HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-28, Page 6Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1953 Satisfaction Guaranteed AT Bob Cook Motor Sales YOUR MERCURY WARRANTY CERTIFICATE WITH EACH CAR LINCOLN - METEOR DEALER Hensail And District News Program Of Tap And Ballet Delights Capacity Audience ’51 ’31 ’51 ’50 ’40 ’49 ’49 ’48 ’48 ’48 ’48 ’47 ’47 ’47 ’47 ’47 ’46 ’46 ’46 ’41 ’40 ALSO 10 OLDER CARS from $50.00 FORD TUDOR FORD TUDOR, overdrive. DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN, with Whitewall Tires MONARCH SEDAN, Overdrive, Whitewall Tires, like New MERCURY SEDAN, Built-in Radio, Spotlight FORD SEDAN FORD COACH DOIXJE* SPECIAL DELUXE TUDOR, Positively like New DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE FORDOR PONTIAC BIG 6 TUDOR, Torpedo Back, Built-in Radio MERCURY F0RD0R, in Spotless Condition FORD FORDOR FORD TUDOR DODGE TUDOR, Newly Painted PONTIAC 8 TORPEDO TUDOR CHEV FLEETLINE TUDOR, Built-in Radio, Other Extras CHEV SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN, a Dandy WILLYS STATION WAGON with BUICK TORPEDO TUDOR DODGE COUPE, None Cleaner in Overdrive Any Year to $275,00 Bob Cook Motor Sales I METEOR f LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 2 HENSALL Located Next to C.N.B. Tracks PHONE 178 | The dance recital of the Zur­ ich Dancing School was held to to a parked house in the'' town hall, Friday evening, sponsored by the Women’s Institute and South Huron Agricultural So­ ciety. Thirty-five pupils of Mrs. Ruth Decker, instructress, took part. The costumes were beautiful, Chairman for the evening was R. H. Middleton, The W.I. cleared some ?50. Those who took part were: ‘‘Snow Dwarfs”: Wilier t; Wicked Seven Dwarfs, Dianne Peck, Don­ na Peck, Elizabeth Johnston, ianne Dietrich, Barbara Forres­ ter, Rose Charrette, Joyce Hay- ter, Minuette: Marjorie Turner, Shirley Johnston, Richard Stade, Cheryl Stade, Wayne Decker, Brian Decker, Barry Block, Ruth Flaxbard. ‘‘Ballet In The Garden”: flow­ ers, Dolores Denomme, Erla Hay, Wanda Lawrence; flower buds, Mary Regier, Sharon Block, Gail McBride, Gwen McBride, Sharon McBride, Barbara Zimmer; but­ terflies, Elizabeth Johnston, Sharon Hugill, Sandra Parkins; April showers, Anne Stevenson, Peggy Lou McAsh; Elaine Hugill, Bonnie Dalrymple, Bonnie Ban- White And The Seven Snow Prince, Queen, White, Judy Donna Oesch; Ruth Decher; ko, Lynda Gascho; Sailor’s Horn­ pipe, Earl Wagner, Bill Wagner, Robin Meyers; Tiny Tote, Anne Stevenson, Peggy Lou McAsh, Elaine Hugill, Bonnie Dalrymple, Bonnie Banko, Lynda Gascho.“On The Good Ship Lollipop”: Elizabeth Johnston, Sharpn Hu­ gill, Sandra Parkins; picaninnies, Marjorie Turner, Shirley John­ son, Richard Stade, Cheryl Stade, Wayne Decker, Brian Becker, Barry Block, Ruth Flaxbard; pony boy, Rose Charrette, Joyce Hayter, Barbara Forrester, Di­ anne Dietich, Donna and Dianne Peck; Irish Jig, Mary Regier, Sharon Block, Gail ^McBride, Gwen McBride, Sharon McBride, Barbara Zimmer; -acrobat, Sharon Hugill. Senior Tap: Dolores Denomme, Erla Hay, Wanda Lawrence; piano duet, Marlene Wagner, Marilyn Haberer; glow worm, Judy Willert, Donna Oesch; tap, Earl Wagner,, Bill Wagner, Robin Meyers; " .............. ~ " Decker; Wagner the annual May 24 shoot at St. Thomas, Jack Ander- of Hensall, tied for high F. Orr, St. Thomas, with a of 137 out of 150 mixed Coppelia ballet, Ruth accompanists, Marlene Marilyn Wagner. At held son, with score targets. Anderson also won the 16-yard event with 48<-50 and a 5-bird handicap with 4 7 out 50 targets. of Crash Injures Two Youths Two Hensall youths were jured, one seriously, when a went into a ditch and rolled < twice on No. 84 highway, three miles west of Hensall. In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, with severe head injuries is Ronald McKenzie, 17, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bob McKenzie. Bruce Moir, Hensall, suffered a gash in the arm. Bill Baker, 19, of Hensall, driver of the car, was uninjured. The car was demolished. Dr. Gerald St, Pierre, Zurich, who attended Ronald McKenzie stated that his condition at 'date of writing was satisfactory. He was on the operating table two hours, and a great many stitches were required to close the deep lacerations to his head, Provincial Constable Zimmerman, Exeter, investigated, Westlake Ambulance, Z u r i c h, took the injured youth to hospital, i in- . car over Elmer the New Canadians Wed In Exeter 0 a v e n Presbyterian Church, Exeter, was the setting for a charming early summer wedding on Friday evening, May 22, when Rita Marion Linstm, of Hensall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RaljJh Linstra, of Zuidhorn, Holland, be­ came the bride of Klaas Van Wieren, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, of Hen­ sall. Rev. G. J, Hoytema, of Clin­ ton, performed the ceremony. Mrs. John Wiersema, of Dash­ wood, was at the organ console for the bridal music. The bride was lovely in a tra­ ditional floor-length white satin, styled pointed sleeves and Come To The Fair HENSALL SPRING FAIR, MAY 29 Fair Day Special 20^b- Off Summer Yard Goods Ginghams - Chambrays - Denims - Novelty Cottons Sills Shantung - Lystav - Percale - Dotted Swiss Basket Weave Cotton - Embossed Cotton Chambrays $1,600,000? How much $100,000? does a wildcat cost? A “wildcat” is a. well drilled in an area where oil has never been found. Drilling costs vary, but the average wildcat in western Canada runs to more than $100,000. One well cost $1,600,000—and found no oil! Oil is making an increasingly important contribution to our standard of living. How many of these questions about it can you answer? How many wildcat wells find a new oil field— 1 in 3?1 in 7?1 in 23?♦The long-term average in western Canada is 1 in 23. Only 1 in 87 has found a field capable of producing as much as 2,000 barrels a day. 4 Since 1939 the cost of living index has risen by 85%. During that time has the1'price you pay for gasoline gone up by— 44%?79%?103%? A lot of oil has been discovered in the west since 1946. In that time have Canada’s oil reserves increased— 23 times? 37 times?4 times? How many companies, would yon say, are engaged in the oil business in Canada- 25? 174?750? Canada’s growing oil industry means orders for many businesses, jobs fof many Canadians. Last year Imperial’s purchasing department bought equip­ ment and supplies from Canadiari firms artiounting to— $lZmilliont?$5 6 millions? lllOmillions? ♦ » 1 » The average retail price of gasoline is only 44% higher than prewar, even with higher road taxes in all provinces. Reserves have increased 23-fold in the past six years. Canadian fields now supply all the prairies and part of B.C. and Ontario. About 750 companies in which the public has an investment interest, as well as several hundred private firms and partnerships. And this doesn't include the thousands of privately operated service stations and other retail and wholesale outlets for oil products. $56 millions. About 4,500 Canadian companies sold Imperial supplies rang­ ing from heavy steel plates to paper clips. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED (Esso)^ Wdbucn oil mokes a country strong Hensall Native Dies In Crash Willjam Gram, of Charlotte, Mich., was killed Friday night in a car-truck collision when re­ turning to his home from Chicago. Mr, Gram was born on the Parr Line, west of Hensall, and received his early education at S.S. 10 Hay. He later gradu­ ated from Albion College, De­ troit. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Hensall. Surviving are a son home, a brother, Percy Cairo, Mich., and a sister, Ada Gram, of Detroit. Rebekah Lodge Meets Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, met in the Lodge rooms Wednesday evening for their meeting with Mrs. Leona Parke, N.G., in the chair. Plans were discussed for a bazaar and tea to he held in the fall for which members are asked to bring in small articles at each meeting to contribute to this pro­ ject. In conjunction with the I.O.O.F., a picnic will be held at Bayfield July 8. A birthday box was introduced to the group. The proceeds of this new project will be used for any member who is ill. A social evening is planned for the next meeting on Wednes­ day, June 3. gown of with long nylon net yoke. A small crown held her full-length lace edged veil in place, and she carried a cascade of carnations and lilies-of-the- valley with streamers. Miss Gertrude Wielenga, of London, was maid of honor gowned in purple with acces­ sories in gray. The groom’s sis­ ter, Miss Bertha Van Wieren, of Hensall, was bridesmaid. Irene Van Wieren, another sister of the groom, was flower girl. Both were gowned alike in embossed cotton in cracked ice pattern in soft red and carried nosegays of white carnations. The groom’s brother, Herman Van Wjeren, of Hensall, was best man, A reception for over one hun­ dred .guests was held in the church parlors at which the groom’s mother received wearing floor-length silka dark blue dress with lace overskirt. The groom’s brother, Bill Van Wieren, of Grand Rapids, Mich., attended the wedding. On their return from their wedding trip to points east and north in Ontario, the young cou­ ple will reside in Hensall. Gram, of Ralph, at Gram, of Miss Zurich Guides Plant Trees First Zurich Girl Guide pany Held a tree planting mony Monday night on Com- cere- the grounds of the Zurich Commun­ ity Centre. Planting of trees is one of the company’s projects in Coronation year. Captain Mrs. Marjorie Schilbe and Lt. Shirley Fairbairn direct­ ed the ceremony. The children's band paraded and Boy Scout Sylvester Kenda was in charge of the flag raising. Speakers included the Hon. Hugh Lapointe, minister of vete­ rans affairs; Thomas Pryde, M.L.A.; A. Y. McLean, M.P.; Elston Cardiff, M.P. for North Huron. Albert Kalbfleish, member of the Chamber of Commerce, Del­ bert Geiger, chairman’ of the Arena Board, Earl Campbell, Reeve of Hay, and the W. Heimrich, Lutheran Victor Dinnin, Lions governor, was chairman Rev. E. pastor. district for the I Pei*sonal Items ■Mr. and Mrs. William Simp­ son, Billie and Bob, of Detroit, spent the weekend with the for­ mer’s mother, Mrs. Lou Simp­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher ■and family, of Wheatley, visited over the weekend with the for­ mer's mother, Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfaff, of St. Catharines, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie. Mrs. Letitia Sangster, London, is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Len Noakes. Mr. John MacGregor, who has been receiving treatment in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is improving. At the Huron County Music Festival, daughter Brown, prize for year-old . , . „ . marks. Carol is the pupil of J. L. Nicol. Mr. Hilton Truemner had the misfortune on Tuesday to be knocked down in his stable by a cow and fractured his hip. He was attended by Dr. J. 0. God­ dard, of Hensall. Miss Dolly Hildebrandt, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt. Mrs. J. Reid, London, visited durin°- the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Case. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Richard­ son and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson spent the weekend on a fishing trip at French River, ML R. I-I. Middleton ahd Mr. Thomas Sherritt enjoyed a fish­ ing trip in northern counties this week. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse- in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mary Lou McLellan, of Chisel­ hurst, was awarded first prize ih grade five piano with 85 marks at Mitchell Music Festival last Thursday, which she Mary was the Gould Scholarship. Miss Greta Goderich, Carol Brown, of Mr. and Mrs. William was awarded second piano solo in the eight­ class, receiving 85 At the concert at played Friday night, awarded a share in Women’s Institute Mary is a pupil of Lartnnie. Be Sure to See Our Stock of SUMMER DRESSES from $3.98 to $16.50 Sheers - Crepes - Ginghams - Cottons - Denims All Smartly Styled TUDORS Ladies’ Wear Dry Goods = HENSALL • PHONE 70 | Place Orders For Next Winter's Coal Now For Summer Discount Prices COBBLER AND SEBAGO SEED POTATOES $3.50 per 100 lb. GARDEN PEAT MOSS Softball Teams Formed Hensail Recreational Commit­ tee have organized three softball teams for girls eight to fifteen from Hensall and district. Cap­ tains of the teams are Mary Ann Vanhorne, Gwen Chapman, Jane Horton; coaches, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. F. Beer. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith have moved to the farm on No. 4 highway which they recently purchased from and Mrs. Henry Pfile. Hensail RESIDENTS FIELD CORN Phister and Wisconsin Hybrid for Grain and Ensilage FOR QUALITY Cleaning Try Mid-Town Cleaners CLARKE & FUSS Hensall Agent SORGHUM SEED Exeter District PHONE 287 COLLECT EXETER, ONTARIO s; FARMERS Complete NEW Line Of John Deere Farm Machinery Will Be On Di At Hensail Spring Fair Friday, May 28 AND IN OUR SHOWROOMS Sensational New Features In Tractors Tops For General Purpose John Deere 40 Featuring “Quik-Tatch”, new built-in 3-point im­ plement attachment. Full line of “Quik-Tatch” pick-up-and-go Working Tools. Advantages over any other on the market. Choice of Three Load-Control Settings Swing Draw-Bar for Pull-Type Tools 1 Pedigree* John Deere 50 & 60 Featuring Duplex Carburetion . . . “Live” Power Shaft . . . “Live” High-Pressure Hydraulic Powr- Trol . . . Quick*Change Wheel Tread . . . Effort­ less Steering . * . and many other new features and major engineering improvements. Newcomers With A Big Improvements In Other Implements 12-A 6-FT. COMBINE HAY HARVESTER NO. 5 POWER MOWER SIDE DELIVERY RIG See Them! '55' Self-Propelled Combine The Leader in the Self-Propelled Line Unmatched and Unequalled in Any Field Condition Test Them! EXETER, GODERICH AND SEAFORTH Baler Fully Automatic, Wire-Tie Baler. VARIOUS MOUNTED EQUIPMENT MM aMRi ■Try Them! TELEPHONE 115 EXETER