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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-08-13, Page 9
THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1953 —............ I.......IIIJIIMIIMM 3I1PERTESI EXTRA MILEAGE seiihi IS YOUR low NUMBER M/hfih you buy a 1953 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Rfi-frigerafor Exeter Girl Weds St. Thomas Man The Rev. Murray Stewart, of Dundas Centre United Church, London, on Saturday, August 1 united in marriage, Ethel Violet Moussseau and Archibald Tru man McPherson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick, Exeter, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, of St. Thomas. The bride xvore a honey beige gabardine suit xvith rose and brown accessories and a corsage of bronze baby mums. Mrs. Ray Brbderick, Exeter, was her only attendant wearing a navy blue suit with navy and xvhite acces sories and a corsage of pink roses. Ray Broderick, Exeter, xvas the best man. After .a xvedding dinner at Hook’s Restaurant, the couple left for a wedding trip to Meota, Sask. The couple xvill reside near Glanxvorth. r umtH the lb CLIMATES I Drop in...see for yourself F. W. Huxtable Phone 153-W Exeter Your IH Refrigeration Dealer Tea Held For Bonnie McFalls Mrs. Alex McFalls entertained friends and neighbors at a de lightful tea on Tuesday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Bonnie Ellen’s, approaching marriage, An enjoyable program was car ried out. After all had joined in singing “The Little Red School House”, Bonnie xvas escorted to a class room to take lectures on “Home Psychology” from several “professors”. She xvas then presented with useful recipes and gifts of gro ceries for her pantry shelves. Frances and Alexia Lostell, Birdine and Bonnie McFalls, ac companied by Mrs. M. H. Elston, sang a lovely** quartet arrange ment of “Bless This House”. The bride-to-be then showed her friends shower and wedding gifts she had received. Lunch was served and the guests expressed wishes for suc cess and happiness for Bonnie in her new home. to Pentecostal WMC To Assist School Mrs. Gerald Hamilton presided over the July meeting of the Pentecostal W.l^.C. which was held in the church. Mrs. T. Jolly assisted with the devotional per iod. Roll call was answered by scripture verses on “The Second Coming Of Christ.” A report on the canning pro ject xvas given by Mrs. Kendrick. It was decided to have a free will offering which will be used to buy canned fruit and vege tables to be sent to the Bible School at Peterborough. The lives of two missionaries to British West Indies, Miss Marion Parkinson and Mrs. Mrs. Catherine Simpson, xvere discussed by Mrs. Jolly. Mrs. Kendrick spoke on the “Second Coming” and the prayer bulletin xvas read by Mrs. C. Blanshard. Hold Shower Mrs. Harold, Mrs. . Ray and Mrs. Art Broderick entertained a number of friends and relatives at a honor home The games a number presented decorated Joan and Mrs. Helen Broderick read the address. Miss Mousseau ex- presed her aiiprecialjon to her friends for their gifts and the serving of refreshments brought an enjoyable evening to a close. All You Need? Even though you have all the insurance you want, have you all the protection your family needs? Hoxv much income would your family have to live on ? Let me help you arrange a life insurance programme xvhich xvill give your family the protection they need, with out straining your pocketbook. miscellaneous shower in of Ethel Mousseau at the of Mrs. Evelyn Broderick, evening was spent playing and contests after which of beautiful gifts were to the bride-to-be in a basket brought in by Bob Broderick. Helen Broderick z Streamline Your Work ... I • ... Stamp It To Speed It — Let Us Supply You With RUBBER STAMPS And All Types Of Marking Devices Rubber Stamps Made To Order . . . Bank Stamps Circular, Oval and Rectangular Stamps . . . Stamps With Changeable Dates and Numbers . . . Signature Stamps . . . Die Plates for All Purposes Printing Wheels . . . Numbering Machines . . . Stamp Racks . . . The Times-Advocate x' c IN MEMORY OF SIR JOHN SIMCOE A monument the memory of Sir John Graves Simcoe and his wife is unveiled by Ontario’s Premier Leslie Frost in., St. Catharines, Ont., near where Sir John held the first parliament of Upper Can ada at Niagara-on-the-Lake in 1792. Here, looking at the monument, are Premier Frost, Hon. Charles Daley, chairman of the Niagara Parks commission, and Rt. Rev. Walter E. Bagnall, bishop of Niagara. Sir John xvas one of Canada’s most competent governors before Confederation —C.P.C. Appoint Two Public Nurses To Huron County Health Unit Huron County Health Unit Board, holding its regular monthly meeting at the new South Huron Hospital, Exeter, appointed two public health nurses to the county staff. Miss Hilda Pletch, Wingham district, and Miss Margaret Langtry, of Carleton Place, commenced their duties in August. Miss Pletch, a graduate of Stratford General Hospital, and the University of Western On tario, London, recently complet ed a month’s field work with the Huron County Unit. Miss Lang try is a graduate of the Univers ity of Toronto. The staff now will comprise six public health nurses, Miss Norah Cunningham, supervisor of nursing, Miss Mary Love, Miss Dorothy Wick, Miss Jean Mar shall and the two new appoint ees. Chairman of the board, E. S. Snyder, reeve of Colborne Town ship, presided, and present were board members W. A. Galbraith, of Wingham; Harvey Johnston, reeve of Morris Toxvnship; Mel Crich, deputy reeve of Clinton, and W. M. McKenzie, deputy reeve of Exeter. Dr. R. M. Aldis is the unit’s director. Miss M. Claypole, superintedent of the Exeter hospital, extended a xvel- come to the board members. J. Lloyd Latta, 33, Dies In Hospital John Lloyd Latta, 33, of 342 Thompson Road, London, a fore man with the Taylor Electric Company, died August 5 in St. Joseph’s Hospital, folloxving a month's illness. lie was born at Grand Bend and lived in London for 11 years. Mr. Latta was a member of Ers kine United Church and St. John’s Lodge 209A A.F. & A.M. Five years ago he married Edith Mae Rattee, xvho survives xvith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Agustus Latta, Grand Bend; two sons, David and Douglas, at home; two sisters, Ruby, Grand Bend, and Mrs. William (Helen) Parsons, Exeter; five brothers, Garfield, Alex and William, all of London, and George and Ervin, both of Grand Bend. The body rested at the Need ham Memorial Chapel, xvher© a special Masonic service xvas held Thursday evening under the auspices of St. John’s Lodge. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon conducted by the Rev. Dr. A. M. Stuart, of Dundas Street United Church. Interment xvas made in Union Cemetery, Grand Bend. Pallbearers, all Lodge brothers, were, Lloyd Easton, Ernest Gil bert, Jack Murray, Jack Milton, Dan Ulock and Bill Gruber. Exeter Guests At Hamilton Rites On Saturday, August 8, in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Robert Lealand Par ker, of Hamilton and Lois May Hutchinson, of Toronto, were united in marriage by the Rev. T. M. Bailey. Folloxving the ceremony, a re ception was held at Club 222 for guests from Ottaxva, Toronto, Windsor, Kitchener, London and Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Parker will re side in Toronto on returning from their wedding trip. Attending the xvedding from Exeter xvere Mrs. Charles Harris, Mr. and Mrs. A. AV. Morgan, Misses Helen and Jane Morgan and Mr. Grant Morgan who xvas groomsman for his cousin. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. A Mutual Company All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood Report Of South Huron Hospital Miss Alice Claypole, supervisor of South Huron Hospital, report ed that during the first six months since the hospital opened, 67’0 admissions have been made xvhich includes 121 surgical cases; 135 babies have been born; 214 admission chest X-Rays and 372 requisitioned X- Rays have been made during the six-month .period. This Is Worth $50 To You! * Coupon Good For $50 On Any Used Car X Greenway Church Scene Of Vows Audrey Jean Harlton, Dash wood, and Kenneth Crawford Westman, Granton, were married in Greenxvay United Church on August 8 in a double ring cere mony performed by the Rev. W. C. Smtih. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Harlton and the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melville West man. Gladioli and ferns were used to decorate the church. Mrs. Lorne Watson at the organ, played the xvedding music and accompanied Mrs. Ted Insley as she sang “I’ll Walk Beside You” and “The Wedding Prayer”. .Given in marriage by her father, the bride xvas lovely in a floor-length goxvn of xvhite nylon tulle and Chantilly lace over satin, designed with lace bodice and tapering sleeves. The bouffant skirt xvas accented by a pointed lace peplum. Her floor length -French illusion veil was held by a Juliet cap-of rose point lace and orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of garden ias and stephanotis. Mrs. Clyde Nicholson, sister of the bride, as matron of honor wore a floor-length gown of pink net over taffeta xvith matching hat and carried a cascade ar rangement of pink mums. Wearing similar goxvns of blue and green net over taffeta and floxver headdress, Miss Dorothy Harlton, R.N., and Mrs. Karl Guenther, . ’ the bride, Both carried cascades of mums. The little flower girl, Webster, cousin of the xvore a -yelloxv organza length goxvn and carried a. basket of red roses and daisies. Ronald Westman, brother of the groom, xvas best man and the ushers xvere Clyde Nichelson, of Brigden, and John Juul, London. For 'the reception at Monetta Menard’s, Grand Bend, the bride’s mother xvore a navy sheer dress xvith navy and xvhite acces sories and corsage of pink roses. The mother of the groom also chose navy xvith white accessories and corsage of red roses. Mrs. Marjorie Wade, of Park hill, Mrs. John Juul and Miss Margaret Wright, both of Lon don, friends of the bride, assisted in thb dining room. For their xvedding trip to Nexv York and other points in the States, the bride changed to a gold virgin xvool sujt xvith green accessories and corsage of bfonSie mums. The bride, a graduate don Normal School, is teaching staff Of London He who teaches me for one day is my father for life. — Chinese proverb. Mrs. F. Desjardins Stephen Native Mrs. Ferdinand Desjardins, 66, died at her home in Stephen toxvnship on August 4 after an illness of five months. She xvas the former Lucy Far rell, daughter of the late Peter and Mary Weber Farrell and was born in Stephen toxvnship. Besides her husband she is survived by a son, Cecil, of Ste phen, a daughter, Mrs. Ross Mc Gregor, Parkhill, and two bro thers, Louis Farrell, Stephen, and William, Zurich. The body rested at the Hoff man Funeral Home, Dashwood, until Thursday, August 6, when the Rev. J. Fletcher, Thedford, conducted the funferal service. In terment followed in Grand Bend cemetery. Pallbearers were Tho mas, Robert. Arnold, Ira and Elmer Desjardins and Orville Farrell. Phone 70-W The forage harvester with the highest trade-in valueThe FOX Row Crop Harvester handles cessfully corn and combination ensilage * crops. Even in muddy fields or in corn borer infested areas, the FOX really delivers. The FOX is | the forage harvester $ to which all others are compared. When you buy a FOX you are buying the 1 very best. Comet equipped with either power take-off or own power unit Mathers Bros. EXETER NORTH PHONE 321I.-W z and Mrs. R.N., also sisters of , were bridesmaids, yellow Diane bride, floor- of Lon- on the schools. Reg Armstrong Motors Satisfaction Guaranteed REGULAR TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE EXCELLENT CHOICE OF CARS PHONE 216 e EXETER A man who believed he knew all about parrots undertook to teach what he thought to be a young, mute bird to say “Hello!” in one lesson. Going up to the cage, he repeated that woi’d in a clear voice for several minutes, the parrot baying not the slight est attention. At the final “Hello!” the bird opened one eye, gazed at the man and snapped out, “Line’s busy.” Tremendous Pre-Fall Sale! From Now To September 5 Shirts White Dress Shirts Regular $4.95 sale $2,50 Suits! Suits!Tremendous Regular to $79.00 Two Prices Only $39.95 $49.95 Gabs, Worsteds. Birds-Eye. Serge. Pic and Pic Pant Sale 200 Pairs To Go Regular to $16.95 Two Prices Only $6.95 $8.95 EVERYTHING GOES! Colored Dress Shirts Regular $4.50 SALE $2.50 Socks Regular 98$ pr. 2 PR. FOR $1,00 t Boys' Pants' (8 to 14) Reg. $6.95, SALE Reg. $4.95, SALE Reg. $4.50, SALE (Flannels) $5.00 $3.95 $3.50 Blazers And Blazer Reg, $9.50, SALE $6.95 Coats Reg. $11.98, SALE $8.50 Main St. On this sale everything is to go, leaving just the bare walls. A sale like this has never been seen before! Not even in the cities. Come in to see and inspect these suits and pants, etc., for yourselves. Tre mendous value and unbelievable prices. Don't take our word for it. Look it over, inspect it. We knoxv you will buy. Blazers And Slacks Flannel Blazer .......... Flannel Blazer .......... Flannel Blazer .......... Grey Slacks ........... Grey Slacks ........... Grey Slacks ......... . Reg. $39.95. Reg. $29.95. Reg. $21.9 5. Reg. $18.95, Reg. $15.95, J SALE $29.95 SALE $22.95 SALE $18.95 SALE $14.95 SALE $12.00 .. Reg. $12.95, SALE $8.95 ALL NEW MERCHANDISE! This is not a clearance sale of old stock. It is all new merchandise purchased with in the last six months, but at present we find our stock is much too large for us to carry at prevailing market prices so you, our customers and friends, have the bene fit. Just in tiihd for fall and back to school. Take advantage and come in and look over this merchandise. Inspect it at your leisure and see the bargains. It will be to your advantage. £ Men's Casual Jackets 3Q PER CENT OFF We. are clearing these out to make room for o t h e i” merchandise for fall and winter. Boys' Casual Jackets Boys 8 to 14 Years Not so many of these left —'just right for school! (Lined) Reg. $11.95, SALE $8.50 Reg. $6.95, SALE $4.95 Reg. $5.95, SALE $4.25 Reg. $4.95, SALE $3.50 Boys (8 to 16) Pullovers And Sweaters 30 PER CENT OFF! Here is vouv chance to dress the lads for school and save money. g g Jk T T f f £■ l.jAk I I cK 3 MEN’S WEAR & BOYS* WEAR Exeter