HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-23, Page 8the; times-advocate, exeter, Ontario, Thursday morning, jwly 23,1953 Supertest Station PRONE 465 Page 8 ODD BITS Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab DAY OR NIGHT No Time Like Now • e • to have your clothes fresh-cleaned the Syntho- tex way. Leave garments at Tile Laundeteria while yon shop or visit in Lon­ don. same h o m with ncss, is the cleanest, most mod­ ern dry cleaning money can buy. Open from 8 in the morning until 9 at night. Saturdays until 4 p.m. There is no extra charge for same-day serv­ ice. (Leave your wash for fast service, too. and add wash-day to your list of holidays.) Pick them up the day on your way e . They’ll sparkle deep-down cleanli- hecause Svnthotex Forsyth Laundeteria & Dry Cleaning 649 Richmond Street, South of the CPR Hotel LONDON PHONE 3-1394 I Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate — By B.A. . Mad Dogs ? “Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun" .... That’s what the song says. While the many we see madly dashing around in this heat don’t exactly fit these two categories, they’re none the less wiser for trying to beat the heat sledge­ hammer style. We can’t do much, about high temperatures and humidity but we can help the high blood pres­ sure by taking a few minutes now and then to relax. * $ * No Regrets A swarm of friendly bees has taken up residence in a vacant crack by the front door. They mind their own buzzness and don’t seem to mind if the paper boy misses his throw but they have one point in their nature which can’t escape criticism. They drop their dead drones without regret on the porch floor to be swept, away with the household broom. * » sk $ unceremoniously dust, by the * Here’s Mud A news item Daily tells of an who chased a driver with an un­ loaded revolver after being well splashed by mud as the driver sped his vehicle by. We can understand partially the tizzy the pedestrian was in, having experienced a sudden mud bath the same way one fine day not too long ago.—No doubt a* woman driver. The incident didn’t .end in any in a Toronto irate pedestrian fatality but it just goes to show the many ways that thoughtless drivers show themselves. And thoughtless drivers are careless drivers. They have the accidents. BE A LADY DRIVER. Progress The modern versions of enter­ tainment for children are certain­ ly colorful, but it makes us won­ der if there will be any use at all for the good old imagination so natural to children as the world progresses. Make Your Old Chesterfields, Chairs Look Like New Expert Upholstering Service Auto Trimming and Seat Covers FREE ESTIMATE, PICKUP AND DELIVERY Hugh Wilson TELEPHONE 56 123 HURON ST., EXETER NOW! YOU CAN GET THE SAME FINE FINISH AND HANDLING FOR COTTON DRESSES AS FOR SILKS AND WOOLENS! jl r I'll NOVCR WASH MY PROTTY COTTON OROSSOS AT HOMO AGAIN-MY SANITONO DRY C10AN0R HAS A NOW SOCROT THAT MAROS THOM LOOR . URO-NOW! 4 Gunning-Stephan United In Church j A lovely summer wedding took I place in James Street United Church on Saturday, July 18, at 3 p.m. when the Rev. Harold J. Snell united in marriage Orion Orpha Stephan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hooper, Exeter, to Ronald Gladwin Gunning, son of Mr. Emerson Gunning and the late Mrs. Gunning, Exeter. The double-ring ceremony was used. Mr. Lawrence Wein, organist of the church, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mr. Grant McDonald, of Exeter, as he sang “The Lord’s Prayer’’ and “Because”. Lighted tapers, ferns and bas­ kets of white gladioli and yellow mums provided the the wedding. The were marked with bows and gladioli. The bride walked down the aisle with hei* father, who gave her in marriage. She was lovely in a floor-length original Samuel Sherken gown of Chantilly lace over satin and net. The bodice was designed with yoke of flesh nylon net and lily point sleeves. A pointed peplum and the sweep­ ing skirt were accented with bands of nylon net. The bride’s fingertip veil of nylon net fell from a crown of seed pearls and she carried a white" Bible topped with a mauve orchid fell satin streamers ....„......... with lily-of-the-vafiey and lovers’ knots. She wore a pearls, a gift of the t Margaret Stephan, the bride, was her maid of honor. She wore a waltz-length blush pink gown of nylon net over taf­ feta with headdress of gardenias and nose-length veil. She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow and white baby mums. Mrs. Ronald Stephan, Mrs. Mervyn Stephan of London, Miss Shirley Flynn and Miss Lois Henderson, Hensail, were brides­ maids. Mrs. Ronald Stephan and Miss Henderson wore gowns in coral jubilee and Mrs. Mervyn Stephan and Miss Flynn wore heavenly blue .gowns in identical design to that of the maid of honor. They wore similar head­ dresses and carried colonial nose­ gays. Diane Smale, cousin of the bride, was a winsome flower girl in a pale pink gown of net and taffeta styled like those of the bridesmaids. She carried a nose­ gay of white baby mums. Master Jack Stephan, brother of the bride, carried the ring on a white satin cushion. Elmer McFalls of London was best man and the ushers were Ronald and Mervyn Stepha.n, of London, Harold Clarke, of Kirk­ ton, and Kenneth Gunning, of Granton. For the reception at Club Mon­ etta, the bride’s mother received the guests wearing French blue faille pink accessories and pink carnations. For their wedding ,._x. __ __ United States and Northern On­ tario, the bride changed to a dove grey linen suit with red ac­ cessories and corsage of red and white carnations. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Gunning will make their home in London. I ve 6ot Mote +H4M attendant. Her was styled with net over taffeta a headdress of SALA DA setting for guest pews white satin from which caught up s’ ofi strand groom. sister of a dress of crepe with corsage of trip to the RCMP MOTIF FOR CANADIAN BEAUTY — The natty red coat of Miss Toronto, who is Thelma Brewis in real life, en­ gages the attention of Beta Knapp, Miss New York state. The two beauties were at Long Beach, Calif,, to compete in the Miss Universe contest. Though highly rated by contestants and close observers, Thelma was eliminated in.the semifinal test. Christiane Martel, competing as Miss France, out-dazzled, the other beauties to take the Miss Universe crown. —CPC Gram Says: Fruit Breads Make A Nice Change By MARJORIE STEINER Flowers Decorate Home Wedding Marjorie Nona McBride b came the bride of Dennis Wayne Tuekey in a ceremony performed by the Rev. Harold J. Snell at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride, on Saturday,” July 18, at 12 noon. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuekey. A background of delphinium, lilies and carnations provided the setting for the wedding. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attractive in an ankle-length gown of white taffeta with double skirt of net with lace insets. The strap­ less lace bodice was worn with a bolero jacket of lace which was designed with Petei* Pan collar and elbow-length sleeves. A headdress of orange blossoms held the brde’s veil and she car­ ried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Mavis McBride was her sister’s only gown of pink double skirt of and sh.e wore flowers and carried a bouquet .of carnations. Bill Tuekey; Exeter, brother of the grpom, was best man. The wedding music was played by Miss Elaine Hern, Zion, Mrs. McBride received guests wearing navy sheer navy and white accessories a corsage of red roses. She assisted by the igroom’s mother who chose a navy shantung dress with navy and white ac­ cessories and corsage of red* roses. For their wedding trip to .Northern Ontario, the bride wore a navy nylon dress with red and white accessories and a corsage of red roses. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. 'Tuekey will make their home near Exeter. ss■ ®I Do you ever feel like having different kind of bread? ly we have been fortunate ceive recipes for c.___ and pineapple-date bread came from Kitchener. -I with a frosty glass of lemonade or iced tea, fruit bread makes a nice summertime snack. It goes good in a lunch box or on picnic for it keeps so moist. Orange Bread (Mrs. Henry Quehl) orange a Late- _____ to re­ orange bread which Served a ot£ bottom of utensil. Seal- the with and was the speaker. The Juniors, along with mem­ bers of the Exeter 4-H Calf and Grain Clubs, will wear white Huron County 4-H sweaters. They will march body to the church. A choir of members will vided the music. their Club in a pro- "I’VE 4% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES!” • Authorized investment for trust funds. • Short term—5 years. • 4% yearly interest, payable half-yearly. In five years, $410.18 accumulates to $500.00 Write for descriptive folder THE STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O R A T I O N t HEAD OFFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St, Barrie No More Ironing... No More Starching. No More Drab, Scrubbed-Out Look! Just what you’ve been waiting for—NOW, because of our secret process, we can give your loveliest cotton dresses the same careful cleaning and fine finishing you expect for silks and woolens! Summer cottons clean as new with bright, sparkling colors! Back comes the crisp texture and perfect pressing that make you look so Cool and perfectly groomed! No more weftties about nasty spots, even perspiration stains ... no mote worries about cottons that droop and sag before the day is over. Try our different, new “Cotton Clinic” today and discover how much better your cotton dresses will look. A»rtovtt> iSANITONE This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE and Mrs. Newton Clarke the wedding of the nephew, Mr. Ronald and Miss Orion Ste- Brady Cleaners PHONE 136 EXETER Agaiicies In All Surrounding Communities Fdr Your Convenience FREE FICK-liP & DELIVERY BY COURTEOUS DRIVER Mr attended former’s Gunning, phan, both of London, in James St. United Church last Saturday. Mr. Jake Snider, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mr hale ten spent Sunday at Kincardine. A number of. ladies from the community attended the W.M.S. meeting at Tuesday when from Elimville. ham and Zion tained. Mrs. 'Uolin guest of Staffa day when they celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. * Mr. A» U. Whitlock and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, Mrs. William Spry and ftonald, of London, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr, and Mrs, Freeman and Mrs. Kmefson nd Mr. and Mrs. John and Pen* Bat- Zion Church last W.M.S. members Whalen, Wood­ east were enter- Gilfillan was a W.I. on WednCs- 1 1 cup raisins or dates boiling water, 1 tsp. soda cup sugar tbsp, shortening tsp. vanilla egg cups all purpose flour tsp. baking powder salt Method: squeeze juice of ange into cup and fill with boil­ ing water, Add soda. Put rind of orange and raisins through grinder. Mix sugar, shortening and egg. Add vanilla, raisins and orange. Add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together. Bake in loaf tin 4 5 minutes hour at 300°. Pineapple-Date Bread (Mrs. Henry Quehl) cups sifted bread flour tsps, baking powder- tsp. tsp. cup cup cup cup tsp. eggs cup-chopped dates Method: Sift flour once measure. Sift again with all ingredients added. Beat egg well before adding. Add shortening, pineapple and juice and dates. Beat until thoroughly mixed. Bake at '35d)’° for 1% to 114 hours. In an Ontario Department of Agriculture bulletin loaned us by Mrs. Jackson' Woods we find the following information about canning cherries. For syrup, water, ium water) or heavy (1 cup sugar to % cup water) syrup. For the cold pack method: Wash Ttnd stem cherries, pit if desired. Pack in sterilized jars. Cover with boiling syrup, leav­ ing headspace. Process in boiling water bath 20 to 25 minutes or in 2766 oven 30 to 35 minutes. Hot pack method: Wash, stem and pit cherries. Brihg to boil in syrup and simmer 3 minutes. Pack hot leaving headspace. Pro­ cess in. boiling Water bath 15 minutes or in 2766 oven for 20 minutes. Suggestions for boiling water bath: Any utensil with closely- fitting lid may be used. Wire or wood rank must be used to keep 1 1 1 1 2 1 or- one to soda salt granulated sugar softened shortening pineapple, well drained (scant) pineapple juice vanilla and dry sweet cherries use a thin 1 cup sugar to 2 cups For sour cherries, (1 cup sugar to 1 med** cup jlorne. ' Mnsten Bruce Bowden is a patient at Sftuth Mitron Hospital. jars ers must be covered’by at least 2 inches of boiling t water. At jars immediately and complete encl of processing time, remove sealing at once. For oven processing, use only bottom burner. Heat oven in ad­ vance to 275°. Be sure spring top or screw tops are only par­ tially sealed. Place sealers about 2 inches apart on level oven rack. Place shallow tray under­ neath. When temperature returns to 275°, start to count process­ ing time. Keep temperature con­ stant. Leave sealers in open oven ’till bubbling ceases. Re­ move and complete sealing. Helen Smith Weds William Lewis St. James’ Anglican Church, Parkhill, was decorated with bas­ kets of roses and fern for the wedding of Helen Marie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, of Parkhill, and William Clair Lewis, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewis, of Brinsley. The Rev. L. Crawford officiat­ ed at the double-ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by Duane McLinchey of Green­ way. iGo\yned In white chantilly lace over white satin, the bride was given in marriage by her father. The bridal gown was styled with floor-length circular skirt with stand-up collar and fitted bodice and long sleeves. Her fingertip illusion veil was held by a rhine­ stone set cap and she arm bouquet of red roses tied with long bon. "Attending the bride _ ___ blue satin floor-length gown with lace yoke and short sleeves and shoulder-length veil was Miss Joyce Smith, sister Of the bride. She carried an arm bouquet of pink bettertime roses. The groom was attended by his brother, London The guests grey nylon flowered dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom’s mother, who wore aqua nylon And yellow Wearing dress, with A Big, Beautiful Brand Mew 1953 FRIGIDAIRE PHONE 109 EXETERwill be church Church, cash PRICE improvements to give you new, greater conveniences! carried an bettertime white rib- in an ice- Mr. Howard Lewis, of bride’s mother received at her home wearing a with white accessories rose corsage. a pale mauve nylon white hat arid white accessories With a corsage of yel­ low roses, the bride left wedding trip to Nashville, riessee. (The young couple will their home in London. Juniors To Attend Zion Church South Hurbh Junior Farmers will hold their annual service in Zion United Usborne, next Sunday. Rev. Gordon Wnnloss There's a new Frigidaire Refrigerator for you with prices starting at $269.00 See all these features! • Full-width Super Freezer Chest holds over 41 lbs. frozen food • Big, porcelain Hydrator for fruits, vegetables • Lifetime Porcelain inferi- dr finish Quickube Ice Trays with built-in Releases Storage space on door Famous Mdter-Miser mechanism with 5-Year Protection Plan Chill Drawer for meats, ice cubes, beverages Built and backed by Frigidaire arid Gendtai Motors a