HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-28, Page 1Extra!Coronation!Extra!
Vbe (fxeler^imes-Aimocafe
Eighty-First Year
and attended the opening of the Metropolitan Opera there.
They will be overseas for a month. Bill Brock will write a
OFF TO THE CORONATION — Bill Brock, I-Icnsall, ancl 16 years old, they met for the first time in Toronto Monday
Virginia Kaimakoff, of New Westminster, British Columbia, and attended the opening of the Metropolitan Opera there,
flew to London Tuesday to represent the 1,027,898 members
of the Canadian Junior Red Cross at the Coronation. Both daily diary of experiences exclusively for The Times-Advocate-.
Two Tornadoes Miss District
Ravage Farms North, South /
Three Writers For T-A
Tell Coronation Story
Largest Calf Club In Ontario
Features Hensall Spring Fair de-
Three writers, two of them
local residents, will provide The
Times - Advocate readers with
first-hand reports of the Coro
The three are Bill Brock, Hen
sail district youth who is one of
two Canadian Junior Red Cross
delegates; Mayor W. G. Coch
rane, Exeter; and R. G. Simpkin,
special Ontario weekly news
papers representative.
All of these observers have
privileged seats near Westmin
ster Abbey for the spectacular
Coronation parade and ceremony
on June 2. From their vantage
points, they will be in a position
to give Times-Advocate readers a,
complete and accurate account of
the event.
Bill Brock, one of two youths
chosen to represent the Canadian
Junior Red Cross at the Coro
nation, will write a daily diary
of his experiences exclusively for
The Times-Advoate. As guest of
the British Junior Red Cross, he
will visit many parts of England
This year's Hensail Spring Fair
will feature the largest calf club
a novel
exhibition in Ontario,
night horse show, and
popular baby contest.
The horse show is being
tonight (Thursday
big day of the fair
The largest calf
province will hold
ment day at the fair,
young farmers from
Huron district will
calves and then sell
monster auction sale in the after
This is the second year for the
feeder club which is sponsored by
the South Huron Agricultural So
ciety. It has twice as many men
bers as last year.
The boys received their calves
in November and have cared for
them during the winter. On Fri
day, the calves will be judged
for gain in weight, finish and
quality and the boys will get
marks for their feeding imogram
and showmanship.
After the prizewinners are
named all 76 head will go under
the auction block.
Tonight’s horse show will be
something new in this district. It
will ’be
the South
show their
them at a
W. G. Seldon
Lions President
The Exeter Lions Club
teenth annual “Ladies Night” at
Monetta Menard’s Friday eve
ning last was a very . popular
event. On entering each lady was
presented with a rose corsage
and the gentlemen with a button-
aire. A
introduced by W. G. Seldon and
included Ray Frayne, president
of the Kinsmen Club and Mrs.
Frayne; Vernon Heywood, presi
dent of the Exeter Legion and
Mrs. Heywood; Deputy District
Governor Ray Dennis, of London,
and Mrs. Dennis.
A toast to the visitors was
proposed by C. V. Pickard and
responded to by Ray Frayne. A
toast to Lions International was
proposed by A. O. Eilliot and
responded to by the deputy dist-
trict governor. A toast to the
ladies was proposed by J. B.
Creech and responded to by Mrs.
W. G. Seldon.
Each lady was presented with
a silver spoon replica of the
spoon that will hold the annoint-
ing oil at the Coronation of
Queen Elizabeth. A history of the
spoon was given by Rev. H. J.
Following the program enter
tainment was provided by the
Paul Brothers, of Kirkton, and
Jean and Grant
E. R. Hopper as
The new slate
presented by E,
adopted as follows: president, W.
G. Seldon; past president, A. J.
Sweitzer; first vice-president, j.
B. Creech; second vice-president,
W. G. Cochrane; third vice-
president, Jack Doerr; secretary
treasurer, Claude Blowes; Lion
tamer, E. II. Beaver; tail twister^
BeriSOn Tuckey; pianist, Norman
Walper; directors for two years,
L. Snider, E. Brady; directors
for one year, II. 0. DlnnOy, Fred
Darling. z
sing-song was led by Lion
Elmer Bell with Norman
at the piano.
head table guests were
McDonald With
master 0£ cere-
of officers was
R. Hopper and
will be under the lights
sail arena.
In addition to the
in Hen-
showing of heavy, light and pony
horses, the unique night show
will feature professional enter
For the
show is a
ed several
has grown to be a big attraction.
Last year, there were over 25
babies entered in the show.
ladies, the annual baby
popular feature. Start-
years ago, this contest
Queen Will
Hear Fiddler
A feature of Western Ontario
Championship Fiddlers’ Contest,
to be held June 5 in Hensail, will
be a recording of a selection by
the champion fiddler to be sent
to Queen Elizabeth in honor of
her Coronation.
Sponsored by the Hensall
Chamber of Commerce,
tests offer prize money
One of the most eager
ers for
his many years of competition he
has won 53 firsts, nine seconds,
seven thirds, eleven cups, two
medals and many other prizes
and awards.
Mr. Hyde, who will be 89 years
of age July 23, has played at
contests at Hensall, Exeter, St.
Marys, Thorndale, West Lorne,
Stratford, Seaforth, Ripley, Walkerton, Blyth, Clinton, London,
Toronto, Grand Bend, Mitchell,
Goderich, Kirkton,■ Zurich
the con-
of $250.
will be
fiddler honors
Hyde, Hensail,
with the bow has not
through the years. In
Officials of the South Huron
Agricultural Society, sponsors of
the show, predict this year’s fair
will be a record breaker.
George Armstrong, president
of the fair, and Dick Etherington,
secretary-treasurer, said this
week they had received more en
tries for the competitions than
ever before.
They said the calves in the
feeder club were making excellent
gains and the enthusiasm of the
members is creating a
of interest.
Many entries have
ceived for the horse
for the cattle classes.’
include competition for Angus,
Shorthorn, Hereford, market and
Holstein breeds.
Another feature of the fair will
be the school parade led by a
band. The children are admitted
free to the fair and they are en
titled to cash prizes for lucky
draws which will be held during
the afternoon.
W. P. Watson, livestock com
missioner for Ontario, will offi
cially open the fair Friday after
noon. Another guest speaker will
be Rev. W. A. Young, chaplain
of O.A.C., Guelph, and a former
Hensall minister.
The Maple City Shows of Lon
don will operate a midway Thurs
day night and all day Friday.
great deal
The latter
haveHog producers in Ontario
been asked to hold their animals
off the market in a battle to
maintain prices which their lead
ers charge were being pushed
down by packers as a result of
the recent outbreak of hog
cholera in the province.
District Receives
Telephone Books
Every Exeter subscriber of the
Bell Telephone Company is get
ting a bonus with the new tele
phone directory, being delivered
here this week. Along with the
perennial “best-seller” goes a
blue - covered “Telephone Num
bers” booklet, C. B. Symonds,
Bell manager in this region, said
The booklet is to enable the
subscriber to compile a handy list
of names, addresses and numbers
of both local and out-of-town
residents he calls frequently.
W. I. Honors Youth
The Kippen East Women’s In
stitute presented Bill Brock with
a gift of $25 prior to his
parture for the Coronation,
was the one boy elected to
resent the Canadion Junior
Cross at the crowning ceremony.
In presenting the gift, the In
stitute said: “To be chosen to
represent the Junior Red Cross
at the7 Coronation is indeed a
great honour, and we, the
members of the Kippen East
Women's Institute, < are proud
that you are from our commun
ity. Although you haven’t been
with us long, we know your in
fluence is felt wherever you go.”
Receives His M. A. Degree
Donald A. Traquair, of Exeter,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tra
quair, has been awarded his Mas
ter of Arts degree in economics
by the university of Western
Ontario, it was announced Sat
urday. He was one of four to
receive an M. A. degree. It will
be presented at Convocation on
Saturday, May 30.
Wet Weather
Halts Ball Play
Cold, damp weather this past
week brought play to a halt in
the Huron-Perth baseball league.
Seven games in the schedule have
had to be postponed.
Only regular game played to
date is the opener at Dashwood
on May 18, when the Tigers
edged Exeter Legion Mohawks
Three exhibition games have
been played. Mitchell Legionaires
defeated Strathroy Royals 7-6 on
May 18. Both Dashwood and
and Scotland and take part
numerous ceremonies there,
left Sunday with his parents
Toronto and from there jour
neyed to Montreal and flew to
England. His personal reports
will represent a youth’s bird’s-
eye view of the great ceremony.
Mayor W. G. Cochrane, who
left two weeks ago for an extend
ed visit to the United Kingdom
and Europe with his wife, will
write of the Coronation from a
tourist’s viewpoint. The mayor
arranged for his accomodation
early and has seats close to
Westminster Abbey.
R. G. Simpkin will represent
The Times-Advocate and other
member papers of the Ontario
Division of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers' Association in Great
Britain during the Coronation.
He will air-mail to Canada
first-hand reports of particular
interest to readers of weeklies
during his touring.
He sailed from Montreal on
May 18 and took delivery of a
car on arrival in England. It will
be his second trip overseas,
having served in World War I.
Mr. Simpkin has been a re
porter for one of Ontario’s larg
est weeklies for 25 years and is
particularly well versed to speak
on the rural scene.
The first of his articles ap
pears this week.
Two battering tornadoes which
ripped through Western Ontario
this past week failed to cause
much damage in this area al
though districts to the north and
south were severely stricken.
Farm houses, barns and trees
tumbled before the fierce wind
storms that lashed through South
Middlessex and Perth counties
last Thursday night and North
Huron Monday night.
Damage toll of the storms was
in the many millions of dollars.
Foui* were killed and scores in
jured. Hundreds of people from
this area visited scenes of the
wind’s destruction in Middlesex
county over the weekend.
Truckloads of men have
swarmed to the area to assist in
the clean-up of the debris.
Freak winds tore through the
northern part of Huron county at
midnight Monday and levelled
farm buildings, telephone and
hydro poles, orchards and shade
The storm, whipped up over
the lake, raced inland, striking
Blyth, Brussels, Belgrave, Car-
low, Nile, Ethel and most areas
south of Wingham.
A. Y. McLean. MP for Huron-
Perth, wired Acting Prime Mini
ster Brooke Claxton for help,
stating the storm was equal to
the one in the southern region.
Thursday's storm wrought
comparltively little damage in this
district although it felt the heavy
winds and rains of the tornado.
Several buildings north of Hen
sall suffered from the blasts.
To the south, however, the
damage was heart-rending. De-
■ struction to buildings and
farm stock was tremendous,
tornado took three paths
Middlesex and Perth. One
cut right across No. 4 highway
and all concession roads in the
area. A second was east-south-
east about one mile north of the
first and a third was one mile
still farther north in a north
easterly direction.
Three in East Williams town
ship were killed, including Reeve
Simon Thomson and his 10-year-
old daughter, Dorothy.
A relief fund has been set up
in London to organize aid for
On Wednesday afternoon a
group of citizens left by motor
for the storm stricken area to
give friendly aid to the unfortun
ate victims. The drive was organ
ized by E. Lindenfield and John
South Huron Institutes
Support Many Projects
■have whipped Centralia
in exhibition tilts.
Fred Dobbs attended theMr.
Mayors and Reeves Association
convention in Toronto last week.
Mrs. Dobbs accompanied him.
Bob Hern Wins Trophy
For Livestock Judging
Bob Hern, of R.R.l, Granton,
bested over 160 candidates Sat
urday to win the trophy for the
animal livestock judging com
petition at the Huron County
Junior Farmers' achievement day
in Seaforth.
The young South Huron farmer
scored 615 out of a possible 7'00
points to win the honor.
Hereford breeder in his own
right even though he is still of
junior farmer age, Bob proved
his eye for good livestock is not
restricted to white-faced cattle,
when he turned up the best total
score afer judging classes of
dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses
and sheep.
The son
old Hern,
Guineas in
Alvin Cudmore, Hensail, was
high man in the special class for
novices at livestock judging, with
575 points.
of Mr. and Mrs. Har-
lie won the King’s
Floor Fund Reaches $2,000
The campaign for the trap
rock floor in Exeter Memorial
Arena passed the $2,000 mark
Over $1,000 was collected on
‘‘blitz’’ night, Monday night,
when almost 100 members of the
Exeter Legion, Lions and Kins
men made a house-to-house can
vass of the town,
On Tuesday and Wednesday,
the business section was can
vassed and another $1,000 was
Returns from the rural canvass
have not come in yet.
A number of persons in Exeter
were not home Monday night
when the “blitz” was made. Cam
paign chairman Len McKnight
announced this week that those
who were missed may make their
contribution to McKnight and
Walper’s Men’s Wear or -The
Exeter Times-Advocate.
Members of the organizations
participating in the Monday night
campaign, canvassed the town in
pairs. The area was divided into
sections and each pair took one
section. Jack Weber and Andrew
Bierling organized the drive.
Verne Pincombe, Preston Dear
ing, John Morrissey, and Harry
Swartz were in charge of
rural canvass.
Pour Floor
Attend Legion Rally
Fifteen members of the Exeter
branch of the Canadian Legion,
headed- by President Verne Hey
wood, attended the spring meet
ing Of District C at Goderich on
Sunday. Guest_ speaker at the
meeting was Hon. Hugues La
pointe, Federal Minister of Vete
ran’s Affairs, it Was the largest
gathering Of veterans ever held
in the district.
In 19 Hours
The trap rock floor for Exeter
Memorial Arena was laid Tues
day in a maze of activity which
lasted from 8 o’clock in the
morning until 3 a.m. Wednesday
Thirty-five men worked on the
floor continuously for 19 hours.
Over 1,200 bags of cement Were
used to lay the four-inch slab
in the 170'x 70’ surface.
The work Was
Dafoe Metalcrete
Toronto, and the
struction Company, Port Dover.
Before the
sand cushion
levelled off at
and-one half
for the
The concrete slab
continuously until completed.
While the base slab was
in a plastic condition, a
aggregate was forced into
cement with heavy rubber
ers. This rock surface is about
three-eigliths of an Inch thick.
floor was laid, a
was provided and
a distance of one-
inches below the
artificial ice pipes,
board around the
removed to allow
of the
pouring of the concrete,
was poured
Grinders were used on
floor to smooth off the
done by the
Company, of
Sttihrt Con-
Tornado Rips Jewelry Front
Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer
visited With their Son-in-law and
daughter, Mr, and Mrs. D. A.
Barr, of Sarnia, on Sunday. Mr,
Barr, who conducts a jewelry
store On Front street, had the
front o£ the building blown out
and >the entire window display Of
jewelry disappeared. Mr. and
Mrs, Barr took refuge in the
vault until the storm passed
The championship awards were
announced Saturday night at a
■banquet in
forth, after
members of
day judging
There were 162 boys at the event
and 230 igirls.
Special honors
homemaking club
presented at the
teen received county honor cer
tificates for completing six club
projects. These included Marion
Creery, of Elimville. The Elim
ville club demonstrated the pro
ject “Packing a Week End Bag.”
Elaine Hern, of Elimville, was
awarded a trip to Eastern Can
The Junior Farmers travelled
to five different places in the
Seaforth area to see and judge
top quality livestock.
Classes judged by the boys
were: horses at the
James M. Scott;
Hereford, at the farm of Ephriam
Haase; Jerseys at the farm of
Irwin Trewartha; shorthorns, at
the farm of Dr. M. W. Stapleton;
dual-purpose Shorthorns, at the
farm of J. M. Scott; sheep, from
the farm of Ephriam Snell, Clin
ton. No swine classes were
judged because of the recent out
break of cholera.
Trophy for the three classes of
beef cattle judging went to
George Turner, Clinton, with 194
points out of a possible 200.
Tom Easton, of Exeter, placed
second in the intermediate class.
Bob Broadfoot, Brucefield, was
fourth in the novice class.
In the junior class, Hugh
Rundle, R.R. 3, Exeter, placed
second and Bill Pincombe, Of
Exeter, was tenth.
Tfophy for the dairy cattle
judging went to Maurice Halla-
han, Beglrave, with 191 points
out of 200. Among the seniors
Winning high honoi*s was Carl
Willert, of Zurich.
G. W. Montgomery, County
agriculture representative, an
nounced that this year’s achieve
ment day drew the largest num
ber ever to take part in livestock
judging competitions in Huron
County. He said also that, there
are loo more boys and girls on*
rolled in club work this year
than last.
Cardno’s Hall, Sea
junior farmers and
girl’s clubs spent the
livestock and demon
homemaking projects.
for 16 of the
members were
banquet. Four-
farm of
beef cattle,
South Huron district Women’s
Institutes reported an impressive
list of “For Home And Country”
service projects at their district
meeting in Hensall Wednesday.
The organizations these Insti
tutes supported during the year
included the South Huron Hos
pital, War Memorial Children’s
Hospital, cancer fund, polio fund,
C.N.I.B., Overseas Flood Relief,
Red Cross and Mental Health In
stitute. Aid has also been given
to Girl Guide and Boy Scout
groups and to local community
centres and libraries.
About 150 Institute members,
comprising branches from Credi-
ton, Elimville, Grand Bend, Hen
sall, Hurondale, Kippen East,
Seaforth and Dashwood, and Jun
ior members from Seaforth and
Exeter, met for the District An
nual meeting.
Mrs. R. H. Middleton of Hen
sall welcomed the visiting dele
gates and said Hensall branch
felt honored to have the meeting
in Coronation year. Mrs. Geiger
of the Zurich branch responded
and thanked the Institute and of
ficials of the church for provid
ing a place for the meeting.
Mrs. William Johns reported
on the District Annual held last
year in Kippen.
In giving the president’s report
Mrs. Kenneth Johns welcomed
the recently organized Dashwood
branch. During the year she has
visited five branches in the dist
rict. She thanked the members
for their support of the work of
the Children's Aid Society. Her
closing remark was, “Let us
strive to live up to our motto,
‘For Home And Country’, in big
ger and better ways.”
Mrs. Norman Keating, provin
cial director, was in charge of
the ratification of the district
The following reports of stand
ing committees were given: Agri
culture and Canadian Industries,
Mrs. H. H. Strang, Hurondale;
Citizenship and Education, Mrs.
Robert Elgie, Kippen; Commun
ity Activities and Public Rela
tions, Mrs. E. DesJardins, Grand
Bend; Home Economics and
Health, Mrs. William Bell, Kip
pen; Resolutions, Mrs. A. Rundle,
Exeter; Historical Research and
Current Events, Mrs. P. Doig,
Coronation Interest
Miss Edith Collins of Toronto,
department representative, who
is in her forty-first year of In
stitute work, remarked she feels
at home in Huron County for it
was her mother’s birthplace and
she has relatives here. She said
the Coronation holds special in
terest for Institute members be
cause Queen Elizabeth, her mo
ther and her grandmother were
members of the Women’s Insti
tute in England.
She outlined the objectives of
the Institute; first, to help wo
men to acquire sound and ap
proved practices for greater home
efficiency; second, to discover,
stimulate and train leadership;
third, to develop a mdre abun
dant life in rural communities
and to develop better,
and more useful citizens.
She suggested more
made of the extension
—Please turn to
use be
page 7
Storm Damages
Buildings, Trees
In the wind and hail storm
which hit Hensall and district
Thursday night, Elgin Rowcliffe,
one and a quarter miles south of
Hensall on Highway 4, had three
trees uprooted, including a large
tree, a landmark, which fell in
his driveway.
Jim Venner, two and half
miles east of Hensall, reported
that the roof of his garage was
split in two and lifted and fell
back again.
Grant Ryckman also had a
number of trees ui>rooted on his
farm east of Hensall.
A house on the highway, owned
by Mrs. George Smale, of Hen
sall, in the course of being dis
mantled, was leveled to the
Farmers in the district report
shingles taken off barn roofs but
no windows were reported broken
during the storm.
Floods Cellar
Of Hospital
The basement of the new
South Huron Hospital was flood
ed from the heavy downpour of
rain that visited this section on
Thursday evening at the time
the tornado passed through a
few miles to the south and left
such terrible destruction in its
wake. Shortly after six o’clock
in the evening the rain fell in
torrents accompanied by some
hail. The water ran down Main
street and at Ann street turned
west and isoon the property sur
rounding the hospital was like a
mill pond. Soon it found its way
into the back entrance of the
hospital basement and ran down
the corridor into the furnace
room. The hydro power went off
with the storm and the sump
pump in the furnace pit at the
hospital was out of commission.
The nurses and staff at the"
hospital, standing in water, tried
to sweep the water clear with
brooms. An auxiliary pump was
brought into action to pump the
water from the furnace pit and
Larry Snider with his tractor dug
a passage across Ann street to
free the water from the hospital
Two catchbasins have since
been installed to prevent a repiti-
tion of the Thursday storm. A
new sidewalk on the south side
of Ann street needs to be in
stalled as it is now in a poor con
dition and when this is done it
will further relieve the situa
Celebrate Coronation
At Centralia, Exeter
Residents of this district will
celebrate the Coronation
Queen Elizabeth
Station Centralia
Community Park,
June 2.
RCAF Station
G. Simpkin will represent The
Times-Advocate and other mem
ber papers of the Ontario Divi
sion of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers' Association in Great
Britain during the Coronation.
He Is one of three Writers Who
will tell the story of the crown
ing to T-A readers. Mr. Simpkin’s
first report appears on page two.
and Exeter
next Tuesday,
Centralia has
invited all the neighboring muni
cipalities to attend its special
show in the afternoon,
munity program will be
Exeter In the evening.
The show at the air
will include a full-dress
precision aerobatics, broadcast of
the Queen’s Coronation message,
and a carnival for the children.
Branches of the Legion in
Exeter, Hensail, Grand Bend and
Lucan will march in the big
parade, as well as bands from
Exeter and Dashwood.
Invitations were sent out to
the councils Of Stephen, Usborne,
Hay, Biddulph and McGillivray
townships, Exeter, Hensall, Lu
can, Grand Bend, Orediton, Dash
wood and Zurich, to attend this
The Women’s Auxiliary Of
Huron Park, the station’s hous-
A com-
held. in
ing site, will Operate a nursery
for the entertainment of small
Free bus transportation is be
ing provided for Exeter residents.
The busses will leave the town
hall at 2 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and
return from the air station at
5:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. The trans
portation is sponsored by town
At night, a huge $1,000 fire
works display will be presented
in Exeter Community Park.
Included in the colorful fire
works show, largest ever pre
sented in this district, will be a
fiery portrait of Queen Elizabeth
and a replica Of Niagara Falls,
siren wheels, royal plumes, triple
daredevil wheels and many other
colorful kinds of fireworks.
This display is sponsored by
Exeter, RCAF Station Centralia,
Hensail, stephen, Hay and tls-
In addition to the fireworks
display, the South Huron District
High School bugle band and the
Exeter Citizens Band Will present
a concert. The Queen’s message
Will be rebroadcast.