HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-02, Page 11Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON W.A. Meeting Mrs. Fred Simpson was hostess for the meeting on Thursday afternoon of the W.A. and Guild of St. James’ Church. Mrs. E. Flynn presided for the W.A. and gave a talk on the Coronation. Prayer for the golden jubilee of the W.A. was led by Mrs. Aimer Hendrie. A guest, Mrs. T. Collins, read the scripture. Roll call was answered by verse of scripture containing the word “crown”. Mrs. Jim Cunningham presided for the Guild meeting. It was de­ cided to have at each meeting an auction of foo-d, vegetables, etc. A variety of baked goods was sold, proceeds added to the treasury fund. * A short discussion followed about the Sunday School picnic but it was left to the Sunday School executive to decide date and place. The hostess assisted by com­ mittee, Mrs. Aimer Hendrie, Mrs. L. Raycraft and Mrs. Alvin Cun­ ningham, served lunch. Home And School Entertain On Thursday evening the ladies of the Home and School Associa­ tion entertained the pupils and parents of Clandeboye School. Due to the rain, games and con­ tests were held in the school. The teacher, Mr. McDonald, of London, was presented with a unique blue and white sash to which ten new silver dollars were attached. On behalf of the pupils an ad­ dress was read by Joe Hall, with Sharon Blake making the pre­ sentation. Refreshments were served with ice cream being pro­ vided by the School Board. Personal Items Congratulations to the Medway pupils for the new term. Patricia Carter will be in Grade 13; in Grade IL, Janet Scott, Dorothy ” “j and Mary Joan Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1953 Two Only Boots LUCAN $109.50 $7.95 and Up $4.45 and Up Your Choice $20.00 Your Choice $20.00 USED* WASHING MACHINES J. B. READY and Shoes — Hardware and Drygoods PHONE 45 19” Roto-cut Power Mowers ELECTRIC FANS ................ ELECTRIC HOTPLATES ... USED ELECTRIC STOVES USED BICYCLES ................ SEVERAL Ann Lewis, Bruce Henry Clare Paton; in Grade 10, Tomes, Gwennetli Tomes, Murless and Mae Harrison. Messrs. Ernie Lewis, Andy' Car­ ter and Mervin Carter are using power mowers to cut their hay this year. Mr. Vincent Hillier is driving a new Pontiac car. Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil attend­ ed the decoration service at Sea- Personal Items Thursday's heavy rain prevent­ ed the ball game Friday night. Congratulations to the follow­ ing Lucan pupils whose names appear among MeHwaj’ pupils rotli, Douglas Stone, Elya Young, Jim Young, Margaret Brownlee, Ann Denome and James and Clayton Thompson. Mrs. Roland Hodgins is re­ cuperating from her recent operation at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don Corman, of Woodbridge. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Culbert and family and Mrs. Culbert’s mother, Mrs. Patrick, of London, are holidaying at Espanola, near Sudbury. The Anglican Church is hold­ ing its parish picnic at Spring­ bank July 15. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Damm were Mrs. Damm’s mother and Mrs. H. Meyer, of Essex, and Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Damm, of Leamington. Mrs. Lena Bawden and Messrs. Don and Bill Banting and Eddie Hawkshaw of Lucan attended the birthday party of Mr. Tom Col­ lins, of Clandeboye, on Sunday. A number of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Lucan “Branch No. 540, attended the memorial service at Nairn on Sunday. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, who sold her home to Mr. J. Ready, moved into the V. Banting apartment on Monday. the successful Joyce Morgen- has B. G. Buckwheat For Sale $2.00 PER BUSHEL Bags Free Scott’s Elevator Luican Ontario ^■lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK I* ■ < We Have in Stock Dry White Pine 1x5 and 1x6 Matched Also 1 x 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10 and 12 inchtes Dressed 4 Sides A« J. Clatworthy PHONE 12 - GRANTON forth cemetery last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I-I. tended the Home meeting in London Thursday ning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan the former’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Maurice Morgan, visited and Mrs. Wesley Morgan, Hamilton last Sunday. Mr. Earl Morgan has accepted a position with the Lucan Cream­ ery. Miss Audrey Tindall was solo­ ist at the funeral service, for the late Frank Lewis in the Haskett funeral home Wednesday after­ noon. Mr. Douglas Carter is driving a new Ford car, Mr. Bev Arkell of the RCAF Station was a guest on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless.' Sgt. and Mrs. Max Bloye and family called on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton on Wednesday evening. They were on .the way to St. Thomas to spend a couple of days with the former’s parents there, then where they Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Susy attended Murless al­ and School eve- and and Mr. of motored to Montreal will reside. Mrs. Mervin Carter, H. Murless and ______ the picnic at Hurondale School on Friday ning. Mrs. E. Tomes and family are spending a Bend. J. I-I. Paton and Sunday afternoon and The best advice I ever had Just, 21, 'about to be married — suddenly tuberculosis struck, and he thought he had nothing to look forward to but death. Then another patient told him something that made his heart leap. In July Reader’s Digest, read how a simple, yet inspiring bit of advice changed the life of Clinton Anderson and how it can bring you peace of mind when ill. Don’t miss “The best advice I ever had” in July Reader’s Digest. It’s just one of 37 articles of lasting interest, condensed from leading magazines, current books. Mrs. M. Jones week at Grand Mr. and Mrs. Clare visited on with the former’s aunt, Mrs. Jen­ nie Conner, of Windsor, who spent a few days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Frank Lewis. On Mon­ day she left with her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Harkness, to spend some time with her in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning­ ham and family spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Cpl. Worthington is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, Don, Bill and David, of Hensail, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins. Bill ■ returned Saturday night from his corona­ tion trip and spent some time in the Junior Red Cross camp at Orillia. The Clandeboye “Frigidaires” ball team won the game oh Mon­ day night from West Corners’ team. The game was played at Lieury under the lights. Lil: “Just imagine upsetting that bottle all over the rug.” Pill: “Did it spoil the rug?” Lil: “Devil the rug—such good liquor.” i r r > ■ t ■ 111 mi it < ii i< ■ >> ■> t > >i ■ ■■« > 11 > i >• 11 <1 ■ ■ 11 ■■■ tin i ■ ■■ mi i >■■ ■> ■ >' SAVINGS AT 10 TO 30 PER CENT IS^-Ft. Freezers .............................................. Woods New Model Freezers, reg. 595, on sale 7^2- to 10-Ft. Refrigerators, popular makes, fully guaranteed .................... as low General Electric Pop-up Toasters .............. Electric Kettles, Featherweight Irons ...... McClary and Gen. Electric 4-Burner Ranges reg. $234 k........ ....... .. on sale McClary New Model Washers, reg. 159.50 for $134.50 Trade-in Accepted — Convenient Terms If Desired SOLD AND SERVICED $429.00 $485.00 as $229.00 $23.95 $11.95 Lucan And District News Public School Promotions Grade 8 To 9 Bernard Avery, Cecil Hodgins, Terry Hodgins, Larry McFalls, Margaret Neil, Nyles Nicholson, Rose Revington, Martha Rum- niell,, James Stacey, Audrey Whitehead. Grade 7 To 8 Shelaglr Ewen, John Casimer, Keith Frost, LaVerne George,5 Jack Park, Marlene Revington,' Beth Watson, Robert Young. Grade 6 To 7 Walter Damm, Margaret Eizen- ga, Allan Finley, Raymond Ford, Harold Frank Sheila Donald Anne Marie Murdy, Tommy Ryan, John Smibert, Marjorie Sove­ reign, Evelyn Whitehead, Grade 5 To 6 Clifford Acheson, Bill Chown, Barbara Coxe, Terry Culbert, Frank Egan, Harvey Hayes, Gary Irwin, Mary Neil, Carolyn Odd, Carl Rummell, Marie Whitehead, Carol Young, Ken Young. Grade 4 To 5 Beverley Butler, James Dren­ nan, Patrick Egan, Arnold Tig- chelaar, Thomas Weller, David Whyte, Joan Young. Grade 3 To 4 Heather Acheson, Beth Black, Robert Lois lyn Ilene ga, George, Kenney, Thompson, John Young. Grade 2 To 3 Harry Bond, Arthur Cobleigh, Jean Cochrane, Bonnie Drennan, Hugh Elliot, Paul Graham, Judy Haskett, Franklin Milnes, Randy Paul, Edna Ryan, John Sims, Robert Stacey, Betty Ann Young, Gordon Young. Grade 1 To 2 Ruth Cochrane, Victoria Cul­ bert, Robert Damm, Coralyn Donaldson, Jimmie Ford, Ruthie Frost, David George, Nancy Has­ kett, Ward Hodgins, Janet Kehl, Jean Marie Lankin, Don Magof­ fin, Karol Neil, Bill Park, Gary Revington, Paul Sims, Patsy Sovereign, Judy Thomson, Philip Wagland,, Joan Whitehead. St. Patrick's School Grade 7 To 8 John Conlin, hon; Joe Vlas- nian, Nelly Loyens. Grade 6 To 7 Paul Conlin, hon; Judith Anne Seifried, hon; Robert Reynolds, hon; Chris van Bussel hon; Mary Vlasman, Sylvia Koot. Grade 15 To G Kathleen Koot, hon; van Bijnen. Grade 4 To 5 Caroline T 11 o m p s o Michael ■ Grade 3 Hugh Koot, .hon; Elizabeth van Bussel. hon; Noreen Conlin, hon Gignac, hon hon; Hanny Loyens, hon Loyens, hon; nen, hon. Grade 2 To 3 Helmy van ard Johnson, gan, Jackie De Block. Grade 1 To 2 Lenny van Bussel, hon Koot, hon; Tony Loyens, Billy Loyens, hon; Mary Brown, hon. Grade 1 Eddie Loyens, Eddie Harrigan Koos van Bynen. Cancel Picnic The executive of the Lucan W.I., together with the mothers of the children concerned, have decided to cancel the annual picnic for this year in order to make a larger donation Tornado Relief Fund. to the Frost, Hardy, Iredale, Lankin, Lorraine Graham, Barbara Hyatt, Mary Kenney, Jim Magoffin, Chown, Mae Cobleigh, Coxe, Dana Culbert, Mari- Culbert, William Donaldson, Victoria Shirley Emerick, Michael Murdy, Kathleen Ryan, Darling, Eizen- Arnold Joseph Erma Johanne J. TOMLINSON WOODHAM GRANTON EIccTrical Wiring, Appliances TV and Electrical Supplied Rhone Kirktoii 53-r-ll lii ■s Dewan, hon. To 4 Conlin, hon n hon Pauline theEvening Auxiliary Church held their meeting in the on Thursday evening. A small table was set for of .annual church Evening Auxiliary The United supper parlors special the children. Mrs. Hearn’s group had charge of the arrangements for the tea and for the program which took the form of a dis­ cussion, “Adventuring in ..Bible Study.” Meeting June i Church church of the held meeting W.M.S. was parlors Thursday Mrs. V. G. Ban­ group in charge of the and refreshments. The lesson was read by Mrs. Mrs. Wes Revington in the devotions Banting W.M.S. The United in the afternoon with ting's program Scripture McFalls. assisted Mrs. Banting reviewed the last chapter of the Study Book. Mrs. Don Remington sang a solo. Miss J. Hossie was the guest speaker and gave an exceptionally good talk on the aims of the The meeting closed with ments and a social half Waste Baskets Lucan Explorers the and C.G.I.T. refresh- hour. Make The Tuesday night in met on church scliool room. A recreation period was directed by Counsellor Joan McLean and the members ed the lacing of their’ paper baskets during the period. Du-ring the brief business ing, it was decided to hold nic on Monday, June 29, hiking” to the river, and to invite eight-year-old girls who will joining the Explorer Group September, Explorers Anne Revington and Marjorie Sovereign conducted the worship service. start- waste craft meet- a pic- the be in Personal Items Mrs. M. Bennett, of Toronto, is spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Ron Westman, who is recuperating from a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hodgins and Mrs. Pearl Hodgins, London, called on Lucan relatives and friends on Saturday. Mr. Fred Revington left by motor for Montreal on Wednes­ day where he will pick up his brother Harvey who has been attending college there. Clint Hodgins, of Clan-deboye, won the - ■ - Roosevelt N.Y., last Robert can, reported to the police that a wallet containing $25 and per­ sonal papers was stolen from his trousers at Silverwood while he was swimming. Miss Beth Hodgins, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hodgins, is visiting at Chatsworth, Ont., the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hod­ gins. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family spent last Sunday at Grand Bend and Ipperwash. Mr. J. B. Ready' and three friends from London and Aylmer caught 22 bass, five perch and one pike from Long Point Bay last Thursday. Mrs. Orme and Murray left on Wednesday for a motor trip to St. Catharines the guests of Mrs. Wildern, Wildern. Mr. Alfred and Miss Hattie Hodgins, Lucan, attended the Charlton and Hod­ gins reception in the Ilderton Community Hall on Friday, in honour of Mr. "and Mrs. Blake Charlton who were, married at North Bay June 20. The evening was spent in Court Whist and a short program. At a recent Lucan Credit Union meeting the executive were very encouraged with the number ..of. new members, the amount of capital invested and the number of loans made. Mrs. Ron Westman, who under­ went an operation in Victoria Hospital, is able to be out again. The Forest City Racing Pigeon Club of London and vicinity held their 220-mile Old Bird Race on Saturday, June 20 from Tweed, Ont. In spite of the hottest day of the year and head winds, re­ turns were good. Among the winners were a number from Lucan: J. Hardy, 9 27'; H. Hardy, 926; N. Hardy, 897; C. 889; L. Revington, 8 81, Watson, 830. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. and family, Secretary Pace at Raceway, Westbury, week. Joyce, of R.R. 1, Lu- Park where they will be Mrs. Orme's sister, and Miss Dorothy Hodgins, Granton, Anglican Guild Mrs. Roy Hamilton was hos­ tess for the June meeting of Holy Trinity Church Guild on Tuesday night, June 23. The president, Mrs. J. Thompson, pre­ sided. Mrs. James Freeman read the Scripture lesson and also the minutes, in the absence of the secretary. Mrs. Roland Hodgins, A committee of Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Field was appointed to have charge of the tea at the Sunday School picnic to be held at Springbank the second third Wednesday in July grounds can be secured. It was decided to hold annual tea on the Rectory grounds if fine (if not, at the church), around the middle of July, date to be decided later. Mrs. Kitty Egan, Mrs/ J. Bright and Mrs. H. Field were named as a committee to make the necessary arrangements. M r s, William Brownlee, Mrs. Harold Corbett and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins will have charge of the home cooking. After the business session, Mrs. Brownlee as group leader, took over. Mrs. Egan, accom­ panied by Mrs. Hawkshaw, sang two solos. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane repeated her talk on Queen Mary which she gave at Saintsbury. Mrs. Clarence Hardy gave a re­ port of the success, interest and regularity of the junior choir which now has a membership of 18. She then led in a sing-song of which led in a sing-song of the the favorite hymns of those pre­ sent which all enjoyed. Refresh­ ments were served by the group and a social half hour enjoyed. Miss Lina Abbott moved a vote of thanks to the hostess, the group leader and all who took part in the program. 1 •’KING OF PAIN” LINIMENT HOT, TIRED FEET? Soothe them quickly and effectively. Get fast-drying Minard’s Liniment—rub it on. Feel the coolness—get relief, quick! « Mrs. James WE WANT YOUR WEIGHED AT <n <n C cn C O O CL u ■ am □—g J—V kJ £ o TOP PRICES YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON * London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 HensaH School Graduates or Write today to There are immediate openings in the RCAF for young men to train as AIRCREW OFFICERS AIRCRAFT TECHNICIANS The Director of Personnel Manning, RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa. Stiver Canada’s Air Force will give you the fittest training you can,get anywhere... on the most advanced aircraft and equipment in use in this new air age. Decide now ... to fly or work on jet power! You can get all the “gen” from the RCAF Career Counsellor alt B.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT, 343 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ont . Phone 4-7314 and 4-731 & Mullins and family, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Mrs. Merton Culbert is spend­ ing a few days in St. Catharines with her husband. Miss Audrey Whitehead spent the weekend in Wingham, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitehead. Mr. Albert of Ballymote. Mrs. W. Dickins. Mrs. I-I. S. Stanley and are enjoying Soo. Mrs. Bob of London, with Mr The Guild McComb-Hughes Wed In Craig Pink and white peonies banked the altar of the Baptist Church, Ailsa Craig, for the wedding of Aleda Bernice Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Basil Hughes, of Ailsa Craig, and Donald Maxwell McComb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Janies Chester Mc­ Comb, Elginfield. The Rev. A. E. Silver officiated at the double­ ring ceremony. Wyllie, West Lome, accompanied the soloist, Miss Margaret Need­ ham, of Ilderton. Given in marriage father, the bride wore a white bridal satin, skirt tulle, and train, tilly lace over satin was fashion­ ed with yoke neckline, small wing collar and long tapered lily-point sleeves. A coronation crown of seed pearls and irri- descent sequins held her elbow­ length double veil of nylon tulle. She carried a frilled lace- covered Bible crested with a white orchid and white roses. Attendants wore ballerina­ length gowns of varying shades of blue satin with white net, capes of white net tiers, topped j the strapless bodice. They car-I Dickins and family, spent Sunday withby her gown of the hooped overlaid with tiers of nylon edged with tulle ruffles extending into a chapel The fitted bodice of Chan- Stanley, Miss Mary Mrs. T. A. Hodgins a motor trip to the Coughjin and Ju.dy, spent the weekend and Mrs. Earle Young, of Holy Trinity Church will hold a tea and sale of home cooking on the Rectory grounds on Friday afternoon, July 10. Each of the four public school rooms had a separate picnic the last week of school before separating for the summe: Miss J. Grades 3 and 4 dered her resignation . - . , sented with a pop-up toaster byried pink satin parasols of pink the staff anci children as a part- and white roses. Maid of honor was Miss Velma Hughes, sister of the bride. Mrs. Alex McComb, Denfield, sister of the bride, and Miss Catherine _ „ „ ,, ... I Clark, Detroit, were bridesmaids.The League of Loyalty which Darlene and Carol Carter were was organized in Holy Trinity | flowergirls and Ross Thirlwall was ringbearer. Best mail Was Roy McComb ahd ushers were Donald Hughes, brother of the bride, and Alex McComb. The guests at her home, dress over sOries rosfes. powder blue sheer and Chantilly lace with a corsage For a Thousand Valley orchid nylon velvaray dress and wore nile green accessories and an orchid, corsage. The couple will live In Elgih- field. Anita Patsy Harrigan, Frank Adrianus van By- Bussel, hon; Rich- hon; Jerry Harri- League Of Loyalty Awards Bill hon;Hossie, teacher who has was Church with the opening of Sun­ day School last fall, has had a most successful year. The aim of the League js to increase church attendance. Five consecutive at-, tendances makes one a member; five ihore ate necessary tov have one’s name on tile Honor Roll, and for each succeeding five, a star is added. At the morning Sunday service the following 12 members received crests for 80% attendance: Gladys Bond, Rose Wilkinson, Philip Wagland, Lill­ ian Wilkinson, Pat Egan, Helen Hardy, Ahne Marie Murdy, Frank Egan, Michael Murdy, Evelyn Whitehead Marie Whitehead and Edna Ryah. The first three had perfect attendance, the next two missed one Sunday, the next three two Sundays and the ninth, three Sundays. These nine mem­ bers wore each given a prayer book as a special prise for such splendid attendance. The total enrolment was 27.i bride’s mother received wearing a Of orchid *> Chantilly lace taffeta with white acces- and a corsage of pink The groom’s mother wore white accessories and of pink wedding Islands the bride roses. trip to the ahd Ottawa ■donned an Congratulations to Mrs. Ralph Smith. on of a daughter ,at St, Hospital last Thursday, Mr. the Joseph’s June 25. and birth ing gift. Miss Marilyn Brownlee danced at a Garden Party at Church last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. the weekend Mrs. Seley boye, was a Mrs. Seale. Mi’S, been two tory Mr. spent vray, Allison. Mr. J. the brick cleaned, which its appearance. Mrs. Harold grade one and a bad day for lunch was just over when down camo the rain. Regardless of cars which came to the rescue, all got wet, Mrs. Laura Blake has returned, liotne from Wyoming where she was the guest of her soh-indaw, Mr. Lionel Hyde. Mrs. 0. C. Lillie, of Birming­ ham, Mich., who has been visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. William Haskett, has returned home. Emmanuel ITill spent Simcoe. of Clande- at Lake Hodgson, recent visitor with Armitage, who has Victoria Hospital for satisfac- J. B in weeks, is making progress. , and Mrs. V. G. Sunday in West, the guest of Mrs, Banting McGilli- Melvin H. 1 on Cantelon has had t his new home i adds greatly to Cobleigh and her two pupils chose * their picnic as It’s the most important thing in the world ., . your future! If you’re now finishing school or college, you’re looking for a career that’s interesting and rewarding... that offers a challenge and oppor­ tunity for advancement. You want security, an assured income and important, satisfying work to do. Then — get into the new field of supersonic aviation — with the Royal Canadian Air Force! Royal Canadian Air Force TARGET... FREEDOM 4< ft