HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-06-18, Page 8Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1953 $5000 Stock To Clear FOR ALTERATIONS News Budget From Wabasso Sheets, 81"xl00" .......................... 42" Heavy Pillow Tubing............................ 82" Bleached Sheeting, reg* $1.75 ............ 82" Unbleached Sheeting, reg. $1.39 ........ Terry Towelling, 18” wide ........................... Irish Linen Towelling, 18" wide ............... Kingscott Blankets, 70"x90" ..................... Dress Trousers up to $10.95 to clear at . Ladies’ Cotton Dresses, $2.98 up .............. Nitties, s, m and 1, reg. $2.98 ..................... Men’s Sport and Work Shirts ......... .......... Jig-Saw Puzzles, Toys, Books .................... Kemtone, reg. $5.98 gal................................ Kemtone, reg. $1.69 quart ......................... Martin Semour Exterior, $7.45 gal........... Martin Semour Exterior, $2.30 qt............. Work Shoes Reg. $8.25 for $7.50, $8.95 for $7.95, $9.95 for $8.95 Children’s and Men’s T-Shirts ................ Up to 50% Off 28-oz. Oxford Inn Tomatoes, choice ................ 2 for 450 Cashmere Bouquet Beauty Soap ........................ 4 for 290 Javex .......................... 16-oz. 150, 32-oz. 260, 64-oz. 470 Kleenex, regular or chubby ......................................... 200 Jello .................................:....................................... 3 for 290 Gibson Tissue ....................................................... 2 for 370 Heinz Cereal Foods....................... 230 Pablum .............................. 430 lb. Heinz Fruit and Vegetable Baby Food ........... 3 for 290 Marshmallow Cookies .................... 330 and 370 lb. pkg. .... $7.25 ........89ff .... $1.39 ..... $149 ........ 590 ........ 590 ..... $5.50 ..... $5.99 25% Off ..... $2.25 20% Off 25% Off ..... $4.98 ..... $1.49 ..... $6.75 ..... $1.98 Blanshard By MBS. GLADWYN HOOPER Look Here For Bargains ■ ■' ___________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family were of Mr. and Mrs. of Rannoeh. Mr. and Mrs. key and family witli Mr. and Mrs. Brinsley. Mr. and and family with Mrs. Mr. and Robert, Mrs. . Kathleen spent Sunday with and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bryan, of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family spent Sunday in Brantford.Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford on the arrival of a son. Sunday guests Harvey Spearin Leonard Thae- spent Sunday Waugh, o£ Mrs. Jack Thomson spent Sunday evening James Mossey. Mrs. Wes Mossey James Mossey The Story In Kippen FOR SALE FOR SALE and and Mr. By MRS. A. GACHS TETTER RADFORD'S GENERAL STORE CREDITON PHONE 83 Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biggar and son Randy, of Calgary, Alta., are visiting Mrs. Lizzie tives. Mr. and Lome, of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ uel Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford visited Sunday with Mrs. Biggar's mother, Dietz and other rela- Mrs. S. Cud more and London, visited on THREE-BURNER electric stove, for heavy wiring, excellent oven, $15. Also icebox, excellent condition, well insulated, $12. Apply Mrs. M. Freele, Grand Bend, one block from Main Street. 11:18c THREE-PIECE GREEN velour ches­ terfield suite, $50; also tapestry Ches­ ter bed, $45. Phone 443-W-3 Exeter. 18c ONE USED 5-II.P. Sea King out­ board motor. A-l condition, used ap­ proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.06. —Huron Lumber Co. 5-14tfc 15-ft. CEDAR BOAT, IQ-horse Evan- rude motor, steel boat trailer, in first class vendition. Apply Box “C", Ex­eter Times-Advocate. 11:18c FIVE DIG FEATURES of the Surge Filter Cooler-filters and cools in one operation, will handle up to 40 gal­ lons of milk an hour, needs only to be attached to pressure system, is all stainless steel construction, and no milk is exposed. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, phone collect 593, Wingham._____________ 18* RANGETTE, also antique parlour suite. Apply Ernest Hicks, R.R. 1, Centralia, phone 48-r-22 Kirkton, IS* Six-inch WOOD JOINTER, nearly new. Apply 142 Gidley Street._____18* 9 WEAKER PIGS. Apply Maurice Love, 174-r-3 Exeter. 18* NEWCOMBE PIANO, in good condi­ tion. Reasonably priced. McCreery's Ladies’ ami Children’s Wear. 18c 7 SMALL SHOATS — Apply Harry Carroll, on John Klumpp farm, Credi­ ton, phone 19-r-12 Crediton, 18c 2 ICE BOXES—Both in good condi­ tion—one 50 lb., the other 100 lb. Can be seen at Ralph Lightfoot’s, Cen­ tralia. 18* FLINCHBAUGH CANVAS wagon un­ loader—used very little. Alfred Ropp, 96-r-4 Zurich. 18c AFRICAN VIOLETS in full bloom. Several varieties. Mrs. W. J. Smith, cor. Andrew and Sanders Sts, 18* 24 ACRES RED clover hay, on field. Apply to Crescent Dayman, Exeter, phone 176-r-3. 18* BLACK COCKER spaniel, 2y. years old. Phone 613-J-12,__________ 18c MALE HELP WANTED MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to l.Oiin families. Good pro­ fits for hustlers. Write today. Ruw- leigh's Dept. F-2H2-S, Montreal. 4:11:18:2.1c CARPENTERS, sheet metal worker, electricians, spray painter and labor­ ers. Apply Hi person to Clipper Coach Manufacturing Co., Hensall. Ontario. 11:18c FEMALE HELP WANTED SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of taking short­ hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advocate. l-15tfc UPSTAIRS GIRL and kitchen help. Mrs. Eva Gill, Grand Bend, phone 151. 18c CLERK - TYPIST for County Health Unit, Clinton. Interesting work. Shorthand desirable, but not essen­ tial. Apply in writing to A. H. Ers­ kine, Court House, Goderich. IS'c MISCELLANEOUS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Phone 108-W Lucan. 18* CATTLE—If you have cattle to ship please notify Exeter Co-Op or R. B. Williams, telephone Kirkton 44-r-9. Shipping every week, 5-7tfc For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings, 10-30tfc HERE Matched color companion to SPRED SATIN ALLIS-CHALMERS 60 HARVESTER —with pickup, scour clean, flax rows, straw spreader, five sieves, used one season, $1,075. J, W. Gardiner, phone 21-r-l(i Kirkton. 18:25c CUSTOM WEED-SPRAYING, grain, corn, fencerows; also quantity of standing mixed hay for sale. Apply Donald Kernick, phone 54-6 Kirkton. 11:18c They Go Together — New Spred Gloss and Famous Spred Satin — Color - Matched to Help You Achieve the Lat­ est in Decorating Styles. And They Give You Your Choice of Two Finishes for Any Room in the House •— A Soft Satin Finish or a Rich Luster Enamel Surface in a Complete Range of Colors. SIX ACRES of red clover mixed with yellow sweet clover hay. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, 177-r-4 Exeter. 18c FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. 5-14alt.tfc ONE FULLY enameled McClary elec­ tric four-plate heavy duty stove. Large enameled oven. All in first class condition. Priced to sell. May he seen at 128 John St. West, Ex­ eter. 18* TENDERS WANTED IS! IT Mi SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER J-: ... ''' (»ii4 Jen J) FOR ONE WEEK ONLY We want you to try this new 100% latex base, rich luster enamel for wood­ work and trim. Color matched with Spred Satin. 1 quart Spred Satin 1/2 pint Spred Gloss 85c MATCHING COLOR 1 only 2" Nylon Brush 69c VALUE FOR $2 78 TWO DEALS ONLY TO A CUSTOMER Take Advantage Of This SPRED GLOSS Combination Offer Today SEE HOW THIS RICH LUSTER ENAMEL DRIES IN HALF AN HOUR, SMOOTH AS TILE! SPRED SATIN CEILINGS1^ AN1> CDDcrr ri ncc jn mawching colors OrKCU kJLkJ03 for woodwork and trim PHONE 181 EXETER 1 HOUSE DOOR, combination screen door, green veranda porcelain toilet bowl, 10-ft. cold air pipe, hearing aid used 1 month—all in good condi­ tion, Apply at Times-Advocate, Box ”S".________ IS* MOTOR — U-h.p. in excellent shape, reasonably priced. Phone 172-r-4. 18c CHILD’S PRAM, stroller, walker and tot seat. Phone 366-M. 18* 45 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply J. Breg- man, R.R. 1, Hensall, con. 6, Lot 29. 18* 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-door sedan, excellent mechanical condition, 20,660 miles. Extras, undercoating, air conditioned heater, slip covers, $1,500.00 cash. Phone Exeter 285-j-4 or see at PMQ 119, Columbia Drive, RCAF Centralia. 18* Green, Green, Wesley Sunday Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss 'Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. J. MeClymont and daugh­ ter, Mrs. J. Schilbe) of Exeter, visited relatives in Varna Sun­ days Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egmondville, Mr. Henry of Grand Bend, and Mr, Green, Mitchell, visited with Mr. Jonah Green. Mr. William Martin, who has been confined to Scott’s Memor­ ial Hospital, Seaforth, returned home on Friday last. Local children who attend Hensall public school enjoyed a bus trip to London on Tuesday to see the 'Coronation pictures in the Odeon Theatre. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, visited recently with her mother, Mrs. K. Jarrott. The ladies of St. Andrew’s United Church are making plans for their strawberry and ham supper to be held June 26. A variety program is planned. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hullet and daughters, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert Merle spent Sunday with tives in Clifford. Mrs. R. Dinsdale, who been visiting her daughter son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, in Stratford, returned to her home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs N. Long and Mr. Robert Thompson called on friends in Lucknow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter visited over the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Donald Horney and Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard Guelph. Mrs. W. Dilling is confined her room through illness. Alec and rela- has and m to W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. met Wednesday eveening last at the home of Mrs, Carl McClinchey with Mrs. Robert Elgie as co-hostess. Mrs. John Sinclair presided and the theme of the meeting was, “The Bible Today”. Mrs. Sinclair gave a reading on that subject, Mrs. Winston Workman was in charge of the worship period and Mr?, Elgie gave a reading on the Bible. Thirty members answered the roll call. Mrs. Allan Johnston and Miss Margaret Sin­ clair were named as visiting committee for June. An invitation was read and accepted to go to the Northside United Church W.M.S. meeting on 'Tuesday evening, June 23. Mrs. John Anderson gate the history of the hymn "Love Di­ vine All Love Excelling”. Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and Mrs. C. Hovey, of Eginohdville, favored with a vocal compahied by Mrs. R. Mrs. ft. Cohsitt gave from the study book. du6t, ac- Broadfoot. the topic CONCESSION PRIVILEGES Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the concession privil­ eges at the Race Meet held on Wed­ nesday, July 8, 1953. Tenders to be in by 6 p.m. Saturday, June 27. WM. C. ALLISON, SEC. 18:25c WANTED CHILD'S PLAYPEN — Apply Mrs. Caron, 208 Andrew Street, third floor. 18c CHILD’S PLAYPEN. Apply Box ‘R’, Times-Advocate. 18* GOING BACK and forth to London daily. Have room for two or three passengers. Apply Times-Advocate. 18* UNFURNISHED APARTMENT o r bungalow, 2 or 3 bedrooms, before Aug. 1. —Phone 449-w-l. WA TO RENT'—Farm house near Exeter. Please leave name address and phone number at Times-Advocate. 18:25* FOR RENT 2-R00M APARTMENT, furnished.— C. D. Blatchford, 606 William St. 18* GROUND FLOOR apartment, un­ furnished, heated, hot and cold wa­ ter, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. — Blatchford Apts. _____________I8V2 FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT, newly decorated, hot and cold water, out­ side entrance. Apply Carling Street, next to roller rink. 18c 3-R00M APARTMENT, with bath. Available now. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. ___ 18c GROUND FLOOR apartment, furn­ ished. Separate entrance, self-con­ tained. Rent reasonable. Apply at Times-Advocate, Box "S”.________18* 4-ROOM COTTAGE. Apply A. J. Mc- Kerral, 28 Main St., Exeter.______18* OUR TWO-ROW precision Turnip Planter will be available to anyone wishing to rent it at $1.00 per acre again this season. Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall, or 91-r-18 Zurich. 14:21:28:4:11:1.8* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard- ware, Exeter._____________________tfc LOWER HEATED apartment, mod­ ern convenience, newly decorated, garage, laundry, private entrance. — William Oestricher, phone 12-.T Credi- ton. 4:11:18c UNFURNISHED LOWER apartment, modern conveniences, electric range, centrally located. Phone daytime 299 Exeter; after 6:00 phone 194-W Ex­ eter. 18:25* NEWLY DECORATED heated self- contained four-room apartment. Tele- phone 6-J Exeter. 18* COTTAGE at Grand Bend: 3 bed­ rooms; rent by month or season. Call 36. 18c 3-R00M APARTMENT, partly furn­ ished, newly decorated, heated and hydro. Apply Times-Advocate. 18* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY PULLETS. What better now? Choice of breeds. Dayold started, Ask us for particulars prim erg den, _______ _____ ______ and Ask us for particulars and . And Order your August broil- iow too. Agent is Eric Carscad- Exeter, phone 246-J. 18c ___ SALE of two- and three’ •old pullets: Standard Quality 2’ ■old White Leghorn, Black Min ” White Leghoi ........ ’ Barred “ ’ White 3-week mality i $2.00 ■ 11 SPECIAL week’ week’ orca horn lorp hunch Make fit $3.60 p................. . bred pullets. Also day-old pullets above breeds $27.05. Special iJroi turkey poults non-sexed for .Tur livery Money Maker Quality 80c Extra Profit 85c, Money Maker 69c, Extra Profit Toms 74c, prices for July. — Tiveddle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, x X X ’ed, r c; add .....____ White Leg- Rock, Black Austra- Leghorn $38.95 per ■old add $5.00; Money dd $1.00; Extra Pro- , Special Mating add tired. Those are all egg ____________________in __ize ic de- each, Toms lower _ Chick Ontario. 18c PULLETS FOR SALE—1400 Red X Sussex 9 weeks old Juno 12; 1000 V weeks old June 12; 8Q0 Red X Rock 12 weeks old June .800 Red X Sussex 4 months old June 14; 800 Susse*. X Red 4 months old June 14; 760 Leghorn X Red 4% months eld June 16. **■*-■ price pnid for poultry Phene Miteheii 264 or 50, Ducklaws Produce, Also highest, and eggs. — phone Dublin Ditblin. Ont. 18;25:2C TWO-STOREY BRICK house, central­ ly located, oil heated, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, lovely grounds. •— Phone 411-J. ______________11:18* STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses pr cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287. 3-5tfe I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS —• I rompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled tarm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS anil BUSINESSMEN—Ar­ range. now for your help. Experienced Holland families, tradesmen, cleaning women and girls available. Write Henry Nyhuis, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-1-31 or William Mhodie farm or Corn. Burumn farm, li.R. 4, Clinton, phone 867-r-21. 'When you have farms or houses for sale or rent, let us know at the above address. 6-4tfc RESPONSIBLE, ALERT, diligent, trustworthy a i r m a n requires one month steady employment commenc­ ing June 20. Will do anything, part time or full time. Qualified swimming instructor. Phone 770, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3'8* REAL ESTATE FARM WANTED—We have a client desirous of acquiring a 50- or 100- aere farm.GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker —R, B. Paterson, phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. JiS:25c HOUSE IN LUCAN — Three-bedroom wartime house. Low down-payment. $31 per month, pays principal, taxes, interest ' and insurance. Apply A. Tighelaar, 17 Margaret St., Lucan.18c $4,800.00 WILL BUY centrally located two-bedroom cottage. This is a com­ fortable home. It has a living room, dining room, kitchen and modern bathroom. Garage and nice lot. Very easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-18tfc NEW THREE-BEDROOM cottage at Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, Show­ er, hot water, fireplace, Very close to lake. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 18e NEW ATTRACTIVE two- or three- bedroom house. Centrally located. Air conditioned oil furnace. Immediate possession. Space for additional rooms on second floor. —R. E. Balk­ will, Exeter, G-18tfc A LARGE HOUSE and extra lot suit­ able for. living quarters and an apart­ ment. Apply o25 William St. 18” FOR SALE—156-acre tobacco farm, Vienna district 45 M.B.R., 6 kilns new, new barns and sheds fully equipped, all level land. Price $71,006 with $15,000 down. Bal. % crop. One of Southern Ontario’s finest tobacco farmers. For inspection contact Gus Morello, real estate broker, phone 489 Ingersoll. 18:25;2c LOST LOST — Navy and grey striped silk umbrella, clear plastic handle, found, call Times-Advocate. 770. AUCTION SALES Administrators’ AUCTION SALE of Property and Household in VILLAGE OI-* on SATURDAY, at l:<i|) ESTATE OF '_____ BARBARA FORREST Sparton radio; dining room suite; Clare Jewel range (new); rocking chairs; Singer electric sewing ma­chine (new); 8-day clock; kitchen cupboard; 2 couches; armchair: fern stand; small table; curtains; Quebec heater; 9 kitehen chairs; sideboard; kitchen tables: electric rangette; 2- burner coal oil stove with oven; small tables; 1 roll congoleum (new); cooking utensils; china; cutlery; 3 bedroom suites; sanitary closet; coal oil heater; bedding; floor 2 tons of coal; 2 cords - mower. At same time there will be offered for fortable dwelling of the village of Hensall, being Lot 257, Moir Survey. TERMS: Property—10 percent down, balance in 30 days. Reserve Chattel s—Cash. WILLTAM FORREST, Administrator. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Effects , JUNE 20 p.m. THE LATE USED CARS DODGE COACH FORD COUPE FORD COUPE DODGE COACH Radio CHEV SEDAN Immaculate MERCURY SEDAN Radio CHEV COACH Like New ? coverings; wood; lawn and place sale a com- deceased in situated on bid. 11:18c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND on Main Street, directly across from the United Church. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: General Electric 4-burner stove, like new; Coleman space heater, like new; oak round top extension table with 6 matching chairs; 2 library tables; chest of drawers; combination writ­ ing desk; small writing desk; various rocking chairs; daybed; card table; t r i 1 i g h t lamp; complete bedroom suite; antique table; dressers; com­ modes; clothes hamper; toilet set; fancy quilts: comforters; fancy dishes and odd dishes: kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; flower plants; many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS; Cash. MRS. JACK WITHERSPOON, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER Used T rucks All Reconditioned ’50 ’50 ’47 ’48 ’39 STUDEBAKER PICKUP AUSTIN PICKUP MotorNew GMC Like PICKUP New GMC THREE-TON New Motor CHEV TWO-TON Duals; Body and Hoist ONE NEW BUICK Immediate Delivery Pearson Motor Sales PONTIAC - BUICK DEALERS Phone 78 Zurich Television WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. _________5-28tfc BRICK HOUSE at 32S Main Street, good location. Quick possession. Ap- ply to M. W. Pfaff, ph. 116, 5-21tfc CENTRALIA 3-bedroom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 5-14tfc 4-BEDROOM BRICK with extra lot, Exeter. Fine location. Bright, nicely arranged living rooms. Modern kit­ chen and bathroom. Nicely treed lawn. This home is in good condition. Quick possession. Terms. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St.yraExeter, Ont. 4-lGtfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­ pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter._________4-16tfc FRAME 3-BEDROOM insulated house with hot air furnace, 3-piece .bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, laundry tubs, 3 rooms hardwood floors. Com­ plete with furniture. Garage. Pay 25 per cent down, balance like rent. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-30tfc FOR SALE—Seven-room house with three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey,,barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply’’932 William Street, Exeter, tf* MODERN COTTAGE with large liv­ ing room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This pro­ perty is in excellent condition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter. l-8tfc Bedding Plants —Petunias —Carnations —Marigolds (tall and small) —Zinnias —Pepper and Cabbage Plants —Carnation Cut Flowers Reder's Flowers 119 Main Street Phone 761-W WE DELIVER FOR SALE 51 50 48 46 46 39 34 CHEV SEDAN, low mile­ age, one owner. CHEV COACH, two-tone paint CHEV FLEETLINE COA. A clean car. CHEV SEDAN, clean as new. FORD SEDAN, good con­ dition. DODGE SEDAN, better than average. CHEV COACH, original paint. FORD COACH .... $45.00 EXBTtiR We will shortly be placing on display the New General Electric Ultra Vision These new models will have many improvements in­ cluding a newly designed picture tube which will give much more detail and contrast. , Our service department will be qualified to give efficient service to maintain the motto— everything we sell”. and talk over the television situation in the prompt and "We service Drop in near future. R. E. Russell Phone 109 Exeter Let's Make June 21 The Best Fathers Day Ever Show him that we all appreciate him more tliap he thinks although we are apt to take him for granted. Here is how I am going to help you all do just that! $1.00 Off ANY SPORTSHIRT 50c Hankies $1.50 Ties FOR $1.00" 3.98 Swim Suits ONLY $2.98 T-Shirts .50, $1.50, $2.50, $2.98, $3.00 Special I Special! For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only 1 Pr, Pants ..... $25.00 2 Pr. Pants ......... $32.95 Regular $49.95 % These came into the store in April this year. Regular $59.95 going for 1 Pr. Pants ......... $37.95 2 Pr* Pants .......... $45.95 Many More Good Buys To Make This The Best Father’s Day Ever! HATTER'S Phone 169-W Exeter a «... , ,,xr ...... „ ........................................... , ...... ....... . ..Sr