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New Teachers
At the Clandeboye School No.
4 and 12, Miss Marion Morton,
of Ailsa Craig, is the new teach
er with 41 pupils. In Grade 1 are
Betty Ann Lewis, Ronald That
cher, Murray Simpson, Johnny
Haslip, Judy Scott, Bobby Donald
son and Elizabeth Davis.
At S,S. No. 4, Mr. R. Gilbert
Is the new teacher, Gerald Mor
gan and Linda Aikins ‘
Mrs. Wes Watson is
teacher at S.S. No. 3
School), ’
Home & School Meeting
The Clandeboye Home and
School met in the school room
on>rhursday evening. President
Mr. H. Murless presided. The
members met the new teacher,
Miss M. Morton, of Ailsa Craig,
During the business meeting,
Mrs. Arnold Lewis was elected
vice-president due to Mrs. H*
Pyke moving to London, leaving
a vacancy on the executive.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. William Turnbull
have moved from Ailsa Craig to
Mr. Maurice Simpson’s apart
Mrs, Ethel Logan and grand
daughter, Myrna Jane Logan, of
Thorndale, spent Thursday with
Mrs. J, H. Paton.
Miss Margaret Anne Henry has
enroled at London Teachers’ Col
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Jackson, of
Toronto, spent Laboi' Day week
end with the latter’s mother, Mr.
Eslie Hodgson,
Mr, and Mrs. H. Murless, Joan
and Suzy were guests on Sunday
of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Bloye of
.St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn, Mrs
Torn Hallern and Mr. Lon Phil
lips attended the funeral services
on Monday for Mr. George Allen
in the Currie funeral home,
Wingham. The Rev. H. K. Par
ker of St. Paul’s Church conduct
ed the service. Mrs. Hallern is a
cousin of Mr. Allen; the Rev.
James Allen of Pointe Claire,
Quebec, is a son. While Mr. Wag
land was on vacation, Mr. Allen
.took the services at St. James’
and Trinity Church, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Donaldson at
tended the Eveleigh-Dobson wed
ding on Saturday
United Church.
in Grade
Lucan And District News
the new
Honored By Friends
Prior to her marriage on Sat
urday, August 29 Mrs.
Price (nee Shirey Black)
feted at four showers, a com
munity one sponsored by Mrs.
William Brownlee and Mrs.
Hamilton; two miscellaneous
showers at the homes of Mrs. M.
Huddleston and Miss Marjory
Trott, London, and a yellow
kitchen shower with Miss
bara Marshall of Lucan as
Explorers Meet
The Lucan Explorers met at
the home of Mrs. Murray Hod
Stewart, next door, kindly al
lowed them to use his out-door
fireplace. Two of the oldest
members, Sheila I r e d a 1 e and
Marie Whitehead, led in the
games. Later they returned to
Mrs. Hodgins’ living room where
they gathered around an artificial
campfire for the worship service
and sing song led by the two
counsellors, Iva Hodgins and
Joan McLean.
on Monday evening
"cook-out” meeting.
evening, Septem-
Dobie entertained
tea in honor of
in the Kirkton
Vincent Hiller
moved to Lon-
Mrs,Emerson Paton
Mr. and
and George
Mr. and
and Lyle of Kirkton spent Fri
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Paton.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson
and John and Stanley Tomes at
tended the rededication of St.
Patrick’s Church, Saintsbury, • on
■Sunday afternoon. Later they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Carroll.
The church, known as Christ
Church, McGillivray, which was
moved and rebuilt at Centralia,
will be dedicated by the Rt. Rev.
G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron,
assisted by the Rev. R. O. D.
Salmon and Rev. Parker of Ailsa
Craig on September 23.
At the regular afternoon serv
ice at St. James’ Church on Sun
day, September 13, the rector,
the Rev. J. F. Wagland, dedicat
ed a visitors’ book, which was
given by Mrs. Elva Dobbs of Dis
ney, Sask., in memory of her
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
James Morgan and granddaugh
ter, Patricia Ann Dobbs.
The Sunday School classes
were held in the church due to
the basement floor being under
At the United Church the mor
ning service was taken by the
Rev. W. C. Parrott, of Crediton.
The Rev. E. M. Cook was guest
preacher at the Brinsley United
Church on Sunday.
was guest preacher at the Brins
ley United Church on Sunday.
Sunday, September 20, will be
Rally Day with a joint service
at 9:55 d.m.
’Clandeboye W.I.
"A place in Ontario I’d like to
see” was roll call for the Sep
tember meeting of the Clande
boye W.I. held at the home of
Mrs. Aliner Henery.
A very interesting paper on
Citizenship was capably given by
Mrs. Albert Rosser. There was
a short program consisting of
poems, a contest and impressions
of Canada Day at the Maple Leaf
■Gardens. The program was ar
ranged by Mrs. Roy McRann,
Mrs. Andy Carter and Mrs. James
It was decided to bring some
thing to be auctioned to the Oc
tober meeting at Mrs. L. A. Kil
mer’s home.
A contest which was won by
Mrs. James Hall was followed by
lunch served by the hostess as
sisted by Mrs. A. Thompson, Mrs.
H. Thompson, Mrs. Rae Neil and
Mrs. George Simpson.
Trousseau Tea
On Tuesday
her 8, Mrs. J.
at a trousseau
her daughter Carol prior to her
marriage on Saturday, Septem
ber 12 to John Wyatt in the
Lucan United Church.
Assisting Mrs. 'Dobie and Carol
at the door were Mrs.Wyatt of
Lucan and Mrs. Whitehall of
London. Little Nancy Lou Dobie had charge of the door.
Miss Mary Jane Hall, Clande-
boye, Miss Shirley Gates, Lon
don, and Miss Fleurette Lang-
lors displayed the shower and
wedding gifts, Miss Donna
Thornecroft the trousseau and
Miss Stanley Hunter of London,
the linens and china.
Mrs. Gordon McCall invited
the guests to the tea room where
Mrs. Robert Cowan of Toronto
poured tea. Assisting in the tea
room werekMra. Alvin Kennedy,
Mrs. Allan ” Dobie, Miss Mary
Dobie, Miss Marjory Carter
Miss Patricia Stanley, all
Page 11
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elson and
family have returned front a
holiday trip to the Wiarton
Miss M. Casey of Cleveland
spent the weekend with her
uncle, Mr. John Casey and Mrs.
New Fall Clothes and Styles
Call and see our full range of Men’s, Women’s, Teenagers’ and
Children’s Clothing from Canada’s leading
manufacturers , .
Better Than Ever,— See Thein Today!
Wl To Hear
Claire Wallis
The September meeting of
Lucan W.I. was held in
Community Centre on Thursday
with 28 members and one visitor
present.. The president, Mrs. War
ner McRoberts, presided,
were made for Family
be held on October 29 ............
admission fee of 25# to Kelp
make al-1 the necessary arrange
All were most happy to learn
Claire Wallis will be able to
come to an open meeting on Oc
tober 23 and will give the high
lights of her trip to England. A
committee composed of Mrs. C.
H. George, Mrs. A. E. Reilly and
Mrs. Irving Gibson will be in
charge of advertising, posters
and tickets.
Mrs. C. H. George reported on
the Mental Health Penny Bags,
most of which were returned.
Mrs. Jack,.Murdy gave a splendid
paper on "‘‘The Origin of the Wo
men's Institute” which was fol
lowed by two most interesting
reports on the A.fl.W.W. Confer
ence from the two delegates, Mrs.
Warner McRoberts and Mrs.
Frank Hardy.
The splendid meeting closed
with refreshments served by the
lunch convener, Mrs. Jack Park,
and her assistants, Mrs. Mitchell
Haskett, Mrs. Wilbert Revington,
Mrs. William Haskett, Mrs. Bert
Thompson and Mrs. Roy Hamil
Night to
with an
Angellaexpenses. Miss
of London will be in
of the program, Mrs. I,
with 12 assistants, will
Trousseau Tea
A large number of relatives
and friends on Saturday after
noon and evening attended a very
pretty trousseau tea given by
Mrs. Ivan Stanley in honor of
her daughter Marion, whose wed
ding will take place Saturday,
Mrs. R.
Personal Items
Public school re-opened Tues
day with an enrolment of 15T
compared to 134 of a year ago.
Primary department has an en
rolment of 68; junior depart
ment 53 and senior department
3 6. The increased enrolments
necessitated engaging the fifth
Mr. and Mrs. William Robb of
Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. George
Kennedy of Whitechurch were
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Robb of Elginfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beattie and
family and Mr. L. Beattie of
London visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Culbert on Sunday.
Miss Rose Marie Robb of Sar
nia was maid of honor at the
Gillespie-Durrell wedding at St.
Andrew’s Memorial Church, Lon
Ken Fisher of Lucan was the
lucky winner of a television set
at a draw held at a dance in
Granton on Labor Day and Nel
son Elliott of 'Granton won a
radio for selling the most tic
Mr. Howard Kew, who recent
ly helped install a new organ at
Aylmer, gave a recital there on
Sunday evening.
About 30 members of the Lu
can Masonic
Divine Service
United Church Sunday morning
when the guest speaker was the
Rev. Mr. Parrott.
Don’t forget the “get acquaint
ed” meeting of the Home and
School next Tuesday, September
Miss Doris Armitage spent last
weekend with Mrs. Emma Down
Among those who helped to
fill St. Patrick's Church, Saints
bury, for their • Re-Dedication
Service on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Shipley, Mrs. Harold
McFalls and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hodgins of Lucan and Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Clande
boye. All enjoyed the guest
speaker, Rev. R. 0. D. Salmon,
“The Building Pastor” and the
singing of the Paul Brothers.
Mrs. John Hodgins received
word Sunday of the death of her
brother-in-law, Mr. Fred J. Ste
vens of Toronto.Among the prize winners at
the Strathroy Fair appear the
Lodge attended
at the Lucan
Wed In St. Marys
The wedding was solemnized
in St. Mary’s United Church when
the Rev. Crosby united in mar
riage Shirley Jean Peacock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Peacock, formerly of Prospect
Hill, and Leonard Alvin Mills, of
Blanshard Township, son of Mrs.
Mills and the late Frederick
The bride looked charming in
a white nylon dress with white
veil with
Personal Items
Mr. Rodney Smith pf St.
Catharines was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. M. O. Smith for a week,
He left with them on Saturday
for a visit at their summer cot
tage on Georgian Bay.
-Mr. G. E.
turned home
visit where he
Miss Mary
ford, swimming instructor for
junior girls camp, spent last
weekend with Miss Joan McLean.
On Saturday they, with Lucan’s
other two counsellors, Mrs. Mur
ray Hodgins and Miss Marilyn
Brownlee, met with London
counsellors for a dinner and
theatre party.
Rally and promotion Sunday in
the United Church will be on
Sunday, September 20.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy :
spent last weekend in
Sunday visitors with
Mrs. Will McFalls were
Mrs. Mike Cunningham,
Mrs. Maitland Lightfoot
family and Mr. Wes Hodgins
daughter, all of London.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore of
Osliawa were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamilton.
The officers of the Lucan
Cubs held their first Fall meet
ing at the United Church Thurs
day evening. Plans were made
for organizing, a Scout Group as
a number
eligible to
needed in
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Aylestock were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ross - and daughter
of Toronto
of Niagara
Mr. and
and family
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Tunks (nee Shirley Taylor, for
mer Lucan teacher) at St.
Mrs. Harry Atkinson of Lon
don is spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett.
Miss Carol Dobie was guest of
honor at two London showers.
Mrs. Gordon’ McCall entertained
steel shower
Hunter with
With the
Nicholson has re-
from a Toronto
attended the CNE,
Hunter of Strat-
s Mr.
, Mr.
of the Cubs are nqw
join. More leaders are
this very worthwhile
over the holiday week
and Mr. Joe Johnson
Mrs. Calvin Haskett
spent the weekend at
a kitchenware, stainless
Mrs. Stanley
in the Lucan
Assisting Mrs.
and Marion receive was
Barr, the groom-to-be’s
Pouring tea vrere Mrs.
Emerson Stanley, Mrs.
McLellan, Mrs. Harvey
and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley.
Ing in
IVlrS* Cw« __,and Mrs, °LaUra Kltmer, china,
silver and kitchenware.
Missesthe tea room were
Joan and Heather Stanley.
Stewart McLellan dis-
the wedding and shower
Miss Donna Stanley, the
Mrs. Ed. Walton and
George Adams, the lihens,
following local names; Mrs. Ed
gar Darling, Dean Anderson,
Hugh Filson, Bob Lewis, Jeahne
McComb, Richard Gledhill, Alex
McComb, Joyce McEwen, George
and Mrs. Henry Hodgins
the guests of Mrs. W. J.
and »• Ivan on Sunday.
a showed given by the
bf Lucan United Church
for Miss Marion Stanley, bride
elect of September 19, Mrs. C.
Robb gave an interesting: talk Oil
ancient and modern customs bf
weddings ad brides. The ladies
present signed a ’
had made, with
and recipes.
bride’s book, she
household hints
Reception Tea
Mrs. Howard Black on Thurs
day night erftertained at a most
delightful reception tea in honor
of her daughter Shirley, who on
August 29
riage with
Mrs. B.
groom, assisted Mrs. Black and
Shirley, receive the guests at the
door. All the bride’s attendants
were present dressed in the
gowns worn at the wedding, all
of which, together with the wed
ding dress, were made by the
Miss Margaret Nichol of Lon
don displayed the shower gifts
and Miss Marion Ashworth and
Miss Barbara Marshall, the wed
ding gifts.
One most interesting and un
ique gift was made by one of the
office girls. Using clothespins and
colored paper, she made a minia
ture arch and wedding proces
In the tea room the following
ladies poured tea, Mrs. William
Brownlee, Mrs. R. Hamilton and
Miss Audrey Marshall of Lucan
and Mrs. Huddelston of London.
Assisting in the serving were,
Mrs. Gackstetter of Exeter, Mrs.
Lidster, St. Thomas, the Misses
Margaret and Marilyn Brownlee,
Miss Beth Black and Miss
lyn Gackstetter.
waS' united in mar-
Mr. Milton Price of
Price, mother of the
accessories and long
lily-of-the-valley headdress,
carried a nosegay of red roses.
The maid of honor, Miss Maxine
McKnight, St. Marys, wore peach
nylon with a picture hat and
accessories to match and carried
a nosegay of roses.
Miss Shirley Mills, sister of
the groom, was bridesmaid,
gowned in green nylon with pic
ture hat and accessories to match
and nosegay of roses.
Joe Dann was best man and
Carl Mills, brother of the groom,
and Ken Kittmer Were ushers.
A reception was held at the
.home of the bride’s parents at
which the bride’s mother re
ceived, wearing navy sheer with
navy accessories and corsage of
red roses. The groom’s mother
assisted gowned in navy sheer
with accessories in navy and
white with corsage of j’oses.
For travelling the bride chose
a dress of black and white check
taffeta with black accessories and
corsage of yellow mums. The
couple left for Grand Prairie,
Alta., where they will reside.
Two Car Accidents
Three young London men, La
verne Binkley, Don and Art Mc
Ewen, were taken to Victoria
Hospital Sunday evening after
their car, smashed into a hydro
pole near Clandeboye. Binkley
received head and spine injuries
and Art McEwen, a broken ankle.
His brother, who received only
minor facial lacerations, was al
lowed to go home.
In another accident north of
Granton Saturday morning, Glad-
wyn -Langford, 33, of St. Marys,
received severe head injuries and'
was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hos
Anglican W.A.
The postponed meeting of the
Anglican W.A. was held Wednes
day afternoon at the home of
Miss Lina Abbott. The president,
Mrs. Jack Murdy, was assisted in
the devotions by Mrs. Helen Wat
son and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. Mrs.
Ashworth read the Scripture
Lesson and the president read
the Litany. A number present
paid their donation towards the
building of a Coronation Church.
Several quilt tops were displayed.
Mrs. Bob Coleman will have
charge Of the Dorcas work for
the rest of the year, to replace
Mrs. Harry
moved away.
Mrs. _ _
the annual meeting.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Frank I-Iovey
with Mrs. Ashworth, Mrs. Cole
man and Mrs, Henry Hodgins
acting as hostesses.
Assisting Miss Abbott on Wed
nesday were Mrs. Murdy and
Mrs. Hovey.
to replace
Tilbury who has
Mrs. Murdy read
Calder’s address given at
officers in
charge the Lucan Lions Club re
opened last Monday night with
a reorganization
dinner in Holy
basement. Mrs.
group of the
catered for the- ■
Miss Marilyn Davis of Toronto,
who has been spending the sum
mer vacation at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Aylestock, has
returned to her home in Toron
Dr. E. R. Pattison is back in
his office after his month’s "vaca
tion in California.
Mrs. John Blair (now of Cal
gary) got a nasty fall when a
shelf gave way while she was
painting. Though covered with
paint and broken glass, she sus
tained no broken bones.
Mrs. Isabel Underwood, Thorn
dale, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Coursey last " Sunday
and attended decoration service
at St. James Cemetery.
Fifteen members of Holy
Trinity A.Y.P.A. had a weiner
roast at Port Franks on Friday
evening. The next big event will
be the London and District A.Y.
P.A. Rally in St. Paul’s Church,
London, on Monday, September
21 when the guest speaker will
be Rev. J. F. Wagland, Lucan.
Mr. Charles Read and two
small sons of Toronto renewed
acquaintances in the village over
the weekend.
Medway School pupils attend
ed London Fair on Monday.
During a recent electrical
storm, a hydro pole was struck
near the house of William Rodds.
As wires between house and
barn were on fire the buildings
were in danger. Hydro
phones being off, Mr. Rodd
to go to Granton for help.
Granton fire engine and the
can hydro crew went to
Mr. and Mrs. Don Anker
family of Barrie are spending a
week with Mr. and Mrs, Harold
• After a week’s visit in Delhi,
Mrs, Howard Kew and her three
boys have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. WaShidgb
attended anniversary services •at
Brinsley United Church Sunday.
The guest speaker was the Rev.
E. M. Cook of Lucap.
Mr. and Mrs, Dbuglas Patti
son and family of Glencoe attend
ed decoration day service at Birr
and spent the evening with Mrs.
Irene Coursey and family.
4 Mrs. George Coursey/who had
been holidaying With her son,
Mr. Tom Coursey, returned to
her school on Sunday.
Mr. aiid Mrs. Frank Dickins
of Ailsa Craig were Sunday visit
ors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
Mr. Wilfred Hill of Niagara
Ralls spent last weekend with
Mr. and MtS. T. S. Mill.
i meeting and
Trinity Church
John Bright’s
Ladies’ Guild
Couple Wed
In Forest Hill United Church,
Toronto, on Saturday, August
9, by the Rev. >Dr. Hendershot,
the marriage was solemnized of
Lillian Ruby, daughter of Mrs.
Geonge Eustace-Walden, of To
ronto, and the late George Eus
tace-Walden, formerly of London,
Ont., to Lawrence Andrew Mc
Evoy Neil, B.A. Sc., son bf Mr.
and Mrs. Alton A. Neil, also of
Toronto, and grandson of the
late Hon, Mr, Justice John M.
McEvby and Mrs. McEvoy, for
merly of London, and the late
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Neil,
formerly of Lucan.
The bride, given in marriage
by her uncle, Mr. Albert Curry,
of Toronto, was gowned in white
net lace and satin with bouffant
skirt and fingertip veil held in
place bjr a coronet of crystals and
sequins and carried a bouquet of
red roses. She was attended by
her sister, Rosemary Iris Eustace-
Walden Gray, as matron of
honor, and by Karen Neil, sister
of the groom, as junior brides
maid, both gowned alike in sea
foam green taffeta and net with
hair bandeaus of the same mater
ial and carrying bouquets
yellow roses, baby mums
The groom was attended
Mr! Eric Matson. Ushering were
Mr. James Ridgway and Mr. Ray
mond Lewis.
The bride’s
gown of lemon
accessories and
hanna Hill
groom’s mother was
rosewood crepe and
matching accessories
sage of Johanna Hill
the reception held at the Diana
Sweet’s Tea Room, Bloor St.
West, and attended by some 50
guests, the happy couple left by
train for their new home in Sar
nia, the bride travelling in a
navy blue and white check taf
feta suit with navy blue hat and
<nC u
o Q.
3 <0 _jC
Howard Ferguson, District Representative
Riverside Poultry Co.
London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensail
mother wore a
crepe with black
corsage of Jo-
roses,while the
dressed in
lace with
and a cor-
roses. After
Lois Hodgins and Louise
', as ' commentator, de-
‘‘Flowers at Our
Each girl re
The Girls' Home Garden
sponsored by Prospect Hill
took part in Achievement Day at
Medway School August 29. The
girls exhibited vegetables and a
flower bouquet.
ceived a silver teaspoon. Beryl
Nixon, I ’
Mitchell, t
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