeter. Miss Lorna Ellis of Clifford is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Merle Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. cently attended cousin, the late Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. chell visited on latter’s father, Thompson. Mrs. McLeod, the past month in Quebec, has home. Mr. Bob Love of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. • and Mrs. N. Long spent Thanksgiving with their daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ulch in Windsor. Mr. John Doig, of Grand Ra­ pids, Mich., was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig and sister, Miss Janet Doig. Mrs. Charles Cudmore, accom­ panied by her son and daughter, of Kitchener, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Cud- more. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren, in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander­ son spent the weekend with the latter’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne, in Pt. Huron. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert spent the weekend Kitchener and Anniversary held in St. Church here on Sunday, 18, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev, J. T. White, B.A., Londes- boro, will be the guest speaker at both services. Special music will be furnished by the choir, assisted by guest artists. WMS Hold October Meeting The October meeting’ of the W.M.S. was held on Wednesday evening last at the home of Ralph Turner with Mrs. Love as co-liostess. The worship period taken W. L. Willis re- the funeral of a Mr. Wareing, at Prustays of Mit- Sunday with the Mr. Robert who has spent with her sister returned to her of the University with relatives in Listowel. services Andrew’^ will be United October Mrs. Ross from SKIRTS Best collection of skirts we ever had. Sizes 12 to 46. Priced from $3.95 to $14.95 in Hydro Pruf wools to Pleated Orlon at $14.95. 'jpartans - Sheen Gabardine - Grey Flannel - Wools Blouses priced from $2.95 to $5.95 in these materials: Nylon - Crepe - Alluracel TUDORS Ladies’ Wear Dry Goods HENSALL PHONE 70 ’■'nillMlliKlllllHXIHlUUUHlUlllIllUlllIllllUllUUllllUIlllltlllllHIIlIlltUIIHiniltlllUIIIIIIUIKUKIItlllllUIIUKKlUUtl'' r HARRY, YOU GUESSED RI6HT, F/RSTTIME, . THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE:TO FIND . THE FEED AND WATER. ^7--------------------- ' WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC? LOOK,THERE'S ' VlTA-LAY IN THE HOPPEfo-THERE’S WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC J Mrs. George Hess spent ' Thanksgiving with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. McCloy, and grand­ children Kathy, Jimmy and Chris­ tine, in Toronto, Mrs. E. Geiger is spending two weeks with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family, in Toronto, the Missionary Monthly was con­ ducted by Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. C. Ken­ nedy of Kensall sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broad­ foot. A sectional meeting is to be held in Kippen on October 20. The nominating committee ap­ pointed are Mrs. Russel Connsitt, Mrs. Emerson Anderson and Mrs. R. McGregor. The committee for 1954 programs are Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Jack Cooper Jr. and Mrs. R. McAllister. A harvest poem was given by Mrs. Emerson Anderson and a chapter1 of the study book, “Christian Literature”, was given by Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Plan Imncheon Booth Mrs. Ross Dick, Parr Line, was hostess for the October meet­ ing of the Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensali, on Monday evening. Mrs. W. R. Bell, president, was in the chair. Mrs. John Soldan's group was in charge ‘ of the .program. Miss Edythe Love took the devotional period. She chose as her subject, “Soil and Soul,” by Rev. W. A. Young, chaplain at Guelph O.A.C. and former pastor of the church. A pqem, “I never heard, a Word," was dedicated to the Laides Aid. Mrs. Robert Madge contributed to this part of the program with an article on “Gratitude” and gave a reading from Nellie Mc­ Clung’s “Autumn-” Plans were made for the lunch­ eon booth to be held at Mr. John McGregor’s sale Ootober 20 Lodge Plans Bazaar The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wed­ nesday evening with Mrs. Leona Parke, N.G., in the chair. Mem­ bers decided to join in with the I.O.O.F. to help with a series of euchre and dances to be held during the winter months. Com- the held mittees were formed for bazazar and bake sale to be November 7. District Deputy Kay Cann her staff from Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, will conduct the installation of officers at the next meeting Wednesday, October 21, with the whole lodge from Exe­ ter as special guests, and Better See Motorola TV AT WESTMAN'S Installation and Service t»y Jolly Radio & Electric Winterize Your Car Now! PERMANENT TYPE ANTI-FREEZE .. $3.75 per. gal. ALCOHOL ................ $2.15 per gal. THERMOSTATS ......................................... $1.20 to $2.20 Ron Westman s SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY Phone 211 Exeter Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights Until 10 s Ontario Hotels provide Accommodation for 1,500,000 Travellers a year I a hotel, he leaves money in the community through local shopping. This year the Hotels of Ontario will provide over 51,000 rooms for an estimated 1,500,000 visitors. The accommodation thus provided contributes in a great measure to the success of the tourist The popularity of Ontario Hotels is due to their ever- increasing high standards largest industries* of comfort and service* business—one of Ontario’s When a traveller puts up at The Hotel is a Community Asset O’KEEFE’S BREWING COMPANY LIMITED By Roe Farms Service Dept. n’WAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOSTINTHIS PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ONTHE6R0UND, AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED PULLETS YOU HAVE TO MATCH THE RANGE HABITS. , <———■—.......... s WHAT SHOULD I DO THEN, DOC, J “------------- jycSy rPUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON^ THE FLOOR, HARRY AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT ON THE MASH TOO* UNTIL THEy ’AfcE ACCU5TOMEDTO . THEIR PEN* ---------- WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, HARRY, I REMEMBER / PUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON FLOOR LEVEL 2 £££DHOPP^nftot>K £U£L P0K few weex$ 4 CGGMAtHj J 11 VL-15 YOWt B/ROS 60 FOR. ROE 0 fioo’i.tisJTfir ’< • 2a® K6 MASH pbrFARMS MUtlNGC’ IN MASH OR PELLET FORM fl mmNmmn T C, Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Eilei*, Hensali I