HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-08-06, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1953 Bob Cook Motor Sales Hensall, Ontario METEOR . MERCURY - LINCOLN News of Kirkton By MBS. FRED HAMILTON Hensail And District News Stop! Look! Buy Your New Car I Kent, weeks Alber- or - Good Used Car Here 1950 1950 1951 1947 1949 1946 1947 1948 1947 1949 1948 1939 1930 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET COACH HUDSON COM. SEDAN HUDSON COM. SEDAN FORD SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN FORD COACH CHEV FLEETLINE PONTIAC SEDAN MERCURY SEDAN FORD SEDAN CHEV SEDAN CHEV COUPE DODGE SEDAN CO. Personal Items Mrs. Bessie Roy, of Red Deer, Alta., visited with Mrs. Garnet Doupe and called on friends in the village. Mrs. E. H. Paul, of England, is spending three wit Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Garton, of ta, called on Mrs. R. Humphreys and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hum­ phreys. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hamilton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, of Goderich, spent the weekend at Lion’s Head with the former’s son, Rev. George Hamilton. Mr. Dick Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson, of St. Marys, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall and family are holidaying at their cottage at Red Bay, near Wiarton. Miss Doris Folley, of Guelph, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Folley. ■Kirkton W.T. The Kirkton Women’s Insti­ tute held an ice cream social in Kirkton United Church basement on July 31 with a good pro­ gram and a good attendance. Mrs. E. Paton and her committee were in charge. Cars Collide On Thursday, July 30 in front of Henderson’s egg grading sta­ tion a car driven by Harry R. Abell, Iroquois, which was travel­ ing east and a car driven by Wil­ liam Forrest, Hensall, backing away from the curb, collided. With Mr. Abell were his wife and another lady passenger. Mr. Forrest was alone. No one was injured. Constable Lee Oescli, of Hensall, who investigated, stated that damages to the Abell vehicle amounted to $150. Not much damage was caused to the For­ rest car." Personal Items Gerald Moir, an employee of Clipper Coach Mfg. Co., is in Victoria Hospital, London, suf­ lacerations to his The Story In Kippen By MRS, A. GACKSTETTER 1951 1947 TRUCKS MERC. 14-Ton PICKUP DODGE 34-Ton PICK­ UP The dean of a local institute of learning met his daughter in the hall at school one morning. "Good morning Rosalie,” he said pleasantly. "How is your father today?” NEW FLOORS Tile, Inlaid Linoleum & Hardwood We Specialize Tn Installation Of Tile Floors SEE THE NEW FLOREVER PLASTIC TILE (Grease and Acid-Resistant Flooring — Requires No Waxing) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Free Estimates FLOOR-SANDING Have Those Old Floors Sanded and Re-Finished Prompt and Efficient Service For ALL Your Flooring Needs Contact Us! T. and T. Flooring Co. Sales and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding PHONE 240 — ZURICH After 6 O’CIock Phone Zurich 50 Enjoy Running Water with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Kippen Gun Club At the Wednesday evening shoot, July 29, liain Lumby, of Goderich, high with 4 9 out of 50 the following other scores: Shot at 50: William Cooper, Kippen, 36; H. Mathers, Exeter, 44; Kipfer, Exeter, 36; Lloyd Venner, Hensall 40. Shot at 25: A. Gilbert, Gode­ rich, 24; C. Prouse, Goderich, 17; H. Prouse, Goderich, 20; J. Gilbert, Goderich, 23; Tom Allen, London, 16; William Kyle, Kip­ pen, 20; Chester Lee, Hensall, 23; John Anderson, Hensall, 21; Denomy, 17; William Hensall, 22. Doubles, bert, 1G; Prouse, 15; next shoot weeks. at Kippen, Wil- was with shot at 24: J. Gilbert, Tom Allen, will be held Venner, A. 16; 16. in Gil- H. The two Fann Home Ransacked The Beuu, mile broken into during Monday night and a safe ransacked, but no­ thing of •'value was taken. Pro­ vincial Constable Elmer Zimmer­ man, of Exeter, said that tele­ phone wires had been cut before entry was made. The thief or thieves entered a bedroom by smashing the window and remov­ ing the lower smashing the room door to the kitchen. ■Mr. Bell, farm home of No. 4 Highway, south of William a half Hen sail, ■was sash and then lock on the bed­ reach the safe in 88, convalescing from a lengthy illnesg, was stay­ ing with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell on the neighboring farm for the summer months. Mr. Bell discovered the break-in on Tuesday when he visited his house. Police said tracks of a truck or car led up to the win­ dow. as • prevent drought failure. Well watered vegetables are of better quality and command highet prices. TRUCK GARDEN Increase garden production much as fifty per cent . . fDURO1 WATER SWEMS IN THE KITCHEN Bathroom and Laundry .. . clean, fresh running water helps elimi- Personal Items Mrs. turned home after visitin'! relatives Marys. Miss training London, weeks’ vacation with her parents and friends. Mrs. L. Simpson, been confined to her the past two weeks by able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toronto, are vacationing with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Smillie. Misses Marion Irwin, of ham, and Phyllis Erskine, wood, were guests last with Miss Betty Mickle. Mr. Don Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bell, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Miss Betty Mickle and Miss Phyllis Erskine are guests this week with Miss Francis Gibb, of Wiarton. Service in Carmel Church last Sunday morning was conducted by Rev. W. J. Rogers. Mrs. James Bonthron rendered a pleasing solo and Mrs. C. Kennedy took the solo parts in the anthem. Services for August will be held in the United Church. Rev. J. B. Fox will be the minister for this month. Dr. and Mrs. D .J. McKelvie were in Toronto recently attend­ ing th© American Veterinary Medical Association held at the Royal York. Mrs. George Wakefield, Shel­ burne, is visiting with her daughter aijd son-in-law, Dr. and •Mrs. D.. J. 'McKelvie and family. , • Mr, William Hyde celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday Thurs­ day, July 23. Weekend visitors with Mrs. C. Mr. and Hed- Mrs. Sam, and N. Blatchford has re- g with and St.in Toronto Betty Mickle, at Victoria is spending nurse-in- Hospital, a three IN THE BARN Your cattle and all livestock are quickly watered «— you save time and labour — and get vital fire pro­ tection, too! V-8; ■33 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED EMCO Fixtures and Fittings modernize your kitchen, bath­ room and laundry . . . enjoy the comforts of better living: SEE US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION For Sale By ferjiig severe left hand, the result of an acci­ dent at the many stitches close the wounds caused when the hand became caught in the band saw. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, of Toronto, are vacationing here. Mr, and Mrs. George Hess quietly celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary and ob­ served the event by taking a trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hedden, Linda and Sam, of St. Catharines, are holidaying with the latter’s father and sister, Mr. Fred Ken­ nings and May. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaugh­ ton and Robert spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton and family in Dover. Mr. and Mrs. Connors son, of Albany, N.Y., visited week with Mrs. Connors’ brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell, of Windsor, were weekend visitors with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mr. Jack Carter and children, of Edmonton, Alta., and Mrs. William G. Bell, of Exeter, visit­ ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard, of London, were weekend visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mrs. A. Crerar and Allan were recent visitors with relatives at Listowel. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited last week with her daughter, Mr. and Schroeder. x Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, spent the their Mr. factory. A great were required to Port and this Mr. Larry day Mr Stokes and visited Sun- Stokes’ father, Thompson. Torrence, of Porter’s on Sunday with her Henry Ivison, Jean Ivison/ and Mrs. of London with Mrs. Robert Mrs. Reid Hill, visited father, sister, Mrs. Kansas, is visiting her son daughter-in-law, Mr. and Floyd Weeks. number from here attended Mr. Miss Emma Weeks, Pleasan- and ton, and Mrs. A the Witzel reunion recently held at Riverview Park in Exeter. Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman, of Lis­ towel, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Workman. Mrs. E. Dickert and Mr. Jack Dickert, of Clifford, visited on Thursday with the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. and Walter, visiting Mrs. Mrs. George other relatives. Miss Marlene Keyes, of near Bayfield, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. bert Jones. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert ed relatives in Kitchener day. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel j more Fred Parsons of London, are Parsons' mother, E. Thomson, and Her- visit- S un­ son-in-law and Mrs. Edward Campbell, of weekend and son and and Mrs. holiday with daughter-in-law, Neil Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. of Toronto, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Erb and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koeh- They were home by Mrs. has spent Harold Koeliler, ler. who has home for illness, is Shepherd, James Wing- of At- week Hedden and Herb were Vernon Hedden, George Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Russell den and Karen, Mr, and Lloyd IJedden, Linda and all of St. Catharines; Mr. Mrs. Harold Hedden and Jimmy, of Dresden. Miss Gladys Luker, who is recuperating from an operation, is improving nicely and expects to be home within weeks. Mr. and Mrs. have taken j up Strath toy. Visitors at the and Mrs. Robert Baker for holiday weekend wore Mr. Mrs. Ted Mason, of Barrie; and Mrs. William Brown daughters, of Egmondville; Austin Baker and children, Of Stratford, Mrs. Reta Charles, of London, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker, Mr .and Mrs. John Henderson and family spent the holiday weekend with relatives in Glen­ coe. Jean Lainmie, of Centralia, .is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. A. Lainmie, and her aunt, Greta. CpI. John Boer, of the RCAE Winnipeg', Mrs. Boer and little son are vacationing for August with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Door, Mrs. M. Hemery, of Carleton Flace, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. two Or three Ronald Moir residence home of in Mr. the and Mr, and Mr. accompanied Nancy Koehler the .past fewwho months here. Mrs. Amelia Ronnie are holidaying with tives at Delhi. Rev. John B. Fox, Mrs. and family have returned home from a month’s vacation at the Pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson and Mr. A. Simpson, of Toronto, enjoyed a motor trip to Mani- toulin Island last week. Mrs. J. Allen, of Toronto, was a recent visitor with Mrs. N. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne, of Detroit, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, and aunts, Mrs. Gra­ ham and Miss Katie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family, of Hamilton, visited last week with their fathers, Mr. John Elder and Mr. John Passmore. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, visited last week with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mr. and Mrs. and family left Brampton where up residence. Mrs. Jack Simmons ren returned home after spend­ ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Munn at Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. George Moir moved to the dwelling they pur­ chased from the estate of the late Miss Barbara Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, of Vancouver, B.C., are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. William Consitt. Mrs. A. McMurchy, of Ottawa, Mrs. Emily Boyle, Helen and Milton, of Toronto, spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle and family. . Miss Maureen Evans, of Goose Bay, Labrador, is visiting with the Misses Jean and Ruth Soldan and with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc­ Ewan. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Maja are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vlasblom of Toronto, formerly of Beyerland, Holland. They have been in Canada for 14 months. The visit is more interesting be­ cause they are from the home town of Mr. and Mrs. Roobol who have been in Canada six years. Mr. and Mrs. Vlasblom will be house guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roobol for 10 days. Miss Betty Mickle is holiday­ ing this week with friends and relatives in Stratford, Atwood and Toronto, Mrs. Layport, of Aberdeen, Washington, the former Martha Gilchrist of Hensall, with Mr. ' Laren. Mrs. J. Tiverton, Reid, of day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Wilson Allan won $50 and deoil Maxwell $25 at the bingo held at Seaforth Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard (nee Kay Bell) wore presented with a purse of money'at a reception held for them at Bayfield Pavil­ ion Thursday of last week, the affair was well attended. Mrs. Ernest Mortin, of Arthur, is visiting this with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan. Wilbert Parker, of Ohlsolhurst, was the purchaser of the Chisel­ hurst United Church shed sold by auction on Tuesday evening. The purchase price was $800. Wilbert will use the shed which adjoins his property as a wood workshop. Percy Wright was auctioneer and a good crowd attended. Schroeder Martin last they and rela- Fox Funk week for will take and child- Rare Plant Mr. William Pearce brought a rare specimau of plant to . the Wednesday morning. "Moses in the Bal­ is not difficult to how it came bv its T-A office Known as rushes”, it understand name, The rather long, stiff leaves are dark red o underside. The blossom is the unusual part of the plant, It is shaped like a cradle and is about the color of the underside of the leaves, and at one end, looking like a baby in a cradle, is a little white flower. Cud- visited recently with the latter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs. W. H, Stiles, in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren, of Preston, are spending 'this week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mrs. N. Long spent the week­ end in London at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Sparling. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Windsor, are visiting their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell. Mrs. Robert McBride is spend ing this week at Honey Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren spent Sunday with relatives in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Patricia and Terry, Stratford, spent Saturday with Mrs. Dins- dale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Services will be held in St. Andrew’s United Church here at 10 a.m. next Sunday and through­ out August with Rev. W. J. Maines, of Brucefield, in charge. and Mrs. George McFalls. Misses Mildred and Phyllis Weiberg spent Wednesday after­ noon with Janette Ann and Geraldine Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and family were -Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shap- ton. Mrs. Lillian Blair, of Exeter, attended the tea given by Mrs. Allie McFall in honor of her granddaughter, Bonnie Ellen, whose marriage takes place shortly, Miss Janette Blair is holiday­ ing with her grandmother, Mrs. Leo Flannigan, Sr., of London. Twenty-two members of the Blair family gathered at Turn, bull’s Grove on Sunday. Guests were present from Kitchener, London, Centralia, Exeter and Grand Bend. Dinner was served at 1 p.m. A happy day was spent by the members. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair, Jan­ ette Ann and Geraldine attended the Hartman-Flannigan wedding in London on Saturday. , Double Protection Against Fire! They’re on the job 24 hours every day! Your firemen fight the fire once it’s started , . ... your fire insurance pays for the destruction it causes. Make sure you have the protection of both! Phone: Office 24 Res. 16 2-J i W. Herman Hodgson “The Insurance Man” INSURE NOW FOR LATER Here Are Some TAX SAVINGS Under A 'Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON gave- a entitled, to the igave a “Mother’s So- Oud- _ __. , is a guest and Mrs. R, Y. Mc- Helm and family, of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Teeswater, spent Sun- family. Port week Honor Bride-Elect A very happy evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Charles Atkinson on Friday, July 31 when the neighbors on 'the second of Biddulph gathered to honor Miss Bonnie McFalls with a miscellaneous shower, prior to her marriage. The house was beautifully de­ corated with pink streamers and summer flowers. Mrs. Cecil Skinner acted as master of ceremonies for a varied program of music and readings. Mrs. Kay Elston and Miss Shirley Atkinson played piano solos. Mrs. Hazel Davis humorous reading "Grandmother’s Advice Bride.” Mrs. Skinner reading entitled, liloquy on a Man.” Mrs. M. H. Elston at the piano conducted a sing song. A mock wedding was perform­ ed by a number of ladies to the amusement of all present. The bride's father, Mrs. K. Weiburg, reluctantly gave the bride, Mrs. Maxine Weiburg, in bonds of matrimony to the bridegroom, Mrs. Kay Blair. The best man, Mrs. Charles Atkinson, the bridesmaid, Mrs. Iva Blair, and the flower girl, Miss Shirley At­ kinson, all presented an attract- ■ ive group in 'the presence of the parson, Mrs.' Kay Elston. To the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Elston, Bonnie was escorted to a decor­ ated chair by Miss Shirley Atkin­ son. An address was read by Mrs. M. Elston and Bonnie was pre­ sented with many beautiful gifts, tokens of remembrance of the "Second”. In her manner, ladies foi* she, will new home. After a sing song and 'a social visit, lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. M. H. Elston and Mrs. Charles Atkinson and their ■assistants. Personal Items Mrs. Len Purdie, of Hensall, spent Thursday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. L. Weiburg. Mrs. Ardab Isaac, of Forest, has been visiting with her brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will Isaac, for the past week. Mrs. William Vincent, Hubert, Harold and Maurice, of Dash­ wood, were recent visitors Mr, and Mrs. R. Heckman. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. George McFalls were and Mrs, Jack Kirkland family, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Weibreg and family were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rader and family, of’Zurich, and also attended >a picnic supper at the home of 'their uncle, Mr. Henry Weiberg, of Dashwood. Miss Berdine McFalls, R.N„ of Victoria Hospital, spent Tuesday dt the home of her parents, and. Mrs, Alex McFalls. Mrs. Irene Hicks, Bill Maxine, of Elint, Mich., spending a few days with gracious and charming Bonnie thanked the the delightful memoirs take with her to her with and Mr, and Mr, and Ard •Mt. CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT Income Tax Married Man Salary $3,000 Single Man, Salary $2,000 Now After August 10 $150.00 $150.00 Sales Tax Any One Spending $300.00 On Clothing, Shoes etc None $75. $30.None / Vote Cardiff And Save Money For Lower Municipal Taxes For Health Insurance, Prepaid Medical & Hospital Bills For Floor Prices For Farm Products For A Return Of British Markets VOTE CARDIFF A CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT BY SAVING TAX DOLLARS CAN IMPROVE OLD AGE SECURITY AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES i ! i I i