HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-30, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-AD VO CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 30, 1953 Parkhill Upholstry Recovering « Repairing Restyling Refinishlng Phone 165-w E. J, SHORTT Box 598 PARKHILL Report From Edgewood By MRS. ROY MOORE * Hensail And District News ........ Funeral Work Flowers OUR SPECIALTY If you have problems with your home plants, we will be glad to help you, No Charge for Re-Pottjng Plants CUT FLOWERS Always on Hand Reder's Flowers Fergusons Unite At Springbank Nearly 100 of the Ferguson relatives met in Springbank Park. London, recently for their annual reunion. A delicious din­ ned and supper was served by the table Of sports and Mrs. HensaJl, and Mrs. Norman Fer­ guson, of Staffa. Prizewinners were well, London; Carol Ilderton; Gail Atwell, Joanne Carter, Clandeboye; Billy Jaques, Kirkton; Donald Par­ sons, Kippen; Marie Carter, of Clandeboye; Pauline Atwell, Lon­ don; Harold Parsons, Gerald Parsons, Kippen Ferguson, - Bryanston; ] man Ferguson, Staffa; sei Ferguson Atwell, Exeter; Marys; Thames Whalen Th am es Tomlinson Roofing Contractors Bonded Roofers Children Using Rec Facilities Mr. tion that from the village and community are taking advantage of the new swings, teeter - totters, slides, volley ball and basketball courts recently erected at the Commun­ ity Park. Miniature golf and horseshoe courts will be erected in the near future. Motion pic­ tures are shown in the Arena every Friday morning and the children will enjoy hikes. Hours are from 10 to 11:30 and to 4:30 p.m. Personal Items. Miss Pauline Bell spent last week with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard, of London. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard (nee Kay Bell) will be held at the Pavilion, Bayfield, Thursday night, July 30. Miss Gwendolyn Britton, of Dublin, spent a few days this week visiting with her grand­ mother, Mrs. Hannah Workman. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family returned home from a month’s vacation at Schade Grove, Lake Huron, Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in- training> of London, visited dur­ ing the past week with her pa­ rents, Mr. and " " -- - - Mrs. Erail Mich., visited her son-in-law and Mrs. Ken Mr, and Mrs. Donald Walker, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and daughter, of London; Miss Olive Walker, R.N., of St. Petersburg, Fla., were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. Kenneth Elder and sons and' Mrs, Erail Oliver, of Baraga, Mich., motored to Kingston to visit relatives there this week. Miss Stitt, of London, visited during the past week with Mrs. A, L. Case. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barrett and Judith, * of Yonkers, N.Y., and Miss Lauretta Bell, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Faber and Joyce. Miss Olive Walker, R.N., left for her home in St. Petersburg, visiting and Mrs. The Story In KippenMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Garrett and family spent Sunday at Ip- perwash. Mr. Don Middleton spent a few days at Quebec this week. Miss Barbara Zuball spent a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuball Sr., and family.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton | returned home spending a few Mr. and Mrs. lene and boys with Mr. and and family. Relatives from Toronto called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zu­ ball. The wheat is nearly all cut, except what is being combined. Threshing has been started and some barley is cut. Mr. Earl Middleton is the first in the community to start thresh­ ing wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore and girls visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pye in London. Mr. Joseph Zuball Sr. and fam­ ily spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zuball Jr. and family. Miss Olla Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster visited on Sunday evening in London with Mr. and Mrs. T. Pye. Wednesday after days up north. Bill Bendall, Dar- visited Saturday Mrs. Roy Moore lift Main Street Phone 761-W EXETER One Used C.C.M. Balloon Tired ybur aluminum today? New Tires, Tubes and Fenders Equipped with Speedometer and Kickstand BARGAIN AT ANY PRICE See Our Wurlich Line Of Trecycles - Wagons Chances are you have, because practically everything we eat — grains, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs — contains aluminum. This is not surprising, since one-eighth of the earth’s crust is aluminum. Aluminum is most readily avail­ able commercially, however, in the form of bauxite ore. Alcan ships this ore from South America to feed its pot lines at Arvida, Isle Maligne, Shawinigan Falls and Beauharnois, P. Que. When the huge new Kitimat development is completed in B.C., refined ore will be shipped up the West Coast from South American or other abundant sources. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). Fp'■ 'iw : Robert Reabnrn, reerea- director, stated recently, approximately 50 children By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER 1:30 Irish Trebles Mixed Jitney Results of the Irish Trebles mixed jitney held on the local bowling green Thursday night are: Cecil Vanhorne, skip, Mrs. Lome Luker, William Henry, lead, two wins plus 6; A. Kers- lake, skip, Hugh Love, lead, Lome Luker, one win plus 4; John Henderson, skip, Mrs. G. Thompson, lead, Wes Venner, one win. Mrs. spent Earle Personal Items Mrs. Cecil Kaiser and Lila Kaiser, of Toronto, the past week with Mrs. Sproat at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. Mrs. C. S. McLean, London, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean Bill Jr., of Hamilton, were visitors with Mrs.- Sproat. Miss Kathryn Sells, London, was a weekend house guest with Mrs. Agnes .Lammie and Greta. Mrs. William Pepper was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison and Patsy, at Waterford. Mr. and and Mary two weeks Mr, and left Tuesday morning for a six- weeks vacation with their daugh­ ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spray and family, of Edmonton. They will also visit with relatives of Mr. Geiger’s at Vancouver and Sacramento, Cal. Mr. George Ibbotson, of Kin­ cardine, recently visited with his mother, Mrs. William Pepper, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard and family have arrived home after a month’s vacation spent in Kelowna, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Art Dunlop and daughter, of Kincardine, recent visitors with Mr. and William Pepper. Miss Marilyn Eyre and Maja Roobol have returned spending an enjoyable week’s vacation at Ridgetown. Postmaster Cecil Kipfer is on vacation. Mrs. Lawrence Bayn- ham is relieving during his ab­ sence. Mr. E. R. Shaddick, who has been a patient at South Huron District Hospital, Exeter, with a heart condition, is improving nicely and expects to be able to sit up the first part of this week. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin are vacationing for at Schade View. Mrs, Edmund Geiger were Mrs. Miss after' IN HURON ELECT Andrew Y. McLEAN FOR CONTINUED LIBERAL PROSPERITY! Facts from the Liberal Record Old Age Pensions For AH Expanding Health Services Expenses Cut by 237 Million in 1953 Income Taxes Cut 11% National Debt Reduced 2^284 Million (30%) in 7 Years 63 Million a Year Saved on Interest Payments ♦ Agricultural Exports 3% Times as Great as in 1948 Farm Cash Income Increased 2^ Times in 5 Years Worked for National Security; Forces Serving1 in Far East and in Europe to Preserve Peace Liberal Action Beats Lavish Promises FOR THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE VOT E Mrs. E. L. Mickle. Oliver. Baraga, this week with and daughter, Mr. Elder. Fla., on Monday with her parents, George Walker. Mr. and and family, the weekend with Mrs. Gooding’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn. Mr. and Mrs. William Hyde, Miss Joyce Faber and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barrett and Judith, of Yonkers, N.Y., are holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drysdale spent a few pleasant days vaca­ tion in Ottawa and Montreal. Mr. baby, with’ Annie Jimmie Smale is holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Quance, at Staffa. Sgt. James and family, recently with Richardson. Miss Margaret Campbell, Lon­ don, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, and Mrs. Glen Koehler. after Mr. Mrs. of ’Parkhill, spent Don Gooding and Mrs. Al. Pearson and of Toronto, are holidaying Pearson’s mother, Saundercock. Mrs. Stokes, Mrs. Stokes of London, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wes Mr. Some men wake up to themselves famous; others up all night and become notor­ ious. • find stay Broad Riot Reunion About 35 relatives- of the Broadfoot family met recently at Springbank Park, London. Those attending from Kippen were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot Margaret Jean, Mr. and Jack Dietz and Garry. Personal Items A large number from attended the McBride reunion recently held in Jowett’s Grove, Bayfield. Mr. and 'Mrs. Nicholson, of Anroid, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Robert McBride and other rela­ tives in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and family attended the Ferguson reunion at Springbank Park, London, re­ cently. Mrs. Albert Anderson, Upsil- anta, Mich., is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. relatives. ■Mr. and and children, of Detroit, visited recently with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Miss Marilyn Eyre is spending a week at Ridgetown. Mr. Elston misfortune to his elbow and cast. Sunday visitors with Mrs. N. Dickert were Mrs. Anson Wolfe and Melborne; Mr. Meier and Doug, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, of Clifford. Miss Carolyn Gackstetter, of near Exeter, is visiting her cousin, Gail Ann Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, with Mrs. R. Dinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi­ son, of St. Thomas, weekend with the and sister-in-law, W. L. Meilis. Mr. and Mrs. and family, of the weekend with Mrs. Pinkney’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs, N. Long were Mrs. Wyman Spar­ ling, of London, accompanied by Mrs. George Thompson, I-Iensall. Miss Saunders, who has been visiting with Mrs. McClymdnt, left on Tuesday for her home in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gack­ stetter and family and little Judy Price, of near Exeter, visit­ ed on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter. and Mrs. here and Mrs. E. Dawson Winder , and other Mrs. Miller McConnell summer Dawson break a has his camp at had the bone in arm in a Mr. Mr. Grant, of and Mrs. Allan and and visited on Saturday i, spent the latter's brother Mr. and Mrs. Lome Pinkney Toronto, spent. Topics From Crediton By MBS. J. WOODALL committee. A full line was directed by Mr. Russel Ferguson, of Sylvia At- Ashworth, St. Marys; , Kippen; l; Howard Mrs. Nor­ Mrs. Rus- llensall; Austin London; Roy Ferguson, Mrs. Elmer Atwell, St. Mrs. William Ferguson, Road; Ernie Ferguson, William Ferguson, of Roa d; Mrs. Howard Ferguson, Tliamesford; Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Kippen. The 1954 reunion will be held at Springbank Park, London, with the following officers: president, Joe Carter, of Clande­ boye; secretary-treasurer, Austin Atwell, committee, Mr. Ferguson, Hensall; Mr, Roy Ferguson, Exeter; Mrs. Elmer Atwell and Mrs, Lome Atwell, St. Anderson Reunion The fifth Anderson LIBERAL in HUI Issued by Huron Liberal Association Mrs. Sylvester Lockman Mrs. Sylvester Lockman (nee Myrtle Sweitzer), a former Credi­ tor! resident, passed away in Guelph last week in her forty­ seventh year, after a short ill­ ness. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and five children; also her father, Mr. Ed Sweitzer; one sister and one brother. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horney and two sons of Ridgeway spent. Sunday with their aunt and un­ cle, Mr. and Mrs, William Motz. Miss Joanne I-Iorney, who has spent the past month here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Motz, returned to her home in Ridgeway on Sunday. Mrs. John Baird of London is Visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Sims’, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer of Exeter and Mr. Ed Sweitzer at­ tended the funeral on Tuesday. Members of the Evangelical W.S.W.S. attended a joint meet­ ing in Zurich on Thursday when the Zurich society entertained the Crediton and Dashwood societies. Members of the Young Ladies’ Class of the United Church, with their teachers, Mrs. J. Woodall and Mrs. S. King, enjoyed a very pleasant outing at Grand Bend on Thursday evening. Registrations numbered 58 at the opening meeting of the Vacation Bible School Monday morning. Rev. E, N. Mohr and Rev. W. C. Parrott are being Uy lii&iiy fElit/liftil lidpGrS. The closing meeting will be held on Friday evening, August 7, ■to Which the public is invited. Miss Bernice Haist, of the Bell Telephone staff, is on vacation, and, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Haist, left on Saturday for Ortonville, Mich., Where they visited With Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzman, after which they left for the Canadian west, where they Will spend three weeks sight-seeing and visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Listoen and son are spending a few wfeekS at Mrs. Isaac week with Strathrby. Mr .and Mrs, Ervin Eggert, of Greenway, visited Thursday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sinclair. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Sinclair were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heaslip and /amily, of Hamilton. Mi*. William Roeszler is coti- fine to his bed through illness. | His many friends wish him a the Haist home. Gower visited last her daughter in at speedy recovery. Mrs. E. M. Mohr spent' -a few days last week with her daugh­ ter in Elmira. Weekend visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Mohr were Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, of Pembroke. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Green and daughter, Mariam, of Mont­ real, are visiting this week with Mr., and Mrs. Charles Green. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist and family, of Kitchener, spent a few days with the former’s pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Faist. Miss Pauline Faist, of London, is holidaying at the home Of parents. •Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Faist sons of St, s,Thomas spent a days this week with Mrs. Faist. Mrs. Ada Kuhn, Kitchener, was a weekend guest with Mrs. Faist. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leary, of Royal Oak, Mich, spent the week­ end with relatives here. Mrs. Samuel Lamport, who recently returned from turned to her them. . Miss Maleeda _.Beatrice Tate, of Waterdown, are holidaying at Manitoulin Island. Mrs. W. Sisson and •Montreal, are visiting Sisson’s parents, Mr. Lloyd England. Mr, Jith Parkinsin, Borden, spent the weekend at his home here,' Mr. visited of Mr. son. Mrs. spent Mary Wein Mrs. F. and don, with all. Miss Elizabeth of Highland Park, on Thursday with Clarence Fahrner. Mr, and Mrs, Austin Fahrner, of Toronto, are spending a por­ tion of their vacation with the former’s parents, E, K. Fahrner. Sunday visitors Mrs. S. S. Wuerth Mrs. R. Blackwell Monkton; -Mr. Wuerth and _____ ___ Frederick Wuerth, of London, After spending some time In London, Mrs. Florence Speirln has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade, Me and Mrs. George Cole, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William OestrJcher. her and few M. California, re­ home here with Schenk and Mrs. family, of with Mrs. and Mrs. of Camp and Mrs. J. McCormick on Sunday at the home and Mrs. C. W. Parkin- Bella Finkbeiner, Exeter the weekend with Mrs Reeder, of Centralia Mrs. Thomas Wilson, LOn spent a few days last week Mr. and Mrs,Joseph Wood R.N., Visited Deinum Mich., _ _ Mt, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. With Mr. were Mr, and family, of and Mrs. Glen family and. Mr. and ahd Appliers of Felt, Gravel and Built-up Roofing and Hot Asphalt Coating PHONE 59 DUBLIN, ONT. .......................................................................... ................................................................... ✓g UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFIT PAYMENTS CONTINUED DURING ILLNESS NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION You gave him this job to do Published by authority of HON. MILTON F. GREGG, Minister of Labour EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3rd, 1953 V RESULTS! Mrs. London; table and Mrs, Lloyd and Mrs. Mr. and Mr. and Marys. reunion was held at Pine Grove Park, Pt. Huron, Mich., on Sunday, July 26. Sixty attended. Those attending from Kippen and vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Anderson and family, Kathryn and Keith Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and family, Mrs. Windor and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Upshall and Gerald and Mr. and Mrs.-Eldon Kerr, of Seaforth, f Benefit will be paid for days of illness, injury or quarantine, if claim has been filed and waiting and non-compensable days served. If you are on claim and are unable to report because of illness, injury or quarantine, write immediately for full particulars to the nearest In 1949 the Canadian people expressed their confidence in St. Laurent and the Liberal program. This glance at the record reveals some of Canada’s tremendous accomplishments under St. Laurent?s leadership. No other country has fought a war, balanced its budget, reduced its debt, cut taxes—all at the same time. Now there’s another big job ahead. And Louis St. Laurent has proved that he, more than ever, is the Canadian best fitted to do the job. Promoting employment and prosperity Developing our trade Expanding our Industry Strengthening our dollar Supporting farming and fishing Fostering good labour conditions Working for National Security i 1/ More Canadians working, for higher pay, than ever before .. .’New records established in national production, national income every year since 1$>49. Old markets expanded, new marketsTopened up ;;; Canada third largest trading nation in world .,. External trade at all-time high ... Negotiated mutual tariff concessions with 34 countries — a practical way . of freeing international trade. Liberal policies have encouraged rapid economic growth ... Unprecedented development of resources ... Consumer purchases doubled since the war .,. Investment in new plants and equipment running over $5 billion a year. Budgets balanced ... National debt reduced . t; Inflation brought under control... Taxes lowered. s Canadian dollar strong. These basic industries aided by trade agreements, floor prices ... New low-cost insurance plan assists owners of smaller fishing vessels .. . Farm production' and income at record levels. & ' New federal legislation prohibits discrimination On grounds of race, colour or religion *.. Unemployment insurance extended to cover seasonal lay-off of workers .;. Special efforts to help disabled workers to find useful and satisfying employment*.. Time loss from strikes at low point. To prevent aggression, Canada’s forces serving in Far East and Europe . . . Canada making major contribution to NATO defence build-up ... Largest peacetime defence program in our history ... Full support to United Nations .. * all to preserve peaces ST. LAURENT VOTE AGaerit Leader f&t aGaeofet QuwudiL- NATIONAL LIBERAL FEDERATION OF CANADA