HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-06-11, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1953 4 Double Protection Against Fire! They’re on the job 24 hours every day! Youi* firemen fight the fire once it’s started , , , your fire insurance pays for the destruction it causes. Make sure you have the protection of both! INSURE nowBor ^ATER Hodgson Better See Motorola TV ■■■■■ ■ Kirkton, Woodham Officers Elected To Orange Executive Topics From and all in an- Some 400 Orangemen Royal Black Kuights from parts of Ontario gathered London on May 18 for their nual covnention which -continued until Thursday evening, May 21. Grand Master of the Royal Black Kights. Samuel Reesor, convened over that order while Elias Grey, convened over Lodge Ontario During the Royal Blaack the following Master, rines; Bert Deputy, Grand Chaplain. Harold London; Grand Registrar R, A. Spencer, Long Deputy, F. A. Cooke, Grand Treasurer, R. C. Owen Sound, Deputy the Grand West, conventic Knights officers: , A. S. Brooks, St. Deputy Grand Harper, Orillia; , John Morrison, Orange m, the elected Grand Cathe- Master, Junior Sarnia; Watson, Rev. Branch, Toronto; Wright, Karl Notice During the months of July and August our office and plant will remain open Wednesday after­ noons and close Saturday after­ noons. Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. EXETER the most beautiful PLAY BALL! at the park new BIG SCREEN ST. MARYS AT EXETER Friday, June 12 6:30 p.m. (This game will not be televised) INVITE YOU FOR A DEMONSTRATION their sensational performance Anti-reflection GLARE-GUARD * New Area Selector Switch * Acoustinator Tone Control SNELGROVE'S Reg Armstrong Motors Phone 216 ExeterPHONE 18 Tackle You Need % Has The Top Quality Rods Brown, Orillia; Harry Collins, Andrew Kidd, Censors, W. B. don, and J. R. Cliff e. H. 8- Burrows, Toronto, and J R. Cram suivant, Grand Jordon tee, G William H. J. Munroe, W Wallace Frankum, Oliver Jaques, Auditors, A. i R. Beatson. Also during the Grand Convention the following officers were elected: Master Gordon Keyes. D.G. Master, Carl Smith, chener; J.D. Grand Master David Rowland, Weston; Gran- Secretary, James Jackson, Owen Sound: D.G. Secretary, T. Eames, Toronto; Grand Treasurer, W. H. Dawson, Hamilton; D.G. Treasurer, James Worrall, Lon­ don; G. Marshall, John Clarke, Coppercliffe; Grand Lecturers, William Tatford, Sarnia, Walter Block. On the first evening of convention a banquet was ___ with fine entertainment follow­ ing. The guest speaker at Ordnge Banquet was W. Shannon, of London, noted veller, lecturer and author. The 1954 convention will held in Bracebridge, Ontario. Grand Lecturers, Woodstock, and Stayner; Grand Clipperton, Lon- Clarke, Copper- Grand Standard Bearers, Sudbury; Grand Pup­ il. C. Vance, Woodham; Marshall, B. Hunsberger, Station; Grand Commit- eorge Phillips, Orillia, Carruthers, Stratford, Munroe, W. Drummond, Ed. ;, Kirkton F. Cooper Haskell, Grand and J. Orange new Grand Toronto; Kit- Rev, d each held the A. tra- be By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Mrs.McGuffin, of Devizes, visited with Mrs. Sugdeon Mrs. J. Johns on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hill, don, visited Thursday with and Mrs. MelviUle Hern. Mr. i Gordon with Mr ley, of Mr. and R James anniver; and Mrs. Melville Gunning Mr. family Hern prise Monty Saturday, and Mrs. wedding and Mrs. and Mrs. and Larry, r. and Mrs. Whalen, and Mrs. and I, ary Lon- Mr. Gerald Hern, spent Sunday Laverne Mor- Allen Jaques Mr. and Mrs. attended Whalen nd visited with Mr. News of Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Mr. and Mrs. Wes Batten, of Kirkton, visited with Mr. and and Mrs. Clarence Johns on Mon­ day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby, of Kirkton, Mrs. Grant Mills, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Rodd on Sunday. Mr. and and Marie in London Mr. and and family visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward Sunday evening. Members of the Woodham L.O.L., L.O.B.A. and the band attended a church service at the Anglican Church at Grand Bend on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Melon and Ronald, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johns one evening last week. Mrs. Clarence Johns visited with relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Coward of the Base Line were Classified Directory FOR SALE HELP WANTED WANTED 6-inch WOOD JOINER—nearly new. Apply 143 Gidley Street. 11’ 3-PIECE GREEN mohair chesterfield suite, .$50; also tapestry studio lounge $45. Phone 443-W-3 Exeter. lie SMALL OIL incubator, 50-egg capac­ ity, like new. Apply Joe White, tele­ phone 547-W-3 Exeter. 11c SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of taking short­hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advoeate, l-15tfc MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to 1,500 families. Good pro­ fits for hustlers. Write today. Raw- leJgh’s Dept. F-202-S, Montreal. GRASS FOR ten head of cattle. Ap­ply A. Pearce, phone 21 -r-5 Kirkton 11* WANTED TO RENT—House in Ex­ eter, two or three bedrooms, unfurn­ ished. Apply Times-Advoeate. 3.1* WANTED TO RENT—Rank account­ ant and wife desire a small, clean, heated apartment, with private bath, in Exeter, Hensall or vicinity. Phont 12 Hensall during office hours. Ask for Mr, Forrester. 33c HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position as mother’s helper for the summer months and part time help during school term. —Phone 72-r-6 Crediton. CARPENTERS, sheet metal worker, electricians, spray painter and labor­ers. Apply in person to Clipper Coach Manufacturing Co., Hensall, Ontario. EXPERIENCED OFFICE helper, one capable of typing and doing genera) office work. Apply in person to Guenther Tuckey Transports IAd., Exeter. ________ Uc SUNSHINE BABY carriage, maroon, in good condition. Phone Mrs. Btts- spile, 547 -w-:Exeter.Uc TV TPIIN \ 'I’lON AT, •> - I nr«A «<>Ltffler, in good •ond ition. Phon e Exete • 322- ■11* ORNA.MI*NT AL MARBI -.E fire place, with elet trie grate, l’hime 146.Uc NINE Pl GS.Apply Job n Sims,R.R. 1, Credit.11* THREE-ll'l .NER elect •ic stov e, for heavy w g, exeellen t oven,$15, \lso ieel ox.excellent <ond ition well insulated,2. Apply M ■s. M. I*’reele, Giand B one bloc c from Main Street.11:18c PUREBRED Hereford bull, serviceable age; bean attachment for McCormick Deering thresher; also parts for a Hart weigher. Apply Clare nee Park, Zurich, Ont.______11c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE and Ken sur- Mrs. , on Mr. •fifth Ward Hern and Mrs. attended a Mr of do and Mrs. .and Mr. and family party Dobst the D< anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Gor and family, of Dash Sunday with Mr ville Hern. Mr .and Mrs. Jim liowclifl'e, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Bob and Peter Dykeman, of Galt, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Mr. and Mrs, Hern Whalen guests Pullen. Mr. ; visited warden, of Sarnia, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and Billy, of weekend Ephriam Billy are Michael spent Saturday with Bruce Dyke­ man. The W.M.S. 1 meeting at Mrs. on Wednesday, Ward Hern Hern were program. Little Miss Elimville, Mrs. Norman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and Yvonne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family attened Whalen anni­ versary and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johns spent Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley Knowles, of Ballymote. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern at­ tended the London Conference of the United Church in Woodstock Wednesday, Thursday and Fri­ day of last week. for m, < occ abson’s •. and Kirkton >n bein? twenty d IV nd in Bender iod, spent Mrs. Mel- TRUCK DRIVER, competent, cap­ able. Good pay and steady employ­ ment to right man- Apply in person to Guenther Tuckey Transport Ltd., Exeter. ___________11c GIRL FOR general housework in country; no objection to Immigrant. Apply to Box "W”, Times-Advoeate. PERSONAL BRAY STILL HAS PULLETS! Dav- old and started. Choice of breeds. Immediate shipment. Ask us for prices. And order your August broil­ ers now too. Agent—Eric Carscadden, Exeter Phone 246-J, He Brock Angus Harold and family attended anniversary of and were Mr. and Mrs. Milne and Mr. Mrs. Warren Brock and Mrs. Fred Pen- Sarnia, on Friday. Grimsby, spent the with Mr. and Mrs. Hern. Mrs. Snell and remaining for a week. Cushman, of Exeter, held their June . Thomas Hern’s June 3. Mrs. and Mrs. Ken in charge of the Carol Ann Bell, of spent Tuesday with Walls Bulge At Kirkton As Juveniles Audition Again the walls of Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, fairly bulged in order to accomodate the crowd which came to take part in and listen to the ninth annual pre­ liminary contest in connection with the Kirkton Community Association Garden Party . Leon Paul was substitute chairman for the first part of the evening until Gerald arrived, when he took over. They kept the programme moving in good tempo so tha't we were able to hear 4 0 numbers in about two and one half hours. This varied and most interest­ ing program was provided by 63 talented children from 21 schools. One entry, an instrumental duet from Zurich, failed to appear. The 4 0 entries were divided as follows: 17 vocals, 13 instrumen­ tal and 10 specialty numbers. Pure Ice Wilkins Frosted Food & Ice Co., of Stratford takes pleasure in announcing that Mr. Elmer Will is 720 Marlborough St., Exeter lias taken over the platform ice business. TELEPHONE 68-M FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Mr. John Brent, program di­ rector for CKNK Wingham, had a very difficult task 1 15 numbers to provide nile entertainment for contest at the Garden July 15. However, after some tion the following selection was made: vocal solos by Doris Johns, S.S. No. 5 Hibbert, and Dawn Blackler, S.S. No. 11, Blanshard; vocal duets by Ross and Roger Stephen, S.S. No. 1, Blanshard, Janice Christie and Margaret Johns, S.S. No. 5, Hib­ bert, Wanda and Francis Willows, Carlingford; piano solos by Keith Hodgins, S.S. No. 14, Stephen, Robert Anderson, S.S. No 11, Blanshard, and Ruth Hooper, S.S. No. 4, Blanshard; piano duet by Dorothy and Margaret Irvine, S.S. ’ No. l>0', Blanshard; novelty song by Barry, Murray, Burns, Ross and Rodger Stephen, S.S. No. 1, Blanshard; highland fling by Joan Fitzsimmons and Tommy Ashwell, S.S. No. 7, West Nissouri; reading by Alice Chap­ man, Exeter; novelty number by Grant Greason, Port Rowan; ballet dance by Rosemary Dob­ son, S.S. No. 3, Usborne; musical playlet by 10 pupils of Kirkton School. Mr. Brent will again adjudicate at the Garden Party when stantial cash prizes will awarded the winners. The K.C.A. committee to choose the juve- the final Party on delibera- sub- be TEN ACRES good hay, also number of choice York open sows. Apply Cooper Forest, R.R. 1, Kirkton, tele­phone 9-r-10.____ H* ONE USED 5-H.P, Sea King out­ board motor, A-l condition, used ap­proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.00. —Huron Lumber Co._____ 5-14tfC IT IS TIME for you to consider the weed problems in your grain. I have ample supplies of all kinds including the new MCP that makes it possible to spray your young seedlings with­ out any harm to your grain or your young clover with the exception of sweet clover. If you have your own spraying equipment, be sure to call on me for prices and your needs. I also have Premerge for spraying your bean ground and sugar beets for weeds. It should be sprayed about two days before seed sprout emerges. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter.■1:11c CEDAR SKIFF, 16-foot Peterboro Speedster, 22-h.p. motor and trailer, tarpaulin, oars, anchor, seat cushions, fire extinguisher; cheap. —Dr. Dun­ lop, phone 2S9-W or 289-J Exeter. 4:11 Sc 8-ft. McCORMICK DEERING binder, with power take-off, practically new condition. Also good horse-size riding saddle of good quality leather. Apply Bert Faber, Kippen, R.R. 3,_____11* ’52 PONTIAC COACII,A-C heater, 8,600 miles, low down-payment. Ap­ ply FO. J. L. Bowers, Local 324, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. ____11* STOP CLAW - RIDING, milk with genuine tug-and-pull. Surge Milkers are adjustable to the individual cow because of their hanging arrange­ ment. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, phone collect 593, Wi n gham._______________________11* 13-FOOT PUNT, suitable for out­ board motor, complete with oars and 2-wheel trailer. Apply Douglas Rivers. Exeter________ _____11* TEAM OF grey horses, beet and bean scuffler for an "H” Internation­ al. Apply Norman Jaques, R.R. 1. Centralia. 11* SPECIAL THIS WEEK—A few sum­mer skirts to clear at $1.98; sun dresses reduced to $2.50. McCreery’s Ladies' Wear, Exeter.____________Uc 15-ft. CEDAR BOAT, 10-horse Evan- rude motor, steel boat trailer, in first class condition. Apply Box "C”, Ex­ eter Times-Advocate. 11:1,8c 1950 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, low mileage, radio, overdrive, '.$1,300. Ap­ ply 284 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Cen­tralia. 11* PLANTS — Special, 3 boxes .$1.00 sweet alyssum, marigold, ageratum, tomatoes and peppers. Bailey Florist, Main Street. 11c PLAY PEN in excellent condition.Phone 202, Exeter.______________lie TOMATOES, cabbage plants in bulk. Cheap, less than one cent a plant. Apply Hillson Stanley farm, one mile east of Granton. 11c WHITE METAL Ace icebox, in. good condition, $10.00. Apply 111 Kensing- ton Crescent, RCAF Centralia. 11c OLD LUMBER — At rear of Times- Advocate. Make us an offer. STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone ‘STONES’ collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287. 3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — l-rompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?” MAN! You’re crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run-down feeling many men, women call "old". New "get acquainted” size only 60c. All drug­gists. 14:28:11:25c DON’T MISS OUT on these special prices for day-old and started heavy bred pullets, Approved and R.O.P. Sired. These low prices made possible by tremendous demand for cockerels. Standard Quality all popular breeds •S1-1.95 per hundred, assorted breeds .$13.95 per hundred. Money Maker Quality add $1.00, Extra Profit add ,$2.00, Special Mating add $3.00 yer hundred. Started Pullets 2 week old add $11.00. 3 week old add $17.00 per hundred. Special price oip 4 week old' heavy breed pullets $35.95, 5 week old $40.95 per hundred. C.O.D. anywhere. Also non-sexed and cockerel chicks at competitive prices. Turkey poults p o p u 1 a r breeds. —Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, lie FOR RENT AUCTION SALES OUR TWO-ROW precision Turnip Planter will be available to anyone wishing to rent it at $1.00 per acre again this season. Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall, or 91-r-18 Zurich. 14:21:28:4:13. :18* FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard­ware, Exeter.___________________tfc HEATED APARTMENT, available June 1. Apply 130 John Street E., or 294-R. _________________U* FURNISHED 4-ROOM flat, newly decorated, hot and cold water, out­ side entrance. Apply Silas Stanlako, Carling St.______________________4c PASTURE LAND—JOO acres, Lot 6, Concession 7, Hay Township. Apply Bill Watson, R.R, 3, Zurich. 4:11c LOWER I-IEATED apartment, mod­ern convenience, newly decorated, garden. Only those who appreciate a good home need apply. — William Oestricher, phone 12-J Crediton. 4:11c LOWER flat, four bath. Entirely pri- meter, hot water, Close to downtown. Apply 507 William 4:11c UNFURNISHED large rooms and vate, separate wired for range. Vacant June 15. _ . Street, phone 232-M. TWO 3-ROOM apartments, furnished or unfurnished: also 5-room down­ stairs apartment. Apply corner Wil­ liam and Sanders Streets, Exeter. Phone 342-W. Uc COSY 3-R00M unfurnished apart­ ment, heated, sink with cupboards. Suit business woman or widow. Rea­ sonable. Phone 15. 11* TENDERS WANTED * RE OIL BURNER INSTALLATION Tenders will be received for the installation of an oil burner for Woodham School. Must be capable ot* heating a room 45 ft. x 30 ft. Ten­ ders must be in by June 29, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John A. Stephens, secretary­ treasurer, S.S. 13 Blanshard, Wood­ ham, Ontario.___________________11c ADDITION TO EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tenders on a. stipulated basis, plainly marked "Tender ___ Addition to Exeter Public School, Exeter, Ontario”, wil be received at the office of the Architects until 5 p.m. D.S.T., MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1953 Plans and specifications may be ob­tained from the Architects on deposit of a cheque for $50.00 payable to the Architects. This cheque will be re­ turned upon return of plans and specifications in good condition.Lowest or any tender not necessar- " accepted. PAGE & STEELE, Architects, 72 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. sum for ily REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE—North Mill St. Modern 6-room home, bath and util­ ity room, cement block building. For quick sale .$5,200.00 cash. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11c TWO-STOREY BRICK house, central­ ly located, oil heated, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, lovely grounds. — Phone 431-J.______________ 11:18* $5,000.00 WILL BUY comfortable two- bedroom cottage, well located in Ex­ eter. Modern bathroom and kitchen; garage and nice lot. —C. V, Pickard, Realtor. Main St. 5-28tfc Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, corner of Andrew and John Street, one block east of Jones & May Store, EXETER, ONTARIO.The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction onWEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 commencing at 1:00 p.m. sharp the. following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: I . H . C . refrigerator, 8.4 cu. ft., like new; heavy duty Heat Wave hydro stove, like new; Coffield electric washing machine, like new: 2 dining room ex­ tension tables with matching chairs; 2 rocking chairs; buffet; daybed; 2 complete bedroom suites; 3 dressers; 2 couches: kitchen cabinet cupboard, kitchen table and chairs; Singer sew­ing machine; numerous fancy quilts, mats, curtains, robes, fancy dishes, glassware: quantity kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; 32-ft. extension lad­ der; lawn mower; garden tools; step­ ladder; 50-ft. garden hose; many ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash. AUBREY CHAMBERS, PROF. B. M. FRANCIS. CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Chattels The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions to sell by public auction onCORNER OF WILLIAM AND • VICTORIA STREETS, EXETER on SATURDAY, ” at 1 o’clock sharp CHATTELS: Two kitchen table and 6 springs, modes; JUNE 13 the following: kitchen stoves, chairs; 2 beds, .... dressers; com- _____ __ ___ washing machine, good as new; 2 large tables; pump; large rocker; cupboard; curtain poles; small table; electric refrigerator; china cabinet. 1940 Plymouth 4-door sedan, in good condition. Two clocks in good shape; radio in good shape: two extension cords. 50 and 25 ft.; frig.; ice box; small stand: 3 mirrors; good oil burner with pipes: 50-gal. tank; 2 chairs: ? stools; quantity of dishes; 2 teddy bears; club bag; 4 sets curtains; £> booked mats; flower baskets; number of pot lids; frying pan; quantity of dishes, some antique; teapot, doilies, centre pieces. REAL ESTATE: Solid brick house and large lot; 4 rooms and bath up­ stairs; 5 rooms downstairs; hot wa­ter: situated at the corner of William and Victoria Streets. Must be sold as the proprietor is moving away. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to: HERMAN CANN, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR AND LESLIE GLANVILLE, AUCTIONEERS mattresses: electric MINNOW PAILSTACKLE BOXES For Your Picnic Fun OUTDOOR GRILLS CAMP STOVES PHONE 181 Reels - Reduced Prices EXETER Glass Rods from $3.95 to $9.95 Spinning Rod and Reelj Swiss Monti ( $34.95 complete Famous Shakespeare Mechanism Triumph ....... Was $11.95, NOW $9.95 Wondereel .... Was $19.50, NOW $16.50 Lures, Spinners and Flies Lucky Strike, Brooks, Shakespeare P & K — A Complete Line Nylon and Silk Lines Sinkers, Floats, Hooks, etc. PICNIC BOXES From $1.98 Up WICKER HAMPERS $6.25 and Up GALLON THERMOS From $4.50 Up CHILL CHESTS Keep Everything Cool Used Cars BOB COOK MOTOR SALES Your Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Cars Dealer — Trucks HENSALL, ONTARIO Mercury Sedan, new, immediate delivery. Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Ford Tudor, overdrive.Ford Tudor. Studebaker Tudor Coupe.Studebaker Sedan, Monarch Sedan, overdrive. Mercury Sedan, extras. Ford Sedans (2). Pontiac Big Six, extras. Chev Tudor, extras. Dodge Sedan.Dodge Tudor, like new. Kaiser Sedan, Pontiac Tudor Ford Sedan. Ford Tudor. Dodge Tudor. TIudsr '* ..... ally Chev Ch ev Older models.Mercury Half-___Dodge Obe-Ton. Each Car Reconditioned Sold with Warranty Certificate Eight. dore 8 (exception- rious makes and ■Ton. Bob Cook Motor Sales Rhone 178 Hensall Transportation Can Be Arranged in charge of the contest is com­ posed of Mrs. Alvin Crago, Mrs. Fred Switzer and Mrs. Gerald Paul. Personal Items Miss Flora Donaldson, of Palmerston, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman. Anniversary Service , Anniversary services were held in St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sunday. The morning service was conducted by the Rev. Professor T. M. B. Parker, M.A., B.D., of Huron College, London. Even­ song at 7:30 p.m. was taken by The Rev. D. D. .Tones, B.A.L. Th., also of London was rendered ; by the choir. ■Mi*, ahd Mrs. . . and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin, on Sunday. FARMERS and BUSINESSMEN—Ar­ range now for your help. Experienced Holland families, tradesmen, cleaning women and girls available. Write Henry Nyhuis. R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31 or William Moodie farm or Corn. Buruma farm, R.R.. 4, Clinton, phone 807-r-21. When you have farms or houses for sale or rent, let us know at the above address. 6-4 tfc WE ALWAYS HAVE for sale good farms of various size, price and quality, stores and other?, businesses, summer cottages and year round homes. — W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesmen. 5-28tfC BRICK HOUSE at 328 Main Street, good location. Quick possession. Ap­ply to M. W. Pfaff, ph. 116. 5-21tfc MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE — Small home, complete with good electric range, refrigerator and oil heater. Price .$3,800.00. Easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Ex­eter, Ont. 5-21tfc . Suitable music at both services Gordon Bttrgin Gustave Miller Native Of Hay Mr. Gustave Miller died denly in Dashwood on Monday evening as ‘ attack. He was of his lifh cession ofMr. Millei’,' seventy-seventh yeaf, had fov his brother-in-law, sud- the result of a heart born and spent most oh the fourteenth con- Hay township. who was in his worked L, H. CATTLE—If you have cattle to shi please notify Exeter Co-Op or R. F ■Williams, telephone Kirkton 44 Shinning every week. 5 For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall ahd have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings._____10-30tfc CUSTOM WEED-SPRAYING, grain, corn, fencerows: also quantity ot stan'ding mixed hay for sale. Apply Donald Kernick, phone 54-6 Kirkton. 11:1 Sc CENTRALIA 3-bedroom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man, ______ 5-14tfc 4-BEDROOM BRICK with extra lot, Exeter ’----- ......... Administrators’ AUCTION SALE of Property and Household in VILLAGE OF onSATURDAY, at 1:00 . .....ESTATE OF THE IuATE BARBARA FORRESTSparton radio: dining room suite; Clare Jewel range (new); rocking chairs; Singer electric sewing ma­ chine (new); 8-day clock; kitchen cupboard; 2 couches; armchair; fern stand; small table; curtains; Quebec heater; 9 kitchen chairs; sideboard; kitchen tables; electric rangette; 2- btirner coal oil stove with oven; small tables; 1 roll .congoleum (new): cooking utensils; china; cutlery; 8 bedroom suites; sanitary closet; coal oil heater; bedding; floor coverings; 2 tons of coal; 2 cords wood; lawn mower. At same time and place there will be offered for sale a com­ fortable dwelling of the deceased in village of Hensall, being situated on Lot 257, Moir Survey. TERMS: Property—10 percent down, balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. Chattels—Cash. WILLTAM FORREST. Administrator. BELL * LAUGHTON, Solicitors. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, Effects HENSALL JUNE 20 p.m. _ _ Exe am chei law: Quit karri, Rader, and moved to Dashwood a year and member Church. He is Nicholas, sister, (Clara) Mrs. L, H. Rhder, Dashwood, and a number of nieces and nephews. The body is resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home, where the funeral service will be con­ ducted by the Rev. L. F, Hige- nell at 2 p.m. Friday, followed by a public service at 2:30 p.hi. in Zion Lutheran Church. Inter­ ment will be made in Zion Lu* theran Cemetery, Bronsdn Line. a half ago. He was a of the Zion Lutheran survived by a brother, of Grenfell, Sask.; one i*. Fine location, Bright, nicely fed living rooms. Modern kit* and bathroom. Nicely treed This home is in good condition, possession. Terms. C. V. Pic- Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard* Real- tor, Main St,, Exeter, 4-16tfc FRAME 3-BEDROOM insulated house with hot air furnace, 3-piece bath, bHilt-in kitchen Clipboards, laundry tubs, 3 rooms hardwood floors. Com­plete with furniture. Garage. Pay 25 per cent down, balance like rent. >— W. C. Pearce, Realtor1, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 4-30tfc FOR SALE—Seven-room house With three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William Street, Exeter. tf* •k MODERN COTTAGE with large liv­ing room And roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This pro­ perty Is in excellent Condition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Exeter. .1.-8tfc AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and! Miscellaneous Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND on Main Street, directly across from the United Church, The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: General Electrm 4-burner stove,, like new; Coleman space, heater, like new; oak round top extension table with 6 matching ehairs; 2 lihrary tables: chest of drawers; combination writ­ing desk; small writing desk; Various rocking chairs; daybed; card table; t r 11 i g h t lamp; complete bedroom suite; antique table; dressers; com­ modes; clothes hamper; toilet set: fancy guilts; comforters: fancy dishes and odd dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; crocks; flower plants; many 'll’merous mention.TERMS: Cash. MRS, JACK WITHERSPOON, PROP. ALVIN WALPER, AUCTION EJEIl