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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-10-01, Page 6
THE TIMES.APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1953Page 6 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE STOCK WANTEP Got a plotter? ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter tfc DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ’STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-5tfe I AM IN THE MARKET fop all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G .T. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wants employment. Apply at Times- Advoeate. 24:1:8* Moore's Paints Brighten Up Your Home With Top Quality Paints MOORE WHITE PRIMER $7.?5 gal......................... .53.10 MOORE HOUSE PAINT $7.25 gal......................... $2.10 For Interior Decoration Use ALKYD SEMI-FLAT $6.75 gal. ............... $1.9o qt. ................................ LIKE THE YANKEES You, Too, Can Win EMPLOYMENT WANTED B R A Y NOVEMBER - DECEMBER broiler cockerels should be on order now. Ask us for particulars. Ask also about started chicks. Contact us soon. Erie Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. lc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, oil burner and stove, 30 days possession. Apply 307 Huron Street, ’ lc 150 ACRES, two sets buildings, house and barn, pressure system. Fall possession. 1% miles from Exeter on 83 Highway. Apply Ray Jory,________V 2 ADJOINING LOTS in the Village of Hensall, good location, suitable for building jf desired, Phone 99 Hensall. le IN EXETER, 2-bedroom brick cottage. Bright iving rooms. Hydro, 3- piece bath, full basement and garage, Price $4,500.00. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 10-Itfc WITH WANT- AD RESULTS’ MODERN 3-BEDROOM house in Ex eter. Corner of Wellington and Andrew, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece bath downstairs. Apply Elmore McBride, phone 206-R. 24:1* ACREAGES—We have several small er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house and other buildings, hydro and good water supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.9-2‘ltfc PURCHASE COACH PLANT — Principals in the sale of Clipper Coach Manufacturing Com pany* Hensall, to the Greater Coach Work, Marlette, Michigan, are, left to right; Raye B. Paterson, Guaranty Trust Officer; A, W. Kerslake, Hensail reeve; Lome Eiler, president of Hensall C of C; Ward Atkins, attorney; William Parke, retiring director; Mrs. Helen St. Cvr. retiring director; Norman St. Cyr, retiring president; George Brightrall, Seaforth banker; John Atkins, new president; Frank Little, attorney; Riley Ramsey, the new vice-president. Kumjoinus Meets At Park Members of the Kumjoinus class of Main St. United Church gathered at Riverview Parly for a weiner roast on Monday night. Guitar numbers by Dave Kestle. and Percy Merkley were enjoyed as the group sat around the fire. Plans for the fall and winter season were discussed. Visitor: “Do you like reeitin dear?” Child: “Oh, no I hate it really; but mummy only makes me do ' it when she wants people to go.’’ i NOTICE The Stores Of Exeter Will Close Saturday FOR SALE GRAPES READY NOW—Bring con tainers and -pick your own, Apply Sullivan's Orchards. 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwasli, Concession 10, Bo- sanquet Twp., Ridge Road, County of Lambton. lc COCKSHUTT SUGAR beet lifter, like new, tractor- or horse-drawn hitch. Phohe 626-W-l Exeter.__________1^ TEN SOWS, due to freshen. Apply Henry Monton, R, 1, Clandeboye. lc DROP-LEAF TABLE, chest of .drawers and chairs. —Bailey's, Main St., Exeter. lc 2 LIGHT MARES with ''foals from Pai-O-Mine Tio. Apply Bob Wildfong, phone Dashwood 36-r-4._____"a 1* DIRECT FROM HOLLAND—Hyacinth bulbs, Daffs, Tulips a n d Pape r Whites. —Bailey Florists._________lc SECOND HAND range boiler No. 30 for bathroom. In use 2 years, Also Hotpoint electric water heater for tank and blower with thermostat for coal furnace. Apply at Exetei- Times- Ad vocate,________________ •______D BABY’S CONVERTIBLE carriage, Gendron, maroon. Phone 686 (days only).________ lc SMALL ACME cook stove, in good condition; also outdoor iron water pump and pipe, reasonable. Apply Mrs. K, Egan, phone 190 Lucan, lc 1948 CI-IEV SEDAN, in A-l shape mechanically, clean as new. —Phone 50S._____________________________lc At 10 p.m Beginning Saturday, October 3 A Businessmen's Meeting TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6 At 9:30 A.M. In The Town Hall Agenda: Christmas Plans r Guns And Ammunition OF ALL KINDS at IN THE VILLAGE of Woodham, six- room house, hardwood floors, soft and hard water. Apply at "Honey- Shop” on the corner, lc WHY 4PAY RENT? You can buy a 4-room brick house at a bargain price in Crediton and have early possession. —W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Earl Parsons, Salesman.9-17tfc of the "I2th's" sons are Register of Merit sires, while he has sired five International champions. Two of the good-boned bulls we offer are sired hv Larry Domino 2nd. Five bulls arid nine heifers are by deep-quartered MB Emblem 2nd that weighs over a ton. Five bulls and two heifers are by Ringwood Crusty, a son of the Register of Merit sire, OK Cruiser I> 34th. Fifteen Crusty bulls are in service at CK Ranch, while the $41,- 500 CK Crusty 46 th is ir ----- McCormick Farms, Ohio, $105,000 for a half-interest Larry Domino 12th. Lunch available at farm—sale under cover. Sale at 1:00 p.m. sharp, Cata logue on request.W. S, O’NEIL, E. M, LESTER, LINCOLN WHITE, AUCTIONEERS service at that paid ' In HC LOST EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brick house, hot air oil furnace, flush toi let. Possession Oct. 1. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.9-17tfc LOST—Will the party that took blue shorty coat from Earl's Place please return as they are known,______1:8c BROACH-—Keepsake, sword shape, at Exeter Fair. Reward. •—Gordon Cud- inore, Exeter. 1* HOUSE FOR SALE—Three-bedroom, brick veneer, oil heat, air-conditioned. Living room - dining room combina tion 12x30, wall to wall broadloom. Good basement. Desirable location. Two years old. Phone G29-M for, ap pointment, or see J. A, Traquair.17:24:1c WANTED WANT TO RENT nice two-bedroom apartment, centrally located, for two women. —W, C. Pearce, Realtor.9-17tfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard. Real tor, Main St., Exeter. 1-lGtfc AUCTION SALE of Household Effects ancl Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH (first house south of Thiel's Store) The undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public at on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER at 1:30 p.m, the following: ’ -r piano ___ .. lew condition; and chairs t© chesterfield; klt- chairs; General tner (tank type> of attachments; settee and chairs; ., electric stove, 3- numerous lc i t c h e n been iction FOR RENT NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R, E. Balk will, Exeter. 6-18tfc HENSALL INDUSTRY SOLD Norman St. Cyr, left, the founder and promotor of Clipper Coach Manufacturing Com pany, Hensail, sold, his industry last week to the General Coach Works, of Marlette, Michigan, Seated is the new presi dent of Clipper Coach, John Atkins. Riley Ramsey, new vice- president, is at right. —T-A Photo Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Thanksgiving anniversary ser vices will pe held in the United Church Sunday, October 11, with Rev. Clysdale of London as ■guest speaker. We extend sympathy to and Mrs. Stanley Hartle the Mr. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting and family in their sad bereavements. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and family spent the weekend with relatives at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. Car lisle Taylor and family of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and Carl. Miss Lillian Ulens of Windsor her and birth Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE 3-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, un furnished, both hot and cold water, reasonable rent. Apply 136 Anne St., phone 1-J after 6 p.m.___________D HOUSE — To share with one occupant. Available Oct. 1. Bert Clarke, corner James and Albert Streets, lc S-ROOM RED BRICK HOUSE, in sulated. By Oct. 15 or sooner. Cen trally located, oil heat. Apply Mrs. F. D. I-Ieaman, Oakwood Park, Grand Bend, or write P.O. Box 103 Grand Bend. _______________1* HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loam, L-shape bank barn, stabling has conveniences for horses, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. 'Concrete silo. Henhouse, driveshed, Good 2-storey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold water, attached garage. Possession fail or spring. — W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-17tfc NORDHEIMER playei bench and dining rooi match; dinette chen table ai Electric vaciiui with complete porch. glider; burner range; ...----— - ...chairs; 4 rooking chairs (oak); 2 complete bedroom suites; daybed with mattress: Beatty washing machine; rug, 9x12; Axminster rug, 9x12; tri light lamp; floor lamps; book case; lounge; various centre and end tables; antique chairs; benches; new knitted bedspread; comforters, quilts, bedding; % bed, springs and mattress; ironing board; dressers; commodes; drop-leaf table; bread box; garbage can; ail kinds of dishes; kitchen utensils; cop per tub; small jacket heater; copper boiler; hotplate; sausage grinder; wash stand; 2 sinks; 240-lb. scale; white china basin; swing spout faia cet; toilet set; sealers, crocks, etc.. C tCi *TERMS: Cash. MILNE RADER, PROPRIETOR ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER lc •ecords, i n table set; id 4 n cles set.___ __ , 2 occasional chair; VMM IV. 4 V 144 rooking chairs (oak); Beatty washing machine: Clearing AUCTION SALE of Auto, Tractor, Threshing Machine, Livestock, Poultry, Farm Implements,, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, LOT EAST PART OF ’16, CON. 15, I-IAY TOWNSHIP 2U miles west of Zurich and I1/, miles south, undersigned auctioneer has been 7-ROOM HOUSE and good barn; also large lot, near school and store; buildings in good .shape. On highway, six miles from Exeter. Phone Kirk ton 40. 17:24:1* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard- ware, Exeter.________________ tfc SMALL COTTAGE FURNISHED — Running hot and cold water in laundry, Ideal for young couple, —Phone 880-j-3 Exeter, or Ken Hodgins, Cen- tralia. ____________ _____ 1* 4-ROOM APARTMENT — Apply 22 Victoria Street, Exeter. ______lc APARTMENTS—2- or 4-room, fully modern, hot and cold water, 3-piece bath; also 4-room apartmep.t in Lon don. 304 Victoria St., Exeter, 7 to 8 p.m,, phone 637-R.________________1* FOR SALE — Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos session. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter, Ont._______9-10tfc WE HAVE A CLIENT who is in terested in securing a good 3-bedroom residence in Exeter. Immediate possession not a necessity. If you have a house you are considering selling, come in and talk the matter over.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter._______________________9-3tfcr $5,000’ WILL PURCHASE 2-apartment home. This is a nice property well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Up per apartment rented at $40.00 per month. Immediate possession on low er. This is an unusual opportunity. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.__________9-3tfc COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, large garden, Dashwood. Early possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons. Salesman. 8-13tfc The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. AUTO: 34 Plymouth Coupe, in good condition, equipped with new motor. TRACTOR AND THRESHING MACHINE: Allis Chalmers 18x36 H.P. tractor on steel, in guaranteed A-'l condition. Moody 22x36 threshing ma chine without cutter or shredder. Otherwise completely equipped in good condition. 100-ft. 6-in. endless thresher belt, new. FARM IMPLEMENTS: McDeering binder, 7-ft. cut, like new; Deering 11-run fertilizer drill; M.H. 2-furrow tractor plow; M.H. 3-horse springtooth cultivator, like new; M.H, 14- plate out-throw disc; John Deere hay loader; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; Mc Deering all-purpose roller bearing truck wagon; auto steering like now; M.H. manure spreader; 16-ft. hay jack; 10-ft. Deering dump rake; 4- section diamond harrows; Ketchum No. 201 tattoo outfit; M.H. hay ted der; M.H. 2-row scuffler; 2-row tur nip seeder; Oliver riding plow; Cock- shutt 2-furrow gang plow; steel tire wagon; 675-gal. thresher tank mount ed on wagon, Two walking plows; harrow cart; Oliver bean puller with scuffler; 1- horse scuffler; 2-vvheel trailer; buggy, cutter; 15-rds. new woven fence; 100- ft. snow fence; 30-inch circular saw and frame, new; M.H. 8-inch chopper; stock rack:- 50-ft. 4-in. belt, new; set of sleighs; wagon box; cut- * ting box; corn shelter; new sot of sling ropes; Chatham fanning mill,/ complete with sieves; Renfrew cream separator; electric fencer; grease gun; logging chains; root pulper; coal chicken brooder; 40-gal. steel barrels; pig crate; wheelbarrow; single car riage; harness collars, forks, shovels, etc., etc. Many articles too numerous to mention. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HORSES: Black Percheron work team, quiet and reliable in every way.; grey Percheron mare, true and reliable. CATTLE: Ayrshire cow, milking, bred July 6; pure bred Ayrshire cow, milking, bred July 18; part Jersey and Durham cow, milking, bred July 8; Durham cow, milking, bred July 8; Durham cow, milking, bred Juno 11; part Jersey and Polled Angus heifer, bred Sept. 19; Durham farrow cow; Durham heifer, due in Nov,; 1; part Durham and Ayrshire heifers, rising 2 years old; 4 spring calves. HOGS: Two purebred Birkshire sows, averaging 100 lbs. each. POULTRY: 100 Sussex and Rock pullets, laying; 100 cockerels, Sussex and Rock; 20 white Muscovy ducks. GRAIN; 300 bus. Cornell wheat; 150 bus. Cartier oats; 500 bus, mixed' grain. All best of quality. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Gehwal Electric washing machine, like new; 3-burner gas stove and oven; Clare Jewel kitchen range, like new; Cote- man heater; battery radio; extension table; chest of drawers; mirror; end tables; centre tables; antique spring rocker; commode; rugs, various sizes; dining room chairs; kitchen clock; kitchen table and chairs; sink; wal nut veneer bedroom suite, complete; 2 steel beds, springs and mattress, AU kinds of dishes, mats, comfort ers, bedding, crocks, sealers, dinner bell, Coleman lantern, wood box, etc,, etc, No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. MRS, MYRTLE KRUEGER, PROF. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER ______ _____________'1:8c ONE USED Massey bean puller; one used 3-furrow narrow bottom plow, like new; one Massey 6-ft. combine. All reduced to clear. —Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508. lc CLEARANCE OF 1953 model refrigerators—Westinghouse 8.5 cu. ft., reg. •$339.00, special $289.50. Westinghouse 9 cu. ft., reg. $439.00, special $379.00. —Beavers Hardware. ________lc SUNSHINE SIDEWALK bicycle, like new. Apply Drysdale’s Hardware, Hensall._____________________1:8:15* 4-BURNER GURNEY gas range, in new condition. Phone 199-J-12 Exeter. 4-BURNER BEACH electric stove, excellent condition. —.Phone 707-W-2 Exeter.______ lc ENGLISH YORKSHIRE boars, eight weeks old, tattooed. Apply John E. Pepper, phone 47-r-l Dashwood. 1:8* PUREBRED ENGLISH York boars, serviceable age. Apply Allan Wescott, phone 176-32 Exeter._____________lc HEAVY FENCE POSTS, new, 55c apiece. — Exeter Salvage Co., phone 423.__________________ lc COLEMAN SPACE oil heater with drum and stand, $40.00. Fred G. Bon- thron, Hensall.___________ 1* ORDER YOUR Thanksgiving poultry —turkeys, ducks and chickens. Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Exeter, lc BULBS — First grade daffodils and tulips. Reder’s Flowers, Main Street, Exeter.__________________________lc THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches terfield suite, $50; also tapestry chester-bed, $45. Phone 443-W-3 Exeter______\___________________9-3tfc SAXOPHONE — Double octave key Corm alto saxophone, in fair condi tion (needs a few pads). Good buy for beginner. $25.00. Apply to Bob Davis, 770 (days) or 455-W (nights).24t-a Apartment For Rent Hot and Cold Water Centrally Located on Main Street APPLY TIMES-ADVOCATE - 10 GOOD 2-STOREY brick house in Cromarty has all conveniences, a barn and small acreage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor.______________9-17tfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good condition, conveniences, garage, ca bins well rented. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-13tfc TWO-FAMILY HOUSE, large storage barn (well rented), 2 extra lots. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman,______._____________S-13tfc THREE NICE building lots and nice house suitable for large family or duplexing. Oil-burning air-conditioned furnace, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, garage. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-16tfc VACANT LOT suitable for store or office building, choice location in business block. W. C. Pearce, Real tor. 6-25tfc Mrs. Ernest Pym returned home from the hospital last Thursday much improved. Miss Dorothy Thomson of Lon don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Miss Nona Pym, o£ London, spent last week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn attended Centennary anniversary on Sunday the day with Mr. and ray Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peggy and George of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gaiser, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Welling ton Haist of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Glenn visited Sun day evening with Mr, and Mrs. Riney Keller of Exeter. Miss Margaret Bray of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart have returned home from their honey moon. The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe and family in the •passing of the former’s father, the late Mr. Chester Rowe of Exeter. A special service of both con gregations will be held in the Thames Road Church at 8 p.m. when a film on Africa ,'Nakamia,’ will be presented and special music will be rendered. Mrs. Jack Hodgert of Bownian- ville is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Hodgert for a few days. Fortieth Wedding Anniversary A very enjoyable evening was held at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner on Friday, September 25 when the immed iate members of the family, to gether withe bridesmaid of 40 years ago, Mrs. Mt. H. Elston, met to celebrate the fortieth wedding anniversary parents, Mr. Fletcher, of Winchelsea. A fowl supper was served by their thtee gi’kndchildreh, Mar ian ahd Margaret Jean Gibson and Marilyn Gardiner, assisted by Mrs. L. Harris and Mrs. H. Bibby. The evening was spent with a sing song and a social tlie wedding day 40 after which Mr. and Cher wer© presehted lovely gifts. Guests present were Mrs. Fletcher, Exet'er, Mr, ahd M, IL Elston, Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs, M« Gibson and girls of Bryanston. HELP WANTED and spent Mrs. Mur- McIntyre, TAKE ORDERS FROM FARMERS! A PERMANENT, PROFITABLE BUSINESS, part or full time, for a limited number of qualified people. No investment. Take orders for America’s largest selling, nationally advertised LIQUID FERTILIZER. Steady $50 and. up per week. Write "Na-Churs” Plant Food Company, 2 Langarth St., W., London, Ont. lc BUILD A FINE BUSINESS! Full or spare time. Learn how you can sell cosmetics, domestic products, tonics, liniments, farm products, etc. We offer you FREE SPECIALS monthly, high commission and the chance of establishing a business of youi’ own. Details on request. FAMILEX, Dept. 4, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal.______lc A GIRL FOR dining-room. Phone 70 or apply at Dominion Hotel, Zurich.17:24;lc WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. o-28tfcWANTED — Third class Stationary Engineer. Apply Canadian Canners Ltd., Exeter, Ont.__________. 9-17tfc spent the weekend with mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Ilussell Brown on the of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Brophey of Gravenhurst visited on Satur day * with Mr. and Mrs. Izloyd Brophey and Frances. •Mrs. Pete Pawliwi and Joan are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT Service with Courtesy Canada Savings Bonds ED. TdrofttoII Hamilton Canada Savings Bonds offer a systematic method of saving at a higher yield—-3.75%—than ever before. These bonds may be bought for cash or by regular monthly payments. They may be redeemed by you at par at any time. Gairdner 8 Goinpanrj Limited 195 Duiidas Street, Londort W» G. Uochrane, Repi'esentafiVC, Phone, Fxeter 14 Montreal Quebec City Calgary Kitchener Kingston Winnipeg New York City Lindenfields Ltd “Your Hunting Headquarters” See Our Window Display Canada’s Future Is Your Business Now! The economic stability of Canada is dependent upon the integrity and diligence of its people. Canada Savings Bonds provide an opportunity for you to share in the continuing prosperity and welfare of your country. Our representative will be pleased to call and arrange all details. "I guess I’ve lost another pupil,” said the professor as his glass eye rolled down the sink. Good Used Cars CHEV DEIAJX SEDAN With built-in radio. CHEV COACH New two-tone finish. CHEV FLEETMAStER SI' CHEV STYTANE COACH FORD SEDAN DODGE SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN Original black dueo, new rings ahd tires just like new. DODGE COACH One owner, CHEV COACH PONTIAC COACH New paint, Fargo pickup 4 USED CAR RADIOS Will fit most cars. Apply PHONE 277 of Mrs. Gardiner’s and Mrs, Clarence chat about years Mrs, vVlth ago, Flht- John Mrs. GET EARLY MORNING delivery of Globe and Mail. First’week free to first two people who phone Paul Wil son, 534-W. Rest for half price.24:1* I WILL HAVE or be able to supply Stocker Cattle of all kinds at very reasonable prices during coming fall. —R. B. Williams.____________8-13tfc A NUMBER OF Holstein cows, carrying their second calf, due to calf from September 23 to January. Phone 84-r-3 Zurich.________10:17:24:1:8:15c WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMACAPS will help you to welcome relief, Ask your Druggist, 9-3:10-1,29:11-26:12-240 TWO JUNIOR CLERKS for R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia. For full informa tion, apply to Mr. S. E. Thomas, Civilian Personnel Officer. lc GIRL TO CLERK in hardware store from now until Christmas. Apply by. letter stating salary and experience to Box "T”, Times-Advocate._____lc OFFICE GIRL — Must have general knowledge of books. Typing essential, Apply in writing to Box "T”, Times- Advocate. ______________________lc WAITRESS. Apply Monetta Menard, phone 88 Exeter. lc MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF BOARS At the farm of J. C. ROBB & SONS, ILDERTON FRIDAY on NIGHT, OCTOBER 2 at 7 o’clock. includes 16 serviceable •some of which are rich English blood, others are ---- ------- blood lines, Also some weaner feeder pigs. MILTON BROCK, AUCTIONEER J. C. ROBB. & SONS, PROP, The sale aged boars, in Imported half P.E.I. RED ROCK PULLETS. Apply G. Pearson, Dashwood._________1* GOOD RELIABLE work horse; also Wizard motor bike, in good condition. Apply Harry Walper, Hay P.O. 24:1* 50 RED-SUSSEX pullets, 5y2 months old. Laying good. —Mrs. Ray Clarice, phone 84-r-4 Kirkton. 1* FEED TURNIPS. Apply Ernie Harris, phone 33-18 Kitkton. 1* Mc.CORMICK DEERING cOrn binder and George White cutting box. Apply Murray Elliott, Centralia._________1* RANGE, heavy duty electric stove, developing And printing outfit. Cheap. —31.6 Algonquin Drive, Centralia. 1* TWO BEDS With springs; walnut dressing table and bench; 8*pc. dihing room suite; leather rocker. All in good condition. Apply Trivltt Mem- orial Rectory, phone 69, 1* PULLETS—100 Leghorns, 100 Swifts Sky High, These pullets are laying. Reason Tor selling: too many to house. — Phone 615-r*5 Alisa Craig, Harvey Morley, .......... „ lc NEW 1953 MUTEOR. — Phone 66-R Cred i ton, 2$ 9-FO. DINING-ROOM SUITE in good condition. Leather seats. Apply at Tinies-Advocate. , 10 USED PIANO—Excellent for practice Piano, $115. Used Moffat range, ’43 model, guaranteed, $100. Snelgrove’s, phono 18, Exeter. lc USED SEWING MaCHINH, Singer, Used high chair, Rhone 157 ExOtof, lc AFtHR OCTOBER 4 — CVHd’s CWb, 27”X51”, springs and mattress, in good condition. Apply 16 John Street or phone 202. 1» SEE YOURSELF as others will—with a youhger, lovelier figure! Spencer Supports are designed exclusively for the individual client. —- Mrs. Pearl Baynham, Hensall 171-W._____ lc CUSTOM COMBINING beans, Massey Harris 90, converted into bean ma chine. Satisfaction guaranteed. Apply C. J. Walker, Cromarty. Phone 12-r- 13 Dublin._____________________1:8* FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at Its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14aIt.tfc SAWS FILED—All types filed oh our precision Foley Automatic Filer. Teeth are made uniform and accurate — just like new. Garnet Shipman, phone 258 Exeter. , . 1:8* PAINTING and PAPERING—Estim ates given, —L, E. Johnston, phohe 183. ________ ________ 17:24:1c IF YOU ARE TROUBLED with Hay fever, Sinus or Headcolds, you Should try NAMELESS Cold Comedy. Convincing trial $1,00 postpaid, Address PURITY, Exeter, Ontario. Locally ask for it at Browning's Drugs; Sanders, McFalls, and J, H, Johes Gro- ccrics. 17:24:l:So DO NOT NEGLECT your pullets this fall for worms. Be sure you Rota-Cap your birds. Get them from your local j)r. Salsbury dealei’j tel. 266, L. V. Hogarth. , , 9-17tfc FLOOR SANDING—Old floors sanded and defined. Specialize in old hard wood floors with ft new light finish. Apply Cred Cook, phone 23-.T Clinton. 17:24:1;'8;15* For a Better dry cleaning job bring ft to Tudor's In Hensall and 'have It cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings, 10-30tfc ANCTION SALE of Property, House and Household Effects OnTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 at 1:30 p.m. in the - VILLAGE OF HENSALLPROPERTY: Two-storey solid brick house consisting of 7 rooms, newly decorated, side hall plan, hew bath, cement cistern, full basement, town Water and hydro; also a garage,' Terms to be made known day of sale sold subject to reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 9 - piece (oak) dining room suite; chesterfield; organ; writing desk; sewing machine; 6 rockers; end tables; 2 chests of drawers; magazine rack; bedroom suitp; beds; mattresses; rugs; kitchen range; kitchen table; cupboard; kit chen utensils; cutlery; quantity of dishes; good china cups'; silverware; figurine lamps: wall ornaments; pictures; clock; bedding and linens; cur tains,; veranda cot; lawn mower; trunks; garden tools; sealers; galvan ized tub; quantity of lumber and wood; wheelbarrow; and other articles. TERMS: Cash. MRS, AGNES FARQUHAR, PROP. P. L. MCNAUGHTON, CLERK ED CORBETT, AUCTIONEER 1o Thirteenth Annual SALE of REG. HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell tor stutt BROS.2 miles northeast of Forest, 28 miles northeast of Sarnia, U mile east M Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 THIRTY-TWO HEAD: 1 fi b u 11 fi around one year old; 16 bred lieifcrs, Herd fully aeeredlted, bull blood - tested, heifers calfhood vaccinated, All are eligible for American registra tion.AU heifers are bred to Larry Domino 2nd Omported-lh-dhm) whoso sire, HC Larry Domino 90th, is a full brother to HO Larry Domlnd 12th that ranks third in list of All-Time Register of Merit Bulls. Moreover two Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate,) Awta, Tractor, Farm Implements, Livestock, Hay and! Household Effects - . _ On the premises,LOT S, CON. 15, HAY TWP. 2% mites west of Zurich, . , 2 mites north.The Undersigned auctioneer has 'been instructed to sell by public auction . onWednesday, October 21 commencing at 1 o’clock p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 8,. Concession 15, Hay Township. h)P acres of land on which is situated a Well built solid white brick house with all modern conveniences. Now furnace and bathroom, built-in cup boards, full basement, with large cis tern, never-failing well with best of water. Also good bank barn and drive Sited,This Is an extra good farm, farm land. TERMS Of Real Estate: 10% of sale, balance In 30 days previously sold.Full list of sate tn next issue.PETER ROCHE. PROPRIETOR ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER 1:8c Ohoioe on day If not ’wCfik’p