HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-08-13, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1953 POP'S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 515-r-3■ —— -a “Mr. Hess, a former ‘All American’ designed it. It’s a single wing with a tail back!” Friends Honor Bride-To-Be Miss June Walters was guest of honor at several showers prior to her marriage on SatU’.Gay to John A. Wicks, of Lon do i. On Friday last, friends and neighbors in the Winchelsea com­ munity met at the home of Mr".. Colin Gilfillan and presented her with a kitchen shower. On Monday evening, June’? as­ sociates at Traders’ Finance of­ fice, London, held a miscelk n- eous shower in her honor and on Tuesday night Mrs. Tom Steiner and Miss Jean Ingram were joint hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at Mrs. Steiner’s home. Town Topics Mr. W. J. Birney, of Toronto, called on friends for a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of London, have returned to Exeter and have taken up residence in the Blatchford apartments. It is over twenty years ago tha't Mr. and Mrs. Hooper left Exeter for London. They are now well up in years and have returned to be among relatives and friends. We welcome them back. Mrs. Lome Johnston, Bobby and David spent a few days in St, Thomas with Mrs. Arthur Jones. CANADIAN JET SETS RECORD FOR TRANSPORT PLANES — The RCAF De Haviland jet Comet, which flew from Ottawa to Washington recently in one hour, 35 minutes — a transport plane record—-is shown at Washington about to take off on its return flight. Wing Commander Howard Morrison, the plane’s pilot, said the average air speed on the non-stop flight was 475 miles per hour, —Central Press Canadian Message From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RARER Classified Directory FOR SALE FLY SPRAYS — Don’t put up with flies. Control them with Purina Fly Sprays. —Cann's Mills Ltd. 13c ONE USED 5-H.P. Sea King out­board motor, A-l condition, used ap­ proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.06. —Huron Lumber Co. 5-14tfc CANVAS-COVERED 16-ft. canoe with one paddle. Excellent condition. Ap­ply 32G Carling St., Exeter. 7-23tfc 193$ CHEV COACH, black. —Phone 34-r-10 Dashwood. 8-Gtfc OAK AND SPRUCE timber, 14’ xlO” x 8"; also S’ x 10” x 8” treated. Fine for building or anchoring. —Phone 71 Kirkton. Ke CUSTOM-BUILT TRAILER — Sleeps four, ready for road, excellent con­ dition. $575. Phone 44-r-7 Grand Bend, Pat Tyler, 3 miles south of Bend on No. 21. 13* Meteor - Mercury Used Cars Elimville Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender and Dale, of London, were Sun­ day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. The Misses Emma and Alvira Strust, of Baden, also visited with them. At present their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and daughter Sharon, of Listowel, are visiting with them. ★ *52 CHEV SEDAN Light Blue, Just Like New ★ *50 PLYMOUTH COACH Green. Beautiful Condition. Let’s have a buyer for this car. It’s been in stock since Dec. 12, 1952. Somebody’s going to get a real buy! ★ *49 MERCURY SEDAN Black, Sunvisor, Extra Nice ★ *47 FORD COACH Two-Tone Green ★ *47 PONTIAC COACH Extras Galore ★ *51 FORD 1/2-ton PICKUP Help Wanted CARPENTERS FINISHERS ROUGH CARPENTERS SPRAY PAINTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS — APPLY — ★ *35 FORD ............ only $75 With Good Motor South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 Exeter Clipper Coach Manufacturing Company LTD. HENSALL |Thanks | I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the | = people in the new riding of Huron and especially to those = i who worked so hard to elect me. Your loyalty to me will j i never be forgotten. | I Elston Cardiff j ... . '■ WE WANT YOUR V) -X u. □ c/i C o Q. TOP PRICES WEIGHED AT £ O IX. YOUR DOOR —Continued from Page 3 and Mrs, Robert Hayter and baby. Miss Anne Marie Kraft, Lon­ don, is spending a week with her cousins, the Misses Barbara and Anne Koehler. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. G-. Kraft were Mrs. Minnie Lampe, of New Haven, Ind., Mr. Henry Dreseler and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dressier, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. John Lachman and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lackman, Conklin, Mich. Miss Susan Kraft was taken back to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther have returned home after their six-week vacation trip. Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family attended a Patterson family picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Patterson, Beach O’ Pines, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guenther and Karl, of Gary, Ind., are visit­ ing in Dashwood and Exeter. Mr. Jack Guenther, Clarkson, and Mr. Ervin Guenther, of To­ ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb and family. Miss Gertrude and Mary Ziler and friend, of Kitchener, spent the weekend at their home here. Mr. Thomas Ziler, of Aylmer, also spent the weekend at his home. Dr. Spellman and family, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoffman. Misses Helen, Joan and Connie Spellman, who spent holidays here, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and family, of London, spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoffman. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hart and family, of Toronto; Miss Mary Wilkinson, of Windsor, and Mr. Gil Robinson, of London. Extended Trip Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile re­ turned from an extended motor trip to Colorado Springs with Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel, Nofma and Virginia, of Lansing, Mich. The highlight of the trip was a three-day visit with Pfc.' and Mrs. James Koessel who is stationed at Camp Carson, Color­ ado, and lives in Colorado Springs. They motored through nine states and visited many points of interest including the Royal Gorge at Canon City, Colorado, Estes Park, the Cliff Dwellings at Manitou" Springs, Cave of the Winds, Will Rogers’ Shrine, They spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koessel, of Cedar Rapids, brother of Mr. Art Koes- sel. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopcroft were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hopcroft, George . and Jim, of Bolton; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Roundtree, of Wood­ bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hopcroft, of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family, of Richmond Hill, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walper, Sandra and Linda enjoyed a 10- day trip to Three Rivers, Quebec. City and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle, of Stratford, and Miss Pearl Kestle, Brantford, visited with Mrs. Arthur Mitchell last week, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dinney and family and Mrs. Thomas Dinney called on the family of the late Mrs. Robert Dinney, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Millar spent the weekend with friends in Stratford and attended two performances at the Shakespear­ ean Festival, Mrs. Alex Ellis has received word from her husband in Korea that he hopes to be home in three months. Misses Marion Tinney and Dorcas Sillery spent a few days last week with Miss Sally Fairnie of Ottawa. Mr. Richard Long, of Royal Oak, Mich., visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Wuerth. Mrs. Long, Barry and Linda, who have spent the .past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wuerth, returned to Michigan with him. Mrs. Charles Harris, of town, attended the marriage of her grandson, Robert Parker to Miss Lois Hamilton on Saturday last and is spending this week with relatves in Hamilton and Kit­ chener. Miss Lena Mennear and Miss Jennie Lake, of New” York City, are spending a couple of weeks visiting their cousins, the Coates and Fisher families in and around Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Presz- catoi’ and Gary and Mr. Clifford Quance spent last week at Wa,- saga Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cole and Helen are holidaying at Rice Lake near Coburg. Mr. Andrew Dixon returned from hospital last week and is able to carry on liis work of in­ specting the home projects of his agricultural classes. Mrs. Anna Ellis visited her sister, Miss Ethel Dow, in Wood- stock, last week. Mrs. D. A. McLachlan, London, and Mrs. A. A. Davis and daugh­ ter, Ruth of Montreal called on friends in Exeter an'd visited at the home of their brother, Wil­ fred Mack, of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and Don have returned home after visiting for two weeks with their son Kenneth at Halifax, N.S. In a singles bowling jitney on the local green Monday evening, Wes. Ryckman won first prize with three wins .plus 20; K. Hockey was second with three wins plus 19; Ulric Snell was third with, two plus 13, and J. M. Southcott fourth with two plus 12. It was the first jitney of its kind on the local greens for several years. Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE ’41 FARGO TRACTOR and SS-foot semi trailer, good tires, in good con­ dition. Phone 418 Exeter. 13c 1 TRUCK PLATFORM and racks, 7' x 14’—tight sides 5. ft. high. Apply Glenn’s Auto Wreckers, phone 418 Exeter, 13c CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or Jess 60c Moro TJjan 25 Words — Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 30^ More Than 25 Words — 1<* Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid witli order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be jn Tuesday at noon. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peifer and Carol, of Chatham, spent the weekend with Earl’s mother, Mrs. L. Peifer. Mr, Carl Oesch, of London,, and Miss Carol Faber spent the weekend at the home of the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther. Miss Carol Faber is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther, Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensall a * *--------M—................... ' ' , ‘ , *-n I Purina Fly Spray | i WILL SOLVE YOUR FLY PROBLEM I | Don’t put up With those biting, disease-carrying flies! | | Make vour barii fly free now with Purina Lindairy Spray, i | It’s truly a wonderful fly spray* Ask your neighbor who 1 | uses ft, or try it once. You will be really satisfied . . . 4 FREE USE OF OUR SPRAYER TO SPRAY YOUR BARN Cann's Mill Ltd. j EXETER WHALEN CORNERS f Miss Helen Passmore, London, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pass- more. Mr. Harry Stone, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stone visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance, of Exeter. Mrs. Percy Passmore, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorn© Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas and Glenn attended the the Rohde picnic at Springbank on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Sparling, of Elimville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gar­ diner. Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers, George and Craig, of Pittsburg, Penn., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone. Miss Needham, of Ballymote, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner recently. W.A. & W.M.S. Meeting The August meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne. The theme for the meeting was “Un­ trodden Ways”. The call to worship was given by the W.M.S. president, Mrs. Edwin Miller, who gave a Christian Steward­ ship reading. Mrs. Ray Clarke was in charge of the program which consisted of a vocal duet by Mrs. Robert Miller and Mrs. Leonard Harris, a piano solo by Mildred Ballantyne and a reading ” by Mrs. Ray Clarke. Mrs. Reg. Hodgert took the topic, “Church On Our Far Frontiers”. Those assisting her were Mrs. Lee Webber, Mrs. Mac. Hodgert, Mrs. Aimer Passmore, Mrs. William Rohde. Tea was served by Group 2 and a social hour enjoyed. There will be no Sunday School or church on Sunday, August 16 or 23 as Rev. W. J. Moores is on holidays. News Incorrect In Boat Incident Last week we printed an item that appeared in a daily paper in reference to two Exeter boys whose boat was capsized in Lake Huron at Grand Bend and who were held by the police as public nuisances. The item said that several boats had to be hired to rescue the pair. The f-act of the matter is that the boat is owned by “one of the boys and they took it onto the lake from the river and it can­ sized in the rough water. The boys brought their boat to shore, outboard motor and all, and re­ ceived no help from anyone. The boys were Gib Dow Jr. and Clare Balkwill. While the lads may have erred in their judgment in taking the boat onto the rough water, we know these lads and hold them both in the highest esteem as their reputations are beyond re­ proach. SKY CARAVAN FROM U.S. TOURS EASTERN CANADA — A sky caravan Pf 52 light planes from the U.S, is touring eastern Canada with whole families as tourists. The planes came from Montana, Washington, Oregon and California and had II children in the flights* Mascot of the flight is Rocky, a goat, who immediately became friends with ITaroId Rapp, right, when the caravan dropped in on Malton, Ont. George King, left, is flight master in charge of mascots. ’—Central Press Canadian REGISTERED SHORTHORN bull, 2 years old, quiet (Hfrt Pecks 'breed­ing). Apply Urban Ducharme, R.R. 2 Hensail, phone 91-r-7 Zurich, 13’ $900.00 — '46 BUICK ROADMASTER Sedanette, 2-tone green, new white­ walls, excellent condition. $1,100.00 trade-in value on new Ford (guaran­ teed). Reason priced for quick sale, owner leaving country. Phone RCAF Stn., Local 292, 8-5, F.Sgt. Cunning­ham. 13:20* FOR ARTIFICIAL insomination at lie best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Ciinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc JF YOU HAVE WEEVILS in your granary, don't take a chance ol spoiling yow new grain. Call L. V. Hogarth, phone 2GG, Exeter, 7-30tfc DON'T TOLERATE FLIES when for $10 or $20 (according to the size of your barn) you can be free of them for from 9 to 12 weeks. Or we have Lindane for sale at $2,75 a pound. —L. V. Hogarth, telephone 266 Ex­ eter.________________________7-30tfo For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and delivei' on Monday and Thursday mornings._____10-30tftf IF YOU ARE A Turnip Grower, it would be well to watch your turnips every few days for aphids, as they are around right now! If you want your turnips sprayed for water core be sure they are no larger than your thumb. They can be sprayed’ for aphids and water core at the same time. — L, V. Hogarth, phone 2G6 Exeter,__________________7-23tfc CUSTOM BALING, hay and straw!) Special price on quantity straw bales. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1. Hen­sall, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 23:30:6:13* REAL ESTATE KECK-GONNERMAN bean thresher, in good condition, Apply Dietrich Bros., phone 31-r-5 Dashwood. 13:20* MEDIUM SIZE oil space heater. — Phone 717-W-4 Exeter. 13c PORTABLE GRAIN AUGERS, 20 ft. to 31 ft. length. See ours for demon­ stration. —Cann's Mills Ltd._____13c I WILL HAVE or be able to supply Stocker Cattle of all kinds at very reasonable prices during coming fail. —R. B. Williams.____________8-13tfC PIANO AND BENCH, medium size, in plain case, guaranteed for five years. A good buy, $135. —W. Martin, Exeter South. ___________ 13* CHOICE QUARTERS of beef, whole­ sale prices, hind 49c, front 25c. Call Hardy Bros., 194-W Lucan. 13c •—................—.........................11 Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memoriam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are .75; £ Ilium — i "i —'H BIRTHS CASE — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Case announce the birth of a son, Doug­ las Sterling, at South Huron Hos­ pital, on August 8, 1953. FULCHER — To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fulcher, a son, James Scott (.Tamie), at South Huron Hospital, August S, 1953; a brother for Vic and Bruce. GOODALE — Mr. and Mrs. Grant Goodale, Exeter, wish to announce the birth of a son, David Merle; a brother for Dara Lynn; at South Huron Hospital, August 8, 1953. HODGINS —On August 11, 1953, io Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins (nee Marjorie Smith), of R.R. 1, Lucan, a son, Brian Nelson; a brother for Lois Irene, MOORE — At St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, August 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Moore, a son, Murray Peter; a brother for Sanda and Joanne. MORLEY — Betty and Les Morley, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig, announce the arrival of a daughter, Susan Joan, at South Huron Hospital, August 9, 1953; a sister for Jerry. PULLMAN—Mary and Cleve Pullman wish to announce the arrival of their adopted twin sons, Roy Ed­ ward and Ronald Herbert. REGIER—Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Re- gier, R.R. 3, Zurich, announce the birth of their son, Charles Willert, August 8, 1953, at South Huron Hospital. WEBB—Mr. and Mrs. - Morris Webb (nee Kay O’Brien), Dashwood, an­ nounce the birth of a daughter; a sister for Linda; at South Huron Hospital, August 10, 1953. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Proctor wish to announce the engagement of then- only daughter, Mary Doreen, to Douglas Boyce Wilson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Cen­tralia. The wedding will take place in Calvary United Church, London, on Saturday, August 29, at 2 p.m. c CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Lloyd Latta wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who remembered Lloyd during his recent illness, and to our many friends who remembered us in any way during our recent sad be­ reavement. 13* Harry Yearley wishes to thank all who so kindly remembered him with cards, treats and visits while a pa­tient in South Huron Hospital. Also special thanks to the nurses and staff. 13* W. E. Middleton wishes to thank his many friends for kindness ex­ tended to him and fot the _ flowers and cards received since his acci­ dent. 13c I would like to take this opportun­ ity to sincerely thank the many re­ latives, friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with all the beautiful flowers, treats and lovely cards, and all those who visited me at St. Joseph’s Hospital and South Huron Hospital, and since returning home. Many thanks to Miss Claypole and staff, Dr. Morlock and Dr. Dun­ lop for making my stay so pleasant at the hospital.—Mrs. Orville Cann, e IN MEMORIAM EILBER—Tn loving memory of Mary Lindsay Eilber, who passed away in Crediton on the l?th of August, 1918.Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of mind: They arc cherished in the hearts Of those they left behind. Loving and kind in all her woys.Upright and just to the end oP-flicr days; , , . sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind. —Remembered by husband, IT. .TC, Eilber, and daughter, Bernice. 13c PEART—Tn loving memory of Mrs. John Peart, who passed away one •year ago* August 17, 1952. Yes, she sleeps, but not forever, ... Tn a lone and silent grave;Blessed promise she shall ■’•waken,_ Jesus .died the lost to save, in the dawning of the morning* * Jr heh the troubled night is o'er, A1K the ones who loved her hero, win rejoice to see her more, ““Dve.it remembered by Emma and Delia. jo* GOOD LOTS of yearling heifers, Herefords and Shorthorns, 500 to GOO lbs. Stock cows, mostly Herefords, few Shorthorns, bred to good bulls. —C. Hardy, Lucan, phone 194-W, 13e COAL OR WOOD heater, also three dozen half-gallon jars. Phone Dash­ wood' 3G-r-10. ______________13* OBLONG PLAYPEN, in good condi­ tion; also Sunshine toddle cart. Ap- ply 113 Huron St. E., Exeter, I3c FES'S OIL space heater in good con­ dition. Heats G rooms easily. Apply 225 Anne St. or phone Exeter 385-R.13c MODEL A FORD, seal beam lights, new battery. Apply George Hess, • phone 157-R Hensall. 13c 3-TON G.M.C. TRUCK, combination stake and dump, excellent condition. Business and P.C.V. included. Ownei- deceased. Box 183 Zurich, Ont. 13;20c 1 YORKSHIRE BOAR, about 200 lbs. Also one large Quebec heater, in good shape; Gem electric fencer, only slightly used. Apply on Hillson Stan- ey farm, 1 mile , east of Granton. 13* USED REFRIGERATORS — 9% and 6% cu. ft. Also 4-burner electric range, heavy duty electric hotplate, Moffat handl-chef. New Appliances— 15 percent discount on laundromat and dryer, 9 cu, ft. Westinghouse re­ frigerator. Non-automatic iron and toasters, $3.00 each. —Clark & Fuss Electric, Hensall, phone 124 Hensall. 13:20” BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ASK US FOR PRICES on immediate delivery of Bray dayold or started chicks in limited quantities. Chicks for September delivery should be on order now. Ask us for particulars— Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 24G-J.• 13c LOST LOST — Plastic-rim glasses, around Exeter. Finder please contact Exeter Times-Advocate. Reward. 13* HELP WANTED CARETAKER for Main Street United Church, starting Sept. 1. Apply to Secretary of Trustees, W. C. Parce, Exeter*_________________ 13:20c WOULD YOU LIKE to turn your spare time into money by becoming a trained beauty counsellor. Apply Box ”W”, Times-Advocate. 13:20* ONE WAITRESS and one kitchen girl. Apply Earl’s Place, phone 85, Exeter. __________13c MEN! Here’s your opportunity to earn better than average income every week of the year selling na­ tionally advertised Watkins Products in RUral Districts. Neither experience nor investment necessary. Training supplied. Man between 25 and 55 with car preferred. For details without obligation, write Dept. O-E-G, J. R. Watkins Co., 350 St. Roch St., Mont­ real.__________«_____________6:13:20c SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of taking short­hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, The Exeter Times-Advocate.7-30tfc YOUNG WOMAN for light housework in cheerful, healthy, modern home— 2 adults—no laundry—not a farm home—live in—good wages. Write Box ”M”, Times-Advocate. 30:6:13c STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or ’ Exeter 287.3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc WANTED WANTED TO BUY — Two second­hand single beds. Apply to Box "F”, Tiines-A dvocate._______________I3nc COAL OIL HANGING LAMPS—Mrs. R, Bailey, Main St., Exeter. S-13tfc SECOND CUTTING baled red clover hay. J. W. Hern, Exeter. 13c WILL PAY CASH for old iron or tin mechanical banks, —W. It. Snell, 12 John St., St. Thomas. 13:20*.3* FOR RENT MODERN APARTMENT for rent — kitchen, living boom, bedroom, 3 closets, S-pieec bathroom. —Beavers Hardware. Kc. FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers ITard- wnre, Exeter. .... , ......... ....... tfc TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment —also garage. --GOG Will lam St,...13* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, 2-piece, bath, by SeiHomber 15. Private entrance, newly deeoiAtcd, Apply G21 William St., phone. 237-W, r , 13* .FULL-SIZED UNFURNISHED npaH- mant.on front street, Healed. Ex­ cellent for couple, Phone 181 Exeter. J3<! FARMS FOR SALE MOSSLEY DISTRICT — 200 acres of very good soil, house and barns, etc. SALFORD —100 acres, 96 cultivated, clay loam soil, good house and barns, etc.EMBRO — 50 acres of clay loam soil, 44 acres cultivated, 8-room brick house, large barn, plenty of water. Price $9,000.MT. ELGIN — 33-acre dairy or crop farm, large barn and shell, modern G-room cottage, close to town on No. 19 Highway.NORTH OXFORD— 100 acres of cul­tivated soil, 2-storey stone house, barn and drive shed, on Governor’s Road.MT, ELGIN DISTRICT —50 acres of clay loam soil, barn 40’ x 60’, garage, hog pen. drive shed, milk house, hen house, 8-room frame house.•—For information contact Gus Mor­ ello, Real Estate Broker, phone 489, Inggrsol), Ont._____ 13c: COMFORTABLE 4-BEDROOM house, large garden, Dashwood. Early pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, .Salesman,___________8-13tfc VILLAGE STORE, fixtures and fur­ niture, attached dwelling has B-piece bath, water pressure system, extra lot. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Itlarl Parsons, Salesman.____.______8-IBtfc INVESTMENT! Village house in good condition, conveniences, garage, ca­ bins well rented. W. C. Pearce, ReaJ- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, 8-l.3tfc; TWO-FAMILY HOUSE, large storage barn (well rented), 2 extra, lots, — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. ________ 8-13tfc HOUSE IN CENTRALIA, six-room, one-piece bath, full, glassed-in ver­ andah, garage, 1% acres land. Wil- liam Haddock, Centralia;_____13:20:3” GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE, hot and cold water, bath, furnace, heavy duty wiring, corner lot, Apply D. Meyers, Zurich, Ont.____________13e HOUSE ON HURON Street. Apply Keith Weber, ph. 386-R Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—100 acres with comfort­ able medium sized house. Large barn with good stabling and silo. Produc-. tive clay loam. Never-failing water supply. Near Exeter. Fall possession. —C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter.____________ _______ 7-30 tfc TO SETTLE AN ESTATE* — New house in Grand Bend, modern one- floor oil heated. South of bridge on Blue Water Highway. — Phone 173 Grand Bend or write Box 139, 30:6:13* THREE NICE building lots and nice house suitable for large family or duplexing. Oil-burning air-conditioned furnace, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, garage. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-16tfc NEW 3-BEDROOM cottage at South­ cott Pines, Grand Bend, Shower, hot water, fireplace. Very close to lake. —R, E. Balkwill, Exeter.______7-2tfc $6,000.00 WILL PURCHASE a modern two-bedroom cottage. This home haw a very nice appearance, is fully in­ sulated, has full basement and is oil heated. You will be surprised at the easy terms, $5,500.00 FOR 2-APARTMENT homo. This is a tidy property, well located in Exeter. Each apartment has com­ plete kitchen and bath. Upper apart­ ment rented at $40.00 per month. Im­ mediate possession on lower, Buy a home and an income. Terms, C. V. PICKARD, CLERK, Exeter, Ontario. VACANT LOT suitable for store or office building, choice ' location in business block. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor._________________________G-25tfc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate) possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —-II, E. Balk- will, Exeter._________________ 6-18tfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter.________4~16tfc WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, Stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. —W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. 5-28tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the Estate ofCECIL CAMERON MacGREGOR All persons having claims against the estate of Cecil Cameron Mao- Gregor, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Trucker, who died on or about the 5th day of July, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the )5th day of August next after which date the estate will be distributed, having re­ gard only to those claims of whic.h- notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON . Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix .....................................................30:6:13c Tn the Estate of . JOHN WESLEY HEYWOOD deceased ATI persons having claims against the estate of John Wesley Heywood, late, of the Township of Usliorrie, In the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1953. are required to file particulara of same with Bell & Laughton. Solici­ tors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd' day of August next, after which date the estate will be distributed, haying regard only to those olatms of whiten notice had been received. ' EELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for Exeeutot., 6;18:20e