HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-08, Page 11LUCAN IN YOUR LOCALITY For prompt attention call OF CANADA EXTRA MILEAGE • MONTREAL • WINDSOR Messrs. Wes and Glen. Beving­ ton and Glen Prout left Tuesday on a motor trip to Saskatchewan. TORONTO OTTAWA NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY 3AULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER KAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1953 Lucan And District News the FOR and A. and former hold with new Morse, Elliott and Cal- girl, Seconders, Jerry Whyte, Garry Irvin Hayes. These eight invested Thursday, and the remainder crashed on Ellesmere in the Artic Ocean in July while taking supplies to Weather Station on the (the survived by S. Cliown attended Mr. B. E. executive is to meet with the to set the date and to make' necessary arrangements. It' been suggested the bazaar dinner be held on the same and the Ab- Guild Ladies Guild of Holy Church met Monday eve- Mrs. or any office of to Mr. Immediate service” Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY Page; 11 MU6GS, YOU FORGOT TO TAKE YOUR SHOULDER rn PADS OFF.' DIDN'T FORGET? VOU'VE BEEN LEAVING THEM on all week, ARE VOL) TRYING TO IMPRESS SOMEBODY? YES/.,.SLUGGER MITCHELL.’ Mr. and Mrs? John Bright and family of Alice street have moved into their new home in London. FREE for the MEN For One Week Only <■— Offer Ends October 17 With each TIP TOP or FLEET STREET suit ordered we are giving* absolutely FREE a famous Arrow Belmont SHIRT, value $4.45. Be measured TODAY and obtain this grand ARROW SHIRT FREE! — Over 180 Suitings To Choose From — Tip Top $56.50 Fleet Street $65.50 Booster Night The Lucan’ Branch of the Can­ adian Legion is sponsoring an­ other big Booster Night at the Community Memorial Centre on Friday, October 16 with Lloyd Wright of CFPL as master of ceremonies. There will he bingo and an all-star program followed by dancing .from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. A prize of $5 will be given to the person identifying “Mr. Lucan,” Receipts will go to the Arena Fund. Presentation . Last Thursday night a large number of friends and neigh­ bors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert for a farewell party prior to their moving to Lucan. The evening was spent in cards an games. On behalf of their many friends they were presented with a beautiful tri-light lamp. Mrs. J. Sigsworth read the address, and Mr. Earle Atkinson made the presentation. Motion Pictures Movie picture fans will " be pleased to learn that pictures will again be shown in the Commun­ ity Centre Saturday afternoons and evenings. Owing to the ill­ ness of Mr. George Robinson las spring the movies had to be discontinued. A neighbor of Mr. Robinson has taken over and showed his first films last Satur­ day. New Cub Officers New officers for the Lucan Cubs are: Cubmaster, Earl Cul­ bert; assistants, Ray Elson and Mel Culbert; Sixers, Pat Egan, Billy Darling. John Stuart and Terry Culbert; Kehl, David and Harvey boys were October 1, will be invested Thursday, Octo­ ber 8. Go west by the & onbnental Limitedu It’s the pleasant; luxurious way to travel—-"The Jasper Way” on the Continental Limited . . . Canadian National’s de­ pendable daily link between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. Canada’s magnificent scenic beauty greets you with a new adventure every mile while you relax in the air- conditioned comfort of attractive bedrooms, standard and tourist sleepers, lounges and coaches. Delicious meals in attractive dining cars served with Canadian National s traditional courtesy and efficiency. By arrangement at major points you cat! have a drive-yOurself car waiting for you. For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. SIRVI H & S Members Attend Parley The following members of Lucan Home and School Associa­ tion attended the Regional Con­ ference held in Central United Church, St. Thomas, Wednesday, September 3:0'. Mr. Stewart Park, president; Mrs. Clarence Hardy, first vice-president; Rev. J. Wag­ land, recording secretary, and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, correspond­ ing secretary. The Conference took the form of four rotating workshops: pa­ rent education, taken by Mrs. Harvey Stewart; public relations and business procedure, by Mrs. D. McCauley; religious educat­ ion and health, by Mrs. C. W. Sinclair and Dr. Earl zieigier, and music and arts, by Mrs. E. W. Bursaw. The four members of the executive came home with many new ideas which they hope to pass on to the various con­ venors to be used in connection with their meetings. Plan To Build Scout House Mrs. K. Egan’s group of the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church catered for the Lions Club dinner in the church base­ ment on Monday night. Twelve fathers of Scouts and Cubs were guests. The .guest speaker was Scout Field Commissioner Har­ old Firth of London who spoke most forcibly of the need of Scout and Cub packs in any com­ munity and the necessity of se­ curing suitable older folk to act as leaders. It was revealed at the meeting that the village council have de­ cided to donate a building lot on the ball fields for a suitable Scout and Cub building to be erected at once. The Scouts and Cubs will their Apple Day October 24 proceeds to go towards the building/ Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and family of St. Marys have moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Elmer Cooper who has Benjamin Abbott Lucan Merchant Benjamin E. Abbott, 50 Alma street, London, passed away on Sunday, September 27, in his eighty-first year after a prolong­ ed illness. Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday, Sep­ tember 30 from the A. Milliard George funeral home by the Rev. Howard Sugden of the Central Baptist Church, with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Clifford and Murray Abbott, Lance Laverne Whiteford and Bert Simpson. Besides his widow Laura Elliott) lie is one daughter Mrs. Howard Crans­ ton (Beulah), two. grandchildren, Wayn© and Jane Cranston, Lon­ don, and one brother, William Abbott, of Exeter. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, he was born on concession 11, McGillivray, After his marriage he farmed for 10 years just south of Lucan. He later moved into the village and ran a garage for 10 moving to London. 1950 he and Mrs. brated their fiftieth wedding an­ niversary. He retired from his plumbing business in 1950. He was a member of Central Baptist Church. Welcome Banker, Honor Retiring Mr. A. W. Murdock of the Bank of Montreal was master of ceremonies at a very pleasant staff dinner at the Latin Quar­ ters, London, on Monday night when a welcome was extended to Lucan's new bank manager, Mr. C. W. Parkinson, and Mrs. Par­ kinson. It was also farewell to two retiring members of the staff, manager J. H. Cantelon and Mrs. George Young. The for­ mer was presented with a silver engraved cigarette box and the latter with china. Roses were given to Mrs. Cantelon. On Wednesday, on behalf of the business men of the village, Mr. Cantelon was presented with an occasional chair: Mr. Harold Corbett read the address Mr. Don Chown made the sentation. and pre- Mr. the years before In December Abbott cele- United Church Sunday School Promotions Kindergarten to Primary: Jerry Butler, Heather Albion, Margaret Cobleigh, Elaine Emerick, Ann George, Barbara Ready, Nancy Watson, Susan Bridger, Barbara Park, Eleanor Walker, Nancy Lou Dobie and Linda Young. Primary to Junior: Jean Coch­ rane, Marilyn Culbert, Ilene Don­ aldson, Heather Acheson, Lois Coxe, Jerry Kehl, Bobby Chown. Junior to Intermediate: Ann Revington, Marjory Sovereign, John Armitage, Jim Magoffin. Intermediate to Senior: Rose Revington, Heather Stanley, Mar­ garet Neil. W. Lome Phinii On Sunday, September Westminster Hospital, W. Phinn of London passed Funeral services were held from the James E. Gordanier funeral home on Wednesday, September 30 with interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. He is sur­ vived by Margaret of London and Edward of Snow Lake, Man. 27 at Lome away. Appointed Director Rev. G. Burton Hodgson, of Mrs. Hodgson and the Esley Hodgson, of Clandeboye, who has had charge of St. Paul’s Church, St. Clair, since 1950, has been made Director of the Diocesan Department of Christ­ ian Education with headquarters in Detroit. Prior to 1950, Mr. Hodgson was Associate Rector of Christ Church, Dearborn. son late Mrs. Jane McConkey Funeral services were held in Brantford for Mrs. Jane McCon­ key, widow of James McConkey, who died in her ninety first year. She was born in Echo Place and resided in Brantford district all her life. She Was a former mem­ ber of Park Baptist Church and leaves four Clarence E., Leslie E., Of Brant­ ford, and Gordon L., of Burford; three daughters, Mrs. U. (Eve­ lyn) Allingham, Calton, Cal., Mrs. A. (Gladys) Reilly, Lucan, (Ariel) Sherk, of N.Y.; ' * 21 great song, Wilfred S., and Mrs. W. Niagara Falls, Children and children. Pallbearers sons, Keith, and Donald McConkey, Kenneth, Sherk and SUhley Reilly. 19 grand- gfand- grahcl-wefe six Douglas, Raymond Purchase Farm Mr. Merton Culbert and Harry Hardy have purchased farm of Mr. Myron Culbert which has been in the Culbert family since secured from Crown Lands. The former moved onto the farm on Monday while the latter moved into Lucan on Saturday into the house vacated by John Bright and fami.y. Mr. engine of unknown One was a re- Attends Two Fires The Granton fire sponded to two fires origin last Friday, barn oh th© .farm belonging to Emerson Wallis, Con. 10, Bid- dulpli. A quantity of straw and hay was lost. The second fire occurred on the farm of Arthur Harlton, town- lin© in Blanshard township. The flames destroyed a two-storey frame house. The tenant, Art Brooks, was away at the time of th© fire. Injured In Accident Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie McEwan of R.R. 3, Denfield, are in St. Joseph’s Hospital as the result of a car accident when their car collided with a truck at an inter­ section near Ilderton. The former suffered lacerations of face and head head arm, while the latter suffered a laceration and a fractured Party were in the minority Euchre Men the euchre party sponsored the Home and School Association last Friday. As a result one lady won the prize .for the men’s low score. Winners for high score were: Mrs. Bond and Mr. Murray Hodg.ins; low score, Miss Eleanor Ford (man’s prize) and Marie Morrow. The next will be November G at the munity Centre. at by Miss game Com- Thanksgiving Services Two splendid congregations at­ tended Thanksgiving services in Holy Trinity Church on Sunday. The rector, Mr. J. F. Wagland, took the morning service and Rev. J. N. Doidge, of London, the evening service. The latter preached from the text, “The Earth is the Lord’s and the Ful­ ness Thereof.” The junior choir had full charge of the music and repeated the anthem sung at Brinsley last Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables. Visitors were present from St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, Saintsbury, St. Janies Anglican, Clandeboye, .and Lucan United Church. Owing to school being hold in the United Church basement, the Cubs and ScOutS had to secure how quarters. After much Search­ ing they had to settle oh the hotel barn for temporary quar­ ters. A cleahing-up bee was held last week. by Mr. Elmer Cooper who , gone to London. ■ Congratulations to Mr. . Mrs. Marcel Phaneuf, now of , gary, on the birth of a little i a sister for Richard. i Luc.an’s latest bride and groom, i Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Moore, have • returned from their honeymoon i trip and are spending, a few days ! in Lucan before settling in their ■ -Toronto home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon ■ spent Thursday at the home of their son in Woodstock where tey saw the second World Series ball game on TV. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Reving­ ton, Mrs. J. Park, Mrs. Sheridan 1 Revington, Mrs. Wes Revington, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mrs. M. Cranston, Mrs. Miss Lina Abbott funeral of the late bott of London. Congratulations _ ___......... .. Mrs. Austin Hodgins on the birth of a daughter, Jacqueline Ru- dolfina, on September 27 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. Frank Hardy flew to the West last Monday and' Mr. Clar­ ence Hardy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lang De Coursey and family of Detroit spent last weekend with Lucan friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Toronto visited with'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy last week. It is hoped every Institute member and family will be pre­ sent at the Family Night dinner in the Community Centre Friday night, October 9. Mrs. William Haskett is holi­ daying with her sister, Mrs. O. C. Lillie of Birmingham, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and family of Detroit spent last weekend with Mrs. Irene Coursey and family. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cummings of Toronto spent last weekend .with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has­ kett. Confirmation classes have be­ gun in Holy Trinity Church. Adult classes are being H held after the Sunday evening service and for children at 10 a.m. on Saturdays. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman at­ tended Thanksgiving service in St. Patrick’s Church, Saintsbury. The Lucan Explorers realized $15 on the sale of baskets do­ nated on their collection day, October 3. Mrs. Roy Stanley wasjthe guest of her' sister Mrs. of Kitchener for a week. Mrs. J. Dobbie Mrs. John' Wyatt Dobbie-Carter weddin„ St. James’ Church, London, on Saturday, October 3, and also the reception at Glen Allen. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. Dob­ bie. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert, Mrs. J. McGillicuddy, Forest, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cap Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Dickins were dinner guests of Mrs. W. Dickins and attended Thanks­ giving service at Holy Trinity Church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Mrs. W. Dickins, Mrs. Bob Cole­ man of Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins of London and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels of Aylmer attended th© silver wedding cele­ bration of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Saturday evening. The executive of the Lucan Credit Union met last Friday night at the home of Mr. B. H. Elliott. The evening was spent in clearing up unfinished busi­ ness. Though the executive is well pleased with the success of Credit Union in Lucan, they hope more people will take advantage of it. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Drennen were Mr. and Mrs. L. Shoebottom and family of Ballymote and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy and family of Lon­ don. Miss Rose Marie Robb, Sarnia, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarvie and Winnifred, of Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Revington, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Turner of Saintsbury were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins Satur­ day and attended the Sunday eve­ ning Thanksgiving service at Holy (Trinity Church. On Thursday night the execu­ tive of the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church and a committee appointed by the wardens decided to put on- a turkey dinner on October 28. Mrs. ' . _ , . Vivian SUnley), who, prior to her marriage, worked for the London Free Press, Is now* work­ ing for The Toronto Star, Lucan Officer Conducts Rites Chaplain Squadron Leader D. Stuart of Lucan conducted part of the ceremony dedicating a monument in memory of nine crew members of an RCAF plane which Island 1950 Alert island. The ceremony was held at midnight under a bright Arctic sun and full moon and was at­ tended by 11 Canadians and Americans. Ice prevented a larger number being present. On World-wide Communion on Sunday, October 4, the Lucan United Church had a capacity at­ tendance. Prior to taking over the man­ agement of the Lucan Bank of Montreal Branch, Mr. C. W. Par­ kinson was honored by more than 100 friends of Crediton. Ladies The Trinity ning with the president, James Thompson, in the chair. Mrs, K. Egan, whose group charge of the program, read Scripture Lesson. After some cussion it was decided to alidad with the turkey dinner. The men the had and night, but this suggestion was turned down and the date of the bazaar set for November 28. The highlight of the meeting was an illustrated address by Miss Mary Carmichael on her trip to England and Scotland. In thanking Miss Carmichael, the president, on behalf of the Guild, presented her with a small gift. One of the most faithful group leaders, Mrs. John Bright, who is moving to London, was also presented with a small gift. A. Dunsmore few days this and Mr. and attended the ig at New Norman Leidley (neo J. B. READY PHONE 45 | Good Deeds you may have done unknowingly 1. Here’s a new home you may have helped provide for one of your neighbours — if you are a life insurance policyholder. For part of your premium money is invested by your life insurance company in ways that provide funds for building not only houses, but schools, roads, power plants, other developments. 2. Perhaps, too, you can take a small part of the credit for Tommy’s recovery from a serious illness. Medical science is always learning more, through research, about how to combat disease. And you may be providing some of the funds that life insurance com­ panies contribute to such vital research projects. jv? ti Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON Addresses W.M.S. Mrs. Mac McNaughton enter­ tained the ladies of the Clande- boye United Church Thursday. Mrs. T. Collins, president of the W.M.S., welcomed the district president, Mrs. Arthur Erskine, and Mrs. Foster, past president, of Parkhill, who conducted the meeting. Mrs. Erskine attended the Leaders’ Training School in St. Thomas during the summer where she met leaders from Lab­ rador and Korea. She stressed the use of the Study Book at all meetings and described a small book, “Religious Experiences of a Child.” „ Mrs. Foster explained the dis­ play poster, “Praise Be To God,” for Thanksgiving. She suggested a display at each meeting, for the worship service and Bible study each day. A Thank Offering of $15 was received. To Decorate. Church Mrs. Rupert Williams presided for the W.A. meetipg. An invita­ tion was received from the Brinsley United Church to attend their bazaar on the afternoon of October 28. During the business session it was decided to have a supper, the date to be announced later. The members were asked to help decorate the church on Saturday, October 10 for the Thanksgiving service on October 11. Win Cup On Monday evening in the Mc­ Gillivray softball league, Clande­ boye Frigidaires won the cup in the final game, played with the Lieury team, 17-8. The cup was donated by Lieury Park commit­ tee. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton visit­ ed on Thursday with their niece Mrs. Harvey Riehl and called on Mr, Harvey Riehl, who is a pa­ tient in the Stratford General Hospital. The executive of the Clande- boye Home and School Associa­ tion met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. E. Tomes. Dur­ ing the meeting plans were made for speakers to address the meet­ ings. Mr. Wilfred Cunningham, has his homo ‘wired for hydro, The men are getting the poles placed. Farmers in this district are very grateful for the fine ‘weather enabling them to get their beans harvested. Durihg the wet spell a lot of work was necessary turn­ ing the beans to keep theni from spoiling. Mr, Gebbells is working for Mr. Erwin Scott at the Lucan mill. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Logah and MyVna Jane of Thorndale Spent Saturday evening With Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Raton. Clandeboyo Frigidaires 3. Ever help a man get a job? You may have — unknowingly. For life insurance money, invested in ways that enable an industry to expand, has played an important part in providing new jobs for many workers — including, per­ haps, yourself. insurance policy-4. As a life holder, you do all your fellow­ citizens a service. For the financial security you’ve provided for your family reduces the chance of their ever becoming a burden to others. The more protection you own, the more that chance is reduced. In all these ways, millions of life insurance policyholders are building security for their future — and helping to make Canada a better land to live in! AT YOUR SERVICE — A trained life underwriter, representing one of the more than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance companies in Canada, will help you plan for your family's security and your own needs in later years. Rely on him! THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "If is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance" L-453D Picture News from C-I-L OOPS! Take it easy, young lady . . . but polythene, one of chemistry’s modern, lightweight plastics, is the secret of her "weight­ lifting” act. She’s holding a 9% pound polythene carboy used for storage and transport of chemicals. More familiar uses of versatile polythene are in flexible, handy "squeeze” bottles, and protective film bags for fruit and vegetables. "WINDOW-CLEANING'S A WHIZ," says this pretty young housewife. She finds that a C-I-L Cellulose Sponge saves her a lot of work — no constant dipping in the water pail because these sponges are ultra-absorbent; the flat surfaces cover large areas quickly and when squeezed dry they do double duty as a chamois. Available in smart colors — blue, green, coral, yellow and buff. Did you know... You can get a suit made from a blend of "Orlon" and wool soaking wet and still retain neat trouser creases. "Orlon" and wool blended fabrics quickly lose unsig fitly wrinkles. C-I-L SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED • MONTREAL