HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-23, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1953 Mr. Herold Sutton, who has been confined to Brantford Gen­ eral Hospital for several weeks, is now improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Warren May and ifamily motored to Newcastle, N.B., to visit Mrs. May’s parents. Mrs. Orville Cann underwent an operation last Tuesday at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Miss Alice Handford is visiting with her niece, Miss Lillian Handford, at Renfrew. Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coining Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 24 and 25 Against All Flags X Errol Flynn ic Maureen O’Hara Photographed in technicolour, this is a seventeenth century swashbuckling melodrama. MONDAY & TUESDAY July 27 and 28 Jeopardy ★ Barbara Stanwyck A Barry Sullivan This is a taunt suspense melo­ drama . . . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 29 and 30 Ten Tall Men 4- Burt Lancaster Jody Lawrence Technicolour action melodrama that is a terrific entertainment! Save I Waste Paper | Exeter Lions Club Will Conduct a Waste Paper Drive | on | « WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 | Proceeds Will Be Used for Welfare Work I Your Cooperation in Saving Your Waste | Will Be Appreciated Exeter Lions Club 5 Quartet To Appear In Dashwood A vocal quartet from Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, will present a concert of sacred music at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, on Friday evening, July 24, at 8:30 o’clock. The Concert consists of selection appropriate to the work and per­ sons of the Holy Trinity. Among the numbers they will sing are works from the musical heritage of the Lutheran _Church by J. S. Bach and J. G. Franck. Members of the quartet are preparing for the Holy Ministry of The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. The concert here is part of a twelve-week tour which will include appear­ ances in sixteen eastern and upper midwestern states, and eastern Canada. Members of the quartet are Edgar Trinklein, Austin Texas; Lonnie Lassmau, Humbolt, Kansas; Dale Hansen, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Robert Seitz, Fort Dodge, Iowa. The publis is cordially invited to hear this quartet. (adv’t) Dancing | at the = Exeter Arena j ON THE NEW TRAP-ROCK FLOOR j I on I Friday, July 24 The Ranch Boys | FROM CKNX 1 s Modern and Old Time j I Admission 750 Dancing 1%4 | < s Sponsored by the Arena Floor Campaign Committee f Mr. and Mrs. Art Cann spent their vacation in Muskoka. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson and sons, Michael and Peter, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. A. Brierly and other relatives. Dr. Jackson is professor of Educa­ tional Research at the University of Toronto. Mrs. Leonard Dilkes returned to her home on Saturday from Victoria Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation. She is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frankin. of Hamilton, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. D. Ethering- ton, and family. JUST A REMWDER! Geoff Single Slack Bennett on CAN YOU NAME IT! are calling EXETER All this week! USIEN TO 980 CFPl LONDON at 1 p.m, daily Town Topics—^ Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Tiines-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. \Ve and our readers are interested in you and your friends, Tel. 770 Mrs. W. Marshall and Miss Kay Plumtree of Clinton are holiday­ ing this week in Ottawa, Quebec City and Montreal. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Powell., were Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll and family and Mr. Fred Smith, Sar­ nia, Mr. Marton Powell, Bob Roberts and Glen Powell of Arva and Rev. F. E. Drysdale, of London, Rev. and Mrs, E. Livingstone, Windsor, visited with Mrs. Maude Heywood last Thursday evening. Mrs. Harry Elworthy is ser­ iously ill at her home on Main Street. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Richardson and children, Barbara and Don­ ald. of Sarnia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May. Miss Betty Coates, Mrs. Mar­ garet Fletcher and Mrs. James Irving, of Grenfell, Sask., left on Tuesday on a trip to New York, Cape Cod, Boston, Ocean Grove and Ashbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Carfrey Cann and family enjoyed a two-week holi­ day at Peninsula Lake in the Muskoka district. Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Personal Items The Zion West Sunday School will hold their annual picnic on Friday, July 24 at 6 p.m. at Stratford Park. Mr. John Davidson, from a mission field in the west, was guest speaker at Zion United Church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clif Jaques and Yvonne attended the Lingard re­ union Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturdy, of London. Mr. and Mrs. William Moores, of Rannoch, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Master Gene Spence, of Metro­ politan, is spending a few days with Larry Hern. The Young People held their meting Monday, July 20 with 10 members present. Edward Hern and R oy Dykeman were in charge of the program on “Missions and World Outreach”. Paul Dykeman attended YPU Goderich Summer School last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern spent the weeeknd with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, of Grimsby. Mr. Warren Brock has been quite’ ill but is a little better now. Miss Jean Dickenson is spend­ ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ogle, of Strathroy. The families of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knox, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern met for a picnic on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern last Sunday. W.M.S. The Zion. W.M.S. entertained the W.M.S. of Elimville, Whalen, East Zion and Woodham at the church Tuesday, July 14. East Zion ladies had charge of the worship service. The programme consisted of a poem by Mrs. Douglas Doupe and an instrumental by Bessie McCurdy, of Woodham; a poem by Mrs. Harold Bell and a solo by Mrs. Robert Reilly, of Elim­ ville; a piano duet by Mrs. Duf­ field and Mrs. Pullen and a flute solo by Mrs. R. Squires, Whalen. Mrs. Calhoun, guest speaker, took “Peace” as her topic. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 24 and 25 •fc Cornel Wilde “TREASURE OF THE GOLDEN CONDOR” Constance Smith ★ Finlay Currie Romance, action and adventure on a grand scale ... A must to see for tops in thrills! SELECTED SHORTS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY & TUESDAY July 27 and 28 “APRIL IN PARIS” (Technicolor) ★ Ray Bolger ★ Doris Day As lilting as Paris Id spring— with the incomparable Doris Day. NEWSREEL WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY July 29 and 30 “MEMBER OF THE WEDDING” ★ Ethel Waters ★ Julie Harris ★ Brandon De Wilde A compelling, tender story of the broadway stage success . . . . CARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORTS Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor left on Wednesday for a motor trip to North Bay. Mr. C, J. Patterson and Marion of Detroit visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Mrs. Patterson returned home with them after visiting for a week with relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling and Jimmy returned on Monday from a holiday at Sharbot Lake. Jackie visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Motz, at Crediton. Mr. B. W. F, Beavers and Mrs. Myrtle Brown had as visitors last week Mr. and Mrs. George Eac- rett, Brantford, Mr, and Mrs, John Reynard, Huron, Ohio, Mrs. Ida Sovereign, Toronto, Mrs. Ray Nethercott, Mr. and Mrs. W.- R. Kirkby, Blanshard, and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fearman, Miss Fearman and Mrs. Mitchell, all of Caledonia. Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Cobbledick Reunion The tenth annual reunion of the Cobbledick family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington, July 19, with 7*0 in attendance from Strathroy, Sarnia, London, Strat­ ford, Shakespeare, Clandeboye, Munro, Lucan, Hamilton and British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert, of Whalley, B.C., -came the farthest, Mrs. Cora Carter, Clandeboye, was the eldest guest and Kathryn Allen, of Munro, the youngest child attending. Arnold Cunningham, of Lucan, was named president for 1954 with Mrs. Allen Oehm, Stratford, as secretary. Forty-Two Children Attend Dashwood Vacation School A two weeks’ daily vacation Bible school at Calvary Church, Dashwood,-closed on Friday', July 17. It was conducted by Rev. W. F. Krotz, with the assistance of several workers of Calvary Church. Forty-two were enrolled and the average attendance for the two weeks was 3 8. ( Four courses were taught. Miss Joyce England tauight the kindergarten children the course, “Enjoying God’s Gifts”; Miss Nancy Tieman taught grades one and two children “Stories About Jesus”; Misses Ruth Schade, Pat­ ricia Stelck and Donna Eagleson taught the grades three and four children “What God Does For Us”; Rev. Mr. Krotz taught grades five and six children “The Life of Jesus”. Singing, flannelgraph and still slides also contributed a part of the daily instruction. A number of the mothers visited the school Friday morn­ ing before it closed. Bride Honored About 30 friends and relatives surprised Miss Bernice Tyler, bride-elect of Saturday, at a shower held on the lawn at Mr. and Mrs. Fred „Weiburg's Friday evening. The evening was spent in play­ ing bingo followed by a mock wedding. Mrs. Stanley Dinney, of Exeter, was the minister. Mrs. Mrs. Aaron Restemayer the bride, Mrs. Percy Willert the groom, Mrs. Lome Devine brides­ maid, Miss Vera Weiburg grooms­ man, and Miss Eulene Keller the bride’s father. Miss Grace Keller and Lana Keller carried in a decorated basket of gifts while Miss Vera Weiburg read the address. Salmon Reunion The Salmon family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clifford Salmon with a roll call of 56. After a dinner of roast chic­ ken sports were enjoyed by all. Members were present from St. Thomas, St. George, London and Thorndale. President Mr. John Parkinson and secretary Mrs. Hubert Sal­ mon were re-elected officers. Attend Convention Mr. Arthur Saar, of the Laurentian District, and the Misses Marilyn Krueger, Strat­ ford, and Margaret Becker, of Dashwood, both of the Blue Water zone, are attending the sixtieth anniversary convention of the International Walther League being held in Chicago this week. Personal Items Mrs. Harry Kraft, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kitchen and family, of Toronto, visited the Misses Pearl, Susan and Marie Kraft for a couple of days last week. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh. Miss Carolyn Kraft, of London, spent her vacation with Miss Jane Restemayer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dempster and children, of Toledo, Ohio, spent a few days With Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader last week. They also visited at Alvin Rader’s and Oscar Miller’s. Mr., and Mrs. Edwin Miller and family spent their vacation with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Neeb, at Wellesley. Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Schulze, of Detroit spent the weekend with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp. Miss Connie Klumpp, who spent two weeks in Detroit, returned home With them, Mrs. James Hay ter attended a trousseau tea for her cousin Miss Jocolyn Vincent, of Goderich, on July 16 and assisted in pouring tea. Mrs. Wendell Gamble and Gary, of London, siient a fetv day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr. Gatnblb speftt the weekend here. Baby Baptized The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Christie received the name John David recently when the Rev. J. L. Pottruff, of North Hill United Church, Calgary, per­ formed the rite of baptism. The baby was dressed in a hand - made christening gown, worn by his mother and grand­ father. Following a private service, an informal luncheon was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christie for a number of guests, Amonig the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair, Exeter, Ont., fraternal grandparents. Mrs. Joe Hodge, Joanne and Jeanette returned to Detroit on Sunday after spending last week with their aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Miss Ruth Corsant, of London, is spending her vacation with her cousins, Gordon and Eric Brown. Miss Jeanette Steeper spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tweddle of West Mc­ Gillivray. Mrs. Jerry Brophey, Parkh'ill, spent the weeeknd with Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Steeper, of Sarnia, visited Sunday with friends here. A number of ladies from the Anglican and United Churches enjoyed a bus trip to Welland, Fort Erie and Niagara Falls last Thursday. Mrs. Levina Kennedy, Bad Axe, Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Merner and Joyce, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with relatives here. Joyce is staying for two weeks. On Friday evening, July 24 at 8:30 p.m., the quartette of young men, “The Seminary Four”, from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is presenting a program of sacred music in Zion Lutheran Church. Miss Marian Rader attended the Kowalchuk-Gill wedding at Grand Bend Saturday. Gary Arnotte Lloyd Gamble was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday morning by Rev. Louis Higinell. Mr. Les Goetz, of Chicago, is visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goetz. The Misses Lois and Betty Gaiser, of London, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mrs. D. Haugh was pleasantly surprised Friday evening when her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren all gathered at her daughter’s, Mrs. Cora Gaiser, to celebrate her eighty- first birthday. Sunday visitors with Rev. Krotz were Mr. N. B. Krotz, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wolfe, of Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopcroft, Michael and Alma, of Shannon Park, Nova Scotia, visited with-' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopcroft. Mr. Gerald Holland, of Halifax, N.S., accompanied them here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopcroft and Bobby, of Fort Erie, spent a couple of days last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Bobby is staying for his va'cation. •Mr. and Mrs. Art Koessel, their three daughters and Marilyn Mastervido, all of Lansing, spent the weekend with Mrs. Koessel’s mother, Mrs. J. Kuntz and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. On Sun­ day they held a family gathering at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz to celebrate Mrs. J. Kuntz’s eighty-fifth birthday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. Piefer was her sister, Mr. and Mrs. David Baird, of London. Mrs. Piefer’s sister, Mrs. L. Sturgeon, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sturgeon and son, of Simcoe, called on her Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton and family, of London, are spending two weeks’ vacation with the latter’s mother, Mrs. R. Willert. Miss Susan Kraft was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Monday by the Hoffman 'ambu­ lance where she underwent an operation. Mrs. Graham Arthur and Tommy, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holland, from Ingersoll, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hop­ croft. Master Alex Becker spent last week in Kitchener with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel. Mrs. Mary Becker is spending a couple of weeks with her ^laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel. Miss Marilyn Climas, of Lon­ don, and Miss Connie Spellman, of Kitchener, are holidaying with Mary Jane Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman spent a couple of days in Toronto last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mclsaac and sons, of Detroit, have re­ turned home after vacationing here, Mr. and Mrs. Spear and family, of Detroit, hr© spending their vacation with Mrs, Lnoinda Mc­ lsaac. Miss Mary Ahn Haytcr was flower girl at the Griffiths-Vin­ cent wedding at Goderich, July 18. News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Clark of Thorndale, Miss Beth Facey of Welburn spent a few days with her cou­ sins, Ruth, Clare, Very! and Jeanette Hooper, of Blanshard. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langford and family of Woodham spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha, of Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mowat Driver of Zion East. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, Carl and Edwin spent Sunday at Bi­ mini camp. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Mills and family of Prospect Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson. Marion returned with them to spend a week with her cousin, Linda Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford. H—. ..... . . ....... i. . . --------fl Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memoriam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are .75. ■-----------------------------------—■ DEATHS REID—At Port Stanley, on Tuesday, July 21, 1953, Flossa Mae Sweet, beloved wife of the late Dr. John Reid, and mother of Mrs. Elwood (Ola) Thomas, in her sixty-fifth year. BIRTHS COUGHLIN — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coughlin, Exeter, are happy to an­ nounce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Kay; a sister for Jacque­ line; at South Huron Hospital on July 10, 1953. STURDY — Jean and Gordon Sturdy (nee Jean Hern), 933 Lome Ave.. London, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter (Linda Charmaine) on July 8, 1953. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Fern Love wishes to thank her many friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Jo­ seph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Smith of Grand Bend. 23c I wish to extend deep gratitude and humble thanks for the many kind at­ tentions shown me following my acci­ dent by my good neighbors and friends, also to all who called, sent cards and brought treats.' — Mrs. Myrtle Cook. 23* Miss Margaret Anderson wishes to thank her many friends for cards, treats and flowers sent to her while she was a patient in St. Joseph’s and South Huron Hospitals and since returning home. 23c Mr. Clinton R. Brown wishes to thank .all those who remembered him with cards and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home. 23* Mrs. Marjorie Dilkes wishes to thank all relatives, friends and neigh­ bors for the lovely flowers, gifts, treats and cards sent to her while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. 23c IN MEMORIAM . DAVEY—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Susannah Davey, who passed away July 26, 1948. Five years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away; God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. MORLOCK—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John N. Morlock, who passed away two years ago, July 27, 1951. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you; Life has never been the same. It s lonesome here without you, There’s such an empty place, 1'or we never hear your footsteps Or see your smiling face. As we loved you’ so we miss you, With memories fond and true; 1 15 not a day> dear father, That we do not think of you. —Always remembered by his wife and family. 23* LI ash mar Drive-in Theatre Clinton NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK First Show at Dusk Two Complete Shows Nightly THURSDAY & FRIDAY July 23 and 24 “MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY” ★ Fred MacMurrdy ★ Eleanoi’ Parker SATURDAY & MONDAY July 25 and 27 “TRIPOLI” (Technicolor) ★ John Payne ★ Maureen O’Hara TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 28 and 29 “FIVE FINGERS” ★ Janies Mason ★ Danielle Darrieux’ THURSDAY & FRIDAY July 30 and 31 “LADY IN THE IRON MASK” (Color) ★ Patricia Medina * ir Louis Hhyward Children’s I’layground Two Shows Nightly (Rain or Clear) Children Under 12 Years In Cars Free Mrs. Wes Mossey and Robert spent Sunday with Mrs. James Mossey and Kathleen. Mr. and Mrs. Melville of Mit­ chell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elgie of Belton visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fred Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson and Anne and Mr. and Mrs* Gor­ don Jones spent Sunday at Springbank. South H uron Junior Farmers* ANNUAL CHURCH SERVICE Zion United Church Sunday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Gordon D. Wanless, Pastor 4-TI Club Members in Attendance EVERYBODY WELCOME Reception FOR MR. AND MRS. HARVEY CORRIVEAU in ST. PETER’S HALL, DRYSDALE Saturday, July 25 Everyone Welcome I BAND TATTOO DASHWOOD Wednesday, August 5 | Featuring the New Hamburg Brass Band = Under the Direction of Mr. Arthur Gibbons E Other Bands Participating: Stratford 19th Air Cadet | Squadron Trumpet Band, Strathroy Citizens’ Band, St. j Marys Citizens’ Band, Thedford Silver Band, Exeter | Citizens’ Band, Dashwood Citizens’ Band and Zurich | Lions Club Majorettes. s Refreshments on the Grounds | Admission: Adults 500, Students 250, Children 100 Andrew Y. McLean Liberal Candidate in Huron On the Air CKNX - Fri., July 24 8:30 - 8:45 P.M. For the Best Years Of Your Life VOTE LIBERAL Published by the Huron Liberal Association LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend 1 Dancing a Every Nite Neil McKay AND HIS ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA One of the leading bands in Ontario! Completed seven successful seasons at the London Arena! Hear - June - Johnny - and the Quartette! Every Thursday THE ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing will present their experts to show you how quick and easy it is to become a popular partner. This week they will show you the "TANGO”-—and give free tuition—at regular admission price of 75$ each. Our crowd has doubled for* this popular Thursday night attraction! “FOR HEALTH’S SAKE, ROLLER SKATE!” Exeter Roller Rink Two Blocks West of Southcott Bros. Store MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY * 8:00 to 11:00 Children 250 - Adults 350 SKATES SUPPLIED - Refreshment Booth - CYCLONE JUVENILE Baseball Tournament Kirkton Sat, July 25 1:00 p.m. sharp x BOUNDARY vs. MUNRO CARLINGFORD vs. STAFFA Admission 350 and Hj0