HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-07, Page 8Page 8 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Pf^ff, Prop Phone 71 Exeter CUPS & SAUCERS Inscribed with “Mother” $1.50 to $2.00 The New White with Gold BROOCHES & EARRINGS .... $1.25 each or $2.25 set Suggestions for Mothers' Day Coronation Plaques, Plates, Tumblers, Cups A Saucers, Mugs, Bon Bons, Spoons from ..... 59£ to $3.50 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1953 specializing in EROADLOOM and RAMBOW CARPET — Free Estimates - ZURICH Work Guaranteed BUYS-WH YS A WEEKLY INFORM ATION^SEJRVICE3 We Have a Complete Range of Floor-Coverings by the Yard one meal. To Mother! By MARJORIE STEINER PHONE 240 Prices Reasonable We just can’t let Mother’s Day i life, go by without mentioning it in1 it New and Old Floors RUBBER, LINOLEUM, PLASTIC FLOOR TILE this column, for we realize most of our readers are mothers. Miss Anna Jarvis, of Phila­ delphia, who first suggested set­ ting aside the second Sunday in May as a day on which everyone would pay tribute to his mother, had something quite different in mind than the modern version of it, we think. Her idea of wearing a colored carnation for a mother who is living or a white one in honor of one who has gone be­ fore, is still carried out. But like Christmas, the day has been commercialized until it has lost some of its original sig­ nificance. But it’s a wonderful idea anyway. Mothers in general don't expect expensive gifts. Just let her know what a very im­ portant person she is in your A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate while she can hear yon say LAYING SANDING FINISHINGSorority Observes Founder's Day Beta Sigma Phi sorority, Alpha Phi Chapter celebrated Founder’s Day at Monetta Menard’s on Thursday, April 30. The Ritual of Jewels and installation of of­ ficers took place. The tables were attractively arranged with flowers and can­ dles, the head table being centred with a bowl containing 22 roses, significant of the years since the founding of the sorority. A toast to the Queen was pro­ posed by the president, Mrs. R. C. Dinney, and to the founder, Walter W. Ross, by Mrs. Eugene Beaver. Mrs. Ted Jones proposed a toast to Miss Maida Richards, the new Sorority Sweetheart. Mrs. Jim Hayter gave a report on the activities of the chapter during the past year. Three new members, Miss Kay McGill, Miss Anne Kartushyne and Miss Jacqui Fort received the Ritual of the Jewels. Officers elected for 1953-54 were: president, 'Mrs. Jack Doerr; vice - presidents, Mrs. W a It e r Bentley, Miss Maida Richards; secretary and corresponding sec­ retary, Mrs. Hugh Wilson; trea­ surer, Mrs. Eugene Beaver, Mrs. Arthur Fraser is sponsor and Mrs. Clara Wellington, director of the sorority. Many families plan a reunion at Mother’s to celebrate the day and in the case of it means a day of Mother, preparing children and their Here’s Gram’s • such gatherings: Let each take something for the Plan it ont together or let it be pot luck, just so long as all the preparation isn’t left to Mom, Better yet, plan for a family dinner at a hotel or restaurant where Mother can enjoy the meal without any of the worry of preparing it. And when its over, she can walk out, relaxed and refreshed with no bother about heaps of dishes to be washed. We’ll hold our recipes over until next week and close this special Mother's Dajr column with a few lines from the scrap­ book of our good friend Olive Prior. large families, hard work meals for families. "Suggestion I News Budget From Gets Out All the Dirt! By JIBS. L. CRAVEN APPROVED SIRVICI commun- John W. their re­ MAKES COLORS AND PATTERNS LOOK LIKE-NEW AGAIN! 0®r SANITONE Dry Cleaning Draperies and slipcovers spring back to original brilliance... even original texture is restored with our better Sani- tone Dry Cleaning! Spots out! Ground- in grime removed. And it costs no more than old-fashioned dry cleaning. W YOUR MOTHER So long afi she loves you You are sure of a friend On whom at all times You may safely depend. So remember my child As you live in life’s test, That you owe to your Mother The finest and best. Pastor Speaks To Main St. Auxiliary .Rev. A. E. Holley was guest speaker at the May meeting of Main St. Evening Auxiliary, held at the home of Mrs. George Braithwaite on Monday night. He took as his theme, “Food For Thought”. Mrs. Holley reported on the address Mrs. G. A. Wheable of London gave on the United Na­ tions at a recent meeting in James St. church. Mrs. Ernest Jones was in charge of the devotional period on the theme of the United Na­ tions. A ladies’ quartette, Mrs. Por­ terfield, Miss* Kaye McGill, Miss Grace Lobb and Miss Robinson of the public school staff sang sev­ eral numbers which were very much enjoyed. LATEST COMMAND PORTRAIT OF QUEEN — Tn latest pre-coronation comaiul portrait by Baron, Queen Elizabeth wears a pale pink evening gown of lace over tulle. The sash is the blue ribbon of the garter. With it she wears the star of the garter. Her jewellery consists of a Russian fringe dia­ mond necklace (a wedding present from the city of London), diamond drop earrings, two diamond bracelets and her dia­ mond wedding ring. The diamond drop brooch at the top of the blue ribbons is a family heirloom that was previously worn by the late Queen Mary. On the Queen’s head is a diamond diadem, the headband of which is composed of a row of dia­ monds between two rows of pearls. The diadem, which is of great age, was reset for Queen Victoria. Portrait—a serious full-length one—was taken in the green drawing room of Buckingham Palace in London. —Central Press Canadian For dessert Serve ICECREAM * FOR PRODUCTS ROSS HAUGH Phone 35-r-8 Dashwood ODD BITS By B.A. the the MONTREAL. — Somebody special coming to lunch? . , . Treat him to a “Miracle Whip” salad. Salads and sandwiches taste twice as good with MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dreeing. That’s the famous and popular salad dressing that combines the satiny texture of mayonnaise with the tang of old-fashioned boiled dressing. That “special some­ body” will love it. And no wonder! Miracle Whip’s lively, yet delicate flavour is irresistible. Inci- Whip is made from a secret recipe known only, to Phone 136 For, Complete Sanitone Cleaning Service L True Color Dying for All Garments Shirts Beautifully Laundered and Machine Finished Showerproofing for All Your Rainwear Silk Sizing for Those Lacy Formals and Cottons Complete Cold Storage for All Your Off - Season Garments Fur Cleaning and Repairing The sympathy of the ity is extended to Mr. Tweddle and family in cent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton and Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fenton enter­ tained the following to dinner on Sunday evening: Miss Olive Bant­ ing, Mrs. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Alrno Morgan and family, all of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kap- ton, Donna and Donald, of Thorn­ dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ell- wood and. Betty Cooke of Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Exeter spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Was- nidge. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Prest spent Saturday evening with and Mrs. Elmer Sheppard. Those who spent Sunday ning with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil eve- _______ _______ ___Ell- wood were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and Carolyn of Lucan, Mrs. Charlie Elhvood and son, Charlie, of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. George Prest and Mr. and Mrs. ven. Mr. Thomas Prest of attended the funeral of Blitz And Sentiment Living for a day under shadow of flying missiles as front wall came tumbling down, I can safely say we’ve known the experience of a blitz. However*, I can’t help feeling a bit sorry as I see the ancient old girl crumble under the work­ men’s crowbars. My sentiments might, in a weak moment, be ex­ pressed thus: Brick by brick, scarred old face is gone, her tears, of wood and mortar inside our wall. Soon, soon she’ll smile With smooth unwrinkled Perhaps you’ll think she’s changed? But year on year, her life, Is in those tears. And they lie deep Within our wall. Lost? It occurred to me the other night, as I listened to an out­ standing talk by the guest speaker at a club dinner meeting, that we in Exeter are luckier than we often might think. Lucky when we consider the number of stalwart citizens in town who are willing to work constructively for their own beliefs. We criticize them, we tolerate them, we ignore them and very seldom do -we really appreciate them. Yet what an asset they are to any community! They would not be lost in a larger community, yet somehow I feel they are often lost to us because we have taken them for granted and notice only when we should find something with which we disagree. Then only is our broken because they prod our minds into if it is only to work up an argu­ ment against, the idea that goes against our grain. ’Tis The Season “When you are eating aspara­ gus, you are eating aspargus— save your breeding for th ■brussel sprouts.’’—A. A. Milne. lethargy serve to activity— Lin Cra- Goderich his cou- • • sin, the late Mrs. John W, Twed­ dle. Mr. and Mrs. William Prest spent Sunday with friends in Richmond, Mich. Mr, Thomas Prest, Miss Mary B, Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley and Betty spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Miss Joyce Schenke spent the weekend at here. Miss Winnie Keogh spent the weekend at here. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fenton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest. Mr. Thomas Prest of Goderich spent a few days with Miss Mary B. Amos. Give Her Something Special! ☆ ☆ LADIES’ SUPS NYLON HOSIERY ☆ LADIES’ MILLINERY PHONE 37 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ BLOUSES SUBSCRIPTION TO HER FAVOURITE MAGAZINE "CORONATION” CUPS AND SAUCERS "COUTTS” MOTHER’S DAY CARDS ANDERSON'S EXETER dentally, Miracle „ ____ .. ___ .......... - _____ „ .. Kraft. It can’t be copied. And it is delicious, M-mmin! Don’t wait a day longei* to try this superb salad dressing! (At your grocer’s now!) Spring Speaks Of Outdoor Living ... in the park, on picnics, at holi­ day resorts—and all that outdoor living speaks of valuables left unguarded around the house—and. that situation whispers of burglars and shouts a reminder to rent a Safety Deposit Box at the BANK OF MONTREAL! All of which leaves me a bit out of breath but with the satisfaction of having delivered some good advice! I speak from experience, too— hhvmg had my own home broken into, one unhappy springtime. That’s when I resolved never to leave my precious possessions at the mercy of burglars again! And rather than face the risks of carrying valuables with me on my travels, I put them in a B of M Safety Deposit Box . . . and leave my worries in there with them! So why not take a tip that can save you much grief? Rent yourself a B of M Safety Deposit Box at your neighborhood branch tomorrow. Costs less than two cents a day! Feeling Good because the sun is shining and Spring is in the air? You’d like to go for a walk—but your feet are hurting you? Well don’t let that spoil your enjoyment of Spring! Try new BLUE-JAY Corn Plasters with Phenylium. That’s the new medication that gets under your corn and helps push it out from underneath . . . the first really new medication for corns and calluses in over seventy years! In actual tests, Phenylium went to work 33% faster, worked 35% more surely than any other leading remedy. So take my tip—ask for Blue-Jays with Phenylium at your favorite drug counter today! Pirst of its kind-and still better for 19531 * big enough for 6 pies! Mcdel RS-35 ONLY Ft>r prompt attention call ’■ OF CANADA • MONTREAL < WINDSOR RAYE B. PATERSON 7’rnst Office? llcnsnll, Ontario, Phone 51 Here'* the new Model RS-30 — with alt ♦he basic advantages of the RS-35 above, but without Cook-Master1 and 269*00 TORONTO OTTAWA NtAOARA FAWS » OOY SAULT stk. marie CAT.CARY • VANCOUVER or any office of Immediate service” IN YOUR LOCALITY of London her home ef Lucan her home A soldier got a letter from his wife containing a sketch of their car’s dashboard. “This,” she wrote, “is an exact duplicate of the instrument panel, Do we heed a <iuart of oil?” i.,-......>............... Service with Courtesy Supertest Station PHONE 465 VAX on MGWV a ■ IU gj _L J®o©j Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY Easy Terms It’s the biggest little rdnge in the World! Perfect for small kitcihens, but big enough to coak for any family. Fully automatic—with newly designed Cdok-Mdster Clock Con­ trol to turn oven on and off . . . built-in Cooking-top Lamp .. * handy Clock *., Timer » . ■» full-width Stor­ age Drawer* • Lifethne Porcelain Finish inside and out • Sturdi-weld all-steel construction • Radiantube Surface Cooking Units • Sliding, tip-proof shelve* • Waist-high Broiler RUSSELL ELECTRIC PHONE 109 Jw-AuJU’ 1- Judlx