HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-30, Page 10L,S,M,F.T. CARS Your choice.995. Your choice 950. 1,350. 995. TRACTORS Ford Demonstrator, only 90 hours. Was 1.250. 1,050. 495. 385. IMPLEMENTS (NEW OR DEMONSTRATORS) 150. 195. 100. 2,000. USED IMPLEMENTS Larry Snider Motors 70. 150. 100. 140. 1947 1947 1947 675. 395. 125. Dodge 3-Ton Stake. Was $195. Now Ford 2-Ton Dump. Was $250. Now Dodge 3-Ton Dump Stake, above aver-, Was $1,695, Now ..................................... Ford 3-Ton, 8.25x20 tires, 176” w.b. $1,150. Now ............................................ Ford l-Ton Express, nice. Was $950. TRUCKS SPECIAL BUYS IN TRUCKS 1948 1948 1947 150. 350. 950. 195. 225. 950. 795. 1,400. 325. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1953 Dashwood Men's Club Starts Centre Campaign 1952 Ford Customline Tudor, radio, only lg,000 miles ............ 1952 1951 1951 1949 1949 1949 Dodge Coach, radio, sun visor, a buy Ford Coach, a good one. Chev Sedan, clean ........... Ford Coach, radio, visor ... Dodge Coach, radio, clean Plymouth Sedan . Ford Coach— Plymouth Sedan— Pontiac Coach— Ford Sedan— Olds Sedan- Studebaker Sedan- 1951 1940 1941 1949 1941 1934 Prefect, low mileage ........................ . Ford Coach, very good ........................... Dodge Coach, see this one .................... Anglia ..................................................... Pontiac Club Coupe ................................. Ford Sedan, just like. new. new motor 1952 $1,595. Now ...................................................... 1951 Ford Demonstrator, 280 hours. Was $1,525. Now ........................................................ 1951 Fordson Major, brand new. Was $1,- 695. Now ........................................................... 1948 Ford, good. Was $895. Now ................ 1940 Ford, step-up transmission, motor over­ hauled. Was $650. Now .................................. 1943 Case, starter and good rubber. Was $425. Now ......................................................... 7’ Field Cultivator. Was $210. Now ............ 12 10” New Ploughs, 3-point lift. Were $225. Now .................................................................... 1 3-Furrow Major Lift Ploughs. Was $295. Now ..................................................................... 1 Woods Combine, motor, pickup, scour kleen, tailings, by pass, and dirt removal at­ tachments. Was $2,350. Now ................,......... 1 Woods P.T.O. Combine, pickup and scour kleen. Was $1,890. Now ...........,...................... 1 6’ One-Way Disc. Was $435. Now ........... 1 4i/2’ Offset Disc, 20” blades. Was $295. Now ...................................................................... Side Delivery Rake. Was $490. Now ........ Woods Corn Picker. Was $1,125. Now .. Front End Angle Dozer. Was $245, Now Soo Sweep Rake Stacker. Was $315. Now 1949 Fleury Bissell 2-furrow plough. Was $95. Now ...................................... « 1 7’ Disc, 28 16” blades. Was $215. Now .. 1 Bush and Bog Disc Harrow. Was $200. Now ........................... .......................................... 1 Dearborn 10” Plough, Was $165. Now .... “Your Ford - Monarch Dealer” PHONE 624 EXETER At a recent meeting of -the Men’s Club, $600 was donated towards the purchase of proper­ ty in. the southern part of the village from Mr. Edward Nadiger to erect a community hall and improve grounds for a public park. A building committee has been appointed to submit plans and to investigate buildings re­ cently erected along these lines. Mrs. Jol»n Wein Suddenly at Dashwood, April 28, Mrs. John Wein, the former Ann Kraft, died in her seventy- fifth ycur. , She was born in Stephen Township near Dashwood and was a member of the Dashwood Evangelical United Brethren Church. She is survived by her hus­ band, two daughters, Mrs. Gor­ don Baynham (Maida), of Exet­ er, Mrs. Harry Parsons (Mar­ garet), Detroit; 4 sons, Kenneth, of Hamilton, Floyd and Wallace, of Dashwood, Sheldon, of Exeter: four sisters, Mrs. Emma Haugh, Marie, Susan and Pearl Kraft, of Dashwood; two brothers, Sam and. Conrad, of Eston, Sask. The body is resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home, Dash­ wood. Funeral service will be held Friday. , Miss Shirley Guenther is spend­ ing a month with her aunt, Mrs. John Petzold in Florida. Entertains Team The hockey executive enter­ tained the team with a turkey dinner in the Men's Club room Tuesday, April 21. It was decided to present Mr, Stuart Webb, who has been ill for some time, with a gift. The evening was spent playing cards, G.N.O. Entertains Husbands The G.N.O. Club entertained their husbands at a turkey din- ser in Johnston’s Hotel, Zurich. The girls provided the enter­ tainment followed by a dance. Everyone reported a good time. Door prizes were won by Flor­ ence Wein and Wallace Wein. Alma Genttner won the marsh­ mallow contest. Dashwood W.I, The newly organized W.I. met at the home of Mrs. E. Rader on Tuesday evening, April 21. There were 15 members, three new members and one visitor. The president, Mrs. E. Rader, was in charge. The roll call was answered by members giving their name before and after marriage. _ The secretary, Mrs. A. Kuntz, reported on the meeting held in Hensall” April 1. It was decided each member would make a pot­ holder to be on display District Annual May 27. A ten cent tea will be each meeting, was appointed Snell, Mrs. M, E. Becker are next meeting. Mrs. Letta Taylor commented on the motto: “In Co-operation Is Success”. Two humorous read­ ings were given, “The Moo Cow Moos” by Mrs. M. Tieman, and “When Grandma Was A Girl”, by Mrs. C. Snell. Little Miss Bonnie McCrae and Lynda Tie­ man favoured with two piano duets. Planing Mill Opens New Warehouse The Dashwood Planing Mills Limited announced this week the opening of their new modern warehouse across the road from their present mill situation. This warehouse is constructed completely fireproof in the most modern manner to facilitate handling, loading and unloading their complete stock of building materials. The warehouse occupies 150,- 000 cubic feet of space and is equipped’ with a two-way munication system with the office. The management invites dents to visit the building. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCal­ lum, of London, were Sunday vis’itors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar • Restemayer. Personal Items Harrison Weigand, Mrs. Clar­ ence Desjardine and Marilyn, Mr. . and Wei- Mrs, spent their Mrs. and Mrs. Eben Weigand family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis gand and family, Mr. and Laird Hendrick and family Saturday afternoon with aunt and uncle, Mr. and Aaron Weber, at Sebringvllle on the occasion anniversary. Mrs. Thelma nie, of Sarnia, end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls, of Ingersoll, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents Mi\ aii'3 Mrs. P. Fassold, Seven - week - old Nancy Jean Patterson was a house-guest on Saturday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John­ ston Patterson, of Grand Bend, spent the evening there. , Mr. and Mrs. Lome Genttner, Don and Ken were Sunday visit­ ors with Lome’s nephew, Mr. and Mrs. George Fritzley, at Burford. ■Miss Lois Gaiser, of London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Miss Joyce I-Iaugh, of London Normal School, spent the week­ end with her father, Mr. Mi) ton Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons, of Detroit, spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wein. Her father returned with them for a visit. Dr. Eunice McKishnie, of Lon­ don, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' A. E. Oesteicher, on Sun­ day. Mai\y Snell, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Snell. Mrs. A. Sillery Sr. is visiting her sister, Wolfe, during Sunday visitors with of their golden Garvie and Ron- spent the week- Ilderton Ousts Goderich Team Ilderton Wildcats, the champions of W.O.A.A.. whipped Goderich Samis Pontiacs, “A” winners, Saturday night to win the best-of-three- Grand. Champ­ ionship series two games to one. Ilderton now Huskies in the biggest W.O.A.A. Goderich won of the series, bounced back to beat the Pontiacs 5-1 at Goderich. In the third game, the Wildcats cpme from behind a 3-1 second-period score to trounce the favorites. Durham is currently battling with Bracebridge Bears for the O.H.A. Intermediate “B” title. The Bears lead 3-1. Kirkton Players Attract FullI House The A.Y.P.A. of Kirkton pre­ sented their play “Finders Creep­ ers” to a very appreciative aud­ ience which filled the Sunday School room of Main St. United Church on Monday night. It was the twenty-first performance of the play to be given by the Kirk­ ton cast. During intermission between acts, Marie Wildtong sang a solo accompanied by her mother, Mrs, Frank Wildfong.aud Bob Russell and Sterling Ince sang duet numbers accompanied by Miss Wildfong. M at the held at McCrae Mrs. Mrs. Ken pianist. Mrs. C. Merner and Mrs. in charge of the com- main resi- Seaforth, Mrs. Wes Conference week. Lloyd Rader’s were Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader and family, Mr. and Elmer Rader and Philip. Miss Winnifred Regier, of ich, was a guest of Theresa riveau. Miss and Mrs. attended wedding last Wednesday after­ noon at her cousin’s bridesmaid. Dennis Corriveau, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Corrveau, and Grade 7 pupils of Dashwood public school, was able to return to school Monday after an absence of six weeks through illness. Welcome and congratulations to two new citizens—a son to Mr. and Mrs. R. Hopcroft; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrick. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe, of Toronto, on the birth of their daughter, a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher and the latter’s father, Mr. Louis White, who has spent a couple of weeks here spent Sunday in Kit­ chener and attended the funeral of Mrs. Oestreicher’s uncle, Mr. Crawford Miller. Mrs. L. Wolfe returned with them and is spend­ ing the week. Mr. and Mrs." Russel Round­ tree and son Tommy, of Wood­ bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hops and Conrad Zimmerman, of Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mrs. Grant Newton called on Russel Hopcroft Sunday. Mrs. N. Ness spent last week with her son Paul and Stratford. Mr. Bill Fisher, of visited at his sister’s, Mrs. Harold Weber. Mrs. Gord. were visitors Jack Wein. Mrs. Alvin a shower in honor of Miss Doreen Wolfe, bride-elect, at Monetta ■Menard’s Monday evening. Mrs. T. Hopcroft was a dele­ gate last Tuesday and Wednes­ day to the diocese of the Wo­ men’s Auxiliary of the Church of England at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. Mrs. Zur- Cor- Mr. Reduced Coal Prices Effective May 1 s Order Your Blue FROM FAST DELIVERY SERVICE ON BLUE COAL, ■S COKE, HIGH QUALITY SOFT COAL E Phone 299 Exeter Successors to R. E. Broderick Beatrice Graybiel, Wes England and Joyce the Pears on-Gr ay biel Woodstock. Joyce was a meets Durham finals for the honor. the first game hut Ilderton MitSBl/RGH COAFAM aBLUE ho H Corner ARE you PAYING For Someone Else’s Accidents? The Reckless Driver Increases Your Insurance Rates. By Insuring Only The Careful Driver Our Rates Are Lower! State Farm AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE For Full Information C. E. ROBB, ELGINFIELD Agent Lucan z5-r-22Phone Main PHONE 2S3 4 ’ Pi-<rt>rie*oi BiU uorters for PITTSBURGH PAINTS and COLOR DYNAMICS system of home painting • Here you will find all the famous high- quality, long-lasting Pittsburgh Paints— the right finishes for every paintable sur­ face inside or outside the home ... SUN­ PROOF house paint—real oil-base WALL­ HIDE for any interior wall surface— FLORHIDE for wood or cement floors and steps — WATERSPAR for furniture and woodwork inside and outside. Come and learn also about COLOR DYNAMICS, Pittsburgh’s new and exclusive system of home decoration based upon the scientific principles of the energy in color. The Best Refrigerator Bargain Ever Offered! $220.00As Low Asfamily in and and Kellerman attended Sizes Ranging from 6 to 10 Cubic Feet sons Mrs. Due to our ability to buy in quantity, we are jn a position to give you the lowest price on domestic refrigerators made by the oldest manufacturers of domestic refrigerators. Baynham Monday with These refrigerators have everything that has ever been offered in any make of refrigerator. We Guarantee Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded These ranty. bother are all new Kelvinators with 5-year war- Payments as low as $2.00 a week. Why with ice when you can own and pay for Kelvinator for the cost of ice ? Along with Thedford, Mr. a new this special price you arc buying a well-known make plus assured service, Kelvinator Refrigerators t visiting a few and Mrs. Ertos Bruce Cooper with Mrs. L. News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Special Services There will be a special service in Elimville United Church on Suunday, May 3, when members will be received into the church and a.communion service will be held. On Mother's Day, May 10, a baptismal service will be held. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morden and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morden, of Toronto, are days with Mr. Herdman. Mr. and Mrs. visited Tuesday Hodgert, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen and family visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, of AvOribank. -Mr. and Mrs. Hilson White­ ford and Kenneth, of Ingersoll, visited on Suhday With Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman. Mrs. Alien Johns returned Jiome on Wednesday from St. 'Joseph’s Hospital where she has been a patient for the past two weeks, Dr. and Mrs. it. Reilly visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carroll, of Toronto. Masters Robert and tlicky Reilly visited oh Sunday with Mr. Bill Wilson. TELEPHONE 59 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! HURON ST. EAST, EXETERG. K. CROCKER, PROP.