HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-07, Page 11Page 11 LUCAN $2.98 to $6.98 SOMETHING NEW at J. B. READY Dry Goods and Hardware PHONE 45 SEE OUR RANGE I of | THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1953 Syndicate. Inc., World tights reserved Lucan And District News Peters, daughter of Mr. and Thomas Peters, L’Ardoise, Breton, was united in mar- with L.S.S.M. William Al- Hodgins, son of Mr. and FARM DEFENDER UghF weight 500 lb, pros-, •uro. Engine, P.T.O., or Row Crop Model Sprayers. D. A. Ashworth, passed > SPRAMITE General purpose sprayer — fj I Economically priced — Avail* * able*In 6 models — Pressures up to 250 lbs. MAKE MORE MONEY WITH ft 'Sp’WMtoV Items BUT WHAT HAS THAT TO DO WITH YOUR EYES. LAST NIGHT AT THE DIMMER TAB' p I WAS SO HUNGRY I TOOK SECONDS ON EVERYTHING J Summer Dresses And Blouses WEED SPRAYERS A ilxe to tu|» your require* menti •** with booms In varh ous sites. Municipal, Custom Sprayors a ipodqlty. SPRAYING EQUIPMENT Exeter Farm Equipment Phone 508 Exeter Dog-fight discourage We know one bellicose dog who won't welcome the latest thing in aluminum: an electric dog-prod. Next time Towser rushes into battle, you can nonchalantly produce this two-foot aluminum rod and apply it to the handiest part of the dog’s anatomy. The resulting shock is quite harmless, but they say a few “treatments” cure the pugnacity of even the toughest tyke. Speaking of electricity, Cana­ dians can take pride that the largest stranded electrical cable ever made for an overhead trans­ mission line has been delivered by Alcan’s Shawinigan Falls plant to the West Coast, to carry power to our new smelter now a-building at Kitimat. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). Personal There for the Women's Legion held in the Legion Room last weelf. Bridge, euchre, can­ asta and bingo were played with were and was a splendid turnout social evening of the Auxiliary of the Lucan prizes for each. Games followed by refreshments the social half hour. Mr, and Mrs, 1 aid and Mrs. W. in to St. Sunday to who had break her The flower committee of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Sheridan Monday afternoon rangements for a and Sale of Home held in Saturday Miss wedding May 9, was miscellaneous shower at home of Miss Maureen Chisholm last Wednesday. There were 25 Lucan girls present and all en­ joyed a happy evening together. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Murdy, of Stratford, spent the weekend with the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Murdy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett and Mrs. Jack Murdy the funeral directors’ at Hotel Morris McDon- . Dickins were Joseph's Hospital on see Mrs. Aaron Davis the misfortune to hip. Revington on to make ar- Blossom Tea Baking to be the church parlors on May 23 at 3 p.m. Helen Stanley, whose takes place Saturday, guest of honor at a shower at the and Mr. attended meeting week. All Lucan movie happy to learn the trol Board are going to sponsor movies every Saturday afternoon and evening in the Community Memorial Centre beginning May 9, when the splendid picture, “The Story' of the Rose Bowl”, will be shown. Mrs. Wilbert Revington has returned home after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Len Lobsinger, of Sarnia. Mrs. guest of friends home last spent after leigh light lowed. Mrs. George Bawden quite ill at the home brother, Mr. T. Collins,, boye. Miss Hattie Hodgins turned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Alvin McLean and family. Mrs. Leia Beadle, Stratford, spent the weekend with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Hodgson and Mr. Hodgson, of Lucan. Mrs. Hodgson spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. Beadle who had a severe attack of flu. London last fans will be Arena Con- Harold ■Cobleigh was honor at a .gathering of and neighbors at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan The evening was playing Court Whist and Mrs. Cob- tri- fol- of week. in which Mr. were presented with a lamp. Refreshments still her is of Clande- has re- Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association “Where Better Bulls Are Used" A farmers’ non-profit, co-operative organization, owned and operated by farmers. Service available from the best bulls available in all breeds. FOR SERVICE CALL COLLECT CLINTON 242 Sundays and Holidays 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Week Days 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Any cows noticed in heat later than. times stated above will be more likely to conceive if bred the follow­ ing day. FEES FOR ALL BREEDS ARE : $5.00 for life membership Service fee for Members is $5.00 Service fee for Non-Members is $6.00 Four services to insure conception without extra charge Free yeterinary service for cows that are problem breeders. New Business Is Solicited | Special care is taken to have top sires of all breeds | in service. We are featuring OUr Scotch Shorthorns in | this ad. They are as follows i E Klaymor Overseers 1st. Prize Sr. Yr. 1952 C.N.E.S By Klaymor Monitor S Klaymor Objective = Res. Gr. Champion 1952 C.N.E.= By Klaymor Jewel s Klaymor Nutcracker E By CalrOssle Formula E Anoka CommodoreS Gr, Ch. Chicago & Royal 1948= By Scotsdale Bombardier s Glenburn Quicksilver g By Phopachy Diplomat, sire of= many prize winners, Scotsdale Futurity By O.A.C. Mayflowers Ransom Tam O’Shanter Ballantyne By sylvan Farms MercUry Aberfeldy Nugget Full brother to Aberfeldy Model and Aberfeldy Orchid By Chrichton Drambuie, full bro­ther th Aberfeldy Model, sold for $4,000.00 and siro of 1st. get in big show in U.S.A. Braedodn Lancer By Klaymore Northman “Tumbling Presentation Made The Lucan Explorers met for their regular Expedition Monday evening in the United Church school room. The group com­ menced a new craft, the making of waste paper baskets. A discussion took place re­ garding the ordering of “Tumb­ ling” crests and a motion was passed to the effect that these be procured as soon as possible, and that advanced tumbling should be carried on during the summer, a “bar” to be presented to those who successfully com­ pleted this activity. A gift was presented to Mar­ jorie Sovereign as the Explorer completing the greatest number of tumbling feats during the 16 Expeditions since the project started. The C.G.I.T. M o th er and Daughter Banquet is to be held on Friday, May 29, with the Women's Association catering and Mrs. John Y. MacKinnon, of London, as guest speaker. The worship period was con­ ducted iby Barbara Coxe and Marie Whitehead, the theme being “God's Out-of-doors”, a sing-song was enjoyed. ■and Sponsor The Trinity play “Finders Creepers” put on by the Kirkton A.Y.P.A. at the Community Memorial Centre on Friday evening, May 1. The splendid attendance enjoyed an amusing, well produced comedy. The Rev. M. R. Griffin intro­ duced the play and Rev. J. Wagland thanked Between scenes two danced and Mrs. Lucan, sang. The the Guild, Mrs. presented a prize Whitehead for having most tickets for the thanked all the other helped Play Ladies Guild of Church sponsored in the selling. Holy the F. the players. Kirkton girls J. Elson, of president of J. Thompson, to Audrey sold play girls Bride Honored Harold Cobleigli the and who Recent Mrs. honored by her many friends when they met for a community shower on Monday evening in the United Church. A lovely Duncan Fife coffee table were presented to Clayton George on those contributing. Miss Joy Hossie munity singing. Mrs. J. Lockyer sang a lovely solo “Always” and Mrs. Clarence Lewis gave a very humorous and appropriate read­ ing. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Clarence Hardy directed several games and contests. Re­ freshments were served by Mrs. S. Revington, Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. M. Culbert, Mrs. C. George, Mrs. J. Lankin and Mrs. Chowen. was and a lamp her by Mrs. behalf of all led in com- Personal Items On Saturday, May 2, Ruth Dobie held a dinner ing for 25 dealers from the Lon­ don District. Representatives were present from Kitchener, Simcoe, Otterville, Tillsonburg, Parkhill, Dorchester, Wilton Grove, Lambeth, London, Chat­ ham and Stratford. Two new members, Billie El­ son and Larry McFalls, have been added to the Holy Trinity Junior Choir, making a total of 18. Of the 18 there were 17 present Sunday evening when 1 fl­ year-old Frank Egan sang a solo. Frank has a beautiful voice so we hope 'the future holds much in store for him. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy were Mr. and Mrs. John Knight, of Kintore; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, of Exeter: Miss Leila Knight, Lon­ don, and Miss Donna Knight, of Saskatoon. Miss Elaine Revington, Lon­ don, spent 'the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington. Mrs. Dan Lewis, Ailsa Craig, was a weekend' guest of her sister, Mrs. V. G. Banting and Mr. Banting. Mr. Harry Hardy, who under­ went an operation oh his knee in St. Joseph’s Hospital last week, was brought home Thurs­ day and is progressing favorably. Mrs. F. W. Morgenroth spent last weekend with her daughter, Mrs. .T. Houston, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reilly and Mr. and Mrs. S. E, Reilly, Lon­ don, spent the weekend in Ridge­ ville, guests of the daughter, Mrs. Earle and family. The Lucan sponsoring raise school Mr, spent the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Toye. Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mrs. W. Dickins attended a shower held in St Patrick’s Parish Hall, Saintsbury, Friday, May 1, in honor of Miss Marion McIntyre, prior to her marriage to Mr, Lions peanut for - Mrs. meet- former’s D. Haist Club are drive to Lucan’s new1 a funds equipment, ahd Mrs. A. W. Murdock last weekend in Merlin, Arthur Abbott, May 9. Personal Items ■ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mann and ■ Sharon, of Toronto, have return- . ed home after attending the ■ Hodgins - Maitland wedding in ; London and spending the week­ end with Mrs. Mann’s sister, Mrs. . Harold Hodgins and family. Mr. JFred Keith, a relative of i Mrs. s away suddenly in Manitoba re- , cently. He had visited Ontario ; relatives a short time ago. 1 The men of Holy Trinity Church are meeting Wednesday • evening when they hope to organize a Brotherhood. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ' John Thomson last week were ’ Mr. and Zion on '• McFalls Falls, of mother, . on Friday. 1 Mr. Harold Cartwright spent ■ last Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Horne and family, who have been living in one of the apartments above the butcher shop, have moved to London and Mr. and Mrs. Don Young are taking the apartment. Lucan's relatives 'and friends of Don Middleton extend con­ gratulations on his being elected president of the Ontario Junior Farmers at a meeting in Guelph recently. Miss Doreen Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett, had the misfortune to be hit with a hockey puck at the Ilderton-Goderich game played in G o d e.r i c h last week. Several stitches were necessary. Mr. John Scott, of Lucam has purchased the farm "" ~ Armitage who is Lucan. The A.Y.P.A. • Church have bons to the dedicated at morning by F. Wagland. Mr. and Mrs. of London, called on the latter’s sister, . Mrs. John Thompson, last Thursday. 1 Miss Lina Abbott has returned home from a six-day visit in Toronto visited friends, thrill of game. Four of Medway’s eight-room addition were moved in to, last week. The other four will be ready for use in another month. The construction was begun in August and will boost the school capacity from 560 to 800 and provide for 30 teachers. Mr. C. F. M. Shave, of Cleve­ land, Ohio, a brother of Mrs. H. B. Alfred, of Lucan, passed away April 22 and was buried near Cleveland. Congratulations to Miss Marie Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, who ■' has been engaged to teach in S.S. No. 26 London Township for ing year. The Rev. Bruce Guy, Station, has accepted a the congregations Ilderton United commence July 1. H. Pike (a retired _ , been supplying since tlie death last June of the Rev. D. A. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hodgins have returned home from a wonderful honeymoon trip to Manitoba where the former worked with the Mounted Police. They were treated royally by old friends, especially in Russell, Man., where several showers were held in their hohor. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins. They will make their home in London South. Mr. and Mrs. A. Worthington and family, who have been living in the house vacated by Mrs. Isabel London on Friday, has been purchased by Mr. C. Haskett (son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett) who has moved back East from Winnipeg. / On Thursday, April 30, Joyce Morgenroth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morgenroth, Lucan, was presented with a silver cup at Medway School for being the champion typist of 1953. Con­ gratulations Joyce. Mr. ahd Mrs. Harold Young, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lankin. Mr. Fred Armitage was the guest of honor at a birthday family gathering at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arnold ley, on Saturday. L.S.S. Merton Culbert has pleted his five-year course ■the navy and with Mrs. and baby Michael is Lucan relatives before plans for the future. Miss Evelyn Armitage, Owen Sound, spent last weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armitage, and attended her father’s birthday patty On Satur­ day, Mrs. Harold Sutler, who has been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, is able to be hohie. Hodgins-Peters A quiet wedding was solemn­ ized in St. Mary's Bastica., Hali­ fax, on Saturday, April 25, when Rose - - Mrs. Cape riage bert Mrs. Wes, Hodgins, of Lucan. On their return from a honeymoon trip they will reside in Halifax. Mrs. James Earle, of Monday, and Mrs. S. and Mrs. Gerald Mc- Exeter and the latter’s Mrs. Hodgins, London, Mi's. W. I'\ Langford Funeral services for the for­ mer Verna Ellen McKerrow, be­ loved wife of W. F. Langford (formerly of Lucan) who passed away Saturday, May 2 at the family residence, Riverside Drive, London, was held from the A. Millard George funeral home chapel, Wortley Road, and Elmwood Ave. on Monday, May 4. Interment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery. She is sur­ vived by her husband and one daughter, Verna Lois Langford, of Forest Hill Village. Ladies Guild There were 29 members pre­ sent for the April meeting of Holy Trinity Ladies Guild at the Parish Hall on Monday, April 27. The president, Mrs. J. Thompson, presided and Mrs. K. Egan’s group had charge of the program and refreshments. Mrs. Egan led in the devotionals. A committees composed of Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Harvey Hod­ gins and Mrs. Charles Haggar was appointed to look into the matter of curtains tor the base­ ment and to report at the next meeing. Final arrangemens were made for the play “Finders Creepers" to be put on at the Community Memorial Centre by the Kirkton A.Y.P.A, on May 1. Mrs. Wilson Hodgins kindly invited the Guild to her home for the May meet­ ing The meeting closed with re­ freshments and the usual social half hour. WANT YOUR WEIGHED AT <n co c </> c -X o Q.* .Si□ kJ kJ TOP PRICES of Mr. Percy moving to Holy Trinityof presented red rib­ church. These were the ■the service Sunday rector, Rev. J. Janies Squires, where she not old scenes and but also enjoyed Toronto’s opening only old the ball the com- Lawrence call from and to W. has Birrof Churches The Rev. minister) Underwood, moved to The house Mor- com- with Culbert visiting making UL. YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensali « Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON Reports London Annual Mrs. E. Flynn, president of the W.A., gave a report of the meet­ ing of the Huron Diocesan Board, Woman's Auxiliary, of the Church of England. Mrs. Calder, of rich, is the president. Mrs. land led in the Litany. The ture was read by Mrs. Gode- Wag- scrip- Ernie Lewis and prayer by Mrs. Hewitt. Mrs. Jim Cunningham gave a paper on a chapter from the I study book, “Thine Is the Glory”. Plans were made for a speaker from St. Thomas to attend the next meeting when Mrs. Alvin Cunningham will be hostess. Guild Meeting Mrs. Jim Cunningham presided for the Guild meeting. Roll call was- answered by the members handing in an apron for the ba­ zaar. Discussion followed on a strawberry supper. Mrs. Paul Poole was the hostess and was assisted by Mrs. Rea Hodgins, Mrs. Jack Harrison and Mrs. E. Tomes in serving refreshments. Personal Items The service at the United Church on Sunday, May 10, will be at 2:30 p.m. D.S.T., when the minister, the Rev. E. M. Cook, will have the service of baptism, and a Mothers’ Day service. Miss- Verna Cunningham of St Thomas spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Alvin ham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Karen and Joan, of spent Sunday with Mr. Aimer Hendrie. The May meeting of Cunning- Downing, Chatham, and Mrs. the Clan­ deboye Women’s Institute will be at the home of Mrs. David Henry’s on May 13. Miss Mary Carmichael of Ilderton will be guest speaker. She will give a talk on her trip to England and also show pictures. Each member is asked to bring plant, bulbs or be auctioned to ury. Mr. and Mrs. Exeter spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton. On Saturday morning at the Clandeboye school Tommy Tomes, Marlene Harrison and Nick Fed- ossou, pupils of St. James’ Sun­ day School, tried their examina­ tion on Religious Education of the Church of England. Mrs. Karl O’Neil is the teacher. Three pupils of Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, also attended. Mrs. Lena Bawden, of Lucan, who has been ill with the flu, is with Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna, of Thorndale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton on Sunday. Miss Wilma Schroeder of Clin­ ton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schroeder. Mrs. Bezzo entertained in hon­ or of her son, Elson’s, sixth birthday on Thursday afternoon. Guests were Judy Scott, Bobby Stevens, Susy Murless, Rosemary Hall, Joe Hall, Bobby and Betty Thatcher. Mr. ROss Scriven Roberts of Toronto guests of Mr. and Schroeder. Mr, and Mfs. J. _ a perennial seeds which will add to the treas- Herman Powe of and Mr. Rich, were weekend Mrs. Russell Prekup hate moved from the apartment W'afd Hodgins to Exeter. At the service at St. Church on Sunday, May . flowers were given by Mrs. Elsie Hodgson in memory of her hus­ band. We offer our sympathy to Mrs. Alvin Cunningham in the loss of her sister, Mrs. John Tweddle. The funeral service was in the Stevenson funeral home, Ailsa Craig. Interment took place in Morris Hill cemetery, Brinsley, On Saturday afternoon. of Mr. James’ 3, the millions How many Canadians keep warm with oil? More than 4 millions. Oil is used in the furnaces or heaters of more than a million Canadian homes—better than one in four. Oil plays a large and growing part in our everyday living. How many of these questions about it can you answer? How does Canada rank among the nations in known oil reserves— Sth? 17th? 21st? How many barrels of oil (35 gal­ lons to a barrel) do you think Canadians use in a year— 3 millions? 16) millions? 300 millions? In the past 10 years, the average wholesale prices of all commodi­ ties have risen 85 per cent. Have prices of Esso gasolines risen— more? less?about the same? Energy produced at Niagara Falls each day is equal to that in 9,000 barrels of crude oil. Prairie oil fields now produce energy equal to how many “Niagaras” 2? ' 11?IS? Taxes take a big part of a com­ pany’s income. How would you say Imperial’s 1952 tax bill com­ pared with its dividends?Was it— g/W? less? about the same? » » ♦ Far down the list a few years ago, Canada now ranks eighth. Except for a group of Middle East countries —Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia—only the U.S., Venezuela and Russia have larger reserves. Last year 165 million barrels — about one gallon each day for every man, woman and- child. Canada uses twice as much oil as she did six years ago. Much less. The average wholesale price of Esso gasolines across Canada is up about one-third as much as the average for all commodities. The energy of the oil produced in the western oil fields each day is about 18 times that generated at Niagara'. Taxes were $55 millions, about 2l/2 times dividends to shareholders For each dollar of income, Imperial paid 10$ in taxes and in divi­ dends. Tax figures do not include gasoline sales tax paid at the pump. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITER oil mokos a country strong