HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-09-24, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1953 1 Results Of Yesterdays Fair Judging Classified Directory Flowery Tuberous begonia, Edith Dixon, Ex­ eter; ferns, Airs, Wilfred Doupe, Ex­ eter; foliage, Airs. Poupe, Harvey Hyde, Hensall, Cut Flowers: Antirrhinum, Clifford Heywood, London; asters (collection), ” ’ ... . -- John Mrs. AIc- pink . ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ost­ rich asters, Heywood; coxcombs, Hey­ wood, Airs. M. B. Galley, Kirkton: feathered, Airs. Hunkin; decoi’ative dahlias. Airs, Doupe, Airs. Hunkin; cactus dahlia, Mrs. Hunkin, Airs. Poupe; pompom dahlias, Mrs. poupe, Heywood; pinks, Mrs. Hunkin, Airs. Poupe; gladiolus, Airs. Hunkin, Airs. Galley; named gladiolus, Heywood; African marigolds, Airs. Hunkin, Airs. Doupe; French marigolds, Airs. Hun­kin; drummondi phlox, Airs. Poupe, Airs- Hunkin; single petunia, Airs. Herb Alitchell, Crediton, Airs, poupe; double petunia, Airs. Poupe, Hey­ wood.Pansies, Airs. Mitchell, Mrs. Doupe; roses (collection), Heywood, AIcKen- Heywood; white asters, Mrs. Hunkin, Exeter; mauve asters, Hunkin; purple asters, William Kenzie, Exeter, Mrs. Hunkin; ■asters, Mrs. Hunkin, McKenzie; Used Cars Trucks 48 Chev. Sedan Radio I 46 Olds. Coach Radio and Visor 39 Chev. Coach A Bargain! 36 Dodge Sedan Runs Well zie; single roses, Mrs. Hunkin: salvia, Mrs. W. Haugh, Brucefield, Airs. lXupe; seabliosis. Heywood, Mrs. Doupe; stocks, Mrs. Helen Braith­ waite, Exeter, McKenzie: verbenas, Mrs. Doupe. Heywood; zinnias, Simon Sweitzer, Exeter, Heywood: zinnias, Sweitzer. Mrs. Doupe: collection an­ nuals, Mrs. Doupe. Mrs. Haugh; col­ lection perrenials, Airs. Haugh, Sweit­ zer; bride’s bouquet, Airs. ” ’ Love, Exeter, Airs. Hunkin; Braithwaite; hand bouquet, Hunkin; novelty, Heywood, Doupe; miniature garden, Airs, old Simpson, Mrs. Doupe; Heywood, Mrs. Love. Home Department Ladies' Wear: slack suit, pyjamas, nightgown, housedress, Mrs. H.. A, Fuss, Zurich, Airs. Edgar Darling. Clandeboye: work apron, Airs. Vivian Alarrlage, London, Mrs. Fuss; fancy apron, Mrs. Alarrlage, Mrs. John Payne, Exeter; slip, Airs. Fuss; ankle, socks, Mrs. Fuss, Airs. Darling; gloves, Airs, Darling, Airs. Harold Cudmore, Exeter. Alert’s Wear: cardigan, Airs. Dar­ ling; work socks, Airs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss: fancy socks, Airs. G. C. Koch, Exeter, Airs. Darling; pyjamas, Airs. Fuss, Airs. Darling; mitts, Mrs. Koch, Airs. Fuss; sport slxirt, Airs. Koch, Mrs. Fuss. Children's Wear: overalls, Airs. Darling, Airs, Fuss; play dress, Airs. Fuss; sunsuit, Mrs. Darling; carriage cover, crib quilt, Airs. Darling; coat, bonnet, Airs. Darling, Airs. Koch; knitted dress, Doris Listoen, Cen­ tralia, Alarilyn Polla,rd, Exeter. Living Room Accessories: needle­ point for chair or stool, Airs. V. Hog­ garth, Exeter, Mrs. Fuss; wool frame picture, Owen Atkinson; chesterfield crochet set, Airs. Philip McKenzie, Kippen, Mrs. William Rohde, Wood­ ham; fancy cushion, Airs, Hugh Love, A. W, Etherington, Hensall; crochet doily, Airs. Payne, Irene Smith, Ex­ eter. Dining Room Accessories: lace tablecloth, Airs. Fuss. Airs. Alinnie Sangster, Hensall; breakfast cloth, Mrs. Marriage, Airs. Fuss; table mats, Airs. Darling; buffet set, Airs. Payne, Airs. Tom Hern, Woodham; lunch cloth, Airs. Fuss, Mrs. Rufus Kestle; cross-stitch, Owen Atkinson, Airs. Darling. Bedroom Accessories: sheet and pil­low slips, H. A, Fuss; embroidery slips, Mrs. Marriage, Mrs. Darling; initialed slips, Airs. Darling. Mrs. Fuss; crochet slips, Mrs, W. Haugh, Brucefield, Airs. Marriage; lunch cloth, Airs. Rohde, Mrs. Fuss; bed spread, Airs. Darling; knitted bed spread, Owen Atkinson, Mrs. Jim Mc­Carter, Centralia.Kitchen Accessories: oven mitts, Mrs. Marriage, Mrs. Darling; tie- backs4 Airs. Marriage, Mrs. Fuss; dish cloth, Mrs. Marriage, Mrs. Koch. Quilts and Rugs: fancy quilt, Airs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; pieced cotton quilt, Mrs. Rohde; comforter, Mrs. Darling, Airs, Fuss; hooked floor mat, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Love; braided floor mat, Mrs. Love, Airs. Fuss, rug, Airs. Darling. Thrift Division: girl’s coat, Mrs. Simpson, Harvey Hyde; dress, Har­ vey Hyde, Mrs. Fuss; skirt, Hyde, Airs. Fuss; blouse, Mrs. Fuss; wind- breaker. Mrs. Fuss; pants, Mrs. Ir­ vine Armstrong, Airs. Fuss; pyjamas, Mrs. Darling; shopping bag, Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Marriage; stuffed toy, Airs. Haugh, Mrs. Marriage; any ar­ticle made from man’s tie, Mrs. Mar­ riage; clothes-pin bag, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Marriage; worked button hole, Irene Smith, Mrs. Alarriage; smock­ ing, Mrs. Darling. South Huron Women’s Institute Competition: Crediton, Grand Bend, Elimville and Hurondale (tie). Fine Arts And Crafts Oil Paintings: landscape, Mrs. G. C. Koch, Mrs. Rufus Kestle; flowers, Mrs. Herb Mitchell, Mrs. Kestle; fruits and vegetables, Mrs. Darling; animals, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. Mitchel); portrait, Mrs. Koch; still life (water color), H. A, Fuss; abstract design, Mrs. Koch, Airs. Kestle; charcoal, Sheila Bailey; pencil drawing, Sheila Bailey; crayon study, Sheila Bailey, Mrs. Hugh Love: best collection of snaps, Mrs. Harold Cudmore; novelty place-cards, Mrs. Hugh Love, Exeter; shell work, H. A. Fuss. Domestic White bread, brown bread, short bread, Airs. C. Hern, Exeter; rolls, buns, cup cakes, muffins, Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Exeter; date squares, Mrs. Cushman, William AIcKenzie; dough­ nuts, Airs. Darling; banana cake, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Mrs. Cushman; oat­meal cookies, Airs, Sillery, Exeter, Irene Smith; angel cake, Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Woodham, Mrs. Reg Hodg­ son, Centralia; chocolate cake. Mrs. Walter Weber, Airs. William Rohde; raisin pie, Mrs. William McKenzie, Mrs. Cudmore; raspberry pie, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, Cudmore; cherry pie, Mrs, William McKenzie, Mrs. Cud­ more; lemon pie, Mrs. Aimer Pass- more, Mrs. Cushman; fruit cake, Airs. Darling. Specials: Alagic single-layer cake, Hugh Aire. Aire. Mrs. Har- spray, Mrs. Cushman, Mrs. Passmore; Blue Ribbon tea biscuits, Mrs. William Sil- lery, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Love; Dom­ estic pies, Mrs. McKenzie. Irene Smith, Mi's. Cudmore; Domestic cukes, Mrs. Cushman, Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. McKenzie. Thanksgiving centrepiece, M r s . Hugh Ix>ve. Canned Product; more st run; Mrs. Mrs. M. Armstrong Mrs. ' ’• Mrs. Mrs, . more, Mrs. Philip McKenzie, Kippen beans, Mrs. Sillery, Mrs. ” mato juice, Mrs. Cudmore, strong: apple jelly, '* currant, Mrs. Fuss Fuss ...... __ ____ grapes, Airs. Cud- ; strawberries, Mrs. Irvine Arm® Airs. Cudmore: raspberries, Armstrong, Airs. Sillery; pears, B. Gulley, Kirkion, Airs. ........; peaches, Airs. Armstrong, Galley; cherries, Airs. Galley, Armstrong; plums, Airs. Galley, Armstrong; tomatoes, Airs. Dud— Airs. Fuss; corn. Airs. Cud- Airs. Fuss; peas, Mrs. Fuss, - i; string Fuss; to- ____, Airs. Arm- _ Airs. Galley; red .. Airs. Fuss: any preserve, Airs. Fuss, Airs. Cudmore: green to­mato pickle, Mrs. Armstrong, Airs. Cudmore: mustard pickle, Airs. Arm­strong, Airs. Simpson: pickled cucum­ bers, Airs. Sillery, Airs. Armstrong; pickled pears, S.H.D.H.S.; tomato catsup, Mrs. Hern, Airs. Cudmore; ehili sauce, Mrs. Reg Hodgson, Airs, Walter Weber; chicken, Mrs. Hugh Love, Airs. Fuss. Honey. Fred Howe, Centralia (three sections): maple syrup, Mrs. Cudmore, Airs. Love; chocolate, fudge, Mrs, Love, Mrs. Cushman; divinity fudge, Airs. Cushman, Mrs, Hoggarth. Aleats and Salads; cured ham, cured assortment, Airs. Fuss; salmon loaf, vegetable salad, Airs. Hugh Love; salad dressing, Airs. Love, Airs, Hern; cottage cheese, Mrs. Sillery; mince meat, Airs. Aimer Passmore; roasted rooster, Harry Strang. Eggs: white, Ivan AleClymont, Var­ na, Airs. William Sillery; brown, Ivan McClymont. Harry Strang, Airs. Sil­ lery; mixed, Airs. Sillery, Airs. Hugh Love.Dairy: butter, Fred AleClymont, of Varna. High School Aluffins, Ina Chappel, Rosemary Dobson, Donna Gilfillan. Grain And Seeds Commercial Features: ensilage corn, Archie Etherington, Hensall, Arthur Rundle, Woodham, Mrs. Reg Hodg­ son, Centralia; grain corn, S.H.D.­H.S., Archie Etherington; half bushel ears, Arthur Mitchell, Al. E. Hooper, Tom Brock, Clarence Down, Harvey Hyde, Howard Pym, John R. Pym, Arthur Rundle, Archie Etherington, Harold Jeffery; 10 ears, Clarence Down, Al. E. Hooper, Murray Daw­ son, Airs. Hugh Love, Archie Ether- ington, Arthur Rundle, Ivan AlcCly- mont.Grain corn, open to field crop com­ petitors: Arthur Rundle, Tom Brock, Clarence Down, Harvey Hyde, JohnR, Pym, Arthur Rundle, Robert Jef­fery, Harold Jeffery, Wheat sheaf, oat sheaf, M. E. Hoo­ per; white fall wheat, Harry Strang, M. E. Hooper, H. A. Fuss; red fall wheat, spring wheat, M. E. Hooper; barley, Hooper, H. A. Fuss; malting barley, Hooper, John Pym; oats, M. E. Hooper, Airs. Tom Hern, John Pym, Harvey Hyde; mixed grain, M.E. Hooper, Walter McBride, John Pym; milling wheat, Ralph Young, H. A. Fuss; alfalfa, Mrs. Hugh Love; red clover, Al. E. Hooper; timothy, Hooper, Fuss, Strang; white beans, Hooper, Walter AIcBride. High School Specials Model airplane, Archie Etherington, Robert Armstrong, Afelvin McKerral; colored Union Jack, Marilyn Frayne, Veronica Francois; best project, Mar­ lene McBride. Fruit Apples: R.I. Greenings, William AIcKenzie, Ivan McClymont, Fred Mc­ Clymont; northern spy, McKenzie, I. AleClymont, F. AleClymont; red spy,F. AleClymont, I, McClymont; Mc­ Intosh, F. McClymont, McKenzie, I. McClymont; russets, McKenzie, F, McClymont: snows, McKenzie, F. and I. McClymont; Gravenstein, AIcKen­ zie; tompkins, F, McClymont; On­tario, McKenzie, F. McClymont; pip­ pins, McKenzie; talman sweet, Mc­Kenzie. F. and I. McClymont: delic­ ious, McKenzie, I. and F. McClymont,Pears: Flemish beauty, McKenzie, I. and F. McClymont; Clapp favorite, Cecil Jones, S.H.D.H.S., Willis Pow­ ell; bartlett, F. McClymont, duchess of anjou, F. AleClymont; sheldon, McKenzie, John Pym, Willis Powell; best display, F. McClymont. Peaches: AIcKenzie, Plums; Damson, McKenzie, F. Mc­ Clymont: Italian and German Prune, F. McClymont; Grand Duke, AIcKen­ zie, F. AleClymont; fruit collection, AIcKenzie, F. AleClymont, I. McCly­mont. Vegetables Early potatoes. M. E. Hooper. Sid Sanders, Fred AleClymont, S.H.D.­ H.S.; largest turnips, Mrs. Hugh Love, M. E. Hooper, William Pin combe; mangels, Mrs. Hugh Love pie pumpkins, Mrs. AV. Haugh, Al. E Hooper, Mrs. Love; cauliflower, Arc Kenzie: savoy cabbage, R. E. Pooley, S. H.D.H.S.; red cabbage, Mrs. Al. B. Galley. S.H.D.H.S., Al. E. Hooper; early cabbage, McKenzie, Cecil Jones; late cabbage, Mrs. Haugh, S.H.D.­ H.S., Cecil Jones. Largest pumpkin, Mrs. Tom Hern, S.H.D.I-I.S., Mrs. Love; hubbard squash, S.H.D.H.S., Roland Alotz, Al. E. Hooper; pepper squash, Airs. Haugh. Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Harold Cudmore; squash a.o.v., S.H.D.H.S., Al. E. Hooper, F. McClymont; water­ melons, Airs. Haugh, Airs. Galley; table turnips, Airs, Love, Harold Hunter, M, E. Hooper; parsnips. Al E. Hooper, Airs. Galley, S.H.D.H.S. golden bantam corn’, M. E. Hooper other corn, Fred Howe, Sid Sanders, Cecil Jones; citrons, Mrs. Haugh, S.H.D.H.S., F. AleClymont. Pickling onions, Hooper; Spanish onions, Sid Sanders, Mrs. Love, S.H.D.H.S.; cooking onions, Haugh. H o o p e r , Eddie Brintnell; vegetable marrow. F. McClymont, S.H.D.H.S,, Fred Howe; muskmelons, Hooper, Jones, McClymont; table beets. Mrs. Galley, AleClymont, Jones; carrots, Mrs. Galley, Jones, Cyrus E. Lowden; long carrots, Mrs. Galley, Airs. Sillery, Roylanee Westcott; best display of vegetables, Airs. Haugh, F. AleClymont. S.H.D.H.S., Cecil Jones. Commercial Vegetable Features Sugar beets, Archie Etherington, Cecil Jones, A. W. Etherington, Clark Fiisher; potatoes, S.H.D.H.S., Sid Sanders, Fred AleClymont, Cecil Jones, Al. E. Hooper; kraut cabbage, Hooper, R. E. Pooley, Fred Howe, Jones, S.H.D.H.S., Mrs. Haugh, Wil­ liam McKenzie; domestic cabbage, 8.114)41.8., Mrs. Haugh, Poojey, Mc­ Kenzie, Jones, Archie Etherington, Don Easton, Hooper; beets, A. W. Etherington, Jones, Sid 8 a n d e r s , Roylanee Westcott, F. McClymont, Archie Etherington, Preston Dearing; carrots, Jones, Mrs, Haugh, S.H.D.- 11.8., Sunders, F. McClymont, Archie Etherington, Westcott, A. W. Ether­ ington; turnips, Pooley, Fisher, Har­old Hunter, Easton, Arthur Mitchell, Jones, Westcott, Archie Etherington, S.H.D.H.S.Garden Club Displays: A group, Elimvllle, Kippen; B group, Seaforth, Carlow; C group, llurondale. FOR SALE FOR SALE LOST 275 SUSSEX and RED pullets, five months old. —James Grinney, phone Kirkton G8-r-13. 24:1c GREY - BRUCE LIVE STOCK Co­operative sale of 1,300 cattle, graded in car and truck lots, at Wiarton, October 1, commencing at 10 a.m. 24* ONE USED 5-H.P. Sea King out­ board motor, A-l condition, used ap­proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.00. —Iluyoy Lumber Co. 5-14tfc LOST—On Bluewater Highway, near Grand Bend, red plaid coat. Articles in pockets. Reward. — C. Dayman, Exeter, phone 176-r-3. 24* Public School Winners SAXOPHONE — Double octave key Conn alto saxophone, in fair condi­ tion (needs a few pads). Good buy for beginner, '$25.00. Apply to Bob Davis, 770 (days) or 455-W (nights).24t-a THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches­ terfield suite, $50; also tapestry cheater-bed, $45. Phone 443-W-3 Ex­ eter. 9-..tic STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cowfi removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-6tfc 1949 1-TON FORD truck, like new. Mileage, 20,000 miles. Will sell rea­sonable. Anyone interested, it can be seen at any time one mile north of Crediton. —Phone 73-r-14 Crediton.’1 AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. ft’eGET EARLY MORNING delivery of Globe and Mail. First week free to first two people who phone Paul Wil­ son, 534-W. Rest for half price.24:1* ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead oi' disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tl’c EMPLOYMENT WANTEDLegend: U—Usborne, S—Stephen, II i Braithwaite: pie pumpkin, Jean Rid - —Hay, C—Crediton, all others—Ex-IinC! T■,T1 eter. Asters, Marion Beling, Grace Eagle- son 10S, Irene Munro, Harold Eagle- son 10S, Heather MacNaughton; cos­ mos, Jean Krueger 4S, Gloria Cham­ bers C, Patsy Marshall 3U, Karen Finkbeiner C, Tommy Simpson 12U; marigolds, Carol Ann Braithwaite, Marion Belling, Joanne Martene 4S, Jean Krueger 4S, Douglas Jermyn; snapdragons, Douglas Braithwaite, Heather MacNaughton; petunias, Ted­ dy Oke 1U, Carol Ann Braithwaite, Anne Johns 2U, Irene Munroe, Ken­ neth Lovie 188; zinnias, Douglas Brintnell, Jean Krueger 48, Caro) Hogarth, Janet Morlock 4S; special, Roxie Weber, Khiva. Group Projects Social Studies, Crediton, 10 Ste­phen; coronation mural, 1 Usborne, 6 Exeter, 4 Exeter; game. 5 Usborne, 2 Exeter, 10 Stephen, 2 Exeter. Writing Grade 1, Susan Doerr, Jimmie Coates 4U. Jens Andreson. Lester Heywood; Grades 4, Renate Van Set- ten. Barbara McDonald, Dianne Del- bridge, Carol Hoggarth; Grade 3, Margaret Oke 1U, Dianne Willert, Bonnie Hoggarth, Anne Hockey; Grade 2, Aalka Valentyn, Sadie Van- derLoan 1U, Joan Smith C, John Brock C; Grades 5, 6, Sandra Wal­ per. Gerald Dykstra, Elaine Hog­garth, Robert Murray IOS; Grades 7, 8. Carolyn Oke 1U, Shirley Irvine, Beatrice Strange 1U, Margaret Alien Manual Training Grade 6 and under: lawn ornament, Bobby Skinner, Jimmy Hyde 1U, Peter Frayne, Edward Skinner 6U; tie rack, Freddie Hyde 1U, Wayne Hern 7U, Jimmy Hyde 1U. Grade 8 and under, bird house, Ronnie Hern 7U, Wayne Bowen, Paul Wilson. Fruits Pears, Frans Idsinga 12U. Jean Krueger 4S. Barbara Hern 7U, Mar­ion May 4U, Frances Johns 6U: De­ licious apples, Betty Dixon, Jimmy Dixon, Carol Hoggarth, Elaine Hog­ garth, Marion May 4U: tftlman sweets, Jimmy Dixon. Betty Dixon, Helen Finkbeiner C, Gordon Hodgins 12U, Carol Hoggarth; northern spies, Betty Dixon, Jimmy Dixon, Carol Hoggarth, Marion May; McIntosh, Jimmy Dixon, Betty Dixon, Elaine Hoggarth, Margaret Francois; snows, Bonnie Hoggarth, Gordon Hodgins 12U, Frans Idsinga 12U, Ross Fergu­ son 12U. Grain Oats, Ronnie Hern 7U, Gordon Strang 1U, Lome Hern 7U, Edward Skinner GU, Edward Hern 7U; barley, Wayne Hern 7U, Lorne Hern 7U; wheat, Gordon Strang 1U, Ronnie Hern 7U, Edward Hern 6U; corn, Jo- Anne Minters GU, Edward Skinner GU, John Etherington 1U, Freddie Hyde 1U, Marion May 4U, Roots And Vegetables Late potatoes, Betty Dixon, Jimmy Dixon, Doug Galloway, Carol Anne Braithwaite, Bob Galloway C; early potatoes, Douglas Braithwaite, Eric Finkbeiner C, Jacqueline Eagleson C. Marilyn Galloway C, Danny Coward 2U; domestic cabbage, Ellis Stewart 4S, Jimmy Dixon, Michael Cushman, Donald Masnica 4S, Gary Heywood 5U.Hubbard squash, Douglas Braith­ waite, Lorne Hern 7U, Carol Ann ley 10S, Arlene Love 1U, Dianne Johns GU, Irene Munroe, Jane French 12U; table beets, Freddie Hyde 1U, Patsy Marshall 3U, Marilyn Hicks 5U, Marlene Stone 3U, Lawrence Bec­ ker 48: storage beets, Edward Skin­ner, Sandra Walper, .Terry Van Set- ten C, Eddie Brintnell, Karen Fink­ beiner C; carrots, Margaret Oke 1U. Patsy Marshall 3U, Frederick Wells, Joan England C, Ron Truemner; ta­ ble cucumbers, Margaret Brock 71J, Doreen Brock 7U. Margaret Webber 2U, Neva Cockwell 4S, Kay Hodgson 68; pickling cucumbers, Joan JVest- cott 5U, Douglas Braithwaite, Ronald Motz C, Kay Hodgson 6S, Carol Braithwaite. .Spanish onions, Ross Powe 2U, Allen Love 1U, Douglas Hodgson C, Barbara Hodgson, Patsy Marshall 3U; white mangels, Arlene Love 1U, Dale Hayter 10S; red mangels, Ronnie Latts 10S; field beans. Freddie Hyde 1U, Brenda Becker 4S, Ronald Hey­ wood 5U, Carol Westcott 5U, Allen Rundle 5U; table turnips, Wayne Rowe 2U, Joan Westcott 5U Edward Skinner 6ll, Arlene Love 1U, Marion Van Setten C. Sewing Grade 6 and under; darning, Aafka Vatentzn 6U, Rjta Anderson; doll, Tiena VanderNeut, Dianne Willert, Sandra Ness, Marilyn Jones. Grade 8 and under: knitting, Rlnske Taring 12U, Reta Anderson, Carol Johns 2U, Jim Scott; wearing apparel, Helen Jones, Donna Wells, Jean Arksey 12U, Mary Dickey 7U; crochet. Anny Arts 2S, Marion Belling, Marjorie Hodgert; embroidery, Alma. Hera 7U, Jane French 12U, Shirley Wurm. Cooking Drop cookies, Lynda Dykeman 7U, Doug Jermyn, Carol Johns 2U, Helen Ilern 7U; bran muffins, Sally Ache­ son, Heather MacNaughton, Sandra Finkbeiner C, Doris Brock 7U. Art Grades 7, 8, Ruth Ann McBride 4U, Gary Van Steeg 4U, Thomas Humph­ reys, Jean Arksey 12U; Grades 5, 6, Glenn Irvine, Grant Stephens 7U, Harry Towle 7U, Shirley Alerkley; paper hat, Grant Skinner 6U, Donna Ventin 4U, Billy Murray 10S, Stanley Lovie 10S; paper cutting, Barbara Jenke, Bonnie Turvey, Gary Wed- lake, Allen Hayter 10S; illustrated rhyme, Jane Dettmer, Hillary Wil­ kins, Dorothy Dickey 7U, Cathie Drew 7U. Coronation scrap book, Grades 7, 8, Barbara Reder, Fred Hunter 4U, Ruth Anne McBride 4U, Sylvia Johns 4U; Grades 5, 6, Arlene Love 1U, Donna Wells, Grace Johns 6U, Ann Alexander 10U; Grades 3, 4, Garry Rowcliffe 1U, Fred Sanders, Mervin Taylor, Linda Walper. YOU’LL LOVE your prettier younger- looking figure in Spencer Supports, created just foi’ you. Call me today? Mrs, Pearl Baypham, Hensail 171-W.24c AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wants employment. Apply at Advocate. 24:i:b I WILL HAVE or be able to supply Stocker Cattje of all kinds at very reasonable prices during coming fall. —R. B. Williams. _______8-13tfe YOUNG RESPONSIBLE Airman de^ sires any type of employment during leave commencing October 10. Con­ tact Times-Advocate. 17:24c WANTED MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub­ scriptions for any magazine are re­ceived at The Exeter Times-Advocate DAWBUL SEED WHEAT, grown from registered seed. Apply George Link, phone Dashwood 34-r-21, 9-10tfc A NUMBER OF Holstein cows, car­ rying their second calf, due to calf from September 23 to January. Phone S4-r-3 Zurich,________10:17:24:1:8:15c FOR SALE—Eight-piece dining room suite in good condition; also bedroom furniture. -A p p 1 y Trivitt Memorial Rectory, phone 69.____________17:24* WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Get them at The Exeter ..Times-Advocate, PULLEYS — Wood: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13%, Metal; 6, 8, 10, 14. V’s: 3%. 4%. Can be seen at The Times- Advocate. 10:17n\3 '51 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN, like new, for quick sale. Terms arranged. Phone 169-J (days) or 312-J (eve­nings)._______________________17:24c WHITE ENAMEL Findlay cook stove — coal or wood. Three years old. Priced for quick sale. Apply Ed Hen­ drick, Crediton.________ _____17:24* PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking RUMACAPS. Recommended by thou­ sands of thankful users. Ask your Druggist. 9-24:10-22;11-19:12-17:1-14c TABLES, CHAIRS, china cabinet and a chest of drawers. Phone 276 Exeter.24c NEW GIRLS’ & BOYS' BICYCLES— $49.95. Glen Fisher's Hardware, Ex­eter. 24c USED' FOUR-BURNER electric stove —very reasonable. Phone 252 Exeter. 24* INTERNATIONAL SUGAR beet lift­er, to fit “A" tractor. Apply Harold Taylor, phone 39-r-8 Kirkton.____24* 75 ROCK AND LEGHORN pullets, 5 months old. Apply T. K. Patten, Lucan, R1R. 3.__________________24c 9 LIMITED EXETERPHONE 100 PURE ICE Now May Be Purchased Anytime At ED ANDERSON'S WILKINS’ Snell Bros 49 GMC Pick-Up ^-Ton 49 Dodge Panel ya-Ton See Us About A New CHEVROLET PICKUP Today! Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks FOR RENT REFINED MIDDLE - AGED lady would like comfortable, furnished room in modern home, away during day. Phone 623-j-12 Exeter. 24c FURNISHED APARTMENT, adults only. Phone 276 Exeter.17:24c 5-ROOM FURNISHED house, for two adults, from November 1 to May 1. Reasonable. Apply HiS Simcoe Street. FOR RENT -— Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners, — Beavers Hard­ ware, Exeter. REAL ESTATE MODERN 3-BEDROOM house in Ex­ eter, Corner of Wellington and An­ drew, 3-piece bath upstairs, 2-piece bath downstairs. Apply Elmore Mc­Bride, phone 206-R. ^4:1* FARM FOR SALE—Good reason for selling 100- or 150-acre farm, clay loam, well drained, fall plowing done, 18 acres fal wheat in, 8 acres hard­ wood bush, large barn, brick house, car garage, drive shed, water under pressure house and barn, built-in cupboards, hardwood floor, hydro. On good county road between Exeter and Grand Bend. Immediate posses­sion Ed Lippert, R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 31-25._________________ 24c ACREAGES—We have several small­ er acreages from 1 acre up. Each of these has a comfortable house and other buildings, hydro and good water supply and is close to town and school. Quick possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.9-24tfc WHY PAY RENT? You can buy a 4-room brick house at a bargain price in Crediton and have early possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Earl Parsons, Salesman,9-17tfc EXETER MAIN ST. 7-room brjck house, hot air oil furnace, flush toi­ let. Possession Oct. 1. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.9-17tfc HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS — "The Ad­ mirable Crighton”, Barrie; "The Mayor of Casterbridge’’, H a r d y ; "Mastering Effective English" (re­ vised edition). Apply Times-AdvocaLe WANTED TO RENT—A 5- or 6-room house, centrally located. Reliable ten­ ant. Phone 640-W. ___________ 24c QUANTITY OF good timothy hay.— Phone 7 Exeter.________________24c SNOWSUITS for two boys, age sever* and nine. Apply Times-Advocate. 24* COAL OIL HANGING LAMPS—Mrs. R. Bailey, Main St., Exeter, 8-13tfe. WANT TO RENT nice two-bedroom apartment, centrally located, for twe women. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor,9-17tfc HELP WANTED WAITRESS—Apply Monetta Menard. phone 8S Exeter._______________ 24e GIRL TO HELP with housework, steady employment. Apply Mrs. Ger­ ald Chapman, 129 Anne Street, Ex- eter, phone 364-R,__________ 24* OFFICE GIRL — Must have general knowledge of books. Typing essential. Apply in person to Tuckey Beverages, Exeter. _____ 24 c DO YOU NEED MONEY? You can make from $50 to $75 a week by sell­ ing 250 guaranteed household necess­ ities in your surroundings. Send to­day for free catalogue and details,— FAMILEX, Dept. 3, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal._______________24c A GIRL FOR dining-room. Phone 70. or apply at Dominion Hotel, Zurich.17:24:1c SECOND GRADE HONEY, excellent quality, 12c lb. in your containers. Apply William Carrick, Hay P.O. 24* ONE GOOD BULL CALF. — G.Dow, Exeter. _____ 24* Maclean's Magazine J. HOUSE FOR SALE—Three-bedroom, brick veneer, oil heat, air-conditioned. Living room - dining room combina­ tion 12x30, wall to wall broadloom. Good basement. Desirable location. Two years old. Phone 629-M for ap­ pointment, or see Donald Traqualr. 17:24c AVON NEEDS representatives for Grand Bend and Dashwood. Join now and enjoy fall and Christmas profits For interview, write Mrs, M. Stock, 78 Duchess Avenue, Kitchener. Ont 17:24* WANTED — Third class Stationary Engineer. Apply Canadian Canners Ltd., Exeter, Ont. 9-17tf< COW—Second calf at foot, 2 weeks old. Apply Elmore McBride, phone 20G-R Exeter. ■ 24* FOUR HEIFERS, 4 steers, Hereford and Durham, 2 Holstein heifers. — Clarence Cunningham, 2% miles west of Clandeboye, ________ _____ 24* LADY'S BLACK electric seal fur coat and muff; also a silver fox col- lar, in good condition. Box C. 24* 200 WHITE ROCK pullets started to lay, $2 each. Lakeview Poultry Farm & Hatchery Limited, Exeter, Ontario. 24:1c GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, 7y_> cubic ft. deluxe; Beatty pump jack (oil bath) and pump; also 13 young York pigs. Apply Elmer Des- jardine, phone 38-r-27 Grand Bend. 24c LATE ’49 METEOR SEDAN, perfect condition, low mileage, good tires, custom-built radio. Can be financed. Apply Wallace A. Bowden, phone 14- 17 Kirkton. 24c ELECTRIC STOVE, old style, in good shape; Blue Flame space heat­ er; 5 bunk beds; 1 refrigerator; dou­ble sink, metal. Apply Monetta Men- ard, phone 49-r-2 Grand Bend. 24c FRAME BUILDING, 19x35, formerly blacksmith shop in Centralia, must be removed from premises. Bids must be in by October 3. Apply to N. Wil­ son, Secretary, Police Village of Cen­tralia. 24c 1 DUTCH BUFFET, one large table,2 small tables; also mantel clock. Apply S. Heslinga, Beavers’ Apart­ ments, Hay. Ont.______________24* QUEBEC HEATER, in real good shape, cheap for quick sale. Apply 252, Lake, Road._________________24* PIANO, heavy-duty electric range, developing-printing outfit. Cheap. — 316 Algonquin Drive, Centralia. 24c MEDIUM COLEMAN space heater. Phone 3G6-R Exeter. 24c VILLAGE STORE, fixtures and fur­ niture, attached dwelling has 3-piece bath,- water pressure system, extra jot. —w. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman._________ 8-13tfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard. Reai- tor, Main St., Exeter.________4-16tfc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R. E. Balk­ will, Exeter._______________ 6-18tfc HIGHWAY FIRST CLASS 150 acres: 6 acres sugar bush and gravel pit at rear, balance rich arable clay loam, L-shape bank barn, stabling has conveniences for horses, cattle, pigs. Pressure system waters all buildings. Concrete silo. Henhouse, driveshed. Good 2-storey slate roofed brick house has full bath, furnace, hot and cold water, attached garage. Possession fall or spring. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Ear) Parsons, Sales­ man. 9-17ttc 7-ROOM HOUSE and good barn; also large lot. near school and store; buildings in good shape. On highway, six miles from Exeter. Phone Kirk- ton 40. _________________17:24:1* FOR SALE — Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos­ session. — C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont._______9-10tfc WE HAVE A CLIENT who is in­ terested in securing a good 3-bedroom residence in Exeter. Immediate pos­session not a necessity. If you have a house you are considering selling, come in and talk the matter over.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-3tfc MISCELLANEOUS SAWS FILED—All types filed on our precision Foley Automatic Filer Teeth are made uniform and acouratc — just like new. Garnet Shipman, phone 258 Exeter.___________ 24* PAINTING and PAPERING—Estim­ ates given. —L. E. Johnston, phone- 183. __________17:24:1c IF YOU ARE TROUBLED with Hay­fever, Sinus or Headcolds, you should try NAMELESS Cold Comedy. Con­ vincing trial $1.00 postpaid. Address PURITY, Exeter, Ontario. Locally ask for it at Browning’s Drugs; San­ ders, McFalls, and ,T. H. Jones Gro­ ceries. __ 17:24 ;l:8c DO NOT NEGLECT your pullets thlf- fall for worms. Be sure you Rota-Cap your birds. Get them from your local Dr. Salsbury dealer, tel. 266, L. V. Hogarth.____________________9-17tfc FLOOR SANDING—Old floors sanded' and refined. Specialize in old hard­ wood floors with a new light finish. Apply Cree Cook, phone 23-J Clinton.17:24:1:8:15* SEWING — Dressmaking, alterations and children’s wear. Bound or worked buttonholes made separately, if you do your own sewing. •—Mrs. D. Hog­ garth, 239 Anne St., Exeter.3:10:17:24* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED — Phone 108-W Lucan. 3:10:17:24* For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job. bring it to Tudor’s in Hensail and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-30tfe AUCTION SALES GIVE GENEROUSLY... HELP THE BLIND TO HELP THEMSELVES Your Contribution Will $18,000hProvide These Needed Services: IS REQUIRED NOW! Social rehabilitation through counsel of Of an annual operating cost of $46,000, $28,000 hps already beerl provided by municipal grant! field secretaries. Home instruction in crafts!and Braille reading and writing^ Main® i -tenance of the new Western Ontario and Community Chests. M".residence and recreation centre. Job piece* i''ment service. Blindness prevention service.Leave Yolir Donation With S. B. Taylorb this cortipaigri is bding conducted frorh Sept. 21»MAIN ST. EXETER Oct. 3 in the CbUnties of Etg'br Hurbp, MiddUseK and Perth and dobs riot include the cities of London and Strafford/ where the C.NJ.B. it affiliated with 1I the Cbmrhunity Chests.--41 DEFY RAIN Despite drenching mins, thousands of people flocked to RCAF Centralia Air Force Day to inspect the air­ craft and see the excellent indoor displays. These ladies have iust looked a Harvard training plane over. RED ROCK PULLETS. Apply G. Pearson, Dashwood._____________24* CLASSIFIED RATES a SEE PACKET — 1 yii-st display of a "Packet” ah'etaft was made at RCAF Station Centralia, Saturday. The box-like craft was operi for inspection early in the afternoon^ then flew over the station several times during the air show. GOOD RELIABLE work horse; also Wizard motor bike, in good condi­ tion, Apply I-Iarry walper, Hay P.O. 24:1* HEAVY DUTY wood lathe, can be used to turn fence posts, with heavy belt pulleys, and belt. —Phone 353-J. 24* 25 Words olr less 60c More Than 25 Words — Utf Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS More Than 2t5 Words - Per Word 200 OFF if ad (paid With order or1 Saturday following the last Insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one eoltimxO First Insertion 84c per Inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per iiich Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. by woman*' entered a church with an ear trumpet. Soon after she ha<i seated hersfeifr an usher tiptoed oVet ahd whispered, "One toot Slid out yon go." $5,000 WILL PURCHASE 2-apartment home. This is a nice property well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Up­ per apartment rented at $40.00 per month. Immediate possession on low­ er. This is an unusual opportunity. Terms. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.____ 9-3tfC TWO-APARTMENT HOUSE, bath Upstairs and downstairs, garage, full basement, coai furnace, hot and cold water, three miles south of Crediton. Phone 2G-r-22 Crediton. 3:10:17:24* 7-ROOM BRICK house, furnace, gar­ age, garden, good location. Early possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman,_____9-3tfc COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOAI house, large garden, Dashwood. Early pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, _____8-13tfc GOOD 2-STOREY brick house In Ci'omarty has all conveniences, a barn and small acreage. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 9-J7tfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good condition, conveniences, garage, ca­bins well rented. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. S-131fc TWO-FAMILY HOUS'E, large storage bafn (well rented), 2 extra lots. —* W» C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, \ 8-l3tfc THREE Nice building lots and nice house suitable for large family or duplexing. Oil-burning aif-cohdttioned furnace, 3-pfece bath, hot and Cold water, garage. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-lGtfc VACANT LOT suitable for store or office building, choice location in business block, W, C, Pearce, Real­ tor fl-25t.fc WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale gdod farms of Various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. 5-28tfC AUCTION SALE of Household Effects on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 onMain street, exeter (Opposite McKenzie’s Store) at 1:30 p.m.Astral frig (new); radio; (lining* room table and buffet (cherry); (5 dining room chairs; daybed; com® bination writing desk and bookcase (oak); library table (oak); living room table; several rockers; hall rack; wardrobe; bedroom suite; one bed springs and mattress; one single bed, with springs and mattress; bur­ eau; 2 washstands} dresser; several small tables; several lamps; kitchen range; Quebec heater; kitchen drop­loaf table: coal oil heater; 6 kitchen chairs; 2 * ' .. . » „ . . . rugs and ther tick machiner ash sift; coal; and ___ ____ _____ _ TERMS: Cash. MTSS ANNIE FISH, PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK FRANK TAYLOR AND LESLIE: GLANVILLE, AUCTIONEERS pantry cupboards; 2 trunkfl; mats; sewing machine; fee,- and -pillows; hand washing and whinger; lawn mower; shovels; sealers, ion of numerous articles, Another Wilson Motors AUCTION SALE Buy A Jolopy —r Make A Stool; Cftt Cars To WreckSATURDAY. SEPT. 26, 2.tO0 P.M AT THE FARM OF TED WILSON (Lot 27, Con. S, London Township, 1 mile north of Arva, 3 wiles west, second farm over railroad crossing on right hand side) 50 CARS „ 61)102$ to 1942 Models LATE MODEL WRECKS Meteor Sedan 1948 Ply. Sedan MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson 1946 Indian RACING HULL (1 only) CABIN TRAILER (1 only) GARAGE EQUIPMENT Battery Chargers, Brake Relincr . . Benches, etc.PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OP'' CARE’ Everything will be sold!TERMS: CASH For information phono London 2-6436 PRIOR BOWLEY, AUCTIONEER 1050 1946