HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-05-07, Page 6WATCH REPAIRING ONE WEEK SERVICE All Work Fully Guaranteed Prices Reasonable SEE Mel Culbert LUCAN 82 While lou Sit Reading FIRE MM FURE IH ®R HOME! Ybut with P«ESIO i’s o.vt in seconds. Pentecostals Rally At Local Church On Monday, May 4» a sectional rally was held in Exeter Pente­ costal Tabernacle with pastors and delegates from all over the area. Representatives were present from London, Strathroy, Wood- stock, Thedford. Goderich, Clin­ ton, Mitchell, Stratford, ParkhiU. Seaforth, Monkton, Listowel, Lu­ can, Hamilton, Montreal and Walkerton. About 270 gathered for the rally. The superintendent of Western Ontario spoke in the afternoon. Mrs. Blair talked to the W.M.C. Ladies of the church provided the supper. Reports from all over the section show an increase in attendance at Sunday School and church. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1953 Report On Crediton East By MRS W, MOTZ Mr. and Mrs. James Laye and three sons, of ParkhiU, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards and daughter, of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims, Mrs. Elizabeth Baird, London, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J, Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein attended the funeral of a friend jn Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner near Grand Bend. Letter From Woodham By MISS BESSIE McCURDY ONI.Y $ gillie W477 BY DONALD JOLLY Re*dy for instant use on its Bendy yall bracket, PRESTO is so small, so light, it’s handled easily even by a child- Yet it packs more fire-killing power than, extin­ guishers many times its site and weight! Effective against electrical, oil, gasoline and all types of fires. Cash In' With A Want-AdJohn W. Heywood Usborne Resident John Wesley Heywood, life­ long resident of Usborne Town­ ship, died there on Wednesday at the age of 79. Mr. Heywood was the sop of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Parish Heywood. He mason and bricklayer His wife, the former bert, died in. 1947. Surviving are three Wesley, teacher at Ont., Thomas, a teacher at pt. Robinson, and Hubert, of Os­ borne; four daughters, Vera, Mrs, J, Blackwell, teacher at Petrolia, Lena Heywood, R.N., of the U.S., Lillie, a captain in the nursing corps of U.S, Air Force, and Hazel, R.N., of Wyandotte, Mich. He is also survived by one brother, Janies, of Usborne, and six grandchildren. The body rested at the Dinney funeral home until Saturday, May 2, when it was taken to the home of his son Hubert in Us~ borne Township. Funeral ser­ vices were conducted by the Rev. W. J. Moores and interment was made in the Elimville cemetery. FOR SALE was a by trade, Zeta Her- sons, C. Maberley, FARM COLLIE, two years old, avail­ able to someone that will give H a home.. Phone Exeter 199-W-4. 7* ALLJS CHALMERS combine, fully equipped,, flax rolls, ah screens. — Phone 91-r-l Zurich. 23:30:7* MINIATURE RAILWAY* engine and tender also wheels for three ears. An excellent children’s ride. Apply D. Madge, 55 Cambria Rd., Goderich, or phone Goderich 743-W. 30:7:14c FOR SALE—Good used lumber and scantling, 2 pine doors, 5 outside doors, several hinges, glass panes, good 3-burner oilstove with oven, Edison cabinet phonograph and re­cords, other things. —J. W. Powell, 138 Victoria, 30:7c FOR 3A|LE TWO REGISTERED Hereford bulls of good breeding and serviceable age. Apply to Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, or 5 miles south of Crediton. 30:7:14* FOR RENT FOR RENT — Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. — Beavers Hard­ware, Exeter. tfp 2-R00M APARTMENT and garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times- Advocate. 7* APARTMENT—Kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms, full size basement, bath, hot and cold water. At Shipka, on highway. —Phone 164-14 Dashwood.23:3O:7:14:21;28:Jn4* HOUSE with hydro and water, use of barn, 5 acres of land, three miles west of Exeter on S3 Highway. Ap­ply to Silas Stanlake, Carling St. N., Exeter. 7 c FURNISHED 4-R00M apartment, all conveniences, available now. —Phone 323-J Exeter, 7c REFRESHMENT BOOTH at Dash­wood on tSS Highway. Frame, 18’x20’, pop and ice cream coolers. Contact Bill Gossman, Dashwood. 7* EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH GIRL would like work four days a w'eek. Apply H. Brand, R.R. 1, Kirkton. 7* HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman for general housework jn small homo. Person who is willing to go to Sar­ nia! Une adult, all conveniences, good wagas, Apply 13ox **G", Times- Advocate. 7c TEACHER — Huron County Usborne Township School Area requires Pro­ testant teacher. Duties to commence fall term. Reply stating salary ex­ pected, experience, and former in­ spector’s name to Garnet Hicks, sec­retary, R.R. 3, Exeter. 5-7tfc MAN WANTED for Rawleigh busi­ ness. Sell to 1,500 families. Good pro­ fits for hustlers. Write today. Raw- leigh’s Dept. E-2Q2-S, Montreal.7:14:21:28c TWO WAITRESSES and one kitchen girl needed for Monetta Menard’s. Phone 88. 30:7c SECRETARY REQUIRED for office in Exeter, capable of taking short­hand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 7, Exeter Times-Advocate. l-15tfc SALESLADY with some experience in dry goods. Apply Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Station Centralia. 7c WANTED MEN BOARDERS. Apply at Times- Advocate or 147 Main St., Exeter. 7* WARDROBE or steamer trunk in reasonable condition. Phone 285-j-l Exeter. 30:7* CONTRACTS for white beans, small red cranberry and soybeans. Attrac­ tive prices. See or call W. E. Reid, Dashwood, phone l&S and 87-W.30:7:14c WANTED TO PURCHASE Saddle Horses Must Be Quiet PHONE LONDON 7-7440 OR STEVE O’MARA, Riverside Drive 7* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Brick house at 328 Main St., good location. Quick possession. Apply to M. W. Pfaff, phone 116. 7* 5-R00M COTTAGE, 18x28, to be moved. Insulated, storm windows and screens, built-in cupboards, Suitable for lakeside. Apply Jack Essery, Cen­tralia, Ont. 7c JUST WANT A BIT of land and a comfortable home near Exeter? We have it! Six or eight acres, good loam, part orchard, frame house with full bath, hot and cold running water, plus upstairs self-contained apart­ment, all within corporation. Apply Times-Advocate. 7c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Ask us for the BRAY NEW PRICE- LIST. Especially interesting on pul­lets, dayolds and started. And June broilers, prompt shipment. The good markets ahead will take these pro­duce. Agent'—Erie Carscadden, Ex­eter phone 246-J. 7c LOST AND FOUND LOST—Pair of glasses, on Main St., Exeter. Please leave at Exeter 'Times- Advocate. 7 c miscellaneous rocker; leather couch; antique chairs; settee; 2-piece bedroom suite; 3-piece bedroom, suite; chest of drawers; pic­ tures and picture frames; 2 complete toilet sets; oval glass pictures; Wil­ton carpet rug, 9x12; linoleum rug. 9x9; congoleum rug, 9x12 ft. 4 ins.; various rocking chairs; small rocking chair; hanging lamp; drop-leaf table; small tables; kitchen cupboard; kit­ chen chairs; antique wall lamp; bat­ tery radio; Aladdin lamp; silverware; glassware; antique dishes; cruette; ironing board; kitchen utensils; & feather ticks; crokinole board; pil­ lows; quilts; comfortors; buffalo robe; cellar table; copper boiler; sealers; 2 step ladders; lawn bench; many arti­ cles too numerous to mention.No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash.WELLINGTON KERSLAKE. PROP. FRED DAWSON, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEERCattle—if you have cattle to ship please notify Exeter Co-Op or R. B, Williams, telephone Kirkton 44-X-9. Shipping every week.________a-7tic PUT IN YOUR ORDER now to get water ponds and basements dug and bulldozing done. General trucking and loading, grave), fill and topsoil. By the hour or contract. Lome It. Bec­ ker, phone 57-r-4 Dashwood, Ontario. 7:14:21:28* Clearing AUCTION SALE of Automobile, Livestock, Farm Iplements, Hay and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, LOT 11, CON. 17, STEPHEN TWP. (First farm north of Shipka) The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction. on THURSDAY, MAY 14 commencing at 1:30 o’clock p.m. sharp the following: AUTOMOBILE: 1947 Pontiac. Coach, dark gray in color. All newly re­ conditioned in guaranteed A-l shape.LIVESTOCK: Jersey cow, milking; black Jersey cow. milking, bred Dec. 2: part Hereford and Holstein cow. milking, bred March 16; blue cow, fresh one month; Durham heifer, ris­ ing 3 years old: part Durham and Hereford cow, milking; part Hereford and Holstein cow, milking, bred Dee. 31; Durham heifer, 3 years old; part Durham and Jersey heifer, rising 1 year old; Holstein yearling steer; 2 Hereford steers, rising 2 years old; 4 small Hereford calves. This is a good herd of cattle. HOGS: Part Tam. and York sow, with litter of nine; 10 York pigs, 6 weeks old.FARM IMPLEMENTS: M.H. mower, 5-ft, cut; hayloader; sulky plow; gravel box; disc; 3-horse cultivator; steel tire wagon; Renfrew cream se­ parator, 50 cap.: truck wagon; rubber tire wagon; 2 harrow’ carts; 2 single scufflers; root pulper; steel tire bug­ gy; cutter; 8 80-lb. milk cans; milk strainer; and other miscellaneous items. HAY: Quantity of baled hay. Tim­othy and Alfalfa. TERMS: Cash. No reserve. Every­thing will bo sold. MRS. MAJOR BAKER, PROP. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCTIONEER CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS — Dunlop, Premier, Fairfax, etc,; also Columbia raspberry plants; and a few blackberry plants. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, fourth house south of Larry Snider Mptors, Exeter. t;o:7:i4* CAPONS—4-week-old started capons, and custom caponizing. Phone 57-r- 23 Dashwood. 30:7* and Hilda with Mr. of Trans­ Write, Wire or Phone 2-4772 SORE MUSCLES? Mrs. E. So inexpertsine, you’ll want one for kitch­ en, car, garage, attic. Don’t delay. Don’t take chances with your loved ones’ safety. Or repair Give us a jingle We’ll be the" Copy I'M* Fttiurn each Including Handy Weil Bracket FHtS PROTECTION POR HOME, CAK "In th* Palm ©f Year Hand" celebrated ’’KING OF PAIN PHONE 181. The Mother of today likes permanent, useful and long-lasting gifts Comments About Centralia By MRS, F, BOWDEN OXYGEN ACETYLENE TYPE 35 Purox welder, including two cutting heads and five welding heads. Apply Gerald Gingerich, phone 134 Zurich, 30:7c OIL-BURNING RANGE and 100-gal. oil tank. Address 226 Main Street or phone 286-M. 4-30tfc V * !•/\ Presto Office 332 Central Ave LONDON, ONT RADIO AND ELECTRIC SALES AND SERVICE GENERAL WIRING Want to relieve them -QUICK? Get quick-drying Minard’s Liniment­ rub it in well. You’ll get relief, and quick, too! Mr. and Mrs. Frank. McCor­ mick, of Detroit, Mrs. D. Cope­ land, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copeland. The Mother's Day church ser­ vice will he held in the Orange Hall, due to decorating of the church, on Sunday morning at 11:15 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Shirley and Helen Levy visited Sunday and Mrs. Frank Levy, vaal. Miss Grace Doupe her birthday on Monday evening, April 27. Guests present for a delicious supper and an enjoy­ able evening were: Don and Marilyn Brine, Betty Hern, Shir­ ley Rundle, Mildred Cowdrey, David Wheeler, Bessie, Ross and Reg. McCurdy, Donna Copeland, Shirley Roger, Ron Chatten, Mr. Fred Roger and Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Mrs. H. Chatten has returned home after spending some time with Mrs, Albert Coleman, of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and family, of Rannoch visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray •Mills. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, of Kirkton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Swit- ZCT. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Small, , of Brownsville, visited Sunday j with Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Zinn, of Sudbury, pent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Danny and Mrs. J, Jaques spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert, of Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seotchmer and Kenneth, of Bayfield visited Sunday with Mr. and Vodden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Helen visited on with Mrs. S- Hanna, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horsman and Lois, of Sunny Brae, New Brunswick, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire. McCLARY REFRIGERATOR, 9 cubic foot capacity, nearly new, perfect condition. Selling price $250. Phone 285-j-l, Exeter. 30:7* WEDDING CAKE DOXES—Get them at The Exeter Times-Advocate. Webber Sunday “My wife thinks she should have a washing machine." “You’re lucky. Mine thinks she married one." West and the week- J. Talbot and fam- 1951 JAMES MOTORCYCLE, 198 C.C.. in perfect shape. A real sport model almost completely covered -with chrome, Less than 100 miles since complete overhaul. Priced to sell, — Joe Gunn, phone 44 Crediton. 7:14:21c Can t Buy A Mother s Day Gift I At a Hardware!! Who Says So? For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job bring it to Tudor’s in Hensall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners way. Pickup and deliver on Monday and Thursday mornings._____1t)-30tIc WATER WELL DRILLING—Anyone interested in the drilling of a new well, please contact us at Crediton. —Telephone 73-r-12, Schenk B:ms. __________________ 30;7:14;21* CEMENT GRAVEL, plastering sand, lane gravel, fill and garden dirt. Ap­ply to Sherwood Brock, phone 439-W Exeter, or Goldie Glenn, phone. 619- r-13, Ailsa Craig._________30:7:14:21* NOTICES Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodg­ son and Kay were Sunday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Bette Lou visited over end with Mr. and Mrs. at Grand Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Meek ily, of Londoon, visited Sunday with Mrs. E. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn have moved into the home they recently purchased from Cpl. Busselle. We welcome them to the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgins, of Dashwood, were at' the home of Frank Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. Crediton, were with Mrs. T. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bobby and Dianne, Mr. R. Lilley, Barbara and London, visited with Mrs. Arthur McFalls on Sunday. Miss Helen Tasko returned to London on Monday to resume her secretarial duties with Gene­ ral Motors, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston in Biddulph. Mr. Norman Mitchell, who moved to London a short time ago, has sold his property in the village. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. William Bowden accompanied them and remained in Toronto with her daughter. The annual Mother’s Day ser­ vice of the Sunday School will be held in the church on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. This will be a combined church and Sun­ day School service. FIVE BIG FEATURES of the Surge Filter Cooler—filters and cools in one operation, will handle up to 40 gallons of milk an hour, needs only to be attached to pressure system, is all stainless steel construction, and no milk is exposed. Call Lovell Mc­ Guire, Surge Service Dealer, phone collect 593, Wingham. 7" recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver, of Sunday guests Quinton, and Mrs, David, of Mr. and. Report From Edgewood By MRS. ROY MOORE Kenneth Garrett visited Monday in London with her father, Mr. John Middleton, who is staying with his son, Allen. Barbara Ann Zubal returned home Tuesday evening from St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Clare Dunlap and a few from Granton went smelt fishing Wednesday night, Mr., Percy Armitage held a successful auction sale Wednes­ day afternoon, Mrs. Kipp visited Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Victor West­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore visit­ ed Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armitage and family. Mr. Don Middleton spent a few days in Guelph attending the Junior Farmers Association of which, he was elected president at the meeting Tuesday. Don is a student at the London Normal School at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West­ man and Linda, of London, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Westman and fam­ ily on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and family visited Sunday with ’ “ “ ‘ MitchellMr. and Mrs. Gordon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and sons visited with _. . . Bain ahd family of 'London. Mr. and Mrs. Loreen Pattison and Jimmie were guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Dill, of Wardsville. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Garrett, Sr, an<l family visited in Ailsa Craig wwith relatives on Sunday. Mr. Percy Armitage has sold his farm to Mr. John Scott, of Lucan. Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Moore visit­ ed at Thedford With her aunt, 's. Arthur Johns, on Sunday. Recent visitors With Mr. and ‘s. P. Armitage and family were, Mr. and Mrs. William Youhg, of Kinde, Mich. A temperance address was de­ livered in the United Church on Sunday morning by Rev. G, c. Raymer, A choir of 20 voices under theleadership of Mrs. M. McCrady sang ah anthem and Miss Darlene Tuttle sang a solo.Mr, J, Zuhall, Sr. visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuball, Jr, Mardlirt Gordon 9 WEANER PIGS. Apply to Frank Lewis, phone 15-r-12 Lucan. 7* RE I-IEN SALL KINDERGARTEN Hensall School Board gives notice that all children beginning in the Kindergarten Class in Septembei' must have reached their fifth birth­ day on or before December 31, 1953. Children entering Grade I, who have not attended Kindergarten, must have reached their sixth birthday on or before December 31, 1953, Parents of these children are asked to register them with the principal before May 22 1953# HENSALL SCHOOL BOARD J. F. Blackwell, Sec.-Treas.7c COLLIE PUPS. Apply John Spacek, R.R. 1, Lucan.___________________7^ WHITE KITCHEN cabinet, modern, suitable for home or summer cottage, Apply Harold Tripp, Centralia, phone Exeter 880-W-3.__________________7^ STUDIO SUITE. Apply 192 Columbia Drive, Huron Park, Centralia.____7^_ RUG $19, Frlgidalre, treadle machine, coffee table, end table, doll carriage, trllight, chrome kitchen set. —P.M.Q. 101, Wellington Crescent, Centralia. TWO ROAN Shorthorn bulls fit for service. One 800-lb. Lister separator, with new motor. One set of brltchen harness, Apply W. H. Berryhill, Mar- ket St., Lucan.__________________D GOING TO THE U.S.—Am selling my late model Oldsmobile Sedan, air- conditioned, new tires, radio, sun­visor, new seat covers. Will sacrifice this beautiful '$3,000 family car for only $1,300, $500 down, balance ineasy payments. Apply George Wright, phone 1-M, 136 Ann Street._______7c TWO SCOTCH .Shorthorn bulls. Bred and open heifers (vaccinated), re­ gistered, accredited herd. Apply Fred Brown, phone 73-r-4 Crediton. 7:14c SMALL TURKEY colony house, with wire sunporch, complete and in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. 7c SHOP AT TUDOR’S in Hensail for Mothers’ Day gifts. Nylons, slips, panties, hankies, blouses. Don't for- get mother, Shop at Tudor’s._____7c HAVE YOUR Mothers’ Day gift boxed at Tudor's in Hensail. Yes— we will box it free of charge._____7c SUMMER DRESSES up to size 52 at Tudor’s in Hensall. Looking for iarge sizes—we have them. We spe- cialize in O.S. lingeries too,______7c HEAVY DUTY electric rangette in good condition; white enamel coal or wood range with shelf and copper reservoir. Apply Earl Whltefdrd, R.R. 1, Gland ebpye. 7:14* INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR, n e tv sleeves and pistons; tractor disc; 2- ftirrow tractor plow; 2-ftirrow disc plow; spring-tooth cultivator: stiff­tooth cultivator; seed drill with ferti- lator attachment; 1,200-lb. platform scales; land roller. Apply Roy Fink- beiner, Crediton.________ 7c DURHAM COW, 5 years old, due to freshen. Phone 35-V-22 Kirkton. 7c PIANO ACCORDIAN, Serenades 120 bass, 5 treble and 1 bass coupler. Custom trim. A-l condition. $135.00. —106 Parkdale Ave., RCAF.______7^ AFRICAN VIOLETS in full bloom, $1.00 each. Single steel bed, ivory drop-leaf table, room size axminster rug, wicker airm chair. —Phone 15 Exeter. ___________ 7^ ONE CHESTERFIELD, $25: 1 chair, $15. Apply 922 Andrew Street or phone 303-J.______________ 7c ’36 CHEV COACH. For particulars, phone 709-J, 7* GRAND BEND — Near Turnbull’s Grove: New summer home, with ex­tra lot. Large living room with rug brick fireplace, two large bedrooms (twin-bed size), modern kitchen, 3- piece bath; knotty pine and plywood construction finish throughout. All new construction. Only $8,300. Phone 2-4772, Don Fairborn, owner, Lon­ don,______________ _____ 7:14:21c FOR SALE — Six-room brick house, with three-piece bath, hot and cold water. This property is in good con­ dition and in a nice location. Priced to sell. Terms can be arranged. Ap­ ply to Mrs. N. Ogden, 431 Main St., Exeter. 23:30:7* STOCK WANTED DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 'STONES' collect Ingersoll 21 or Exeter 287. 3-5tfC I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age, —G. J, Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc ATTENTION FARMERS — Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone collect Ed Andrew, Seaforth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235. tfc WANTED — We have been selling houses and want more to sell. We have enquiries for all types of homes and acreages. If you wish to sell we will be glad to talk the matter over with you. —C. V. Pickard, Re- altor, Main St., Exeter. 4-9tfc LUCAN 2-STOREY brick house cen­ trally located, new furnace, 3-plece bath. Centralia 3-bedroom house, hot water furnace, built-in cupboards, 3- piece bath, barn, henhouse. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales- man. ___________4-2tfc 4-BEDROOM BRICK With extra lot, Exeter. Fine location. Bright, nicely arranged living rooms. Modern kit­ chen and bathroom. Nicely treed lawn. This home is in good condition. Quick possession. Terms. C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. . _______________________4-16tfc FOR SALE—Building formerly occu­ pied by Exeter Co-Op. This property is suitable for any retail business or light industry. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter.______4-16tfc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IMPLEMENT FRANCHISE—Valuable farm machinery franchise, open in this area, complete line of tractors and implements includes threshers, combines, forage harvesters, ensilage cutters, plows, corn planter, etc. Ap­ply Box W, Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:14:21c* Clem chicken First cloth in ... ....... drop a red egg. Then he tried a blue cloth, and so on. Each time he waved a colored cloth, the hen would lay an egg to match the color of the cloth. “One day X waved a batch blanket," says Clem. “And the durn fool chicken stripped her gears.*r Said he once had a that could lay colored he would wave a fed Jront of her, and she’d OPERA HOUSE building opposite Town Hall. Main floor suitable for offices or stores, apartments upstairs. —AV. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par- sons, Salesman. . 4-2tfc FRAME 3-BEDROOM Insulated house With hot Mr furnace, 3-piece bath, built-in kitchen cupboards, laundry tubs, 3 rooms hardwood floors. Com- plote with furniture. Garage. Pay 25 per cent down, balance like rent. — W. U. Pearce, Realtor, Earl parsons, Salesman. 4-30tfc. FOR SALE—Seven-room house with three-piece bath t and good fumace. Large two-storey barn and garage. Extra tot, Apply 032 William Street, Exeter. tt* MODERN COTTAGE With large liv­ ing room and roomy kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom, This pro­perty is hi excellent condition and can be bought at a very reasonable price. Terms, —C. V. Pickard, Rcal- tor, Exeter. .................... 1-stfc you wish to buy a new beautiful town Sandors Street West. f" Notice Village of Crediton BY-LAW NO. 8 In pursuance of By-Law No. the Police Village of Crediton, are not permitted to run at from May 15 to October 1 of year. Every dog found running at during this period may be killed or impounded by any persons or police officer or by any person authorized or directed to kill the said dogs by any one of the Trustees of the Police Village of Crediton.Owner of any dogs found running at large contrary to this By-Law shall incur a penalty of not less than $10.00 and not exceeding $50.00 ex­ clusive of costs. TRUSTEES OF CREDITON 7 c WARNING large Children are warned! to keep off the 'Exeter bowling greens as they are doing considerable dam* age at this time of year. Prose* cutions will follow if this warn­ ing is not observed. The Bowling Committee TENDERS WANTED RE CONSTRUCTIONTenders will be received by Ste­ phen Township School Area Board until May 9 for 13-ft. ZZthe north side of No. 14 (Centralia) schoolhouse. Further be obtained from the est or any tender accepted. ARTHUR J. AMY, Used Cars .extension to particulars can secretary. Low- not necessarily ... ____ SECRETARY, Exeter, Ont._______30:7c For Sale TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings— Province of Ontario Sealed TENDERS addressed -- the undersigned and endorsed "TEN­ DER FOR COAL”, will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), WEDNES­ DAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob­ tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Ar­chitect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Tor­onto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached ; thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten­ derer. before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the or­ der of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, dr Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore­mentioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar­ antee for the proper fulfillment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary.Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1953. 30:7c AUCTION SALES to ’41 ’41 '36 DELUX SEDAN STANDARD SEDAN COACH COACH SEDAN SEDAN CHEV CHEV CHEV CHEV CHEV FORD DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC COACH Complete Refinish FORD FORD CHEV COACH .. COACH ... COACH .. Phone 377 $395 $225 . $50 Broderick Bros Exeter Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, LOT 22, CON. NORTH EAST BOUNDARY miles north of Thames lid. Church and 1 mile east Usborne Township.The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction onWEDNESDAY, MAY 13 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp farm implements and miso. ITEMS: Rubber tired wagon; M.H. 5-ft. mower; now flat hay rack; hay rake; steel tired wagon: Clinton fan­ning mill, complete with sieves: 4- section diamond harrows; grain drill; 3-horsc cultivator: inthrow disc; 2- horse stuffier; walking plow; 2-wheel trailer; 3-dtum steel roller: 2,000-lb. platform scales; hand scuffler; corn planter; Cyclone seeder; scythe; 10 steel posts; cutter; buggy; lawn mower; pump jack; gang plow; cross­cut saw; electric fencer; work bench; barbed wire; gravel box; pig crate; hog rack; nay fork rope; block and tackle; sot of sling ropes; 2 iron kettles; set of harness: quantity of hew lumber; steel barrel; level; shin­ gles; full set of carpenter fools; cat­ tle clippers; set of sleighs; quantity cedar posts; coal brooder; barbed wire stretcher; 25-gal. drum; scrap iron; chicken feeder; 50-ft. extension siioelany made silo ladder; forks; shovels: .palls, etc.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kherlock- Mahning piano and bench, all newly reconditioned; Kinger sewing ma- vx'xv.v’I'Vkie: oak dining room extension ta« 10-23tfc bio with 6 matching chairs and 3 * Seven .essential "food climates" en­ able you td feed your family. better and more economically. Huxtable Phone 153-W Exeter Your IH Refrigeration Dealer