HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-14, Page 8Page 8 r* ■r Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon - Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phon© 71 Exeter 1H MI,i 11» i t, | m |i l lift l a i |l l t i4i i i i,l 1111i11i ijf i i 1I11H111 >11.11 y | f ill Hl 1111 HUM f H I IM HUH! 1111HH H HI Hi HIM IM ll’lll H HI H HIM H , r£ POPS Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY H, 1953 A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate ............................................................................ uiiiitiiiniiuiiniiiiuiiiu......... * LAWN CHAIRS AND TABLES Made To Order Feminine Facts n Fancies Lady Bowlers Honor Victors, Mrs. Morlock New President ★ AWNINGS THOS. H, WALKER Phone Exeter FOR PRODUCTS ROSS HAUGH Phone 35-r-8 Dashwood bowlers league awards at. the Monetta in the local received w'ell- for their year’s annual banquet Menard’s Thurs- Top ladies’ earned efforts held at day night last week. Two Firsts Two firsts were set with pre­ sentations this year. Both a cup and a trophy went to each mem­ ber of the Happy Gals, first-time- champions of both league bowl­ ing and play-offs, and a Bulova watch, donated by Jack Smith, jeweller, was presented for high single, 351, to Olive Essery. Cups and trophies were present- LINOLEUM JAS PE TILE— MARBOLEUM TILE­ PLASTIC TILE— EVERYTHING IN FLOORS —CONGOLEUMS —LINOLEUMS —WALL COVERINGS ed by Dot Brady, retiring presi­ dent, and Agnes Appleton, retir­ ing secretary, and, the watch was presented by Mrs, Jack Smith. _ For high triple. 7 79, Naida ~ a trophy and Shop Shield, Pfaff. Bernice a trophy for and the Fink’s Shield, presented by Mrs. Apple­ ton. Mrs. Essery received a trophy and The Times-Advocate Shield, for high single, presented by Barbara Southcott. Mrs, Brady announced that names of members of the Happy Gals’ team will be engraved on both sides of the Brady Cleaners plaque which hangs in the bowl­ ing alleys. Before conducting elections, Mrs. Brady spoke briefly in ap­ preciation of work done by her executive during the year she Mrs. and New Francois received the Dot’s Beauty presented by Dot Christie received high average. 201, and gifts to Francois Sanding and Re-Finishing Oak Floors Supplied and Laid LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON ANY JOB Reasonable Rates -— Satisfaction Guaranteed T. and T. Flooring Sgles and Service Linoleum Tile and Floor-Sanding PHONE 240 — ZURICH CONTRACTORS: Enquire About Contract Prices | Chicken in the Rough Southern Style AT "Pat's Shanty In The Pines Now Open ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Why Cook Your Sunday Dinner? Order from Pat and Take It Home Ready to Serve Three Miles South of Grand Bend 9 e No Messy Cleanup — your hands, brush, or rollnr- cooter all come clean with water Scrubs Clean Again and Again — without harming its lovely satin finish. Easy "Glide on" Application i —goes on os easily os stroking I a wall with a dry brush ! j PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE RUBBM2W SATIN FINISH i McKenzie PHONE 2S3 Paint and Wallpaper Store AND SUPPLIES 246 MAIN ST. James Street W.A. Plans Blossom Tea At the May meeting of James St. W.A, plans for the Blossom Tea and bake sale the church parlors announced convenor charge. Mrs. H. by Mrs. of the to be held in May 15, were Wes Witmer, comm t tee in By MARJORIE STEINER T )"MF Tomlinson’s Hairdressing PERMANENTS presented special Appleton, Mrs, Betty Wilson. Officers Gladys Morlock was head the league as president. Others named to the executive were Joan Harness, vice-president, and Mary Cutting, secretary-treasurer. Velma Har­ vey was nominated to take over dutiess previously performed by Mrs, Francois. More treats were in store for bowlers after elections were settled. Draws were made for five prizes and won by Dorothy Knight, Barbara Harrison, Dot Hall, Helen Marriage and Mary Cutting, Speeches and formalities end­ ed, the gals, team by team, let their hair down in a program of fun and skits. Marjorie Dilkes was master of ceremonies. Over 80 bowlers attended the banquet. voted to 1953-54 Father Assists At Wedding Miss Elizabeth Anne. . _ Mair, daughter of the Rev. William and Mrs. Mair became the bride of Flying Officer John Alvin Cann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann, in a ceremony performed at the parsonage of James Street United 3 p.m. The by the by the also gave his daughter in mar­ riage. Spring flowers provided the setting for the wedding. The bride was -charming in a floor-length gown of rosepoint lace and marquisette. The mold- . ed bodice of marquisette was framed at the neck by a deep band of lace. The strapless bodice was worn with a short lace bolero with manderin collar and long sleeves. The full skirt of of marquisette was fashioned with a low polonaise. The bride’s illusion veil fell gracefully from a pearl and rhinestone crown and she wore a rhinestone necklace and matching earrings, the gift of the groom. She carried a white Bible topped with Sweet­ heart roses. The bride’s only attendant was her sister, Joanne Mair, of Exe­ ter. She wore a gown of orchid nylon net fashioned with a strap­ less bodice worn with a self­ embroidered cape. The floor­ length skirt was of nylon net over taffetta. She carried a cas­ cade arrangement of yellow roses and mauve sweet peas. The groom was attended James Love, of Grand Bend. Mrs. Reg. Hodgert, sister the groom, presided at the piano, For the wedding reception at Club Monetta, Mrs. Mair receiv­ ed the guest wearing navy crepe with taffetta trim. I- sories were in pastel she wore a corsage of nations. She was assisted Robert Cann, mother groom, who wore a navy crepe gown with navy accessories and corsage of pink carnations. For their wedding trip to Montreal and eastern Canada, the bride changed to a brown gabardine suit with brown and mustard accessories. A corsage of yellow roses completed her en­ semble. F/O and Mrs. John Cann will make their home in Lachihe, Que,, where the groom is sta­ tioned with the R.C.A.F. Guests from Toronto, Weston, Grand Bend and Exeter attended the wedding. Church on Saturday at ceremony was performed Rev. H. J. Snell, assisted Rev. William Mair, who by of Her acces- 1 pink pink and car- by of Mrs. the Children Baptized In London Church Children of three former resi­ dents of Exeter were -baptized at Colborne Street United Church, London, oh Mothers’ Day by the Rev. A. B,D, James Mr. and Doris Penh ale); Marglson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M, A, Margison (nee Hazel Johns); and Susan Irene Yates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, II, E. Yates (nee Irene VanCamp) were among the eleven children to receive, the rite of baptism at the special Mothers’ Day service, Murray Stuart, B,A., J. Snell gave an inter­ esting report on the W.A, rally held in Clinton. Of the London conference, only Perth and Hu­ ron counties were not organized. Mrs. Snell was elected corres­ ponding secretary of the newly- formed Huron Presbytery. A vote on whether James St. W.A. will join the larger group, will foe taken at a future meeting. Mrs. Claude Farrow’s group took charge of the program which opened with a devotional period conducted by Mrs. Car­ trey Cann on the theme “Pos- sesssions and Talents”. Mrs. Cann pointed out that both our possessions and talents should be used lor the good of others. Mrs. Robert Riley, Elintville, delighted the ladies with her singing of "The Sunshine of Your Smile" and "Bless This House”. A film trip on the Coronation was shown by Mrs. Cann with Mrs. C. Farrow as narrator. The president, Mrs. R. E. Pooley, announced the HuTonia Male Chorus and the ladies who assisted them in their operetta, will present a Sunday evening concert in James Street at an early date, to be announced. The W.A. will receive the loose col­ lection. An invitation from Miss Stella Southcott to hold the June meet­ ing in the form of a picnic at her cottage, was accepted. Mrs. Pooley, Mrs. C. Cann and Mrs. W. Coates were appointed to plan the program. Mv plea for a little string around the finger really brought results. And 1 the first response came from a reader who I’m sure, was one of the busiest women who read our recipes. She was doing some house­ cleaning, putting in some garden and in her spare time, looking after baby chicks. So we say a special thank-you to Mrs. Max Turnbull out on the Blue Water highway, who sent us a variety of recipes. This wee-k we’ll include one for easy Carmel Icing and Jello Salad. Carmet Icing- (Mrs. Max Turnbull) Melt % cup butter. Add 1 cup brown sugar (packed). Cook over low hear 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add % cup milk and stir until it comes to a boil. Cool to luke warm. Gradually add 1 % - 2 cups sifted confectionary sugar. Beat until consistency to spread, stiff, Recenty one of our neigh­ bors called at the door with a sample and a recipe for Spanish Roll. It was really delicious. It requires frigerate serving. Machine, Machineless and Cold Wave Personalized, Shaping and Styling no cooking, just re­ several hours before I MRS. DILKES PHONE 146 24 y2 u Vs % % Spanish Roll (Mrs. Len Dilkes) ;raham wafers (rolled) chopped dates chopped walnuts chopped marshmallow’s eocoanut S’lb. lb. lb, lb. pint whipping cream Whip cream, fold in marsh­ mallows. Add rest of ingredients. Pack in refrigerator tray and cut in squares to serve. SALADA If icing becomes , add a little hot water. Jello Salad (Mrs, M. Turnbull) package lemon jello cup boiling water cups gingerale cup chopped walnuts cup celery, chooped fine cup shredded pineapple tsp. dry ginger Dissolve jello in % cup boil­ ing water. Add gingerale. Put in frig. When cool, add nuts, celery, pineapple and ginger. Serve on lettuce leaf with your favorite dressing. 1 3/2 Vi u 1 % ODD BITS By B,A. — Just For Fun We took a drive around town the other night, just to see the green of things and we stopped at the. dam. It was peaceful there but not for long. As we watched, one after another, five pairs of white skinny arms reached up over the cement of the dam and five small, scantily clad bodies exposed themselves from the water to the evening air. By this time we were begin­ ning to feel a bit chilly ourselves and could think of more pleasant things than being wet from swimming in the night air in May. We expected to see those Rebekah Degree Conferred On Five Rebekahs of Emerald Lodge, 290 Parkhill, and Huronia Lodge, Clinton, were guests of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge at their regular meeting last Wednesday night. They were welcomed by N.G., Mrs. Les Gibson. Pride of Huron’s degree team with Mrs. Otto Brown as captain, conferred the Rebekah degree on three Exeter candidates and two from Parkhill. Mrs. Isabelle Lamont, N.G., of Parkhill lodge, Mrs. Mary Nadiger, Clinton, past district deputy, and Mr. Irvine Barnes, of Parkhill, spoke briefly . and con­ gratulated the degree team on their work. During the business meeting, plans Were completed for a cook­ ing sale and afternoon tea to be held May 9. Mrs. Ann Coates, social con­ venor, announced the winners of the euchre and bridge marathons would receive their prizes at a euchre to be held following the next regular meeting, May 20. five boys scurrying for the fort of dry clothes but somewhere close by, still ping from their swim, the boys produced long poles and in ob­ vious contentment they stayed to dangle their feet and the poles over the side of the dam. * * * * Visiting There’s a special welcome for you, A cookie? There should foe. Things to color, pencils too. Right for a morning spree, box of spoon, Right for Time to go? (Grandma’s a thing). A Mrs. Howard Johns Hostess At Shower On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. Howard Johns held a miscellaneous shower for Betty Mair, bride-elect. Mrs. John Bat­ ten escorted Betty to a beauti­ fully decorated chair, after which she read the address. Frances and Ahn Johns car­ ried the gifts Which were wrapped in pink and white paper to Betty, who thanked everyone for the lovely gifts, Carol, Sylvia and Diane Johns, carrying little um­ brellas filled with confetti, show­ ered the bride-to-be. Contests were enjoyed and lunch was served by the hostess. Blake Beattie, son of Mrs. K. A, Beattie (nee Alan Edward Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertax Station PHONE 405 DAY OH NIGHT M com- from drip- 1 l Now I don't have to trust my fine cotton dresses to home washing!COULD YOU FACE IT ALONE? As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you know how to handle themiuw now to nancne one A administration of his estate? Inexperience in such matters can be expen­ sive and cause untold worry. A sympathetic and experienced Estate Officer of The Sterling Trusts Corporation will be happy to discuss matters with you and your husband. Such an interview could be the answer to your future peace of mind. just buttons, a digging an afternoon fling. I’ll he back soon— wonderful Main St. Groups Plan Renovation The May meeting of the W.A. and W.M.’S. of Main St. United Church was held at the home of Mrs. R. E. Russell on afternoon, May 7. Mrs. E. the W.A. Tea” was month and tion of the church kitchen were presented for the ladies’ approv­ al. Mrs. M. Quance took charge of the devotional part of the meet­ ing and was assisted by Mrs, L. Howey and Mrs. A. E. Holley. Mrs. R. E. Balkwill gave a fine report on the Presbyterial meeting of the W.M.S, held in Goderich, which she had attend­ ed with Mrs. W. Powell and Mrs. G. Jaques. The ladies were asked for used clothing or bedding a bale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Quance and her group and a cial time was enjoyed by all. Thursday conducted "Pretend for this R. Hopper business. A arranged plans for the renova- i®il Amazing New Semitone Service MAKES COTTON DRESSES LOOK LIKE-NEW AGAIN Never again need you spend weary hours washing, iron­ ing and starching to keep your finest cotton dresses looking the way you want them. Here at last—our revo­ lutionary "Cotton Clinic”—a really new, really different cleaning service for those smart cotton dresses. Every trace of grime, dirt, and spots .,. even perspiration ... van­ ishes like magic! Colors and patterns spring back in all their original glory! Like-new texture and"feer'are restored. You’ll stay crisp and smart looking longer! Get acquaint­ ed with our "Cotton Clinic” today! APPROVCO Phone 136 FOR PICKUP & DELIVERY Brady RICE LAKE FUR CO. Your precious fur coat will receive daily care, expert dare by a method that protects it completely "" right down to the all-important under-fur and skin itself. Your furs deserve the best of care . » . "-Flach fur coat “ST.ER-O-LIZED” against germs and moth eggs. Air blown free of dust hnd grit. "-Insured against moths, fire, heat and tlidft. "-Garments kept in constantly circulating, pure dry-cold air. —All garments periodically inspected by storage experts and master furrier. "-Restyling and repairing estimates furnished free. "-“Master Furrier” techniques in handling* BRING YOUR FUR COAT IN NOW! WW SUMMER PRICES ON RESTYDtNG - REPAIRING * CLEANING Mefraarx/'c ladies-and fvicvreery s children’s wear Main Street Exeter ™ STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE 372 Boy St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop Si., Barrie See the Great New A6 (or hoi»r> food* and (co citam ... 13° for (roton doifem and Quick chilling,. . 310 (or hooping frtth moalt froih . .. 37° lot milk and gonotal food Horas* ., 4 40° humid cold tor (foih fruit* and vegetable*... 39° for «jg*, condiment*, bottled beverages... SS° for keeping butter oaiy lo tpredd. {Tomperdtuiei shown are for Overage conditions) Model L-105-D, 10 «u. ft., $000.00 It takes 7 different afeas of cold—frotn 6° to 55°—to keep basic foods in prime condi­ tion. You get all 7 of these essential "food climates”—all working at once—in the new JH Refrigerators. COme in and see how they can help you feed your fam­ ily better—get more out of your grocery money, too. • New Fu»h*buHen automalle dofro»tine • beautiful Sprlng-Freih Green Interfere O Bit full-width (raatar* • Fentry-Dor with extra »he!ve» • Giant Criip»r», deep anti roomy • famou* "Tioht-Wed”* xnlt with S-year warranty LOW DOWN PAYMINT LAST TERMS! F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153-W EXETER