HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1953-04-16, Page 11THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1953 Teen Town News Owing to the playoffs in the Arena future Tedn Town parties have been cancelled until the end of the month at which time Mr. Tom Munro from The Sport Shop in London will demonstrate many types of games, including badminton, indoor hockey, etc. Watch these columns for further information. Guild Tea The new basement stairs per­ mitted the Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity Church to hold their tea and sale of home-cooking last Saturday in the basement, rather than the Parish Hall. Those in charge found the proximity to the kitchen eliminated considerable work. Though the attendance was not as large as expected, those present enjoyed a delightful tea. Page 11 was Mr. and an London, Mr. and Personal Items Miss Mary L. Morkin Easter weekend guest of Mrs. Leo Morkin. Mrs. Harry Atkinson, spent the weekend with Mrs. Harold Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. C. Owen Foster and family, of Springbank Drive, London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle- stock and Donald spent Easter week visiting then* ily in Toronto. Dr. John Dearness, who he 101 next month, was unable to attend the Ontario Education­ al Association in Toronto last week. Though still in the best of health his hearing is so im­ paired he decided to forego the O.E.A. which he has attended faithfully all his life. As a young teacher Dr. Dearness taught in the Lucan Public School. the fam­ will Legion Auxiliary Assists Veterans The regular business meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Lucan Legion was held-on April 7 in the Legion Room. Mrs. L. Damm, first vice- president, presided in the ab­ sence of the president, Mrs. A. Reilly. It was decided to adopt a hospitalized veteran at West­ minster Hospital, and to provide some material comforts for him. Three new applications membership were submitted. Arrangements were made to hold the regular monthly social night on April 21 under the entertainment committee of Mrs. W. E. Sovereign, Mrs. C. Coxe, Mrs. J. Casimir and Mrs. J. Free­ man. ■for Open House Mrs. Ruth Dobie, Ho-Mar sales supervisor for London and south­ western district, held a very successful open house at her home on Main street Thursday and Friday, April 9 and 10. She was assisted by her daughter Carol in the living room, while six-year-old Nancy Lou proved very efficient and helpful in the tea-room. Not only was Lucan well represented, but guests were there from Centralia, London, Stratford, Parkhili, Ilderton, Dor­ chester and Chatham. Quality Cleaning When You Send YOUR CLOTHES To Mid-Town Cleaners PHONE 33 Free Pickup And Delivery EXETER Lucan And District News Lucan W.l. the the on the c. Explorers, Study African Villages The regular Expedition of the Lucan Explorers was held on Monday evening in the United Church school room, with Chief Explorer Sheila Iredale presid­ ing. The report on the tea was given showing a net profit of $15. The coat hanger drive net­ ted $3.50. African games preceded the reading of the Study Book, “Nyanga’s Two Villages”, and African pictures were shown to the 'group. The "tumbling” activity is nearing perfection and the Ex­ plorers will put on a demonstra­ tion in the very near future. S.S. No. 1 Club which Biddulplx has been How would you build a 200-foot television tower without a single construction worker leaving the ground. Here’s how Bell Telephone Company did it. They made eight- foot tower sections out of alu­ minum tubing. Then they placed the first section within a base on the ground. Next they hoisted that section and fastened another section underneath it. They kept on repeating the process — rais­ ing the completed part off the ground by means of a hand winch. One test tower was dismantled and re-erected-on another site, all in one day. Just goes to show that we live in an age of speed — and aluminum. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan) Pot Luck Supper The Euchre holding euchres in the school every two weeks, closed the sea­ son with a pot-luck supper last Thursday night. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs. Stokes were hostesses. There was a splendid attendance. The first prize win­ ners were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey, Keith O’Neil and Miss G. Hodgins won second prizes. Ninety-Fifth Birthday Mrs. James Stanley, Lucan’s oldest resident, celebrated her ninety-fifth birthday on Friday, April 10. Her daughter, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, held ‘Open House’ for her. During the afternoon, many friends and neighbors called and shared in the big birthday cake. Mrs. Jack Murdy assisted in the tea room. Mrs. Stanley is still in the best of health and thoroughly enjoyed her birthday party. On Saturday Mrs. McFarlane again entertained for her, with a family dinner at which week­ end guests were Mrs. Stanley’s two sons, C. W. Stanley, F. Stanley, and a nephew, J. Stanley, all of Toronto. Her many Lucan friends tend hearty congratulations trust the years to come will be filled with health happiness for her. G. H. ex- and still and Elects Officers The April meeting of Lucan W.l. was held in Community Memorial Centre Thursday, April 9 with president Mrs. Warner McRoberts presiding and Mrs. Murray Hod­ gins acting as secretary. During" the business session, a letter was read from Claire Wallis stating she would be pleased to address the branch after her return from the Coronation. The choosing of delegates for the District Annual was left over until Hie May meet­ ing. Mrs. T. A. Hodgins was chosen as representative for the Lucan branch f or the fiftieth anniversary meeting at Cold­ stream in July; to dress in the costume of 1909 when the branch was organized and to give a brief history of the branch's achievements. A committee composed of Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Murray I-Iodgins and Mrs. C. H. George was appointed to arrange, if possible, a series of lectures on mental health. Bags were dis­ tributed to the members to de­ posit a penny a week to Canadian Mental Health tion. •Mrs. panied sang a dual reports, were Agriculture and dustries, Mrs. Tom Coursey; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Jack Murdy; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Sheridan Revington; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Harold bett; Community Activities Public Relations, Mrs. F. Hovey; ' Publicity, Miss Abbott. All reports were an evi­ dence of a successful year. For the election of officers for the coming year Mrs. E. Scott took the chair and elections re­ sulted as follows: president, Mrs. Warner McRoberts, first vice- president, Mrs. Frank Hardy; second vice-president, Mrs. Wil­ liam Brownlee; secretary, Mrs. Murray Hodgins; treasurer, Mrs. Cliff Culbert, assistant secretary­ treasurer, Mrs. Wes Hodgins; district director, Mrs. E. Scott; branch directors, Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mrs. Edgar McFalls and Mrs. U. F. Stanley; auditors, Mrs. Irving Gibson and Mrs. J. Lankin; pianists, Mrs. Roy Ham­ ilton, Mrs. William Brownlee and Mrs. H. B. Langford; program committee, Mrs. Harvey Hod­ gins, Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Mrs.' R. Pitt and Miss Lina Abbott. The refreshment convenoi* was Mrs. Roy Hamilton. She was as­ sisted by Mrs. Stewart Park. Mrs. Frank Hardy, Mrs. Sheri­ dan Revington, Mrs. Mel Culbert and Mrs. J. Darling. aid The Associa- accom-Bert Thompson by. Mrs. Roy Hamilton solo. The following an- reports. were presented: Canadian In­ Tom Cor- and W. Lina Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carter and son Neil spent the weekend with Mrs. C. H. Porter and Miss Gora Neil. Master John and Neil Lackie, of Waterloo, are spending the Easter holidays with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith. The entertainment committee of the Lucan Community Memor­ ial Centre at a recent meeting, made plans foi’ a Hard Time Dance to be held at the Com­ munity Hall Friday, April 24, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger and Mr. Bob Wenger, of Wing­ ham, attended the Mildmay and Lucan hockey game Wednesday night and called on Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. Miss Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen Watson spent last Wednesday in Lambeth, the guests off Mr. and Mrs. B. Unger. Miss Doris Armitage, of Lis- towel, is spending part of Easter vacation with Mrs. Downing. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Smith spending a few days in Water­ loo, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lachie. Master Gary Jones, Kippen, sent part of the Easter vacation with Master Ronald Woodward. Ronald accompanied Gary home for a return visit. Mrs. Coates, of Exeter, and Mrs. Bob Coleman, of Lucan, were in to St. Marys Hospital London, on sister, Mrs. Mr. and berts spent Mrs. Mac Lamond, Cromarty. and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon last weekend in Aurora, had their son and family Woodstock with them for Friday. Allan King, of London, Brian Smith, Comments About Clandeboye By MRS. C. J. PATON the L. are Tuesday to see their Aaron Davis. Mrs. Warner McRo- Sunday with Mr. and WE WANT YOUR </><A c co c u o CL JU 3 <u 1— TOP PRICES WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensail GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 4% INTEREST Au Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St.# London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London,- Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent Or Solicitor Dr. W. T. Banting Receives 50-Year Jewel At a recent meeting of the Irving Masonic Lodge 154 on Thursday night, April the Lucan Masonic Hall Harold M. Corbett, P.D.D.G.M., acting 9,in Mr. spent They from Good Mr. and his nephew, small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Brian’s grandmother, Mrs. Rosina McFarlane, Rockwood. Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw, organ­ ist at Holy Trinity Church, is sick with the flu. Mr. K. Clarke supplied for her on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Butler and son, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford. Mrs. Wes Hodgin*- spent last week in Woodstock, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earle and fam­ ily. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Murdock attended the funeral service of the former’s aunt, Mrs. W. V. Grant, of Georgetown, last Satur­ day. • The flu has hit the post office. Mrs. Reily has been in bed for a week. Though feeling very miserable, Mrs. Murdock and Mr. Haggar are still on the job. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Banting were Banting’s three sisters, Mrs. Sutherland, of Mt. Bridges, daughter, Ilene, Mrs. Dan Lewis, Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Earl Paton and Mr. Paton of Glanworth and also the bride and groom, Mr. Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, who married April 4 and had on a honeymoon trip to York. Miss Marilyn Brownlee part in the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Errington Dance Revue, held at the Technical School, London, Clandeboye W.l. Elects Officers Mrs. Wilmer Scott presided, in the absence of Mrs. Murray Thompson, for the April meeting of the Clandeboye W.l. held at the home of Mrs. Norman Hardy. A contribution of $5 was voted to the St. John Ambulance Asso­ ciation, Mrs. Rae to compile search data the booklet tieth anniversary of the North Middlesex district, being held at Coldstream in July. Mrs. Clarence Hardy gave a very interesting paper on Agri­ culture and Canadian Industries. Baby spoons were presented to Laura Jean Hodgins, Carolyn Joan Hardy, Betty Jean Scott, Alexander Thompson and David Alan Hill. The secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Alan Hill, gave the annual fin­ ancial report and the district director's report by Mrs, Wilmer Scott. In the absence of Mrs. James Hall, Mrs. David Henry present­ ed the coming They follows; President, tosh; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ernest Lewis, Mrs. Arnold Blake; sec­ retary-treasurer, Mrs. Alan Hill; assistant, Mrs. Harold Hardy; district director, Mrs. Murray Thompson; directors, Mrs. Ru­ pert Williams, Mrs. Karl O’Neil, Mrs. Ray Hodgins. Standing committees: Citizen­ ship, Mrs. Albert Rosser; homes and ,health, Mrs. Rae Neil; agri­ cultural and Canadian industries, Mrs. James Cunningham; connn. activities and public relations, Mrs. David Henry; pianists, Mrs. R. Schroeder and Mrs. J. Paton; auditors, Mrs, O. Cunningham and Mrs. J. McEwen. Mrs. Clarence Hardy won the contest. Progressive Euchre On Tuesday evening, April 7, one group of the Clandeboye men’s Institute sponsored a gressive euchre party at Clandeboye School with Ernie Lewis as convenor. Prize winners were Mrs. J. McEwen, Mrs. Norman Hardy, Mrs. Charlie Elson, Mr. Newton z Mrs. Tom and and were been New took for the Grand Lodge, presented1 last Wednesday. Mr. Samuel Mills celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wil­ liam Maas, of Prospect Hill. Workmen have been busy re­ moving the walls of the public school. On the lawn lies the pipe­ like fire escape. Little else of the old school remains but a pile of brick. Little three-year-old Ronald Bridger had the misfortune to fall and tear the sinews of one arm very badly this week. Owing to the illness of Rev. E. M. Cook, the Rev. Mr. Mc­ Millan supplied for him in the United Church on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Hawkshaw, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital some weeks ago, was brought home this week. His many friends hope he will soon be as well as usual and back on duty at the church where he was always most faith­ ful. Don HodginS; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes I-Iodgins, and pupil of Medway School, attended a school convention in Toronto for Jhree days ' ' Mr and from isr.s., their to Bro. Dr. O. F. Banting, of Richmond, Mich.,.and Bro. D. G. Banting, of Lucan, on behalf of their father, the late Worshipful Bro. Dr. W. T. Banting, the 50- year masonic jewel. Another son, Bro. K. C. Banting, Pt. Huron, was unable to be present. Dr. Banting not only served 50 years as a mason in Canada, but also 10 years in the United States and would have been most proud to jewel. Unfortunately, he passed away arrival. have received this a few days before its Annual. Spring Frolic A number from Lucan attend­ ed the Annual Spring Frolic spon­ sored by the Middlesex Junior Farmers and Junior Institute and held in Convocation Hall at the University of Western Ontario Friday, April 10. Guests were welcomed by Hugh Filson, Den- field, president of the Junior Farmers, and Mrs. Ray Campbell, Alisa Craig, president of the Jun­ ior Institute. The general chair­ man was Miss Eleanor Robson, of Denfield. One Of the high­ lights of the program Was the presentation of the Tom Munro trophy to the Edgewood hockey team headed by Harold Hartwick. Hockey News "Tis better to have tried and lost ’than ever to have tried at all. It is over! With an 8-3 vic­ tory ih Walkterton on Friday, April 10, Mildmay Monarchs with a 4-1 margin, won the WO- AA Intermediate "0” hookey o h a in p i o it s h I p for the third straight time. To the winners, we say "Congratulations”, and to the losers, "Better luck next year”. last Week. . and Mrs. Harold Whyte son David have returned a ten-day trip to Halifax, where they visited with son Jim and their daughter-in-law. Mr, and Mrs, and family speht the Detroit, f aunt, Mrs, •Mr faniily, of Barrie, and Mrs. Lily O’Neil - - • a week with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Hod gins ahd family. The Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Church are holding an­ other picture show in the Parish Hall, Friday, April 17 at 8:15 Pulli new and the guests Walker. Mrs. Don Don Revington weekend in of Doti’s Ankers and of Detroit, are spending V Neil was appointed the Historical Re- on our Institute for concerning the fif- slate year, were of officers for the voted into office as Mrs. Alex Macln- Wo- pro- the Mrs. Easter Tea Amidst a colorful setting of Easter decorations and Explorer colors in crepe paper, the Lucan Explorers entertained their friends and well-wishers at a tea on Monday afternoon. Sincere thanks go to those helping make the first Explorer tea success. The Explorers also wish thank the friends who so kindly gave coat hangers in the drive on Saturday. If anyone was missed please do not hesitate to phone 39R or li0-2 and the girls will be most happy to pick up the hangers. Wasnidge. The lucky prize was won by Mrs. Maurice Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clare spent Tuesday and Mrs. Harvey Riehl and fam­ ily, of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Riehl celebrated their fourteenth wedding anniversary last week. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and •Mrs. Gordon Maines, of Dorches­ ter, spent, last week with Mrs. E. Tomes and faniily. There was no service at the United Church the illness of Cook. Misses Joan nia, and Barbara, of the Norman School, spent the holi­ days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson. With the service of Holy Com­ munion at St. James’ Church on Sunday, the rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, was in charge. The music was under the direction of Miss Joan Simpson. The flowers were placed in the church by Mrs. Simpson in memory of her husband, the late Mr. Fred Simp­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter, Douglas and lan, spent Sunday with Mr. Adam and Miss Jane Bowman, of Lucknow. . The School found many improvements when Easter rock well, a pressure system has been installed, a drinking foun­ tain and new toilets added. The Davidson Co. have finished drilling a well for Mr. Ward Hodgins. Water was found on Saturday. Mr, Goldwin Yundt, of Strat­ ford, visited on Thursday with J. H. Paton. Mr. J. H. Paton and Clare spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred, Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patton, of Glauwortli, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless, Joan and Susy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Peterson at dinner on Monday evening. Morgan. I Picture News from C-I-L Paton and with Mr.1 on Sunday due to the Rev.E. M. THE TRAVEL TREND this summer will be Coronation-wards for many. This housewife may not be one of those to see London’s dramatic celebrations, but she’s about to follow the trend in home decoration by giving her walls the dramatic interest of new deep tones — Royal Red, Windsor Blue or any other of the nine special "Coronation Colours” now obtainable in C-I-L’s washable, rubber­ base paint, "Speed-Easy Satin”. Simpson,of Sar- London pupils of the Clandeboye they returned after the holidays. With the new SJ "FIRST AID FOR APPLES" or "a tonic for tomatoes” could describe the work carried out in C-I-L’s new soil-testing laboratory at Montreal as a free service to farmers. For sick plants and poor yields are usually the result of a deficiency of one or more essential plant foods in the soil. Chief soil chemist, Jean Leclerc, points out that soils can. vary greatly even in one locality, says Chambly County, Quebec has some 30 types. W you know,,, You will soon be able to enjoy the advantages of Orlon” in fabrics manufactured in Canada. Wrinkle-resistant suits, curtains that last much longer are just two of the things made possible^ by this new acrylic fibre. *Du Pont's trademark for its acrylic fibre. SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED • MONTREAL Sugar Beet Growers This Year’s Sugar Beet Contract Is Better Than Ever Not Only Is LAST YEAR’S ATTRACTIVE CONTRACT RENEWED But In Addition GROWERS WILL RECEIVE 18.8^-PER-TON-BONUS ^Regardless of Size of Crop (*Last year this was only given if crop exceeded 300,000 tons) CALL OR WRITE YOUR FIELDMAN OR Bill Amos, Phone Parkhill 602-r-11 /Canada & Dominion Sugar Co. Ltd. CHATHAM 1254 z Phone WALLACEBURG 10