HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-30, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1953 I Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 405 DAY OR NIGHT ■ While Vou Sit Reading, FIRE M&Y FlM IN YOUR HOME’ -but with PRisro it's out in seconds! for instant use on Its lundy wall bracket, PRESTO is so smalt, so light. It’s handled easily even by a child, Yet it fades more fire-killing power than extin­ guishers many times its size and weight! Effective against electrical, oil, gasoline •nd all types of fires. Fill MOT1CTION FOR HOMI, CARX, **jjj Palm of Your Hand** Option Block For Pinery A 3 8-acre block of land, plan­ ned for the entrance to the pro­ posed public park in the Pinery, has been optioned by the Ausable Itiver Conservation Authority, it was announced last week. This is the first step taken by the Authority to acquire land for the huge recreation and conserva­ tion project. The report recommended this property be acquired to form a protection from undesireable de­ velopment across the highway from the main entrance. The land, owned by Fred C. Walker, of Grand Bend, is priced at $600, the figure stated in the report. Jackson commended Mr. Wal­ ker for his interest in the pro­ ject and his cooperation with the Authority. He said Mr. Walker had offered the land Authority at price, showing his willingness scheme, Mr. Walker fire guard on his property to protect them against fires in the Pinery, where little or no effort is made to supervise the area. He has also regulated tree growth on his land to assist the cevelopment of the forest. Mr. Jackson said “it is excep­ tional in this province to find a private individual who will take the trouble of placing fire guards in the property and attempt to take care of ‘ “The hush shape than acquired it,” to the the Authority’s in a tangible way to help with the has maintained a See Greater Pw 5 • -U llppStow the forest.” is in much better when Mr. Walker, he said. - ft-.. • Z ' Beet Returns District growers figure on get­ ting at least $1.00 a ton more for sugar beets this years as a result of Cuba’s ban on the ex­ port of refined sugar to Canada. A. W. McIntyre, with the Canada and Dominion Sugar Company,, said Friday that the ban, announced in Qttawa by Trade Minister Howe, is expected ■to result in a record acreage in southwestern “To date, have signed minion for said. “However, for planting crop this summer.” Last year, 33 0,000 tons sugar beets were harvested the province. Ontario. only 2,500 growers contracts with Do- 23,000 acres,” he there is ample time of a 35,000 acre The Story In Saintsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS of in So inexpensive, you’ll want one for kitch­ en, car, garage, attic. Don't delay. Don't take chances with your loved ones* safety. Write, Wire or Phone 2-4772 Report On Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ CALGARY FAMILY "ADOPTS” PET SQUIRREL ~ Jet propulsion may be strictly for the mechanized birds, as far as most citizens of this supersonic century are concerned, but there’s a family in Calgary who would argue the point. After living in the same house as a pet squirrel for the past ten months, the Green family are convinced that their furry friend has cracked as many sound barriers as he has nuts in his fran­ tic flights through their once-pcaceful rooms. “Kippy”, the Green’s pet squirrel, was picked up at a mountain camp last June by a group of wolf cubs. The Green family adopted her, took her home and for weeks kept her alive with eyedropper feedings of warm milk and liquid pablem. ‘ —C.P.C. 332 Central Ave, LONDON, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rawlings, of Ailsa Craig, spent Monday with H. Lewis. Fred, visiting here, re- Topics From O. K Used Mr. and Mrs. who has been turned home. Miss Marcia ter, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and Linda, of London, spent Sun­ day with his father, Mr. Charles Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. William McKee (nee Arliss Wein) left last week on a motor trip out West. They will visit his parents in Winni­ peg and relatives in Calgary. Mrs. J. Bullock is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL Report On Grand Bend By MRS. IRENE MEYERS MacDonald, Exe- Cars News Budget From Brinsley By MRS. Lt. CRAVEN Mrs. W. A. Miller is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for surgical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Aselstyne were at their home dn Beach Pines for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Len Ridley, London, spent Harlen. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, were over the weekend. Lovey has returned with her the J. in musical number. Mrs. weekend Pickering, Grand And Trucks 51 Chev Coach Radio, White Walls, Like New 46 Chev Coach Reconditioned Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Shad­ dock, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mrs. Cecil Ellwood held a shower at her home recently in honor of Mrs. Billie Fenton. A short program was provided after which Mrs. Ellwood read the ad­ dress. The bride, who received many useful gifts, made a very suitable reply. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The community and neighbor­ hood extends a very warm wel­ come to Mrs. Fenton. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Amos and family of London spent Sunday with Miss Mary B. Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter and Mary Ellen, of Lansing, Mich., visited with relatives in the com­ munity over the weekend, also in of at Of Bend 46 Chev Coach Good Transportation 41 Pontiac Coach Low Mileage 41 Plymouth Coach 35 Plymouth Coach Pick-Up %-Ton 49 Chev Pick-Up %-Ton Truck Dodge 1/s-Ton Stake LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks EXETERPHONE 100 with Mr. Carter’s mother Clandeboye, who is quite ill. Marlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allison, who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, with a dis­ located vertabrae, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Neil, of Lieury. A presentation and dance was held in West McGillivray Hall on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Fenton who were recently married. They were pre­ sented with a purse of money. Music was provided by Swan’s orchestra, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rock, of Several members of the Evan­ gelical Church are attending the annual Conference being held this week in Dashwood Evangeli­ cal U.B. Church. Mrs. J. Ratz and Mr. H. C. Beaver are dele­ gates from the local church. A very impressive service was conducted on Monday evening in the Church School room of the Evangelical Church by Capt. Mar­ garet Green and Lieut. Joan Perry of the Salvation Army. Both gave very fine addresses. Kenneth Skipper of Grand Bend favoured with two vocal solos and a (Major) Bowers was also present and assisted in the service. Major Bowers is ill at his home, and wishes are speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited end with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. William Oestrie- cher spent Wednesday of last week in Guelph and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green visited on Tuesday with friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock of Galt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young and Mr. A. ' Mr. visited latives Mrs. don was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Miss L. M. Clarke, local re­ presentative of the Bell Tele­ phone Co., was in London a few days last week where she attend­ ed the" telephone conference. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Woodall were the latter’s two sisters, Mrs. F. Reeder, of Centralia, and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of London. Mrs. William Clark of Rusell- dale spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green. Mr. Howard Beaver of Oakville spent the weekend with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaver. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young of London and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lankin of Lucan. expressed for a Albert Ryall, of over the week- Ryalls’ parents, Morlock. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser over the weekend with re­ in Detroit. Margaret Hooper of Lon- London, spent s unday with Mr. J. L. Amos. Mr. Owen Amos and i London, called on Mr. Earl Morley Saturday evening 0 WELL, I SEE YOU’RE FIGURING OUT YOUR 1 FEEDING COSTSjANDY. I SUPPOSE YOU’RE GETTING READY TO HAND OVER THE POULTRY CHORES TO MARY, H YOU’RE R,eHT IB B DOC. FIELD CHORES Bl 81 ARE COMING AND > I’LL BE FAR yS IB TOO BUSY FOR f |J the pens. frigs -fi' S Ci - Q I Ji Mrs, a visit don. . Joan Huron tonsilectomy. Mrs. van Arnhem and. of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Negrijn. Mrs. W. MacLaren, Mrs. C. Chapman, Mrs. F. Negrijn were in London on Thursday. Mr. Bariteau, Detroit, spent the weekend in town. Statton Hospital family in was in Friday from Lon- South for a Eddie,, Mrs. Fred Davis spent Satur­ day at the home of Mrs. W. J. Davis. Misses Joyce MacDonald Alexia Davis were Saturday ner guests with Mrs. W. J. kins. Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis of don were dinner guests with W. J. Davis and Ivan on Sunday evening and called to see Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. F. Davis. Honor Bride-Elect On Thursday evening Mrs. Jack Dickins entertained at a miscel­ laneous shower in honor of Miss Marion MacIntyre, of Glencoe, public school teacher at S.S, No. 2, Biddulph, whose marriage to Mr. Arthur Abbott has been an­ nounced for Saturday, May 9. Mrs. Dickins escorted the bride­ elect to a chair at the head of a lace covered table centred with spring flowers. After a short pro­ gram of contests and readings, Miss Joyce MacDonald carried the many useful and beautiful gifts to the bride-to-be, who was as­ sisted by Miss Rowena Abbott. Miss McIntyre thanked all in a very pleasing manner. Mrs. Dic­ kins, assisted by several friends, served lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dale of Lon­ don spent the weekend at the home of Mr. lee. Mr. and were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. Squire of Wha­ len. and din- Dic- Lon- Mrs. and Mrs. E. Green­ Mrs. Jack Dickins evening guests with rrTops in Taste” ICE CREAM FAST SERVICE EXPERTLY!REPAIRS MADE QUICKLY Better tools and more experienced mechanics mean superior work­ manship for you. Drive -up for service today ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Reg Armstrong Motors friend, of and Mrs, evening. I Phone 216 Day or Night DOC, MY PULLETS GOT AWAY TO A GOOD , STARTON VITAFOOD/ AND NOW THEY’RE ON VITA-GROW MASH J BUT THESE IMPLEMENTS, NEED MY ATTENTION^ % 1 ft ^1 V Exeter WELL, ANDY, THERE’S ONE GOODTHING WU CAN DO. YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF TIME BY SWITCH I ING TO ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS THIS TIME OF , YEAR ■ $ ■/z- Students Enter Letter Contest Students in grades 10 and 11 at S.H.D.H.S. are being encour­ aged to enter in the $2,000 let­ ter writing contest recently an­ nounced by the Ontario Depart­ ment of Travel and Publicity, Principal H. L. Sturgis said this week. The contest is sponsored by his Department io encourage On­ tario students to write letters in­ viting friends and relatives who live beyond Ontario, either in Canada or the United States, to come to Ontario this year. First prize is $400; second $250; and $100 as third, followed by 50 prizes of $25 each, students enrolled in Grades to XIII or their equivalent eligible. Letters are not to ceed 200 words and may be writ­ ten in English or French. Stu­ dents must have their teacher certify rhat the letter submitted is their original work. There is no limit as to individual entries. Eacji entry to qualify must be accompanied by the name address of a non-resident of tario to whom a free map literature will be sent by the partment. The contest closes on May Originality of thought and pression will be one of the prin cipal points upon which letters would be judged. “I believe business is pickin; up.” “Booked some orders today?” “No, but I had several civil answers.” •• Notice After May 16, 1953, we propose to Discontinue London Service ON SATURDAYS ONLY Please co-operate with’us and arrange for your parcels and freight out of London on Friday or Mon­ day. Thanking you kindly for past favors . . . GUENTHER TUCKEY TRANSPORTS LTD, B. W. Tuckey, President Monetta Menard's■/ Exeter| Phone 88 Treat The Young Fry! enjoy dining in our pleasant surroundings . . . healthful food, tastily prepared, courteously served. Spe­ cial attention and reduced prices for children! Sugar Beet Growers Stop And Consider,.,.,, We All Know That Normally Sugar Beets Are One Of Southwestern Ontario’s BEST CASH CROPS — And Certainly A MOST RELIABLE ONE, But Have You Con­ sidered The Many Other Benefits? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. SUGAR BEETS attract necessary skilled farm labor. SUGAR BEETS needs. SUGAR BEETS SUGAR BEETS SUGAR BEETS SUGAR BEET tops and crowns equal a good crop of hay — acre per acre. SUGAR SUGAR draw the best farm immigrants — the kind Canada promote soil management. promote increased yields in. crops following, aid cleaning fields of weeds. BEETS wherever grown cause an increase in. farm values. BEETS provide invaluable fall employment in the factories. Good News: A Ban Has Now Been Placed On Cuban Refined Sugar Stopping Further Imports There Are: No Acreage Restrictions No Surpluses No Grading Entire Crop Purchased Regardless Of Size Your Best Bet Is To: Contract NOW To Grow More Beets This Year Canada and Dominion Sugar Company Ltd. CHATHAM WALLACEBURG By Roe Farms Service Dept. YES, SIR, YOUR BIRDS CAN GOTO RANGE NOW AND YOU CAN SAVE TIME THERE BY FEEDING ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS. THESE ARE JUST VITA-GROW MASH IN A COMPRESSED > FORM. ----------------------------------------ZZL THAT5 A REAL IDEA.DOC. I’D SAVE TIME AND FEED, TOO. MY PULLETS WOULDN’T WASTE ANY FEED. PULLETS LOVE PELLETS AND EVERY SINGLE BITE IS BALANCED. YOU CAN FEED THEM IN THE MORNING AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE MASH BEING SCRATCHED OUT OF THE HOPPERS. PULLETS EAT PELLETS LIKE GRAIN AND THERE’S NO SLOW UP IN GROWTH. 7 if /•jyTo LTHANKS, DOC. VITA-GROw) PELLETS SEEM TO BE A f if REAL ANSWER TO A LOT I OF MY PROBLEMS. J% 7, .^2 PULLETS LOVE PELLETS Save time and feed with & THEY CONTAIN THE LATEST "GROWTH FACTORS" A fPELLETS I Rot FaRMSMiSmil L_ AtWClClft ■ » ON* | I D J C* Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Eiler. Hensail