HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-30, Page 11Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1953 Be Cool And Smart THIS SUMMER Wear PHONE 45 LUCAN Lucan And District News WE WANT YOUR23. ARROW SHIRTS Prices from $3.45 to $8.95 J. B. READY Dry Goods and Hardware Personal Items Mr. J. Johnson had his Grades 5 and 6 Put to the ball grounds for sports one day this week. Mrs. A. C. Calder, Goderich, was a guest of Mrs. Irene Cour-, sey on Monday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Murdy, of Stratford, last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, of Lucan; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mains and and Elizabeth, of Dorchester, and Mrs. Beadle, of Stratford. Miss ‘Hattie Hodgins has re­ turned after a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Charlton, of II- derton. At the meeting of the Men’s Club last week Mr. Howard Kew was presented with a choir gown in appreciation of his musical assistance at the piano and organ. Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended the Tri-Signa meeting at the Y.W.-Y.M.C.A. at London Satur­ day evening and remained over for the weekend with her sister, Miss M. Merle Law. W.A. Annual PRODUCTS The following members from Holy Trinity W.A. attended the annual meetings held in London last week: Rev. J. F. Wagland and Mrs. Wagland, Mrs. Jack Murdy, Mrs.. T. A. Hodgins, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Mrs. Emma Downing, Mrs, Harry Tilbury, Mrs. Frank Hovey, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mrs. J. Beatson, Mrs. Helen Watson, Mrs. Irene Cour­ sey and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett. Eight of the Lucan group visited “Bishop stowe’’ afternoon „ assistants was Mrs. Goderich. meetings most interesting. The communion service was particu­ larly impressive. on Wednesday where one of the . - ___ Calder, of All found the W.A. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Durr, and Heather, of Lieury, spent- last Sunday with Mr. Charles Windsor. ROSS HAUGH Phone 35-r-8 Dashwood Soldiers like those of the airborne infantry are helping guard Canada, ready to drop into action wherever danger threatens. The young man who joins the Army and has com­ pleted his Infantry training may then volunteer to start training for the proud wings of Canada’s "Soldiers of the Sky. Lucan Couple Fifty Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gannet, of Lucan, celebrated their golden wedding Monday, April 27, at the home of their daughter, Mrs, Clare Cuddy, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Gannett were married 50 years ago in Wing­ ham by the late Rev. William Lowe, who for many years was rector in Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, and St. James Church, Clandeboye. Mrs. Gannett was the former Margaret Ann Green­ away. Their offer trust years both. many Lucan friends happy congratulations and the future will hold many of continued happiness A.Y.P.A. Meeting The Lucan A.Y.P.A. met in the Parish Hall Monday, April 20. Many small items of business were dealt with, after which ar­ rangements were made for a council meeting to be held in St. George Church, London, on May 5 at which the Rev. Roy LeeB, of Elmira, will be the guest speaker. The Lucan branch will be re­ sponsible for the refreshments. Miss Marion Coursey, who has the honour of being president of the London 'and District Local Council, will be the official re­ presentative at the Local Council meeting in Winnipeg in June. The next meeting will be in the Parish Hall.4 May for Explorers Show Tumbling Skill The Explorer tumbling team put on an excellent demonstra­ tion of their talent Wednesday night. They started last November as beginners, most of them not even knowing what the word “tumb­ ling” meant. They finished the muscle loosening exercises in ■amazingly short time to make them ready for the more ad­ vanced work. Then they began their rolls, head stands, hand stands, assisted flips and dives. They learned quickly and worked hard. They were seldom-complaining had loads of fun the demonstration, continue on tumbling in The team Sovereign, Marie Whitehead, Barbara Coxe, Mae Cobleigh and Beverly ler. Credit Union Meeting An enthusiastic crowd __JI the Holy Trinity Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, April 21 for the open meeting of the Community Credit Union ted. The president, Mr. Elliott, presided. The speakers were Father O’Rourke and Mr. V. Roy, of the flourish­ ing Clinton Credit Union. Both speakers proved most interesting and was ask questions, which cleared understandings, treasurer Mr. Harold distributed admission the executive hope for members. instructive, given the filled Lucan Limi- B. H. guest The audience opportunity to the answers up • many j The i to mis- secretary- Cartwright cards many and new How does a man choose a job? He examines the pay; the working conditions; the opportunities for advancement; the financial security. From every one of these aspects an Army career is excellent. And more — no monotony of being stuck for years in one place; pension plans after 20 years service; medical and dental care whenever needed — without regard for cost or time. Opportunities for training and advancement in the Army today are truly outstanding. Soldiering is a man’s life!‘There are challenges But wherever you go, in the Army, you know you can rely on your comrades, trained fighting men who share with Py th° action of military life. If you think an Army career is for you, enquire about the opportunities for service with the Infantry — the most important men in the Canadian Army. Yo« aro eligible to join the Army if you are 17 to 40 yearn °f age and able to meet Army test requirements. Applicants birth certificates dr other proof of age when repotting for interview. For full Information apply right away to: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ont No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, BagotSh'l^n9S*0_n'°nn*‘ Ont Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Onh No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre,Janies Street Attnoury, 200 Jdmes St. North, Hamilton, Ont, aioqs-q ai a cheerful, group who preparing for They hope to advancedmore the summer. consists of Marjorie Evelyn Whitehead, Alice Ryan, Sheila Iredale, But- Lucan Boy Treasurer Student Council officers next year were elected last day at Medway High School. Form representatives to the coun­ cil will be chosen in September. Roger Keeley and Miriam Mc­ Donald will serve as president and vice - president alternately. Patricia Crosson was named sec­ retary Lucan for Fri- and Donald Hodgins of treasurer. Masonic .Banquet Among those attending sixteenth ladies night banquet at Goderich Thursday evening, April 23, sponsored by the South Huron Masonic Dis­ trict Past Master’s Association, were the following Lucanites: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murray, Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Mrs. K. Egan, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young, Mr. Mrs. George Paul, Mr. and Murray Hodgins, Mr. and Cliff Culbert and Mr. and T. S. Hill, Mr. Don Mr. Jack Murdy. Bro. Rev. H. S. Knox Presbyterian 9 the turkey C. G. The and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Banting and Rodney, of Church, Thomas, speaking on “The ness of Living’’ was the speaker. St. Busi- guest Lions Club Banquet The Ladies’ Guild of Trinity Church were hostesses for the Lucan Lions’ Club banquet on Thursday night. The Exeter Lions Club were guests, swelling the number present to 70. The guest speaker was Ray Dennis, London, District Deputy Gover­ nor of ” ’ Lions’ The of the tie held a hard-time dance in the auditorium Friday night. James Henderson, of Lambeth, was the guest speaker in Holy Trinity Church Thursday night at a meeting of the Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen layman’s organization. A number of visi­ tors from other Brotherhoods were present. It is hoped Lucan will soon have a branch also. Holy Lions Club, who spoke on work in general. entertainment committee Community Memorial Cen- & School Meeting > first meeting of . Home and School Associa- since the disastrous fire Home The Lucan tion since the disastrous which destroyed the school, was held Wednesday evening in the Community Memorial Centre. In an effort to raise funds for equipment for the new school the meeting took the form of a euchre party. The first winners were Mrs. Erwin Scott and Mr. F. W. Morgenroth. Con­solation prizes "went to Mrs. Dave Park and Mr. Harold Cobleigh. Mrs. Ruth Dobie and Mrs. N. W. Wasnidge for lone hands. The meeting opened with a half hour tumbling demonstra­ tion by the Lucan Explorers di­ rected by Counsellor Joan Mc­ Lean, assisted by Margaret Brownlee. Counsellor Iva Hod­ gins was narrator and paid a high tribute to Joan’s untiring efforts whose credit The son, for their support. Before refresh­ ments were served a committee composed of Mrs. Frank Hardy, •Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Shbrldan Revington was appoint­ ed to bring in a slate of officers at the May meeting. the prize in training the girls performance was Such a to her Wednesday Might, president, Mrs. T. A. Wat- thanked all thbse present I. T. -Meeting members of the Lucan C.G.I.T. met in the United Church parlors Monday, April 20. A sing-song led by Miss J. Hossie was followed by the C.G.I.T. hymn and purpose. The theme of the meeting was “Spring”. Margaret Neil, Sheilagh Ewen and Gladys Bond had charge of the worship service. After the roll call, Mrs. Charles Corbett arranged for plans for the Mother and Daughter Ban­ quet to be held May 29. After the business session, the First Aid project was continued. The meeting closed with “taps”. Evening Auxiliary The April meeting of Lucan United Church Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Thompson Thurs­ day evening, April 23. The vice- president, Mrs. Dave Park, pre­ sided. During the business session, the sectional meeting to be held in Parkhill June 5 was discussed. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Lock­ yer were named to arrange for a musical number ing. An invitation May meeting of W.A. to hear Mrs. Marys, was read Those in charge of the birth­ day calendar were asked to have them in by May 1. Mrs. S. Park had charge of the worship per­ iod. Miss Reta Cliown read the Scripture and Mrs. Lockyer led in prayer which was followed by the program from the Missionary Monthly. The guest speaker was Mrs. Arthur Erskine (nee Grace Darling, of Clandeboye), presi­ dent of the N. W. Middlesex Presbytery. Her theme was “Ye Are His Epistle, Read and Known by all Men.’’ During the lunch hour Mrs. Erskine told many sis- who is Mrs. the for the meet- to attend the the Anglican Jacolyn of St. and accepted. Erskine told interesting facts about her ter, Miss Jean Darling, a missionary in India. The next meeting will at t he home of Mrs. Park. be held Stewart and a at London, a sister Mr. Allen Westman has been made an honorary member of the Edgewood L.O.L. 890. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Charles Grose (nee Gwen Hodgins) on the birth of daughter, Karen Genevieve, St. Joseph’s Hospital, on Saturday, April 18, for Janyce Gwendolyn. Two games of hockey were played in file Lucan Arena this week by teams picked from the Anglican Church and the United Church, On Wednesday night the Anglican team won by a. high score but Friday night the Unit­ ed team won 8-7. Mr.“Why not' marry,” Said Mr. NeWlywCd to the womatt-hatef, “and have a wife to share yotir lot?” “it sounds all fight,” was the feply, “but some of these share­ holders blossom into directors.” C. G. I. T. Rally The following members of the Lucan C.G.I.T, attended the spring rally of the London and District C.G.I.T. at Centennial United Church, London, Wednes­ day, April 22. Mrs. Charles Cor­ bett, Miss J. Hossie, Rose Rev­ ington, Beth Watson, La Verne George, Margaret Neil, Mary Neil, Gladys Bond, Martha Rum- mell, Helen Hardy, Sheilagh Ewen, Audrey Whitehead, Mary Kenney and Marlene Revington, The meeting which began with a dinner was attended by over 200 girls. A sing-song fol­ lowed. Miss Lois Ann Hall, the president of the Girls’ Council and London’s delegate to C.G.I.T. National Camp last summer, was chairman. There were two skits put on by Talbot Street Baptist and Wesley United. The girls were divided into Worship Groups, Campfire and Programme groups. The meeting closed with a short sing-song and worship service around an imaginery campfire. United Church W.M.S. Mrs. R. Pitt’s group sponsored the April meeting of the United Church W.M.S. in the church par­ lors Thursday afternoon, April The Aylestock led in the opening prayer. During the worship period Mrs. Wilbert Revington read the scrip­ ture lesson, Mrs. George Young McLean led in prayer Clarence Lewis had the African Study S. Chown and Mrs. sang a duet. and Mrs. J. and Mrs, charge of Book. Mrs. M. Culbert _ ___ An invitation to Join the An­ glican W.A. May 6 to hear Mrs. Jocolyn was read: also letters from Miss Powell and Miss ing were read. The many Aaron Davis will to learn she fell Hospital, London, and broke her hip taken back to St. pital again. Darl- friends of be most in St. Mary's last Saturday and had to be Joseph’s Hos- Mrs. sorry tn tn c </> C Q Im o Q. -X □<0 «dC 1— TOP PRICES WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensall Festival Where does the money go with Mrs. C. Car- ond Mrs. E- the Woman’s attended School Exeter. is driving a Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON Mrs. Charles Carter returned home Tuesday from the South Huron Hospital at Mr. Karl O’Neil new Oldsmobile Mrs. Ed. Flynn Tomes, members of Auxiliary of St. James Church, attended the sixty-sixth annual meeting of the W.A. of the Church of England in London on Wednesday. They later attended the tea at the Bishopstowe when Bishop Luxton and Mrs. Luxton entertained the delegates. May we offer our congratula­ tions to Miss Audrey Tindall, who won two firsts, one in girls solo and soprano solo at the South Huron Musical last week in Exeter. Mrs. the Area ard’s 23. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter and Mary Ellen, of Lansing, Mich., visited the former’s mother, Mrs. C. Carter, and sister, Mrs. Hall, last week. Miss Marian Morton, of Ailsa Craig, has been engaiged as teacher for the Clandeboye School No. 4 and 12. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Oehms and Mr. Mervin Oehms, Shakespeare, spent Sunday ter. Mrs. J. H. wpek with her Riehl, in Stratford. Mr. Harvey Riehl underwent an operation in the Stratford General Hospital on Wednesday. Miss Hopkins and Miss Leitch, of the London Normal School, are practicing teaching this week at the Clandeboye School. Mr. McDonald is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilton, of Stratliroy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil. Mr. H. Pyke has his house and 23 acres "up for sale. Mr. Arnold Kilmer has been playing the organ at St. James Church for several Sundays. Mervin Carter Usborne Teachers meeting at Monetta Men­ on Thursday evening, April Paton spent last niece, Mrs. Harvey Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gregus and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek. Mr. and and John and Mrs. Marys, on Mr. and family, of , Welberg family on Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Elston attended the annual meeting of the W.A. of the Church of England which was held in London on April 21, 22 and 23. Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Chris Fischer were Wednesday visitors With Mrs. Ted Brldiger and Mrs. Meier, of Lucan. Miss Dorothy Fischer, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Weiberg and family spent Saturday with the latter’s parents, Mr. Mrs. Len Purdie, of Hensall. Karl, infant son Mr. John Kuzniick, pueumonfa. The many ffiends Elston cohgTatuiate ing the Winner of the Brady Trophy for the highest marks in the church solo class, and also of a plaque and sum of money for the bass solo class at the South Huron Musical Festival held! in Exeter last Uveek. 4.06 cents of Mr. Allan him on be- of Mr. is ill With Mrs, Orville Langford had dinner with Carman Rinn, of Sunday. Mrs. Lome Rader Zurich, called on At times most of us have looked at purse, wallet or bank-book, and wondered: “Where does the money go? ” Each year we at Imperial add up the company’s bills to see what happened to the money we received in the previous 12 months for the gasoline, fuel oil and other products we sell. Here’s where each dollar of Imperial’s 1952 income went: CRUDE OIL and other raw materials we bought, plus freight, took more than half of each dollar. OPERATING expenses took more than 28 cents. This was the cost of searching for and producing crude oil, and of manufacturing and marketing the hundreds of products we supplied for thousands of uses. Through­ out the year high quality products were made available where and when you needed them. TAXES to provincial and federal governments took 10 cents. And this did not include gasoline tax, which— depending on where you live—took from 24 to 36 cents out of every dollar you spent for standard grade gasoline. DIVIDENDS paid to shareholders fof use of plants and equipment amounted to 4.06 cents. TO REPLACE worn out equipment and to make sure that we can supply your needs in the future 3.42 cents was put back into the business.