HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-09-10, Page 6Page -6 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1953 ‘'Imagine, she gets me a blind date and it’s my own husband!” State Farm MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Offers Lower Rates For Careful Drivers - For Information See Cecil Robb AT ELGINFIEW Phone Lucan 25-r-2*2 Look Used 1,300 MEN TRY TO SAVE ONTARIO-MANITOBA FORESTS Word from Northern Ontario and Manitoba, where 100 fires are raging, is that they are gradually being brought under control and that only “very unusual weather conditions” would spread the fires much farther. This airphoto shows fire .sweeping Hannucll township, 25 miles north of North Bay, Ont. Thousands of acres of tourist territory have been closed to fishermen and vacationists as the fires and threat of more in the dry bush made bush holidays dangerous. Most of the fires, though they could still be spread by strong winds, are no longer threatening commun­ ities and. summer resorts. —Central Press Canadian News of Clean Attic With A Want-Ad FOR SALE FOR SALE FOUND FOR RENT WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Get them at The Exeter Times-Advocate. ONE USED 5-H.P. Sea King out­ board motor, A-l condition, used ap­proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.00. —Huron Lumber Co. _______ _____5-14 tfc 1938 CHEV COACH, black. —Phone '34-r-lQ Dashwood.______8-6tfc 1949 OLDSMOBILE, big six, torpedo body, in very good condition. Radio, air conditioning, financing possible. Apply D. Campbell, 7i>2 William St., Exeter. 10* SEED WHEAT — No. 1 Commercial Cornell, cleaned, graded and treated. $2.10 per bushel. Apply Donald Ker- nick, R.R. 1, Kirkton, phone 54->6.10c POUND—Brown plastic wallet, con­ taining papers. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement. Apply Times-Advocate. lOt-a I WILL HAVE or be able to supply Stoeber Cattle of all kinds at very reasonable prices during coming fall. —It. B. Williams. 8-13tfc FOUND — Child’s red plastic purse. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement. Apply Exeter Times- Advoeate. 101-a Topics From Thames Road Bv MRS. WILLIAM RHODE and Mrs. Frayne Parsons spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Aimer Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson and Dorothy of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Thomson of Wood­ ham were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Rhode. Miss Margaret Bray of London spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Bray. Misses Dianne and Linda Web- KECK-GONNERMAN bean thresher in good condition. Apply to Eugene Dietrich, phone 31*r-5 Dashwood. 10c STUDIO COUCH, one-piece chester­ field, extension table, 6 chairs and buffet, coal or wood annex, almost new. Apply Norman Ferguson, Crom- arty, phone 12-r-4 Dublin,_______10c 20 WEAN EH PIGS — Apply Harold lligpan. 3 miles west of Hensail, or phone Zurich 91-r-18. 10* 1 BEAVER WOOD LATHE, swings 14”; also 1 set of Disston wood­ working chisels. Apply Grant Case, Zurich, 10c DOUBLED SINKS, enamelled cast- iron, one deep tub and one shallow, 1 chrome taps, perfect condition, very reasonable. —Phone Hensail 683-r-ll. 10* SHERLOCK-MANNING piano, Louis model, apartment size, satin walnut, matching bench. Phone 295.______10c MAGAZINES—New and renewal sub­scriptions for any magazine are re­ceived at The Exeter Times-Advocate DAWBUL SEED WHEAT, grown from registered seed. Apply George STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone *STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287, 3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, -any age. —Q, J, Dow, phone S3 Exeter. tfc SMALL FURNISHED apartment in new home. Suitable for one or two business people. Apply Box ”X“, The Times-Advocate.___________9-10tfc 5 - ROOM HEATED apartment with bath, centrally located m lvxeter, furnished or unfurnished. Arrange­ ments to suit refined couple. Reason­able rent. —Phone 231 from 1 to P p.m,_________■ ________10:17* ONE 3-ROOM APARTMENT and one 4-room apartment, hot and cold wu- ter, bath. Apply Mrs. Harold Beaver, Exeter North. 10£ LOWER APARTMENT, four rooms with hath. Side entrance. Apply Silas Stanlake, Carling Street. 10« ATTENTION FARMERS — l-rompt and. courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animate. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. ' tfc A WINTERIZED APARTMENT, fur- riished in Grand Bend, phone 61. 3:JQc 6-ROOM APARTMENT, heated and hvdro, partly furnished, Available on September 1. Apply Times-Advocatm LOST LOST—White beaded loop carring on Main Street, Exeter. Please leave at Times-Advocate. ^10* STRAYED—Three head of cattle, tag in left ear, with Earl Dixon’s name on them. Anyone knowing the where­ abouts phone Crediton 62-r-ll, Lot 9, South Boundary, Hay Township. 10* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard- yvaret Exeter, ___________ 4-ROOM APARTMENT, all conven­ iences, insulated. Apply North yVara General Store or phone 301. APARTMENT, FURNISHED avail­ able on or after September 15. John Ward, phone 348 Exeter. JOc HELP WANTED Cars Sunshine By JIBS. WILLIAM DICKEY Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer spent a with Mr. and Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jones of day last week Mrs. Clarence Trucks 1950 Ford Sedan Sawyer Mrs. P. of Lon- Mr. and Low Mileage Reduced from $1,295.00 to $1095.00 1949 Dodge Panel In Nice Condition . . . Reduced from $995.00 to $695. Bill Jeffrey and children of Harmony visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Mar­ lene and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Passmore, Sharon and Paul, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. La­ verne Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Norman of Toronto and Mr. and F. Doupe and children don visited Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Camm. Mr .and Mrs. Lawrence Bec­ kett and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Solomon of Glencoe on Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Solomon celebrated their twenty­ ninth wedding anniversary, Mrs. P, Ummells, Miss Betty Ummells and Mr. Ross Gunning, all of Toronto, and Mrs. Charles Jones of Granton spent weekend with Mr. and Miller. Mr. Miss Muriel Bev, Parsons, with Mr. and of London on Mr. and Mrs. Wib Kirkby of Kirkton, Mr. J. A. Kirkby of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills o£ London spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. La­ the occasion being Rodd's second the Mrs. Jim Coward, and Mr. We Have NEW l/z-TON OR %-TON Pick-ups For Immediate Delivery It Will Pay You To Get Our Price Before You Buy Snell Bros. LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 EXETER and Mrs, John Coward of Hensail, visited Mrs. Wib Coward Sunday. vern© Rodd Master Wayne birthday. Mrs. Jim Miller entertained 30 relatives at her home Saturday evening shower in Ummells, month. Mrs, Mary Langan of borough visited with Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Mills on Tuesday. (Intended for last week) Mr .and Mrs. Howard Hodge and Judy of Ripley spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns. Miss Marie Johns went back with them for a few days. Master Johnny Johns, Ilderton, visited last week with his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns. -Mrs. Earl Cole and Alice of London visited last week Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm. Mr. Bev. Simpson was bus tour of Niagara Falls day with the 4-H Club of County, Mr. John Johns of Elimville visited with Mr. ence Johns over Mr. and Mrs, Of London, also Stan Knowles of Sunday visitors Mrs. Clarence Johns. FORESEES “MORE TROUBLE" — In Canada on an unofficial visit, Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery waves in thd Ottawa residence of United Kingdom High Commissioner Sir Archibald Nye. Viscount Montgomery’s opinion of the Korean peace was summed up in his words: “I don’t agree that all our troubles are behind us." ■—C.P.C. for a miscellaneous honor of Miss bride-elect of Betty this Peter- and with on a Mon­ Perth and Mrs. Clar- the weekend. Wilfred - Mellon Mr. and Ballymote were with Mr. i Mrs. and, For SIGNS News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. B. O. McDonald visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Margaret Ann Wallace returned home after holidaying for a couple of weeks with Ruth. Miss Marguerite Duncanson has returned to Toronto to be­ gin her new duties as supervisor of kindergarten work. and Mrs, Duncanson, and Wendy visited Currie at Woodstock For The Times-Advocate Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn and family of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom­ son. Mrs. Janies Maloney of Blyth is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sawyer of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. M. Leibler and Mr. and Mrs. E. Saakel of Mit­ chell, Mrs. Murray May of Lon­ don, Mrs. Lawrence Copeland and Miss Donna Copeland of Wood­ ham. Mrs. G. Copeland, Mrs. M. Copeland and Miss Jean Copeland of Woodham were Sunday eve­ ning guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. M, E. Hooper at­ tended decoration services at Em- bfo on Sunday. Mrs. Walter Patterson of Bel­ ton spent Monday with her niece, Mrs. G. V - ~ - per. Mrs. chell is .... _ week with Mr. and Mrs. William Jones. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones at­ tended the C.N.E. in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of Ful- larton spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Fred Mills. Mrs. Martin of St. Marys, Mrs. Denzil Patterson and family of Belton spent Monday afternoon with the former’s mother1, Mrs. James Mossey. Miss Kathleen Mossey spent a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Young, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langford and family spent Friday an<TSun­ day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha, of Holmesville, Mr. Trewartha had Ills barn de­ stroyed by lightning Friday mor­ ning. Kay Lawson spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mossey, School re-opened oh Tuesday with Miss Phyllis Cook, oi Motherwell, as teacher. Rev. R. Marguerite with Miss on Friday. Mr. and and Danny visited on Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Honor Couple A large representation of Cromarty congregation gathered at the church on Wednesday evening to bid farewell to and Mrs. Edgar Allen who leaving this week for their home in Mitchell. With Mr. Duncanson in chair, a varied program of quar­ tette numbers, solos, reading and lantern slides was carried after which an address was by Mr. Ernest Templeman gifts were presented to Mr. Mrs. Allan by Mr. Calder Kaig and Mr. Thomas Laing. Present Pin The September meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Mac. Lamond with a large attendance. Mrs. Grace Scott presided led in devotions. The topic given by Mrs. T. Mrs. T. Laing led Frank Allen read and Mrs. Thomas of chapter five Book. As a remembrance from the society a life membership pin was presented to Mrs. Edgar Allen by the president, Mrs. Sorsdahl. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Duncanson. The Ladies Aid meeting fol­ lowed with Mrs. Houghton pre­ siding. A well-prepared report was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Calder McKaig. A few items of business were dealt with. It was decided to hold a baking sale at the October meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess. School opened on Tuesday with Mr. Jim Chapman returning as teacher for this term. Mrs. Carlyle Cornisli Mr. are new the out, read and and Mc- and was and Mrs. L. Scott in prayer, current events Scott read part of the Study A debtor is a man who owes money ... a creditor is a man who thinks lie’s going to get it back! E. Hoopdr, and Mr. Hoo- George HoRkins of Mit- spending a few days this CHAMPION WEIGHT-LIFTER At the weight-lifting champion­ ships in Stockholm, Sweden, Doug Hepburn, of Vancouver, Canada’s only entry, lifted a total of 1,- 030i pounds and with it the world’s title. It was 22 pounds mote than his nearest rival, John Davis of the U.S. Hepburn Was the crowd’s favorite ns ’’weight- lifters from Europe and America competed, — C.P.C. ber of Varna spent a few davaltLhik, phone Dashwood 34-r-2i, 9-10tfc last week with their uncle and* aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ‘Webber. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pettibone and Mary Gay of London visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Shower For June Coward On Thursday evening in church basement, friends neighbors gathered to honor June Coward with a miscellan­ eous shower. To the strains of the “Bridal Chorus”, played by' Mrs. Reg Hodgert, June was es­ corted to a prettily decorated chair by Mrs. Arnold Cann. Miss Rosemary Passmore was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading by Mrs. Bill Rowcliffe and piano solos by Miss Marilyn Moores. Miss Doris Elford read a nicely worded ad­ dress and Misses Janet and Ann Marie Rowe drew in a prettily decorated wagon loaded with many useful gifts. After opening the gifts, June thanked all those present and in­ vited them to her trousseau tea on Wednesday afternoon or eve­ ning. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed. W-A. And W.M.S. Meeting The September meeting of W.A, and W.M.S. was held at home of Mrs. Carl Hume Wednesday evening. The presi­ dent of the W.A., Mrs. Aimer Passmore, was in charge of the meeting, r in.g was scripture William read the A NUMBER OF Holstein cows, car­ rying their second calf, due to calf from September 23 to January. Phone 84-r-3 Zurich. 10:17:24:1:8:15c TWO-WHEEL TRAILER with stock rack, William J. Thomson, Centralia, R.R. 1, phone Kirkton 48-4,_____10c. MISCELLANEOUS the and Miss the the on The theme for the meet- “Faith and Trust”. The lesson was read by Mrs. Rohde. Mrs. Passmore Meditation. The topic, “Thev Great New Fact”, was taken front the Study Book. “Where E’er the Sun” was given by Mrs. Wiliam Elford as­ sisted by Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. William Rohde and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner. Mrs. John Bray was in charge of the program which consisted of a reading, “Joys of the Open Road”, by Mrs. Robert Miller. Mr. William Elford, who at­ tended the Conference and Or­ dination at the Chalmers United Church, Woodstock, in June, gave a very interesting report. Mrs. Aimer Passmore closed the meeting with prayer. Tea was served by Group 3 and a social time was enjoyed. Mission Band The September meeting of the Mission Band was held during the church hour on Sunday with Carol Anne Hume in charge. The meeting opened with the call to worship. The scripture lesson was read by Margaret Webber. Miss Doris El ford led in prayer. The Mission Band Purpose was re­ peated in unison. The topic was given by Miss Doris Elford and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner directed a “Bible quiz". (Intended for last week) Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores and Marilyn spent ten days of their holidays at Malloney’s Beach, in Calpoy’s Bay. Marilyn, spent two weeks with friends at Killarney. Rev. Moores and Marilyn at­ tended the girls’ camp at the Goderich Summer School when Mr. Moores gave Bible instruc­ tion and Marilyn was assistant counsellor, Mrs. Harvey Sparling, of Elimville, directed the camp. One girl Margaret Master Mr. and Hensail recently, Mr. week States. Mrs, tendance at the W.M.S. School for leaders at Alma College, St, Thomas, where she is acting in the capacity of .hostess for the school, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Douglas were guests at a cousin’s Wedding at Kirkland Lake in Northern Ontario recent­ ly. Mr; and Mi’s, Harold Rowe and Mr. and Mi’s. Ray Cottle wete on a trip up north over the week­ end. Mr, Charles Borland returned home from the West after a visit of about three months, Mr, and Mrs, Aimer Passmore and David, Mr, and Mrs, William Rohde spent a few days on a motor trip to North Bay and other points north over the week­ end, Mr, and Mrs, Archie Ethering- toh spent a few' days on a motor trip through the States to sawlt Ste. Marie, North Bay and Other points, from Thames Road, Ann Coward, attended. Billie Snow visited With Mrs. LornO Ltiker of and Mrs. Edwin spent on a trip through W. J. Moores is in last the at- FAWCETT KITCHEN range, com­ plete with oil burners; also large Coleman space heater. Both in good condition. Large baby’s crib with mattress. Apply 239 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Centralia. 10* PIANO — Premier upright, in good condition. $250. —Mrs, Frank Lewis, R.R. 1, Lucan, phone 15-r-12 Lucan. JO* SUGAR BEET WAGON with dump rack, good truck tires, one spare wheel and tire, Jades for hay rack; also International sugar beet lifter. Phone 39-r-8 Kirkton, Harold Taylor, R.R. 3, Exeter,_________________10* COLLIE PUPS—Red roan mare, four years old, Frank Parsons, phone 692- r-33 Hensail, R.R. 1.____________1'0* 1 CHESTERFTELD-BED and chair; also library table. Apply 124 Huron Street, phone 361-W.____________10c QUANTITY of ELM TOPS; also wood and coal cook .stove, cream enamel, in modern styles, with reservoir and water front. —Phone 626-W-2 Exeter. 30* 5 LITTLE PIGS, 5 weeks old. Apply Silas Stanlake, Carling Street. 10c 300 PULLETS. 50 percent are laying. Apply Mrs. Art Howald, Benfield, Ont. 10c POTATOES Irish Cobblers for winter storage be­ ing dug on or about Sept. 15. $1.50 per bag at Marlborough and Victoria corner. —Phone 19S-J. Cecil Jones, Exeter. 9-10tfc 1940 HUDSON — Apply 615 Marl- borougli Street._________________10c PULLEYS — Wood: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13%. Metal: G, S, 10, 14. V’s: 3%. 4%. Can be seen at The Times- Advocate. 10:17nc CORNELL WHEAT, 595, field in­ spected, above average, can be re­gistered ; also Dawbul No. 1 Com­ mercial, very clean. $1.70 bus. Albert Armstrong, West McGillivray, phone 602-13 Parkhill. 1 10* THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches­ terfield suite, $50; also tapestry chester-bed, $45. Phone 443-W-3 Ex­ eter. 9-3tfc 20 USED BICYCLES for sale. Glenn Brenner, Grand Bend, phone 16, 3:10c PUREBRED ENGLISH York boars, serviceable age. Phone 17G-32 Exeter, Allan Westcott._____ ___________1.0c THREE PUREBRED Yorkshire boars ready for service. Apply to G. W. Miners, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 32-r-9 Kirkton.______________________3:10* 1 75-LB. MONARCH ice refrigerator in good condition. Make’offer. Phone 193 Exeter. . 10c 1941 DODGE SEDAN, 4-door, maroon color, better than average inside and out. Reason for selling: have bought half-ton truck. Apply R. Baker, Box 36, Hcnsall.________________3:10:17* FREESTONE PEACHES, Red Haven and Golden Jubilee now ready for canning. Bring containers. Govenlock Orchard, half mile north of Forest on Blue Water Highway.__________3:10* PEACHES — Prices reasonable on Highway 21, first farm on the left by Camp Ipperwash. —J, C. William­son, R.R. 1, Forest, phone Thedford 12-w-l._______________________3:10c ORDER YOUR tree-ripened peaches now. —Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood, phone 31-r-lS._____ _________3:10:17c 1935 tion, rug, new, Into (.win uuus/, ill uiuiiuti uiapiv; a small bookcases, blonde finish, Phone 2G5-W-1 Exeter, 3:10c CHEV SEDAN, in good condi- heater, $175 or offer; Axminster G’9”x9’, grey tone-On-tone, like $25; 2-piece studio suite (makes twin beds), in blonde maple; 2 PULLETS—125 Sussex X New Hamp, 6 months old and laying. Mervin Hayter, Varna, phone Clinton 622-r-2, 10c SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. 9-10:10-8 411-5:12-3,31c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY HATCHERY fitill taking or­ ders for dayold chicks. ThPy may still have a few started; ask us for list. YOUf October-November broilers should be on ordet how also. Ask us for full data. —'Eric Carseadden, Ex­ eter phone 246-.T. 10c NOTICES Village of Grand BendRE COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the. Court of Re­vision will sit at Grand Bend Village Hall on the 16th day of September at 7:30 p.m, in the matter of appeals against the 1953 Assessment Roll, H. WAINWRIGHT, CLERK 10c WANTED WANTED TO BUY — 50-acre farm. Can give $1,800 down. Give location, pNop, state of buildings. Write Box ”W”, Times-Advocate, _ 3:10c COAL OIL HANGING LAMBS—Mrs. R. Bailey Main St., Excier, 3-ntrc TEACHER OF PIANO—Mrs. A. E. Holley, A.L.C.M., F.L.C.M., Honour Student of Norman Wilkes, former Principal Toronto Conservatory of Music, will be available to a limited number of students desiring piano instruction. — Telephone Exeter 217. Residence 24 Victoria St. East. 10c SEWING — Dressmaking, alterations and children’s wear. Bound or worked buttonholes made separately, if you do your own sewing. —Mrs. D. Hog­ garth, 239 Anne St., Exeter, 3:10:17:24* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED — Phone 108-W Lucan._____________3:10:17:24* For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensail and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-30tfc HOUSE .IN CENTRALIA, six-room, one-piece bath, full, glassed-in ver­ andah, garage, 1% acres land. Wil­ liam Haddock, Centralia. 13:20:3* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — Well located Exeter house. Three bedrooms and usual living rooms. Basement with hot air furnace. Hydro and water pressure. This home is in good repair and may be purchased for $4,500.00. Quick pos­session. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-10tfc 100 ACRES, LARGE brick house, bank barn and tractor shed. Never- failing drilled well, water in house and barn, hydro throughout. Produc­ tive clay loam, 96 acres tillable, re­ mainder bush. Reasonably priced, Apply Fred G. Wright, R.R. 1, Credi­ton, phone G3-r-2. 10':17c FARM FOR SALE—150 acres of hea­vy clay loam soil near Kirkton, Ont., 140 acres of land can be cultivated, 5 acres of gravel pit, 5 acres of maple bush; barn is L-shaped, 40' x 90', and 32’ x 50’; garage; a hen house capable of holding 400 hens; a new silo, size 12’ x 36’; 9,000' tile has just recently been laid, open ditch, pressure system. House is in very good shape and completely modern­ ized; it is a 2-storey white brick with 8 rooms and a 3-piece bath, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, basement and furnace. (Possession Dec. 1.) Low down payment with terms ar­ranged. Contact Gus Morello, Real Estate Broker, phone 498, Ingersoll, Ont._________________________10:37c WE HAVE A CLIENT who is in­terested in securing a good 3-bedroom residence in Exeter. Immediate pos­ session not a necessity. If you have a. house you are considering selling, come in and talk the matter over,— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 9-3tfc $5,000 WILL PURCHASE 2-apartment home. This is a nice property well located in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath. Up­per apartment rented at $40.00 per month. Immediate possession on low­er. This Is an unusual opportunity. ’Terms. — G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.__________9-3tfc COMFORTABLE 3-BEDROOM home. Well located with nice lot. This home has modern kitchen and bath­ room and hardwood floors through­ out. $1,500.00 cash will give quick possession. Balance easy monthly payments. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter.______ 9-3tfc TWO-APARTMENT HOUSE, bath upstairs and downstairs, garage, full basement, coal furnace, hot and cold water, three miles south of Crediton. Phone 26-r-22 Crediton, 3:10:17:24* 4-ROOM HOUSE and 8 acres of land, 2 miles south'Of Grand Bend in The Pinery. —Tom Semple, Grand Bend, phone 39.______ 3:10c 7-ROOM BRICK house, furnace, gar­ age, garden, good location. Early possession. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Ear] Parsons, Salesman. 9-3tfc COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, large garden, Dashwood. Early pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. ______8-13tfc VILLAGE STORE, fixtures and fur­ niture, attached dwelling has 3-piece bath, Water pressure system, extra lot. —W. C. Pearce,. Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-13tfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good condition, conveniences, garage, ca­bins well rented. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 3-l3tfc TWO-FAMILY HOUSE, large storage barn (well rented), 2 extra lots. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, t S*13tfc THREE NIC® building lots and nice house suitable for large family or duplexing. Oil-burning air-Conditiohed furnace, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, garage. W. C, Pearce, ReaL tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-16tfc VACANT LOT suitable for store or office building, . choice location in business block. W> C, Pearce, Real­ tor,.............. 6-25tfc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- of three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace, . Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms On second floor, —It E. Balk- wilt, Exeter, ... , . 6-lStfC FOR SALE—Building formerly occu- pled by Exeter Co-Op. This property is Suitable for any retail business of light industfy, C. V. Pickard, Rer.l- lor, Main St., Exeter. 4-16tfc W® ALWAYS HAVE for said good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages And year round homes. —W. U. Pearce, Realtor, Eafl Parsons, Salesmen. o-2sife'1 FIND THE COST of living high? Need an extra $35 to $50 a week? Part time work, hours G to 9 p.m. Married men preferred. If you have a car for local travel, apply P.O. Box 6 Harriston, 3;10Q EARN MONEY—make friends, .Rolling blouses, skirts, shirts, slacks. Highest quality, roolc bottom prices. Samples loaned. Good commission. — Stonber Distributing Co., 30 McRoberts Ave., Toronto. __________ _______3'i MAN WITH CAR wanted to sell over- 250 guaranteed products. .Small capi- tai required, No risk whatsoever* Write for details. FAMILEX, Dept. 1, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, 10c FOR BAKE SHOP — Experience pot necessary; male or female. Phone 52 Exeter. ' _________________l<k. HOUSEKEEPER to help new mother for 3 or 4 days. Apply Mrs. John Thorpe, phone 605-j-32,__________I0<- You Can Add To Your Income Right Now! Over Gnu,000 acres of fall wheat can be sprayed this fall. Yon can make extra money by writing .orders for “Nn-Churs" in your township. Full or part-time—no investment required. Farm background and car essential. We supply everything else you need, ‘Based on scientific tests at our ex­ perimental farm and experience oi thousands of farmers your customers can expect 6 to 10 bushel increase in their crop. Get complete details to­ day. Write giving full details of your qualifications and territory desired.“NA-CHURS" PLANT FOOD CO. 2 Langarth St., London, Canada. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Effects CARLING STREET, EXETER onTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS at 1:30 p.m., the following: Gerhard Heintzman piano, in good condition; bookcase; china cabinet; dining room suite; rocking chair; Jf small stands; parlour rug; mats; lamp shades and pictures: phonograph; General Electric radio; large leather rocker; 2 walnut rockers; pedestal; round parlour table; small stands; desk and bookcase: stand for records; rug, curtains and drapes; candle­ sticks: parlour pictures; mirror; 4- beds, springs and mattresses; 3 dress­ ers; 3 commodes; chest of drawers; clipboard: clothes racks; table and' bookshelf combined; sewing cabinet; 2 toilet sets: copper boiler; trunk; lamp and clock; hydro lamp; large mirror; chairs; box for packing clothes; alarm clock; 2 cushion chairs; small stand; grips and valises; kitehen stove; sideboard; electric iron; toast­ er; 2-burner electric stove; all kinds of dishes; quantity of antiques; kit­ chen table; 6 chairs; linoleum; k lamps; coal pail; high chair; icebox; pots and pans; 2 clocks; heater; spices; 2 hall trees; drop-leaf table; toybox for children; quantity of scal­ ers: bucksaw: sprinkling can; vacuum' cleaner; garden hose; skates; lawn­ mower; tennis rackets; ironing board; a large shelf of books; stamper; lad­der; potato fork; meat saw; javelin- eer; daybed; quantity of fuel in cel­ lar; corn sickle: quilts; garden tools; • wheelbarrow; and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. FRED DAWSON. CLERKFRANK TAYLOR AND LESLIE GLANVTLLE, AUCTIONEERS THE CHATTELS OF THE LATE REV. DOWN AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES,Part of Lot 24, North BourV.lrt.ry, McGillivray ToWnship, VILLAGE OF MT. GARMEt, The undersigned auctioneer has hcert instructed to sell by public auction' on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4G •commencing at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of .Part of .Lot 24, North Boundary, McGilli­ vray Township, on Which is situated’ a well built white brick house with four large rooms on main floor mod­ern kitchen with built-in cupboards; hardwood floors throughout; also full upstairs consists of one master bed­ room, 2 extra rooms and bathroom; Cellar; 2 pressure systems for hard and soft water and newly installed oil-burner furnace; 4-car newly built garage. This Is an Ideal home, close to church and school. Anyone Wishing to Inspect this property before sale dale can do so by contacting pro­prietor. TERMS of Real Estate: 15 percent on day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. Will be sold subject to a reasonable re­ served bid, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cinder­ ella electric washer and ringer, very suitable for apartment, like new; i> leather seat dining room eiiali’s; 8 large cedar lawn chairs; 3 small lawn chairs; 2 chests of drawers; large mirror; magazine, rack; e.Tectrlc parlor lamps; bookcase: 4 wicker chalrs; wlcker table; light oak chest ot drawers; rocking chairs; new Wood hod for fire place; ice box. like now; brass fire irons and stand; 2 com­plete bedroom suites, with Slminonr spring felt mattresses, like new; van­ ity dresser; copper boiler; bread box; 20 windows and frames, G0x20 iftehee; 10 windows and frames, 42x20 inches;- 1.4 regular size glazed doors; awnings, various sizes; and many articles too numerous to mention. All the above named articles are like new.TERMS: Cash/ J. H. DAT/TON, BROP, GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WAITER, AUCTION-I-IER 3:10c r