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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-07, Page 9
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1953 ^M«»H»UHLMHH!niH«HIIHIIHI»lll!llll!IIHIIIII»ll|ll Ml||inHI|IHIHIHtltlH»l,|IIH||l|,l||t|t||||H|||Hiy,,,,1|,ll||||l,l<t One Accident Can Cost You All You Own Data On Dashwood By SIRS. E. H. RARER Two EUB Ministers Transferred From Area News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER The demands which result from expensive acci dents fall directly upon the under-insured driver and his family, For real protection against third-party bodily in jury and property damage claims, see ROSS FRANCIS Telephone Kirkton 34-8 AGENT FOR CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION ‘‘ mi ininmi,I,,mm,,■,,1, uiiin,■■II,,, iiiiiiiiiiiiui Something New Hats Gloves Blouses House Present Her With A Gift From McKnight & Walper Ladies Wear Special Gift Box of Hosiery For Mother’s Day Hand Bags Dresses FROM THE NEWEST STORE IN TOWN Lingerie Dresses Thanks, Ladies! Thank you for your kind reception to our opening. We appreciated so many of you visiting the store. We hope you liked it. Drop in again soon, won’t you ? Winner of the lady’s tailored suit was Mary Wells. Our congratulations! McKnight Er Wai per LADIES WEAR Edith Boyle, Manageress Telephone 474 Page 0 Spirella The Correct Support I Don’t let your figure gossip about your age, You’ll | look, feel and act years younger with a Spirella founda- | tion. Get in touch with me for an appointment, | Mrs, Valeria Armstrong 137 Anne Street Phone 125 Exeter | -—Continued Frpm Page 1 were granted to Dr. H. A. Keller man, Kitchener, the Rev. George F. Barthel, Waterloo, and the R©v, J. E. Bender, South Cayuga. Friday evening was Layinen’s Night. The chairman was Mr. Norman Draker, Hamilton, presi dent of the Conference Brother hood, L. G. Bauman of Kitchener read the lesson and G. Link of Dashwood led ip prayer. Under the chairmanship of the Rev. F. M. Faist, a panel leaders discussed the place of evangelism in various conference and general church organiza tions. The Rev. C. H. Cornwell spoke as chairman of the con ference board of evangelism. Miss Della Marks, Dashwood, represented the Youth Fellow ship. Mrs. N, E. Dahms, Lis- towel, president of the Women’s Society of World Service; Nor man Draker, Hamilton, president of the conference Brotherhood; Torrey Kaatz, of Dayton, Ohio, president of the General Brother hood and Professor E. D. Riebel of the Evangelical Theological Seminary, each related the pro gram of evangelism to their organization. A critical shortage of full-time ministers faces the Canadian Conference of. the Evangelical United Brethren Church. The grave need of ministerial supply was stressed. Reference was made t.o the The Men’s Club of Zion Luthe ran Church and wives were entertained at a social evening Wednesday, April home of Mr. and Keller. Mrs, W. Filkins Janice, of Howell, her parent’s home, William Nadi ger, suffered another stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family spent Saturday with Mrs. i Becker’s mother, Mrs. Alpx Fraser, near St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiburg . and boys, of Waterloo, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiburg and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz and Patsy, of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Albert’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goetz. Mr. and of London, with the and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang and family, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mrs. Mabel Gilbert, Ellen and Paul Echmeir, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh, Dashwood, Sunday visitors Mrs. Urban Pfile teenth concession Greb, of Exeter; Ken Greb and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson and Kay, of Centralia; Love and and Mrs. Shirley, Ellen and ford, and Rader and Mr. and family, of London, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koeh ler. ■Mrs. Weil and son, Tavistock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rader and also attended Conference service Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wein and family, of Exeter, were Sun day visitors with • the Misses Pearl, Susan and Marie Kraft.' Mr. Jack Wein is visiting his daughter Mrs. Gordon Baynliam, of Exeter. Mrs. Katherine Fink and son, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Friday. Mrs. Fred Eric House. Friday visitors Mrs. William Wein and also at tended Wein. Mr. Anna, Neilson, of the Messner-Surmen weddins Trinity Lutheran Church, don, on Saturday. Mr. John Bender had daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and son as guests on Sunday, also Mr. William Edighoffer, of Zurich. Mr. Louis Kraft, who suffered a heart attack is slightly im proved. ■Mr. Miller, Adolph Lutheran Laymen’s League con vention at Redeemer Church, Waterloo, on Sunday. Rev. N. H. Reibling, spent last week with Mrs. Carl Oestreicher Mrs. Melinda Newton, Dora Newton, Clifford; Mr. Ted Losch, Mildmay, spent the week- "■ “ I “ Carl at the29 Mrs, Adolph and daughter Mich., are at Mr, and Mrs. as her father Mrs. Wendell Gamble, were weekend visitors latter's parents, Mr, with Mr. and of the four- were Simon Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh family, of Exeter; Mr. William Haugh and Mrs. Mabel Gilbert, Paul Echmeir, Strat- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer family. Mrs. Ward Kraft and visited her sister, William Wein, on James and of London, with Mr. Mrs. were and the funeral of Mrs. John and and Mrs. Fred Messner, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dashwood, attended g at Lon- his Fred Reinhold Miller, Albert Edgar Restem&yer and Keller attended the Morriston, his niece, and Carl, Miss >^7 end w.itli Mr. and Mrs. Oestreicher. Sunday guests with Mr. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher were and Mrs. Roy Domm, Ayton; and Mrs. John Derbecker, George Sims, Mr. Ezra Mohr Mr. Richardson, Kitchener, Miss Ruth Oestreicher and Sheldon Wolfe, of Clifford. Mr. T. Harry Hoffman attend ed "The School of Embalming” in Toronto Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson were Mrs. Russell Fennor, Mrs. Alta Barnes, Geraldine and Frances Barnes, all of Port Huron. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gossman and Judy, of Port Huron, Mich., called on the Gibson family on Sunday. Mrs. George Gossman, Owen Sound, visited with friends on Monday. Mrs. Glenn Baker and Donna and Mr. Mr. Mr. and and Mr. of Mrs. Sims Heads Hurondale W.l. The annual meeting of the Hurondale W.L was held as a dinner meeting at the home of -Mrs. William Kernick. Ten dol lars was sent to the cancer fund. Mrs, Moir gave an address and presented Mrs. J. Kirkland,, a past president, with a life mem bership certificate and pin. The annual reports were read and adopted. Mrs. Kirkland took the chair for the election of officers as fol lows: Honorary president, Mrs. Alvin Moir; president, Mrs. Wil liam Sims; first vice-president, Mrs. Harry Strang; second vice- president, Mrs. Earl Mitchell; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; assistant, Mrs. Lee Web ber; district director, Mrs. Harold Jeffery; representatives to dis trict annual, Mrs. Wm. Ethering- ton, Mrs. H. Love, Mrs. W. Sims, Mrs. William Kernick; press re porter, Mrs. Robert Jeffery; pian ists, Mrs. Harold Jeffery, Mrs. A. Dougall; auditors, Mrs. A. Run dle, Mrs. William Elford. The next meeting is to be held May 25 at the home of Mrs. Al vin Moir. leadership being given in larger areas of influence and service by conference ministers and lay men. The Rev. E. E. Hallman, of Kitchener, is the president of the Canadian Council of Churches. The Rev, J, W. Siebert of Chesley is re-elected president of the Canadian Christian En deavour Union. A layman, Lt- Governor L. * Ontario, is service in civic and church life. A new mission is to be estab lished in Hamilton. Approval was given for Sunday Schools to support this project’’ to the ex tent of $2,00'0, Surveys will be made in another city with a new mission in mind. The Conference expressed grave concern at the growing secularization of the Lord’s Day and the increasing indifference on the part of many Christians concerning the moral and relig ious value of retaining Sunday as a day of rest and spiritual re newal. In the report of the com mittee on Christian social action, churches of the Conference were urged to develop an educational program to make known "the facts concerning the history and purpose of the Lord’s Day, its vital importance as one of the bulwarks of Christian society and its value as a day of rest and a day of renewal.” The report also said, ‘‘wheras the Church seems to be showing an increasing in ertia where the control of liquor is concerned and wheras the devastating effects of alcoholism are everywhere evident in our communities, be it resolved that a comprehensive and effective policy be pursued in every local church.” Visitors addressing the Con ference Session on various occa sions included Mr. Thomas Pryde, M.P.P., the Rev. W. C. Parrott, Crediton, the Rev. Mr. Moores,' Thames Road, chairman of the Huron-Perth Presbytery of the United Church, the Rev. Mr. Cumming, Brigden, president of the London Conference of the United Church, the Rev. Ralph Waugh, chairman of the Middle sex Presbytery of the United Church, the Rev. Mr. Holley, of Exeter, the Rev. Mr. Higinellh of Dashwood, Dr. Paul Milhouse, Harrisburg. Penn., Dr. A. H. Doescher, Dayton, Ohio, Dr. E. D. Riebel, Naperville, Ill., Mr. Torrey Kaatz, Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Irvin Eckstein, of Dashwood, rep resented the congregation wel coming the members of Confer ence at the Fellowship Supper. The invitation of Tavistock Zion Church was accepted for the 19 54 session to be held April 28 to May 2. 0. Brpithaupt, of giving significant Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, of Eden, visited on Sunday with ■Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. The community expresses their deepest sympathy to .Mrs, Hubert Heywood passing of Mr. John who passed away last Miss Lenore Cooper weekend with Miss Jeanne Donald, of Exeter. The Elimville W.M.S. holding a variety concert in Elimville United Church on May 22 at 8:30. Everyone is wel come. Mr. Wesley Heywood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heywood and fam ily, of Welland; Miss Hazel wood, of Detroit; Miss Lena wood, Miss Lilia Heywood Mrs. Blackwell, of Petrolia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Hubert Heywood, Mr, and since th© Heywood, week, spent the Mc- Hi*e the Hey- Hey- and POPS Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 I '■ ■ WFMF got IT! ■ -ill M —Hii -in—Hl GOODYEAR’S NEW ALL-NYLON CORD TIRE which costs very little more than a standard tire I MOTHER OM/'ta' hl Jewellery ★ ★ ★ * ★ WATCHES RINGS NECKLETS BRACELETS BROOCHES EARRINGS Mother's Day Greeting Cards Jack Smith MAIN ST. JEWELLER EXETER Now available for the first time—an auto tire that gives you the miracle strength of Nylon . . . that costs only a few dollars more than a standard tire. You get all this , . . PLUS an entirely new type of tread rubber that increases tire mileage by as much as 21%! Come in ... see the ALL-NYLON Super-Cushion TODAY! ALL-NYLON CORD! Super-Cushion by good/Vear F. W. Huxtable PHONE 153-W EXETER Consider These Facts At the Royal Winter Fair there are three hog classes where carcass quality counts. Last year SHUR-GAIN Feeders won all three— (1) (2) (3) The Brethottr Trophy for the best Wiltshire Side. The winner'—SHUR-GAIN Feeder ANDREW BAIN, FRENCH RIVER, PZE.L The Todd Trophy for the best hog carcass. The winner-— SHUR-GAIN Feeder G. B. CROW-, HES- PELER, Ontario. Breeder Feeder Class for the best Gilt, boar and barrow. The winner—SHtJR-GAlN Feeder CARL ROBERTS & SON, ST. ADOLPHE, Manitoba. And YET. SHUR-GAIN feeds are not fancy feeds; they are practical feeds for practical farmers which have been proven for their "dollar earning capacity”. Cann's Mill Ltd. EXETER WHALEN CORNERS and Mrs. Robt. Baker, Jr., all of London, visited with the former’s sister, Mrs. Leo Gibson, and her mother, Mrs. Eveland, last Thurs day. The Dashwood Planing Mill have been awarded three build ing contracts in Woodstock, the Ellis-Don service station, the new separate school and the new Y.M.C.A. building. Mr. and of Detroit, with Mr. Klumpp. Mrs. Ken Le Butte, spent the weekend and Mrs. Maurice Think Of Kelvinator Refrigerators As Low As $220.00 HSS s»S g«ss«»x 8l& Ask hr FREE Interior Designs silli ForrQr \iiSiAttractive wJsi Wait Finishes MASONITE TEMPRTILE Makes Low Cost Installations in FOOD MARKETS RESTAURANTS BATHROOMS KITCHENS Wl Dashwood Planing Mills Ltd Phone 90 Dashwood Chicken in the Rough Southern Style AT "Pat'sShanty In The Pines' ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Why Cook Your Sunday Dinner? Order from Pat and Take It Hottie Ready to Serve Three Miles South of Grand Bend Payments Only $2.00 Per Week These are all new Kelvinators with 5-year war ranty. Payments as low as $2.00 a week. Why bother with ice when you can own and pay for a new Kelvinator for the cost of ice ? Along with this special price you are buying a well-known make plus assured service. Sizes Ranging from 6 to 10 Cubic Feet These refrigerators have everything that has ever * been offered in any make of refrigerator. We Guarantee Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded Due to our ability to buy in quantity, we are in a position to give you the lowest price on domestic refrigerators made by the oldest manufacturers of domestic refrigerators. The Best Refrigerator Bargain Ever Offered! 4 Crocker Refrigeration TELEPHONE 59 G. K. CROCKER, PROP. HURON ST. EAST, EXETER