HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-14, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1953 Mi*, and Mrs, Leonar4 Pfaff, Toronto, called on Mrs. Pfaff on Saturday and on day Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thedford, visited her at the of Mrs. J. Sutton. Mary Sun- Love, home Cpmnnenih About Centralia By MBS. F. BOWDEN Weed Spraying IT IS TIME for you to consider weed problems in your grain. I have ample supplies of all kinds including the new CMU that makes it possible to spray your young seedlings with­ out any harm to your grain or your young clover with the exception of sweet clover. If you have your own spraying equipment be sure to call on me for prices and your needs, I also have Premerge for spraying your bean ground or sugar beets for weeks. It should be sprayed about two days before seed sproud emerges.’ V. Hogarth, phone 266, Exeter. the X ■Mrs.service” Immediate IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2 % on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 <?r any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO * MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER Miss Margaret Cook returned home last week after spending several months in Arizona. Mrs. Agnes Lammie of Hensall was a Sunday visitor with her son, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Lammie and family. AC2 Robert Tripp, of Aylmer, spent the weekend with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tripp. Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, George and John visited with Mrs. Godbolt’s sister in London Township on Sunday afternoon. Beverley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth, had the fortune to fall when she roller-skating on Saturday, and was taken to South Huron pita! for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown, ofI Exeter, were Sunday visitors with I their daughter and son-in-law,I Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire. Mr. and Mrs. W, Baker, of Grand Bend, attended the Mo­ thers’ Day service in the church on Sunday morning. Mr. Clare Wright, who has been holidaying in Florida, visit­ ed over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Wright. Miss Beatrice Essery, R.N., and Harold Penwarden, of Sar- were Sunday visitors with former’s parents, Mr. and William Essery. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodgins and family visited -with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Quinton and family and Miss Helen McFalls of London spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ar­ thur McFalls. Mrs. Charles Isaac was the re­ cipient of greetings on observed her day. Mr. while called Godbolt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaac on Monday evening. Mothers’ Day Service Mr.• Reg Hodgson was leader for the Mothers’ Day service on Sunday morning. Members of the Sunday School filled the choir loft and provided the music for the service. Solo parts were taken by Master Bobby Lammie and a duet was sung by George Godbolt and Kay Hodgson. The stories, “They Stopped Their Quarreling” and “David Finds Home Is Best” were read by Maxine Bowden and Arlene Skinner. The address was given by Rev. Burton. Two babies were baptized, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ ard Smith and son of Mr. and Mrs, Orville Rollings. Mr. K. Hodgins and Mr. R. Lammie were ushers. Mary Mar­ garet Essery was pianist, with Mr. C. Skinner assisting with his violin. Baskets of flowers made a very atractive setting for the fine service. At the close of the serv­ ice, the flowers worn in honor of the mothers were collected and taken to the various shut-in mem­ bers of the congregation. MagazineMacleans' The Story In Personal Items Mr. and -Mrs. Glenn Froats, of London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Ark- sey and Jean. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Klahre and Catherine were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrss. William Fisher, of St. Marys. The W.A. and W.M.S. will meet at the Squire Mr, jgerald, By MRS. F. SQUIRE Whalen STOCK WANTED HELP WANTEDFOR SALE BE READY for the holiday. See the new Summer Cotton dresses at Tu­dor’s in Hensall. Smartly styled and inexpensive too. See them at Tudor fi.14c MINIATURE RAILWAY engine and tender also wheels for three cars. An excellent children’s ride. Apply D. Madge, 55 Cambria Rd., Goderich, or phone Goderich 743-W. 30:7; 14c mis- was Hos- Hensall District News Evening Auxiliary ....... A large representation of St. and son-in-law,! Paul’s Anglican Ladies, Carmel Church Arnold Circle and United Church W.M.S. attended as spec­ ial guests the Evening Auxiliary meeting held in the United Church Monday night, May 11. President Mrs. L. Chapman was in the chair and extended the welcome and Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Jean Armstrong were hostesses. Lovely spring flowers adorned the school room. Mrs, W. J. Rogers offered prayer. Mrs. J. Drysdale read the Scrip­ ture lesson. Mrs. Pearl Passmore chose for her devotional message, “The Home And God’’, followed with prayer by Mrs. L. Hay. The visiting committee report Personal Items Mrs. Tena McDonald, spent the winter months Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. who with Fer­ guson and family in Montreal, has returned to Hensall. annd Mrs. Lome and Robert, of the weekend with mother, numerous birthday Saturday when she eighty-fourth birth- Camm of Fort Erie,Albert visiting friends in Exeter, on Mr. and Mrs. George EARLS PLACE F1SH-N-CHIPS ★ FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS ★ HOME-MADE PIES ★ HAMBURGS ★ SANDWICHES * BEVERAGES Try Our Chili Con Came - Spaghetti and Meat Balls! Open 4:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. Every Day Delivery Service 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED in good' home. Phone 707-W-3 Exeter between 7 and 9 p.m,______ _______ 14:21c WAITRESS—Also boy to help in kit­ chen. Cull in person. Esther's Coffee Shoppe.______ __________________14 c TEACHER — Huron County Usborne Township School Area requires Pro­ testant teacher. Duties to commence fall term. Reply stating salary ex­ pected, experience, and former in­ spector’s name to Garnet Hicks, sec­ retary, R.R. 3, Exeter.________5-7tfe MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness, Sell to 1,500 families. Good pro­ fits for hustlers. Write today. Raw- ieiglTs Dept. E-202-S, Montreal. 7:14:21:28c DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 pr Exeter 287.'_________________3-5tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dmv, phone S3 Exeter. tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc FOR SALE—Good used lumber and scantling, 2 pine doors, 5 outside doors, several hinges, glass panes, good 3-burner oilstove with oven, Edison cabinet phonograph and re­ cords, other things. —J. W. Powell, 138 Victoria. 14’ home of Mrs. George on Thursday afternoon, and Mrs. ■Mr. and Walls and family, Lloyd Flannigan visited on Sunday Mrs. Ronald Squire. Mr. and Mrs. H. Horsmand and Lois, of Cunny Brae, N.B. Wednesday guests with Mrs. George Squire. Mr. Ed. Woodward, i ford, visited on Sunday and Mrs. Ray Parkinson George Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and family and Mr. and Squire, Prospect, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, Mr. Russell Parkinson, Strat­ ford, and Mrs. Harold Bell, Lon­ don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, — - Sunday 1 Docking and Mr. London, < Mother’s Mother’s Day service was ob­ served at 2 Messrs. Cecil don Johnson Burton were Marion Morley gave the story, “They Stopped Their Quarreling” and Mr. William Hodgson gave the story for little children. There was a baptismal service for Janice Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr., Brian Kenneth, son of Mr. and ■Mrs. Kenneth Hodgson, and Carol Anne Foster and James Ellis Foster, children of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. and Elva, also Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. were guests at the Porter-Szabo wedding on Saturday at Wesley United Church also the reception at Cobblestone Inn. E.M, Fitz- Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. and Gerald with Mr. and WANTED were Mr. and of Strat- with Mr. i and Mr. SUMMER DRESSES at Tudorsm Hensall. Bemberg sheers at $5.95— Blisters at '$4.98— Spans at $4.95. All completely washable. _____ 14c CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS — Dunlop, Premier, Fairfax, etc.; also Columbia raspberry plants; and a few blackberry plants. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, fourth house south of Larry Snider Motors, Exeter. o0:7:14* WANTED — Washing machine with gasoline engine in good shape; also one bag of home grown Irish Cobbler potatoes. Phone Granton 5-r-7. H* SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of talcing short­ hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advocate, l-15tfc WOMAN for store work, Saturday only, 4 until 11:30 p.m. Phone 52 Ex­ eter,_______________ _____14< SEVERAL BOYS with bicycles want­ ed. Apply at Earl’s Place, phone 85.14c WANTED TO RENT — 5-rooni furn­ished apartment. Apply The Time-s- Advocate._______________________14* BABY CARRIAGE. Apply at Times- Advoeate._____________________14* WANTED TO RENT immediately — 1- or 2-bedtoom modern house or apartment in Exeter, References. Call 490-m-l Exeter.__________________l£c ELECTRIC BROODER. 350 or 500 size. Apply Elmer Desjardins, Grand Bend, phone 38-r-27,_________ 14* A 5-ROOM APARTMENT, latter part of June. Apply Times-Advocate. 14c CONTRACTS for white beans, small red cranberry and soybeans. Attrac­ tive prices. See or call W. E. Reid, Dashwood, phone 158 and 87-W. 30:7:14c CAPONS—4-week-old started capons, and custom caponizing. Phone 57-r- 23 Dashwood._________________14:21* Mr. tyne spent mer’s and aunts, Miss Katie Scott and' Mrs. Graham. Miss Betty Moir, of London, spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Moir. Miss Kay Bell, of London, was a. weekend visitor with her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bell and Pauline. Miss Mildred Forrest, R.N., of Brantford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell, of London, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell and Mrs. J. McAllister. Miss Betty Mickle, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, Mickle. Mrs. Margaret with relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Uldene were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Morley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Huebner and Mrs. Marion Moeller, of De­ troit, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, of Clandeboye, and Mrs. Russell Brock and Bill, of Chiselhurst, also visited with them. •Mrs. George Lackie ily, Kitchener, called O’Brien on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballan- Detroit, the for- Mrs. Ballantyne, Hodgins Mrs. F. Sunday A WOMAN wanted from 9 a.m. to »S p’m. to help care for a woman in a wheelchair. Phone 654-W or apply 529 Carling Street._______________14* LOCAL BANK requires boy age 16 to 20 who would like to make bank­ ing a career. Pension plan and good opportunity for advancement. Apply at Tiie Bank of Nova Scotia, Exeter.14:21:28t: WEDDING CAKE BOXES—Get them at The Exeter Times-Advocate. 1951 JAMES MOTORCYCLE, 198 C.C.. in perfect shape. A real sport model almost completely covered with chrome. Less than 100 miles since complete overhaul. Priced to sell. — Joe Gunn, phone 44 Crediton. 7:14:21c, Frank Parkinson. On Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and. family, Munroe, and Mrs. Harry White, also visited them. Day Service PERSONALDENIM IS SMART this year. See it at Tudor's in Hensall in dresses, pedal pushers, skirls, blouses, jac­kets, shorts and jeans. Sanforized- shrtittk too,___________ ______14c TWO SCOTCH Shorthorn bulls. Bred and open heifers (vaccinated), re­gistered, accredited herd. Apply Fred Brown, phone 73-r-4 Crediton. 7:14c HEAVY DUTY electric rangette in good condition; white enamel coal or wood range with shelf and copper reservoir. Apply Earl Whiteford, R.R. 1, Clandeboye._________________7:14* TWO REGISTERED Hereford bulls of good breeding and serviceable age. Apply to Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, or 5 miles .south of Crediton. 80:7:14* WHERE TIME IS IMPORTANT“ Surge milkers lead the field. Safe operation, faster milking, easily cleaned equipment makes profits for the farmer. Surge service is tops. — Lovell McGuire, phone collect 593, Wingham, has the proof._________14* SMALL OIL INCUBATOR, 50 - egg capacity, like new; also quantity of quart sealers. Apply Joe White, tele- phone 547-W-3 Exeter.___________14c TWO-WHEEL TRAILER, with stock racks, like new. Apply 21 William St. or phone 237-W Exeter.__________14c RAVELLE’S at Grand Bend are of­ fering special bargains in china on opening da.y, Saturday, May 16. Come in and see our new lines._______1H FOR BARGAINS in sweaters, see Ravelle’s, Grand Bend, on opening day, Saturday, May 16. Entire stock of sweaters at greatly reduced prices..14* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE "OLD at 10, 50, 60?” MAN! You're crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrcx Tonic Tablets pep up bod!es lacking iron, For run-down feeling many men, women call "old”. New "get acquainted” size only 60c. All drug­gists. 14:28:11:25c for April was presented by Mrs, H. Armstrong. Mrs. S. Rannie and Mrs. E. Shaddick will form the visiting committee for May. Mrs. J. Drysdale reported on the pro­ ceeds derived from the bake sale. Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. J. Flynn showed an interesting film entitled “Africa Is Waiting”. Contributing to the program were a vocal trio, Mrs. A. Kers­ lake, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. C. Forrest, vocal solo, Rogers, readings, Miss M. Accompanists were Luker, Mr. W. W. ing the social hour extended votes of Goodwin, on behalf Church; Mrs. Arnold Circle; for the United Ladies Aid Mrs. L. Baynham was hostess at her home Monday afternoon for the May meeting of, the Ladies Aid of Carmel Church, Mrs. W. R. Bell was in the chair. Mrs. J. Soldan’s group was in charge of the meeting and the lunch. Mrs. H. Bell read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. J. Soldan offered a prayer and read a poem. Mrs. Clarence Reid read an interesting account of the meeting held a.t James St. United Church, Exeter, at which Mrs. G. A. Wheable, of London, guest speaker, spoke on ’the U.N. and Canada. Mrs. W, Bell, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs. R. J. Cameron reported on the covering for the church entrance which will be completed this week. Mrs. R. Madge donated a. lovely quilt. To Present Concert Pupils of Mrs. Carl Decker, of Zurich, 35 in number, -will pre­ sent a program of tap dancing, ballet, in the town hall, Hensall, Friday, May 22. It will be spon­ sored by the Hensall Women’s Institute and South Huron Agri­ cultural Society. The pupils, ranging in age from three to 12 years, presented this program to packed houses in Zurich, and come to Hensall highly recom­ mended. In addition to the danc­ ing and ballet, some humorous numbers will be introduced. Women’s Missionarj' Society Mrs. W. B. Cross presided for the May meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society held in the school room of the United Church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. T. C. Coates and Mrs. L. Eiler presented interesting re­ ports of the Huron Presbyterial Women’s Missionary Society held in Goderich which they attended as delegates. Mrs. W. Henry gave Temperance notes. Miss M. Ellis gave the study book, “Along African Trails”, and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, a piano solo. In­ vitations were accepted from the Evening Auxiliary for May 11, Chiselhurst, May 1.2, and Clinton May 19. A bale for overseas re­ lief will be packed early in June. and Mrs. E. L. p.m. on Sunday. Squire and Gor- and Rev. G. G. in charge. Miss BRAY PULLETS. Dayold or started. Hatchery can give immediate de­livery. Ask us for particulars. Your July broilers should be on order now, also. Agent—Eric Carscadden, Exeter phone 246-J. 14c REAL ESTATE TENDERS WANTED Mrs. W. J. Ellis. Miss Gladys Jarrett. Dur- the following thanks: Mrs. of St. Paul’s H, Hoy, for the Mrs. W. B. Cross Church W.M.S. Vair is visiting Barrie. Alvin Pym and fam- Mrs. Hodgson and family were at Ethel Sun­ day and spent .the day with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Richards, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hord, Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richmond and Miss Thelma Stark, of Kit­ chener, and London. Mr. and and Jean, Sunday visitors with Mrs. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter and family, of Metropolitan, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald were guests on Ravelle-Murray First United 1 minster. Mr, and Mrs. visited recently Mr. Alex Baillie. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Bristol Holden, St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire vissited with Mr. Massey and Mrs. Marj'orie Langford in St. Marys on Sunday. and on Miss May Richmond, Mrs. George Currie of Wingham, were Mr. and Squire at the at the Saturday wedding Church, West- Whalen, London, with Mr. and Comments About Cromarty By MRS. K. McKELLAR Mrs. Christina McKelIa.r, Mit­ chell, visited with friends in the village recently. Rev.' R, and Mrs. Duncanson attended the ordination service for Rev. W. Donovan in Chats­ worth on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLach­ lan visited friends at St. Marys on Sunday. Cromarty Y.P.S. was well re­ presented at the annual banquet of the Young People’s 'Societies of Stratford Presbytery Church, St. Marys, on evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. and Richard, Mitchell, CASH REGISTER including paper rolls, completely reconditioned within the last year. Cost $275. Will sell for $175. —George Wright, 136 Anne St., phone 1-M Exeter.______________14* ’37 DODGE SEDAN, cash $100; Simp­ son electric rangette; cream enamel wood range. —Phone 880-W-3 Exeter.14c in First Tuesday TENDERS FOR COALSouth Huron District High School Board invites tenders for fuel for the school building on Gidley St., Exeter. Livingston stokers require 150 tons of 1’4 x y oil treated stoker coal. Tenders should quote price per ton delivered at the school as required, and should be addressed to the Sec­retary, E. D. Howey, Exeter, by May 30, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.__________14:21c LUCAN HOUSE FOR SALEBY ESTATE The estate of EMILY RYAN, de­ ceased, has for sale her Home Pro­perty in the Village of Lucan, being a Frame Cottage anl lands known as the North Vj of Lot Number 23, on the West side of Frank Street, Plan 187.Tenders will be received at the Office of ELDON W. MITCHELL, 171 Dundas Street, London, Solicitor for said Estate, until noon MONDAY, May 25th, 1953, for the purchase of said property for cash. The highest or any tender not ne­cessarily accepted.JOHN A. DIXON, Executor, R.R. No. 4, PARKHILL, Ont. 14c LOT ON JAMES Street, with work­ shop. A steal at $1,200. See Larry Snider, phone 624 Exeter.________14c GRAND BEND — Near Turnbull’s Grove: New summer home, with ex­tra lot. Large living room with rug brick fireplace, two large bedrooms (twin-bed size), modern kitchen, 3- piece bath; knotty pine and plywood construction finish throughout. Al? new construction. Only $8,300. Phone 2-4772, Don Fairborn, owner, Lon- don,________________________7:14:21c HENSALL — Beautiful solid brick home for the discriminating buyer. Best corner residential location. AU conveniences and facilities. Five bed­ rooms. Ideally located for professional residence. Many extras. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reasonable terms. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY . OF CANADA Broker—R. B. Paterson, Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario. 14:21c FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett.Dashwood Your New Dealer In Exeter For TRY SCARFE’S NEW GLIDE SATIN |l Specify Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN STANDARD PANELS • ASPHALT SHEATHING DECORATIVE TILE • ORNAMENTAL PANELS Ask for FREE Interior Designs Phone 90 PAINTS Varnishes - Enamels * Wax Ron Westman s SPORTS AND AUTO SUPPLY Special! - Exterior Paint (WHITE ONLY) $4$5 GALLON WANTED — We have been selling houses and want more to sell. We have enquiries for all types of homes and acreages. If you wish to sell we will be glad to talk the matter over with you. ■—C. V. Pickard, Re- altor. Main St,, Exeter._______4-9tfc CENTRALIA 3-bedroom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. 5-14tfcFOR RENT—New self-contained two- bedroom apartment. No small child- ren. For particulars phone 709-J. 14* FURNISHED APARTMENT, imme­ diate possession, 2 bedrooms, large bright living room, large kitchen, bath. Hydro and water supplied. — Phone 323-J.____________________14c 4-ROW PRECISION PLANTER—Sows turnips, sugar beets, beans and corn. Apply S. Weiner, phone 631-W Ex­eter. 14:21’ HENSALI—-Post Office Block—Ideal­ ly located for store or office. Adjoin­ ing seven-room house and three- room apartment included. Exception­al opportunity for commercial pro­ perty as an investment. Reasonable 'terms. Immediate possession, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker—R. B, Paterson, Phone 51, Hensall. Ontario.______________________14:21c 4-BEDROOM BRICK with extra lot, Exeter. Fine location. Bright, nicely arranged living rooms. Modern kit­ chen and bathroom. Nicely treed! lawn. This home is in good condition. Quick possession. Terms. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. ____________________________4-16tfe FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St,, Exeter,________4-16tfo FRAME 3-BEDROOM insulated house with hot air furnace. 3-piece bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, laundry tubs, 3 rooms hardwood floors. Com­ plete with furniture. Garage. Pay 25 per cent down, balance like rent. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.____________________4-30tfc ZURICH — Story and one-half frame house. White asbestos siding, new roof. Corner location. Immediate pos­session. Reasonably priced. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADABroker —R. B. Paterson, Phone 51, Hensall, Ontario._______ ___________14:21c FOR SALE—Seven-room house with, three-piece bath and good furnace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra lot. Apply 932 William Street,. Exeter. tf* ONE USED 5-H.P. Sea King out­ board motor, A-l condition, used ap­proximately 30 hours. Too small for present boat. Price $130.00. —Huron Lumber Co._______________ 5-14tfc FOR SALE—Man's brown suit, size 38; lady’s grey suit, size 14; girl's 2-piece spring suit, size 1, pink; in excellent condition, reasonable. Call Exeter 574-J.____________________18c FOR SALE— 1929 DeSoto Roadster. Phone 36-r-4 Crediton.___________14c FOR SALE —No. 1 table potatoes. Apply Andrew Bierling, phone 395-W.14’ FOR RENT—Newly decorated apart­ ment for rent. —Call 619-r-ll Ailsa Craig. ____________14:21:28:4cBinning visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar on Sunday after­ noon. Mrs. L. Laing attended the an­ nual Women’s Institute confer­ ence at Guelph as from Staffa Institute. Mr. and Mrs. A. had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Woodstock, Mr. and Scott, of Russelldale, Mrs, T. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Joyce and Brenda. Mr. Gordon Houghton and Miss Shirley Gale, London, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visited in Mitchell on Sunday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning. The Mothers’ Day service was well attended on Sunday mor­ ning. The Sunday School classes with their teachers occupied the centre front pews and a junior choir assisted with the singing and provided a special number. A very appropriate address was given by the pastor, Rev. R. Dun- canson, after which a solo, “God Give Us Homes”, was sung by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Communion service will be held next Sunday, May 17, and preparatory service on Thursday evening. The Marian Ritchie Everting Auxiliary is making preparations for the fortieth anniversary of their organization to be held on Wednesday, May 13. Mothers’ Day visitors with Mrs. M. Houghton were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey, of Mitchell, and Mr, and Mrs. Reg Stagg, of Russelldale. Mrs. Alex Ramsay spent the weekend with her busband in Georgetown. Mrs. R. Duncanson was hostess to the ladies of Missionary Society dies' Aid for their On Thursday. Mrs. .......... per presided for the W.M.S. and also led in the devotions, A splen­ did topic Was giveh by Mrs. Will Miller and Mrs. M, Lamond read extracts from the fourth chapter of the Study Book. Mrs. T. L. Scott gave an interesting report of the Synodical meeting which was held In Wingham. Current events were given by Mrs. E. Allen. Mrs. /Grace Scott led in the Glad Tidings prayer, Mrs. Houghton presided for the meeting of the Ladies’ Aid which consisted mainly of business in I connection with the decorating a delegate McLachlan on Sunday, Francis, of Mrs. J. G. Mr. and i McCLARY 4-BURNER electric stove, in excellent condition. Apply 128 John Street West, Exeter._____________14* COCKSHUTT tractor spreader, used very short time. Exeter Farm Equip- ment, phone 508.________________14c FOR SALE—Moffat 4-burner electric stove, white enamel, in excellent con- dition. Phone 16 Exeter._______ 14c WATERLOO THRESHER, 24x40, on rubber, nearly new; M,H. hayloader, drop-head; tractor disc harrow, Ap­ply Paul Raniak, R.R. 2, London, Lot 16, Con. 11, on No. 4 Highway.14:21:28* EMPLOYMENT WANTED ONE 3-R00M apartment and one 4- room apartment, unfurnished, newly decorated. Apply Mrs. Harold Beaver, Exeter North.___________ 14* UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, heat­ed, hot and cold water. —Phone 180 Exeter._________________________14c HOUSE with hydro and water, use of barn, 5 acres of land, three miles west of Exeter on 83 Highway. Ap­ ply to Silas Stanlake, Carling St. N., Exeter.______, 7:14c GROUND FLOOR apartment, unfurn­ ished, heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Blatch- ford Apts., Exeter.______________14* LOWER HEATED ern conveniences, private entrance, garden. —William 12-J Crediton. OUR TWO-ROW precision Turnip PHinter will be available to anyone wishing to rent it at $1.00 per acre again this season. Harold Dignan, 3 miles west of Hensall, or 91-r-18 Zurich._________14:21:28:4:11:18* apartment, mod- nicely decorated, garage, laundry, Oestricher, phone 14c A film “Royal Journey” in technicolor, will be presented in the United Church on Tuesday evening, May 19, at 8:30 p.m. under the auspices of the C.G.I.T. Mr. Eddie Hartle, Howard and Brenton, of Sarnia, visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle and Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tweddle and family, of West Corners, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodburn and fam­ ily, ■Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Iler mother, Mrs. Curts. , Baptismal service the United Church when the daughter Mrs. Philip MacGuire, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walper, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Eagleson were baptized. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardner and sons, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with his mother, ’Mrs. J, Gardner. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Eagleson and Wayne, of London, visited on Friday evening with Mr. and and Mrs, William Eagleson, Mr. arid Mrs. Walter McPher­ son Visited on Sunday with her uncle, Mr, William Snowden, Of Port Stanley. , Mr. ahd Mrs. Cleave BrObhey, of Hanover, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bronhey and Frances. Mrs. E, Harris, of Brinsley, Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Philip MacGuire and daughter, of Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Pock and Beverley. FARMERS and BUSINESSMEN—Ar­range now for your help. Experienced Holland families, tradesmen, cleaning women and girls available. Write Henry Nyhuis, R.R, 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-3l or 38. or Corn. Buruma farm, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 807-r-21. When you have farms or houses for sale or rent, let us know at the above address. 14:21:28c 250 acres of ROUGH PASTURE, bordering small lake, Nipissing dist­ rict. Apply Box ‘M’, Times-Advocate. , 14c Charles was On of Mf. and held in Sunday the Women’s and the La- May meetings William Har- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IMPLEMENT FRANCHISE—Valuable farm machinery franchise onen in this area. Complete line of tractors and implements includes threshers, combines, forage harvesters, ensilage Cutters, plows, corn planter, etc. Ap­ply Box W, Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:14:21c FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. —Beavers Hard­ware, Exeter. ___________tfc 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment and garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times-Advocate, 14* APARTMENT—Kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, full .size basement, bath, hot and cold water. At Shipka, on highway, —Phone 164-14 Dashwood. 23:30:7:14:21;28:.Tn4* MODERN COTTAGE with large liv­ing room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom. This pro­ perty is in excellent condition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Real- ■tor, Exeter, ___________ l-8tfc STOP — If you wish to buy a newf red brick home in the beautiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders Street West. 10-23tfc and improvements in the church basement. It was decided to col­ lect pennies to add to their funds, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Duncanson and the com­ mittee in charge. The funeral of the late Mr. James Hill, Seaforth, was largely attended by friends and relatives in this community on Monday afternoon. Mr. Hill was in his eightieth year and had spent all his life on the farm now owned by Mr, W> Butson oh Staffa line Until about four yeans ago when he, with Mrs. Hill, retired to live in Seaforth. Until his retirement he was a faithful member of Cromarty Church, having been a member of Session for almost thirty years. His wife, who survives him, was the former Sarah Harburn. He is also survived by one soil, Mr. Ivan Hill, of Simcoe, and three grandchildren, David, El­ mer and .Barabara Hill, all Of Simcoe. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Johnson and son, Allen, and Mr, and Mrs. william Johnson and sons, Rod­ aid and John, of London, were with Rev, R, Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson, on Sunday, FURNISHED 4-ROOM apartment, all conveniences, available now. —Phone 323-J Exeter. 7c NOTICE TO CREDITORS MISCELLANEOUS FOR ARTIFICIAL best foiCattle 7:30 ar and 7:3 Phone I3i nd 30 al! breeds, reeding A. 10:00 a, r and 9:30 , illect Clintoi nsomination at its cal! the 'Waterloo isociation' between on week days n. on Sundays. 242. 5-14alt,tfc CATTLE—If you have cattle to ship please notify Exeter Co-Op of R, B. Williams, telephone Kirkton 44-r-9. Shipping every week. 5-7tfc PUT IN FOUR ORDER now to get water ponds and basemen Is dug and bulldozing done. General trucking and loading, gravel, fill and topsoil. By the hour or contract. Lome R. Bec­ker, phone 57*r-4 Dashwood, Ontario. , ____________.______7:14:21:28’ For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s In Hensall and have It cleaned the French Cleaners tvay, Pickup and deliver on Monday And Thursday mornings, 10-36tfc WATER WELL DRILLING—Anyone interested in (ho drilling of a now well, please eonfrtet us at Crediton. —Telephone 73-r-12, Schenk Bras.' _______ , 30:7:14:21* CEMENT GRAVE!., pWeHrig Sand, lane gravel, fill and garden dirt. Ap­ply (o Sherwood Brock, phone 439-W Exeter, or Goldie Glenn, phone G19» r-13, Ailsa Craig, 30:7:14:21* Tn the estate of GEORGE FINKBEINER deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of George Finkbeiner, late of the Village of Creditor), in the County of Huron, who died on or' about the twenty-fifth day of Feb­ ruary 1953, are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Bell & Haugh­ton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of May next, after which: date the estate will be "" ' “ ' ‘ ha ‘ ... of , _ _ ------- ..... — distributed, /ing regard Only to those claims'- which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario, ____________,___________,14:21:280 Tn the, estate of Adeline sweitzeB deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of *j-’*— of (bo Villageii ... .......................... Who died on or about the 25th dav With the* estate of Adeline Sweitzer, late of Crediton, county of i'icci Woman, deceased, of March, 1953, are”"required"to flic particulars of the same with tra- undorslgned Executors on or before the 36th day of May 1953, after which date the Executors of the estate will distribute the same having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received.Dated this 11 th day of May, 1953. AARON JACOB SWEITZER Exeter, Ontario.HERBERT K, EILBER Crediton, Ontario. 14;21c •on, n. Mi