HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-07-02, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1953 Classified Ads are the cheapest of overtime workers. .......M'.....1..........'I ....................■..... Service with Courtesy Supertest Station PHONE 465 DAY OR NIGHT Classified Directory any her my Students Pass Music Exams The following pupils of Eunice Nixon, A.T.C.M.. successfully passed examinations held recent­ ly in London by the Royal Con­ servatory of Music. Toronto: Grade S: Honours. Eleanor Mae Hodgins, 12 years eld. Cen- | tralia. | Grade 5: Pass. Barbara | key. Exeter. J Grade 4: Honours, Alma Zion, and Grace Routley. ville; pass, Donna Eagleson. of j Dashwood.__ O | ■ Hern Elim- FOR SALE BABY CHICKS FOR SALE LOST Meteor - Mercury Used Cars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ONE USED 5-1J.P. Sea King out­ board motor, A-l condition, used ap­ proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.00. —Huron Lumber Co. ________________5-14tfc 20-FT. ALUMINUM 1952 house trailer, fully equipped. Reasonable, Apply Earl Gingerich, Zurich, Ont., phone 90-r-7. 25:2c BILLFOLD—Brown leather, contain­ ing small sum of money, car and gun license. Reward. Please contact Bev Lindenfield, phone 475-W Ex­ eter. PULLETS FOR SALE—1400 Red X Sussex 9 weeks old June 12; 1000 Sussex X Red 11 weeks old June 12; Sue Red X Kock 12 weeks old June 12; 800 Red X Sussex 4 months old June 14; 800 Sussex X Red 4 months old June 14; 700 Leghorn X Red 4% months old June 16. Also highest price paid for poultry and eggs. — Phone Mitchell 264 or phone Dublin 50, Ducklaws Produce, Dublin, Ont.18:25:2c TENDERS WANTED RE PAINTING OF SCHOOLS Tlie Hay Township School Area is> calling for sealed tenders to paint the following schools. Separate quota­ tions for each school asked for,No. 1—S.S. No. 7 Hay (Zurich School) exterior only, two coats white.No. 2—S.S. No. 8 Hay (J. mile north from Dashwood) interior only, two coats, colours as presently paint­ ed.Tenders to lie in tlie hands of the Secretary by July 4, 1953. JI. W. BROKENSHIRE, Sec., Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ont.25; 2c 3,000 BALES of HAY, cheap. Apply Wally Wein, telephone 54 Dashwood.25:2c BROILER CHICKS August-September should be on order now. And Bray has pullets. Dayolds. And some start­ed, immediate delivery. Ask us for full particulars. — Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 24G-J. 2c Grade 2: First clas-; honours. Judy Snelgrove, Exeter, and Betty Dixon, Exeter; honours, Margaret Brock, Zion, and Betty Fletcher, Kirkton. Grade 2, Theory: Eleanor Mae Hodgins, of Centralia. Marilyn Mousseau, Kippen. Boris Berlin, member of the piano faculty of the Royal Con­ servatory, was the examiner. He is well known as a teacher of piano and as a festival adjudica- , tor.I -■.......——— I | To Improve Road ! Tom Pryde, M.P.P. for Huron, < announced this week that ten­ ders have been called for grad­ ing and constructing culverts on I No. S highway between Seaforth jand Clinton. Work will be start- t ed in the near future.| ----------------------- 1 ’52 BUICK COACH Beautiful condition, radio*, grey. ’48 PONTIAC COACH Black, radio, sunvisor, tra special. ’47 PONTIAC COACH Light blue, seat covers, sun­ visor. radio, many extras. ’50 PLYMOUTH COACH ’49 METEOR SEDAN Really lovely! ’31 CHEV COACH (rood condition. ex- ’51 MERCURY TRUCK Half-ton, extra nice. South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell Phone 328 Exeter j Goon: ; fell down j yourself?” ! Moron: j one there no use.”! * "So youI marry you?” I "Yes, but I didn't have !luck.” "Why didn’t you tell about your rich uncle?” “I did — and now she's aunt.” “Did you cry when you the stairs and hurt There was ilo hear me. so it ‘‘Nope! to ♦ * * asked Geraldine STEPHEN splattering GOOD GRADE Holstein cow, due to freshen in a month. Apply to Gregus Bros., R.R, 3, Exeter.__________2; 9* BRANTFORD BINDER TWINE. We have your requirements for baler and binder. —Cann's Mill Ltd,________2c FOR RENT T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home • FUNERAL DIRECTOR Member of Ontario Funeral Association • PRIVATE CAR AMBULANCE Holder of St. John’s Ambulance First Aid Certificate Portable Oxygen Equipment Hospital Beds to Rent Invalid Chair to Loan Flowers for All Occasions — We Wire Anywhere 24-Hour Service DASHWOOD - Telephone 70-W Business Directory N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointments Phone 355-J DR. J. W. CORBETT I/JD.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 Exeter REEVE SCORES HIT Jack Morrissej of Stephen Township, enjoys another reeve with a handful of juicy pie during the hilarious pie-throwing con­ test Wednesday. The unidentified victim staggers from the blow. The’ reeves took turns as targets for the event. Spectators, who edged too close to the scene, got sjilattered with the pastry, loo. Verne Pincombe, Usborne reeve won the event. , —Jack Doerr, Exeter -The Story In Shipka By MRS. H. SHEPPARD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and Eunice, of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with Mrs. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering and Stanley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dietrich and family. Norm and Nola McCallum, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Switzer. The school area trustees enter­ tained their wives and families at the Centralia school. Ice cream and cake were enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baum­ garten visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown of Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross with Mr. and Mrs. and daughter. Mrs. Lamport and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair, of Clandeboye. Love Earl Tom IB- Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices 'are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Notice .75 single verse, .25 extra each additional verse, Engagement Notices are .75, for for and .75. dl visited Datars visited The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon R. F. REILLY, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Bach Week-Day Except Wednesday For Appointment - Phone 606 BIRTHS CARTER—-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter (nee Marion Webber) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at Victoria Hospital, London, on June 25, 1953.DOO.HER—FL. and Mrs. M. J. Doo- her, RCAF Station Centralia, an­ nounce the birth of a daughter, Patti Marie, June 24, 1953, at South Huron Hospital; a sister for Dani and Loretta Anne.FORD—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford, of Dashwood, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital June 28, 1953; a brother for Wendy and Penny.GIELEN—On July 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gielfin, of Crediton, a daughter. SHEPHARD—To Mr. and Mrs. David Shephard, RCAF Station Centralia, a son, Gordon Vernon, at South Huron Hospital June 25, 1953. ENGAGEMENTS Ann Knight, Saskatoon, Sask., to announce the engagement elder daughter, Leila Ann, to Bus. 36-W - Phone - Res. 36-J DR. B. EICKMEIER L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 910 Main Street South PHONE 669 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTH BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 by in W, G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor EXETER, ONTARIO At Hensail, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C, V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon EXETER PHONE & 4 J. NORMAN COWAN bookkeeping Systems, Service, etc. INCOME TAX RETURN’S Dashwood 4.0-r-1.3 Sarepta Hay Post Office USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office; Exeter, Ontario President Wm. A. Hamilton Cromarty Vice-President Martin Feeney R.R. Directors Harry Coates E. Clayton Colquhoun Science Hill 1 3 2 Dublin Centralia R.R. 1 D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 99 Hensall Ontario PERCY C. WRIGHT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Cromarty, Ontario Purebred, Farm, and Household Sales a Specialty For a Better Auction Sale Call the “Wright” Auctioneer Phone Hensall 690-r-22 Collect E. F. CORBETT LICENCED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R.R. 1 Telephone Zurich 92-r-7 ALVIN WALPER LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron, Lambton, Perth and Middlesex For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times “Service that Satisfies*’ PHONE 57-r-2 DASHWOOD Man Describes Unusual Cure The following item written John Elder, Hensall, appeared the Family Herald and "Weekly Star, Montreal, December 25, ■ 1952; "When I was 10 or 12 years of age, my nose bled so much and so often that my parents were alarmed. They heard from some­ one that if blood was coming : from the left side, a string tied around the little finger of the left _ . _ '' „ ~ ing, or if it was bleeding from the the would stop it. They always saw that case This the method over ... they just laughed and said that the has nothing to do with the nose.” This week Mr. Elder received a letter from Winnipeg, Man., from Mrs. J. J. Merritt, 55 Lux­ ton Ave., written June 21 and is as follows: Mr. John Elder, Hensall, Ont. . Dear Sir: In an old Family Herald and Weekly Star (December 25, 1952) I noticed your letter about “nose bleeding” and your me­ thod of stopping the same. In a book called “Zone Therapy,” published by L. G. Kelly Pub­ lishing Co., 907-915 Grailt Place North West, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., the body is described as divided into zones, ten of them. The tongue is the middle zone, little finger down to toe, etc., etc. The cure for nose bleeding is to put a rubber band over the first joint of the little finger on the affected side, as you said in your letter you tied the string. It must effect the circulation in. some way. I do not know if the book is still in circulation but it was very interesting to read all the helpful items in it. We -seem simple hand would stop the bleed- right side, a string around finger of the right hand I had a string with me in my nose began method never job. I have with to bleed, failed to do talked this doctors but at the idea little finger ‘-Vi fin a undo Mrs. wishes of her ___ __ ____, ____ ___ _ Freeman George Brien Dobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dobbs, Exeter, the wedding to take place Saturday, August 1, at 7:30 p.m, in Third Ave­ nue United Church, Saskatoon. 2c Mrs. Margaret White, of Stephen, wishes to announce the engagement of her youngest daughter, Alma Mary, R.N., of Detroit, to Mr. William J. Mathews, son of Mrs. Mary Mathews and the late Mr. Mathews, of Detroit, the wedding to takezplace July 25 at St. Gerard Roman Catholic Church, Detroit, Mich. 2c CARDS OF THANKS Harry and Donna Smith wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for the cards, visits and treats sent to Harry while a patient in St. Jo­seph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home. 2c Mrs. Frank Lewis and family wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. C. H. George, Rev. .T. F. Wagland and to Miss Audrey Tindall who sang at the fun­ eral service. 2* I wish to express my appreciation to all my friends who so kindly re­ membered me with calls, treats, cards and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and since returning home.—Marion Cree- ry. 2* IN MEMORIAM SCHLUNDT—In loving memory of a dear husband, Mr. Fred Schlundt, who passed away one year Monday, June 23, 1952. This day we do remember— A loving thought we give To one no longer with us, But in our hearts still lives.—Ever remembered by his Louisa (Ziler) Schlundt. ago, wife, 2* MiltoU McCurdy R.R. . Alex J. Rohde R.R. Agents Thns. G. Ballantyne Kirkton Mitchell Alvin L. I-Iarris EL Ross Houghton Solicitor W, G. Cochrane Arthur Fraser R.IL 1 Woodham Mitchell Cromarty Exetei* Exeter WM. H. SMITH LICENCED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex (Special training assures you your property’s true value Sale day) Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed CREDITON P.O. or RHONE 43-2 to have strayed from things and remedies, —Mrs. J, J.Mferritt of On schoolA little boy went to for the first time last week and the teacher explained to him that if he wanted to go to the wash­ room at any time he would false his ,,two fingers, Little boy, looking very puzzled Asked, "How's that going to stop it?” The Guild and W.A. of St. Pat­ rick’s Church held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Kooy on Wednesday, June 24. The ladies started to quilt early in the afternoon and the devo­ tional period was conducted by Mrs. James Turner. Plans were made for an ice cream social to be held about the middle of July. Mrs. H. Davis closed the meeting and the hostess, assisted by Mrs. K. Weiberg and Mrs. L. Weiberg, served a dainty lunch with plenty of strawberries for everyone. • The quilt will be completed in the parish hall in the near fu­ ture. Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. Earl Greenlee were winners of the mystery draw. Brotherhood Entertains The Brotherhood of the parish of Kirkton, Saintsbury and Gran­ ton entertained their wives and families to a picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 27, when 75 members sat down to dinner. A program of sports, under the leadership of the Kirk­ ton group, was enjoyed by all. A fast ball game, was an interesting feature of the afternoon and the children enjoyed the pond and playground. Mr. and Mrs. H, Atkinson at­ tended the Insley-Schwartz wed­ ding on Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Davis and Mrs. J. Atkinson spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. F. Davis. Mrs. F. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and Alexia were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Corbett, of London Township, and attended service at Ballymote church on Sunday evening. Little Miss Heather Davis spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls. Joyce McFalls spent a few at the home of Mr. and Hugh Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dicky family and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobbs and family attended the For­ resters’ picnic at Springbank on Saturday. Mrs. M. McDonald and Mrs,.H. Carroll drove their cars and took some of the pupils from S.S. No; 9 Biddulpli to Ipperwash on Fri­ day afternoon to attend a joint picnic for No. 9 and No. 2 Biil- dulph. Several car loads went and a good time was reported by all. Mrs. A. Abbott, teacher at No. 2, and Miss E. Noyes, teacher at No. 9, sponsored the outing. I SEED BUCKWHEAT. See us for good quality seed. —Cann's Mill Ltd. 2c CABIN TRAILER for sale. Apply Avalon Sandwich Shoppe, Exeter. McCLARY ESCORT range for wood or coal, excellent condition. Apply Edward Morlock, Crediton 69-W. 2* 106 NEW 'HAMP and Sussex pullets,7 weeks old. Apply Mrs. Frank Lewis, phone Lucan 15-r-12. 2* USED BARN TIMBER—-Between 12 and 20 feet. One barn stairway, quantity of braces, also quantity of used brick, Darrell Parker, Staffa. 2* 2 USED REFRIGERATORS, reason­ably priced, R. E. Russell, Exeter. 2e TATTLE PIGS. Apply Ceeil Rowe, R.R. 1, Exeter, phone 36-r-G Dash­ wood. 2* 1941 10% Chev truck, with or with­out platlorm and rack, exceptionally good, priced reasonably. —D. E. Kyle. Kippen, 2* EXTRA SPECIAL at Tudor’s in Hcn- sall: Lustran drapes that require no washing. Just whisk the dirt away. $3.49 pair. 2c CEMENT—225 bags, Canadian, E. E. Wuerth, phone 84 Zurich, 2:9c PIANO ACCORDIAN, 120 bass, 5 tre­ ble and 1 bass coupler, custom trim. Reasonable. — 106 Parkdale Avenue, RCAF P.M.Q. 2» ’53 METEOR SEDAN, overdrive and radio, low mileage, in good condition. Owner leaving town. Phone 97 Credi­ ton. 2c 18’ INBOARD SPEEDBOAT, Chrysler 6-cylinder engine, with ail acces­ sories. All in good condition. Very reasonably priced. Phone 200 Exeter.7-2tfc CHILD’S PLAYPEN, with mattress. In good condition. Apply Mrs. Bus- selle, phone 547-w-S Exeter. 2cCHILD’S LARGE crib and mattress, In good condition. Phone 121 Exeter. 2c ’35 FORD COACH, hydraulic brakes, new battery. Cheap for cash. — H. Boirsema, Maple Grove Farm, first farm south of Exeter. 2* WEANER PIGS. Apply Allen West­cott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 2c STOP THAT sour milk returned! Buy a used 8-can milk cooler in perfect running order. Harold Taylor, phone 39-r-8 Exeter, R.R. 3. 2* WANTED WANTED TO buy or to rent—100- to 150-acre farm. Apply Box "M”, The Times-Advocate. 2c EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS and BUSINESSMEN—Ar­ range now for your help. Experienced Holland families, tradesmen, cleaning women and girls available. Write Henry Nyhuis. R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31 ■ or William Moodie farm or Corn. Buruma farm, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 807-r-21. When you have farms or houses for sale or rent, let us know at the above address. 6-4tfc 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL to baby-sit. — Telephone 880-w-l Exeter. 25:2c HOUSEWORK — Dutch girl requires part time Work. Phone 534"-M Exeter. 2* HELP WANTED WOMAN FOR steady employment. Apply South Huron Hospital, phone 760. 2c UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, heat­ ed, hot and cold water, central. ap­ply 130 John St. E., phone 294-R. 2* GROUND FLOOR apartment, un­ furnished, heated, hot and cold wa­ ter, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. — Dlatehford Apts._________________2* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard­ ware, Exeter.___________________tfc 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, private bath; heat, water and hydro supplied. Available now. —Phone 202 Exeter. 25:2c RE PURCHASE OF TIMBER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until July 18 for the purchase of timber for a building 25 x 40. all in good shape. Can be seen at Christ Church, Con. 2, McGillivray. REV. G. E. PARKER, Ailsa Craig, Phone 86-R 26:2- MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE NEAR Grand Bend. Phone 37-r-10 Grand Bend. 2* FULLY modern unfurnished 4- apartments, one upstairs, one Hot and cold water, electric and private bath. Centrally Phone daytime 299 Exeter; ............... ■ 2:9* TWO room down, range located. _____ _„___ after 6:0v phone 194-W Exeter. CATTLE—If you have cattle to ship please notify Exeter Co-Op or R, B. Williams, telephone Kirkton 44-r-9. Shipping every week. 5-7tfc I AM PREPARED to spray your pas- lure fields, roadsides or fencebottoms nt a very reasonable cost. — L. V llogarth, phone 260 Exeter, 2e STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287.3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc REAL ESTATE NEW 8-BEDROOM cottage at South- cott Fines Grand Bend. Shower, hot water, fireplace. Very close to lake. —It. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 2c FOllR-ROOM COTTAGE. Apply A, J. McKerral, Exeter, 28 Main St, 2* WARTIME HOUSE — 4-bedroom, as­bestos siding. Apply 615 Marlborough Street. Phone 551-W or 620-j-4. "2c 160-ACRE FARM, situated two and one-half miles east of Exeter. Good clay loam, hydro, large bank barn, large machine shed, comfortable l1/,- storey 8-room stone house. I^arm completely drained and in a high state of cultivation. Apply to Gregus Bros., R.R, 3, Exeter.________2:9:16* MODERN BUILT 4-bedroom house, built-in ironing board, lots of cup­board and closet space; one acre of good garden loam; immediate posses­sion if desired. —Box 29, Dashwood. 25:2c days Mrs. and Poison Ivy Can Ruin Your Happy Holiday a With vacation time now in full swing and the old swimmin’ hole a current attraction, now is the time to guard against that destroyer of many a happy holi­ day poison ivy, or, if you insist, Rhus toxicodendron. Under either name, contact with the plant can cause much misery and seriously blemish what you hoped would be care-free period of relaxation. Poisin Ivy might, be called a contact poison. You don’t have to eat it to suffer from it. You only need to touch it. Maybe after walking through a patch of poison ivy, you will become infected by unlacing your shoes. Itching, rash and small water blisters are symptoms. A severe attack may put the victim in bed, a mild attack will cause considerable discomfort, 'I’reat- ment should be under the direc­ tion of a physician, if possible. Where this is not possible, ap­ plication of a potassium perman­ ganate solution to the affected parts is recommended. This solu­ tion consists of one 5 grain tab­ let of potassium permanganate in one quart of water. Poison Ivy is found in a variety of locations, roadsides, parks, country lanes, woods. It frequently occurs along the edges of fairways where your golf ball rolls. The partly wood­ ed banks of a favorite trout stream often supports a good growth of poison ivy, and it is also found in the Wild black­ berry patch. But don't avoid these summer haunts, just avoid tlie poison ivy. It is easily recognized, It may ba a vino or a low bushy shrub, but what- For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in J-Iensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings. 10-3()tfc CUSTOM HAY BALING —With new twine tie pickup baler, square bales. Lloyd Reynolds, R.R, 1, Hensall, tele­ phone 177-r-4 Exeter, 25:2* IT YOU ARE A TURNIP GROWER it would be well to watch your tur­nips every few days for aphids as they are around right now. If you want your turnips sprayed for water core be sure they are no larger than your thumb. They can be sprayed for aphids and water core at the same time. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. 2c SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Phone ,108-W Lucan. 2* FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at ite- best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt,tfc IT IS TIME TO SPRAY your corn for weeds, when the corn is from six to twelve inches high for best results. Phone 266 Exeter, L. V. Hogarth, 2c NOTICES MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to 1,500 families. Good pro­ fits for hustlers. Write today. Raw- leigh's Dept. F-202-S, Montreal.4:11:18:25c WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Man in­ terested in larger than average in­come to manage rural Watkins Dealership. Training supplied. No in­ vestment necessary. If you are am­ bitious, between 25 and 55, have a car, write today for information to Dept. O-E-6. The J. R. Watkins Co., 350 St. Roche St., Montreal.2:9:16:23:30c Wonderful Opportunity Immediate requirement for sales . presentative for Exeter and district. Above average earnings earned by diligent salesmen. Protected terri­ tories. Car an asset. This is* a. Won­ derful opportunity for a man desir­ ing a career in the sales field with a future and security. For confiden­ tial interview, state particulars, sell­ ing experience, 'phone number and write Box "DAA”, Times-Advocate.DOMINION AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Canada’s Most1 Progressive Motor Clpb re- ever the growth habit, it always bears three lets. Pale small white picture. The more merit accuracy than for their poetic value, but they do help to re­ member the danger signs: Berries Berries Leaves Poison by proper use Of such killers -as Animate, Atlacide, 2,4- D, or 2,4,5-T. Applications may be made from June to September, Early applications permit fur­ ther treatment during the sum­ mer of persistent plants. Atten­ tion over two summers should eradicate the most stubborn patch. A pamphlet “Poison Ivy” pub­ lished jointly by the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Ontario Department of Health gives" a complete description of the plant, methods of treatment of victims, and eradication of the weed. It is obtainable from either of the Departments. shiny drooping leaf­ white flowers and berries complete the following lines have for their descriptive red, have no dread, white, poisonous sight, three, quickly flee. Ivy can be eradicated use of such weed $6,000.00 WILL PURCHASE a modern two-bedroom cottage. This home has a very nice appearance, is fully in­ sulated, has full basement and is oil heated. You will be surprised at the easy "terms, $5,500.00 FOR 2-APARTMENT home. This is a tidy property, well located in Exeter. Each apartment has com­ plete kitchen and bath. Upper apart­ ment rented at $40.00 per month. Im­ mediate possession on lower. Buy a home and an income. Terms. LIONS’ DREAM HOME, Southcott Pines. Grand Bend. We are offering this beautiful three-room cottage completely furnished including beds, electric range, electric refrigerator, breakfast room suite and other furn­ ishings, all brand new. Price $10,000. Terms. Or make us a cash offer. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. __________________6-25tfc VACANT LOT suitable for store or office building, choice location in business block. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor_________________________G-25tfc 2-APARTMENT HOUSE, two bath­ rooms, coal furnace, garage, j acre of. land, 4 miles south of Crediton. Price $5,555 “or Will exchange for farm. Also Model A Ford, $115. — John Bos, Twin ' Oaks Apartments, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig.__________25:2:9* 1%-STOREY BRICK house, 3-piece bath downstairs, garage, small barn, 1% acres land, strawberries, rasp­berries, currants and fruit trees. Ap­ ply 307 Waterloo St., west of pillars, evenings after 6 o’clock or Saturdav. 25’2* CLIPPER COACH MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED BY-LAW NO. 5 BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-law of Clipper Coach Manufacturing Co. Limited that the location of the Head Office of the Company be, and the same is hereby changed from the Village of Uderton, in the County of Middlesex, to the Town of Hensall, in the County of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, ENACTED this 19th day of May, A.D., 1953. WITNESS the the Company. Corporate Seal of Norman St. Cyr, President Helen St. Cyr, Secretary-Treasurer ______ __ CYR, Secretary of Clipper Coach Manufacturing Co. Limited, hereby certify that the above By-law was duly confirmed by a vote of the -shareholders -present,or repre­sented by proxy at a meeting duly- called for considering same and hold­ ing not less than two-thirds of the issued capital stock represented at such meeting.Helen St. Cyr,Secretary I HELEN_ ST. 25:2c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of EARL WHITING deceased persons having claims against ........’” late in. the All ____ ____„ _____ the estate of Earl Whiting, the Township of Usborne, m County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of June, 1953, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Soli­ citors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the lltli day of July next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those of............................... of $4,800.60 WILL BUY centrally located two-bedroom cottage. This is a com­ fortable home. It has a living room, dining room, kitchen and modern bathroom. Garage and nice lot. Very easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter,_____ 6-I8tfc NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R. E. Baik- will, Exeter.______ 6-18tfc FOR SALE — 156-acre tobacco farm, Vienna district 45 M.B.R., 6 kilns new, new barns and sheds fully equipped, all level land. Price $71,000 with $15,000 down. Bal. % crop. One of Southern Ontario's finest tobacco farmers. For inspection contact Gus Morello, real estate broker, phone 489 Ingersoll. 18:25:2c WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, 'summer cottages and year round homes. ■—W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen, 5-28tfc CENTRALIA 3-be.droom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse, —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 5-14tfc 4-BEDROOM BRICK with extra lot, Exeter, Fine location. Bright, nicely arranged living rooms. Modern kit­ chen and bathroom. Nicely treed lawn. This home is in good condition. Quick possession. Terms. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 4-lfitfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu- pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property Is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter. 4-16tfc FRAME 3-REDROOM insulated house with hot air furnace, 3-plece bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, laundry tubs, 3 rooms hardwood floors, Com­plete with furniture, Garage. Pay 25 per cent clown, balance like rent. — W. C. T’earcc, Realtor, Earl parsons, Salesman., .......... 4»30tfc FOR Sale—seven-ream house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 9S2 William street, Exeter, tf» __ ___ ____ claims which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 215:2:90 AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Implements,* Valuable Household Effects and Antiques On the premises, S.H. OF LOT 8. CON. 14, McGillivray township, miles north of West McGillivray2 ____ ____ „ ___ _________ Store Or IVt miles east of Mt, Carmel and 2i£ miles south. The undersigned auctioneer^ has jo- auction on and 2y2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer __ ...ceived instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 3 commencing at 7 o'clock, p.m, sharp. TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS: Ford' Ferguson tractor, newly overhauled, in guaranteed condition; Dearborn 2- furrow plow, like new: McDeeHng 11- hoo fertilizer drill; International 2- horsc scuffler with puller attach­ ments: rubber-tired wagon, like new; steel-tired wagon; 1-horse scuffler; dump rake: 3-hoi'se cultivator; disc harrow; set of harrows; 2 flaf hay racks, like new: International cream separator; Deering mower; walking plow; 33-pieee socket set; large as­ sortment of tools; Coleman lanterns; cross-cut saw; sling ropes and chains; harness, bridles and collars; car heat­ er; quantity of pails, forks, barrels., whiffletroes and neckyokes, etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 90 - piece dinner sot, complete: large assort­ ment of valuable glassware and dishes; number of antique glass and china dishes: all kinds of antique­ furniture: picture, and picture frames; settee and 2 chairs to match; side­ board: large bureau; drop-leaf table; complete bedroom suite; phonograph and records: 2 toilet sets; 2 old- fashioned lamps; small round lop­ table. Many other interesting and desir­ able items. Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash, W. J. DAVIES, PROF, GARNET HtCKS, CLERK ATaVIN WALPER, AUCT. 25:2c