HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-21, Page 8Page 8 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon • Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phone 71 Exeter THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 19S3 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Gram Says FISHER'S HARDWARE Main Street Phone 2® Exeter Suggestions for the Bridal Shower ENGLISH BONE CHINA FLORALS $1.25 and up HAMMERED AMWW DISHES AND TRAYS $1.35 and up LEATHER-COVERED GEEST BOOKS $2.35 Hollow Tree Feminine Facts ’n Fancies CGIT Entertain Mothers At James St. Church Banquet The C.G.I.T. colors, blue and white, used to decorate the Sun­ day School room of James St. United Church for the Mother and Daughter banquet on Wed­ nesday night, were carried out in the table decorations and streamers. Spring flowers added a touch of color to the setting. Attending the banquet, in ad­ dition to C.G.I.T. girls and their none exclusive triple * action gets the deeply-lodged vibrates your rug gently Hoover’s cleaning grit. It on a cushion of air, sweeping away the harmful, abrasive-like dirt that plain suction cannot remove. .V K..VX.X.X. ...... mothers were the members of the Giri’s Work Committee of the church which Includes, Mrs. H. J. Snell, chairman, the Rev. H. J. Snell, pastor, Carfrey Cann, S.S. superintendant, Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, representative of the Willing Workers Evening Aux­ iliary, Mrs. Carfrey Cann, repre­ senting the Women’s Association, Mrs. Valeria Armstrong, repre­ senting the Afternoon Auxiliary, W.M.S., Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, rep­ resenting the Mothers, and Miss Helen Hardy and Miss Helen Anthony, C.G.I.T, leaders, bring­ ing the number to sixty. As the guests were assembling, soft piano music was provided by Marilyn Bissett, Pat Cann and Marnie Sanders. „ Jeanette Taylor, Barbara Alli­ son, Marilyn Penbale and Betty Brady formed the reception com­ mittee. Carol Fletcher, a® toastmist­ ress, proposed a toast to the Queen. Ruth Ann Jones proposed a toast to the mothers to ‘which Mrs. M. C. Fletcher responded. Rev. H. J. Snell replied to a toast to the church, proposed by Janice Hamilton. A toast to the C.G.I.T. Movement by Jane Far­ row was responded to by Miss Helen Anthony, The guest speaker. Miss M, A. Stone, of Clinton, a C.G.I.T. leader for many years, was intro­ duced by Mrs. H. J. Snell. At the conclusion of her beautifully told story of Simon and Lydia, ■Miss Stone was extended a vote of thanks by Mrs. Andrew Hamilton and presented with a gift by Helen Jones, on behalf of the C.G.I.T. members. „The musical portion of the pro­ gram included a vocal duet by Marlene McBride and Nancy Boyle and a piano trio selection by Jane Farrow, Heather Mc­ Naughton and Margaret Sanders. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, president of the Afternoon Auxiliary, W.M.S., assisted Carol Fletcher in a vice of. affiliation with W.M.S. Carfrey Cann, speaking on half of all who had enjoyed banquet, expressed thanks to members of the Willing Workers Auxiliary who had so generously provided it. , In closing the program, Miss Helen Hardy conducted Vespers. The girls, mothers and guests formed a Friendship Circle and the meeting closed with taps. By MARJORIE STEINER trackedMrs. Harry Ford, of Usborne Township, has given ns a variety of cake recipes. This week we are passing along to you, her recipe for a light cake which uses sour milk and a recipe for icing which goes very well with this cake. Feather Layer Cake (Mrs. Harry Ford) cup white sugar egg tbsp, butter cup sour milk cups cake flour tsp. baking powder tsp. soda (in sour milk) ser- the be- the the PEST FOR YOUR PORCH FLOORS Moore's Porch and Peck Paint is really tough and durable — pt rygged pqint made to withstand h^qvy traffic and outdoor exposure It dries quickly to <? hgrd high gloss finish which is easily cleaned. Use it on wood or concrete porches and steps, decks of boats, and as a heavy duty interipr floor enamel, has ever compared Hoover V1BRA-CLEANS TO GET THAT DEEP-DOWN DIRT THAT PLAIN SUCTION CANNOT REMOVE ft teats... os ft sweeps... as ft deans Minister Stresses Mothers' influence Rev. J. V. Dahms of Crediton was guest speaker at the May meeting of the Women’s Associa­ tion of Centralia United Church. Speaking on “Mothers of Yester­ day and Today”, he stressed the importance of a mothers influ­ ence in its effect on the religious life of the family. Others who took part in the program convened by Mrs. Ken Greb, were Mrs, Reg. Hodgson who gave a reading on the old and new versions of the Bible, and Rev. G. G. Burton who sang a solo. During with Mrs. invitation attend their meeting reports of the Presbyterial at Goderich, was accepted. Articles for the fall bazaar were on display. During the social hour which followed the meeting, hostesses were Mrs, George Baynham, Mrs. Orville Langford and Mrs. Albert Smith. 1 1 1 %2 Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg. Add flour and baking powder (which have been sifted together several times) altern­ ately with sour milk to which soda has been added. Makes layers. Applesauce Gingerbread (Mrs, Eunice Stone) 6 tbsp, shortening % cup brown sugar 1 egg % cup light molasses 1 % cups flour 1 tsp. 1 tsp. % tsp. % tsp. % cup sauce Method; Cream 1 tening and sugar, egg and molasses and mix well. Sift together 3 times, flour and all dry ingredients. Add to creamed mixture alternately with applesauce. Bake in greased 8x8 pan in moderate (350°) oven 45 minntes. Top with softened cream cheese and candied cherries. I bit into one of these “Dixie Dandies” at a recent meeting of the Rebekahs. Like a Sherlock soda cinnamon ginger salt strained thick apple- together shor- . Add beaten R. £. Russell Phone 109 Exeter the business meeting, K. Greb presiding, an from the W.M.S. to to hear the SfeBUYS-WHYS- a WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE I ______________________________________ . ---------- .... To Observe Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison, of Suite Q, Parkview Apartment, •Brandon, Man., former residents of Exeter, will celebrate their golden wedding on Thursday, June 4, and will receive their friends and neighbors during the afternoon and evening in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Morrison is the late William J. both she and her newed acquaintances here when they spent a year in Exeter car­ ing for the late Mrs. Margaret McNichol. They returned Brandon last September. a sister of Melville and husband re- MONTREAL—I bought a garden yesterday .. .at the B of M1 Thanks to Personal Planning, I had saved, just enough to realize one of my home-im­ provement dreams—a real landscaping job.. .some­ thing I’d put off for years. On my last trip to the BANK OF MONTREAL, I happened to mention to the manager that I was going to “blow” my savings. He, bless his heart, came up with a better idea — “Why not save your savings and-buy your a low-cost BofM Personal Loan? In this way,” Odd BITS — By B.A. — 1 Holmes, member who had brought them. Here’s her recipe: Maple Bud Icing (Mrs. H. Ford) cups icing sugar level tbsps. cocoa Sift together 3 times, tbsp, melted butter cup cream tsp. vanilla salt cream is not available, 3 3 1 ui useIf1 extra teaspoon melted butter and scant V or cream consistency for Gingerbread time, but to Eunice Stone something new applesauce. It seems like a good combination and it should keep nice and moist. Bet it would be delicious served warm with a dab of whipped cream. (Make mine a big dab.) Dixie Dandies (Mrs. Les. Thompson) Cut fresh bread into 2x1x1. Combine: 1 cup white sugar 2 tbsp, cocoa 3 tbsp, water blitter size of an egg Cook 2 minutes and remove from stove. Dip bread strips into fudge mixture. Sprinkle with cocoanut or chopped nuts. Easy to make, delicious to eat. j cup milk. Add gradually till spreading, is good at the recipe has contributed, has been added— milk right any Mrs. strips Elimville Institute Aids Cancer Fund Mrs. Jackson Woods presided for the May meeting of Elim­ ville Institute held in the town­ ship hall. Roll call was answered by hints on “using your head to save your heels”. Ten dollars was voted to the cancer fund. Mrs. , veiled the program on “Citizen­ ship and Education”, called on Mrs. Harold Hunter, who the motto, “The Doors of dom Are Never Shut”. Beth Taylor and Kathryn teer were presented with for receiving county honors. H. L. Sturgis, of Exeter, guest speaker, took as his sub' jcet “Poetry of Life”, in which he discussed the teaching of new Canadians. Mrs. Robert Reilly sang a solo, after which Mrs. Walter McBride and her committee served lunch, Philip Hern, who con- Auxiliary Holds Blossom Tea In a setting of spring flowers, the W.A. of James Street United Church held their annual “Blos­ som Tea" in the Sunday School room on Friday afternoon. Mrs. R. E. Pooley, W.A. presi­ dent, and Mrs. J. A. Traquair received the guests. Mrs. C. W. Down, Mrs. H. J. Snell, Mrs. J. H, Jones and Mrs, F. A. May poured tea at an attractively ar­ ranged table during the after­ noon. A sale of home-cooking was in charge of Mrs. Percy Passmore and Mrs. Chester Harvey, Mrs. Robert Pryde played piano Selections while the tea was in progress. (6do my eyebrows need re-shaping?39 “why can't I wear chartreuse?33 Top Value — $7.15 Gallen, $2.05 Quart '-i—'." l ....—r-*-..—'!—-r-—!—j r-.r-i-"-." 'H i' j 1 f"""* Distinctive Wray, the signer, are took Wis- Anne Wray of London originals by Anne popular London de­ avail a bl e ex el y si vely at McKnight & Walper Ladies Wear. Lovely chapeaus for spring and summer , . . bright new col­ ors . . . exciting new designs. From $5.00 Up New SHORTS and SLACKS for spring and summer are on display. Smart, modern BLOUSES to match. Be ready for the holidays, long weekends with attractive sports togs from our new stock. McKnight & Walper LADIES WEAR | Edith Boyle, Manageress Telephone 474 “how should I apply rouge?33 Patricia “can I wear eye make-up without looking ‘stagey*?3*of Revlon improvements with--------------------- ----------- - - he explained, “you keep your savings intact and. pay back the loan in easy monthly instalments.” I jumped at the idea, and in less than no time the deed was done. If you have home improvements on your mind or any other major expenditure, drop in and have a chat with your nearest BofM manager. And, while you’re at it, ask for a copy of the booklet, “Personal Planning”. You’ll find it makes good sense. Feet Hurt? I Have Good News For You! It’s Phenylium, medication in BLUE-JAY Corn Plasters. Phenylium gets right down under your corn and helps push it out from underneath ... the first really new medication for coms and calluses in over seventy years! In actual tests, Phenylium went to work 33% faster and worked 35% more surely than other leading remedies. Easy to see why folks with bothersome feet say it’s the best news in years ...and I’m sure you’ll agree, onoe you’ve tried Blue-Jays with Phenylium. Ask for them at your favourite drug counter today. Want Something Cool For Dinner? A crisp, tossed salad refreshing touch to any meal . . . and I’ve dis­ covered something! MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING makes any salad taste twice as deli­ cious. Whether you serve your tossed salad as a side dish or a main dish (a huge bowl heaped high with "everything”-—greens, hard-boiled eggs, cold meats and grated cheese), Miracle Whip adds just the right flavourful touch. You see, it’s the only salad dressing that combines the lively flavour of boiled dressing with the smoothness of mayonnaise. Its unique. So ask your grocer for the “one an<r*only” Miracle Whip —made by Kraft —next time you’re shopping. the new adds a To Parente This is a plea to parents. Pa­ rents of grown-up iamilies or any parents who have been faced with some threat of danger with their children—a danger which might have resulted in a ser­ ious accident, but which was prevented by teaching and thought. From all around us comes news of accidents bringing trag­ edy to children. Some of them were impossible to forsee, but more of them might have been prevented, perhaps by the very methods you used when your John or Mary were small and un­ aware of danger. Every parent, at one time Or another, has come up against some incident which threatened danger to a child. Those inci­ dents and particularly your me­ thods of handling them might very well be Vitally Important to some child. They would certainly be wel­ comed by all parents of young children today and we would be most happy to see that they were printed in this column, name un­ mentioned if you wish. Let’s have your ideas. They could prevent many an accident —perhaps save a life—as the saying go’es, “we have child to spare.” tje * * *I The Right Fender i Got into conversation parking lot owner in last week while we were It’s a smallish sort of manipulates some 90 cars a. day —whipping them in and out to . make use of every inch of space. 1 asked him, by the way, if he had ever nicked a fender. “Only he said, It’s one,” over there. v not one with a Toronto waiting, lot. He how pretty you really can be!' Let this famous cosmetic authority solve your beauty problems with a complimentary 66Beauty Persoualysis’” Its high time you learned - “That blue one mine.” * Bouquets Bouquets agreed to take the Home and tion in executive capacity for an­ other year. To few realize that this is one of the most important or­ ganizations We have in Exeter. And too little thanks is given for the work done by the group. to those who have on the work of School Associa- Miss Patricia Symes Will Be At Robertson's Drug Store May 28, 29, 30 Conde In and Get Acquainted NO OBLIGATION Come in now—learn all about the art of make-up-—how to choose it, how to use it! Let Patricia sketch your important features... chart, for you, a personal make-up plan to give your looks an entirely new outlook on life. Let this famous beauty expert from Revlon’s famed Fifth Avenue Salon show you how to correct your facial faults with make-up! And learn how the shape of your face can appear far lovelier by the way you arch your eyebrows ... shape your lip-line ... apply your rouge. Learn how proper make-up choice lets you wear any costume color beautifully! It’s a priceless beauty opportunity —yours at no charge, with Revlon’s compliments. Whatever you do, don’t miss it! Advance Sale of Rice Lake Fur Coats McCreery's Ladies' and Children's Wear — Thurs. - Fri. - Sat., May YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A FUR COAT OF THE FINEST QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SUPERB STYLING All new models in the new lengths, as well as the newest in jackets anil capes. In this collection you will see the. finest of black and grey Persian Lamb, Mink, Muskrat, in the new tones, and many others. TIME TO STORE YOUR FUR COAT / Mr. Adam Brown of the Rite Lake Fur Company will be At McCreery’s Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, to assist you in your choice* Why not let Mr. Brown show you how easily you can own a quality fur coat now—while prices are low. ORDER YOUR FUR COAT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWER , 22,23 See These Beautiful Furs At =s Children's Wear ONTARIO