HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-14, Page 12Page 1?THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY H 1953 “FOR HEALTH’S SAKE, ROLLER SKATE!” Exeter Roller Rink Two Blocks West of Southcott Bros. Store WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS 8:00 to 11:00 SKATING MONDAY NIGHT (MAY 18) Children 250 » Adults 350 SKATES SUPPLIED - Refreshment Booth - Lyric Theatre phone 421 Previews Its Coming* Attractions THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 14, 15 and 10 Ride the Man Down * Brian Donlevy ★ Forrest Tucker Luke Short’s Saturday Evening Post fighting story . . . MONDAY & TUESDAY May 18 and lf> Matinee Monday, Slay 18, at 3:30 My Six Convicts ★ John Beal ★ Gilbert Roland The private lives of public enemies’ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY May 20 and 21 April In Paris ★ Ray Bolger ★ Doris Day Warner Brothers’ happy as springtime musical — April in Paris. Grand Opening | Exeter Lawn Bowling I Wednesday, May 20 j j Everybody Welcome j = Whether you have bowled before or not, come out | | and enjoy a full afternoon and evening of sport, recrea- s f tion and sociability. Every Tuesday evening is JITNEY | = NIGHT and beginners have a special invitation to join | | us. Instruction provided free to all. | Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. W© and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel, 770 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wuerth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wuertli’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale and Grace were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Beattie, of London, and attended the bap­ tism of their grandson, James B. Beattie. Mrs. Edward Johns spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Margison, London, and attended the baptism of her grandson, Alan Edward Margison. Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Stainton, of Mimieo, who spent the week­ end with friends in St. Thomas, called on Miss Alice Handford on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Robertson, Judy and Francine, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White. Carol and Anne, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wiliam Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moon and daughter, Vicki, returned to their home in Ann Arbor, Mich., on Sunday after visiting for the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoffman, Mrs. Ullman and Mrs. Penfold, of Hamilton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Davis and Miss Fisher. COMING EVENTS FIDDLERS’ CONTEST — West­ ern Ontario Championship Fid­ dlers' Contest Friday, June 5, at Hensail, 8 p.m. Come to the big event. Admission 750 and 25 0. c Attention LADIES OF EXETER AND DISTRICT Ladies’ Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital will sponsor a Monster Opportunity and Rummage Sale Saturday, May 30 at 2:00 p.m. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP BUILDING, MAIN STREET Leave Ever;ytliing Saleable There On Friday, May 2ft, Or Saturday Morning Miss Leona Alderson of Paris spent the weekend with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis returned last week from spend­ ing several months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wuerth, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and Susan, Dr. and Mrs. J, Rej nolds of Loudon and Mrs. John Cowen, Hanover, were Mother’s Day guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and children of Dorchester, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz, of Inglewood, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellerington and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Keller, of Chatham. Mrs. Howard Blowes and son Jack, of Port Elgin, and Miss Lois Blowes, of Torouto, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Beckler. Mrs. Joseph Kitchen, a native of Exeter, passed away last Thursday at the home of her daughter, G82 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto. Deceased was the form­ er Jane Acheson, an aunt of the Acheson family in town and lived in Toronto for many years. She Is survived by two daughters and three sons. F/O A. T. and Mrs. Mather (nee Eileen Snell) have recently moved from Edmonton, Alta., to the RCAF Station at Namao. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gary and Terry Lee, of Port Huron, spent th^ weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fisher and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Gardi­ ner, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Richard, Alma and Maida, and Mr. Roy Parsons and Olive spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons. Mrs. Richard Berry, of London, visited on Tuesday with her sis­ ter, Mrs. M. W. Pfaff, and at­ tended “Open House” at South Huron Hospital. „ Mrs. Amelia Dale is ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London. Mrs. W. G. Cochrane received a cablegram from Mayor and Mrs. W. G. Cochrane telling of their safe arrival in Prestwick, Scotland, on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bragg and Bruce, of West Lome, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Pybus. Mother’s Day was the occasion of the homecoming to Mrs. W. C. Pearce of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Redmond, Grosse lie, Mich., Bill Redmond, Orlando, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pearce and Harry, of Muncey, Mrs. William Gaiser, Sherry David and Kathy, Credi- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schwalm and Susan, Stratford. Ralph Genttner New Kin Head Ralph Genttner was elected president of Exeter Kinsmen Club Thursday night. A charter member of the club with three years’ perfect attendance, he won the top position by acclama­ tion. He served as first vice- president last year. Other officers elected at the meeting were: Les Parker, first vice-president; Sheldon Wein, second vice-president; George Rether, secretary; G. W. Hall, treasurer; Ralph Sweitzer, regis­ trar. Elections were -conducted by Ray Frayne, retiring president. There was competition for ail posts except the presidency. The new officers will be installed in September. The club approved the report of the Exeter Minor Hockey As­ sociation and agreed to leave the balance of its donation .for use by the Exeter Minor Athle- tis Association, a sub-committee of the Recreation Council. Open House —Continued from Page J “Elmer”, also a comedy, Elmer being the. “pest” brother in a family of three girls. Members of the cast were Ren Tuckey, Marie Hodgson, Marilyn Haberer, Kath­ erine Kajbflelsch, Joan Thomson, Jean Lavender, Donna Stone, Ed­ ward Deichert, Sue Pickard and Raymond Corriveau. The scene of the third play, “Brothers-In-Arms”, was laid in an abandoned farm house in Northern Ontario where two typi­ cal back-woodsmen, played by Donald Welsh and Jim Sturgis, portrayed the indifference and indecision in their personalities which resulted from their mode of life. Lome Taylor and Bruce Cudmore* played the roles of Mr. and Mrs. J. Altrus Browne, visi­ tors to that part of Ontario. Mrs. Jessie Stewart directed the play and scenery was by A. W. Ness. Drama awards were presented to Bruce Cudmore for leading actor, Kenneth Tuckey for sup­ porting actor. Donald Peterson received honorable mention. Lorna Taylor was chosen lead­ ing actress, Connie Ostland best supporting actress, and Marie Hodgson received honorable men­ tion. Names of the first two in each group will be placed on the drama shield. During an intermission between plays, Mr. J. A. Mahon showed slides made from pictures he had taken of girls working on their summer home gardening projects. Mr. Andrew Dixon reported on what the boys of the agriculture classes had done financially with their home projects. In all, over $1,700 in profits had been made, one boy earning over $340 grow­ ing beans, Otheiv projects were the raising of pigs, calves and poultry. Besides gardening, the girls did home canning and picked beans. The program, closed with the serving of refreshments in tne cafeteria. Mrs. James Pomeroy, London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rufus Kestle, Huron County Health Unit Immunization Clinic The second in a series of preschool immunization clinics for ZURICH and district will be held in the ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL on Friday, May 15, at 11:00 A.M. Also, the second in a series of pre­ Dashwood and District will be held in DASHWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL on Friday, May 15, at 3:00 P.M. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or re­ inforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Small­ pox. Presentation And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. DONALD BRAY (nee Annie Elford) Farquhar Hall Friday, May 22 GOOD ORCHESTRA BAYFIELD PAVILION Two Nights to Remember: Every Friday Night FRANK TRAHER AND HIS ORCHESTRA SPECIAL Holiday Dance VICTORIA DAY “SYNCOPATORS” Modern & Old Time Dancing 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. Services •—Continued from Page 1 Mrs. Chas. Cowau sang a duet. At Caveu Presbyterian Church, a combined Sunday School and morning service brought out a large* congregation of parents accompanied by their families. The Rev. Donald Sinclair spoke on the theme “Christian Founda- The Rev. C. L. Langford spoke tioijs for the Home”. on “Mary, the Mother of Jesus” at the Mother's Day service at Trivitt Memorial Church. Flow­ ers in the church in memory of the late Mrs. Emily Morley, were placed there from a fund left by the late Magistrate James Mor­ ley. The Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Har­ ris, of Goderich, assisted with the speciall Mother’s Day program at the Exeter Tabernacle, Mrs. Har­ ris gave the address, 'taking as her topic “Snapshots of Women in the Bible”. Musical numbers GRAND Aldon Theatre BEND Friday, Saturday — May 15, 16 "THE STARS ARE SINGING' ★ ROSEMARY CLOONEY ★ ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETTI * LAURITZ MELCHIOR It’s Got that Lovable Lilt, that Heart-Tugging Humor, that Makrfs for More Masterpieces — and Introduces Songstress Clooney — In Technicolor i Sunday Midnight - Mon. - Tue. - Wed. — May 18,19, 20 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY — 7:30 P.M. AND 9:30 P.M. Adults 75c — Children 35c Mrs. W. J. Moores Heads Area WMS Mrs. W. J. Moores, of Thames Road, was elected 1953 president of the Loudon Conference branch of the Woman’s Missionary So­ ciety, United Church of Canada, at the annual meeting held in St. Thomas last week. Mrs, G. F- Penwarden, Sarnia, a former resident of Exeter, was re-elected recording* secretary. •Mrs. Emery Desjardine. Grand Bend, was named a member of the leadership training commit­ tee. included duets by Rev. and Mrs. Harris and by Joyce Hamilton and Eileen Kendrick. Two in­ fants, Donald Thomas Jolly, son of Mr. and Mr. Donald Jolly and Nacy Jarmaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Triebner were dedicated. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce attended the funeral of Mr. Thus, Anderson, father of Mrs. Charles Pearce, in Lucknow on Monday. Miss Maxine Parsons, London, spent the weekend with her pa­ rents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Par­ sons. Exeter Ladies' Bowling Club Annul Organization Meeting AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Friday, May 15 8:30 p.jn. AT THE CLUBHOUSE LAST DANCE This Sat. Night 9:00-12:QQ p.m. Exeter Legion Hall to the music of Clarence Petrie And His Night Hawks ADMISSION 500 GRAND LAKEVIEW CASINO BEND Dancing | Every Saturday j Special | Coronation Dance June 2- Neil McKay And His All Star Orchestra Featuring June, Johnny And The Quartette OPENING I DANCES I s x S | Saturday, May 16 | j And | |> Monday, May 18 | Neil's Contract Is "All Season 1953 By Popular Demand!