The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-08-06, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1953 NEW CROP NOW READY! Ewart R. Pym Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Phone 338-J Exeter Mr, and Mrs. Milton Brock and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock and family visited friends in Goderich Sunday and culled on Mrs, Pollock in Bayfield on their way home. Misses Ruth Ann and Lynda Dykeman are holidaying this week with relatives in Galt. Mrs. Henry Robertson, Mrs. Leslie Glennie and Mr, Clarence Glennie, of Galt, and Mrs. Wal­ ter Simon, of Detroit, Mich., spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykenmn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern and family visited Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Salmon, of Dashwood. Peter Dykeman. of Galt, spent the weekend with Paul Dykeman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dyke­ man and family,,of Galt, visited Sunday evening with Mr, a/id Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. Church service will be held August 16 at 10:30 a.m. Michael Cushman, of Exeter, visited Monday with Bruce Dyke­ man. Down ’-C By D. I. HOOPER This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Notice - Re Weeds | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to owners of sub- | divided portions of the Municipality of Huron that unless = all noxious weeds thereon are destroyed before the Sth = day of August, 1953, in accordance with the Weed Con- = trol Act, the Inspector, under authority given in Sections | 3, 7, 10 and 12 of the. Act, will cause the noxious weeds | or weed seeds to be destroyed, and the cost thereof will | be placed on the collector’s roll for collection in the same | manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. | W. R. DOUGALL, WEED INSPECTOR, | Municipality of Huron County. | FARMERS - - - ATTENTION = WANTED: A number of progressive farmers in Western dist- = ricts who would like to set out a commercial block of Red = Raspberries, either for your local trade or for shipping to = recommended city dealers. Recent Ontario-Quebec production | figures, prices at 30-50^ per quart and dealer reports would = indicate short supplies everywhere. = To encourage a limited planting of new high yielding patches, = a well known nursery is sending a special representative, of = many years experience in commercial production, to personally = interview and educate interested farmers in raspberry culture, = This should result in high unit yields, longer patch life, less = labor and, when translated in dollars, a high ratio of profit = is assured. = Because of the present shortage of good planting material, = bookings can only be made for Fall Planting 19.53, limited to = one acre. = If genuinely interested in berry .growing as a sideline to farm- = ing, write Box 4 00, Campbellford, Ontario, on or before Aug- | ust 10th, giving location of your farm. Our specialist will call = later and completely analyze the business, soil requirements E and preparation, up-to-date cultural practices, home markets E and surplus shipping, cost of planting, estimated yields and E profits per acre. Late replies cannot be covered. ................ .................. ........................iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii<iiiiiiiii<niiiiiyiimH........... . .............................................. . Get Them Cackling Early This Fall The Cackle of pullets is music to the poultryman’s ears be­ cause Oxide they start to cackle they start to pay their way. By the time -a pullet is ready to lay, she represents a con­ siderable investment in cash and in work. She will pay off that investment with interest quickly if slje is brought into production of larger eggs early when the egg market is strong. SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash will help do that job—full feed­ ing with SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash and scratch grain (50- 50) will bring your pullets into production earlier. 17% SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash ......................... $3.$O SHUR-GAIN Laying Mask ......................... $3.80 SHUR-GAIN Developing Concentrate .............. $5.75 SHUR-GAIN Egmaker Concentrate ................. $5/75 Cann's Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS Twilight (Continued) The beef market today is still fluctuating for no apparent rea­ son. The packers are working on supply and demand, according to Professor R. Campbell, Head of Economics, warned that be prepared ,__JJ_ _________ market put on a quota basis. Cattle numbers are at an all- time high in both Canada and U.S.A. Figures for U.S.A, are ap­ proximately 98,000,00i0. He saw some hope for higher consump­ tion of beef due to the increase of the price of pork. Beef and pork consumption seem to vary in accordance to their price re­ lationship. watching feed costs and good management still be a profitable busi- he maintained. Too many O.A.C. Guelph. He the farmers should to see the American By using could ness, farmers would seem to have for­ gotten how to make cheap beef gains. Grass is still the cheapest feed, and goodness knows we have lots of it in South Huron this year. Professor Campbell felt that the price of pork was also being controlled by a supply and de­ mand market. While in certain, circles, some men are taking much credit for the present day price, they really had little bear­ ing on it. Ontario’s hog price, as well as all Canada, is controlled by Western hogs. For the past 12 months hog numbers have been on the decrease in Western Canada. But during the past six months more sows and gilts been bred than the market rants. Western Canada will many of their hogs on Prairies where there is an abundance of feed grains still on the farms from the 1952 crop. The western farmer can’t get boxcar space to ship this grain so it is common sense that says they will begin to feed it to the large number of hogs being far­ rowed this summer in higher numbers than has been known for years. In the dairy industry he fore­ saw a fairly steady market, due to consumption being on the in­ crease; but he warned, that sub­ stitutes are still a large threat to this industry. Here again he stressed the cost of production «to show a larger margin of pro­ fit. Poultry still looked a good bet to Mr. Campbell, due to the de­ crease in numbers. Here he said there is no substitute to worry about. Dressed poultry and eggs are Sway out in front for price this year, more so at the pre­ sent time. Turkey is scarce this year due to a large decrease in numbers. In fact we have heard that one local turkey raiser is beef have war­ feed the over- Meeting already so full of orders that _ whole flock is ordered—not sold —for Xmas market now. That is What will make Xmas dinner a little more expensive this year if you must have turkey. Sheep numbers are increasing but we still have to import lamb and mutton to meet the demand and he foresaw no reason why sheep prices should experience any sharp declines. In fact, breeding stock will show strong demand. While Professor Campbell does not hold himself as an expert in market forecasting, he is in a position, with figures at his fingertips, to prove his state­ ments. He says economists have to stand a lot of fun being thrown their way, but they are usually no „ ’ the average man, We feel that he' covered this subject in businesslike manner and suggest that you make your own deci­ sion as regards your business but keep in mind M that influence the products. DID YOU KNOW? It will pay to pastures this fall, growth has depleted phosphor­ ous and potash more than you think. THIS WEEK — Vote Finish harvest After harvest cutivation pays Pick wax beans and cucumbers Raise the blade on the lawn­ mower Order fertilizer Give the family a holiday before school. his I Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny motored to Windsor on Saturday and spent the week­ end with the former’s brother and family. Messrs. Chester Gorvatt, of Granton, and Harold Willard, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of Gilfillan Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and Paul on a picnic to Lakeside Sunday. Mr. Jerry Grubbe is spending a week’s vacation with his pa­ rents at Greenock. Mrs. Newton Clarke rpent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tobey, also Messrs. William and Alf. Bye and Clarence Wilson, all of Owen Sound, were recent visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford were Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Ford, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of Wellburn, Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey and family, of Woodham, Miss Joy Whitlock, all of St. Thomas, Miss Dorothy Thomson, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family. Miss Kay Hay of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. F. Batten. W. Veal, Norma and Exeter, and Miss Donna accompanied Mr. and Pag# 5 Democratic DUTY And Privilege To VOTE 'Last Supper' Bend Exhibit Under the auspices of the local Lions Club, H. B. Maxey’s exact reproduction of the Lord’s Last Supper in wax works was on ex­ hibit at the beach over the week­ end and holiday. This reproduction took eleven years in building and cost over fifty thousand dollars. It was two years in the Toronto Exhibi­ tion. It is contained in a 33-foot refrigerator trailer, and each one was welcome to go through the trailer and view this wonderful work of art. No charge was made but a silver collection was taken to defray expenses and to aid in the Work of the Lions Club. Anyone who missed this dis­ play certainly missed something most inspiring and wonderful. The life-size figures of each dis­ ciple was so characterized and real that anyone who knew the Gospel story oould readily depict them without glancing at the names above each figure. Even the hands and fingernails were so lifelike and the faces so hu­ man in appearance that one could almost feel the disciples were right in our midst and one could speak with them as they passed through. , But the figure of the Christ, was more wonderful still to be­ hold. The eyes were so searching and wistful, and anyone who had a spark of grace in their heart could not but see the pleading in those eyes as he seemed to say "Come unto Me all ye who are weary of heart’’. The hair oh the head of this figure was natural human hair and each hair was put in separately and it well spoke the part of such care and patience. Quiet sacred music could be heard as one passed through and prayer was requested on entering and leaving for the boys over­ seas, and silence was requested while passing the figure of Our Lord for due reverence. Hundreds passed through the trailer during the three days frnd many were the comments which bespoke the feelings of the peo­ ple who witnessed the wonderful display, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Gunning visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith over the holiday weekend, Mr. Joseph Ravelie suffered a heart attack on Saturday evening but is resting quietly and a little easier at his home tow. a On August 10 * It Costs YOU Nothing To Vote! fertilize your the abundant THE PRESERVATION OF DEMOCRACY COST 100,000 CANADIAN LIVES IN OUR GENERATION many factors price of your wrong thanmore A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE David Allison Dies In West Mr, David Allison, of Roland, Manitoba, died on July 5 as the result of a severe stroke suffered the previous week. He was in his eighty-fifth year, and was born on the Allison homestead on Thames Road and went to the West as a young man. He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret, Hamilton, of Cromarty, two sons, Frank and Ross, and two daughters, Jean, at home, and Mrs. Mary Bartley, Roland, Man. A brother, John Allison, Thames Road, and a sis­ ter Margaret, Mrs. Robert Kydd, of Clinton, also survive. A son, William, predeceased son about a year ago. ■This advertisement sponsored as a public service by the Exeter Branch, Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. a®0 fg-J X'Hl •, J Hl V’J * 1 ---- Illustrated—Pathfinder 2-Door Sedan uiitidc No other car in the price range ft brackets can compare with Pontiac for all ’round value, dependability and advanced feature’s! That’s why Pontiac lias climbed to new peaks of popularity and public favor! Every one of the 29 beautiful models . . . every one of the five great series is completely new in all styling details, inside and out. . . every one is a masterpiece of engineering and craftsmanship. „ Visit your Pontiac Dealer now and learn of the extra comfort, beauty, safety and per­ formance that are yours with Pontiac; let him show you why more and more people are realizing that Pontiac is “Tops in Every­ thing But Price!” 29 BEAUTIFUL MODELS to choose from in five great series for 1953—Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe, Laurehtian, Chieftain and Chieftain Deluxe. NEW, FINER POWERGLIDE optional at extra cost on Lauren tian and Pa thfinder Deluxe series, offers new flashing acceleration, ecouomy and new over-all performance. DRAMATIC NEW DUAL-STREAK STYLING makes'Pontiac even more distinctive, more individual in appearance than ever! PONTIAC'S NEW power steering optional at extra cost on models equipped with Powerglide or Hydra- Malic transmission, is available to climinate’asinuch as 75% of the work of steering! SPECTACULAR DUAL-RANGE HYDRA-MATIC PERFORM­ ANCE optional at extra cost on Chieftain series, gives you better control than ever. Gives you the power you want, when you want it*. where you want it! ECONOMIZER REAR AXLE with automatic Trans­ mission reduces engine revolutions in Drive RTmge for more go on less gas. PONTIAC'S GREAT 8-CYLINDER ENGINE. General Motors’ lowest-priced eight and the most highly perfected engine in the industry! PONTIAC’S THRIFTY Six with dramatically increased horsepower to deliver thousands of smooth, economical miles, , . , . P-1453B B i | Zurich Pearson Motor Sales Ontario | I PONTIAC, BUICK SALES AND SERVICE I s 5