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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-23, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1953 How to handle the young male One day, your 3rd-grader’s still a baby; the next, he’s suddenly all male, turns fresh, disobedient. Should you orach down, bring him into line . . , or will discipline hinder his development, make him a "Momma’s boy”? In August Reader’s Digest, a parent who’s known the pain — and joy — of raising a 7-year-old gives common-sense tips on how to guide your own child through this difficult age. Get your August Reader’s Digest today: 38 articles of lasting interest, condensed from leading magazines, current books. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR i Hensail And District News Do You <5 Know? . . . the coiled mainspring wound with a ratchet, as is done to day, was first used in Nurem berg in 1511. They were made oval in shape and were called Nuremberg eggs. The “Nurem- berg Egg” was the watch. first real Jack Smith Jeweller provides expert repair service on all makes of watches. Have yours cleaned and checked regular ly. Jack Smith JEWELLER Phone 510 Exeter Many friends and relatives at tended. the Laing-Jefferson wed ding at Munro United Church on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. John and Alec are visiting friends at Lindsay. Mrs. J. Beekier, Zurich, visited last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Scott. Frank Houghton, holidaying with his Mrs. M. Houghton. Hugh and David Scott have gone to Kintail Camp for a cou ple of weeks. Miss Violet Hyde, Hensall, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow. Mrs. S. A. Miller A funeral service, conducted by Rev. Glen Campbell, of Seaforth, for the late Mrs. S. A. Miller, who passed away in Stratford on Saturday, was held at the Whit ney Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Monday. Mrs. Miller was a highly esteemed resident of Cromarty for many years but had resided in Stratford for the past four years. She is survived by one son, Lloyd, Stratford, and one grand son. Interment took place in Staffa Cemetery, Friends were present from Stratford, Staffa, Seaforth, Cromarty and district. Attend Funeral Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. Robert Hamilton, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen attended the funeral of the late Mr. Frank McIIlraith at Dur ham on Monday. Mr. McIIlraith was a son of Mrs. Mary Mc IIlraith, Owen Sound, and the late Mr. John McIIlraith and was a native of Cromarty, his parents having resided years. Laing-Jefferson The marriage Laing and Miss daughter of Mr. Jefferson, Munro, took place in Munro United Church on Friday, July 17, at 2:30 p.m, with Rev. E. Clark, Fullarton, officiating. Traditional wedding music was played by the bride's sister, Miss Eva was who fore With Us' Mrs. Donald Wingham, is grandmother, here for many of Mr. Robert Ruth Jefferson, and Mrs. John Jefferson, and the soloist Mrs. T. L. Scott, Cromarty, sang “0 Perfect Love” be- the ceremony and "Abide after the ceremony. Cook Bros. Milling Co. would like to advise their customers that their OFFICE IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS following their fire and that it will be open for business as usual . . . Hensail, Ont.Phone 24 Legion Picnic Members of the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary held an ■> able picnic at Jowett’s Bayfield, a full line of was run off in charge of McKelvie, William Brown W. Aikenhead. Winners were as follows: Races — Carol Varley, Eric Mousseau, Jim Slierritt, Marjory McLaren, Billy Shad dick, Eleanor' Boa, Gary Quance, Jim Smale, Betty Lou’ McLaen; three legged race, Marjory Mc- Larnon and Eleanor Bow; mar ried ladies race, Mrs. D. McKel- vie; married mens race, George Varley. 1 and- enjoy- Grove, sports Dr. D. and Honored By Friends Prior to their departure their new home, 311 Hyman London, ’ Mrs. Emma McDonald and Miss Marguerite McDonald were entertained at dinner by the following, Mesdames J. Smillie, C. Passmore, R. Came ron, G. Elliott, A. Case and Miss Minnie Reid. Friends and neigh bors presented them with a kitchen clock as a remembrance of their happy association them while they resided in sail. for St., with Hen- of on Bowliiig Winners Following are the winners the mixed jitney doubles held the Hensall bowling green Thurs day night, July 16: First prize winner, Hugh Love (skip), Mrs. A, Case (lead), 2 wins plus 14; second, John Henderson (skip), Mrs. Ed Munn (lead), 1 win plus 10; third, Lome Luker (skip), Mrs. Cecil Vanhorne (lead), 1 win plus 6. Personal Items Mr. Don Bell, Toronto, visited last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bell. Miss Mae MacGregor, Toronto, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Jim. Sgt. James Stokes, of Camp Ipperwash, Mrs. Stokes and family, of London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Stokes’ mother, Mrs. Eva Carlisle, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle. They at tended the Carlisle reunion at the home of Mr. and Glenn Weido, Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Roobal and spent the. weekend with relatives at Ridgetown. Rev. John B. Fox, Mrs, Fox and family are holidaying at the Hess cottage in the Pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Seimon, of Sarnia, visited this week with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noakes. Mr, and Mrs. Al Bell, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, Toronto, were weekend visitors mother, held Mrs. Mija Clearance Sale Continues On DRESSES • SKIRTS • BLOUSES •> COTTON KIDDIES’ SLIPS AND CAMISOLES JEANS • T-SHIRTS YARD GOODS • DENIM SKIRTS PEDAL PUSHERS Tudor's Ladies’ Wear HENSALL Dry Goods PHONE 70 The Story In Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Holiday Services At St. Andrew’^ United. Church The Brucefield and Kippen United Churches are cooperating for the holiday season from July 12 to August 30 inclusive. Rev. Norman McLeod will be in charge of Brucefield church at 10 a.m. and the Kippen service at 11 a.m. During these Sundays the theme of the sermons will be “Som© Seconds Characters”. From August 9 inclusive, Rev. W. „ be in charge of the Kippen ser vice at 10 a.m. and Brucefield at 11 a.m. Sunday Over draw’s Jowett’s Grove, Bayfield, day afternoon last for their an nual Sunday School picnic. A ball game was much enjoyed after which a full line of sports was conducted by the west group. A delicious picnic supper was served by the east 'group. Winners of the contests were: Marie Jarrott, Kathryn Ander son, Harry Chesney, Carl Fink- beiner, Joan Sinclair, Ruth Ann McNichol, Gwen Jones, Margaret Chesney, Joanne Horney, Donald Parsons, Jim Consitt, Bob Ben- endyke, David Cooper, Elaine Bell, Marion Turner, Jack Bell, Bob Benendyke, Elaine Bell, Bill Consitt, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Vernon Alderdice, Howard Fink- Coleman, Among Bible to August 30 J. Maines will School Picnic 200 members of St. An- United Church met at Tues- beiner, Mrs. William Jack Caldwell. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Alec and Carol and Mr. Allan Johnson attended the John son reunion at Springbank Park in London recently. Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fer guson and family, of Hensall, visited in the village on Tuesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and family visited on Sunday with Mr. Gordon Westlake, near Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and family, of Wingham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Beattie’s mother, Mrs. R. McBride. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert spent McMurtrie and Mrs. Kippen Gun Club At the Wednesday evening trap shoot at Kippen, July 15, the following scores were made; William Lumby, Goderich, 23- 24; John Anderson, Hensall, 24- 23; H. Mathers, Exeter, 21-18- 22; H. Green, 22-23; A. Gilbert, Goderich, 22-23; Lloyd ’Venner, Hensall, 21-23; W. R. Cooper, Kippen, 21; Roy Campbell, Hen sall, pen, rich, 22. Doubles, Anderosn, Gilbert, Mathers, 15. The next shoot will in two weeks, 16-18; 23; 22; 19; A. 17; H. Cooper, be held William Kyle, Kip- Charles Prouse, Gode- H, Prouse, Goderich, shot at 24: John 22; William Lumby, 18; H. Prouse, 17; Library The Hensall Library will be closed the first two weeks in August. It will re-open Tuesday, August 18. All books are due on August 1 and must be returned on or before this adte. Holidays YOUR Mail For Aug. 10 LSTON CARDIFF - - W. R. Monday evening at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. William Horney, of Exeter, and Mr, Albert Colling wood, Hamilton, visited Sunday with Mr. and stetter. A number of this district are school at Cromarty weeks which is being supervised by the Mennonite young people of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beil and family accompanied by Richardson are holidays in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomson, of Toronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman and Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, Mrs. William Burrage, of Pas adena, Calif., and granddaughter Sari-Sue Le Gard, of Weston, are visiting this week with the for mer’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert were- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Deckert and Carol, of Clifford; Mr. Art Taylor, of British Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Deckert, Ron and Murray, of Listowel. Mrs. J. McClymont returned to her home here on Sunday ac companied by Mrs. Saunders, of Guelph, after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, and Mrs. J. Schilbe, in Exeter. Mrs. A. Gack- little girls from attending Bible for two Mrs. spending some The Liberals say with Mrs.’ Shepherd’s Mrs. James Smillie. Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Norma are holidaying Bay. Mrs. Hazel Welsh and Wayne are spending several weeks at their cottage at Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. E. R. Shaddick, who is re ceiving treatment in South Hu ron Hospital, Exeter, is improv ing. Marjory Schwalm, I old daughter of Mr. Gordon Schwalm and been very ill in the dren’s Hospital, London, for the past week,, is home again and is improving nicely. Mrs. L. Simpson is confined to her home with illness. Mervyn Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, of Chisel hurst, has accepted a position on the staff of the Bank of Mont real here. Ron and at Pike i 10-month- and Mrs. who has Sick Chil- Just Don't Be A BUYER Be A Satisfied UYER Come • In And See Our Stock Of 105i1052PONTIAC COACH Small Six Air Condition Just Like New HUDSON COMM. Radio, Heater Sun Visor, Etc. One-Owner Car Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a ballerina length gown of white nylon and lace over taffeta, and she carried red bettertime roses. Her elbow length veil was held in a wreath of orange blossom. The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Jefferson, wore a gown in pale blue nylon net over taffeta and she carried pink Briarcliff roses. Mr. Jack Butson, Staffa, was best man and the ushers were Mi'. John Jefferson and Mr. Don ald Scott. The bride’s mother wore a. gown of navy sheer with white accessories and the groom’s mo ther was dressed in mauve sheer with white accessories. Both wore corsages of pink roses. The reception and wedding dinner took place in the church basement which was beautifully decorated with pink and white streamers and wedding bells and pink roses. The bride and groom left later for a trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in a pale blue sheer dress with white ac cessories and corsage of pink roses. 1048 DODGE SEDAN Radio Heater Excellent Condition 1038 CHEV COACH Clean as a Pin Heater 1050 FORD SEDAN Radio, Heater Two-Tone Priced Right 1030 CHEV COUPE Sealed Beams New Tiros Good Transportation ALSO 3 NEW METEORS iXXV 2 NEW MERCURYS Bob Cook Motor Sales METEOR * LINCOLN * MERCURY DEALER HENSALL Located Next to C.N.R. Tracks PHONE 178 I Mrs. Susan Miller I Dies In Staffa | Mrs. Stisan Miller, 88, died on f Inly 17 in Stratford, She was = the former Susan Steacy and was | born at Lumley in Stephen town- = Ship. = Her husband operated -one = of the first carriage making = shops in Perth county at Crom- | arty, s Mrs. Miller lived in Cromarty | since her marriage until moving = to Stratford two years ago. Her = husband, Simon Millet, prede- = ceased 5 She 3 Lloyd, f The Simon Miller her, is survived by emo son, of Stratford. funeral was held from si the G, A. Whitney funeral home si on Monday and interment follow er cd In the Staffa cemetery. ★ ★ ★ ★ A SUCCESSFUL FARMER LONG MUNICIPAL EXPERIENCE THIRTEEN YEARS IN PARLIAMENT A CONSISTANT FIGHTER IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS FOR Better Farm Markets Lower Taxes (Higher Exemptions) Less Waste Of Your $ $ Published By Huron Progressive Conservative Ass’n they can't cut your taxes! f v We will budget for Government’s legitimate needs . * • we will stop budgeting for bloated surpluses which— in three years—took from the people’s pockets the staggering sum of $1,618,000,000 more than the Government needed.I We will,without impairing the efficiency of our Armed Forces, correct the appalling inefficiencies in the administration of the Department of National Defence, We will provide the nation with an administration whose attitude towards the spending of public monies Will be one of prudence and common sense. A new ^Government in itself will mean substantial savings to the taxpayer—it will replace a Government whose arrogant indifference to economy was best expressed by Mr. Howe’s scornful remark, ’’What’s a Million?”. Or, "If they need a gold-plated piano it is our duty to buy it”. We will reduce or eliminate countless hiddeh, indirect faxes which grossly inflate the cost of consumer goods, add to the grievous cost of living, increase the price of homes beyond the capacity of most of our people to pay, discourage saving and initiative. We will end the shocking conditions in our Defence Department which the Government’s own investigator, (Col. G. S. Currie) described as: "A general breakdown in the system of administration, supervision and accounting .. . Accounting records in a chaotic con dition and of little use in determining the nature and extent of irregularities . .. Waste and inefficiency far more costly in loss than that covered by actual dishonesty”. IVe will reduce federal taxes by at least uftK t$500,000,000 a year ... without reducing any pensions, family allowances, or other social w security payments. $500,000,000 TAX CUT NOW! iniirfed by Ihi Progtttilve Conserval!v« Party bl Canada: III I I I c