HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-08-06, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1953
Skinny men, women
gain 5,10,15 lbs.
Get Hew Pep, Too. Be Thrilled
With Results or Pay Nothing
What a thrill! Bony arms, legs fill
put; ugly hollows fill up; neck no
longer scrawny; body loses half- starved, sickly look. Thousands, who
never could gain before, are now
proud of shapely, healthy-looking bodies. They thank the special vigor
building and flesh-building tonic,
Ostrex, Its tonics, stimulants, in-
yigorators, from vitamin Bl, calcium, enrich blood, improve appetite and
digestion so food gives you more
strength and . nourishment; put flesh -on bare bones. Mrs. L. Savard, Mat-
tagami Heights, Ontario, writes, "I
gained 16 lbs. Tired feeling, nervousness gone, too.” Another user, Mrs.
Mare Gagnon. Cap Chat, P.Q., writes,
“I gained 13 lbs. Health fine. My
rundown husband gained 15 lbs. New
pep.’’Don’t fear getting really fat. Stop
■when you’ve gained the 5, 10, 15 or 20
lbs. you wish. Money back if you’re
not delighted. Costs little. New "get-
acquainted” size only 60c. Refuse sub
stitutes. Ostrex has given results
when other tonics failed. Try famous
Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor
and added pounds, this very day. At
all druggists.
Copt. 1»««
fubborn switches
And frazzled wires
Cause nervous disorder
And destructive fires.
0 Canadiana: Walter Kurz of
St. Paul, Minn., unexpectedly sur
prised Frank Kaller at Humbolt,
Sask., with a visit; hadn’t seen
each other .since school kids 44
years ago ... A Chicago couple
visiting the Huron County Mus
eum at Goderich, Ont., were visi
bly disappointed that they could
not visit Eskimos -within a few
miles of the town at least;
grumpily the Signal editor points
out Goderich was founded in
1827, even before Chicago was
founded . . . Markdale, Ont,
Standard reports that L. L. Thi-
baudeau attempting to kill a rat
in his barn, instead stuck the
pitchfork into the foot of Dr.
Stanley Thibaudeau, his brother;
on top of this Dr. was suffering
from a dog which had bitten him
in the office the day before . , .
Wingham Advance - Times com
menting on department of educa
tion pronouncement that the
time-honored practice of publish
ing school children’s report is
not a good idea, opines that "The
idea nowadays seems to be to
eliminate all trace of competi
tion in the child’s education.”
. . , Gus Candido of Kamloops,
got a note from the bank
they had some money
from an Irish Sweepstake
Gus dreamed of Fiji
a big new’ car and other
but dreams were shat-
for him
tered when it turned out his
winnings were $27.50 in Canad
ian money . . . Orillia
council have now decided to go
ahead on their proprosal to se
cede from Simcoe County ... 10
Lakeview youngsters were picked
up by Township Police when 47
windows were found broken in
the Lakeview Beach school;
large ones the week before .
Bud Reeves was badly burned at
Cranbrook, B.C., from a blow
back of an automobile which he
had just gassed up at a service
station . . . Joe Bear, husband
of the 19-year-old Indian woman
who gave birth to the quadrup
lets in northern
hurried out of the
fully murmured
when interviewed,
• Kincardine,
the past decade there has been
a 10 per cent increase in the
number of retail places of busi
ness across Canada, indicating
that it will continue to play an
important part in the life of the
bush and bash-
and grinned
"Pretty nice’’.
Ont. News: In
Help Wanted
IV. G. Thompson & Sons
LTD. OntarioHensall
Ersman's Bakery
Will Be Closed For Holidays
R. E. Russell
Phone 109 , Exeter
Streamline Your Work
— Let Us Supply You With
Marking Devices
Rubber Stamps Made To Order . * . Bank Stamps
Circular, Oval and Rectangular Stamps . . *
Stamps With Changeable Dates and Numbers - * .
Signature Stamps . Die Plates for All Purposes
Pririting Wheels . . Numbering Machines
Startip Racks * » »
• Canadian Statesman, B,ow~
manville, Ont: A farmer has two
fields—one rocky and barren,
one of rich black loam. Does he
dig up the rich loam and scatter
it over the rocks? That is "Redis
tributing the wealth”, which our
reformers demand. Same thing
as Marx’s idea: From each ac-
accordingcording to his abilities;
to each according to his needs.
But only a fool of a faihner would
do that, because he’d have two
pool' fields, and no good one.
The wise farmer (and wise -refor
mer and labor leader and govern
ment official, lets the rich field
grow and prosper and produce;
and he plows and fertilizes and
limes and works the poor field
until it produces, too. Then the
farmer has two fields from which
everyone benefits -—- instead of
of the two poor fields with which
everyone starves. Some of our
tax experts might take a look at
nature. She seems to have the
answers — and in Nature they
• Drumheller, Alta. Mail: In
Russia, the average political
broadcast of a Canadian federal
candidate would start the minds
of the populace in a maddening-
whirl as first the Liberals, now
in power, call the country fl
paradise, then the P-C’s, the
CCF, the Social Credit and the
Labor Progressive describe it as
"hell” with heat turned off.
Lacombe, Alta. Globe: This
election is not for Alberta or for
New Brunswick. It is an election
for the whole of Canada; and the
parties entering the field should
be true Canadian parties — not
provincially or minority-minded.
• ; The Rosetown, Sask., Eagle
commenting on the crown cor
poration bus strike, comments
that "we should never have gone
into the bus business in the first
place ... we do not believe
that government should do for
the people anything that private
enterprise can do just as well.
This bus business is a clear ex
ample—and only one of the many
such failures in this province.”
• Estevan, Sask., Mercury:
The struggle to produce the
things he needs develops strength
in a man as well as supplying
him with his needs. But the
•getting of his needs with little
or no effort on his own part
leaves him a feeble and helpless
• ( Brampton, Ont. Conserva
tor: Those people who talk glibly
of 20% or 25% profits for in-
ustry will be interested in a
survey . . . showing that for
every dollar of sales in 19 51,
Canadian industry averaged only
5.8 cents in profit, a drop of 1.3
cents from the previous year,
despite an increase in total
volume. Less than half of that
5.8 actually went into share
holders’ pockets, as 3.5 cents was
plowed back into the business to
keep it growing.
Defeat Goderich
Exeter Bantams defeated Gode
rich 11-7 on the local
Monday afternoon.
Jim Crocker' hurled
tory, allowing only four
striking out 11.
The locals scored 11
14 hits.
the vic
hits and
runs on
Town Topics
Mrs. William Schroeder spent
last week with her sister in
Misses Marion and Kathryn
Nash, after spending two weeks
with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Powell,-Jeft Tuesday for
Windsor and
way home to
Mrs. P- A.
Myrtle White,
Mrs. W. B.
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Powell on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hulbert and
daughter, Orna, of Fillmore,
Sask., and Mr. Jim Reid, Calgary,
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton and
daughters, of St. Thomas, spent
their holidays at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sutterby, Lon
don, spent several days at Parry
Mr. and Mrs.- Len Dilkes, Iris
and Jim spent the holiday week
end at Boat Lake, near Wiarton.
Detroit on their
Powles and Miss
of St. Thomas, and
Crisp, of London,
.. Stamp It To Speed It
The Times-Advocafe
Current Account
Town Topics
Mrs. Maud Horton, who sold
her property to Mrs. Bert Flet
cher, has move-d to Go’derich.
Cpl. and Mi’S. Alan Hortorii and
son Larry left last week for
Innisfqil, Altq. Cpl. Horton is
stationed at 1J.C.A-F. Station,
Mrs. Sid Sanders left Saturday
for a visit with relatives in the
Rainy River District.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiljiam Thqxter,
of Osbawa, visited Friday with
theii’ cousins, Mr. and Mrs,
J. Smith.
Mrs. Austin Schwalm
Susan spent last week with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pearce
of Muncey were weekend iguests
at the Pearce home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cudmore
and Peter spent a week in
Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
James Squire spent Sunday at
Rock Glen.
Mr and Mrs.
Mrs. H. R, Anderson and
Mr .and Mrs. James Squire spent
an .afternoon
Mrs. James
Sask., left for
after spending some time with
her son F/O H. D. Mooney, Mrs.
Mooney and family. Mrs. Amelia
Monkman, of Guelph, aunt of
Mrs. Janies Mooney, also visited
with them.
Mrs. Tone Marshall, Kitchener,
and Mrs. Frank Smith and son,
of Aylmer, visited last Friday
with Mrs. Violet Baker.
Miss Meta Salter accompanied
Mr .and Mrs. Charles Salter and
Jane, of Wingham, on a trip to
Sudbury and Timmins last week.
Mr .and Mrs. Alf. Wuerth and
Mr. and Mrs.6 Reginald Wuerth,
of London, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Long,
Royal Oak, Mich. Mrs. Long,
Barry and Linda accompanied
them to Etxeter where they will
visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones_ and
Randy and Bill Armstrong ’were
fishing last week at Old Woman's
River, near Lion’s Head.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin King and Melba
motored to Port Huron Friday.
Mr. Swartz and Mr. 'King re
turned home accompanied by Mr.
Newell Morgan of Port Huron.
On Sunday they returned to at
tend the King reunion at Cale
Park and Mrs. Swartz, Mrs. King
and Melba returned home with
them after a pleasant visit in
Port Huron and Brown City.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and
Isabel and Mrs. Jack Robertson
and b abe, of Galt, spent the
weekend at Southampton and
Sauble Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner,
of London, spent the weekend
with Mrs. Percy Passmore. Mr.
and Mrs. Chestfer Merkley and
Mr. Bert Gardiner visited Mrs.
Passmore on Saturday and on
Tuesday Mrs. Jack Box, Lynn
and Gordon, and Mrs. William
Tookey, all of London, and Mrs.
Geofge Hetwell, St. Catharines,
were her guests.
Mr. James Reid, of Calgary,
Alta., has been visiting relatives
in Hensall, Exeter, and vicinity.
William J. Reid, of Mitchell, and
T*Robert J. Patterson, Hensall, are
nephews and Mrs. Garnet Frayne,
Exeter, Mrs. J. Hood, Grand
Bend and Mrs. Bruce A. Ross,
of Essex, are nieces.
Recent visitors wjtli Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Frayne were Mr.
and Mrs. J. R.'Taylor and grand
daughter, Dianne, of Los Angeles,
Calif., and Mrs. Alvin Hodgson,
Mr, and Mrs. McLean and son
Billy, of Hamilton visited with
the former’s mother, Mrs. J. B.
McLean and family over the
weekend. Mrs. Balfour, Regina,
and Miss Iveson, of Kippen, spent
an evening with Mrs. McLean
recently and Mr, and Mrs. C. S.
McLean, of London, and Mr. T.
U. McLean, Toronto, spent Sun
day with her. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton
and Sharon enjoyed a
trip through Northern
this week.
Mrs. Jack Doerr,
Susan and Wendy are
with Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Walker
at their summer home
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
had as their guests bn
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gunning,
of Granton, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart, of St, Thomas,
nieces from Fort Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett
and Marilyn spent
Chatham with Mr.
Gordon Moir.
Rev. and Mrs, L.
and Grace Marie, of
visited with
the weekend.
Sonya and
Shallow Lake
seph Dayman.
Miss Pearl Keyes has returned
home after visiting her cousin,
Miss Olive Sheppard, of Loiidon.
Mrs. Clarence Smith, of Fort
William, spent the weekend with
Rev. and Mrs. William Mair. Jo
anne Mair has returned home
from Lachine, Quebec, Where she
has been visiting her sister and
hrother-iii-law, Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Rev. and Mrs. William Mair
and Mrs. Ferguson spent a
week’s holiday at Lake Simcoe
and Schomberg,
Constable Uel .Schroeder, of
Ottawa, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs, William
and Mrs. Charles Harris
Susan are spending the
with Mr, and Mrs. M, W.
and Mrs. E. S. Steiner
the holiday weekend with
‘ " C. W. Kestle, of
-al Springbank re
Mooney, Congress,
her home Monday
at Han-
Sunday in
and Mrs.
H. Turner
here over
Billy Colborne, of
-are Visiting their
Mr. and Mi's. Jo-
Birth, Death, and Marriage
Notices are inserted free of
charge, Cards of Thanks
In Memorlam Notice .75
single verse, .25 extra
each additional verse,
Engagement Notices are
GATIEN — To Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Gatien, Main Street, Exeter, a son,
Paul Leonard, at South Huron Hos
pital, July 31, 1953. I3oth well.
HYSLOP—FO. and Mrs. R. C. Hyslop
announce the birth of a daughter,
Robyn Anne, at South Huron Hos
pital, July 31, 1953,
LATTA — At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday, August 5,
1953, John Lloyd Latta, jn his
thirty-third year, beloved husband of Mae Rattie, dear father of David
and Douglas, and dear son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Latta, Grand Bend.
Classified Directory
’51 PONTIAC DELUXE, low mileage, excellent condition. —Phone 164’i’-14
Dashwood. ___________ 30; 6c
1951 FORP 3-TON STAKE, 19,000 miles. Apply Robei’t Eagleson, Ailga
Craig, ______________ ________30; 6*
six cubic foot size. Good condition.
$135.00, Cash only, —Phone 686. 30:6c
CUSTOM SPRAYING and dusting.
Phone Seth. Winer, 631-M, or Ted
Poolgy, 386-J, Exeter.__________30:6c
HONEY—Clover honey, in customer’s containers, 20c a lb. 50-lb. lots, 50 lbs, and over, 18c lb. This is only
for a limited time. —J. Haberer, Zur
ich. __ ________ _____ _____30:6c
ONE USEP 5-H.P. Sea King outboard motor, A-l condition, used ap
proximately 30 hours. Too small for
present boat. Price $130.0-0, —Huron
Lumber Co._________________5-14tfc
CANVAS-COVERED 16-ft. canoe with
one paddle. Excellent condition. Ap-
ply 326 Carling St., Exeter. 7-23tfc
sealing. Apply R. Zondeg, in care of
Edgar Cudmore, R.R. 1, Hensall. 6c
., -------.------- -------------- - -.TWO PANEL DOORS (inside), sizewish to announce the engagement of 7y x cheap. —Phone 25-r-12
their daughter, Janet Merle, t>o Janies T<-frkton Wilson Schroeder, son of Mr, and t
Mrs. William Schroeder, Cvnuuiiu. I
The wedding will take place in James
Street United Church, Exeter, the
latter part of August. Gc
Mr. William Mills, Woodham, Ont.,
announces the engagement of his daughter, Marian Elizabeth, to Don
ald Gordon Hixon, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Rixon, Beamsville, Ont. The wedding will take place August
19, 1953, at 3:30 o’clock in Woodham
United Church. Gc
Mrs. Gus Latta, Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Edna, to William
Laird Mickle, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Hensall. The wedding
will take place August. 22 in Exeter.*
Mr, and Mrs. Victor Kestle, Exeter,
25 words or Jess 60c
Aforo Than 25 Words
1J0 Per Word
More Than 25 Words ~—
10 Per Wor<l
200 OFF
if ad paid with order or by
Saturday following the last
Semi-Display Classifieds
(restricted to one column)
First Insertion 84c per inch
Subsequent Insertions
7Oc per inch
Classified ads accepted up till
Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
BRAY HATCHERY has for quick shipment a limited quantity of day-
old and started chicks. Ask ua lor prices. Your September chicks should
be on order now. Agent—-Eric Cars-
cadden, Exeter Phone 246-J. 6e
FARMERS! If you want Dutch form' help, call Rev. C. Schroeder, phone
575-W Exeter. 6c
FOR SALE—1(10 acres with comfort
able medium sized house. Large barm
with good stapling and silo. Productive clay loam. Never-failing water- supply. Near Exeter. Fall possession.
—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St.,, Exeter. 7-30tfe.
HOUSE FOR SALE — Three mil be east of Centralia. —S. Deelstra, R.R.
1, Centralia. 30:6c-
Centralia. j9 EXTRA GOOD weaner pigs, six
weeks old. Phone 37-10 Grand Bend.6”
FOR SALE — Four young registered
Holstein cows, aecreditd and vaccinated; ready to freshen, Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 6c
Bert Rivers wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him
with cards, flowers, visits and treats
while a patient in South Huron Hos
pital. G*
Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. Crago wish
to thank all our kind friends of Ex
eter and district who visited us while we were in South Huron Hospital.
Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher and
nurses and staff at the hospital. We
appreciated it all more than we can
say. —Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. Crago. ♦
Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner wishes to thank
all those who sent flowers, cards and
treats or helped in any way while
she was confined to the house. Spe
cial thanks to the Ladies Aid and
W.S.W.S. of Crediton E.U.B. Church,
the Women’s Institute, and Rev. Mohr for his thoughtfulness. 6*
Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons wish to thank the relatives, friends and
neighbors who so thoughtfully re
membered Doh with cards, treats and
flowers while a patient in South
Huron Hospital. Many thanks to the nurses and Dr. Milner, to the visi
tors and those who inquired. Special
thanks to Mr, Dean Gibson and Mrs.
Eves and the people who helped in
any way with the crops. 6*
Mrs. Frank Lostell wishes to ex
press her thanks to all those who so kindly remembered her with visits,
gifts and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since re
turning home. 6c
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker and David wish to thank everyone who
remembered David with cards, letters and treats while a patient in the
hospital and since returning home, c
My heartfelt thanks to those who
sent me cards, letters, good wishes and flowers during my two weeks in hospital. Your
appreciated by
—Andy Dixon.
Tony Conlin ....... „„ .....
those who so kindly remembered him
while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home.
LATE '49 METEOR deluxe sedan, blue-grey, excellent condition, heater,
custom-built radio, 5 excellent tires, seat covers, 34,000 miles. $1,200 or
best cash offer, Owner leaving for
the States, Phone Kirkton 14-r-17. 6c
EIGHT-PIECE dining room suite,
nearly new; bed, springs, mattress
and dresser, nearly new; Singer sewing machine; Beatty washer; mantle
phonograph; electric waffle iron, -—
Phone 172-R Lucan Fridays and Sat
A THREE-PIECE chesterfield suite;
.also 4-piece bedroom suite. •—No, 9, Columbia Crescent, RCAF Centralia.’£
SMALL BUILDING, 8’ x 15', Shed
roof, insulated, insuJ-bric. Apply to
Librarian, Centralia. 6*
3 FRAME BUILDINGS, -10x24, 24x20, 12x8. Contents including 1937 Dodge
car, quantity of lumber. Apply to
Charles Glavin, Mount Carmel, 6c
1938 CHEV COACH, black. —Phone
34-r-10 Dashwood. 8-6tfc
1937 OLDS SEDAN, reconditioned
engine and front end, 3 new tires and 2 in good condition, slip covers,
body work in good shape, sealed
beams. $225.00 or best offer. —Tyers,
152 Algonquin, P.M.Q., R.C.A.F. Cen
tralia. 6c
FOR A REAL BUY in: Jaspe Inlaid
Tiles! Eight popular shades at 15c
each at Tudor’s in Hensall. See them
before you buy tile. 6c
AMERICAN PERCALE and sanforized chambray for only 59c at Tudor’s
in. Hensall. Ideal for aprons, dresses,
quilt tops. 6c
house in Grand Bend, modern one- floor oil heated. South of bridge on,
Blue Water Highway. — Phone 173
Grand Bend or write Box 139, 30:6:13*
THREE NICE building lots and nice-
house suitable for large family or
duplexing. Oil-burning air-conciitionect
furnace, 3-piece bath, hot and cold! water, garage. W, C. Pearce, Real-
tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 7-16tfc
NEW 3-BEDROOM cottage at South-
cott Pines, Grand Bend, Shower, hot water, fireplace. Very close to lake,
—R, E. Balkwill, Exeter._____7-2tfc-
$6,000.00 WILL PURCHASE a modern
two-bedroom cottage. This home has
a very nice appearance, is fully in
sulated, has full basement and is oil
heated. You will be surprised at the
easy terms.
$5,500,00 FOR 2-APARTMENT home.
This is a tidy property, well located
in Exeter. Each apartment has complete kitchen and bath, Upper apart
ment rented at $40.00 per month, Im
mediate possession on lower. Buy a
home and an income, Terms.
C. V. PICKARD, CLERK, Exeter, Ontario.
■ing my two weeks in
friendship is deeply
my wife and myself.
wishes to thank all
dearALLEN—In loving memory of a
husband and father, Earl C. Allen,
who passed away one year August 9, 1952.
In tears we saw you sinking,
We watched you fade away,Our hearts were almost broken,
You fought so hard to stay.
One sad and lonely year has passed Since our great sorrow fell,
The shock that we received that day
We still remember well.
God gave us the strength to face it
And courage to bear the blow;
But what it meant to lose you No one will ever know.
—Remembered always and sadly missed by his wife, Irene, and fam
ily. 6*
CUNNINGTON—In loving memory of
Cun- two
our darling grandson, Gary
nington, who passed away
years ago, August 3, 1951.
A bud the Gardener gave us,
A pure and lovely child;
He gave him in our keeping
To cherish undefiled.
But just as- it was openingTo the glory of the day,
Down came the Heavenly Gardener
And took our flower away.
—Sadly missed by Grandma
DOBBS — In loving memory of «...
dear daughter, Dorothy Jean (Cun
nington) Dobbs, who was taken so
suddenly two years ago, August 3, 1951.
Two lovely bands are resting,
The voice we loved is still,
The one who meant so much to us Now is resting on God's beautiful hill.
God gave us strength to face it—
It was such a sudden blow;
But what it meant to lose her
No one will ever know.
—Ever remembered and sadly missed ' '' • • ' — • and
of .ry
by Mother and Dad, sister brother.
KERSLAKE —In loving memory
our dear parents, Charles and Ma Kerslakc, who passed away Augi
8, 1952, and October 1, 1944.
rom our happy home and circle God has taken two we love;
Borne away from sin and sorrow
To a better home above.
—Ever remembered by the family.
HUTCHINSON—In loving memory
Comments About
DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows
removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES’
collect Ingersoll 21. or Exeter 287.3-5tfc
VACANT LOT suitable for store or
office building, choice location iru
business block, W. C. Pearce, Real- ton_________•___________1 6-25tfa
NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedrocnn house. Centrally located. Air
conditioned oil furnace. Immediate,
possession. Space for additional)
rooms on second floor, —R, E. Balk-
will, Exeter. ,________________6-18tfc
FOR SALE—Building formerly occu
pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or
light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real-
tor, Main St,, Exeter,________l-16tfc
WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good
farms of various size, price and
quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year rouncii
homes, —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl-
Parsons, Salesmen. 5~28tfc
kinds of horses, any size, any age.
—G. J. Dow, phone S3 Exeter. tfc
There will be church service
on Sunday morning at 11 a.m,
with the pastor, Rev. G. Burton,
in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks re
turned home last week following
a motor trip to North Bay, Ot
tawa and Montreal where they
visited with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, at
the home of their daughter and
village . ..
of last week. t
Mr. and Mrs. K. Greb called
on Rev. and Mrs. G. Burton on
Sunday at their summer home
near Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs.
of Detroit were
with Mrs. Clara
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. William Haddock attended
the familyreunion at Turnbull’s
■holiday at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Presz-
cator of Exeter to Tobermory,
where they spent the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodgson and
Mr. Albert Mitchell were visitors
with the latter’s sister, Mrs. An
drew, in London on Saturday.
Miss Donna Bowden accompan
ied Mrs. Whitney Coates, Misses
Shirley and Wilma Coates, Mrs.
Verne Smith and Miss Jean
Noyes to Detroit where they were
weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Doherty and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebotton
and family visited over the holi
day with the former’s parents at
Parry Sound.
Mrs. E. Knight has returned
home after visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Meek, in London.
Shower For Bride-Elect
Mrs. Cecil Skinner and Mrs, K.
Hod gins were hostesses at a mis
cellaneous shower for Miss Bon
nie McFalls in the schoolroom
of the church on Tuesday eve-
the program
Misses Catli-
Sybil Cross
Mrs. George
wedding by
* “ Bid-
dulph, assisted by Mrs. Cooper
McCurdy and Mrs. Jack Essery,
who depicted the scenes previous
to and following the matrimonial
Bonnie received
ful and useful gifts
her appreciation in
manner. Blanche
Donna Bowden assisted in
playing the gifts.
W.M.S. members are reminded
of tho picnic on the church lawn
on Tuesday afternoon of next
was a
home of her
Mrs, Thompson.
Miss Evelyn Wright of London
spent the weekend at her home.
and coU-rteous service on all dead or
disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter
23§. .____________________________tfc
CATTLE—If you have cattle to ship
please notify Exeter Co-Op or R. B. Williams, telephone Kirkton 44-r-9.
Shipping every week. 5-7tfc
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Truman
Nancy Anne,
I. Ma-
called on friends
on Wednesday afternoon
of Co
in the
GROUND FLOOR apartment or
house, 2 bedrooms, all modern con-
veniences. Apply Times-Advocate. 6*
WANTED TO BUY — 25 tons good
mixed grain. —Sandy Elliot, phone
476. • 6c
Laverne Abbott
Monday visitors
G. Baynham and
on Sunday.-
and Mrs. Harris West
Lou, Mrs. T. Willis
Flossie Davey spent
ning. Numbers on
included a duet by
erine Hodgins and
man, a reading by
Hicks and a mock
ladies of the second line,
dulph, assisted by Mrs.
Royal. Apply 31 Elmwood Ave., Grand
Bend, phone 46. 6*
many beauti-
ancl expressed
a very fitting
Morgan anti
FOR RENT — Two-room furnished
apartment. Also a garage. —606 Wil-
liam St., Exeter._________________6*
UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, heated, hot and cold water. —Phone 180
Exeter.____ _____________________6*
ed, hot and cold water, centrally
located. Apply 130 John St. E., telephone 294-R,_________________7-16tfc
FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beayers Hardware, Exeter. ' tfc
All persons having claims against
the estate of Cecil Cameron MacGregor, late of the Township of
Stephen, in the County of Huron,
Trucker, who died on or about the-
Sth day of July, 1953, are required'
to file particulars of same with Messrs, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors,
of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day
of August next after which date the
estate will be distributed, having re
gard only to those claims of which
notice has been received.
BELL & LAUGHTONEXftter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Administratrix
All persons having claims against
the estate of John Wesley Heywood, late of the Township of Usborne, ir»
the County of Huron, who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1953,
are required to file particulars of
same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd-
day of August next, after which date
the estate will be distributed, having
regard only to those claims of which notice had been received.
Exeter, Ontario,
Solicitors for Executor.
granary, don’t take a chance of
spoiling your new grain. Call L. V.
Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter. 7-30tfc
DON’T TOLERATE FLIES when for $10 or ’$20 (according to the size of
your barn) you can be free of them for from 9 to 12 weeks. Or we have
Lindane for* sale at $2.75 a pound.
—L. V. Hogarth, telephone 266 Ex
stop winter worries. John Webster,
masonry, repairs, etc., plastering, —
Phone Exeter 297-W, 7-lG:23:30;8-6*
For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and
have it cleaned the French Cleaners
way. Pickup and deliver on Monday
and Thursday mornings._____!0-30tfc
IF YOU ARE A Turnip Grower, it
would be well to watch your turnips
every few days for aphids, as they are around right now! If you. want
your turnips sprayed for water core
be sure they are no larger than
your thumb. They can be sprayed
for aphids and water core at the same time. —L. V. Hogarth, phone
266 Exeter. ____ 7-23tfc
CUSTOM BALING, hay and straw,
Special price on quantity straw bales.
Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1. Hensall, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 23:30:6:13*
In August?
Not So Fbolisb
As It Sounds 1
STENOGRAPHER g- r a d e 2 - A for
Grand Bond detachment. Starting
salary $1,800 per annum. Apply civilian personnel officer, RCAF Station,
Centralia. .................... 6c
WOMAN WANTED to do general
Work at South Huron Hospital. Phone
Exeter 700. .................Gc
MEN! Here’s your opportunity to earn better than average Income
every week of the year soiling nationally advertised Watkins Products
in Rural Districts. Neither experience nor investment necessary. Training
supplied. Man between 25 and 55 with
ear preferred. For details without
obligation, write Dept. 0*14-6, J. R.
Watkins Co., 350 St. Roch St., Mont
real. 6:13:20c.
Try Our
___„ of
7, “
our dear grandson, Glen
who passed away Augu.s'l at the age of 4% years.
No one knows) how much
you,No one k. hows the bitter
We have suffered since we
Life has never been
To have, to love and
Is the greatest sorrow The yarn's may wipe oi
But this they wipe ................
The memory of those happy days
When we were all together,
—Sadly missed bi
by Grandpa an and family.
REEDER—Tn loving memory of
mer Reeder, who passed away year ago, August 6, 1052.With tears we watched you sin
We Watched you fade away,Wo attended you with loving earc
But could not make you stav, Wo Watched beside your bedsideAs lonely hours passed,
But how our hearts wore broken
When we saw you breathe last,
—Ever remembered by yourE t h e I , and daughters, Do,
Myrtle arid Maxine.
pain lost
to part
then ... ___
of one’s heart.
t many thli
nit never—
it ever remernbe
d Grandma Cl
Ladies are requested to
their picnic lunch with
Edna Brown of Toronto
weekend visitor at rhe
parents, Mr, aiid
in Exeter, capable of faking short* hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, The Exeter Times* Advocate,
...................... MOtfc
Select your Christmas
gifts now and by the
time Christmas c o m e s
along -you’ll have your
gift problems solved. We
will keep the article for
you and arrange easy
YOUNG WOMAN for light housowdrk
1n cheerful, healthy, modern home—
2 adults—no laundry—not a farm home—live In—good wages. Write Box
"M."* Times-Advocato. 30:6:13c
body shop melal worker, ’Wanted by
General Motors dealer, Apply Cunningham &. Robinson, strhthroy, tele
phone 470. 30:6*
Jack Smith
Phorte 510 Exeter